View Full Version : My experience at the AIRPORT II- the sequel

2nd April 2011, 12:29 PM
So I made a trip to Phoenix. My outbound flight was smooth with no harrassment by the TSA people (this time) in CT. The scanners were not being used, and somehow no planes were blown up or hijacked. But returning from Phoenix was a different story.

This was my first trip to AZ and I enjoyed the warm weather, the scenic views, the uplifting atmosphere and the nice people. I met an interesting banker there... perhaps another thread. When it was time for me to go, the airport was busy and the TSA screening area was backed up. In line I talked with a few people. The family behind me consisted of husband/wife/14 yr old son. I mentioned I would not go through the scanners. He asked why. I said I don't need any radiation and damage to DNA, and I won't have them take nude pictures of me. The guy ridiculed my assessment of the scanners and the wife said she didn't mind. I told them to go right ahead and lift your hands in surrender. Notice that is what happens inside those scanners- the sheep lift their hands as if prisoners.

I marvelled at the sheep going through this and NOT ONE complaint. I also noticed two lines- one with a scanner and one with just the traditional metal detector. OK- I figured I could slide by the non-scanner side. When I got up there, the dumb family went to their naked body photographer and I went the other way. Talking with a guy behind me who was oblivious, I mentioned this was the right line. He had no idea what was going on... and another guy came up behind him and confirmed what I just said. The second guy and I looked at each other as if we were Jews in the survival line of a nazi death camp.

I loaded my gear to go through the small scanners and then something unforeseen happened. I small female TSA agent- Officer Senst, told me to take off my belt. I asked her if the metal detector had a problem with it. She said "No you are going through the scanner." I said- No I am not! Senst calls for the pat-down flunky. While we waited, I asked why I was being singled out. She said that when there was time and nobody in the scanner, she pulled from the other line to keep it filled. It just so happened that the moron sheeple in the scanner line slowed up and left the gap over there... with a bigger backlog than my line. So I asked Senst if that was a German name. She said yes- how did you know? I hit her with the concept of the nazi camp she was working in today.

So the pat-down agent comes over and gets in my face about what he is going to do as he opens the gate for me to step through. I asked if he wasn't even going to have me go through the metal detector. He raised both of his gloved hands and wiggled his fingers. Then he went back into telling me what he was going to do and what I was going to do. I interrupted him...

"Officer ??? (I forgot the clown's name)... you have the right to remain silent. You have the right to obey alll lawful orders and the responsibility to disobey all unlawful orders. Do you understand what that means?"

TSA agent ??? grabs his radio and calls for his superviser because he has an uncooperative person.

I then asked officer ??? is he was a sworn officer of the law. He refused to answer me.

When the superviser came, officer ??? began to exaggerate on the circumstances. It was hard for me to hear everything but I heard him say something that wasn't true. The superviser, Officer Danninger- an older and unhappy looking cuss, began to say something. I interrupted him and asked if I could correct the report that officer ??? just relayed. He said yes. When I started, I was interrupted... and officer ??? told Danninger that I had asked if he was a sworn officer of the law. I never got a response on that.

Daninger then proceded to tell me what they were going to do. I responded: "Officer Danninger, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to follow all lawful orders and the responsibilty to disobey all unlawful orders."

Now this guy is pissed off. He is just looking for some way - some excuse to slam me.

They asked me where my belongings were and I pointed out my trays. They were being extremely careful to follow the book in handling me. They explained that my belongings would not leave my sight as they scooped them up and brought them back to a rear table. Officer ??? told me to stand on the rug with footprints and began his spiel as if I had said nothing.

Now I stated: "Anything unlawful that YOU do is on YOU, and I am not telling you to do anything unlawful. Do you have a probable cause for searching me?"

Danninger said: "Yes I do."

"What probable cause is that?"

Danninger: "When you entered into the screening security area, you became a probable cause."

"So everyone in that crowd is suspected of a crime?" I asked, pointing to the hunderd or so people.

He did not answer me.

I spoke up louder that they were violating my consitutional rights and conducting an illegal search. I was not just talking to Danninger but the 3 TSA agents who stood nearby listening without expressions.

Danninger & officer ??? said they were just following orders.

I said: "I realize you guys need jobs, but this is criminal. You need to go get honest jobs." I could see Danninger getting ready to boil over. I don't recall the things that I said as officer ??? was patting me down. Then Danninger had it. He looked at me and said: "I am not having this discussion." He refused to answer any questions and tried to silence me. Then he said: "Sir, you will have to keep quiet as you are causing an obstruction here."

I chuckled and said: "What obstruction? There is nobody here!" We were far removed from the sheep and not in any way obstructing anything. I pointed toward all the people in line to get screened and said: "You are violating all of their rights. Those are American citizens over there that you are committing crimes against." Again Danninger told me to be quiet. I whispered to him: "Is this quiet enough?" He said "yes". So I started back into questioning him QUIETLY. He repeated: "I am not having this discussion."

Now officer ??? who had rubbed me up as if he had been in prison too long but thought I was a mafia Don, went to check for chemicals. He wiped down his gloves and scanned the patch. I was clean. Really? And what was I suspected of? Drugs? Bombs? Candy bars? He said I could go. Danninger ran from there like a bullet. He was not around for me to mess with because I was formally screened as OK... and now he had no "potential threat" to label me with.

What are they going to do? Arrest me for talking?

