View Full Version : Scientists Warn Japan Nuclear Radioactive Fallout Now At Chernobyl Levels.

30th March 2011, 09:16 PM
While I am not scared, after all I am the "macho man", I am very concern about what is going on because the leak is going to last for "months".
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Scientists Warn Japan Nuclear Radioactive Fallout Now At Chernobyl Levels.

Posted by George Washington - March 30, 2011 at 5:04 pm - Permalink - Source via Washington's Blog

Independent scientists are warning, contrary to statements from the talking heads on corporate media outlets who say Japan is not Chernobyl, the levels of radioactive material being released in from Japan’s nuclear fallout already rivals Chernobyl Levels.

News of the high levels of radioactive fallout comes at the same time that levels of radiation in US rainwater are being measured at levels 1000′s of times higher than drinking water limits and the EPA has announced radiation has been found in US milk. To make matters worse Japan medical facilities are refusing to treat people unless they have been certified to be free of radiation.

Still corrupt Japan Politicians and US EPA officials continue to tell the public the radiation poses no risk to human life.

As I’ve previously noted, many experts say that the Fukushima plants will keep on leaking for months.
As the New York Times notes, radioactive cesium is the main danger from the Japanese nuclear accident:

Over the long term, the big threat to human health is cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years.

At that rate of disintegration, John Emsley wrote in “Nature’s Building Blocks” (Oxford, 2001), “it takes over 200 years to reduce it to 1 percent of its former level.”It is cesium-137 that still contaminates much of the land in Ukraine around the Chernobyl reactor.


Cesium-137 mixes easily with water and is chemically similar to potassium. It thus mimics how potassium gets metabolized in the body and can enter through many foods, including milk.

So it is bad news indeed that, as reported by New Scientist, cesium fallout from Fukushima already rivals Chernobyl:

Radioactive caesium and iodine has been deposited in northern Japan far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, at levels that were considered highly contaminated after Chernobyl.

The readings were taken by the Japanese science ministry, MEXT, and reveal high levels of caesium-137 and iodine-131 outside the 30-kilometre evacuation zone, mostly to the north-north-west.


After the 1986 Chernobyl accident, the most highly contaminated areas were defined as those with over 1490 kilobecquerels (kBq) of caesium per square metre. Produce from soil with 550 kBq/m2 was destroyed.

People living within 30 kilometres of the plant have evacuated or been advised to stay indoors. Since 18 March, MEXT has repeatedly found caesium levels above 550 kBq/m2 in an area some 45 kilometres wide lying 30 to 50 kilometres north-west of the plant. The highest was 6400 kBq/m2, about 35 kilometres away, while caesium reached 1816 kBq/m2 in Nihonmatsu City and 1752 kBq/m2 in the town of Kawamata, where iodine-131 levels of up to 12,560 kBq/m2 have also been measured. “Some of the numbers are really high,” says Gerhard Proehl, head of assessment and management of environmental releases of radiation at the International Atomic Energy Agency.

While Japan has been exposed to very high levels of cesium, so far, the levels of cesium in other parts of the world appear to be relatively low:

And see this.

But anyone who believes that Fukushima cannot possibly become as bad as Chernobyl has no idea what they are talking about.

‘Fukushima plutonium leak comparable to Chernobyl disaster’

Video Description:

Japanese government is considering the construction of a containment shell at the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. It would be aimed at averting further radiation leaks in a crisis that is still described as ‘grave’.

The plan would involve the three most badly damaged reactors being covered with hi-tech material.

The level of radiation measured in sea water near the site, is now said to be around three and a half thousand times higher than normal.

Workers have been unsuccessfully trying to restore the cooling system at the facility, in what is now the worst atomic crisis since Chernobyl.

RT spoke to nuclear energy expert Lars Polmeier, who says there are parallels with that disaster 25 years ago.


Mas as well add this......................

Fukushima nuclear plant to be entombed in concrete as Japan admits it has lost battle with crippled reactors. By: Kelly Thomas
Japan has finally conceded it has lost the battle to contain radiation at four of its crippled reactors and they will be closed down.

Details of what that will entail have yet to be revealed, but officials said it would mean switching off all power and abandoning attempts to keep the nuclear fuel rods cool.

The final move would involve pouring tonnes of concrete on the reactors to seal them in tombs and ensure radiation does not leak out.