View Full Version : The Cult of Amen

23rd March 2011, 10:11 AM

23rd March 2011, 11:26 AM
You are posting trash,

The Ptolemies were from Upper Macedonia, Dorians, Cleopatra was not a Jew.

One of the progenitors from history, legend, mythology, MAGNES, is her forefather.

Greeks built Alexandria, it was not Egyptian, they built the Museum, Jews burned it all down.

The Generals of Alexander imposed the " Macedonian State " on lands and these became known
as the Hellenistic Kingdoms, some of the greatest civilizations and advancement ever, even the
Jews initially thanked the Greeks from liberation from the Persians.

The Romans named Alexander, MEGAS, MEG, MAK, MAG, live in nomenclature, similar meanings,
all Greek, not Jewish.

Jews were always their enemies, ie, ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES, MACCABEES.

You are posting the same type of garbage goldissima was posting.

After being confronted again this time she got caught big time with no skyvike to protect her.
She called herself "a devil worshipper" , posted lies about Constantine, I looked into the professor,
nothing but some hippie gurue and jew lying and also A LUCIFER LOVER, HOW SURPRISING, ROFL !

Read the thread, starts with questions, I am almost alone in confronting goldie.
She openly started posting about Lucifer after that, after she knew she was outed
as a "theosophist" .


23rd March 2011, 11:33 AM

Full of links and related information with real sources, I verify EM's claim.
Eustace Mullins: NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/eustace-mullins-new-history-of-the-jews/)

Believe it or not this too is directly related, directly. Goldissma called Charles the Great a mason, lol,
one of the greatest enemies of their kind, Charles the Great does the same thing the Irish do here,
along with the Byzantines, I also give University level podcast titles you can find on your own.
HOW THE IRISH SAVED CIVILIZATION (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/how-the-irish-saved-civization/)

23rd March 2011, 11:59 AM
I watched that Ring of Power video (all 3 or 4 hours of it zzz) one time long ago. It is chock full of half truths or flat our lies. Not worth the time, IMO.

23rd March 2011, 12:15 PM
More on how these Jews operate, see my post on Plato and other related.

Corrupting Plato is key, I don't want to get into Greek Mythology but it is key here too.

Apollo, even Zeus, high Gods of the Dorians, of the Ptolemies.

The main idea that rules is JUSTICE, the light is Apollo's light.

Who here is German, Nordic, etc, ? , by corrupting this they also corrupt Indo European
key history and beliefs.

This is why they post shit on ancient societies, aliens, etc, "theosophist" do this, their MO.

Any ancient society that has legends and mythology of JUSTICE has to be an advanced society.

Who here knows Nordic Mythology ?

To those of you that think I am reaching , put me on the spot.

European man is unique in much of this thinking and to this day it still is.

Ancient and modern PM's are full of these images as well, all related.

They are not the images of Jews, they are the images of the West, Justice, Freedom, Light.
The Rays of Apollo are exactly that, nothing to do with Jew corruptions.

A PTOLEMY, RAYS OF APOLLO, what they are doing is portraying themselves as Just Rulers
associating themselves with doing Zues's work.

Another Ptolemy, portraying Aetos Dios, Gods Bird, Zues's Bird,
and the lighting, representing administration of Justice.

I can show you 20 ancient PM's and prove how they are all related and
how they all represent the same thing, and they directly connect to
modern, SAE, GAE and others worldwide.

23rd March 2011, 12:20 PM
Why do you constantly lift up the hinterlands of Eastern Europe as some impermeable force to Judaism?

When in fact it is where the the "perfected" brand of it was bred into Royalty?

As if every fathomable angle from there hasn't been permeated through the root since the late 1700's.

Are you a royal Greek, Magnes?

23rd March 2011, 12:22 PM
I watched that Ring of Power video (all 3 or 4 hours of it zzz) one time long ago. It is chock full of half truths or flat our lies. Not worth the time, IMO.