2nd April 2011, 12:36 PM
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -Orwell

midnight rambler
2nd April 2011, 12:47 PM
I spoke up louder that they were violating my constitutional rights

You have no 'constitutional rights'. No constitution confers rights, rights come from the Creator. I thought you were smarter than that. :conf:

2nd April 2011, 12:50 PM
got to admire you for going through that.

but it is simpler to just fart in their face.

2nd April 2011, 12:55 PM
I spoke up louder that they were violating my constitutional rights

You have no 'constitutional rights'. No constitution confers rights, rights come from the Creator. I thought you were smarter than that. :conf:

LOL... yes, but the constitution is the law of the land and for those who do NOT believe in God, the constitution would hold more value. Do you think a bible would do anything for these dogs other than make you look like a religious nut? I am still involved in the commercial system, as are you. Being so entangled still, there is a limit to diplomatic sovereignty that I can use.

Do you travel through airports?

Tell me what you do and what is a better way to fight for what is being stolen.

midnight rambler
2nd April 2011, 01:01 PM
I spoke up louder that they were violating my constitutional rights

You have no 'constitutional rights'. No constitution confers rights, rights come from the Creator. I thought you were smarter than that. :conf:

LOL... yes, but the constitution is the law of the land and for those who do NOT believe in God, the constitution would hold more value. Do you think a bible would do anything for these dogs other than make you look like a religious nut? I am still involved in the commercial system, as are you. Being so entangled still, there is a limit to diplomatic sovereignty that I can use.

Do you travel through airports?

Tell me what you do and what is a better way to fight for what is being stolen.

I think you're a dolt for referring to your God-given, unalienable rights as 'constitutional rights' when you should really know better (or at least I *thought* you knew better).

EVERY time I hear someone say 'constitutional rights' I think to myself, "How sad - what an ignoramus. This country is doomed."

2nd April 2011, 01:02 PM
got to admire you for going through that.

but it is simpler to just fart in their face.

You reminded me of another thing that happened there. Before officer ??? begins his pat-down, he asks: "Do you have any sensitive or sore spots?"

I said "Yes".



This is not what they are prepared for. This made these agents stop each time I answered that way. I have nerves through all my body. I would say that everything is SENSITIVE.

What if you said something like: "I was molested by a gay pedophile when I was a boy, and I scream any time a man touches me.... Or I have always had a phobia of a gay guy feeling me up. It might freak me out."

2nd April 2011, 01:04 PM
I spoke up louder that they were violating my constitutional rights

You have no 'constitutional rights'. No constitution confers rights, rights come from the Creator. I thought you were smarter than that. :conf:

LOL... yes, but the constitution is the law of the land and for those who do NOT believe in God, the constitution would hold more value. Do you think a bible would do anything for these dogs other than make you look like a religious nut? I am still involved in the commercial system, as are you. Being so entangled still, there is a limit to diplomatic sovereignty that I can use.

Do you travel through airports?

Tell me what you do and what is a better way to fight for what is being stolen.

I think you're a dolt for referring to your God-given, unalienable rights as 'constitutional rights' when you should really know better (or at least I *thought* you knew better).

EVERY time I hear someone say 'constitutional rights' I think to myself, "How sad - what an ignoramus. This country is doomed."

Hey Rambler....answer the damn question. Got anything to contribute?

midnight rambler
2nd April 2011, 01:11 PM
I spoke up louder that they were violating my constitutional rights

You have no 'constitutional rights'. No constitution confers rights, rights come from the Creator. I thought you were smarter than that. :conf:

LOL... yes, but the constitution is the law of the land and for those who do NOT believe in God, the constitution would hold more value. Do you think a bible would do anything for these dogs other than make you look like a religious nut? I am still involved in the commercial system, as are you. Being so entangled still, there is a limit to diplomatic sovereignty that I can use.

Do you travel through airports?

Tell me what you do and what is a better way to fight for what is being stolen.

I think you're a dolt for referring to your God-given, unalienable rights as 'constitutional rights' when you should really know better (or at least I *thought* you knew better).

EVERY time I hear someone say 'constitutional rights' I think to myself, "How sad - what an ignoramus. This country is doomed."

Hey Rambler....answer the damn question. Got anything to contribute?

I DID contribute, you just don't appreciate my contribution. Apparently you have (an) issue(s) with facts.

2nd April 2011, 01:22 PM
Not quite Rambler. I asked you waht you would do. Do you travel through airports?

Is it so hard for you to read or are you ignoring the question purposely? It is easy to throw mud. Let's hear a practical alternative. Got any?

midnight rambler
2nd April 2011, 01:48 PM
Not quite Rambler. I asked you waht you would do. Do you travel through airports?

Is it so hard for you to read or are you ignoring the question purposely? It is easy to throw mud. Let's hear a practical alternative. Got any?

If you are genuinely that lost that you have to ask me for guidance, here's a clue:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The solution you seek could not possibly be more clear.

Withdraw your consent (which is something you have to work out on your own), apply non-violent non-compliance.

It appears to me that you already have a good start (as evidenced by this thread), I merely suggest you quit saying stupid shit like 'constitutional rights'.

2nd April 2011, 02:04 PM
I wold imagine as a police officer that you should recognize the fact that these officers are more likely to respect references to the constitution than they are to respect references to God-given inalienable right, Rambler.

Spectrism, I am not being a douche, I am honestly asking, why did you remind that that the have the right to remain silent? What purpose does that serve, besides making it sound like you are ready to perform a citizens arrest?

2nd April 2011, 02:40 PM
TSA is comprised of Agents. As such they have not taken an oath to uphold the constitution

Officers of the LAW, by definition, have taken an oath to uphold the constitution.

