View Full Version : 12-year-old genius takes aim as disproving Einstein's Theory of Relativity

29th March 2011, 11:16 AM
HAMILTON COUNTY, Ind. - What were you doing when you were 12 years old?

Playing video games? Dreaming of winning a Heisman Trophy? Maybe starting to show a little interest in a significant other?

It’s probably safe to say you weren’t taking on Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Well, that’s what 12-year-old Jake Barnet, of Hamilton County, Indiana, is proposing. Jake has become somewhat of an Internet star thanks to YouTube videos of his ideas about mathematics and physics, which his mom shoots and posts online.

In one of the most recent videos, Jake discusses Einstein’s Theory of relativity, explaining in the description why he might have a different theory:

“My initial perception from this is that light does have mass,” Jake writes. “Obviously, energy coming out of a system where light is emitted could not be conserved otherwise. You can correct me later if I change my mind, but for the moment this is my perception.”

Video At Link

Jake has a mild form of autism, according to Time.com, and he also has an I.Q. of 170. He taught himself calculus, algebra and geometry in two weeks and graduated high school at the age of eight. He has been attending college-level physics classes since then.

The channel with all of his videos has thousands of hits. (http://www.youtube.com/user/mathboysmom)


29th March 2011, 01:49 PM
.."einsteins" theory :oo-->...the only THEORY einstein had was " ripoff some gentile scientist and your pals in the tribe would perpetuate the myth that its YOUR theory." :oo-->

29th March 2011, 01:57 PM
.."einsteins" theory :oo-->...the only THEORY einstein had was " ripoff some gentile scientist and your pals in the tribe would perpetuate the myth that its YOUR theory." :oo-->

You have proof of that? Not that I don't believe you just had always read that it was Einstein who came up with that theory.

29th March 2011, 02:07 PM
“My initial perception from this is that light does have mass,” Jake writes. “Obviously, energy coming out of a system where light is emitted could not be conserved otherwise. You can correct me later if I change my mind, but for the moment this is my perception.”
Bravo, that's what I think too! Have you seen these solar "mills" you have these blades sticking out from a low friction vertical axis, one side of the blade is black, and it absorbs light the other side is white or reflecting and it bounces light all in an airtight glass container. Expose it to light and it starts turning, the momentum of the photons, makes it start rotating... If they don't have mass there would be no momentum driving the solar mill...

Newton is more right than Einstein (apart from him stealing most of the work)...

29th March 2011, 02:21 PM
Bummer apparently the lightmill is not proof that photons have mass. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/LightMill/light-mill.html

But I think the fact that light is bent by gravity is...

29th March 2011, 03:19 PM
I agree, I have seen light mills and always found them fascinating. But again the question that you raise is how would they work if light itself did not have mass?

29th March 2011, 03:21 PM
His parents better make sure he doesn't get the Ted kaczynski treatment from our loving Ivy League and government institutions.

29th March 2011, 03:34 PM
.."einsteins" theory :oo-->...the only THEORY einstein had was " ripoff some gentile scientist and your pals in the tribe would perpetuate the myth that its YOUR theory." :oo-->

You have proof of that? Not that I don't believe you just had always read that it was Einstein who came up with that theory.

Here is one website with free books on key hidden history.

The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein
by Christopher Jon Bjerknes
2,825 page treatise on
Einstein's plagiarism, Einstein's Zionism,
History of Zionism, Racism, Judaism, and more.


Run by a Jew.

There are many other sources on this including scholars profs.

About 10 years ago I even read some of the issues in a newspaper, a local city paper.
That was the first I ever heard of them. There is even a greek guy whose work was
ripped off, sorry had to throw that in, jews hate greeks, propping up the jew is their
motive, key, put them on the front pages, saviors of the world, there is a whole series
of people ripped off by the media establishment knowingly manufacturing einstein.
At this point, the lies are so ingrained, it is no use, it is an academic exercise,
the Jews deliberately manufacture these people, give awards, their tools, not just
Jews, lead people to believe lies, they war on society, on history, on our leaders,
on our beliefs through subversion and deceit, all lies ... the talmud commands them
to never tell the truth, never, ...

29th March 2011, 03:38 PM
.."einsteins" theory :oo-->...the only THEORY einstein had was " ripoff some gentile scientist and your pals in the tribe would perpetuate the myth that its YOUR theory." :oo-->

You have proof of that? Not that I don't believe you just had always read that it was Einstein who came up with that theory.

Here is one website with free books on key hidden history.

