View Full Version : home remedies thread---

26th March 2011, 11:00 AM
i want to start a thread where we can compile all the little solutions to life's little problems. as times get harder and harder for people, i think it would be a good idea to have a collection of alternative methods to do things around the house, and to improve our health, etc...

please contribute, we all know a few of these things....

I'll start it off......

to remove permanent marker from a dry erase board:

--take a paper towel, dampen it, and dip it in cigarette ashes, then firmly rub the area. the ashes act as a mild abrasive, and readily removes permanent marker ink. (works on other hard surfaces too, test in an inconspicuous area first)

short term relief from poison ivy/oak:

--rinse the affected area under hot water for about a minute. the water should be as hot as you can stand without burning yourself. your brain shuts down the pain receptors and the itch goes away. this lasts for about 20 minutes or so.

keeping the oil system in your engine clean:

--when you change your oil, add some transmission fluid to it. for example, if your oil reservoir takes say 4 1/2 liters to fill, add 4 1/4 liters of oil, and 1/4 liter of transmission fluid. the fluid is essentially 5 weight oil and detergents, and has an excellent cleaning effect, rinsing sludge and deposits into the oil pan where they can be removed from the system, rather than building up. i first tried this when i owned an '89 cherokee, after about 2 oil changes, i bought some new valve cover gaskets for it and was amazed how clean the inside of the covers were! they looked almost brand new! everything else under the covers was also very clean for a vehicle that had over 220,000km.

......ok, someone else's turn...let's see your best hints, tips, etc....

26th March 2011, 12:40 PM
when you go to a foreign country, e.g Mexico, BUY ANTIBIOTICS - from a reputable drugstore, within date code, etc.

then if you cut yourself really bad, you can actually use duct tape and clean rags to patch things up - if it's a clean cut.

the antibiotics are to help in case you get an infection - or just to take at the time of an accident, to prevent an infection.

i experimented with this technique myself in 2006. cut my toe nearly off my foot by stubbing my foot on a stainless steel solar panel reflector. i was house-cleaning, it was in the hallway, i was tired, i got out of the bath to walk into the living room - and BAM !

the clean, razor sharp edge of the reflector cut about 5/8 of an inch into the tissue between my pinkie toe and my main toe. if i had gone to the emergency room, at least $1K, probably a lot more.

i bandaged it, took penicillin the next day, saw a doctor 2 days later to make sure it wasn't infected, got a pair of crutches, and didn't use that foot for about 6 weeks. it healed up good and i still have feeling & motion in that toe.

26th March 2011, 03:30 PM
I've read many books on the subject, and I have to say, that this one is the best of the bunch:

natural remedies encyclopedia

26th March 2011, 09:46 PM
I've always had great luck stopping an ear infection in it's tracks with a drop of Tea Tree oil.

27th March 2011, 01:58 AM
Will post what I think is the best health product that a person can consume for health.

The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc.

How is Lauric Acid Used by our body?
The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia. As a result of these various health benefits of coconut oil, though its exact mechanism of action was unknown, it has been extensively used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system. The Coconut Research Center has compiled various references on scientific research done on coconut oil.

this site is interesting

27th March 2011, 08:28 AM
Supplement Iodine,
learn how to make your own colliodal/ionic silver,
take vit D or get out in the sun,
know that mental stress is unproductive and detrimental to health, learn to quiet your mind.
Eat well, avoid sugar and processed foods.

That will cover most common health issues.

Valerian works wonderfully for sleep issues, as does melatonin.

Hot water for poison ivy is great. I have a nasty case of it now, and I use a dropper with very hot water to drip right on the spots, the heat causes cells to release their store of histamine, once the histamine is depleted the itch stops, usually for 8-10 hours.
If you can find jewelweed, a poultice of stems and leaves takes care of poison ivy in short order.

Ginger is great for nausea and can short circuit a migraine if taken early on.
Cayenne is good for a headache, as is peppermint oil on the temples.

Got a back issue? Read about Dr. Sarno, and if that does not help get an inversion table.

