General of Darkness
20th March 2011, 09:18 AM
Keep in mind, WHO pushes multiculturalism and diversity and is forcing this vial religion upon Western Cultures.
What the Muslim Sharia Laws Will Do To You
by Banjo_Billy, Supreme Mufti to the Ragheads of Mecca
As the Muslims, with their many wives and swarms of booger-nosed urchins, invade the West, you hear a constant demand from them that they want their own laws by which to be ruled. Our laws are not good enough for the holy Muslims. They demand Sharia Laws to be legalized in our Western, Christian democracies. And if we allow them to be ruled by Sharia Laws, they promise not to kill any of us or to bomb our buildings or to rape our daughters because Islam is a religion of peace. Muslim promises are what Muslims believe in and Muslim promises are what they give us. They give us promises that we will be safe from them only if we comply with their demands, demands of peoples whom we have allowed to invade our countries because they promise us that Islam really, really, truly is a religion of peace and that Islam is good for us.
Perhaps our first clue as to whether this so-called “religion of peace” can be trusted in its promises, is to understand that one of the basic foundations of Islam is – drum roll and trumpet blast – the Holy Lie. According to Mohammad (mhrh), Muslims are urged to lie and to deceive non-Muslims. This concept of lying is called in Arabic “taqiyya”, which literally means “concealing, precaution, or guarding.” It is used to disguise one’s beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies from non-Muslims. In other words, an Arabic dictionary definition of “taqiyya” is lying, dissimulation, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. Taqiyya is primarily employed in fending off and neutralizing any criticism of Islam and for deceiving non-Muslims from learning the true goals and intentions of Islam. By the Sharia Laws, Muslims make a habit of lying to non-Muslims because lying is a basic teaching of Islam. Thus, even before they inveigle us to give them Sharia Laws, the Muslims are lying to us simply because they are all lying Muslims.
By the Sharia Laws regarding taqiyya, Muslims may lie even under oath in testimony before a court. A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he protects or promotes the interests of Islam. He may deny Islam with his lips just as long as he remains faithful to Islam in his heart. Mohammad (mhrh) approved lying to and deceiving non- Muslims most especially if such lies can be used to murder Infidels. And who is an Infidel? You are, of course, if you are not a Muslim because under Sharia Law the world is only composed of Muslims and Infidels. According to Sharia Law, it is the duty of every Muslim to murder all Infidels. That means you.
So, you see, when a Muslim tells you that Islam is a “religion of peace” he is lying to you. Moreover, anything else he may say, can also be false if he sees that he can personally benefit or that Islam can benefit from deceiving you. The truth of Islam is that the Muslims are liars and they were taught to be liars by Mohammad (mhrh). Muslim lies benefit Muslims and destroy you, so Mohammad (mhrh) recommends that Muslims tell lies to you unworthy Infidels.
When you hear the Muslims demand that they really want to have Sharia Law so that they can live in peace among you, then you’d better really, really, really understand what they are trying to get you to agree to. If the Muslims lie to you about Islam being a religion of peace while they simultaneously blow themselves to smithereens in an attempt to kill as many people as possible; or when the Muslims tell you about Islam being a religion of peace as they cut the throats of every non-Muslim that they can catch after raping all the little girls; or when they tell you about Islam being a religion of peace as they murder Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and atheists in every country that they infiltrate or conquer in warfare, can you really believe any of their promises since they prove by their actions to be such grotesquely hypocritical and murderous liars? How can Muslim promises compare with the actual facts of Muslim violence, murder, rape, arson and mayhem worldwide? What good are Muslim promises when their promises are nothing but lies? And why does this “religion of peace” use lies to promote its goals? A true religion uses Truth while a false religion uses lies.
Mohammad (mhrh) taught that warfare is deceit. So, if the Muslims deceive you, doesn’t this mean, according to their very own teachings, that they are at war with you?
