View Full Version : The "Whats good about America" thread

19th March 2011, 08:30 AM
In the midst of all this insanity, I had to remind myself that regardless of the percentages, there are still some things about America that are good. I asked myself - what do you appreciate about it and why? The question was not as easy as it sounds after following a lot of paths leading to cause and effect. But it is still our home, and obviously all of us still have some positive reasons for being here. So, just to toss doom and gloom under the bus for a change, I thought it would be interesting to see what people think about our country that is good. Here are a few I came up with...

Hands-down the United States, particularly from the Rockies to the west, has the most scenic and spectacular wilderness in the world. I spend a lot of time outdoors - it recharges my body and soul, and I'm grateful to have access to a vast range of options. Whether it's fishing a mountain stream, hiking an alpine ridge, appreciating wildflowers in the desert, or spending time at the Ocean, nature in the U.S. is an under-appreciated benefit.

Intellectually America remains my number one source for appreciating the arts and sciences. Through a combination of the Internet, available museums, university libraries, and civic attractions there is plenty to learn and mature from.

America, true to the cliche, is a supermarket of resources. Almost anything can be had, and depending on where you are this ranges from basics to luxuries. For those of us who prep this is obvious, but it extends beyond that to provide material goods that add to the quality of our lives and interests.

Places like GSUS are a good example of the right kind of people. Many of my friends and associates are still "Americans" - people who value the basic fabric of white middle class America and the responsibilities and liberties that come with it. I know many people from around the world, but Americans remain the most resolute about freedom (without getting into the facts surrounding what percentage that may be).

Yes, guns. Aside from their serious side, they are a heck of a lot of fun to shoot. I like to do shotguns and high-power rifles myself, and they are a big part of my American experience. Unlike many countries, we can still get them, own them, and use them. (Keeping it positive here, I know this one is easy to criticize).

It's ok to say I love America. Not the magnetic sign, brain dead sheeple America, but the land of our forefathers and our traditions and all the blessing that come with it. As events in Japan show, there is an underlying strength in being aware of nationalism and culture. Despite all our problems, let's not forget we're still the greatest country on earth for a lot of reasons - most notably an indomitable spirit of freedom. Just thought I'd put it out there.

po boy
19th March 2011, 08:58 AM
I think you nailed it in your op. Great thread!

The Rockies the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my few travels.Yellowstone in particular.

people: some of the most giving in the world, willing to put all on the line for others.

resources: we feed the world

guns:the revolver,hand cannon 44mag what's not to love lol

I love America whatever faults it may have.

Knowledge: the right brothers,Bell helicopters I love flight. Sometimes simple is smart.

19th March 2011, 09:28 AM
Agriculture - Some of the finest farmland in the world. This will be what pulls and feeds America through the tough times ahead. Better get some now while its still relatively cheap..

19th March 2011, 09:42 AM
Well, I live here........could not get better than that.

First post of the day..............good morning to one and all.

19th March 2011, 09:55 AM
This is a good theme.

When you get right down to it, I think the two main things that we don't like are the deceptive control/management of the country/society, and the fact that most people have too little awareness to stop it.

But the actual "thing" that's being mis-managed and squandered is awesome, for all the reasons you listed and more. That's why we get so worked up about it; there's so much to lose. And that's why I disagree with the idea of bugging out to some other country. Screw that; I'd much rather stay and fight to restore and protect what we have.

19th March 2011, 10:05 AM
I appreciate.....

I was able to get out of a warm bed this morning.
Use reliable electricity to make tea and use my computer.
Tune into GSUS and see how my views/opinions change as I read what other members here have posted overnight.
Get in my truck and drive to the health food store and pick up food to make a huge salad for the weekend.
Know that I can drive up to my friends home 50 miles away this afternoon and be able to still fill my tank.
Enjoy that I'll be driving to my parents home in the mountains to ready my motorcycle for when the snow is gone.
Riding my motorcycle through the beautful country.
Being able to shoot pistol with our club every Friday or Saturday. That I live in a country where I've been able to practice and learn marksmanship.
That I'm getting some of the best medical care available.
That my belly is full.

