View Full Version : Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

20th March 2011, 02:30 PM
"God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David
Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944)

First, I want you to picture something in your mind. You are a German soldier who survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and your parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted and you were drafted into the German army and told where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that your country has been demolished by the Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice.

It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good, but you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.

You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner of War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to a compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of your fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift corral. You see no evidence of a latrine and after three hours of marching through the mud of the spring rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate and find yourself free to move about, and you begin the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for directions, and are informed that no such luxury exists.

No more time. You find a place and squat. First you were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and now; dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you, pushing you on, jamming you together and every one of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat, much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food that day, in fact there was no food while in the American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to us! There are the Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting rain.

Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your own hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you remember is falling, unable to get up, and lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of those who have gone before.

Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and taken to a special tent where your clothing is stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in half and your body along with those of your fellow soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid decomposition and buried. You were not one of the exceptions, for more than one million seven hundred thousand German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease, under direct orders of the General Dwight David Eisenhower.

One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of those orders was this statement,

"Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."

Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General Staff, thousands of people, after the war.

Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible.

Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction.

Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps.

The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following, in part:

"...it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater."

"For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald."

It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European Theater to release significant numbers of Germans.

Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th.

Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic American involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was written setting out the political and moral philosophy; of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by Robert Welch. This year is the 107th Anniversary of Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is all excited about the celebration of this landmark in the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert Dole, in honor of the Commander of the American Death Camps, proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be renamed the Eisenhower Airport!

The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is actually issuing a special Eisenhower Centennial Silver Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million of these collector's items, and veteran's magazines are promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember the Man...Remember the Times..." Pardon me if I regurgitate!

There will be some veterans who will not be buying these coins. Two will be Col. James Mason and Col. Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical Corps who published a paper on the Eisenhower Death Camps in 1950. They stated in part:

"Huddled close together for warmth, behind the barbed wire was a most awesome sight; nearly 100,000 haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men clad in dirty gray uniforms, and standing ankle deep in mud ... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards away the River Rhine was running bank-full."

Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin Brech of Mahopac, New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was an 18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the 14th Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at the Eisenhower Death Camp at Andernach, along
the Rhine River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990:

"My protests (regarding treatment of the German DEF'S) were met with hostility or indifference, and when I threw our ample rations to them over the barbed wire. I was threatened, making it clear that it was our deliberate policy not to adequately feed them."

"When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me again tossing food to the Germans ... Some of the men were really only boys 13 years of age...Some of the prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last ditch stand ... I understand that average weight of the prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds...I have received threats ... Nevertheless, this...has liberated me, for I may now be heard when I relate the horrible atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one of 'Ike's death camps' along the Rhine." (Betty Lou Smith Hanson)

Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE TERRIBLE SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, or nearly so, to the last in his class. This article was first printed in 1990, but we thought it was meaningful to reprint it now.

Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West Point Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's blood to insure White racial integrity.

Apparently, there was a question of Eisenhower's racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having Jewish background. The headmaster then reportedly said, "That's where you get your Oriental blood?" Although he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got around since this was a time in history when non-Whites were not allowed into the academy. Note - The issue of Eisenhower's little-known Jewish background in academically essential in understanding his psychopathic
hatred of German men, women and children.

Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew."

Wherever Eisenhower went during his military career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow officers. During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff.

In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.

Thus it comes as no surprise that General George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower.

[Ed: Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and reportedly kept some German units ready to move against the Soviets...unsurprisingly he was killed; after the war, in a 'car crash,' just like Lawrence of Arabia was conveniently bumped off, in a similar manner, for his 'pro-fascist' views].


From George


Finally, the truth about Ike. He was a zionist!, a racist! and a slaughterer of innocents! He was always these things. And all anyone remembers is his famous quote "to beware of the military/industrial complex." Like this knowledge means he was a great precient prophet, when he was really a part of the NWO and helped set the US up for all that followed. The tooling jobs and industry started to leave the US in the early '50's, when Ike got into power. It was Japan they were building. Notice the difference between the destruction of Japan and the quick buildup of the Philipines and Japan and the Pacific the US took over, after the war of hegemony to steal the wealth of the Pacific Rim and present day Afghanistan, Iraq etc., now that the zionists rule the 'world'. The zionist essence is evil, destructive and self-destructive. Ike was a tool of the zionist evil essence.

