View Full Version : Post-coital dysphoria. A third of all women have experienced post-sex blues
30th March 2011, 08:15 AM
Many women get the blues after sex
March 31, 2011
A THIRD of all women have experienced post-sex blues at some point, a study shows, but researchers still don't understand why.
The period immediately after sex normally results in feelings of well-being, and mental and physical relaxation. But the study of more than 200 young women reveals many have experienced the reverse, including feelings of melancholy, anxiety and tearfulness.
Queensland University of Technology Associate Professor Robert Schweitzer, who carried out the research, said 32.9 per cent of respondents had experienced the phenomenon at some point. That was despite the sex being otherwise satisfactory.
Professor Schweitzer said the cause of such negative feelings was unknown - but it was clear women wanted more information about the phenomenon. ''Research on the prevalence and causes of post-coital dysphoria has been virtually silent but internet searches reveal information on the subject is widely sought,'' he said.
Full article...... (
Sometimes I read these types of stories and I just wonder if it's me. I look at the "question" being posed and I feel the like answer is bleeding obvious or should be. Maybe I've got too high an opinion of myself. I guess studies like these are to confirm a thesis, or do you need one to start with? Does it set an agenda for an outcome?
My opinion is that when people do things they regret, it strikes their conscience it can make them ill at ease. It can drag on their spirit.
I think I complicated something simple. Is it really a women only thing?
Large Sarge
30th March 2011, 08:25 AM
I think some of it is self esteen issues, like a guy that goes on a 3 day drinking binge, then has remorse afterwards....
same thing really.
they want to feel desired (I am guessing)
but when they are used as an object, and realize it later, it has to hurt.....
(not a therapist or anything...) just a casual observation
part of it is the media, look at their "heroes", Charlie Sheen who snorts coke all day, and lives with prostitutes and porn stars, generates tons of cash, is on the tv everyday....
this is someone you want to emulate??
you think acting like him will make you feel better inside??
30th March 2011, 12:19 PM
It's not just women. The society we live in encourages the benefits of these casual relationships, but the costs are hidden until after the fact. Trust me, I liked getting laid as much as the next guy back in the day, but you can't outrun consequence.
30th March 2011, 12:36 PM
i think it might have something to do with "the big 3-O".
if the woman partner has a thundering bed shaking orgasm, then how often to they feel "dysphoria" afterwards ?
guys just have to read the operating manual.
Large Sarge
30th March 2011, 12:43 PM
It's not just women. The society we live in encourages the benefits of these casual relationships, but the costs are hidden until after the fact. Trust me, I liked getting laid as much as the next guy back in the day, but you can't outrun consequence.
I think you said it much better than I did
thanks a bunch....
Large Sarge
30th March 2011, 12:47 PM
I think the premise I and Dys were hitting on is the casual aspect of some of the relationships....
in order to have passionate night with someone, well they have "to mean" something to you, meaning you have invested some time, and energy to get to know them, understand them, etc
otherwise the ladies can pull out their favorite toy, and the guys can turn on the porn.....
30th March 2011, 12:49 PM
Ummm, probably because a THIRD of men don't know how to make love to a woman they only know how to have sex.
If a woman is made passionate love to, she's not going to be depressed afterwards, gentlemen.
That knife cuts both ways. It takes 2 to tango and it really helps if both know the tango. "Passionate love" doesn't happen on a one night stand or in casual sex relationships.
po boy
30th March 2011, 01:19 PM
Ummm, probably because a THIRD of men don't know how to make love to a woman they only know how to have sex.
If a woman is made passionate love to, she's not going to be depressed afterwards, gentlemen.
More like post-coital euphoria
She might even make you breakfast. ;D
30th March 2011, 01:22 PM
Pointless sex is the reason. Generally I think women are more sensitive to it. For a man he may feel good about it, another conquest, he proved himself. For a women she may feel she got fucked. Not a good feeling. I think the main reason is sex without commitment, and the reason for women to feel different about it is mainly biological. They do tend to pay a higher price for noncommittal sex!
po boy
30th March 2011, 01:37 PM
Pointless sex is the reason. Generally I think women are more sensitive to it. For a man he may feel good about it, another conquest, he proved himself. For a women she may feel she got fucked. Not a good feeling. I think the main reason is sex without commitment, and the reason for women to feel different about it is mainly biological. They do tend to pay a higher price for noncommittal sex!
She isn't feeling thinking she's the only one. (
30th March 2011, 02:36 PM
I agree that most of the time, if someone is sad even after "satisfactory" sex it is likely due to regret.
However, if it's not regret, it could possibly be just an emotional release in the form of tears, particularly if the experience was beyond "satisfactory" (if you know what I mean) ;). Since tears are associated with sadness, they may have reported it as the blues.
30th March 2011, 02:38 PM
They don't call orgasm "le petit mort" for naught...
30th March 2011, 02:48 PM
A third of all women have experienced post-sex blues
The other two thirds are too busy making their man a sandwich.
30th March 2011, 02:57 PM
A third of all women have experienced post-sex blues
The other two thirds are too busy making their man a sandwich.
Ding Ding Ding!!!! Winner Here!