19th March 2011, 10:46 AM
I love the fact that there are so many different beautiful places to visit and things to do.

You have gorgeous mountains, deserts, awesome skiing and hiking. Living in the Ozarks has really humbled me. It really is breathtaking here too. The huge flat plains in Kansas are beautiful in a tranquil way. There are rainforests in Washington and don't forget Niagra Falls. We have beautiful white beaches with crystal blue water. Tons of beautiful state and national parks to explore.

And so many cultures all over! Cajun food down south, red beans and rice, and cornbread. Texmex in New Mexico. And all the different Asian cuisines in California.

We have huge cosmopolitan cities from NYC to San Fran (my favorite). And there are the backwood towns tucked away like little treasures.

I hear people talk about visiting other countries but there's so much here that I've yet to visit. Most is within driving distance.

Those are just a few of the things I love about living here.....

19th March 2011, 10:52 AM
The 2nd amendment.

19th March 2011, 11:10 AM
Simple things that are lacking in many countries... Clean water, electricity, indoor plumbing, nice roads, Full markets... and, Thank God, I still have a job...

19th March 2011, 11:11 AM

I've loved this song since I was a kid, and now that I'm older and know how much we can lose, it brings tears to my eyes.

19th March 2011, 01:32 PM
The 2nd amendment.
The First and Second Ammendments are the first two things about America that make it great. These are the principal foundations of a healthy society. By themselves they make this the greatest country ever.

Too bad they're circling the bowl... :-[

19th March 2011, 01:45 PM
I agree! This is a Great country.

My favorite things are the fact that I still have Choices;

if I don't like the regulations in the city; I choose to move to the county

if I don't like working for someone; I choose to be self-employed

if I don't believe in the school system, I can choose to home-school

if I don't like the tracking-devices on vehicles; I choose to maintain an older vehicle

if I don't like nosey neighbors; I choose to live far out and private

if I don't like taxation, I choose to barter

if I don't like the money system, I choose to use it to my benefit and invest in real money

I just love choices!

19th March 2011, 02:02 PM
I agree! This is a Great country.

My favorite things are the fact that I still have Choices;

if I don't like the regulations in the city; I choose to move to the county

if I don't like working for someone; I choose to be self-employed

if I don't believe in the school system, I can choose to home-school

if I don't like the tracking-devices on vehicles; I choose to maintain an older vehicle

if I don't like nosey neighbors; I choose to live far out and private

if I don't like taxation, I choose to barter

if I don't like the money system, I choose to use it to my benefit and invest in real money

I just love choices!

and if you choose to be a lazy ass loser, you can live off the Gooberment & good will of the sheeple... (welfare & begging)

19th March 2011, 02:12 PM
Well, I was given lemons (yuckkkkk) and not only did I made lemonade but also set up a stand to sell lemonade at .25 cents a glass.......like I said before "Is not what you have, but what you do with what you have"............ now waiting for the IRS to come in and tax my lemonade stand GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >:(

19th March 2011, 02:48 PM
Proposition America was a costly lesson that we may learn from. This flight of fancy that has germinated for 2000 years, with America as its final culmination, is soon ending. And it could not have ended without America taking it to its fullest extension. The surest way to disprove an insane idea is to wholly put it into practice. America has accomplished this with the insanest idea of all: the brotherhood of man.

We will learn from this.

19th March 2011, 03:29 PM
Proposition America was a costly lesson that we may learn from. This flight of fancy that has germinated for 2000 years, with America as its final culmination, is soon ending. And it could not have ended without America taking it to its fullest extension. The surest way to disprove an insane idea is to wholly put it into practice. Khazars have foisted upon us the insanest idea of all: the brotherhood of man.

We will learn from this.
Fixed it for ya!