View Full Version : OK, FOLKS... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

26th March 2011, 02:11 PM
Fellow Forumites,

Many apologies... I have failed you. This previous week was among the most stressful and consuming of my working career, I've had MAYBE 2 hours TOTAL to spend here on the forum... and that was typically a few dozen minutes before bed when I've been too exhausted to do much. My moderation of the site has suffered as a consequence.

I have a PM box FULL of complaints about the ongoing Book vs. Mamboni drama, MAGNES, and Santa complaints. I do not even have HALF the time it would take to go back through all the threads, figure out the origin of all this, and figure out who's wrong or who's right or who's WHATEVER.

This problem is starting to cause a major forum schism... inflaming tempers and sowing seeds of destruction here. It's time to act, and hopefully restore site civility.

As of now, I'm locking ALL threads dealing with Book's alleged homosexual pedofilia, Mamboni's alleged abortion doctoring, and all the other nonsense and BS around this little Hatfield vs. McCoy netfeud. You two are welcome to open Thunderdome thread(s) if you want to continue, but no further posts/personal attacks/continuations of this crap will continue in General Discussion or Forum Communications.

I welcome comments regarding this decision on this thread, but any more MAGNES link farms or veiled pictorial insults by Mamboni, Book, or Santa absolutely WILL be deleted or moved to TD.

It's good to be back... it's just too bad this is the first order of business I have to attend to! >:(

26th March 2011, 02:22 PM
Many apologies... I have failed you.

Yes you have. Please move those locked threads to BOARD COMMUNICATIONS where they belong.


26th March 2011, 02:29 PM
Many apologies... I have failed you.

Yes you have. Please move those locked threads to BOARD COMMUNICATIONS where they belong.


Way ahead of you, buddy... the "Where's Book" thread has been moved to Forum Communications, the other two are in the "Gentleman's Forum" - to remind us all of what "Gentlemen" we are around here! ;D

Rebel Yarr
26th March 2011, 02:33 PM
you people are nuckin futz - main reason I read these forums.

keep that crazy coming.

26th March 2011, 03:20 PM
you people are nuckin futz - main reason I read these forums.

keep that crazy coming.

We prep crazy.

I backed the truck up on it years ago.

26th March 2011, 03:46 PM
There are few things more juvenile and pathetic than complaining to a mod on a message forum. To anyone that complained (and I don't care who it is, friend or foe): stop acting like a 5 year old child and fight your own battles.


26th March 2011, 04:01 PM
I have a PM box FULL of complaints about the ongoing Book vs. Mamboni drama, MAGNES, and Santa complaints. I do not even have HALF the time it would take to go back through all the threads, figure out the origin of all this, and figure out who's wrong or who's right or who's WHATEVER.

This problem is starting to cause a major forum schism... inflaming tempers and sowing seeds of destruction here. It's time to act, and hopefully restore site civility.

As of now, I'm locking ALL threads dealing with Book's alleged homosexual pedofilia, Mamboni's alleged abortion doctoring, and all the other nonsense and BS around this little Hatfield vs. McCoy netfeud. You two are welcome to open Thunderdome thread(s) if you want to continue

how about renaming the Thunderdome "Shark Tank" ?

not that you don't have enough admin work without fielding dumb name-change suggestions.

WOW, i completely missed the feud. saw some of the threads but it didn't sink in.

anyway, now i understand why some of those threads were locked.

26th March 2011, 04:13 PM
Gaillo was away? WOWWWWWWWWWWW no wonder we were having so much fun ;D

By the way, the one about the Dr and abortion was a non problematic and rather a fun post, it should be back for those who haven't read it.

PS: I still DON'T KNOW what the fight or the problem was all about.......I guess that there is a difference between a shoo and a boo to some people.

26th March 2011, 05:21 PM
By the way, the one about the Dr and abortion was a non problematic and rather a fun post, it should be back for those who haven't read it.