Experiment! Some things work for one person but not another, so try things out, finding what works for you can take some time and effort, but once you figure out the right formula it is GOLD. Learning to heal yourself is a very fulfilling activity and an extremely valuable skill.

27th March 2011, 01:22 PM
Home Based Protocols - Nobody gets rich but you:

-Oil Pulling provides the best health boost I know. It completely cured my asthma in one year. My problem was one of bodily elimination, and I was misdiagnosed as an asthmatic and mismedicated with adrenal steroids for most of my life. Because of oil pulling, I was coughing up to 1/4 cup of mucus per day from my lungs for most of that year. It was very productive, and to me this discomfort was worth it. After the expulsion of mucus I was cured. The detox started slow and was a gentle most of the time. After this I was able to quit all synthetic medications. This is just one of many conditions that oil pulling directly helps.

-Quit all the synthetic medications you can. Western medicine is excellent in trauma oriented cases, but does not have sufficient protocols for the every-human to keep themselves healthy. It can only help you once you become sick. Many medications which are given as preventatives will mask the symptoms so that the individual's root cause worses over time and requires more serious, more costly treatments.

-Herbal based vitamins instead of rock based vitamins. Every time I tell someone about supplementing this or that vitamin, their response is always the same: My multi-vitamin has that in it already. I personally don't think multi-vitamins do jack squat and I have avoided them my entire life - my body just signals that they're unhealthy. I always feel worse after taking one. Most multi-vitamins are difficult or impossible to absorb for two two reasons. 1) Being that some vitamins cannot be ingested simultaneously, example: Calcium & Magnesium. 2) Non-Bioavailability. If your multi-vitamin is made from Coral Calcium, then yes this is technically a type of Calcium, but you cannot digest it. In fact, no animal on earth eats Coral. We are literally the first from anywhere in human history to eat coral, and we call it "healthy" but you're basically eating an indigestible rock. Only plants can use rock-minerals as sustenance. Plants are the gateway that turn rock minerals into bioavailable minerals for humans. If you want to feel great all the time, look into getting 100% of your mineral content from "Green Superfoods". The human body doesn't even need very many calories except in cases of extreme stress or extreme work. If you are nourished minerally, most of the time having a negative or positive caloric value doesn't even matter all that much. Most people are extremely deficient in several of the more rare minerals.

-Chlorella and Spirulina. Okay these two may not be for everybody, but they are beautiful to me. Spirulina is very healthy, having 10x more chlorophyll in it than does wheat grass. Spirulina has 300% more protein per ounce than does beef. Spirulina has an impressive array of a lot of rare minerals, and they are highly bioavailable. Chlorella is a type of blue-green algae and is great if you get the kind with the broken cell wall. Chlorella causes massive heavy metal detox and is the goto supplement for anyone experiencing mercury poisoning. Even if you don't think you suffer from this, it will give your body a big tune-up. Good natural source of iodine, iron.

-Hemp seeds. Taste earthy & nutty. Have a lot of protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids. My hair is thicker since I started eating these. I have 1-2 shakes per day of powdered hemp seeds, chlorella, and spirulina. These three plants make up a significant portion of my daily diet. These shakes are very nutritious meals, the taste notwithstanding.

-Colloidal silver. You can set up a perpetual CS machine for very little time and money. The best application I feel is through a mister-spray bottle. CS kills viruii, fungus, and microbes in about six minutes.

-Iodine foot painting. The best method I have found for iodine supplementation is topical painting. Paint your skin with iodine and if it disappears in less than 24 hours, then your body has absorbed it all and is signaling that you are iodine deficient. Iodine is necessary for life - but almost everyone is iodine deficient. Most are so deficient than their thyroids have become used to recycling the same iodine over and over. Iodine supplementation can cause fluoride detox.