So whether or not Spectarism has access to the constitution (aka the discussion between him and rambler) he is still able to restrict certain aspects of law enforcement by using the constitution, not because it applies to Spectarism, but because it applies to Law Enforcement Officers.


2nd April 2011, 03:20 PM
Now officer ??? who had rubbed me up as if he had been in prison too long but thought I was a mafia Don, went to check for chemicals. He wiped down his gloves and scanned the patch. I was clean.

You piss off the wrong agent, and trust me, they will "find" chemical/bomb residue on your belongings.

2nd April 2011, 05:18 PM
Not quite Rambler. I asked you waht you would do. Do you travel through airports?

Is it so hard for you to read or are you ignoring the question purposely? It is easy to throw mud. Let's hear a practical alternative. Got any?

If you are genuinely that lost that you have to ask me for guidance, here's a clue:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The solution you seek could not possibly be more clear.

Withdraw your consent (which is something you have to work out on your own), apply non-violent non-compliance.

It appears to me that you already have a good start (as evidenced by this thread), I merely suggest you quit saying stupid shit like 'constitutional rights'.

AGAIN, I ask you what YOU do in the airport. Do you pull out your new revolution machine gun and go postal? Do you ride in on a horse crying out the TSA agents are coming!? Maybe you wear 76 tea bags in your shorts so they can think they found the big one?

We have not thrown off this government and it does not look like that will be happening any time soon. There are too few knowledgeable & honorable people with any backbone. I watched EVERY SINGLE sheople in that line go through without a peep. I was the only one to stand against the tyrrant. I walked to the edge of the cliff. While I still use systems within the matrix,I am subject to consequences of the matrix. I won't be in it much longer, but that is a different issue and it is not the current situation.

Have you used an airport in the last year?

Those who take a superior position without having skin in the game are like this:


2nd April 2011, 05:21 PM
Now officer ??? who had rubbed me up as if he had been in prison too long but thought I was a mafia Don, went to check for chemicals. He wiped down his gloves and scanned the patch. I was clean.

You piss off the wrong agent, and trust me, they will "find" chemical/bomb residue on your belongings.

These guys are being filmed and they know it. If they pull something like that on their own, they are toast. I wouldn't discount a conspiracy from higher levels though... when they have a selected candidate for the special treatment. But when someone gets to that level, they would have an outside accident away from cameras.

2nd April 2011, 05:24 PM
I wold imagine as a police officer that you should recognize the fact that these officers are more likely to respect references to the constitution than they are to respect references to God-given inalienable right, Rambler.

Spectrism, I am not being a douche, I am honestly asking, why did you remind that that they have the right to remain silent? What purpose does that serve, besides making it sound like you are ready to perform a citizens arrest?

I DO want them keyed up and to understand that I am coming from a position of RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES. In this, I am telling them that I respect their rights and they better respect mine. It is the most recognizable phrase that most of them will hear to know that a confrontation is HERE.

2nd April 2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the reply.

I made a typo, and it should have read "why did you remind them that they have the right to remain silent?"

Interesting post, and kudos to you for having the courage to stand up to the goons.
I'm glad I don't fly.

2nd April 2011, 07:10 PM
Not quite Rambler. I asked you waht you would do. Do you travel through airports?

Is it so hard for you to read or are you ignoring the question purposely? It is easy to throw mud. Let's hear a practical alternative. Got any?

the most practical thing alternative i can think of is avoiding airports. sometimes i wonder what the multiple purposes of TSA and DHS are.

you would think they would try to sell their War on/of Terror a little bit, make people feel good about it. but all they are doing with the airport bullshit is pissing a LOT of people off, while those who go along with the security lines & full-body scans I suppose tell themselves "it's just something we have to do to fight the War on Terror".

it's like the Talmud Worshippers want to turn all US airports into an Israeli airport, security wise.

incidentally, Honda has a Natural Gas vehicle that gets about 36 highway miles per gallon. that's one way to say Hasta La Vista to fuel that comes from the Middle East.

2nd April 2011, 07:58 PM
Great work Spectrism. Down here in Georgia police checkpoints and other tyrannies are very common and I always speak the exact same way you do....i.e. "I don't consent to searches, I plead the fifth, am I free to go" never do I answer a question and always I have my video camera out. Ofcoarse I'm always detained, threatened etc. but eventually released.

My next door neighbor just narrowly beat a cocaine conviction charge, prosecution offered him a plea bargain of 86 months in prison. The pigs supposedly found cocaine in his UPS truck while he was working. Well long story short, his boss reminded him that there was a camera in the truck to prevent theft. Turns out the cops that stopped him had planted the drugs and it was clear as day on the video. When the judge saw the video he immediately fired the two cops and my neighbor had all his attorneys fees paid back....he didn't know how to file civil suit and was just happy to be over with it.

Point is traveling is getting dangerous no matter what form you take and those that "go along to get along" make themselves the lowest hanging fruit. There are many other defenseless peasants that make for a juicer target compared to hell raising Spectrism. Once again, great work.

2nd April 2011, 08:44 PM
I love to hear these kinds of stories. Way to go Spectrism!

I consider it my duty to give any "official" idiot a hard time. I don't understand Why so many sheep just stroll into the back-scatter units.

Last year I got into a pissing match with security guards at a State office building. They didn't like my passport for ID. They insisted I had to let them scan my Drivers License. I told them I Walked in the door! Thirty minutes and a supervisor later, they hand wrote a hall pass for me.