30th March 2011, 02:58 PM
My opinion is that when people do things they regret, it strikes their conscience it can make them ill at ease. It can drag on their spirit.
It's not just women. The society we live in encourages the benefits of these casual relationships, but the costs are hidden until after the fact. Trust me, I liked getting laid as much as the next guy back in the day, but you can't outrun consequence.
& others...
The idea of morality & conscience will never enter the area of research "but researchers still don't understand why," who conduct these scientific studies.
Were the 200 young women married? Were they in a stable monogamous relationship? Or are these societal considerations irrelevant to the research?
Or is it a case that either or both subjects are simply horrible lovers....
30th March 2011, 05:48 PM
Pointless sex is the reason. Generally I think women are more sensitive to it. For a man he may feel good about it, another conquest, he proved himself. For a women she may feel she got fucked. Not a good feeling. I think the main reason is sex without commitment, and the reason for women to feel different about it is mainly biological. They do tend to pay a higher price for noncommittal sex!
My experience is that a lot of bad things can come of male conquest. You might get away with it for awhile, months or even years. But all it takes is that one really beautiful and really crazy girl that you fall head over heels for; once that happens you don't have a chance. She is beautiful, she is damaged, she is unstable, and she has baggage. But the connection is so powerful that you can't stop yourself. Then she breaks your heart.
This is just one of the bad potential eventualities, there are plenty of others.
30th March 2011, 07:20 PM
My experience is that a lot of bad things can come of male conquest. You might get away with it for awhile, months or even years. But all it takes is that one really beautiful and really crazy girl that you fall head over heels for; once that happens you don't have a chance. She is beautiful, she is damaged, she is unstable, and she has baggage. But the connection is so powerful that you can't stop yourself. Then she breaks your heart.
This is just one of the bad potential eventualities, there are plenty of others.
I have a close friend who just very recently hit that wall... finally... after years and years. He had me beginning to believe that maybe my feelings on the subject were with exception. They weren't. He's a complete emotional wreck and is realizing that all that time he was trying to build an impenetrable ego wall around what is proving to be a very scared, hurt and lonely little boy. It is sad to see but it is the beginning of a recovery path that will make him into a man.
30th March 2011, 07:35 PM
I think Pre-coital dysphoria is a more serious concern for most women.
30th March 2011, 08:20 PM
I think in most cases it`s pre-coital dysphoria briefly remedied by coitus only to regain its power and be named post-coital dysphoria. I`ve seen ladies with the blackest of underlying depressions to be cured of it for a couple of days by a few hrs in bed and then sliding back into their usual bitchy selves. If she gets depressed as soon as you are finished and reaching for a cig, than you are probably to blame but if she is as happy as you`ve seen her and there is a time lag of at least 48hrs before she is full of hate again then she is just another clinically depressed bitch.
As plutonium blankets the planet we will have less and less time to worry about female post-sex blues.
30th March 2011, 08:39 PM
I think the other 2/3rds just conviently "forgot" to take out the ball gag.
30th March 2011, 11:38 PM
The Hoax of Female Empowerment (Encore)
March 30, 2011
"Commander in Chief" was canceled after its first 2005-2006 season but it has been replaced by numerous shows featuring female role models that disparage men and seek fulfillment in careers rather than family. After yesterday's article, a reader wrote, "There is so much anti-male bias throughout our western culture today that I can't see how any woman could view any male in a positive light. I am afraid any man in America who marries an American woman is doomed to disappoint her. Marriage today for men is a very risky business." I am reprising this article because it is as true today as it was five-and-a-half years ago. Although they think they're being liberated, young women are being sabotaged by the Illuminati.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In "Commander in Chief," a new TV-series, President "Mackenzie Allen" (Geena Davis) juggles her responsibilities as Leader of the Free World and mother of teenage twins and a six-year-old-daughter. Her husband has a supporting role, her Chief-of-Staff.
This show prepared the public for Hillary Clinton's 2008 Presidential bid. It also contributed to the false sense of entitlement young women have today, making it harder for them to form successful families.
The success of this behavior modification campaign in the media and education is confirmed by recent British statistics (below) showing the rapid disintegration of the nuclear family. It is also confirmed by unprecedented sexual depravity exhibited by young women today, expressing their total confusion and despair. (I will elaborate below.)
The White House Project, a lobby dedicated to putting a woman in the White House, sponsored an advance screening of "Commander in Chief" in New York with the lead writer Stephen Cohen and prominent women journalists in attendance. The President of this organization, located at 110 Wall Street, Marie Wilson, is also co-founder of "Take Your Daughter to Work" organization.
Nearby at 120 Wall Street, you'll find "Girls Inc." an organization with chapters all over the US dedicated to making girls "strong, smart and bold." It encourages young girls to be self absorbed and ambitious and to make marriage and family their second priority.
Search "Girl Power" in Google and you'll get an assortment of these elite-sponsored projects. Type "Boy Power" and you'll find, "Lawn Boy Recalls Power Mower" and "Lazy Boy Introduces Power Recliner."
