View Full Version : A political party, perhaps called DAJA, for Defense Against Jewish Aggression

30th March 2011, 10:03 AM
by J. Bruce Campbell

Are you aware that it is against the law in this country (America) for an American to ask if a product comes from Israel? That it is against the law for an American to answer that question, yea or nay? That it is against the law for anyone asked that question not to report the offender to the FBI or Department of Justice? That the penalty for asking, answering or not reporting is up to five years in federal prison and fines equaling five times the cost of the product or $15,000, whichever is higher?

Back in 2003, when this story first broke, the feds had already collected over 26 million dollars in fines from American violators of this law. By now, eight years later, I don’t know how much more they’ve collected under this law, part of the Tax Reform Act of 1976, gifted to us by a senator named Abraham Ribicoff, or to whom they gave the money.

I’m pretty sure you weren’t aware of that law.

You might be aware of a law just passed in Israel in their so-called parliament that requires the punishment of anyone, anywhere, who questions the origin of an Israeli product, or who calls for a boycott of Israel or of anything made in Israel. Punishment not specified, of course. I do know that in 2003, the Mossad made several efforts to kill me, for one thing or another, and came close. You could say I have a dog in this fight, to quote Mel Gibson. I am prejudiced – no question. I really hate the sons of bitches.

So, I’m going to get more serious about starting a political party to deal with the sons of bitches, something I suggested a few months ago and then got busy and let go.

We all need to recognize that Judaism is at war with everyone. Jewish teachers regard everyone as prey to be plundered and/or killed.

When Jews are in total control of a country (Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Palestine), see how they treat others. In America, look at the areas in which they are in total control (Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, Hollywood, psychiatry, clothing, etc). All of them are in ruins or farmed out to slave labor countries.

There is no exception to this rule. Jews have seized control of all critical elements of our society: government, banking & finance, the military, education, information & entertainment, publishing, medicine and Christianity.

We are currently at war in four countries with people whom the Jews hate: the Moslems. This is only because of the total Jewish control of the US government. The Jews, led by orthodox Jew Joseph Lieberman, now intend for us to go to war with a fifth country, Syria, en route to their ultimate target, Iran.

Our “War on Terror” is American war on victims of Jewish aggression resulting from Jewish control of American politicians. Americans are also victims of Jewish aggression with the “PATRIOT ACT,” devised by Michael Chertoff, who is now profiting from the forced use of radioactive X-ray machines in virtually all US airports.

A Jewish-devised, extremely destructive computer worm called “Stuxnet” was unleashed last year on the Iranian nuclear reactor at Bushear to disable its water-cooling procedure. This infection spread to the Chinese and Japanese reactors by last October and reportedly is the reason the Japanese reactors are unable to keep their stored fuel rods under water and cool since the earthquakes and tsunami.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has apparently recognized the cause of the Japanese nuclear meltdowns and has wisely begun shutting down the German nuclear energy system. Germany also distinguished itself recently by voting for the first time against Israel in the United Nations regarding the homicidal lunatic “settlers.” The immediate consequence was that her new twin-rotor helicopter experienced unprecedented flame-outs in both engines and narrowly avoided a crash due only to the skill of her pilots.

Dimitri Khalezov, the former Soviet nuclear security officer, has revealed that the terrorist attack of 9/11 was conducted by the infamous Israeli assassin, Michael Harari, exploiting the nuclear demolition plan for the WTC proposed decades earlier by Controlled Demolition, Inc and triggered by the attack on the Pentagon by a Soviet-era Granit cruise missile carrying a 500 kiloton nuclear warhead that was either purposely or accidentally deactivated. Harari and Khalezov were “friends” leading up to 9/11 and Dimitri was told by a very satisfied Harari the next day that he had organized the entire massacre.

These are just a few of the latest examples of Jewish aggression. The main problem is Jewish control of the US government, which is the only thing over which we have some control. We Americans really can’t do anything about Israel but we can attack and destroy Jewish organizations in America that create US domestic and foreign policies that provide Israel with money, weapons and orders to attack Moslems.