I just wish more people would Object to the madness!

3rd April 2011, 07:14 AM
Thank you for doing this. If everyone did that, they would have to change this. My husband has to deal with this often too and always makes remarks to them that they need to find another job. I wonder, if every time someone has to go through this pat-down, if they handed a camera to someone (another passenger if you are traveling alone) and filmed the pat down and then sued them for sexual assault.

I still can't believe anyone willingly goes through that scanner. :(

3rd April 2011, 07:28 AM
Thank you for doing this. If everyone did that, they would have to change this. My husband has to deal with this often too and always makes remarks to them that they need to find another job. I wonder, if every time someone has to go through this pat-down, if they handed a camera to someone (another passenger if you are traveling alone) and filmed the pat down and then sued them for sexual assault.

I still can't believe anyone willingly goes through that scanner. :(

When I am in line with the sheeple, I make remarks to those who have no problem with it like: raise your hands in surrender like a criminal. When they go into the scanner, that is exactly what they do.



I hope that over time these sleeping zombies will be goaded enough to wake up. The best thing that can happen to them is more abuse. Once they get slammed hard, they can begin to realize things are not right.

3rd April 2011, 09:11 AM
I then asked officer ??? is he was a sworn officer of the law. He refused to answer me.

Wondering... by him not providing you with an answer, does that mean he's impersonating law enforcement?

3rd April 2011, 09:15 AM
I then asked officer ??? is he was a sworn officer of the law. He refused to answer me.

Wondering... by him not providing you with an answer, does that mean he's impersonating law enforcement?

Thanks! I will add that to my repertoire. When we are standing there, there is time to fill with thought-provoking comments & questions.

Are you a sworn law enforcement officer?
Do you understand that you have a responsibility to disobey unlawful orders?
Do you understand that you can be personally liable for your actions?
Do you understand that it is a crime to impersonate a law enforcement officer?


Half Sense
3rd April 2011, 09:43 PM
Not really getting the point here. You allowed them to grope you.

4th April 2011, 05:49 AM
Good for you Spectrism.

I deal with it by no longer flying.

4th April 2011, 06:37 AM
Not really getting the point here. You allowed them to grope you.

I need to travel by air. If you do not go through, you do not fly. This is the protest stage. If you refuse to accept the options, you don't fly.

We are already going through metal detectors and bags being scanned. I see no way around that. Even courthouses and state houses are using such scanners/metal detectors. There is a fine line of expected security and rights violations.

So what is the point? One complaint out of 500 compliant sheep will only lead to one being executed. It is time to rally more people (including the TSA employees) into realizing they are doing wrong.

This thread is about getting ideas to rally that awakening. Got any?

4th April 2011, 06:42 AM
This thread is about getting ideas to rally that awakening. Got any?

How about using the heightened awareness of radiation due to Japan nuke plant as a "hook" to get people's attention?

What if you or we, were to make up some simple PDF files for leaflets that could be printed out by anyone without tracking (ie leaderless resistance), describing the problems, suggesting resistance, without calling the TSA agents morons, idiots, and simpletons? Could put the files on Scribd.com or whatever to avoid any tracking of downloads.

4th April 2011, 07:13 AM
This thread is about getting ideas to rally that awakening. Got any?

How about using the heightened awareness of radiation due to Japan nuke plant as a "hook" to get people's attention?

What if you or we, were to make up some simple PDF files for leaflets that could be printed out by anyone without tracking (ie leaderless resistance), describing the problems, suggesting resistance, without calling the TSA agents morons, idiots, and simpletons? Could put the files on Scribd.com or whatever to avoid any tracking of downloads.

Yes- I even thought of printing out sheets to give to others in line when I travel. It would include some basics about rights, unlawful searches, TSA success (zero) at finding terrorists in these lines, etc.

I only fly a few times per year. Some people have to fly every week. I feel bad for those who are in a tuff situation.

4th April 2011, 07:49 AM
When I am in line with the sheeple, I make remarks to those who have no problem with it like: raise your hands in surrender like a criminal. When they go into the scanner, that is exactly what they do.

I raise my arms like that and get scanned.

I don't want a grown men to touch my body.

Having a grown man touch my body would feel like more of a surrender to me.

4th April 2011, 07:53 AM
When I am in line with the sheeple, I make remarks to those who have no problem with it like: raise your hands in surrender like a criminal. When they go into the scanner, that is exactly what they do.

I raise my arms like that and get scanned.

I don't want a grown men to touch my body.

Having a grown man touch my body would feel like more of a surrender to me.

Good for you Osaki. Like radiation? Do you talk to the scanner while it flashes X-rays over your entire body?

I stand as a witness against the criminals. Those who bow their heads and raise their hands in surrender are good little sheep tended by wolves.

Half Sense
4th April 2011, 08:56 AM
Not really getting the point here. You allowed them to grope you.

I need to travel by air. If you do not go through, you do not fly. This is the protest stage. If you refuse to accept the options, you don't fly.

We are already going through metal detectors and bags being scanned. I see no way around that. Even courthouses and state houses are using such scanners/metal detectors. There is a fine line of expected security and rights violations.

So what is the point? One complaint out of 500 compliant sheep will only lead to one being executed. It is time to rally more people (including the TSA employees) into realizing they are doing wrong.

This thread is about getting ideas to rally that awakening. Got any?

Yes. I have implemented a hardline strategy which I believe is the only real venue for change. I don't fly.

