View Full Version : Next natural disaster or war: China

30th March 2011, 03:16 PM
Here's something that has been bugging me for a while, something for you guys to ponder on.

1. The disaster in Gulf of Mexico. Executed to a tee, it almost sounds like a military operation to take out US from political arena for a while. Didn't quite work, when they found out it wasn't working how they intended - operation was completed.

2. "Natural" disaster in Japan. Very highly suspect that it was a man-made. There are various indicators out there that Japan was going to act certain way that wasn't on the list for certain people.

3. Let me remind you that both nuclear superpowers, USA and Russia, now parade a young, inexperienced, politically impotent and very low rating president. Basically, someone who won't be able to play the cards right should push come to shove, and will play it how advisers (NWO plants) will suggest.

Said that...remember that last few times NWO has been stopped by strong opposition by USA, then by USSR, and a while back by russian Czar... none of these strong figures remain.

So...it seems to me that we have a strong european-based NWO coalition, with several US players such as Rockfellers and party of power Council on Foreign Relations. And no opposition. The only real opposition to NWO, to one world government under euroglobalists I see now is China.

I have a strange feeling that we are all waiting for a natural disaster or war in China. And then there would be noone left to stop one world gubbermint.