It's still around, just not in General Discussion anymore. Time to broaden your horizons Ponce and visit the other areas of the forum. ;)


26th March 2011, 05:31 PM
OK Franks, I'll take a peek.

26th March 2011, 05:33 PM

26th March 2011, 06:37 PM
Hey Guard?.....Franks waesn't "whining" only giving me an advice.

26th March 2011, 06:41 PM
I will say the following sentence is the funniest thing (to my sick mind) I have ever read on this site.


But it's true! That's why it's so funny.

27th March 2011, 07:45 AM
Let everything go apeshit for a few weeks. It will be good practice run for what's coming...

haha j/k

Best thing to do with those complaint PM's is select-all-delete. ;)

27th March 2011, 09:54 AM

27th March 2011, 10:14 AM
Let everything go apeshit for a few weeks. It will be good practice run for what's coming...

haha j/k

Best thing to do with those complaint PM's is select-all-delete. ;)

Voted Best post, for last week March 2011.

mick silver
27th March 2011, 06:54 PM
dam i thought someone got killed

27th March 2011, 07:07 PM
Someone should.............but not me, of course.

27th March 2011, 07:15 PM
Not one dick stabbing this weekend. ???

27th March 2011, 08:22 PM


Mayor Bloomberg had worse things to say, " stop killing the the babies with your STD's ".
There was NY Post article on this I can't find, that's why they remove blogs that save
stories like that. I forgot to mention they drink wine and party down as well, dancing to
gaga most likely. Chanukah is directly related to all this as well, baby dick suckers,
so anytime anyone wishes you a " happy chanukah ", they fought for this right, lol .

28th March 2011, 11:00 AM
I can't remember who it was (Could it have been Cooper?), and I do NOT want them to do it again, but I remember a while ago, someone here posted a picture with a bunch of rabbis standing around a newborn,a nd one of them was sucking it off. Gross.
Satans spawn.

Anyways, please, don't post it again, but I just wanted to say that it is out there.

28th March 2011, 11:01 AM
Gaillo and Madfranks, you guys have a tough job here. I missed all the drama, but you guys are good and level headed. Keep up the good work.

I hate seeing people fight on this forum, because I really like just about every single person here.

28th March 2011, 11:08 AM
I can't remember who it was (Could it have been Cooper?), and I do NOT want them to do it again, but I remember a while ago, someone here posted a picture with a bunch of rabbis standing around a newborn,a nd one of them was sucking it off. Gross.
Satans spawn.

Anyways, please, don't post it again, but I just wanted to say that it is out there.

awoke's right plus there was a news story awhile back about a rabbi giving a bunch of newborns herpes from the practice. i'm sure it can be googled.

28th March 2011, 11:43 AM
I can't remember who it was (Could it have been Cooper?), and I do NOT want them to do it again, but I remember a while ago, someone here posted a picture with a bunch of rabbis standing around a newborn,a nd one of them was sucking it off. Gross.
Satans spawn.

Anyways, please, don't post it again, but I just wanted to say that it is out there.

awoke's right plus there was a news story awhile back about a rabbi giving a bunch of newborns herpes from the practice. i'm sure it can be googled.

Googled with ease ;)


28th March 2011, 03:23 PM
I suppose the time has come for a cease fire, but at least it looks like the Doc and Book have enough of a sense of humor left to bury the hatchet. Let's all move on boys.

I will say the following sentence is the funniest thing (to my sick mind) I have ever read on this site.


Link please.

No link, but I did a quick search, apparently there's a cup included in the kit for spitting out the blood from repeated sucking.

Mezizah: By this is meant the sucking of the blood from the wound. The mohel takes some wine in his mouth and applies his lips to the part involved in the operation, and exerts suction, after which he expels the mixture of wine and blood into a receptacle (see Fig. 4, below) provided for the purpose. This procedure is repeated several times, and completes the operation, except as to the control of the bleeding and the dressing of the wound.
