View Full Version : Did Merkel shut down Germany's Reactors because of Israeli Terrorism?

22nd March 2011, 10:18 PM
Germany has pulled out of NATO operations due to disagreements over the mission in Libya. To add to that, Germany did the unthinkable: it voted in favor of a UN Security Council resolution calling the Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory illegal and demanding the immediate halt of all settlement activity....

The same Israeli company providing “security” to Japan’s reactors is the one that’s also responsible for the nukes in Germany. Reckon that had something to do with why Merkel hurriedly ordered the shut down of German reactors? What does she know? Was Israel’s Stuxnet virus responsible — intentionally or not -- for the Japanese meltdown? Was it unleashed on the Japanese as a warning (albeit one that got out of control) not to mess with God’s chosen people? Is this what Merkel fears could happen in Germany?....

Think that’s farfetched? Not when you consider that just yesterday, BOTH engines of Merkel’s immaculately maintained Puma chopper suffered simultaneous flameouts. Is Ms Merkel now suddenly waking up to the fact that the Israelis are stark raving mad and will stop at nothing to get what they want?

I’m inclined to believe Ms Merkel now takes very seriously the words of noted Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld when he openly boasted in an interview last year about Israel’s military capabilities, “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”....



mick silver
23rd March 2011, 05:11 AM
back up

23rd March 2011, 06:38 AM
she has been acting quite independently of the US-Israel-England Axis of Evil recently.

the failure of her helicopter is damn suspicious - 2 engines at once on a new copter ?


"Minutes after dropping Merkel off in Oldenburg, the helicopter got into difficulty.

At an altitude of about 1,600 metres, both rotors of the Superpuma 332 chopper broke down.

The helicopter fell from the sky.

A few meters from the ground, the pilots managed to restart the engines.

German authorities are investigating how both rotors of the helicopter broke down simultaneously.

It was a brand new helicopter taken into the service of the federal police in December 2010."

23rd March 2011, 06:50 AM
Article is in German, translate through your preferred translator:



The Stuxnet virus has spread to German companies. According to the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" 15 Siemens customers have discovered the pest in their plants. The group sought to reassure his client - now is the security gap.

Munich - Stuxnet The computer virus has infected German enterprises that a newspaper reports. The software was mainly affected industrial facilities such as power plants or chemical plants, reports the Süddeutsche Zeitung. 15 Siemens customers have discovered the virus in their systems and reported to the group, five of these customers had their headquarters in Germany.

I started a Stuxnet thread in the Japan disaster sub forum, no replies so far.

More info:

23rd March 2011, 06:54 AM
That's all, too coincidental.

Maybe Israel has gone rogue & snapped under the pressure.

23rd March 2011, 07:11 AM
If this stuxnet virus is on the rampage, how long will it be before reactors here are affected? Kinda frightening to think that our own reactors are ticking time bombs. The southern hemishpere is looking better all the time.

23rd March 2011, 07:18 AM
Alternative (and not nearly as fun) explanation -

Merkel is facing a very difficult election in the German state with some of the reactors - the closure of the reactors (who are also in the process of applying for an extension of their soon to expire operating license) - is an attempt to "buy off" the anti-nuclear voters.

At best, it is a transparent ploy, at worst, it is a very short sighted move as this will increase the German energy dependence on their traditional ally - Russia - and petroleum imports from the remarkably stable Middle East.

23rd March 2011, 08:43 AM
That's all, too coincidental.

Maybe Israel has gone rogue & snapped under the pressure.

how could Israel 'snap' ?

sanity wise, they snapped a LOOOONG time ago.

23rd March 2011, 08:49 AM
how could Israel 'snap' ?

sanity wise, they snapped a LOOOONG time ago.

Are you suggesting insanity has no tipping point? :o

23rd March 2011, 12:49 PM
how could Israel 'snap' ?

sanity wise, they snapped a LOOOONG time ago.

Are you suggesting insanity has no tipping point? :o

i don't quite understand the question.

it sounds like we're talking about Israel's Levels of Insanity - sort of like the Nuclear Disaster Scale, which goes from 1 to 7.

i would say they've been at 5 or 6 since the assassination of JFK, and that with 9-11 they went to 7.

but i think if you talked to the Palestinians in Gaza, they would say that Israel has been at 7 all along.

also, just as there was talk among weather scientists about adding a Cat 6 to the hurricane scale back in 2005, it may be that Israel will create new levels of insanity.

perhaps their insanity level will strangely match the deteriorating condition of the Japan nuclear disaster.

Seems almost cosmic - but in a terrible way.

and it makes the question asked in this thread that much more relevant -

"Jews own the world, wtf are you doing about it?"

23rd March 2011, 12:58 PM
"Jews own the world, wtf are you doing about it?"

Some people think there's a magical realm in history where they can run & hide, where their belief that it is going to be O.K. will save them.

I'm not one of them.