German POW's Diary Reveals More Of Ike's Holocaust


Note - The following diary extract has been provided by the nephew of the author under the conditions we honor his request for anonymity. -ed

A transcript of my Uncle's words...from my Mother's diary:

"Suddenly an American Jeep moved towards us and several American Soldiers surrounded us. There was no officer in charge, and the first thing the 'Amis' did - they liberated us, I mean, from our few valuables, mainly rings and watches........ We were now prisoners of war- no doubt about it!

The first night we were herded into a barn, where we met about 100 men who shared the same fate. To make my story short, we were finally transported to Fuerstenfeldbruck near Munich. Here we, who were gathered around Hermann, interrupted him and gasped in dismay.

Fuerstenfeldbruck had become known to us as one of the most cruel POW camps in the American zone.

Then my brother continued:

Again we were searched and had to surrender everything, even our field utensils, except a spoon. Here, in freezing temperature, 20,000 of us were squeezed together on the naked ground, without blanket or cover, exposed day and night to the winter weather.

For six days we received neither food nor water! We used our spoons to catch drops of rain.

We were surrounded by heavy tanks. During the night bright searchlights blinded us, so that sleep was impossible. We napped from time to time, standing up and leaning against each other. It was keeping us warmer that sitting on the frozen ground.

Many of us were near collapse. One of our comrades went mad, he jumped around wildly, wailing and whimpering. he was shot at once. His body was lying on the ground, and we were not allowed to come near him. He was not he only one. Each suspicious movement caused the guards to shoot into the crowd, and a few were always hit.

German civilians, mainly women of the surrounding villages, tried to approach the camp to bring food and water for us prisoners. they were chased away.

Our German officers could finally succeed to submit an official protest, particularly because of the deprivation of water. As a response, a fire hose was thrown into the midst of the densely crowded prisoners and then turned on. Because of the high water pressure the hose moved violently to and fro. Prisoners tumbled, fell, got up and ran again to catch a bit of water. In that confusion the water went to waste, and the ground under us turned into slippery mud. All the while the 'Amis' watched that spectacle, finding it very funny and most entertaining. They laughed at our predicament as hard as they could. Then suddenly, they turned the water off again.

We had not expected that the Americans would behave in such a manner. We could hardly believe it. War brutalizes human beings.

One day later we were organized into groups of 400 men .... We were to receive two cans of food for each man. This is how it was to be done: The prisoners had to run through he slippery mud, and each one had to grab his two cans quickly, at the moment he passed the guards. One of my comrades slipped and could not run fast enough, He was shot at once ....

On May 10th , several truckloads of us were transported the the garrison of Ulm by the Danube..... As each man jumped into the truck, a guard kicked him in the backbone with his rifle butt.

We arrived in the city of Heilbronn by the Neckar, In the end we counted 240,000 men, who lived on the naked ground and without cover.

Spring and summer were mild this year, but we were starving. At 6;00 am we received coffee, at noon about a pint of soup and 100 grams of bread a day........

The 'Amis' gave us newspapers in German language, describing the terrors of the concentration camps. We did not believe any of it. We figured the Americans only wanted to demoralize us further.

The fields on which we lived belonged to the farmers of the area...soon nothing of the clover and other sprouting greens were left, and the trees were barren. We had eaten each blade of grass.....

In some camps there were Hungarian POW's. 15,000 of them. Mutiny against their officers broke out twice amongst them. After the second mutiny the Americans decided to use German prisoners to govern the Hungarians. Since the Hungarians were used as workers they were well fed. There was more food than they could eat. But when the Germans asked the Americans for permission to bring the Hungarians' leftovers into the camps of the starving Germans, it was denied. The Americans rather destroyed surplus food, than giving it to the Germans.

