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2nd April 2011, 01:30 AM

Satanist Insider Gloats Over Dire Prospects
April 1, 2011

"It is again time to reallocate the wealth of the world. We are doing this through an economic depression the likes, depth and suffering of which no one has yet seen."

Gaping at the Dapper Men
With Derby Hats & Canes.

[Disclaimer: We do not endorse this viewpoint but present it for informational value. For example, AJF attributes atrocities like Hiroshima to Christians when they were carried out by his satanist precursors.]

by A.J. Fozdyke
(for henrymakow.com)

The Alpha Lodge and its system of Magick have helped many individuals to advance towards their Godhead. In this we continue to use the dregs of society to achieve Our aims. So what? Doesn't everybody?

Currently it is again time to reallocate the wealth of the world. We are doing this through an economic depression the likes, depth and suffering of which no one has yet seen. Think of the Great Depression only more so: longer and deeper. But we will never wholly rid ourselves of the herd, because that would yield a poor return on Our investments. Try to imagine the agony and ecstasy of Our will to be; the Usher of Desecration and the coming of Vindex.

Honestly I feel some compassion. Aiwass states in Liber Al "...Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world."

And I am a King to my Prince! That said, humanity desperately needs to be cleansed and freed from the worthless, the wretched and the weak. I have lived a truly great life and yet I feel the weight of my years. My Deities have given me many things. I honestly have no regrets of which to speak. I feel like I'm living a prophecy. Not a biblical prophecy, but one based on forethought and unadulterated truth.

'Now is my time to seek the glory of my Gods that I may one day walk with Satan, in His world and with His bride.'

What's happening in Libya is a diversion. People are being tortured and killed in the Gaza Strip but no one gives a damn about that, do they? It's called cognitive dissonance or the cataract of denial. Same in Japan.

Everyone is worried about radiation but no one mentions Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Hardly anyone knows that Xtains dropped the bombs on Japan more than six months after the Japanese government was desperately trying to end the war. Those who followed their loving saviour couldn't drop 'the bomb' on white people.

In Libya what's going on is a stage show to hide what's happening in Saudi Arabia and it's all about oil and the American dollar. And just by the by, it won't save the dollar and America is doomed. We organized that by giving the plebes what they want. Although the masses hate the thought of being controlled, most wish to be controlled. Freedom, power and sovereignty are only words to them!

It's O.K. when followers of the 2000 years dead, gay, Jewish bastard torture, maim, kill and engage in unspeakable acts of pointless cruelty, but somehow we of the left-hand path are evil! It's the will of Ialdabaoth when Palestinian kids are incinerated with white phosphorous bombs or Japanese babies were vaporized by nukes, but it's evil when we exploit, initiate and sacrifice! Yours is a hate filled, vengeful deity killing all before him, babies included: see Leviticus 26:16-39 or Joshua 7:19-26.

Our Prince is a realistic God who answers those which call upon Him. He is 'contradictory defiance: challenging in its purest...archetypal, shape-shifting form. His is the forbidden fascination that creates, nourishes, destroys and redeems. The Prince of the Earth, the Lord of the Air, the Darkness of the Deep, and the God of Fire! The terrifying and majestic Other, reflected in the unimaginable.'

We give the filth what they whim that they want! The Manipulators of the Alpha Lodge are some of the most obsequious, kind and helpful individuals you'll ever meet. We help the sheeple firm up their ideals and notions until these are so rigid they can be broken like glass.

The best way to control is through co-operation. In America we gave them the lightweight Kenyan as a precursor to the one who's coming. And we'll continue to give them the presidents they want.

In Australia we let the white trash think they chose Julia, but she isn't even their prime minister and Australia has no valid parliament. This was orchestrated in order for the Australian government to be more easily manipulated by those that we're kept in the loop.




It's all in the open! There's less reason to hide. Do Aussies care? They're too interested in another Royal wedding. You think that we're not intimately associated with the British establishment and royal family? You think Churchill the Druid wasn't in our hands? The war is now almost over. There is and will be no opposition to; no battles against Our future. We control the political parties; the economists; the educational curricula; the media and many of the evangelical churches. If I was stupid enough to name some names I wouldn't be believed anyway. The young are already Ours.

Sheeple don't play to win. They have been dealt cards to a circus act game they don't know how to play, so they act safe whilst feeling morally superior to the winners: irrational beings capable of semi-rational thought. Their strength is a function of their morality: the more they have, the weaker they are.

