View Full Version : Do Illegal Mexicans get special treatment in your city or town?

26th March 2011, 08:29 AM
Portland Oregon really handles Illegal Mexicans with kid gloves. They have these things called "Food Carts" but they are really old greasy dirty old vans and travel trailers that Illegal Mexicans have been infesting Portland with. I did not think they would last long being dirty as hell and not up to code but no they seemed to just keep multiplying. Now they have a whole city block allocated for them in a city that desperately needs parking.

Recently some one pointed out that the Illegal Mexicans were turning their supposed "mobile" food carts into permanent structures by adding Awnings, Decks and Dinning rooms to their Trailers and Vans. It looked like the worst kind of third world work and was totally against code. When they took it to the city council all they did was issue a warning and give them plenty of time to fix it.

If this were not Illegal Mexicans and anyone else the city of Portland would have jumped on them with both feet. The Greek Cusina recently went out of business because he could not longer keep up with the petty complaints an fines issued by the city council over so called code violations.

Here is a link to the story.


so the illegal mexicans are literally and figuratively getting away with murder now. I guess they feel they can't loose the worse that could happen is being deported. Oh ya and the Awesome Gay Mayor :oo--> has announced that Portland is a sanctuary city for any illegals that feel persecuted in other cities and states and that they should have no fear of this in Portland.

So are Mexicans treated like royalty in your City too???

26th March 2011, 09:09 AM
..true story; we were delivering a box of food to the local foodbank, when a brand new escalade pulls up.
A bunch of mexies piles out ,decked with gold jewelry and carrying the latest i phones etc...proceeded to
fill the back of their caddy with food while laughing! the only discernable word were fvkin gringos...el stupidos hahahaa"
ill never give a dime again, ill let it rot.

26th March 2011, 09:10 AM
It's not only the city but the employers and the media.

My old foreman's wife works at a fitness equipment manufacturer, she has several times seen one of the bosses post on the break room board a notice in Spanish that simply says "Immigration Inspection Tomorrow"
The next day all the American workers have to work harder to cover for the 25% that don't show up.

Another shop up the road from me that make airplane parts got busted by immigration, they hauled 35 Illegals off, the following week they made another visit and hauled 17 off.
When the local tv news did a story on it the whole spin was how tragic it was for the families to be split up, not one mention about how the employer continues to hire illegals and get away with it.

26th March 2011, 09:25 AM
People's Republic of Portland is a real hoot on this stuff. Those "food carts" are all over. Every fourth building on Broadway has a "for lease" sign somewhere, and the sodomite in charge is proclaiming it an open city for more "diversity" to swell the welfare numbers. Doing delivery of airport luggage has allowed me to learn a few words of at least 4 languages. Won't eat at any of them, just disease waiting to happen.

26th March 2011, 12:13 PM

i spent 4 years living next to a guy that ran a landscape business that hired mostly illegal immigrants. he was Mexican himself. gave me a huge amount of insight.

i had always been a defender of Hispanic people in general because i've seen how hard they work, e.g. picking crops. bust-your-ass-all-day-in-the-hot-sun-hard.

however, my experience with that neighbor left me feeling anti-Mexican - which is a very bad feeling. i do not like having racist feelings.

one of our bravest members, Ponce, speaks Spanish i think as his first language. i have to remind myself frequently that not all Hispanic folks are like that particular neighbor that i had.

26th March 2011, 01:15 PM
Foreign nationals ARE OF A HIGHER LEGAL STATUS than US citizens.

This is not my opinion, this is a matter of law.

US citizens are created/controlled by Congress.

Foreign nationals are NOT.

You don't have to be from somewhere other than the several States to be a foreign national...

A Kentuckian is foreign to the "UNITED STATES" (District of Columbia).

US citizenship is a fucking con. Our (state) nationality has been subverted.

po boy
26th March 2011, 04:50 PM
420, in the US is says provide for the general welfare is this how they receive free health care and why citizens have to pay for theirs?

It seems sometimes they are more up on our law than the citizens.

26th March 2011, 05:29 PM
420, in the US is says provide for the general welfare is this how they receive free health care and why citizens have to pay for theirs?

It seems sometimes they are more up on our law than the citizens.

They receive medical care because the hospitals won't deny care to someone who needs it.

Of course, their bills are often "noncollectable" so the hospitals write them off. They do use a different system for "illegals" (foreign nationals) though. As I've mentioned on here before, once when I took my wife to the doctor they asked for her SSN, and I told them that one would not be provided. They told me it was mandatory. I asked them what they did for people without SSNs. They said "everyone has an SSN!". I asked them about patients without SSNs who didn't speak English... She seemed to "remember" and said that they had a "different system" for them. I told her that my wife could be a part of that "different system". She agreed.

