View Full Version : GSUS State of the Forum Message

31st March 2011, 09:46 PM
GSUS State of the Forum
March 31, 2011

Well- we made it through our first year, and what a year!

We started the year with dissolution of that other forum and one members whimsical thought, 'hey, I could start a forum'.

People started coming in. A bunch the first few days, then as word got around, many others followed. Before we knew it we were a few hundred, then 500.

Along the way we picked up our star moderators Gaillo and madfranks. We fought some real battles at first. Many thought GSUS would not survive. But thanks to our great members we did. After opening up general membership again, we are now growing organically at a nice, but manageable pace.

We survived infiltrators, anatomy stabbers, financial collapses, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear metldowns (well so far at least), and wars.

We saw a campaign to Crash JP Morgan- Buy Silver get launched, and are now watching it succeed!

Even with the Fed and liberal doses of Hope and Change, the economy is refusing to die! Let's hope the economy is stronger than our corrupt government and wiped out financial system.

We should all look forward to another year analyzing and finding our way though the minefields we are presented with. With the great minds we have on GSUS, we stand a chance.

Let's also look forward to our new format (VBulletin), which I want to start in the coming days.


31st March 2011, 09:49 PM
Thanks from here!!!!!!!!!!!!!


31st March 2011, 09:49 PM
What a message!!!... highly inspirational... Thank you Sir!!!

31st March 2011, 09:53 PM
Yes celebrations are in order...................

31st March 2011, 09:54 PM
Outstanding job! Everyone deserves a pat on the back!


31st March 2011, 09:54 PM
Thank you mods and founders!

31st March 2011, 09:57 PM
Well- we made it through our first year, and what a year!


31st March 2011, 10:06 PM
Outstanding job! Everyone deserves a pat on the back!


Well, I take that back.

Some deserve a stab in the _ick!

31st March 2011, 10:09 PM
I'm still happy that I'm here. I'm still happy that you're here.

mick silver
31st March 2011, 10:37 PM
i am glad all the good gim people made there way here . still lets to learn thanks all

31st March 2011, 10:41 PM
What can I say, miracles do happen.........I am still here..........love you all........from the one and only ;D

Hatha Sunahara
1st April 2011, 12:18 AM
I'm glad to be here with all you fine folks. It's a learning experience for me.

Happy Birthday GSUS. I wouldn't say that on Christmas, but I will here.


1st April 2011, 03:55 AM
Outstanding! Thank you JQP, Moderators, and fellow GSUS followers for making this.

1970 silver art
1st April 2011, 04:19 AM
Thank you JQP for providing a forum for us to go to after GIM1(R.I.P) was "killed". Thank you Madfranks and Gaillo for making sure that we behave ourselves while on the board. Thank you to the rest of the GSUS community for making GSUS a great place to go to on the internet for the gold and silver and the crazy. :)

The fact that we are able to overcome the "enemies" of GSUS (a.k.a. trolls) and to overcome the various other difficulties that GSUS faced during the first year just indicates that this is a very strong forum. The excellent moderation, the freedom of speech that we have on this forum, and the excellent posters are the three vital components that make GSUS a well-oiled machine that will continue to run well into the future IMO.

1st April 2011, 04:44 AM
Blessings to all. Simply stated, be grateful for the gift of life.

1st April 2011, 05:21 AM
Happy Birthday GSUS! ;D

Congratulations JQP!

And thank you for sticking with us though it all.

1st April 2011, 06:16 AM
I am sure there are more to learn, and even more to unlearn! Thank you guys for a fantastic year. A trillion thanks to Gaillo, I would most likely not have been here if it hadn't been for him.

gunny highway
1st April 2011, 06:21 AM
glad to be here with all you crazy conspiracy theorists!!! Thanks to JQP, Gaillo, madfranks and all the other members!

1st April 2011, 07:23 AM

A year ago today I was busting my ass recruiting members from GIM, and then GIM2.

I got banned about half a dozen times at GIM2 in the process (I'll weep not for that "loss"), but it was nice to see new names pop up over here as "newest member" after I'd managed to rescue them from GIM2 via pm.