Lecturing the goons as you let them sexually assault you? It seems a less pure strategy. Maybe you can't support your family without flying - I don't know. We all make trade-offs. You say you NEED to travel by air. I call BS. There are some things humans need to live. Flying has never been one of them.

Good luck in your quest. But don't kid yourself.

4th April 2011, 09:07 AM
I think the "stand with your legs spread and hands up" pose is just as much a psychological tool as a practical method of getting radiation all over your body. Having a person stand in a state of total surrender in a contained "cell" while having the most intimate parts of their body photographed by strangers is a psychological attack and instills the message of submission and defeatism.


4th April 2011, 09:53 AM
I made the very hard decision to make a flight within the next two weeks. It is purely for pleasure but I see the trip as a wonderful opportunity that I may never have again. The only factor that allowed me to make the decision was that someone else is paying for the flight and destination hotel. It took some wind out of my "I refuse to pay to be treated like a criminal" tact. I still wrestled very hard with the decision and I admit I let my family's derision factor into the decision.

That said, now that I am committed to taking this flight I am open to suggestions on how to conduct myself during the inevitable searches. My best idea was to groan in mock pleasure during the grope but I like this method much more. I am considering writing the intended questions on my arms so that I can keep focus on the mission. I had forgotten about the swabbing for chemicals and am now trying to decide if I should go to the gun range the day before and get my hands and arms and face good and saturated with burnt cordite. I think that might have the potential to get me removed from the flight entirely, though.

4th April 2011, 09:58 AM
I made the very hard decision to make a flight within the next two weeks. It is purely for pleasure but I see the trip as a wonderful opportunity that I may never have again. The only factor that allowed me to make the decision was that someone else is paying for the flight and destination hotel. It took some wind out of my "I refuse to pay to be treated like a criminal" tact. I still wrestled very hard with the decision and I admit I let my family's derision factor into the decision.

That said, now that I am committed to taking this flight I am open to suggestions on how to conduct myself during the inevitable searches. My best idea was to groan in mock pleasure during the grope but I like this method much more. I am considering writing the intended questions on my arms so that I can keep focus on the mission. I had forgotten about the swabbing for chemicals and am now trying to decide if I should go to the gun range the day before and get my hands and arms and face good and saturated with burnt cordite. I think that might have the potential to get me removed from the flight entirely, though.


I wouldn't do the pre-trip gun range visit if you actually want to make the flight.

Last time I flew, I refused the radiation machine and opted for the groping. Ask them if they like their job, or moan in pleasure or whatever else... there are thousands of ways to have fun with it.

But I wouldn't mess with their chemical tests unless you want to lose several hours, and probably be refused to fly.

4th April 2011, 10:01 AM
I made the very hard decision to make a flight within the next two weeks. It is purely for pleasure but I see the trip as a wonderful opportunity that I may never have again. The only factor that allowed me to make the decision was that someone else is paying for the flight and destination hotel. It took some wind out of my "I refuse to pay to be treated like a criminal" tact. I still wrestled very hard with the decision and I admit I let my family's derision factor into the decision.

That said, now that I am committed to taking this flight I am open to suggestions on how to conduct myself during the inevitable searches. My best idea was to groan in mock pleasure during the grope but I like this method much more. I am considering writing the intended questions on my arms so that I can keep focus on the mission. I had forgotten about the swabbing for chemicals and am now trying to decide if I should go to the gun range the day before and get my hands and arms and face good and saturated with burnt cordite. I think that might have the potential to get me removed from the flight entirely, though.

I would not show up there with cordite... or anything that might give them REAL probable cause. They would probably get a warrant to search your home and confiscate whatever they want, regardless if you did nothing wrong.

Definitely think this out before you do it.

4th April 2011, 10:04 AM
The implication is that I am free to shoot my guns as I please unless I intend to fly within the near future.
While I am in agreement that to perform this stunt with any intention of getting to my destination and not likely getting arrested is stupid on its face I do, however want you to look at your own words and realize the alarming implications of them.

4th April 2011, 10:08 AM
The implication is that I am free to shoot my guns as I please unless I intend to fly within the near future.
While I am in agreement that to perform this stunt with any intention of getting to my destination and not likely getting arrested is stupid on its face I do, however want you to look at your own words and realize the alarming implications of them.

I am fully aware of what I am saying and the tyrannical system that we are living in. I know that you can be arrested and lose property without violating any laws. Walking the edge will be risky- so you need to figure how much you are willing to take.

Think about the next steps. They detect explosive powder on you. What do you think they will do? They will pull your backs and start grilling you about the results. If they are not satisfied (and btw- you will not be on that flight) they will have FBI at your home in minutes ripping it apart.

4th April 2011, 10:22 AM
I made the very hard decision to make a flight within the next two weeks. It is purely for pleasure but I see the trip as a wonderful opportunity that I may never have again. The only factor that allowed me to make the decision was that someone else is paying for the flight and destination hotel. It took some wind out of my "I refuse to pay to be treated like a criminal" tact. I still wrestled very hard with the decision and I admit I let my family's derision factor into the decision.

That said, now that I am committed to taking this flight I am open to suggestions on how to conduct myself during the inevitable searches. My best idea was to groan in mock pleasure during the grope but I like this method much more. I am considering writing the intended questions on my arms so that I can keep focus on the mission. I had forgotten about the swabbing for chemicals and am now trying to decide if I should go to the gun range the day before and get my hands and arms and face good and saturated with burnt cordite. I think that might have the potential to get me removed from the flight entirely, though.

