View Full Version : Do You Think it's a 7 ?

1st April 2011, 06:11 PM
"The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) was introduced in 1990[1] by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to enable prompt communication of safety significance information in case of nuclear accidents.

The scale is intended to be logarithmic, similar to the Moment magnitude scale that is used to describe the comparative magnitude of earthquakes. Each increasing level represents an accident approximately ten times more severe than the previous level."



The only previous incident that was a 7 was Chernobyl.

Chernobyl had 1 reactor.

Fukushima has 5 or 6 reactors and also fuel storage facilities that are out of control.

There was an article today comparing them, maybe I can find it on my laptop.

Long story short, it's a 7.

The question is, when will they acknowledge it ?

I think they are holding off because they know the economic ramifications will be heavy-duty and they want to keep "confidence up".

In the mean-time, they are making Official Government Happy-Face.

1st April 2011, 06:24 PM
They don't have levels called "shit storm" or "cluster fuck".

I would rate this beyond a 7. Especially when you factor in the Japanese traditions complicating things.

Off topic, but has Osaka chimed in lately?

1st April 2011, 08:31 PM
I believe this is far beyond Chernobyl. If not for the ocean and the prevailing winds, this shit-storm would be taking out enormous areas of inhabited land. It may yet.

1st April 2011, 08:44 PM
I'll wager that San Franciscans will soon opine that it is a 7! :-\

Radioactive Iodine-131 in rainwater sample near San Francisco was 18,100% above federal drinking water standard


1st April 2011, 08:51 PM
Pictures and high-def video are worth a thousand political lies:



:o to think they were talking about recovering cooling system functions? What fucking cooling system? I'm no expert, but those uh, reactors look to have suffered total destruction.

1st April 2011, 10:55 PM
I'd say this one goes to 11.

1st April 2011, 11:03 PM
They don't have levels called "shit storm" or "cluster fuck".

I would rate this beyond a 7. Especially when you factor in the Japanese traditions complicating things.

Believe it or not, a Russian alternative media source has just said this exactly the same way, no levels invented yet for a complete
fuck-up. :boom

1st April 2011, 11:18 PM
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) needs to build a couple more levels on that pyramid just to get in the ball park.

2nd April 2011, 02:30 AM
Pictures and high-def video are worth a thousand political lies:



:o to think they were talking about recovering cooling system functions? What fucking cooling system? I'm no expert, but those uh, reactors look to have suffered total destruction.

It is like arguing whether WTC 1,2 and 7 should be repaired or torn down on the 12th of Sept 2001. Since the beginning of this cluster fuck up, the authorities have fed people nothing but fairy tale lies... Restoring electricity? To what? A huge pile of radioactive debris! The Daiichi complex has 10 times the radioactive fuel of the Chernobyl reactor. And here they have wasted 3 weeks splashing water on it. In Chernobyl at least they used the time to cap it.

At this point I think it is even questionable if they even will be able to keep personel to salvage the relatively
unharmed reactors from meltdown, due to ambient radiation...

2nd April 2011, 03:17 AM
During Chernobyl the decision was made within about 2-3 days to drop 1000s of tons of lead, boric acid and sand and then to build a sarcophagus. Russia has limitless resources and that`s why the decision was implemented. I completely understand that Japan has little resources. But what they had to do was say to the whole world on the day 1: we royally fucked up and we must bury this shit Chernobyl-style ASAP, we don`t have resources so please start sending us stuff so we can start working on this ASAP because if you don`t, everyone is gonna eat a giant radioactive shit sandwich. Believe me, plenty of world`s govts would send anything the Japs need to deal with this, all they had to do is ask. UNLESS it`s a plan by TPTB to let this shit continue to go unattanded and get as bad as it can...

2nd April 2011, 04:26 AM
UNLESS it`s a plan by TPTB to let this shit continue to go unattanded and get as bad as it can

Hhmmm. What a great way to implement some form of martial law and put FEMA into action.

The radiation threat requires everyone to stay home.
Let's the the le/mil roll with all their toys and gives them permission to beat heads.
Markets & economy go into free fall.
Govt gets a crisis, let it not go to waste.
Blame it all Fukushima.

2nd April 2011, 06:02 AM
UNLESS it`s a plan by TPTB to let this shit continue to go unattanded and get as bad as it can...

It seems as though there is no one at the helm, doesn't it? I am starting to think this was done on purpose. Insanity is insane. I do not believe the PTPB are sane. They would poison the earth to dominate it. What good is it to be the king when you are the king of a dismal wastland. Sauron is in control here.

2nd April 2011, 06:26 AM
UNLESS it`s a plan by TPTB to let this shit continue to go unattanded and get as bad as it can...