Notice they go for key players in Western History.

90% of it can be true, by corrupting key history, key players, known history,
it does not matter what they say as true.

Apparently I am a Jew too, my name, lol, both FF on gim2 opened a thread on this,
attacking me, singling me out , and the Jew Santa on here called me a Jew as well
doing the same thing. He presents himself to this forum as a Jew and proves it.

It is interesting to see their team at play, lol, after all these years this is the best they can do.

I chose my name, my avatar, horse Ag ancient round, my location as a mountain, I did
not do it to counter Jews, it is from Greek Mythology, Hesiod, one of the first Western
books ever written, " magnes and makedon rejoicing in horses", old school hillbilly Greeks, lol.

Antonio on agora was doing this too, we are all Jooooos .

23rd March 2011, 12:33 PM
Well which is it?

Chock full of lies, or 90%?

23rd March 2011, 12:36 PM
Jews corrupt key history, you prey on peoples ignorance here.

I had not known I wasn't allowed into the Royal House of Magnes?

23rd March 2011, 02:19 PM
That is Grace Power's video, "The Ring of Power". When I watched it I thought it made some interesting points, especially about the Habiru secretly infiltrating the Egyptian Dynasty. However, I obviously can't verify if it is true or not, and of course, it fits right in with Magnes' theory about "It is important to corrupt classical western figures".

23rd March 2011, 02:37 PM

You are wrong about those photos...they are occultic. The pictures do not represent justice or anything noble. Both Apollo and Zeus are false Gods.


More on how these Jews operate, see my post on Plato and other related.

Corrupting Plato is key, I don't want to get into Greek Mythology but it is key here too.

Apollo, even Zeus, high Gods of the Dorians, of the Ptolemies.

The main idea that rules is JUSTICE, the light is Apollo's light.

Who here is German, Nordic, etc, ? , by corrupting this they also corrupt Indo European
key history and beliefs.

This is why they post shit on ancient societies, aliens, etc, "theosophist" do this, their MO.

Any ancient society that has legends and mythology of JUSTICE has to be an advanced society.

Who here knows Nordic Mythology ?

To those of you that think I am reaching , put me on the spot.

European man is unique in much of this thinking and to this day it still is.

Ancient and modern PM's are full of these images as well, all related.

They are not the images of Jews, they are the images of the West, Justice, Freedom, Light.
The Rays of Apollo are exactly that, nothing to do with Jew corruptions.

A PTOLEMY, RAYS OF APOLLO, what they are doing is portraying themselves as Just Rulers
associating themselves with doing Zues's work.

Another Ptolemy, portraying Aetos Dios, Gods Bird, Zues's Bird,
and the lighting, representing administration of Justice.

I can show you 20 ancient PM's and prove how they are all related and
how they all represent the same thing, and they directly connect to
modern, SAE, GAE and others worldwide.

23rd March 2011, 03:33 PM

You are wrong about those photos...they are occultic. The pictures do not represent justice or anything noble. Both Apollo and Zeus are false Gods.


Non Abrahamic blasphemy! Apollo, Zeus and Gore invented the internet! ;D


It is fascinating to follow the historic evolution of the cosmic thunderbolt, as the divine weapon of the gods passed into the sword, spear, arrow, or club of the most famous heroes of later times. Of course mythologists will not normally think of the arrow of Apollo, the sword of Perseus, or the club of Heracles as electric in nature. One reason for this is that, as the early gods of the thunderbolt evolved over the centuries, the chroniclers gradually reduced them to human dimensions. A celestial warrior bearing the thunderbolt in battle later lost his cosmic attributes to become a great man, the best of heroes, the esteemed ancestor of the tribe or nation telling the story.

In such cases the original identity of the magical weapon had already slipped into the background, though only rarely could it be hidden entirely. Often, what we get is just a shadow of the cosmic missile so vividly described in early Near Eastern narratives of primeval order and chaos.