SLV, your situation is very similar to mine, my tact was to never fly again and be put in that position in the 1st place but then the desert meetup came along and the chance to meet so many fine folks of like mind at one time made me deviate from my stance. After purchasing the ticket my mind really went into a spin as to how to conduct myself and there is NO good decision, there is NO lesser of evils, it's all evil.

For flying simplicity I wear swimming trunks, t-shirt and sandals and keep a light jacket in case it gets chilly on the plane but there's still the matter of going through the gauntlet. On the way to the airport I decided to go with the up and personal frisk down but was asked to do neither, though on the 2cnd leg of my outbound flight I was pulled to the side for of all things having too much toothpaste and them wanting to look at my cig rolling machine. They did miss my little multi-tool that could have served diabolical purposes, go figger? The funny thing that happened during the course of my shakedown was that a "code 5" was announced and they all scattered in a frenzy, seemingly going nowhere and the dude attending to me told me stand quietly and wouldn't tell me what a code 5 was. False alarm I guess, took my t-paste and I proceeded.

On my return flight I again got pulled to the side for my rolling machine but was let go without without a scan or frisk. So all my worry turned out to be for naught and to tell you the truth I'm still unclear on the best way to proceed.

As a side note...at the Houston airport they had a recurring message playing that said any off color humor or potentially sensitive remarks to airport personel would result in incarceration. I never heard that message at the other 3 airports.

4th April 2011, 11:02 PM
As a side note...at the Houston airport they had a recurring message playing that said any off color humor or potentially sensitive remarks to airport personel would result in incarceration. I never heard that message at the other 3 airports.

This is what I don;t understand. I thought these goons were just security guards. Are they sworn officers of the law? Do they have the legal authority to incarcerate anyone?

5th April 2011, 07:12 AM
As a side note...at the Houston airport they had a recurring message playing that said any off color humor or potentially sensitive remarks to airport personel would result in incarceration.

Potentially sensitive remarks? Damn! Spectrism, I most definitely appreciate your stance for civil disobedience, but perhaps you were closer to incarceration than you thought?

I wonder what consequences occur after someone is incarcerated at an airport. Would they lose the ability to fly again?

5th April 2011, 07:20 AM
As a side note...at the Houston airport they had a recurring message playing that said any off color humor or potentially sensitive remarks to airport personel would result in incarceration.

Potentially sensitive remarks? Damn! Spectrism, I most definitely appreciate your stance for civil disobedience, but perhaps you were closer to incarceration than you thought?

I wonder what consequences occur after someone is incarcerated at an airport. Would they lose the ability to fly again?

I would guess that they would be subject to having their rights violated at the whims of anonymous TSA agents for an indefinite amount of time (likely several hours), and then placed on the "no fly list" if it strikes the fancy of the head rights violator TSA agent.

Half Sense
5th April 2011, 07:28 AM
So we see that the only thing accomplished using Spectrism's tactic was that they changed the rules to outlaw the tactic.

5th April 2011, 07:51 AM
Any tactic that may be employed against them has already been accounted for by them. We are playing by the house rules, and we all know the house always wins.

I'm pretty good at being a smart ass, even a nice smart ass but....who wins if I get tagged on the no fly list? I had myself thinkin' that the scanner might be a better option, at least for me, it keeps me at a distance from the goons and I'm sure I abuse my body worse than any of their radiation. My end game is to live to fight another day, not under house rules but a playing field more of my choosing.

5th April 2011, 07:55 AM
b-b-but I was told private companies could do whatever they wanted! :lol

5th April 2011, 08:04 AM
So we see that the only thing accomplished using Spectrism's tactic was that they changed the rules to outlaw the tactic.

Yeah...NO. Totally unrelated.

What I accomplished was that I reserved MY RIGHTS and left open the ability to file suit against an agency violating the supreme law of the land. I did not surrender my rights and left ALL wrong-doing in the hands of my oppressors. I did not agree with them to commit any crimes. I made it clear that what they do is solely their responsibility and I was not a willing party to it.

Half Sense
5th April 2011, 02:20 PM
So we see that the only thing accomplished using Spectrism's tactic was that they changed the rules to outlaw the tactic.

Yeah...NO. Totally unrelated.

What I accomplished was that I reserved MY RIGHTS and left open the ability to file suit against an agency violating the supreme law of the land. I did not surrender my rights and left ALL wrong-doing in the hands of my oppressors. I did not agree with them to commit any crimes. I made it clear that what they do is solely their responsibility and I was not a willing party to it.

I'm guessing that what you call "reserving your rights" would be deemed "potentially sensitive remarks" and get you a trip to the hoosegow under the policy now enacted in Houston.

But even if it was allowed, I fail to see that your chatter has any legal bearing whatsoever. Walk me through the process of this future lawsuit. What is the complaint and what documentation do you have? How will you overcome the contract you signed when you bought the ticket?

5th April 2011, 02:35 PM
So we see that the only thing accomplished using Spectrism's tactic was that they changed the rules to outlaw the tactic.

Yeah...NO. Totally unrelated.

What I accomplished was that I reserved MY RIGHTS and left open the ability to file suit against an agency violating the supreme law of the land. I did not surrender my rights and left ALL wrong-doing in the hands of my oppressors. I did not agree with them to commit any crimes. I made it clear that what they do is solely their responsibility and I was not a willing party to it.

I'm guessing that what you call "reserving your rights" would be deemed "potentially sensitive remarks" and get you a trip to the hoosegow under the policy now enacted in Houston.

