View Full Version : 1 in 6 in the US is now a Latino........

25th March 2011, 10:13 AM
1 in 6 US resident is Hispanic........point to a state and it will give you the facts about your own state, in Oregon is of 12+%


Wil we have a Latino president born in Tijuana in ten years?........why not? we already have a foreing born president.

po boy
25th March 2011, 10:19 AM
Hopefully they don't share your affinity for hoarding tp ;D

25th March 2011, 10:28 AM
But I do hope for silver........ :oo-->

po boy
25th March 2011, 10:46 AM
Someone was sharing a story of their visit to Mexico and when they were at a market the female vendor had much more interest in his silver than FRN.

Got to be a good sign!

When I was working in construction it wasn't the Hispanics who were screwing the industry it was greedy ass contractors,Realtors and bankers. :'(
I had more values in common with the Hispanics than the Americans on most job sites they were more respectful and didn't steal my tools.

Most I met just wanted to do an honest days work for honest pay.

25th March 2011, 11:06 AM
I find it funny the overall # in Puerto Rico went down

25th March 2011, 11:08 AM
In CA I would check out the trash bin, after everyone lef for the day, and I would find stuff that they would place in it in order to come back that night and take away.

Same thing when I moved to OR, after I told the day workers to go home I check out my trash cans and at the bottom of them found many "goodies" that they wanted........also checked out the bushes around my home and found a couple of items..........you are lucky to live where you are at po boy.

po boy
25th March 2011, 11:14 AM
Lucky and maybe naive as well.