View Full Version : VP Biden hiding out in Colorado.... tries to keep cats bagged

28th March 2011, 04:18 PM
I wish they'd bring Biden out more often!


Controlling media access to Mr. Biden has been a priority for the White House. An embarrassing 2007 video of Biden surfaced last week showing then Senator Biden threatening President Bush with impeachment over possible military action in Iran, if GWB did not consult with Congress first. The vice president has yet to answer questions over that video and what it means to President Obama's recent decision to take military action in Libya without the approval of Congress. Instead, he jetted off to Colorado.

“How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?” Mr. Obama angrily asked of his advisors at one point on a conference call. Speaking of conference calls, the book also says Obama campaign manager David Plouffe was questioned about why Mr. Biden was not on the nightly campaign conference call. It turned out the future vice president was on his own conference call with both Mr. Pouffe and campaign adviser David Axelrod.

Once in office, the Obama administration knew that keeping the new Vice President reigned in was not going to be easy. However, this is not to say they are not trying. Vice President Biden 2009 gaffes included talking about a tunnel (designed for trains) "which is designed to for automobile traffic", forgetting Justice Steven's name, telling people to "call his website", and swearing at a former Senate colleague who greeted him as "Mr. Vice President."

Make no mistake, Biden's team will likely call the vacation a work trip as the Vice President addressed a group of disabled veterans in the Colorado town of Snowmass. However, according to the Aspen Daily News on Monday, Vice President Biden's arrival in Snowmass was "unexpected" and kept a secret.

LOL at his handler's calling Biden's "lock-me-in-the-closet-because-I-say-things-I-shouldn't" trip a "secret trip".

Biden apologized for not being able to announce his appearance, but said the secrecy was due to security reasons.

28th March 2011, 04:48 PM
I wish someone could ask the Vice Puppet about the speech Puppet Obama is making right now :D

28th March 2011, 06:50 PM