These organizations are the Council on Foreign Relations (70% Jewish), B’nai B’rith (the Jews-only Masonic lodge), AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the World Zionist Organization as well as a number of others. Now, it is more than possible that there is a super-organization that gives orders to these visible organizations. When we have the names and addresses of the super-members, we can deal with them if they live in America. America must become an extremely unsafe place to live and operate for these people. Until then, we shall be quite content to deal with the memberships of the visible groups that have chosen to make US policy in our name without the formality of being elected or appointed by us to do so. They must be shown that there is a risk involved in usurping power and calling it “democracy.” We can play that game, too, once we learn the rules. The rules are: We’re under the law of the gun.

There is no “rule of law” in America anymore. Judges are crooked tinhorns who forbid the mention of the Bill of Rights in their “courtrooms.” We have the same rights in the US legal system as Palestinians have in Israel, all because of the Judaization of the law, and exhibit one for this accusation is the recent addition of the “Southern Poverty Law Center” to the “Department of Homeland Security.” The SPLC has been an arm of Israel’s Mossad since its inception and bragged that it was monitoring Timothy McVeigh for two years before OKC. In other words, McVeigh was run by Morris “Seligman” Dees, the millionaire poverty lawyer who is dedicated to the destruction of all American resistance groups.


The law of the gun. It’s appropriate, if you think about it. This is, after all, America – the land of frontier justice, Colt, Winchester and Remington, S&W and so many others. But “law enforcement” in this country has become a dirty joke, as it always does where Jews are in charge. How could it be otherwise with an Israeli citizen such as Michael Chertoff in charge of “Homeland Security?” Or Janet Napolitano (mother’s name: Winer), who went to college on a “Jewish scholarship.”

We must have a political party, perhaps called DAJA, for Defense Against Jewish Aggression. We wouldn’t participate in elections or send people to Washington or anywhere else. It would just be a party of resistance to Judaism. But we need a way to identify and communicate with ourselves and to eliminate police informants, of which there will be many, though perhaps not at first. This would be a counter-terror party. I have some experience in this as a former member of the Rhodesian counter-terror group known as Support Unit and as the one who started the American counter-terror movement known as the militia.


Enough history and philosophy. Defense against Jewish aggression means first admitting we have a Jewish problem! We cannot solve this problem by voting or by reporting them to the police. The vote machines are rigged and the police are controlled by the Anti-Defamation League and the SPLC.

The militia movement was just that: a movement. A state of mind. There was no militia unit to join, unless you just started some outfit with your friends. It was an anti-government state of mind, a willingness to say “no” to the homicidal Bush queers and the homicidal Clinton queers and their vicious attempts at gun control. The more Liberace Bush talked about the New World Order, the more Hilary the dyke did at and after Waco, the bigger the militia movement got. It got so big that ex-CIA director Bill Colby said it would have to be dealt with – “justly or otherwise.”

The militia movement just wasn’t ready for Oklahoma City.

Today, 2011, I believe American men are hardened up mentally for whatever. We’ve seen just how bad the US military is after ten years of American war crimes and mass murder of totally innocent people overseas. We know these guys are capable of anything, that a lot of them are so messed up by their Jewish brainwashing (Abu Ghraib and Gitmo and much more) that they can be aimed at us just as quickly as they were aimed at the Moslems, who never threatened them in the slightest.


So I’m proposing a winner-take-all political party to remove the Jewish organizations mentioned above and others. Winner-take-all means us or them. There can be no peaceful coexistence with liars and murderers. Is there any argument with that? It has to be a political party because we have to take total political power away from the Jewish organizations at every level – local, state and federal. This cannot be done legally or peacefully and I don’t expect any argument with that, either. It will have to be done the traditional American way, through force. Our ancestors, after all, took this country away from the toughest fighters on earth, the American Indians. It wasn’t right but it’s what happened. Do you think we’re not strong enough to take it back from a bunch of fake-Jews in three piece suits?


Complete article at http://www.rebelnews.org/opinion/middle-east/743695-daja

30th March 2011, 10:12 AM
Should be called DAZA and not DAJA..............A = J.

It would be kind of funny if a Zionist "Jew" were to ask........."Is this a real "Jewish" product from Israel?"... but only because he want's to buy the real thing.......would he go to jail for asking?.

mick silver
30th March 2011, 10:15 AM
what the hell

30th March 2011, 10:56 AM
Mick? by now you should know that we are living in a "what the hell" world.....

30th March 2011, 11:47 AM

looks good, i don't think this guy is controlled opposition.

30th March 2011, 11:50 AM
what the hell

my thoughts exactly