Islam is a religion of promises. Mohammad (mhrh) made a lot of promises to Believers in order to get them to go along with his deluded fantasy. But the promises of Mohammad (mhrh) are rather demonic when you actually inspect them. Mohammad (mhrh) promised that Allah was whispering into his ear. Those voices in Mohammad’s head promised that in the future, good Muslims would go to a wonderful Paradise after they died composed of luscious gardens filled with fruit trees, houses made of solid gold, virgin women who would have sex with them everyday forever and cool streams of delicious water. For Arabs sweating under the Arabian sun, frying their feet on the hot sands and masturbating under their robes at the very sight of a woman’s ankle, Mohammad’s promises were alluring. But what would these primitive camel-eaters have to do to get the reward of such a Muslim paradise? All the Muslims would have to do was murder all of the non-Muslims, rape and enslave their women, steal their gold and take their lands and houses and livestock for themselves while screaming that Allah is great and Mohammad is his prophet. That’s not too difficult of a belief system, is it?
Can you see why Islam was so attractive to the smelly camel rustlers of Arabia? By killing their neighbors, not only could the Muslims get free food, free houses, free loot, sex slaves and concubines in this life, but they would get them in even greater abundance even after they died. Mohammad (mhrh) even promised that all of the women in Paradise are guaranteed to be virgins forever. It was a win-win situation for everybody except the Infidels.
Islam promises the Muslims a paradise in a future heaven, if they will turn the present world into a bombed out, burnt out, raped and blood-dripping hell today. In spite of its promises, of which there are many, this is one reason why Islam is a false religion. Muslims are willing to turn the present world into a blood-drenched Hell for the promise of a future Paradise after they die. Such a deal! Mohammad (mhrh) knew that the Arabs were stupid to believe such promises and Islam is proof positive of how stupid the Muslims really are. All that the Muslims ask of you is that you be even dumber than they are and grant them Sharia law.
One might ask: If the Muslims are such transparent liars while promising to be so truthful, then who is this great god that they are so enthusiastic about? Muslims are always shouting “Allahu Akbar” or “God is Great” whenever they cut somebody’s throat or throw bombs into crowds of civilians. So obviously, this God of the Arabs must really be something wonderful, if murdering people to please Allah is so great. Well, this is again a matter of “taqiyya”, telling lies for the sake of Islam. You can see what lies the Muslims tell about God by the facts found in the archaeology of ancient Arabia.
You see, Al-Lah was the Moon God of medieval Arabia. Those wandering Arab tribesmen who made it a habit to deflower their young, virgin camels at every opportunity believed that the moon was the greatest god because it was in the sky more than the sun. That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? The Moon God was the chief god of Arabia. Praying to Al-Lah the Moon God meant to bow down with your face to the ground and to stick your butt up into the air in order to moon the Moon God. And that is what Muslims do today, sticking their butts into the air five times a day in what they call salat or “prayer”.
When Mohammad (mhrh) was trying to unify the Arabian Peninsula under his dictatorship, he found it useful to call those weak-brained, stupid camel jockeys to worship a god that they already worshipped. By sticking their butts into the air five times a day, they would not have to strain their sunburned brains on too much thinking about what they were actually doing. Only instead of worshipping Al-Lah, the moon god, Mohammad (mhrh) claimed that what they were really worshipping was the greatest god in the Universe, who just happened to have the exact same name as the Moon God so as not to confuse anybody. So, to keep their weak and stupid minds on the fact that Allah was the greatest god, the Muslims put a crescent moon on their flags for good luck and switched from worshipping the Moon God, Al-Lah, to worshipping the only god, Allah. These are the facts of the history of Arabia and of the science of archaeology. Allah is the Moon God of ancient Arabia who was given a promotion by Mohammad (mhrh) from being one among many gods, to being the only god, the god who would grant them a golden paradise full of sexy virgins if they told lies, looted cities and killed Infidels.
It is obvious that Mohammad (mhrh) was using taqiyya on the Arabs because if Allah is so great, then why does he need Muslims to help him kill people? Isn‘t Allah a big enough god to do it all by himself? And why does Allah need Muslims to defend his precious honor from insult? Can’t he defend his own honor from the nay-sayers and mocking infidels who laughed at Mohammad (mhrh) because they knew what a lunatic that Mohammad (mhrh) really was?
The medieval Arabs then, just as they do today, measured their manhood by how successfully they were at deceiving and lying to other Arabs. They all used taqiyya on each other because it was part of Arabian culture and camel-trading skills. They were a country full of used camel salesmen. Today, they use taqiyya on modern people, lying to us and concealing every evil thing that is found in Islam, that false religion with “Peace” on its bloody lips and murder in its perfidious heart.