One of Our axioms is that even if you tell the truth, perhaps because you tell the truth, no one will believe you. The masses have a strong, but nurtured, imagination coupled with the inability to distinguish the existential conditions of their lives from their hopes, fears, wishes and dreams. The common man is a domesticated primate who lives (if you can call it that) in Limbo. We control the zoo.

By working tirelessly, quietly, secretively and intelligently the disciples of the world and the apostles of apostasy can finally taste the culmination of their dreams. The idealist will always lose to the men and women of passion and commitment with a goal. The idealist works for the 'right' reasons, but we enjoy Our work. The future stretches before Us as Our Prince's.

We will seek Our happiness in victory but never in peace!

2nd April 2011, 01:59 AM

2nd April 2011, 03:49 AM

You are right, but...

2nd April 2011, 06:06 AM
looks pretty straight forward. That oath is not the one for the constitutionally founded Federal Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. What it is an oath for, is another question altogether. It seems to me that the constitutionally formed government has been abandoned much like it was in the US. Point of that is, can it be repopulated?

2nd April 2011, 10:10 AM
Both those women belong to this organisation


Hatha Sunahara
2nd April 2011, 10:15 AM
I just love monographs like this that tell it to us from the viewpoint of the 'masters of the universe'. This is from the example of the tone in The Protocols of Zion.

We are so superior to you. You are just dogsh*t on our shoes. This was written by a Talmudist. He calls Jesus Christ a dead gay Jewish bastard--which is the tone of the Talmud regarding Christ, and the attitude of most if not all Talmudic rabbis, who are descendants of the Pharisees. Julia Gillard, like all your other leaders who we choose for you are 'shabbes goyim'--hired hands to do our dirty work. We will not miss an opportunity to rub your noses in our superiority.

What I want to know is why are the people who write these pieces unaware of the fact that this is an incitement for the 'goyim' to riot? Is it a deliberate provocation? Are they taunting the slaves? Or is it written by someone who wants the slaves to wake up--and attack the perpetrators of their slavery?

But under any circumstances, it is a closed loop. Anyone who accuses elite Jews of harboring this kind of attitude, regardless of the abundance of evidence it is true, will be labeled an anti-semite. Or is this the product of some other sect of Luciferians? Is this style of writing supposed to make us all lose hope and abandon any temptation to resist because the enemy is so much smarter and so much superior to us that we should just let them roll over us?

We all have a choice. We can sit back and watch the people who have this attitude toward humanity destroy themselves. Or we can allow them to continue to enslave all of us without opposition. None of us however can say this is not our struggle. We can choose to be free, or to continue to be slaves. This piece is an advocate for the continuation of our slavery.

The Order of the Eastern Star for women is analogous to the Freemasons who have been infiltrated by the Illuminati secret society, which none of the ordinary members know anything about. It appears to be a benevolent association, but that illuminist infiltration makes it malevolent and dangerous. The forces of evil will not run out of tricks to deceive us into supporting them.


2nd April 2011, 10:16 AM
Brummies urged to give gift of life for Royal Wedding

BRUMMIES are being asked to give a special present for the Royal Wedding – the gift of life.

NHS Blood and Transplant bosses are urging regular blood donors and new volunteers to make a special effort over the four-day Easter break, Royal Wedding and May bank holiday weekend as stocks dwindle.

Blood stock chief Jon Latham said: “The Royal Wedding and the double bank holiday presents welcome extra excitement for the nation.

“But it could become a distraction as people throw themselves into the celebrations or take extended holidays. If you’ve never given blood before, right now is a good time to start.

“Giving blood is giving the gift of life, a gift that could help ensure someone else is able to enjoy future Royal Weddings and Bank Holidays.”

Read More http://www.birminghammail.net/news/top-stories/2011/04/02/brummies-urged-to-give-gift-of-life-for-royal-wedding-97319-28444044/#ixzz1IO3q6WNV

2nd April 2011, 12:18 PM
One of Our axioms is that even if you tell the truth, perhaps because you tell the truth, no one will believe you.

This. Very important.


Hatha Sunahara
2nd April 2011, 02:40 PM
One of Our axioms is that even if you tell the truth, perhaps because you tell the truth, no one will believe you.

This. Very important.


I wonder why that is? Could it be that we all know how little we tell the truth ourselves, so by extension, if everyone else is like us, there is a very slim chance they are telling the truth, so you're safer to not believe anything, even if it's the truth.