Sometimes it happened that groups of our own men were gathered and transported away. We presumed they were discharged to go home, and naturally, we wished to be among them. Much later we heard they were sent to labor camps! My mother's cousin, feared that he would be drafted into the Hitler Youth SS, he volunteered to the marines, in 1945 his unit was in Denmark. On April 20th they were captured by the Americans. his experience in the POW camp was identical that of my brother's. They lived in open fields, did not receive and food and water the first six days, and starved nearly to death. German wives and mothers who wanted to throw loaves of bread over the fence, were chased off. The prisoners, just to have something to chew, scraped the bark from young trees. my cousins job was to report each morning how many had died during the night. "and these were not just a few!" he adds to his report he wrote me.

It became known, that the conditions in the POW camps in the American Zone were identical everywhere. We could therefore safely conclude, that it was by intent and by orders from higher ups to starve the German POW's and we blamed General Eisenhower for it. He, who was of German descent could not discern the evildoers during the Nazi time from our decent people. We held that neglect of knowledge and understanding severely against him.

I wish to quote the inscription on the grave stones of those of my German compatriots who have already passed away:

We had to pass through fire and through water. But now you have loosened our bonds.

General of Darkness
20th March 2011, 02:40 PM
No wonder they assassinated Patton.

20th March 2011, 02:48 PM


20th March 2011, 02:53 PM
First time I hear about this! Eisenhower certainly comes in a different light!

20th March 2011, 03:30 PM
The victims are depicted as villians and the villians are depicted as victims.



20th March 2011, 03:54 PM
The victims are depicted as villians and the villians are depicted as victims.



Thanks for linking to my blog but I would like to give credit to Magnes for showing me that pic, up until that time I had only heard rumors that Ike was a kike.

Your statements remind me of this verse

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

This is exactly what churchianity does today, they will look at someone like myself who doesn't go to church and think that means I don't believe in Yahweh (whose name they never use), yet they are the ones who call these edomite whores "gods chosen".

On Judgement day, people are in for a gigantic surprise.

20th March 2011, 04:21 PM
First time I hear about this! Eisenhower certainly comes in a different light!

Neuro, on the old gim I am sure there was more than one thread on this and related material.
Lots of work put in that can't be bumped.

As far as " different light ", there are people talking here, trolling each other in big ways,
some real fucking assholes here, I could post something here to make you see other
things in a different light too, but those little assholes can't handle truth in posting,
their own record and words, the politicians and ass kissers, goading trolls and enabling them.

We were posting material like this on gim and being banned for it, not for swearing at people.
But the trolls join here and swear at us. They hide their monkey faces for a reason.

If the administration here does not fix something here soon it will be on.

We never posted for popularity like the fag politician here with his potty mouth.

20th March 2011, 04:38 PM
half of your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice.

I learned a few new things from reading just the beginning of this often posted article.
Apparantly Germany lost half of its civilians during WW2.
Also, at the end German soldiers forgot about the ability of gunpowder gases to propel bullets in any direction, including their own craniums.

20th March 2011, 04:55 PM
warning man

Do not give me any credit cause if you do the easter bunny will join up and go after you.

And some asshole here will follow him around and support him attempting to do damage
and succeed in some cases.

Imagine if the easter bunny showed up and called you a jew and swore at you and even a mod here.

What kind of a retard would support him ?

Move on, we did, give the benefit of the doubt, we did, but they won't stop.

Bring it bitches. There is probably 400 little bitches on this forum.

We never posted for popularity, but to inform, we got banned for it.

The politicians bring their forked tongues to the fight, even blatantly kissing skyvikes feet.

20th March 2011, 05:01 PM
Magnes, I read a lot on GIM, but I must have missed that. I didn't join until late 2007.

Magnes I understand you don't post for popularity, and I admire you for that, but sometimes I think you go a bit too far in your desire to expose trolls, no doubt they are here, and many of them have been banned, much due to your work, but they tend to come back. Maybe I am naive and an enabler sometimes, but I would prefer things to remain civil, instead of having a constant troll hunt. Those that are disruptive gets kicked out anyway. I have learned a lot from trolls too...

But it really is these types of threads/topics that I am here for, those that challenge my current knowledge and misconceptions...

