View Full Version : surreal experience at the coin shop today.

28th March 2011, 10:48 AM
i went to my dealer today and ended up getting a 10 ounce ntr metals bar for $1 over spot. pretty good deal. anyway here's where it gets better:

i walk in- there 5 people in line ahead of me to do business with the dealer.

the current guy dealing is buying some morgans. one of the other guys in line chimes in about "how premiums are crazy right now." then the dealer starts his "you won't be able to get it at any price speil." all the people in line agree and everyone starts talking. one guy is looking at the mintages of ASEs in the case, looking for 1996s. 2 other people are talking about glocks and one of them asks me "which glock i prefer." i start talking about the 17, the some other guys starts talking about his glock and how much he likes it. dealers interrupts with his glock story. then some other guy starts talking about trading gold for silver and i say "that's what i'm doing," and i show him my gold. then we're all showing each other what we are trading, buying, etc. one guy starts talking about how he's selling today to buy more food for storage and we start discussing mountain house.

after i left it hit me how odd it was that i just encountered 5 random people and starting talking guns, PMs, preps, etc. and i found it to be a totally normal conversation. also, everybody immediately understood all of the angles- SAE mintages, glocks, preps etc. nobody had to be explained anything.

it was like a gs-us forum in real life.

i'm sure if a "normal person" had been in there he would have thought all 6 of us were insane. i have never experienced anything like this before and had to share.

28th March 2011, 10:51 AM
3 of them were CI's, plus the dealer, all writing down everyone else's license plate. Think of the paperwork!

28th March 2011, 10:52 AM
Every time I'm in the shop it's either some sap selling off the family estate or some fat slob trying to find that MS+1 1919-D $UScoin to fill or replace that spot in his flip book. ???

28th March 2011, 10:53 AM
Every time I'm in the shop it's either some sap selling off the family estate or some fat slob trying to find that MS+1 1919-D $UScoin to fill or replace that spot in his flip book. ???

i know, that's my usual experience. today was bizzarro coin shop trip. :o

28th March 2011, 10:54 AM
i went to my dealer today and ended up getting a 10 ounce ntr metals bar for $1 over spot. pretty good deal. anyway here's where it gets better:

i walk in- there 5 people in line ahead of me to do business with the dealer.

the current guy dealing is buying some morgans. one of the other guys in line chimes in about "how premiums are crazy right now." then the dealer starts his "you won't be able to get it at any price speil." all the people in line agree and everyone starts talking. one guy is looking at the mintages of ASEs in the case, looking for 1996s. 2 other people are talking about glocks and one of them asks me "which glock i prefer." i start talking about the 17, the some other guys starts talking about his glock and how much he likes it. dealers interrupts with his glock story. then some other guy starts talking about trading gold for silver and i say "that's what i'm doing," and i show him my gold. then we're all showing each other what we are trading, buying, etc. one guy starts talking about how he's selling today to buy more food for storage and we start discussing mountain house.

after i left it hit me how odd it was that i just encountered 5 random people and starting talking guns, PMs, preps, etc. and i found it to be a totally normal conversation. also, everybody immediately understood all of the angles- SAE mintages, glocks, preps etc. nobody had to be explained anything.

it was like a gs-us forum in real life.

i'm sure if a "normal person" had been in there he would have thought all 6 of us were insane. i have never experienced anything like this before and had to share.

Yeah I was there, glad to see another GSUS member.. lol j/k :sarc:

It's scary when a "fringe" element pops up into mainstream acceptance in only a matter of 2 years.

28th March 2011, 10:54 AM
i'm sure if a "normal person" had been in there he would have thought all 6 of us were insane. i have never experienced anything like this before and had to share.

Haha, "Normal" people don't go into store like that, Chad.

Twisted Titan
28th March 2011, 11:03 AM
You just bumped heads with the 1-3% that will be a Part of Leaderless Ressistence


28th March 2011, 11:07 AM
You just bumped heads with the 1-3% that will be a Part of Leaderless Ressistence


i'm telling you right now that i felt immediately comfortable with the entire group of strangers.

28th March 2011, 11:44 AM
Hey Chad? any of them talking about tp? that's the one that I want to talk to......he must be also from Mars like myself.

mick silver
28th March 2011, 11:48 AM
one day ponce i will buy all your TP with one silver coin

28th March 2011, 11:50 AM
With silver at $150,000 and tp at $50.00 I will accept your LAST silver oz.