This is the curse of our modern political culture. The truth is subjective. Everyone sees it in a different way. What makes it more objective is the application of logic and reason--and that is how you get others to believe the truth. Unfortunately, very few of us have learned to use our faculties of logic and reason. We see just about everything from the perspective of a power relationship. So, the truth is subjective--and most of us don't know what to believe. But authority gives everything (including lies) credibility. It is as if the elite have injected a venom into us which paralyzes our logic and reasoning abilities. And then they tease us about it.


2nd April 2011, 03:24 PM
" because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not" Apostle Paul

2nd April 2011, 03:29 PM

2nd April 2011, 03:30 PM
Both those women belong to this organisation


I knew that the GG was a member. I believe her husband is the head honcho of the freemasons. I did not know Gillard was one. I do know by her own admission and despite being raised a Baptist that she "feels nothing for God". Her financial backer is a prominent Jewish business man and I think her partner works(worked) for him. Real estate I think. I don't know much about her, where she represents etc. I guess being socialst she came from unions ranks or perhaps that doesn't happen these days.

I remember seeing some videos of a guy who was giving presentations around the country trying to bring this to everyones attention. That the oath they were taking was not the constitutional oath. There were other issues and examples he had of what appeared to be criminality. I'll assume we have some kind of laws against things like perverting justice.

I wonder if the commonwealth has been vacated. In 1986 they past the Australia Act which made some major "changes" to the Govt and its relationship with the Queen. I don't know if that is where this oath these guys are using comes from or not but it seems likely

2nd April 2011, 06:14 PM
One of Our axioms is that even if you tell the truth, perhaps because you tell the truth, no one will believe you.

This. Very important.


I wonder why that is? Could it be that we all know how little we tell the truth ourselves, so by extension, if everyone else is like us, there is a very slim chance they are telling the truth, so you're safer to not believe anything, even if it's the truth.

This is the curse of our modern political culture. The truth is subjective. Everyone sees it in a different way. What makes it more objective is the application of logic and reason--and that is how you get others to believe the truth. Unfortunately, very few of us have learned to use our faculties of logic and reason. We see just about everything from the perspective of a power relationship. So, the truth is subjective--and most of us don't know what to believe. But authority gives everything (including lies) credibility. It is as if the elite have injected a venom into us which paralyzes our logic and reasoning abilities. And then they tease us about it.



I believe that the axiom is directed at their enemies. When these groups come up against someone that is willing and able to challenge their power, that person tends to find themselves in a world of hurt. Hurt that is totally outside of the 'worldview' of the average person.

These groups are masters at making their enemies appear unstable, crazy, disturbed. Human nature is such that when people have their vulnerabilities relentlessly attacked, the cumulative effect of the pressure tends to break them down. Once they break down, they often make bad decisions. These bad decisions usually serve to reinforce the preconceived notions of those that the victim confides in.

It's a cognitive dissonance thing. The victim confides in a friend/relative/law enforcement. The friend/relative/law enforcement now has to process unpleasant information that is scary and contrary to everything they have ever been taught or know. Instead of accepting the veracity of new and scary truth, they tend towards intellectually seeking out reasons to discount the information as exaggerated or simply wrong.

Bottom line: They are experts at marginalizing their enemies.


Twisted Titan
3rd April 2011, 12:30 AM
Sheeple don't play to win. They have been dealt cards to a circus act game they don't know how to play

Quoted for Truth.........

3rd April 2011, 01:19 AM
Both those women belong to this organisation


I knew that the GG was a member. I believe her husband is the head honcho of the freemasons. I did not know Gillard was one. I do know by her own admission and despite being raised a Baptist that she "feels nothing for God". Her financial backer is a prominent Jewish business man and I think her partner works(worked) for him. Real estate I think. I don't know much about her, where she represents etc. I guess being socialst she came from unions ranks or perhaps that doesn't happen these days.

I remember seeing some videos of a guy who was giving presentations around the country trying to bring this to everyones attention. That the oath they were taking was not the constitutional oath. There were other issues and examples he had of what appeared to be criminality. I'll assume we have some kind of laws against things like perverting justice.

I wonder if the commonwealth has been vacated. In 1986 they past the Australia Act which made some major "changes" to the Govt and its relationship with the Queen. I don't know if that is where this oath these guys are using comes from or not but it seems likely

One of Markows articles from when she was sworn in said she belonged