Mohammad – the demon prophet of Islam who heard voices in his head – was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, a liar, a slave trader, rapist, pedophile and he hated women so he oppressed and enslaved them. Yet, the Muslims of today adore him because of his fancy promises to them that they can attain Paradise by killing every non-Muslim and stealing our stuff. Mohammad (mhrh) became the top hero of every Muslim, the one whom they try to copy as much as possible in their own deceiving and miserable lives today, the one after whom they name all fifty of their boy children. With wealth and limitless rape guaranteed in this life along with promises of even more wealth and limitless sex in the Muslim paradise after they die, Islam became the most popular religion in feudal Arabia. It was popular among the Muslims because in feudal Arabia anyone who was not a Muslim was tortured and killed. Once they could no longer hear the shrieks and screams of tortured Infidels being mutilated or the sounds of squawking buzzards feeding on their corpses, then Islam became a religion of peace in the quiet desert air. But in modern times, as long as the Muslims have loud-speakers atop their mosques so that they can scream their gibberish five times a day into the surrounding neighborhoods of non-Muslims, no one has had any peace at all.
The Muslims hypocritically demand that we grant them the freedom of religion that we proclaim is one of our great boons to Humanity, but will they also guarantee us freedom of religion under the Muslim Sharia Laws? If they lie to us even before they get Sharia Law, how will the Muslims treat us after they get Sharia Law? If they claim to be “good Muslims” while they riot, murder, rape, arson and bomb our people and our countries for the sake of Allah or for avenging insults to Mohammad before they get Sharia Law, will they be better Muslims living among us after they get Sharia Law?
To answer this question, we must not look at what Sharia Law means for Muslims because, after all, to hell with the Muslims. We must look at what Sharia Law means for Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and other non-Muslims. If we let the Muslims live under their Sharia Law, what will Sharia Law do for us? Or rather, what will Sharia Law do to us?
Several years ago, the Saudi Arabian Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al-Ghamdi explained in a sermon the terms in which an Islamic society should tolerate the presence of non-Muslims in their midst. That is, he explained the Sharia Laws that are applied to non-Muslims in every country where Muslims are allowed to practice Sharia Law. Remember as you read these laws, that because the Muslims believe that Sharia Laws were given to them by Allah through Mohammad (mhrh) that these are eternal laws valid for all time. Thus, Sharia Laws are not up for negotiation.
What the Muslim Sharia Laws Will Do To You
by Banjo_Billy, Supreme Mufti to the Ragheads of Mecca
As the Muslims, with their many wives and swarms of booger-nosed urchins, invade the West, you hear a constant demand from them that they want their own laws by which to be ruled. Our laws are not good enough for the holy Muslims. They demand Sharia Laws to be legalized in our Western, Christian democracies. And if we allow them to be ruled by Sharia Laws, they promise not to kill any of us or to bomb our buildings or to rape our daughters because Islam is a religion of peace. Muslim promises are what Muslims believe in and Muslim promises are what they give us. They give us promises that we will be safe from them only if we comply with their demands, demands of peoples whom we have allowed to invade our countries because they promise us that Islam really, really, truly is a religion of peace and that Islam is good for us.
Perhaps our first clue as to whether this so-called “religion of peace” can be trusted in its promises, is to understand that one of the basic foundations of Islam is – drum roll and trumpet blast – the Holy Lie. According to Mohammad (mhrh), Muslims are urged to lie and to deceive non-Muslims. This concept of lying is called in Arabic “taqiyya”, which literally means “concealing, precaution, or guarding.” It is used to disguise one’s beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies from non-Muslims. In other words, an Arabic dictionary definition of “taqiyya” is lying, dissimulation, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. Taqiyya is primarily employed in fending off and neutralizing any criticism of Islam and for deceiving non-Muslims from learning the true goals and intentions of Islam. By the Sharia Laws, Muslims make a habit of lying to non-Muslims because lying is a basic teaching of Islam. Thus, even before they inveigle us to give them Sharia Laws, the Muslims are lying to us simply because they are all lying Muslims.
By the Sharia Laws regarding taqiyya, Muslims may lie even under oath in testimony before a court. A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he protects or promotes the interests of Islam. He may deny Islam with his lips just as long as he remains faithful to Islam in his heart. Mohammad (mhrh) approved lying to and deceiving non- Muslims most especially if such lies can be used to murder Infidels. And who is an Infidel? You are, of course, if you are not a Muslim because under Sharia Law the world is only composed of Muslims and Infidels. According to Sharia Law, it is the duty of every Muslim to murder all Infidels. That means you.