The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein
by Christopher Jon Bjerknes
2,825 page treatise on
Einstein's plagiarism, Einstein's Zionism,
History of Zionism, Racism, Judaism, and more.


Run by a Jew.

There are many other sources on this including scholars profs.

About 10 years ago I even read some of the issues in a newspaper, a local city paper.
That was the first I ever heard of them. There is even a greek guy whose work was
ripped off, sorry had to throw that in, jews hate greeks, propping up the jew is their
motive, key, put them on the front pages, saviors of the world, there is a whole series
of people ripped off by the media establishment knowingly manufacturing einstein.
At this point, the lies are so ingrained, it is no use, it is an academic exercise,
the Jews deliberately manufacture these people, give awards, their tools, not just
Jews, lead people to believe lies, they war on society, on history, on our leaders,
on our beliefs through subversion and deceit, all lies ... the talmud commands them
to never tell the truth, never, ...

Thanks Manges, always appreciate some more reading material.

29th March 2011, 03:58 PM
I agree, I have seen light mills and always found them fascinating. But again the question that you raise is how would they work if light itself did not have mass?
According to the link above your post. They work by convection the black side absorbs light and heats up the air, which rises, and at the upper edge the airstream turns towards the mirrored side of the blade, giving the momentum to turn the blades in that direction... For instance if you pump out the air from the airtight glass container, it stops turning, which tells us that some sort of convection must be responsible for the motion. But it doesn't however disprove the notion that light have mass...

Gravity though is proven to bend light. And the simplest explanation for that effect would be to assume that light has mass. Further in radioactive decay photons are emitted, and mass is reduced, according to Einstein that makes mass=energy, maybe it is much easier mass=mass, and the released kinetic energy is from an atom having high entropy = unstable isotope going to a lower entropy atom = stable isotope...

Maybe mass is indestructible in reality, and not interchangeable with energy!

I don't know any simple straightforward and logical quantum mechanical explanation as to why gravity bends light. But if the photons have mass it would be very straightforward and logical...

29th March 2011, 03:59 PM
Thanks Manges, always appreciate some more reading material.

No problem, I appreciate you.

I just wanted to highlight how great that website is, spend some time,
post some material here, spread it around, it is a find from old gim before major bans,
there was a handful of people educating us, notice JDRock comes in and tells you the
truth right away, he knows everything, it is up to us to get back to basics and post
good sources, you can easily find other sources on everything, even on Einstein.

einstein plagiarist

29th March 2011, 04:55 PM
.."einsteins" theory :oo-->...the only THEORY einstein had was " ripoff some gentile scientist and your pals in the tribe would perpetuate the myth that its YOUR theory." :oo-->

You have proof of that? Not that I don't believe you just had always read that it was Einstein who came up with that theory.

I've seen some evidence that seems to prove that Einstein was more of a fraud than the "great" scientist he is given credit for.
Consider the Words of Jesus Christ
Luke 16:15 .... that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

29th March 2011, 05:05 PM
I don't know any simple straightforward and logical quantum mechanical explanation as to why gravity bends light. But if the photons have mass it would be very straightforward and logical...

That also reminds me of the "God effect" (I think that's the correct term for what I am thinking) that by just watching photons through a beam splitter changes the results. Just like light being affected by gravity, how could watching it be split by a beam splitter effect it's outcome if there was no mass?

30th March 2011, 11:56 AM
I don't know any simple straightforward and logical quantum mechanical explanation as to why gravity bends light. But if the photons have mass it would be very straightforward and logical...

That also reminds me of the "God effect" (I think that's the correct term for what I am thinking) that by just watching photons through a beam splitter changes the results. Just like light being affected by gravity, how could watching it be split by a beam splitter effect it's outcome if there was no mass?

Actually, I think this is junk (quantum mechanics) science. If you don't watch it how would you know the result? Can you link to a paper, or something that discusses this?

30th March 2011, 02:03 PM
I don't know any simple straightforward and logical quantum mechanical explanation as to why gravity bends light. But if the photons have mass it would be very straightforward and logical...

That also reminds me of the "God effect" (I think that's the correct term for what I am thinking) that by just watching photons through a beam splitter changes the results. Just like light being affected by gravity, how could watching it be split by a beam splitter effect it's outcome if there was no mass?

Actually, I think this is junk (quantum mechanics) science. If you don't watch it how would you know the result? Can you link to a paper, or something that discusses this?

My fault, I thought it was a photon, but in this experiment it's an electron.