20th March 2011, 05:13 PM

There are many ironies playing out here, quite a few,
I am just trying to make some points and send a message, as far as this thread
I just posted good info in another thread, I do have this stuff handy, quickly this is
from Saturday Night a magazine that was posted on gim, not by me, we give
credit where credit is due, always, NB, is a stand up guy, these forums need
to get back to basics, there are certain things you can post that shatter big
myths, Eisenhower is one of the key players to uncover, through him you
uncover Baruch, Churchill, the War Board, the CFR, N York, WildCards sig,
listen to it, silver and gold manipulation, fixing, Baruch owned 1/6 of silver
before fix, many of us here
have knocked heads and don't let it faze us, and we are cool enough not
to after each other when we disagree, some people want to freak out.
That's unfortunate, because we could be spending our time re uploading
material that got us banned on gim.

As far as trolls, they are subtler on here, and as far as what you mentioned,
that was one troll , mayhem with many many sock puppets, going after key
people that brought people here, less than 20 people worked actively to remove
him permanently, and we are very lucky we got gaillo who is target number one.
If mayhem won we'd be done.

20th March 2011, 05:21 PM

Save it before it is gone forever, like they goned judicial and the skunk,
his forum was just taken down, smart people.

20th March 2011, 05:33 PM

Neuro, I can't resist, you remember me posting on gim on silver, COT, article,
you called me a noob and a punk, did I ever hold that against you ? ;D

How does that square with what has happened on here in some cases ?

If Nordic Berserker wants to rake me over the coals I am guilty.

Sorry for fucking up your thread.

Antonio is going to get a pass, too easy.

20th March 2011, 05:37 PM

20th March 2011, 05:43 PM

Neuro, I can't resist, you remember me posting on gim on silver, COT, article,
you called me a noob and a punk, did I ever hold that against you ? ;D

How does that square with what has happened on here in some cases ?

Antonio is going to get a pass, too easy.
LOL YES I remember ;D ;D

Yes let him go! That was one of the most blatant attempts on trolling I have ever seen I think!

20th March 2011, 05:49 PM
We never posted for popularity, but to inform, we got banned for it.

To inform is more than providing factual information, sometimes the informer must first unlock the mind of the person to be informed first. Civility has it's purpose.

Locked minds...that's what we're up against. It's a war of ideas and war without strategy is lost.

20th March 2011, 05:54 PM

20th March 2011, 05:56 PM
If Nordic Berserker wants to rake me over the coals I am guilty.

Sorry for fucking up your thread.

No need to apologize man, your info is invaluable.

20th March 2011, 06:11 PM

20th March 2011, 06:25 PM
I killed Christ

Hey jew

Rule #3 - Stay on topic. If you want to ramble, please go to the lounge.

GTFO of my thread, you aren't wanted here or on this site at all.

20th March 2011, 06:33 PM
I killed Christ

Hey jew

Rule #3 - Stay on topic. If you want to ramble, please go to the lounge.

GTFO of my thread, you aren't wanted here or on this site at all.

Who killed Christ? You are so desperate you are faking my posts,hahahahahaha! Show the audience where you got that quote from.

PS. I used to pay too much attention to such threads and since I`m armed with historical truth, they have always led to meltdowns of my opponents. Now I merely enjoy the comedy value of the Nazi wannabe chutzpah, it sometimes surpasses the Jewish chutzpah.

20th March 2011, 06:48 PM
Who killed Christ? You are so desperate you are faking my posts,hahahahahaha! Show the audience where you got that quote from.

PS. I used to pay too much attention to such threads and since I`m armed with historical truth, they have always led to meltdowns of my opponents. Now I merely enjoy the comedy value of the Nazi wannabe chutzpah, it sometimes surpasses the Jewish chutzpah.

I couldn't quote you because all you did was post a youtube link.

I LOL'd at this "I`m armed with historical truth"

Yet you pray the Kol Nidre soooooo your word amounts to shit.

20th March 2011, 07:23 PM
Adolf Hitler ... the Israel supporters loved him.

A man named "Trebitsch-Lincoln" showed up mysteriously in Hitler's political career, once he had made clear his vision about "sending the Jews to the desert" - Hitler supported the Balfour declaration.

Support for Hitler from wealthy Jews continued in the 1930's, and support from Wall Street continued until October 1942 - Harriman/Rothschild money, managed by Prescott Bush, in that case.

21st March 2011, 08:01 AM
Btw any links, with facts supporting the 1.7 million dead German POWs.