I realized that even when I was banned there, I could "thank" posts, so I registered as "gold-silver.us/forum" and "go to the other site!" and thanked every post I could. ;D

I'm glad it paid off!

Since this is a sort of "GSUS birthday"; MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1st April 2011, 07:28 AM
Way to go on the first year!


1st April 2011, 07:39 AM
Great first year guys! This forum's success is a direct result of having a membership made up of folks of the highest character.

It is an honor to have met a few of you in person, and look forward to more meetups!

Congratulations all... this has become a place we all can be proud of!

1st April 2011, 07:43 AM

1st April 2011, 07:56 AM

A year ago today I was busting my ass recruiting members from GIM, and then GIM2.

I got banned about half a dozen times at GIM2 in the process (I'll weep not for that "loss"), but it was nice to see new names pop up over here as "newest member" after I'd managed to rescue them from GIM2 via pm.

I realized that even when I was banned there, I could "thank" posts, so I registered as "gold-silver.us/forum" and "go to the other site!" and thanked every post I could. ;D

I'm glad it paid off!

Since this is a sort of "GSUS birthday"; MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Actually I think most biblical scholars place the birth of Jesus around this time of the year!

Anyway, you were the one who got me here! Before that I got a mail from Magnes, and I had a look in, and there were hardly any action at that time, maybe 5-10 people at the most, so I thought it would be like Agora 2, and didn't register, but your PM a couple of days later, got my proverbial thumb out of my proverbial arse, after I started seeing the heavy-handed moderation, censorship and bannings of people who questioned the closing of GIM. You did a great job SirGonzo420! So did Magnes!

1st April 2011, 07:57 AM

A year ago today I was busting my ass recruiting members from GIM, and then GIM2.

Yep, it's all your fault that I made it over here. So, thank you, sirgonzo420!

Happy Birthday GSUS!
JohnQPublic made the forum. . . all of the members make the forum awesome.

1st April 2011, 08:11 AM
It's been a great year for GSUS; my only regret is that I can't meet all of you and enjoy some great GSUS conversations in person. I'm glad to call you all my friends, thanks!!!

1st April 2011, 08:26 AM
More than 200.000 posts, surprisingly many with great clarity re the tricks that have been played on the people of the earth, for the benefit of a few. 876 members, most being in the upper percentiles of awareness... This is amazing! I think we could have close to 2000 members and 700 k posts, in a years time, maybe even way more...

1st April 2011, 08:27 AM
More than 200.000 posts, surprisingly many with great clarity re the tricks that have been played on the people of the earth, for the benefit of a few. 876 members, most being in the upper percentiles of awareness... This is amazing! I think we could have close to 2000 members and 700 k posts, in a years time, maybe even way more...

If the world lasts that long, I'd say you'd be right!

1st April 2011, 08:34 AM
More than 200.000 posts, surprisingly many with great clarity re the tricks that have been played on the people of the earth, for the benefit of a few. 876 members, most being in the upper percentiles of awareness... This is amazing! I think we could have close to 2000 members and 700 k posts, in a years time, maybe even way more...

If the world lasts that long, I'd say you'd be right!

Yes I was about to add that! A continued SOFT SHTF development would be best, for waking people up, and a part of them getting here... But who knows... We could have Internet closure, EMP's, power failures, full scale WWIII...

1st April 2011, 09:46 AM
Thanks JQP. Looking forward to the upcoming platform transition as we enter Year 2. Happy Birthday to the GSUS family!

General of Darkness
1st April 2011, 10:33 AM
Now if someone would just get rid of Antonio the second year will be twice as good. ;D

1st April 2011, 10:45 AM
I realized that even when I was banned there, I could "thank" posts, so I registered as "gold-silver.us/forum" and "go to the other site!" and thanked every post I could.

I remember that. I think I was about a day away from making my farewell post. All the craziness was going down and then I'd see those thanks and I thought "WTF is that?" It was so ridiculous it got me to go to the other site.

1st April 2011, 11:06 AM
I realized that even when I was banned there, I could "thank" posts, so I registered as "gold-silver.us/forum" and "go to the other site!" and thanked every post I could.