23rd March 2011, 04:12 PM

You are wrong about those photos...they are occultic.

It is the Occult that has corrupted these wholesome images. You are wrong dys.

Pagan does not equal evil nor occultic. Have a look at my links I gave, lots of related information.

Regardless they are Greek, not Jewish, from Greek Mythology.

Don't worry I don't pray to them, but these mythological figures shaped our world for the positive.

Much of these ideas and images that represented them are Western and even pro Christian.

It is the Hellenistic Kingdoms that laid the groundwork for Christianity, scholars say that, not me.

This is why the OP targets key history and people, they were Jews, lol, more like their greatest enemies.

This reads like Zeitgeist and other posts , same MO, that is why I mentioned them.

Greek Mythology ? It is just stories for the most part where
the universe is explained in legend, myth, I doubt it was believed as gospel,
basically all the Gods are forces of nature, the high Gods that are prominent
play out in society and everything that society was, Plato was a part of that
society, it is Western, the 4 first Western books written are Homer and Hesiod,
The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Theogony, The Works and Days, the Iliad is described
as the " cornerstone of the Western World " by Scholars, Historians, Profs, etc.

Everything I posted above is not my opinion but an overview of what scholars say.

I don't claim to know history or be an expert, but some things are my specialty,
Classical History, Greek Mythology, key ones, The Macedonian State, The Hellenistic
Kingdoms, I am a student of NGL Hammond, THE KEY historian on all of this,
there is no second place.

Zues is known as the Justice Giver and is a positive God for the Greeks building everything they did.

Athena is a Justice Giver too, portrayed as such, representative of Zues.

Justice, Freedom, Good Order, Peace, all recognized by the Greeks as related, forces of nature,
and mutually inclusive. This is a key thing to understand. Victory is a related goddess, a Justice Giver herself, Law Order and Good Government is literally from Greek Mythology, Custom and Tradition the
basis of law is literally from Greek Mythology. These are the beliefs of the Greeks, these beliefs led to the building of Republics, Constitutions, Law, Courts, transparency, open systems, education, advancement.

The Hippocratic Oath was given in the name of Apollo, you shall do good or else be smited with plague. lol

Those are the Rays of Apollo, and what they represent. There are related images as well.

On the OP, it is loon history to suggest Cleopatra as a Jew and the Ptolemies were Jews.
Cleopatra was 100% Greek and Dorian and she died being the last of her line. Her family
ended there. To suggest that Jesus is their descendant is total lunacy too. One big lie
upon another big lie, and there is an MO being played out here like before, which is why
I won't be as quiet, it is an understatement to say these theories are total trash, they
are totally anti Western.

Dys, you want to take on my version of history given, most of it is not my ideas,
I know this area, I can give you sources and leads and connect the dots, I have already
tried to do that above with the links I gave too, don't be afraid to put me on the spot.
I have tried to do that here. What is on PM's is not occultic, but it has changed towards that,
the War Bird of Justice is offering you Peace or War and they change that image in recent times,
total corruption, theft. Corruption of good ideas. 13 33 crap usual suspects.

Is this "occultic" , no, it is pagan and based on something,
and positive and is not counter to Christian society.


Once upon a time I sat in Class, Freedom in the Making, and a prof describing himself as
" A crazy kelt " was rambling about " the heroic age " , freedom, mythology, law, and I thought
to myself , is this guy nutz, ? , it was an intro course and elective for me, what he stated also
I learned in a Law class, but they misled us, it is Roman, turns out he ain't so nutz, classical
ideas built the Western World, it evolved of course, even the FF rip off Hesiod word for word
on freedom.

And all of this is related to the OP being so wrong.

If it was not for the Ptolemies as well there would be no OT as we know it,
and it was written in Greek, 300 BC, the original books, they were big on
recording others histories, so they commissioned it, 6 people times 12 tribes
came together in a committee to write it, they came from all over, and they
wrote it in Greek.