21st March 2011, 08:26 AM

Patton sounds like a neo-con cheerleader in that one.

21st March 2011, 08:38 AM
Patton sounds like a neo-con cheerleader in that one.


21st March 2011, 08:46 AM
We never posted for popularity, but to inform, we got banned for it.

To inform is more than providing factual information, sometimes the informer must first unlock the mind of the person to be informed first. Civility has it's purpose.

Locked minds...that's what we're up against. It's a war of ideas and war without strategy is lost.

Men need to be taught how to think. One can impart knowledge and the student will think he has become a knower, however since the student is not being taught how to think, but rather what to think, deception will inevitably show its ugly face once again.

Teach a man to fish...


Nice post. Eisenhower was a demon.

21st March 2011, 09:40 AM
Eisenhower was a demon.

I see the Greeks are starting to sway my Irish brothers with their Demagogy.

Let us just pray that we all too, don't fall prey to such nationalistic tendencies.

21st March 2011, 03:47 PM
Eisenhower was a demon.

I see the Greeks are starting to sway my Irish brothers with their Demagogy.

Let us just pray that we all too, don't fall prey to such nationalistic tendencies.

Eisenhower worked for Baruch, that is a key thing to know and understand, Baruch,

your post is that of a shill, you deny the CFR, FED, deceit of WWI, WWII, mass murder
of Europeans on all sides, almost every major conspiracy with your post, even deny
Smedley Butler, the rape of South America, that is who he worked for too through
the Dulles'.

Eisenhower was more than a demon, he worked for demons, more than 10 million Germans
were murdered outright after WWII officially ended.

Horn, just for you I am going to dedicate a thread on this.

Half of your posts are cryptic, the other half just yapping, you give, you take, ... .

Where is your information, threads, etc, ?

You are Irish, that is hilarious, highly doubtful, what you are is an anti half the time.

And you are a racist too, lol , you don't like greeks but you use a greek term, lol .

You are appealing to DMac being a racist are you, rofl . :lol

Are you not guilty of what you accuse me of. lol

Eisenhower, a good Irishman, rofl .

And if a nationalistic Greek is coming to the defense of the Germans,
people should take notice, it is everyones business and interests,
I have explained this already in the other NB thread. And I don't
agree with a lot of the positions here on Germany and Hitler, that
is clear going back.

Who do you pray to Horn ? " let us all pray "

I am the biggest Irishman here Horn boy. ;)


21st March 2011, 04:07 PM
You are Irish, that is hilarious, highly doubtful, what you are is an anti half the time.

My mother was a Ferry, if that's evidence enough?

Not a demon ferry, as you might suggest.

21st March 2011, 04:07 PM
Btw any links, with facts supporting the 1.7 million dead German POWs.

How about some leads to that.

There a books out there, the number is way more than 1.7 million Germans murdered.

You can read their own plan and it was partially implemented.



21st March 2011, 04:12 PM
You are Irish, that is hilarious, highly doubtful, what you are is an anti half the time.

My mother was a Ferry, if that's evidence enough?

Not a demon ferry, as you might suggest.

Thanks for the info, as before, I didn't suggest anything,
thanks for diving into the box so openly, just like the gim
round thread, you give you take, lol, cryptic posts, congrats.

You are no Irishman.

WildCard had an excellent signature covering all of this I mentioned above, one of your favorite people,
just one source of many, covers Baruch partially, the FED, Roosevelt, SI, GC, etc,
I'll make sure to repost that just for you, Fabian Society Communists, founders of the London School of Economics, modern day shill manufacturing NWO central.

21st March 2011, 04:21 PM
You are no Irishman.

I'm as Irish, as a day is long.

How can I round that out for you?

Let's just get that one truth out of the way, before we start building armies of darkness.

21st March 2011, 05:06 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

21st March 2011, 05:10 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

We should have a subforum just for you. Kinda like stormfront has opposing views, it should be the dumbass lying kike section.

Also I am making an appeal to the moderators to ban (hopefully perma) occam for breaking rule 3 repeatedly in this thread.

21st March 2011, 05:20 PM
Patton sounds like a neo-con cheerleader in that one.


Live by the sword, die in the pen.