I remember that. I think I was about a day away from making my farewell post. All the craziness was going down and then I'd see those thanks and I thought "WTF is that?" It was so ridiculous it got me to go to the other site.

Mission accomplished!


1st April 2011, 11:11 AM
More than 200.000 posts, surprisingly many with great clarity re the tricks that have been played on the people of the earth, for the benefit of a few. 876 members, most being in the upper percentiles of awareness... This is amazing! I think we could have close to 2000 members and 700 k posts, in a years time, maybe even way more...

Neuro? the only problem is that 199,999 of those posts are mine.......whey are you guys going to start posting?

1st April 2011, 03:23 PM
You did a great job SirGonzo420! So did Magnes!

Thanks for remembering us, it is actually Awoke that created an email list of key people,
because of all the ridiculous bans and the way things were going, I had my own too,
others did as well, lots helped, we were up to 100 and 200 in 1 and 2 days, most good
posters were here on day 2,
we posted lots of stuff on gim last day, Joe6Pack, Gaillo, StackerKen, me, others, were
posting at the same time, everyone got banned and stuff deleted, it was funny too, I used
one of my socks to spam them later, Ezra Pound, over 250 pms +, nobody reported me
and I did not get banned, I did an all nighter, I would go to a right wingers post and send
a pm to everyone that thanked him, I tried to get key people first, they singled me out for this
on gim calling me a jew and gov, ff thread, FRED/PDT did the same thing spamming them,
and most likely others too we don't know about, lots helped, I also had a link to Tallships forum,
he closed it on us working against us, over 200 hits in the thread with links to here, I gave him shit,
later we had people like Gonzo, Ken, and others get banned just for telling friends where we are,
I have some screens of all of this, even of Ken , they are funny, I posted the round, gave FF shit, predicted the creation of a new forum, you can all thank Awoke as the key person who late at
night goes, " this is our new home", so at that point all work concentrated on here.
And we did whip it up on the last day, to me it was like yesterday, I really enjoyed
fighting in the trenches with Gaillo. And here we are. We lost a few good people because
of a snake deceiver who couldn't control himself, we never gave up, and I am very
glad we are going to VB for security reasons.

Fact is lots of people helped get people here, many people got a few invitations.

It takes a team to do what we did and that is what we are, " TEAM GSUS " .

I was looking at some old threads in gim section, very revealing, worth looking at again.

My thanks to John, Gaillo, Madfranks.

Last word goes to FRED.
We would not be here without FRED outing skyvike, that is a fact.

1st April 2011, 03:43 PM
( I know I annoy the HELL out of a lotta people ! )

You're joking of course, thanks for the hug, I needed it. ;)

1st April 2011, 03:43 PM
It takes a team to do what we did and that is what we are, " TEAM GSUS " .

There's definitely a team here...I'm on my third user name, been banned a few times as well during the course of the year, but I'm damn glad to still be here!

Thanks for tolerating me, folks. |--0--|

There's definitely some sentiment for sure with this date, indeed. Amazing a year has gone by already, to see what this forum has become. Lot's of good folks here, for sure. I'm proud to be a part of it.

My resolution, is no more flying off the handle deleting my account, no more bans, and no more damn boating accidents! ;D

1st April 2011, 03:54 PM
There's definitely a team here...

Many quiet ones as well that did a lot, people that put together the database for others.

PKG and her project, reconstructing. GIM section is full of great finds and info, it' a case study.

Considering politics is discussed here and controversial stuff it does get pretty heated but
in real life it gets even worse in some cases, you can't invite people to post on politics, religion,
etc, and not expect heat of some kind, having said that it is pretty civil considering this.

1st April 2011, 04:14 PM
Thanks John Q for EVERYTHING !!! Thanks to EVERYONE who makes this place soooo awesome !!

Thanks for putting up with my sheyit, too !!! ( I know I annoy the HELL out of a lotta people ! )

|--0--| |--0--| GROUP HUG !!!! |--0--| |--0--| |--0--|

you pretty much annoy the hell out of me... :o

1st April 2011, 04:15 PM
Thanks John Q for EVERYTHING !!! Thanks to EVERYONE who makes this place soooo awesome !!