It seems as though there is no one at the helm, doesn't it? I am starting to think this was done on purpose. Insanity is insane. I do not believe the PTPB are sane. They would poison the earth to dominate it. What good is it to be the king when you are the king of a dismal wastland. Sauron is in control here.
One possibility to consider is that this caught them by surprise, they were busy dividing up the middle east... Prior to this they appointed cost cutting, yes sayer propaganda dolls at TEPCO, to increase profit margins, and the same in Japan government... Us government have to types of leaders, TelePrompTer readers, and powermanipulators, like any other government in the western world, none of them really suitable to deal with a real crisis they didn't manufacture themselves...

I don't think there plan includes ruling over a nuclear wasteland. Sure they want to get rid of 90-95% of earths population, but I don't think this is how they envisaged that earth. God/providence may have thrown a stick in their wheel and they couldn't handle it after that.

Maybe in reality this is a blessing in disguise, exposing the fraudsters, for their incompetence at actually governing the world and the people in it.

2nd April 2011, 07:41 AM
I believe this is far beyond Chernobyl. If not for the ocean and the prevailing winds, this shit-storm would be taking out enormous areas of inhabited land. It may yet.


this map is bigger than it needs to be but, what the hell.

look at all the cities and countries west of Japan, much closer than the US. we got 5000 miles of ocean to protect us - and we got Hawaii to act as a "canary".

Fukushima is about halfway between Sapporo and Tokyo. Due West is Korea.

Then, China - Shanghai, etc. with Russia just to the Northwest.

what are the Korean newspapers saying ?


same info - about the recent leak into the ocean. but that's going into the ocean east of Japan, so it has a little ways to go to get to Korea.


i'm still more concerned about the government's reaction than about the radiation itself.

and i agree, they might have to extend the nuclear disaster scale. though there aren't many levels left. i don't know what the definition of 8 would be, but 9 might be "completely disrupts all life on earth". i think this will have that effect. we'll know when iPod production in Guanzhou province is affected.

not because of the Japan nuclear disaster itself, but because of -
A/ the follow-on effects (Japan becomes net seller of US debt)
B/ strong possibility of additional quakes on the US Pacific rim

i think March 12 (or was it March 11) was our "2012 moment". it won't be like the movie ... but the edifices that composed Western civilization will just disintegrate faster.

midnight rambler
2nd April 2011, 02:20 PM
Definitely an 11 on a scale of 0-10.


2nd April 2011, 09:46 PM
UNLESS it`s a plan by TPTB to let this shit continue to go unattanded and get as bad as it can...

It seems as though there is no one at the helm, doesn't it? I am starting to think this was done on purpose. Insanity is insane. I do not believe the PTPB are sane. They would poison the earth to dominate it. What good is it to be the king when you are the king of a dismal wastland. Sauron is in control here.
One possibility to consider is that this caught them by surprise, they were busy dividing up the middle east... Prior to this they appointed cost cutting, yes sayer propaganda dolls at TEPCO, to increase profit margins, and the same in Japan government... Us government have to types of leaders, TelePrompTer readers, and powermanipulators, like any other government in the western world, none of them really suitable to deal with a real crisis they didn't manufacture themselves...

I don't think there plan includes ruling over a nuclear wasteland. Sure they want to get rid of 90-95% of earths population, but I don't think this is how they envisaged that earth. God/providence may have thrown a stick in their wheel and they couldn't handle it after that.

Maybe in reality this is a blessing in disguise, exposing the fraudsters, for their incompetence at actually governing the world and the people in it.

I don't think there is any chance this was an accident. The bumbling and indecisive government disaster reaction is so similar to the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. These guys like to plan everything and use a specific playbook. Katrina was the test case, Fukushima is the real McCoy. I would bet that the radiation aspect of this debacle is meant for the proles to deal with, not the overseers. It's likely that they have some sort of technology or evil plan that is already in place that mitigates the radiation effects on the elite.


4th April 2011, 06:01 PM
I don't think there is any chance this was an accident. The bumbling and indecisive government disaster reaction is so similar to the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. These guys like to plan everything and use a specific playbook. Katrina was the test case, Fukushima is the real McCoy. I would bet that the radiation aspect of this debacle is meant for the proles to deal with, not the overseers. It's likely that they have some sort of technology or evil plan that is already in place that mitigates the radiation effects on the elite.


IN THE WAKE OF HURRICANE KATRINA (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=FEMA_Katrina)
Analysis by G. Edward Griffin, updated 2005 September 30

It was clear from the start that the goal of FEMA and Homeland Security was, not to rescue people, but to control them. Their directive was to relocate families and businesses, confiscate property, commandeer goods, direct labor and services, and establish martial law. This is what they have been trained to do. The reason they failed to carry out an effective rescue operation is that this was not their primary mission, and the reason they blocked others from doing so is that any operations not controlled by the central authority are contrary to their directives. Their objective was to bring the entire area under the control of the federal government - and this they succeeded in doing very well.