View Full Version : Explosion rocks bus in central Jerusalm

23rd March 2011, 06:25 AM
Police say that a bomb exploded next to bus outside Binyanei Ha'uma in central J'lem; initial reports say 18 injured.

An explosion took place on or near a bus in central Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon.
Police first received reports of an explosion outside the Binyanei Ha'uma building in central Jerusalem and Magen David Adom units reported casualties.

A large number of police and ambulances were on the scene.

Initial reports said that around 18 people were injured in the attack although the exact number was not known.


23rd March 2011, 08:42 AM
in the past, some of these incidents have been identified as false flags.

they hurt the common people - who the Israeli government doesn't give a hoot about, even common Jewish people - and are very effective at stirring up anti-Arab sentiment.

Twisted Titan
23rd March 2011, 09:37 AM

There must aways be "sympathy" for the Zionist Tribe and they will kill to create it.


23rd March 2011, 10:01 AM
Every time that the Zionis "Jews" are in trouble something happens to that the world will say "poor Jews, poor Jews".........first 50 mortars shells and now the bus......in none of this two "attacks" was anyone killed.

Fifty mortar shells.......again......FIFTY MORTAR SHELLS.......HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK THAT WE ARE?, they have every Palestinian under a microscope 24/7 and yet.......FIFTY MORTAR SHELLS........BULL.

23rd March 2011, 12:55 PM
it gives Pastor Bob Botsford at


something to talk about. he used to sprinkled his "Prophecy Lectures" with dis-info about the Palestinians firing 60 to 100 rockets a day at Israel.

interestingly, he made this exact statement on December 27, 2008 - 1 day before the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, Israel's attack on Gaza that killed 1400 civilians.

why would Pastor Bob be telling lies about the Palestinians to a very large, very wealthy church in San Diego - a very military town that is 99% Zionist - 1 day before the commencement of Israel's attack on innocent civilians ?

looks like Pastor Bob is hooked in with the Talmud-worshippers. He claims to be a Christian minister, but, based on his actions, he actively worships Luciferian ideals.