They insist upon the SSN, and you have to stand your ground to get them to back down. They say it is for an "identifying number" for the patient, so the patient doesn't get mixed up with another of the same name... If it is just an arbitrary ID number, why not assign me or my wife "420"? Surely "420" is not taken because everyone else is forced to use SSNs! Anyway, I suspect there may be a bit more to it than just an arbitrary ID number... otherwise they would not insist upon having an SSN.

"Illegals" often seem to be invisible to gov't because the gov't doesn't have a NEXUS to them like they do with someone who has signed their (the gov't's) papers.

26th March 2011, 10:58 PM
Were you able to get her in the system with out using a SSN? If so all un-insured Americans should give it a try instead of paying the over inflated medical costs caused by the Illegals.

420, in the US is says provide for the general welfare is this how they receive free health care and why citizens have to pay for theirs?

It seems sometimes they are more up on our law than the citizens.

They receive medical care because the hospitals won't deny care to someone who needs it.

Of course, their bills are often "noncollectable" so the hospitals write them off. They do use a different system for "illegals" (foreign nationals) though. As I've mentioned on here before, once when I took my wife to the doctor they asked for her SSN, and I told them that one would not be provided. They told me it was mandatory. I asked them what they did for people without SSNs. They said "everyone has an SSN!". I asked them about patients without SSNs who didn't speak English... She seemed to "remember" and said that they had a "different system" for them. I told her that my wife could be a part of that "different system". She agreed.

They insist upon the SSN, and you have to stand your ground to get them to back down. They say it is for an "identifying number" for the patient, so the patient doesn't get mixed up with another of the same name... If it is just an arbitrary ID number, why not assign me or my wife "420"? Surely "420" is not taken because everyone else is forced to use SSNs! Anyway, I suspect there may be a bit more to it than just an arbitrary ID number... otherwise they would not insist upon having an SSN.

"Illegals" often seem to be invisible to gov't because the gov't doesn't have a NEXUS to them like they do with someone who has signed their (the gov't's) papers.

27th March 2011, 12:08 PM
Foreign nationals ARE OF A HIGHER LEGAL STATUS than US citizens.

This is not my opinion, this is a matter of law.

US citizens are created/controlled by Congress.

Foreign nationals are NOT.

You don't have to be from somewhere other than the several States to be a foreign national...

A Kentuckian is foreign to the "UNITED STATES" (District of Columbia).

US citizenship is a fucking con. Our (state) nationality has been subverted.
while i agree citizenship is overrated at best, there are NO constitution rights for illegal aliens.period.

27th March 2011, 05:02 PM
Yep, the nurse stopped asking for the SSN when it became clear that one would not be provided, and after we discussed the "special system" for "the others". She just dropped the SSN issue and we continued on our visit.

I did pay the bill afterward.

My wife and I just don't have SSNs. We used to *think* we did, but it turns out those numbers belonged to the Social Security Administration all along! We've never had a need for such numbers anyway (nor agreed to having such numbers in the first place), so fuck it. They aren't ours.

Were you able to get her in the system with out using a SSN? If so all un-insured Americans should give it a try instead of paying the over inflated medical costs caused by the Illegals.

420, in the US is says provide for the general welfare is this how they receive free health care and why citizens have to pay for theirs?

It seems sometimes they are more up on our law than the citizens.

They receive medical care because the hospitals won't deny care to someone who needs it.

Of course, their bills are often "noncollectable" so the hospitals write them off. They do use a different system for "illegals" (foreign nationals) though. As I've mentioned on here before, once when I took my wife to the doctor they asked for her SSN, and I told them that one would not be provided. They told me it was mandatory. I asked them what they did for people without SSNs. They said "everyone has an SSN!". I asked them about patients without SSNs who didn't speak English... She seemed to "remember" and said that they had a "different system" for them. I told her that my wife could be a part of that "different system". She agreed.

They insist upon the SSN, and you have to stand your ground to get them to back down. They say it is for an "identifying number" for the patient, so the patient doesn't get mixed up with another of the same name... If it is just an arbitrary ID number, why not assign me or my wife "420"? Surely "420" is not taken because everyone else is forced to use SSNs! Anyway, I suspect there may be a bit more to it than just an arbitrary ID number... otherwise they would not insist upon having an SSN.

"Illegals" often seem to be invisible to gov't because the gov't doesn't have a NEXUS to them like they do with someone who has signed their (the gov't's) papers.