-Regular exercise. I use a rowing machine, which delivers a powerful full body workout and acts as cardio at the same time. I also use a bench with free weights, which gives me a chance to isolate any areas I want to improve, and to work on stabilizer muscles. I practice yoga for about 60 minutes each morning, by myself. My yoga practice has brought me a lot of peace and joy. If I had to describe how it physically makes me feel, it feels sort of like a massage and a workout at the same time. My muscles are tired but not fatigued, and my body is more flexible and far less prone to injury. When I feel as though a muscle might go out, I don't ignore it, I do yoga and try to fix it. Yoga has permanently fixed a lot of my misalignment and interior pain issues. In many cases, I didn't realize just how much pain I was in, or just how much my body was compensating, until I started yoga. My body-mind awareness has shot up dramatically since then. I work out at home to save time. I belong to a Kung Fu San Soo school that I try to attend as many times per week as possible.

Periodic Fasting. Some people need this and others don't.

Internal Flushes. Gallbladder flush. Liver Flush. Kidney Flush. Intestinal flush. Yes, your body can be cleaned.

27th March 2011, 05:11 PM
Home Based Protocols - Nobody gets rich but you:

-Oil Pulling provides the best health boost I know. It completely cured my asthma in one year. My problem was one of bodily elimination, and I was misdiagnosed as an asthmatic and mismedicated with adrenal steroids for most of my life. Because of oil pulling, I was coughing up to 1/4 cup of mucus per day from my lungs for most of that year. It was very productive, and to me this discomfort was worth it. After the expulsion of mucus I was cured. The detox started slow and was a gentle most of the time. After this I was able to quit all synthetic medications. This is just one of many conditions that oil pulling directly helps.


I have been wondering about oil pulling...

Partially because of this catchy little Indian commercial:


I've got some sunflower oil here around the house... do you have anything specific you recommend?

27th March 2011, 05:23 PM
Hemp seeds. Taste earthy & nutty. Have a lot of protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids. My hair is thicker since I started eating these. I have 1-2 shakes per day of powdered hemp seeds, chlorella, and spirulina. These three plants make up a significant portion of my daily diet. These shakes are very nutritious meals, the taste notwithstanding.

My nutritionist made some hemp seed granola that was nearly all hemp seed. It was awesome.

How do you make the shakes? How many parts of each? With juice? Thanks!

27th March 2011, 05:30 PM
to avoid food poisoning i gave up mayonnaise completely.

i got food poisoning twice in 2002, once from some bad egg salad, i think.

i thought i was going to die. i even told my Republican sister-in-law that i loved her. i was delirious.

27th March 2011, 05:54 PM
to avoid food poisoning i gave up mayonnaise completely.

i got food poisoning twice in 2002, once from some bad egg salad, i think.

i thought i was going to die. i even told my Republican sister-in-law that i loved her. i was delirious.

i had food poisoning from mayo as well, about 12 years ago. i thought i was dead for sure. worst sickness ever in my life. EVER. i have avoided it completely ever since.

27th March 2011, 08:05 PM
Home Based Protocols - Nobody gets rich but you:

-Oil Pulling provides the best health boost I know. It completely cured my asthma in one year. My problem was one of bodily elimination, and I was misdiagnosed as an asthmatic and mismedicated with adrenal steroids for most of my life. Because of oil pulling, I was coughing up to 1/4 cup of mucus per day from my lungs for most of that year. It was very productive, and to me this discomfort was worth it. After the expulsion of mucus I was cured. The detox started slow and was a gentle most of the time. After this I was able to quit all synthetic medications. This is just one of many conditions that oil pulling directly helps.


I have been wondering about oil pulling...

Partially because of this catchy little Indian commercial:


I've got some sunflower oil here around the house... do you have anything specific you recommend?

That's the commercial that got me, too. It shows exactly how oil pulling is done. 1. Hold oil in mouth. 2. Swish for 5-20 minutes. 3. Spit & Brush teeth. Traditional ayurvedics recommend Sunflower and Sesame oils as working best. After a while, I started using and had success with walnut, apricot, and coconut oils as well. Don't use rape seed or olive oil. I mean you can, but people find that those last two are not very effective. The oil will be clear going in, but will come out a much different color. It is literally leeching toxins out of you. That's why you spit it. The commercial was also nice to show the girl doing the protocol for a whole week, just to start. My effects started about a month in, not the first day.