And the Ptolemies were hillbillys, literally, lol, " maketai from maketia ", literally, " highlanders from the highlands" , not only do we know they are Greek, but Dorian, and we also know their specific dialect,
NWGreek Doric, one of the oldest Greek dialects.

NGL Hammond, a real historian with real sources, the authority.
Have a look at the titles he wrote, good luck getting some of his books, impossible,
libraries fight for them, he was also SOE in Greece as a young man, he told the future
on what the commies were going to do, the hillbillys inspired him, " who are these people ".

NGL Hammond told archaeologists where to dig and was right, that is how significant he is.

23rd March 2011, 04:23 PM

You are wrong about those photos...they are occultic. The pictures do not represent justice or anything noble. Both Apollo and Zeus are false Gods.


Dys & Magnes:

From the Pauline (Christian) perspective in Acts 17, Paul was concerned about people worshiping the Greek gods.

Pasted here for convenience:

In Athens

16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. 18 A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate with him. Some of them asked, “What is this babbler trying to say?” Others remarked, “He seems to be advocating foreign gods.” They said this because Paul was preaching the good news about Jesus and the resurrection. 19 Then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus, where they said to him, “May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? 20 You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean.” 21 (All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.)
22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’[a] As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[b]

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”

32 When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.” 33 At that, Paul left the Council. 34 Some of the people became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, also a woman named Damaris, and a number of others.

23rd March 2011, 05:05 PM
On the OP, it is loon history to suggest Cleopatra as a Jew and the Ptolemies were Jews.
Cleopatra was 100% Greek and Dorian and she died being the last of her line. Her family
ended there. To suggest that Jesus is their descendant is total lunacy too. One big lie
upon another big lie, and there is an MO being played out here like before, which is why
I won't be as quiet, it is an understatement to say these theories are total trash, they
are totally anti Western.

Middle to Eastern European lies & lunacy, would be closer to the truth.


23rd March 2011, 05:45 PM
Pagan does not equal evil nor occultic.

Pagan most certainly does equal both occult and evil.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3

It is the Hellenistic Kingdoms that laid the groundwork for Christianity...
Jesus Christ laid the groundwork for Christianity along with Paul.

Greek Mythology ? It is just stories for the most part where
the universe is explained in legend, myth, I doubt it was believed as gospel...
"There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."
Genesis 6:4

I can source the fact that Apollo, Zeus, and Athena are false Gods, too if you want. They are known by many names and though they might claim to represent good things, they represent only the enemy.


23rd March 2011, 06:18 PM
Pagan does not equal evil nor occultic.

Pagan most certainly does equal both occult and evil.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3

First of all we are commenting on history, you turned this into a religious discussion.

The Ancient Greeks should all be stoned, lol, there would be no OT, though,
you can quote that cause of the evil Ptolemies. Irony.

I am no fan of the OT either.

It is interesting some of the main characters in " new age " thought modern occult don't
like the original books of the OT either.

Dys, it is easy to understand Greek Myth, it is just forces of nature to them,
nothing more nothing less, Zues brings rains, Apollo the Sun, they worship
and are grateful for life , their food, their birth, nothing evil about the beliefs.

It is interesting how you have nothing to say here. And on my other links. A lot of it is sourced.

Very pro Christian too.


Full of links and related information with real sources, I verify EM's claim.
Eustace Mullins: NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/eustace-mullins-new-history-of-the-jews/)

Believe it or not this too is directly related, directly. Goldissma called Charles the Great a mason, lol,
one of the greatest enemies of their kind, Charles the Great does the same thing the Irish do here,
along with the Byzantines, I also give University level podcast titles you can find on your own.
HOW THE IRISH SAVED CIVILIZATION (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/how-the-irish-saved-civization/)

The Western World has forefathers, they are your forefathers whether you like it or not.

We are here cause of them.

