View Full Version : Police openly lying on camera

27th March 2011, 09:34 AM
Delaware Department of Transportation crews escorted by state police are removing basketball hoops from a residential neighborhood, when an officer tells this man he would be allowed to keep his hoop just before taking it away.


27th March 2011, 09:59 AM

Osama and Bert won't be terrorizing that street anymore.


Twisted Titan
27th March 2011, 09:59 AM
Thats what you get when you follow instructions and trust law enforcement

27th March 2011, 10:10 AM
Thats what you get when you follow instructions and trust law enforcement

1930's Germany here we are!!!!

27th March 2011, 11:18 AM
When the SHTF, there are very clear things to do. When people abuse power there is no sympathy for them. Let the calamities come. Cops are ranking right up there with IRS agents and lawyers. Anyone looking for help from those groups will just be ignored.

27th March 2011, 12:55 PM
Unbelievable. A state cop to seize a basketball hoop. The fact that he would even participate in such a thing is remarkable and noteworthy itself.

Twisted Titan
27th March 2011, 02:15 PM
Why wouldnt he???

He got dubble time hazard pay.


27th March 2011, 03:10 PM
The harsh reality is that the hoops were placed on PUBLIC property. The complaining neighbor is the one who will be targetted. The city had all rights to pull down these encroachments on public property. Bouncing balls can be annoying to some. It is, however, far more favorable to have neighborhood kids bouncing basketballs, than throwing rocks through your windows. Guess what comes next.

27th March 2011, 04:00 PM
The harsh reality is that the hoops were placed on PUBLIC property. The complaining neighbor is the one who will be targetted. The city had all rights to pull down these encroachments on public property. Bouncing balls can be annoying to some. It is, however, far more favorable to have neighborhood kids bouncing basketballs, than throwing rocks through your windows. Guess what comes next.

How do you know they were on public property, or "right-of-way" or an easement onto private property? Or, was the pole in the front yard of the home? If it's right-of-way, then the city can mow it. They can't have it both ways.

Edit: The neighbors need to buy the portable ones and place them in their front yards just next to the street.

It is, however, far more favorable to have neighborhood kids bouncing basketballs, than throwing rocks through your windows.

Yes. People don't like teenage males around, period. They frighten most people, and therefore people look for a reason to make them go away or, at least, somewhere else.

Uncle Salty
27th March 2011, 04:04 PM
The harsh reality is that the hoops were placed on PUBLIC property. The complaining neighbor is the one who will be targetted. The city had all rights to pull down these encroachments on public property. Bouncing balls can be annoying to some. It is, however, far more favorable to have neighborhood kids bouncing basketballs, than throwing rocks through your windows. Guess what comes next.

Yeah, and in that one case, 60 years ago.

At least let them keep the pole once it is taken down.

27th March 2011, 04:21 PM
Notice that the state employees did not even blink at how rediculous their presence and acts were. They demonstrated passive gratuitous authority knowing they had the police there to back them up. If there had been no law enforcement and a resident determined to defend the principle of the situation the pole would still be standing. The takeaway here is it is not just official law enforcement that enjoys a free ride, it is also the extended parties involved that ride those coat tails. This is why when the time comes one should be prepared to deal with the carpetbagger enablers as well as the officials they hide behind.

mick silver
27th March 2011, 06:29 PM
theys mother f....ers dont have any thing better to do today

28th March 2011, 04:39 AM
It bears pointing out here that the state is the one who:
1. Initiated a confrontation
2. Introduced to and displayed deadly force during the confrontation that it initiated

I feel sorry for people who live in states where the police either already have or probably will walk arm-in-arm with the parasites as they have in Wisconsin. These are mostly Yankee states, and, for some strange reason, North Carolina.

I have stated before, and will so state again, this opinion: Police are looking at world events (Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Wisconsin, etc etc etc) and are starting to feel lonely. The thin blue line is looking thinner to them every day. They are being forced to choose sides in a large and public way, and they are looking for allies. The stakes are high, and the smarter ones know it.

po boy
28th March 2011, 09:40 AM
When I saw the title I thought of this kids reverse sting on the police.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_yw1iYKpA&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_yw1iYKpA&feature=related)

28th March 2011, 10:32 AM
Take away their basketball hoops, and they are going ot have to find something else to do.

Something tells me that "finding and job and becoming a productive cog in the NWO machine" is not one of those things.

(Just FYI, I can't see the video)

28th March 2011, 02:01 PM
It bears pointing out here that the state is the one who:
1. Initiated a confrontation
2. Introduced to and displayed deadly force during the confrontation that it initiated

It's important to realiaze that every law, no matter how small or obtuse, is ultimately enforced at the point of a gun. Even a mild zoning violation of a basketball hoop on the edge of the sidewalk that has been a non-issue for decades will be enforced at the point of a gun when they decide to act.

Awoke, you need to see this video - bookmark it and watch it when you can. That lady outright LIED to the man in telling him he could keep his basketball hoop and then denied it. I would not have moved my vehicle out of the way for them, and I would have made them arrest me as they threatened him with arrest for "disorderly conduct".

28th March 2011, 02:02 PM
Oh yeah, and thank God for these wonderful public servants who protect us and safeguard our freedoms. :sarc:

6th April 2011, 04:56 PM
Lets meet the wonderful Policewoman who embodies everything that America stands for:

Lying, Deceiving, Immoral, and Unjust. Everything it takes to serve Satan.


Info about the Trooper Starts @ 4:10

Jennifer Griffin