28th March 2011, 12:01 PM
i went to my dealer today and ended up getting a 10 ounce ntr metals bar for $1 over spot. pretty good deal. anyway here's where it gets better:

i walk in- there 5 people in line ahead of me to do business with the dealer.

the current guy dealing is buying some morgans. one of the other guys in line chimes in about "how premiums are crazy right now." then the dealer starts his "you won't be able to get it at any price speil." all the people in line agree and everyone starts talking. one guy is looking at the mintages of ASEs in the case, looking for 1996s. 2 other people are talking about glocks and one of them asks me "which glock i prefer." i start talking about the 17, the some other guys starts talking about his glock and how much he likes it. dealers interrupts with his glock story. then some other guy starts talking about trading gold for silver and i say "that's what i'm doing," and i show him my gold. then we're all showing each other what we are trading, buying, etc. one guy starts talking about how he's selling today to buy more food for storage and we start discussing mountain house.

after i left it hit me how odd it was that i just encountered 5 random people and starting talking guns, PMs, preps, etc. and i found it to be a totally normal conversation. also, everybody immediately understood all of the angles- SAE mintages, glocks, preps etc. nobody had to be explained anything.

it was like a gs-us forum in real life.

i'm sure if a "normal person" had been in there he would have thought all 6 of us were insane. i have never experienced anything like this before and had to share.

I see a TV series in the making:

COIN SHOP the series ;D

28th March 2011, 12:28 PM

i'm sure if a "normal person" had been in there he would have thought all 6 of us were insane. i have never experienced anything like this before and had to share.

That's why a normal person isn't in there. Yet. When they show up, it will be time to sell half your holdings.

28th March 2011, 12:39 PM
i'm telling you right now that i felt immediately comfortable with the entire group of strangers.

This forum needs to be reminded of that, more often.

28th March 2011, 12:50 PM
i had a similar experience at the Post Office about a week and a half ago.

i just asked a guy who was mailing about 30 packages if he had a mail order business.

he started talking about the economy, the un-trust-worthiness of the government, etc.

it was like meeting a G-S-er/ GIM-original-er etc. in real life.

28th March 2011, 12:52 PM
i had a similar experience at the Post Office about a week and a half ago.

i just asked a guy who was mailing about 30 packages if he had a mail order business.

he started talking about the economy, the un-trust-worthiness of the government, etc.

it was like meeting a G-S-er/ GIM-original-er etc. in real life.


better be careful having those conversations on "federal property".

1970 silver art
28th March 2011, 03:14 PM
So far, I did not have that kind of experience that the OP was talking about when I go to various local dealers in my area. Most of the time, if there are other customers in there, they are usually selling their scrap gold and/or silver and just want to get the cash and move on.

At the coin shows, I never had the kind of experience that the OP was talking about. Last year, I did, however, meet some silver art bar collectors during several coin shows that I went to and we ended up talking and sharing our experiences as silver art bar collectors and talking about silver art bars. That was a surreal experience for me because,I do not meet other people who only collect silver art bars anywhere. If there is any "doom" talk going on at the coin shows, it is usually coming from the dealers.

I am guessing here but I suspect that as things continue to get worse economically, there will probably be more "normal" people discussing PM's, prepping, guns, and other GSUS-related topics. The "doom" talk will increase and become more mainstream as things continue to get worse.

EDIT: As for the silver inventory. The local dealers in my area have a very low inventory. The main dealer that I go to to buy silver art bars from mentioned that they can barely keep any silver in stock because there are a lot more people buying silver. A low silver inventory seems to be the general theme that is playing among the various local dealers that I have visited during the last 2-3 weeks and that has affected me in that I am not able to find and buy that many silver art bars locally. Demand for silver has definitely gone up from what I have seen at a local level.

28th March 2011, 05:24 PM
Next time I go to a protest I'm going to carry a sign that says "Great Value Carrots" and see how many CIs I can get to follow me around and try to strike up conversations.

28th March 2011, 05:30 PM
Don't get a glock or a 9mm. .45 baby and make it a Springfield XDm.

