View Full Version : Which Variety of Hops would You Order ? Nugget, Cascade, Chinook ...

27th March 2011, 02:57 AM
Cascade ... High-yielding, floral American aroma type ... Alpha 5 to 8 %

Chinook ... Good yielding high alpha hop, moderate disease resistance ... Alpha 13 %

Galena ... High yielding Brewers Gold hybrid. Good storage. Some mildew problems ... Alpha 12%

Magnum ... German Hallertauer hybrid, very good yield potential, high alpha, good storage stability ... Alpha 12-17%

Mt. Hood ... Hallertauer triploid hybrid. Good yield, good vigor, half-sister to Ultra, Liberty & Crystal ... Alpha 4 to 6 %

Newport ... New alpha acid variety, good growth habit, good yield, disease resistant ... Alpha 9-17%

Nugget ... High-yielding, high alpha, vigorous disease resistance ... Alpha 12-17%

Perle ... Medium yielder with moderate, clean bittering qualities and refreshing, spicy aroma ... Alpha 7 to 8 %

Willamette Jumbo ... Moderate yielding, triploid hybrid of English Fuggle. Jumbo! ... Alpha 5 to 6 %

Zeus ... Super alpha, high yielding when mildew is controlled. Same as Columbus and Tomahawk ... Alpha 14 to 15 %

i was just planning on buying some hops rhyzomes ... put my horticultural abilities to use on a non-food plant ... what do you like to brew or drink ?

27th March 2011, 03:43 AM
I picked up Cascade, Fuggle , Hallertau rhizomes last year. They did make it over winter. I hope to have cones this year.

Are all those varieties you listed currently available? I know when I ordered mine, there was a hop shortage along with the rhizomes.

Either way pick some up and trade with some other homebrewers. That's what I plan to do.

27th March 2011, 05:55 AM
Nugget and Chinook are generally interchangeable so don't go with both, pick one.
My favorite hop is Centennial (not in your list).
Cascade is a general purpose bittering and a citrusy American Aromatic. Consider Perle and Mt. Hood (great for Porters). For classic American flavors your available list is deficient, Willamette is a winner in that category but notably missing are Simcoe, Amarillo, Columbus, and Centennial (my favorite). I prefer Warrior over Zeus but Zeus is on the list.

Notably missing on the list for non-American styles are Fuggle, Czech Saaz and Tettnang which are signature hops in high demand.

So, in short, I'd try to find sources for more rhizomes because the list you have there is too limited and diverse to really round out brewing stock IMHO. Is there a reason you have that list as specifically available?

Disclaimer: I initially wrote my post thinking OP was already growing osoab's varietals so I had to heavily edit and almost scrapped the post so it may seem disjointed and strange.

27th March 2011, 07:33 AM
Nugget and Chinook are generally interchangeable so don't go with both, pick one.
My favorite hop is Centennial (not in your list).
Cascade is a general purpose bittering and a citrusy American Aromatic. Consider Perle and Mt. Hood (great for Porters). For classic American flavors your available list is deficient, Willamette is a winner in that category but notably missing are Simcoe, Amarillo, Columbus, and Centennial (my favorite). I prefer Warrior over Zeus but Zeus is on the list.

Notably missing on the list for non-American styles are Fuggle, Czech Saaz and Tettnang which are signature hops in high demand.

So, in short, I'd try to find sources for more rhizomes because the list you have there is too limited and diverse to really round out brewing stock IMHO. Is there a reason you have that list as specifically available?

Disclaimer: I initially wrote my post thinking OP was already growing osoab's varietals so I had to heavily edit and almost scrapped the post so it may seem disjointed and strange.

those are just the ones that popped out at me.

anyway, thanks for the advice.