So, you see, when a Muslim tells you that Islam is a “religion of peace” he is lying to you. Moreover, anything else he may say, can also be false if he sees that he can personally benefit or that Islam can benefit from deceiving you. The truth of Islam is that the Muslims are liars and they were taught to be liars by Mohammad (mhrh). Muslim lies benefit Muslims and destroy you, so Mohammad (mhrh) recommends that Muslims tell lies to you unworthy Infidels.
When you hear the Muslims demand that they really want to have Sharia Law so that they can live in peace among you, then you’d better really, really, really understand what they are trying to get you to agree to. If the Muslims lie to you about Islam being a religion of peace while they simultaneously blow themselves to smithereens in an attempt to kill as many people as possible; or when the Muslims tell you about Islam being a religion of peace as they cut the throats of every non-Muslim that they can catch after raping all the little girls; or when they tell you about Islam being a religion of peace as they murder Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and atheists in every country that they infiltrate or conquer in warfare, can you really believe any of their promises since they prove by their actions to be such grotesquely hypocritical and murderous liars? How can Muslim promises compare with the actual facts of Muslim violence, murder, rape, arson and mayhem worldwide? What good are Muslim promises when their promises are nothing but lies? And why does this “religion of peace” use lies to promote its goals? A true religion uses Truth while a false religion uses lies.
Mohammad (mhrh) taught that warfare is deceit. So, if the Muslims deceive you, doesn’t this mean, according to their very own teachings, that they are at war with you?
Islam is a religion of promises. Mohammad (mhrh) made a lot of promises to Believers in order to get them to go along with his deluded fantasy. But the promises of Mohammad (mhrh) are rather demonic when you actually inspect them. Mohammad (mhrh) promised that Allah was whispering into his ear. Those voices in Mohammad’s head promised that in the future, good Muslims would go to a wonderful Paradise after they died composed of luscious gardens filled with fruit trees, houses made of solid gold, virgin women who would have sex with them everyday forever and cool streams of delicious water. For Arabs sweating under the Arabian sun, frying their feet on the hot sands and masturbating under their robes at the very sight of a woman’s ankle, Mohammad’s promises were alluring. But what would these primitive camel-eaters have to do to get the reward of such a Muslim paradise? All the Muslims would have to do was murder all of the non-Muslims, rape and enslave their women, steal their gold and take their lands and houses and livestock for themselves while screaming that Allah is great and Mohammad is his prophet. That’s not too difficult of a belief system, is it?
Can you see why Islam was so attractive to the smelly camel rustlers of Arabia? By killing their neighbors, not only could the Muslims get free food, free houses, free loot, sex slaves and concubines in this life, but they would get them in even greater abundance even after they died. Mohammad (mhrh) even promised that all of the women in Paradise are guaranteed to be virgins forever. It was a win-win situation for everybody except the Infidels.
Islam promises the Muslims a paradise in a future heaven, if they will turn the present world into a bombed out, burnt out, raped and blood-dripping hell today. In spite of its promises, of which there are many, this is one reason why Islam is a false religion. Muslims are willing to turn the present world into a blood-drenched Hell for the promise of a future Paradise after they die. Such a deal! Mohammad (mhrh) knew that the Arabs were stupid to believe such promises and Islam is proof positive of how stupid the Muslims really are. All that the Muslims ask of you is that you be even dumber than they are and grant them Sharia law.
One might ask: If the Muslims are such transparent liars while promising to be so truthful, then who is this great god that they are so enthusiastic about? Muslims are always shouting “Allahu Akbar” or “God is Great” whenever they cut somebody’s throat or throw bombs into crowds of civilians. So obviously, this God of the Arabs must really be something wonderful, if murdering people to please Allah is so great. Well, this is again a matter of “taqiyya”, telling lies for the sake of Islam. You can see what lies the Muslims tell about God by the facts found in the archaeology of ancient Arabia.
You see, Al-Lah was the Moon God of medieval Arabia. Those wandering Arab tribesmen who made it a habit to deflower their young, virgin camels at every opportunity believed that the moon was the greatest god because it was in the sky more than the sun. That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? The Moon God was the chief god of Arabia. Praying to Al-Lah the Moon God meant to bow down with your face to the ground and to stick your butt up into the air in order to moon the Moon God. And that is what Muslims do today, sticking their butts into the air five times a day in what they call salat or “prayer”.