Try reading this thread and see how it played out, you don't out them, nor do you
explain what they corrupt, and why, I attempt to. You even take shots at Plato
yourself who himself talked about one God. Posting about history isn't worship.

They ain't just after Christianity and Christians.

More on how these Jews operate, see my post on Plato and other related.

24th March 2011, 11:52 AM
Amen - "The hidden one"

You may disagree with the postulations of the video, but at this point I think it is impossible to deny that there is a cult of Amen worshippers surviving today. Perhaps we should expand the discussion to include that. I have some good sources on the abandonment of RA worship which was replaced with Amen worship in Ancient Egyptian society.

I'll even post some sources from the Old Test AMEN t

24th March 2011, 12:14 PM
Amen's etymological roots come from Hebrew. It meant "truthfully". or something like "we agree".

How can you claim abandonment of Ra worship when Amun-Ra is the same entity?

The word testament has nothing to Ra.

Testament (english), Latin translation testamentum, from the original latin word testor.

24th March 2011, 12:17 PM
^^ this is a great example of the bollocks that video passes off as wisdom. Similarly, one of the clips, IIRC, they use the nation Macedonia as proof the tribe of Dan moved over Europe, as the word "don" is in the name and sounds close to dan.

Folks, start studying Latin and ancient Greek and you will realize how off base so much of this new age nonsense is and that it is just another part of the corruption of history.

24th March 2011, 12:28 PM
Amen's etymological roots come from Hebrew. It meant "truthfully". or something like "we agree".

How can you claim abandonment of Ra worship when Amun-Ra is the same entity?

The word testament has nothing to Ra.

Testament (english), Latin translation testamentum, from the original latin word testor.

I can't speak to knowledge of Hebrew, but I am willing to accept that etymology. However, RA and Amen were not always regarded as the same entity. This is a morph which happens over time - at earlier points they were seperate dieties. I'm not home right now, I don't have my source books.

Granted, yes, the video does contain some specious reasoning...I don't think it's 100% wrong. The section on the Crown and the Queen's legal powers is pretty accurate insofar as I can tell..

24th March 2011, 12:38 PM
It's been a long time since I saw those videos, but I think they are mostly true and I also think that most of what Magnes posts is true as well. Many times one finds something is true then assumes that everything else is wrong based on that, even if they aren't necessarily in opposition. I don't think its Greeks vs Egyptians vs Jews, I think there is both a complex genetic landscape as well as a complex conscious landscape. I think genetically there are large differences and possible differences in origins. Consciously, I think different groups have had access to different keys to truth and a one point understood something hidden, maybe similar, maybe different. I think over thousands of years this conscious awareness can shift to different parts of the world. I don't think anyone here truly understand the essence or purpose of what others have known in the past, so it is difficult to say two bodies of knowledge generated in the past are both different and conflicting.

25th March 2011, 01:54 PM
^^ this is a great example of the bollocks that video passes off as wisdom. Similarly, one of the clips, IIRC, they use the nation Macedonia as proof the tribe of Dan moved over Europe, as the word "don" is in the name and sounds close to dan.

Folks, start studying Latin and ancient Greek and you will realize how off base so much of this new age nonsense is and that it is just another part of the corruption of history.

I find Danish history somewhat a scuttle buttery of ins & out of the dykes.


Tribe of Dan descendants that made their way to Western Europe.

"Dan was the fifth son of Jacob and his mother was Bilhah the handmaid of Rachel.

Rachel was very envious that her sister Leah had given Jacob four sons. Rachel told her husband to give her children or else she would die. Jacob was angry with Rachel, his favorite wife. Rachel gave her handmaid, Bilhah, to Jacob as his wife. Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son. Rachel said, “God has judged me, and has also heard my voice, and has given me a son: therefore she called his name Dan.”(Genesis 30:1-6).

“Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. 17. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.” (Genesis 49:16-17).