But even if it was allowed, I fail to see that your chatter has any legal bearing whatsoever. Walk me through the process of this future lawsuit. What is the complaint and what documentation do you have? How will you overcome the contract you signed when you bought the ticket?

It is true that as soon as you engage in the commercial system, you are at a disadvantage. It sure would be nice if we all were disengaged and none of us used FRNs. Anyone here in that category?

No.... really.... anyone here outside the system and completely without FRNs?

If you are using FRNs, you too are subject to their reach. I bet you even pay taxes. Am I right?

If I had time to do some jail time and face down the black-robed liars, I wouldn't be taking flights through TSA checkpoints, would I? I would not be ashamed to stand in court before a jury and tell them what happened. I stand on my hind legs and care little what they think of me. I am happy with having stood my ground as much as I did. To protest more would get me escorted from the airport.

All the sheep who do nothing but comply are guilty of the crimes I mentioned. If you are not willing to fight for your rights, what good are you?

Half Sense
6th April 2011, 06:49 AM
When did this suddenly become about FRNs? Seems like you resent that some have chosen the purist strategy not to fly. So you've chosen to berate them for not also boycotting FRNs. That's not the soundest tactic on a site dedicated to Au and Ag where most are dumping FRNs for tangibles as fast as they can.

6th April 2011, 07:57 AM
What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?
Yes, when practically every doctor does it with as much asshole-infused, power tripping ego as he can possibly muster and has a mob of other doctors surround you with the same attitude on a whim.

There is policy and then there is perceived power run amok.

6th April 2011, 07:59 AM
What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?
Yes, when practically every doctor does it with as much asshole-infused, power tripping ego as he can possibly muster and has a mob of other doctors surround you with the same attitude on a whim.

There is policy and then there is perceived power run amok.

Is there a difference?


6th April 2011, 08:05 AM
I guess I still don't get all the fuss over TSA searches? I don't like it anymore then anyone else and I'd probably complain too...but as someone said, the purest strategy is simply not patronize the business of air travel.
If you tell me you have to fly because of work, to me it becomes and issue between you and your employer. It is your employer that is requiring you to submit to TSA searches. It would then be your decision to continue working for said employer, or renegotiate your salary for the added inconvenience.
If I were lowly TSA agent, I would simply state to chronic complainers, that it is your choice to patronize "our" business and submit to "our" policies...if you are unhappy with our policies, you are free to use one of the many car rental agencies in the terminal. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?

A major difference being that it's not the airline businesses that are imposing the TSA on customers, it is the government. There's no doubt in my mind that if airlines were to provide their own security, it would be nothing like the TSA. The TSA has no incentive to be polite, courteous, efficient or accurate in their work. Alternately, private security paid for and administered by the airlines would have to be those things because if they weren't, another airline would be able to attract more customers by having a friendlier security policy. Right now nobody has a choice, all the airlines are forced to submit to the tyranny of the TSA.

6th April 2011, 08:11 AM
What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?
Yes, when practically every doctor does it with as much asshole-infused, power tripping ego as he can possibly muster and has a mob of other doctors surround you with the same attitude on a whim.

There is policy and then there is perceived power run amok.

Is there a difference?

Yes, I think so. You sign up for a Costco membership and policy dictates that they can check your receipt when you exit. Now, they could make you stand with your hands on the wall and legs spread while they check your receipt and loudly question you as to why you bought certain things. They don't because people would never come back. madfranks hits it on the head above but the question is WHY do airlines not employ private security? The answer lies somewhere in the fallout from government smearing and additional costs and the FACT that business is good despite the outrage.

6th April 2011, 08:38 AM
What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?
Yes, when practically every doctor does it with as much asshole-infused, power tripping ego as he can possibly muster and has a mob of other doctors surround you with the same attitude on a whim.

There is policy and then there is perceived power run amok.

Is there a difference?

Yes, I think so. You sign up for a Costco membership and policy dictates that they can check your receipt when you exit. Now, they could make you stand with your hands on the wall and legs spread while they check your receipt and loudly question you as to why you bought certain things. They don't because people would never come back. madfranks hits it on the head above but the question is WHY do airlines not employ private security? The answer lies somewhere in the fallout from government smearing and additional costs and the FACT that business is good despite the outrage.

I don't think they are allowed. 911 changed everything ::)

IIRC, there was some talk online recently about an airport that was choosing to not use TSA and follow the route of private security. The .gov stepped in and shut down that idea real quick.

Interesting take on TSA here:


New Hampshire lawmakers are pushing to make pat downs in airports a sexual offense, but is it possible? Jon Scott and NH Representative Andrew Manuse have both have gotten pat downs and agree, "it wasn't much fun". Now, NH State Representatives Andrew Manuse and George Lambert tell Jon what they are planning to do if they can get the bill passed.

6th April 2011, 08:45 AM
What I accomplished was that I reserved MY RIGHTS and left open the ability to file suit against an agency violating the supreme law of the land.

You wasted everybody's time young man.

6th April 2011, 08:51 AM
I guess I still don't get all the fuss over TSA searches? I don't like it anymore then anyone else and I'd probably complain too...but as someone said, the purest strategy is simply not patronize the business of air travel.

What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?

This is what I do, I haven't flown in years...and when I read about all this drama and hassle to fly, I don't want to.

I think the difference from TSA and a doctor, is you can choose which doctor. I wouldn't have a fuss if I get to choose who does the groping while flying. If I choose to fly, I choose to walk in there and get groped. I think we ought to be able to choose a man or woman to grope us. I'd be much more comfortable with a woman groper.