Hemp seeds. Taste earthy & nutty. Have a lot of protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids. My hair is thicker since I started eating these. I have 1-2 shakes per day of powdered hemp seeds, chlorella, and spirulina. These three plants make up a significant portion of my daily diet. These shakes are very nutritious meals, the taste notwithstanding.

My nutritionist made some hemp seed granola that was nearly all hemp seed. It was awesome.

How do you make the shakes? How many parts of each? With juice? Thanks!

I just use water, and 4 tablespoons ground hemp, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1-2 teaspoons chlorella. Makes a quick snack. Has 23grams of protein, 7 grams fiber, and a huge vitamin, mineral, and EFA profile. I sometimes mix in a few jiggers of juice, or anything creamy like natural whey is really nice. The taste does not bother me although nobody else that I've given it to has enjoyed the flavor. To me this is a medicine in some regards, as I am taking doses where I try to bring on heavy metal detox through the Chlorella supplementation. The taste does not matter to me as the nutritional profile is so astronomical. If you are a milk drinker then I suggest that as your number 1 mixing item.

28th March 2011, 06:57 PM
i'm sure alot of you know this one, but keep a tube of crazy glue in your tackle box and first aid kit. it bonds skin instantly, and will seal a cut nicely. the one in the tackle box is to glue your plastic baits to the hook to keep fish from stealing them, allowing for more caught fish...

28th March 2011, 08:43 PM
Best oral hygiene product I've found is hydrogen peroxide. Brush with it. Better then any mouthwash I've seen by a long shot.

29th March 2011, 08:36 AM
i had food poisoning from mayo as well, about 12 years ago. i thought i was dead for sure. worst sickness ever in my life. EVER. i have avoided it completely ever since.

asparagus & broccoli aren't the same without it.

29th March 2011, 08:38 AM
to remove permanent marker from a dry erase board:

--take a paper towel, dampen it, and dip it in cigarette ashes, then firmly rub the area. the ashes act as a mild abrasive, and readily removes permanent marker ink. (works on other hard surfaces too, test in an inconspicuous area first)
How about this one instead: Trace over the permanent marker with an actual dry erase marker then erase as usual. You may have to apply 2 or 3 times but it does work. Also, isopropyl alcohol removes sharpie marks like magic.

29th March 2011, 10:15 AM
At least once a week boil a pot of boiling ( I do mean BOILING) water and dump it down the drain in the kitchen, that will disolved the grease along the pipe......otherwise it will build up.

29th March 2011, 10:19 AM

i just KNEW you'd have at least one contribution, lol....keep 'em comin' !!

(i bet on this thread alone you could bust that "8000 post" mark!) ;D

29th March 2011, 05:28 PM
here's some more info on oil pulling.


i find this idea very interesting, think i might give this a go...

29th March 2011, 06:52 PM
Holy macro freespirit.........I never look up there so that I didn't know that I talked so much ahahahahah ........... I consider my words to be as pearls of wisdom falling from the sky ;D

30th March 2011, 06:26 PM
as posted in another thread by DMac....

Do you own Star Anise in your spice rack? If not, absolute must have.

Get some. Put about 6 whole pieces in about 6 cups of water, add 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric and boil it for around 10 minutes. I add a little fresh rosemary for flavor.

Pour in a cup and drink with some honey for sweetener.

Take 3-4 glasses of this tea a day and you will be better in 1-2 days from the onset of the flu.


If you have a sinus or bronchial infection going take 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in water with a hefty dose of Vitamin D (2000-4000 IU) and 4 drops of Oil Of Oregano. Repeat 2-3 times per day.


If you take the ACV, OoO and Vit D once or twice a week you won't get sick any more.

I used to get sick about once every month or 2. I have been very healthy for a year now that I've started these remedies.