Dan is missing from the list of Tribes in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 7:5-8).

The prophet Jeremiah references the serpents that shall bite, and the snorting horses heard from Dan. 16 “The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein.17. For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD.” (Jeremiah 8:16-17).

In the first book of the Bible, we see how Dan comes about and we see the references made to him and the symbols that will be associated with him, his people and his tribe.

But in the last book of the Bible, he is found missing from the Book of Life and those who will be saved; and it should come as no surprise as to why?

The symbol that the Bible associates with him is that of a serpent. If we recall correctly, the devil is associated with this symbol in the book of Genesis and in the Gospel accounts, Jesus also makes reference to the "brood of serpents," that were the judgemental Jews who He described as having Satan as their father. Notice also how he was the fifth son, and how important the Penta/#5 is to the Illuminati. (Pentagon, Pentagrams, Penta=5).

In the book of the prophet Jeremiah, we see how the prophet warns the future generations of this coming war that will be brought upon by Dan and or his followers/descendants.

The following information clearly points to who the modern nations and the modern descendents from this tribe are. They are none other than the Illuminati/Freemason nations of the world.

As we stand on the precipice of this major nuclear conflict, let us be reassured as Christians that the Bible has clearly pointed out who these serpents are, how they will bring war, and how they will be damned and not saved.
Along with being the nations where Freemasonry and the secret societies first began to flourish, they are also the nations where Protestant/Evangelical/Pentacostal movements first began as well and broke away from the Catholic Church.

Today's modern day Evangelical/Pentacostal movement have introduced many end times heresies that have swayed many living in these modern nations today.

Is it any wonder why this tribe and their descendents are not found in the Book of Life in the final book of Revelation??? Also, is it any wonder why many of these modern nations where the descendents from the tribe of Dan first settled are today some of the most athiestic, immoral countries in the world?

[Tribe of Dan=Modern NWO/Illuminati Nations.]

In Biblical Times the Tribe of Dan had been divided into three (or more) different sections. One section had been in the northern Galilee (Joshua 19; 42) and neighbored Gad. Later part of this section moved with other Israelites to Scythia. The Damnae in Serica (east of Scythia), were also called "Dingling" and were linked to the "DANGALAI" whose name means "DAN-OF-GALILEE". They had been neighbors of the Goths (from Gad) of Gadrosia in Ancient Eastern Iran. The DAMNAE of Scythian Serica were named similarly to the DAMNONII of Scotland (who lived besides the northern River DON of Scotland) and the DAMNONES of DANNONIA which was the name given to Devon and Cornwall. DANNONIA in Britain was named after the Tribe of DAN. The Tribe of Dan was recalled in the Children of DON in Welsh legend and the Tribe of DANA ("Tuatha de Danaan:) who came to the British Isles (according to Irish tradition) from the Land of Israel via Greece and Scandinavia. The area Damnonia in southern Britain as well as being alternatively called Dannonia was also known as "Defenia". The name "DEFENIA" is similar to that of DAPHNIA which was the former place of DAN in the Galilee in the Land of Northern Israel. "Daphne" (i.e. "Defenia") is also a name associated by the Talmud with the Lost Ten Tribes.

In Scotland the Damnonii (of Dan) adjoined the Gadeni probably of Gad. Somewhat to the south (in Northern England) according to Ptolemy was the city of Danum which area was later to be occupied by Danes from Denmark. In this case we see the possibility of a group of Celtic culture descended from Dan who gave their name to the city of Danum being followed by Scandinavians who were also descended from Dan and settling in the same area. We have come across similar phenomenon several times in this study.

Danes from Dan were recorded together with the Naphtali in Scythia. From Scythia the Danes (moving via Sweden) conquered Denmark. The Danes and the Norwegians formed the Vikings who invaded England. The Danes settled in the northeast of England and the Norwegians in the northwest. They also conquered and settled in Ireland and in parts of Scotland.
