View Full Version : Japan nuclear crisis deepens.........also video.

28th March 2011, 12:03 PM
It will take WEEKS OR MONTHS to control the situation........"a partial meltdown?" "dad I am only half pregnant".

Japan nuclear crisis deepens.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:1PM
Michael Penn, Press TV, Tokyo

Tension grows in the Tokyo metropolis. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano has now admitted that a partial meltdown has taken place at one of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors, and this is a cause of the relatively high levels of radiation escaping from the plant. Critics have been pouncing on the sluggish communications from the government.

Meanwhile, the Tokyo Electric Power Company-called TEPCO for short-which operates the Fukushima Daiichi plant, is apologizing to the public for releasing information on high radioactivity counts that they now say was inaccurate.

The public is confused and alarmed: This young man told of us of his concern that more radiation might come to Tokyo.

There has been particular concern about the contamination of water supplies. Even now it is difficult to find bottled water in many stores.

These images released by the Japanese Ministry of Defense show government efforts to combat further meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, and the heroic efforts of the people on the scene have been widely appreciated, but some point to serious problems in the government's communications regime.

While the true level of threat to the Japanese public-and the global public-remains a contentious issue of debate, one point that all analysts agree on is that the Japanese nuclear crisis is weeks, perhaps months, away from a real resolution.


mick silver
28th March 2011, 12:11 PM
there nothing to see here ............ didnt you guys see the NEWS every thing is ok . i seen today were they have found the stuff in the water in east coast

28th March 2011, 01:26 PM
Boston news this AM reported on the iodine detected in rain water... BUT- BUT- it is perfectly harmless!! It was amazing how quickly the news reporter reader had to allay the fears of the sheeple. He said this is nothing near as bad as Chernobyl.

I think this is 100 times worse than Chernobyl. And it is still not contained. The waters are polluted with longterm death particles. Anyone want to take a chance on seafood anymore?

Who makes geiger counters? There is the next booming business.

28th March 2011, 02:08 PM
Radioactive rain in Mass.
“The drinking water supply in Massachusetts is unaffected by this short-term, slight elevation in radiation,” said Public Health Commissioner John Auerbach. “However, we will carefully monitor the drinking water as we exercise an abundance of caution.”
http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/2011_0328radioactive_rain_in_mass_health_bigs_wate r_supply_unaffected_by_japan_fallout/srvc=home&position=also

Interesting because the last time we had rain/snow was days ago.
I wonder if the next time we get rain it will be even worse.

28th March 2011, 04:26 PM
Radioactive rain in Mass.
“The drinking water supply in Massachusetts is unaffected by this short-term, slight elevation in radiation,” said Public Health Commissioner John Auerbach. “However, we will carefully monitor the drinking water as we exercise an abundance of caution.”
http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/2011_0328radioactive_rain_in_mass_health_bigs_wate r_supply_unaffected_by_japan_fallout/srvc=home&position=also

Interesting because the last time we had rain/snow was days ago.
I wonder if the next time we get rain it will be even worse.

Good point... I have to say it crossed my mind that rain is precipitating this stuff out.... washig the dust out of the air. Rain will become the dreaded death-dealer.

28th March 2011, 06:34 PM
Boston news this AM reported on the iodine detected in rain water... BUT- BUT- it is perfectly harmless!! It was amazing how quickly the news reporter reader had to allay the fears of the sheeple. He said this is nothing near as bad as Chernobyl.

I think this is 100 times worse than Chernobyl. And it is still not contained. The waters are polluted with longterm death particles. Anyone want to take a chance on seafood anymore?

Who makes geiger counters? There is the next booming business.

wow - booming business opportunity. hmm. maybe i can reverse engineer one and come out with the GunDriller brand of Geiger Counters.

did you know reverse engineering is standard procedure in Silicon Valley ?

i agree with the dumb reporter, but not in the way he means, in the way Spectrism means - this is nowhere near Chernobyl ... this is much worse.

it's at the Chernobyl stage now, and we're only 2 1/2 weeks post accident. Chernobyl took months to get to the Chernobyl stage.

the only positive we have is, the Cold War is over, Japan is being more honest than Russia was, and the US can help Japan McGyver some potential actual working long term solutions.


as far as i can tell, Chernobyl was one reactor.

Japan has 5 or 6 "problematic" reactors, AND 2 3 or 4 "problematic" fuel storage facilities.

also, in 1986, the world economy was much stronger than it is now. Chernobyl may have contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union, but the world economy was not severely impacted.

to quote Bill Paxton in Aliens, "Game Over, man, Game Over".

of course, we're not dealing with aliens, we're dealing with radiation and Talmud worshippers who run the nuclear industry, the US, and the official part of the world.

so it's just a New Game, starting.