When Mohammad (mhrh) was trying to unify the Arabian Peninsula under his dictatorship, he found it useful to call those weak-brained, stupid camel jockeys to worship a god that they already worshipped. By sticking their butts into the air five times a day, they would not have to strain their sunburned brains on too much thinking about what they were actually doing. Only instead of worshipping Al-Lah, the moon god, Mohammad (mhrh) claimed that what they were really worshipping was the greatest god in the Universe, who just happened to have the exact same name as the Moon God so as not to confuse anybody. So, to keep their weak and stupid minds on the fact that Allah was the greatest god, the Muslims put a crescent moon on their flags for good luck and switched from worshipping the Moon God, Al-Lah, to worshipping the only god, Allah. These are the facts of the history of Arabia and of the science of archaeology. Allah is the Moon God of ancient Arabia who was given a promotion by Mohammad (mhrh) from being one among many gods, to being the only god, the god who would grant them a golden paradise full of sexy virgins if they told lies, looted cities and killed Infidels.
It is obvious that Mohammad (mhrh) was using taqiyya on the Arabs because if Allah is so great, then why does he need Muslims to help him kill people? Isn‘t Allah a big enough god to do it all by himself? And why does Allah need Muslims to defend his precious honor from insult? Can’t he defend his own honor from the nay-sayers and mocking infidels who laughed at Mohammad (mhrh) because they knew what a lunatic that Mohammad (mhrh) really was?
The medieval Arabs then, just as they do today, measured their manhood by how successfully they were at deceiving and lying to other Arabs. They all used taqiyya on each other because it was part of Arabian culture and camel-trading skills. They were a country full of used camel salesmen. Today, they use taqiyya on modern people, lying to us and concealing every evil thing that is found in Islam, that false religion with “Peace” on its bloody lips and murder in its perfidious heart.
Mohammad – the demon prophet of Islam who heard voices in his head – was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, a liar, a slave trader, rapist, pedophile and he hated women so he oppressed and enslaved them. Yet, the Muslims of today adore him because of his fancy promises to them that they can attain Paradise by killing every non-Muslim and stealing our stuff. Mohammad (mhrh) became the top hero of every Muslim, the one whom they try to copy as much as possible in their own deceiving and miserable lives today, the one after whom they name all fifty of their boy children. With wealth and limitless rape guaranteed in this life along with promises of even more wealth and limitless sex in the Muslim paradise after they die, Islam became the most popular religion in feudal Arabia. It was popular among the Muslims because in feudal Arabia anyone who was not a Muslim was tortured and killed. Once they could no longer hear the shrieks and screams of tortured Infidels being mutilated or the sounds of squawking buzzards feeding on their corpses, then Islam became a religion of peace in the quiet desert air. But in modern times, as long as the Muslims have loud-speakers atop their mosques so that they can scream their gibberish five times a day into the surrounding neighborhoods of non-Muslims, no one has had any peace at all.
The Muslims hypocritically demand that we grant them the freedom of religion that we proclaim is one of our great boons to Humanity, but will they also guarantee us freedom of religion under the Muslim Sharia Laws? If they lie to us even before they get Sharia Law, how will the Muslims treat us after they get Sharia Law? If they claim to be “good Muslims” while they riot, murder, rape, arson and bomb our people and our countries for the sake of Allah or for avenging insults to Mohammad before they get Sharia Law, will they be better Muslims living among us after they get Sharia Law?
To answer this question, we must not look at what Sharia Law means for Muslims because, after all, to hell with the Muslims. We must look at what Sharia Law means for Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and other non-Muslims. If we let the Muslims live under their Sharia Law, what will Sharia Law do for us? Or rather, what will Sharia Law do to us?
Several years ago, the Saudi Arabian Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al-Ghamdi explained in a sermon the terms in which an Islamic society should tolerate the presence of non-Muslims in their midst. That is, he explained the Sharia Laws that are applied to non-Muslims in every country where Muslims are allowed to practice Sharia Law. Remember as you read these laws, that because the Muslims believe that Sharia Laws were given to them by Allah through Mohammad (mhrh) that these are eternal laws valid for all time. Thus, Sharia Laws are not up for negotiation.