Thanks for putting up with my sheyit, too !!! ( I know I annoy the HELL out of a lotta people ! )

|--0--| |--0--| GROUP HUG !!!! |--0--| |--0--| |--0--|

you pretty much annoy the hell out of me... :o

eh... you could probably use less hell in you anyway.


1st April 2011, 04:26 PM
April 2nd .....forum still here.....phew ;D

1st April 2011, 04:37 PM
eh... you could probably use less hell in you anyway.


Indeed. :) Maybe while she's getting rid of some of the hell, she'll get rid of that barbecue of hers too. ;D

1st April 2011, 05:46 PM
Just went back and read my first post on GSUS, which was more of a banishment/defection speech after being kicked off GIM. I've concluded I was banned because someone invited me to GSUS, even before I chose to come here. I may not have come here otherwise, so I guess it worked out.

From my first post, I was skeptical that GSUS would reach this level of stability to the point where I would want to visit regularly the way I did at GIM. Happily, I was wrong.

Here's my first post-speech if anyone wants to remember what the sentiment was a year ago:


Still here for the crazy...

1st April 2011, 05:53 PM
April 2nd .....forum still here.....phew ;D

April 2..........happy birthday Ponce......did I missed beind a fool by one day or did I made it? :oo-->

1st April 2011, 06:01 PM
Through the ups and downs of our individual moods and the opposing opinions that make us re-think and grow, GSUS is a serious player in the truth space and the management deserves a well-earned applause +1. Seriously - some things I've learned here have changed my life.

1st April 2011, 10:43 PM
...JQP: Once you remove Avalon as mod of the womens forum, ...

I thought I had removed her several montrhs ago, but after a little research I realize I have to remove the title from the board specific interface. She has not participated since May of last year!

2nd April 2011, 05:45 PM
Through the ups and downs of our individual moods and the opposing opinions that make us re-think and grow, GSUS is a serious player in the truth space and the management deserves a well-earned applause +1. Seriously - some things I've learned here have changed my life.

Maybe it sounds pathetic, but MOST of the things I've learned here have changed my life...

2nd April 2011, 08:28 PM
Thank you Magnes. You're an asset to the forum.

Thank you JQP, Gaillo and MadFranks. You guys rule.

Thank you to the membership for constantly learning and teaching.

5th April 2011, 04:32 PM
thanks everyone for the info, laughs, camaraderie, and DOOOOOOOOOOOOM :)

Its been a great first year!

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
18th April 2011, 08:46 PM
Indeed, thank you mods for sticking through with the forum, I know sometimes babysitting can be difficult, Gaillo had some tough decisions to make, whether to continue or not, JQP had to lay the ground work, and madfranks & others I'm sure also had difficult time maintaining order with out busting out the skyvike/scorpio ban hammers. Well, maybe I'm speaking prematurely, but that's probably also why I don't post often, the good thing is that only two posters annoy me here, whereas in GIM1, there were several that enjoyed their Arrogant Bastard Ale's on a daily basis and had a whole support group going, I guess it was a good thing GIM ceased last April after all. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have you guys as mods, happy b-day GSUS (I know it's not even December yet...blah...blah...)

To infinity...and BEYOND!!!

18th April 2011, 09:09 PM
there were several that enjoyed their Arrogant Bastard Ale's on a daily basis and had a whole support group going

You say that like it's a bad thing...


Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
23rd April 2011, 01:58 PM
there were several that enjoyed their Arrogant Bastard Ale's on a daily basis and had a whole support group going

You say that like it's a bad thing...


;D my bad, ironically I had to try it myself, it's not bad... I was figuratively stating the previous of course :D

10th June 2011, 03:17 PM
Never fear, Ponce is here hahahahahaahah.........Heyyyyyyyy what do you expect from me?

Not many sites have been able to put up with me (and my English) for a full year so that to still be here after a year it is a miracle........ to everyone, thanks for putting with me for a full year and may the coming year be the same.......say what?