All hail & Glory to our Panzerlied brothers, and the gracious aims towards another third Reichian oligarchy.

R.I.P. you Hun bastards

21st March 2011, 06:06 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

Here is some " Chutzpah " , you are a troll and you should stay clear of threads like this,
people here know your history and presence here is deliberately inflamatory, you are no
victim of anything, openly calling for murder on more than one forum, including above post
where you suggest they all commit suicide, you are no Russian either, you made that clear
long ago.



21st March 2011, 06:48 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

Here is some " Chutzpah " , you are a troll and you should stay clear of threads like this,
people here know your history and presence here is deliberately inflamatory, you are no
victim of anything, openly calling for murder on more than one forum, including above post
where you suggest they all commit suicide, you are no Russian either, you made that clear
long ago.



Mein Kampf is simply Talmud for Germans written by a one-testicled faggy kike. Germans should`ve commited suicide in 1945 but they whimpered out and killed themselves thru sodomy. Berlin is the homosexual capital of the world. Stalin was right as always when he said that we destroy fascisim by destroying homosexuality.

21st March 2011, 07:00 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

Here is some " Chutzpah " , you are a troll and you should stay clear of threads like this,
people here know your history and presence here is deliberately inflamatory, you are no
victim of anything, openly calling for murder on more than one forum, including above post
where you suggest they all commit suicide, you are no Russian either, you made that clear
long ago.



Mein Kampf is simply Talmud for Germans written by a one-testicled faggy kike. Germans should`ve commited suicide in 1945 but they whimpered out and killed themselves thru sodomy. Berlin is the homosexual capital of the world. Stalin was right as always when he said that we destroy fascisim by destroying homosexuality.

I believe there is an established link between anxiety and stress during pregnancy and amount of homosexual offspring. I seem to remember hearing about this. Maybe the terror of the war and it's horrible aftermath upon the German woman can account for some of this homosexuality. BTW, I had not heard that there were many homo's in Berlin. Is this some kind of common knowledge? I thought New York and San Fran had that dubious distinction.

21st March 2011, 07:01 PM

The Myth of Nazi Persecution of Gays
January 28, 2010

By J. De Meo
(Amazon Reviews)

The authors tackle the politically-charged question of the homoerotic and homosexual nature of the Third Reich leadership. It is a serious scholarly work exposing a wealth of information on the following basic points:

1) While Hitler's Mein Kampf degraded Jews, Marxists, Negroes, Chinese, Arabs, women, and Eastern Europeans, he had no negative remarks for homosexuality. Instead, Hitler chose actively homosexual men as influential Nazi party and youth leaders.

2) The top and central most Nazi personalities and groups (SA, SS) which constructed the Third Reich were predominantly macho-types of male homosexuals or bi-sexuals.

3) Rohm and the SA "brownshirt" leaders were all homosexuals, and were killed by Hitler (Night of the Long Knives) and Nazi laws were passed against homosexuality only after their own outrageous open street sex-orgy parties and pedophilia behavior was being roundly criticized in the German press, thereby threatening Hitler's support base among heterosexuals. Policies of concealment thereafter prevailed.

4) Beyond the suppression of the SA, these laws were rarely enforced, and then only when politically helpful to the Nazi cause.

5) Only a few thousand authentically homosexual men (and no lesbians) were condemned to the death-camps by the Nazis. These were nearly always either political enemies of the Third Reich against whom such charges were a convenient excuse to dispose of them, or passive-receptive homosexual "femmes" -- homosexual men of softer feminine qualities -- and whom the macho leather-clad homosexuals always viewed (along with women) with terrible contempt.

6) The attacks against the Sex-Research Institute of the openly-homosexual and flamboyant pedophile Magnus Hirschfeld, was made to seize and burn his extensive files on the homosexual movement and personalities in Wiemar Germany, which included details on the homosexual and pedophile conduct of top Nazi officials.

7) The swaggering macho muscular nature of the SS and SA units, their overt pedophilia, sadist-masochistic sexual predelictions, their sadistc cruelty against heterosexuals, women, and other cultures not sharing their pathology, is detailed.