28th March 2011, 06:10 PM
Had a somewhat similar experience at my business a while back. Native American woman comes in and somehow starts ranting about the government and revolution and bunch of other stuff. I agree with a lot of what she's saying but I prefer not to let my thoughts be known to strangers so I just listen. But here's the kicker, when it comes time to pay she whips out her credit card and I have to point out the "CASH ONLY" sign on the wall. She's like "huh?" "cash only". I couldn't believe the irony in the fact she goes on and on about how we are being comtrolled yet is tied to one of the major tools being used to control us. Obviously she still has things to learn.

28th March 2011, 06:13 PM
I happened into a group at a church I visited. There was an odd guy there... who I could probably beat in an oddity contest. Then there was another. The first one invited us to meet at his house. We number about 7 now and we are starting to bring others in very carefully.

Although we always get back to spiritual topics and what the bible says about certain things (and I truly sense the power of God's Spirit in those meetings), I am sure that most of you would be comfortable there. These meetings are tremendous power houses. Here is the power we share:

Holy Spirit moves among us
gun knowledge
preps knowledge
history knowledge
politics and world events knowledge
biblical knowledge
military tactics
much more...

We balance each other out and cover each others' weaknesses. I will be building at least one other "power house" very soon. Each of us knows others that we trust. And we also know who NOT to trust. Groups are by invitation only. But we are not excluding unbelievers who are willing to hear. Their remnance (new word I just coined) will depend largely on them.

Rebel Yarr
28th March 2011, 06:25 PM
There are a lot of like-minded folks out there - more waking up every day.

It ought to get real interesting.

28th March 2011, 06:26 PM
I happened into a group at a church I visited. There was an odd guy there... who I could probably beat in an oddity contest. Then there was another. The first one invited us to meet at his house. We number about 7 now and we are starting to bring others in very carefully.

Although we always get back to spiritual topics and what the bible says about certain things (and I truly sense the power of God's Spirit in those meetings), I am sure that most of you would be comfortable there. These meetings are tremendous power houses. Here is the power we share:

Holy Spirit moves among us
gun knowledge
preps knowledge
history knowledge
politics and world events knowledge
biblical knowledge
military tactics
much more...

We balance each other out and cover each others' weaknesses. I will be building at least one other "power house" very soon. Each of us knows others that we trust. And we also know who NOT to trust. Groups are by invitation only. But we are not excluding unbelievers who are willing to hear. Their remnance (new word I just coined) will depend largely on them.

that's awesome!

28th March 2011, 08:13 PM
my coin shop is right next to the college campus so there is always broke college kids trying to resell odds and ends to get some beer money I assume. Usually trying to sell grandmas graduation gifts and even state quarters ;D

back around the demise of gim, I found out that <SLV> frequented the shop I go to but never got a chance to meet up before gim shut its doors and I believe he moved to Wisconsin iirc

29th March 2011, 04:47 AM
I happened into a group at a church I visited. There was an odd guy there... who I could probably beat in an oddity contest. Then there was another. The first one invited us to meet at his house. We number about 7 now and we are starting to bring others in very carefully.

Although we always get back to spiritual topics and what the bible says about certain things (and I truly sense the power of God's Spirit in those meetings), I am sure that most of you would be comfortable there. These meetings are tremendous power houses. Here is the power we share:

Holy Spirit moves among us
gun knowledge
preps knowledge
history knowledge
politics and world events knowledge
biblical knowledge
military tactics
much more...

We balance each other out and cover each others' weaknesses. I will be building at least one other "power house" very soon. Each of us knows others that we trust. And we also know who NOT to trust. Groups are by invitation only. But we are not excluding unbelievers who are willing to hear. Their remnance (new word I just coined) will depend largely on them.

sounds like a great group.

i have participated in similar groups and they were very energizing. well basically the people you meet, you realize, are friends.

i do not always fit in at Christian gatherings, especially if i open my mouth. i believe in God, but i do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God - i believe that it is an extremely important book that contains a lot of important history - including the history of contacts with God.

but i don't believe that Jesus was resurrected. i don't believe that he wasn't resurrected - i don't know - i wasn't there.

i don't put it past the Jews of the day to play a trick and to steal His body, to fake the resurrection.

and all of what i just said is Heresy to many Christians.

i am respectful of conventional Christians. i think i would fit in at such a group unless they were locked in to the "in order to go to Heaven, you must support Israel" politicized version of Christianity that many American churches teach.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th March 2011, 07:02 AM
I'm jealous!