Only a nation subverted by the agents of an international financial cartel empowers its young females at the expense of its males. International finance is dedicated to destabilizing society by destroying the family and submerging the US in a world dictatorship. As I will show later, this has been the Illuminati banker goal for 200 years. But first I will explain why "empowering" females leads to a breakdown of heterosexual marriage and family.
I do not believe that all young women must marry and have children. However this is the healthy and natural instinct of the vast majority, and is necessary for the perpetuation of society. To encourage them to pursue high-powered careers before they establish strong families is doing them and society a deliberate injustice.
Henry Kissinger once said, "Power is the greatest aphrodisiac." Women are attracted to powerful men. Powerful women repulse men.
Heterosexual marriage is based on a woman surrendering worldly power to a man who is dedicated to her and their children's welfare. Trust and surrender is the way a woman empowers and loves a man. Men want power. Women want love. This exchange -- power for love -- is the essence of heterosexual marriage.The man earns this trust through a patient process of courtship. The woman must consider her choice carefully.
When women challenge and usurp male leadership, marriages fall apart. Masculinity is defined by power. Give women power in an intimate relationship and you have "phallic" women and emasculated men. The glue is dissolved.
Femininity is defined by love and nurturing. To a degree, a woman sacrifices worldly ambition for her husband and children. Women get love by making this sacrifice. Men get love by accomplishments.
Young women no longer know how to sacrifice. By "empowering females" young women are conditioned to behave as males.
Everyone suffers as a consequence but women suffer most. Their lifespan averages 80 years yet their peak years of fertility (and sexual attraction) end around age 32. In other words, they have approximately 12 years to marry and start a family or they may be alone for almost 50 years. Men whose sexual attraction increases with age and confidence have more time.
A British actuarial study reported that marriage is in terminal decline. In the period from 2003 until 2031, the proportion of those never married by age 45 is expected to rise from 14 to 40 per cent for males and nine to 35 per cent for females.
The statistics for children born-out-of-wedlock are devastating. "More than 42 of every 100 babies were born outside marriage last 1994 the figure was 32 per cent and in the early 1970s it was less than 10 per cent."
According to the report, children brought up by married parents fare better than those raised by cohabiting or single parents. Yet the Illuminati UK government has abolished the married couples allowance and its tax credit system favors single parents.
"Girls Gone Raunch" a thoughtful article in Canada's Macleans magazine confirms that young women today equate female empowerment with sexual depravity. Encouraged to compete with men, and spurred by examples like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, they have adopted a promiscuity more common to single males.
"I was pretty stunned by what I saw in high school students," said Ariel Levy, the author of a study. What she observed was girls everywhere, even at the most progressive schools, doing their best to look the "skankiest," trying to "look as slutty, willing and wanton" as they could. Snapping their thongs and baring their cleavages, these girls had astoundingly gone any sexist male one step better: they were treating themselves and each other like pieces of meat.
When Levy asked one high school student why she was dressed like that and told her that in her own day, "you would have been embarrassed, ostracized to look like that," she looked at me like I was absolutely from Mars and said, 'How did you get the guy? Charm?' "
If anything, admits Levy, women caught up in the "liberating" aspects of raunch "think of men as superior. Over and over again these women are telling me they want to be like a guy. It's really fascinating. It's fetishizing masculinity in the sense that maleness in this equation means smart, funny, capable, brave, sexually adventurous, all of that."
Levy is mystified that feminism which ostensibly aimed to give young women self-respect has resulted in their selling themselves like meat.
She shouldn't be surprised. Feminism was always about rejecting femininity and usurping the masculine role. Femininity is based on women's consecration of her sexuality to a future husband and family. Feminism taught them to behave like men and have sex without love or commitment.
"Free love" and the abolition of the family are main tenets of the Communist Manifesto(1848). The success of the Communist subversion of America is shown by our inability to comprehend that this has already taken place. Communism is a front for a scheme to assume control of the world by an ancient satanic cult backed by international bankers. They sponsor most of what ails the world today, including female empowerment.
The Rothschilds formed the modern form of this cult, the Illuminati, in 1776. Shortly afterward, defectors revealed the secret plans to subvert Western (Christian) civilization. On the subject of women, one Illuminati document explained:
"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation...of standing up for will cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire for personal admiration." (James Wardner, Unholy Alliances 1996, p.35)
Another Illuminati document, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905) talks about eliminating the family and using democracy to manipulate and control the masses. "By cultivating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value...In this way we shall create a blind mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents..." (Protocol 10-5)
Obviously many people will do whatever they are told and imitate whatever is presented as "cool." They have not yet learned to distrust the media, government and education.
Female empowerment is a cruel hoax. It flatters and lures young women with money and recognition and paints marriage and family as oppression. Thus many women are deprived of a lifetime of love from husband and children.
The Illuminati-Communists advance their plan by a policy of divide-and-
rule: world war, class war, race war and now gender war. Crime, corruption, dysfunction and decadence are other weapons in their secret war waged on humanity.
The purpose of female empowerment is to dissolve the family and to increase our dependence on the media and government, which are both owned and controlled by agents of Illuminati bankers.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st March 2011, 07:54 AM
Seems like these women are searching for something that can't be found between the sheets.
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