The authors also chastise modern homosexual activist groups, and homo-sympathetic historians, for widespread distortion of these facts, which are abused to create the false image of homosexuals as "victims" of the Third Reich, comparable to the genocidal attacks against Jews, Gypsies, or Slavs. Their role inside the Third Reich, as partial architects of the Final Solution and other reprehensible Nazi policies, is nearly always never mentioned. Out of this comes a brand of aggressive if not fascist "political correctness" which labels any criticism of organized homosexual or bi-sexual conduct -- even as outrageously pathological as in the "gay" bath-houses, or as seen in things like the Fulsom Street Festival in San Francisco, or the various "Gay Pride" parades, or as advocated by criminal groups like NAMBLA -- as "hate speech", or even "hate crimes".

The book caused a furious reaction within the homosexual activist groups of the West, but no serious scholarly rebuttals. It becomes all the more important for modern times when one considers the widespread sexual pathos within Saharasian cultures, in the Muslim world, where pedophilia and macho-male homosexuality is predominant (though never defined as "homosexuality"), even while softer "femme" homosexuals (and women) can be legally murdered for their independent sexual expression.


The book's authors are admittedly writing from a Judeo-Christian perspective, and this colors some of their conclusions. They expose the Nazi efforts to construct a "neo-Pagan" religion based upon Germanic tribal folklore and the personality of Adolf Hitler, but there is no clarity about the Christian war and butchery against pre-Christian peoples, or the oftentimes more peaceful character of claimed "pagan" cultures. One also gets the false impression that there was little Christian heterosexual participation in the ascent to Nazi power or in the hatred of Jews, which certainly is not the case. Christian heterosexuals flocked to support Hitler, even if the Nazi leadership was mostly homosexual. Pro-Nazi sentiment and Jew-hatred was being preached, along with anti-heterosexual moralism (out of which comes a lot of disturbed sexual behavior), across Germany for generations before the Nazis appeared on the scene. The Kaiser's war-mongering and Jew-hatred also had similar Christian roots. One only has to review the findings in the book The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism for documentation on that issue, which Christian leaders today have often ignored. [ED. NOTE. Jews like "Popes" author David Kertzer see resistance to banker hegemony as anti-Semitism. See Makow, "Real Reason for War and Depression." ]


If one can say that only a few thousand homosexuals died in the death-camps, it is also equally true, that only a few thousand German Christian leaders dared to stand up to the Third Reich, against their larger war-making and "uebermench" agendas. So long as Germany was on the winning side of the bloody shooting war, with more "lebensraum" and French or Polish slaves kidnapped into the fatherland to do the hard back-breaking work, typical German Christian citizens were quite happy to follow Herr Hitler towards the construction of a "Thousand Year Reich" where they could keep their personal boot-heels on other people's necks, homosexual or not.

I give the book 5 stars in spite of this incapacity for self-criticism of the Christian viewpoint, if only because this entire subject has not been subjected to the open review and scholarly discussion it deserves. The book may serve this purpose, to open up such a discussion, assuming it is not simply hammered out of existence by the angry factions of the homosexual-rights movement. If that happens, it would only tend to affirm the authors claims.


Related-- Homosexuality and National Socialism

21st March 2011, 07:06 PM
We should have have a Kraut Chutzpah subforum.

Here is some " Chutzpah " , you are a troll and you should stay clear of threads like this,
people here know your history and presence here is deliberately inflamatory, you are no
victim of anything, openly calling for murder on more than one forum, including above post
where you suggest they all commit suicide, you are no Russian either, you made that clear
long ago.



Mein Kampf is simply Talmud for Germans written by a one-testicled faggy kike. Germans should`ve commited suicide in 1945 but they whimpered out and killed themselves thru sodomy. Berlin is the homosexual capital of the world. Stalin was right as always when he said that we destroy fascisim by destroying homosexuality.

I believe there is an established link between anxiety and stress during pregnancy and amount of homosexual offspring. I seem to remember hearing about this. Maybe the terror of the war and it's horrible aftermath upon the German woman can account for some of this homosexuality. BTW, I had not heard that there were many homo's in Berlin. Is this some kind of common knowledge? I thought New York and San Fran had that dubious distinction.

You don`t see pickle-smoochers parading around Moscow.

22nd March 2011, 04:00 AM