6th April 2011, 09:11 AM
I think the difference from TSA and a doctor, is you can choose which doctor. I wouldn't have a fuss if I get to choose who does the groping while flying. If I choose to fly, I choose to walk in there and get groped. I think we ought to be able to choose a man or woman to grope us. I'd be much more comfortable with a woman groper.

wouldn't we all??!

6th April 2011, 09:24 AM
I think the difference from TSA and a doctor, is you can choose which doctor. I wouldn't have a fuss if I get to choose who does the groping while flying. If I choose to fly, I choose to walk in there and get groped. I think we ought to be able to choose a man or woman to grope us. I'd be much more comfortable with a woman groper.

wouldn't we all??!

Heck ya! We've learned looking at breasts is healthy, maybe getting groped by a hottie is too. If she does a thorough job, she may even get a tip. ;D

6th April 2011, 10:01 AM
I think the difference from TSA and a doctor, is you can choose which doctor. I wouldn't have a fuss if I get to choose who does the groping while flying. If I choose to fly, I choose to walk in there and get groped. I think we ought to be able to choose a man or woman to grope us. I'd be much more comfortable with a woman groper.

wouldn't we all??!

Heck ya! We've learned looking at breasts is healthy, maybe getting groped by a hottie is too. If she does a thorough job, she may even get a tip. ;D

whether or not she does a thorough job, if she looks like that, she'll likely get more than the tip!!

6th April 2011, 11:02 AM
See that is where the airlines are failing to capitalize big time, if an airline told the Gov they will handle security and hired a bunch of cute gropers inspectors, they would see not only a much better attitude from customers but also competitors customers wanting to fly with the cute gropers airline.

6th April 2011, 11:14 AM
See that is where the airlines are failing to capitalize big time, if an airline told the Gov they will handle security and hired a bunch of cute gropers inspectors, they would see not only a much better attitude from customers but also competitors customers wanting to fly with the cute gropers airline.

:lol Now we are talking! Great idea. ;D

We need a man's airline, make it fun. You get to choose your own cute groper, she gropes you with a smile and sends you on...once on board, topless flight attendants who lean in as you sit, whisper sweet nothings into your ear. They serve free beer, full bar, and give you a warm towel and the latest copy of Gun's and Ammo mag.

Oh, and you can smoke cigars during the flight. ;D

6th April 2011, 11:39 AM
I guess I still don't get all the fuss over TSA searches? I don't like it anymore then anyone else and I'd probably complain too...but as someone said, the purest strategy is simply not patronize the business of air travel.
If you tell me you have to fly because of work, to me it becomes and issue between you and your employer. It is your employer that is requiring you to submit to TSA searches. It would then be your decision to continue working for said employer, or renegotiate your salary for the added inconvenience.
If I were lowly TSA agent, I would simply state to chronic complainers, that it is your choice to patronize "our" business and submit to "our" policies...if you are unhappy with our policies, you are free to use one of the many car rental agencies in the terminal. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

What's next, harrassing a doctor for touching your body when you need an examination?

In a way I agree with ya, I actually wrestled with the decision before taking to the friendly skies out west, as I did have the choice to opt in or out. But things aren't so cut and dry IMO, on a few different levels. (1) The government, not the airlines have forced me into a decision to make about my plans to go from point A to point B within the continental US, thus impeding my ability to travel freely. (2) I think we can agree that it's unconstitutional. (3) You say that we all have an option to fly or not BUT....where does it stop? For now, travel is mainly scrutinized via flying but we've seen evidence of this becoming a broader policy at train depot's and bus stations, how long is it though until driving from point A to point B is also mixed into the bag? What then? To say nothing now is tantamount to saying all intrusions are OK. We all know that things work on incrementalism and in this case I fear this is where we are headed, sooner rather than later.

This is a mighty slippery slope my friend and given the majority's general acceptance of it, it does not bode well for freedom.

6th April 2011, 12:24 PM
We're on the same page and I guess we all ask ourselves when is too much too much? We'll probably get our answer when somebody or people wind up dead because that was too much.

6th April 2011, 04:08 PM
To those of you saying "Just don't fly.", this is just the start. They are already trying to worm their way into train stations to harass those passengers. Remember a while ago there was an article about some people being groped by TSA at an Amtrak station and Amtrak didn't even know they were there. It was unauthorized. Next it will be getting groped or radiated to go to a store, mall, bank, museum, etc. This is our future. The sad thing is, no one is fighting back. The more people accept it, the more they will do it. The Jesse Ventura on The View clip is good. It sounds like he has a lawsuit against DHS.

6th April 2011, 06:52 PM
The "heroes" who say "just don't fly" have not figured that the oppression is incremental. They will get to the point that they have random car stops. They will say that you have a choice to drive or not drive, and if you drive on the public roads, you are considered a potential risk. So all searches are for your safety.


The abuse will not stop until enough people just stand on their hind legs and speak firm words that make it clear...... that they are not sleeping sheep!

6th April 2011, 08:33 PM
The "heroes" who say "just don't fly" have not figured that the oppression is incremental. They will get to the point that they have random car stops. They will say that you have a choice to drive or not drive, and if you drive on the public roads, you are considered a potential risk. So all searches are for your safety.


The abuse will not stop until enough people just stand on their hind legs and speak firm words that make it clear...... that they are not sleeping sheep!

Do you think what you and a few others are doing is going to change policy at the airports?
Do you think TSA searches at airports are enough to wake up Americans and get them off their soffa's?
shit, I hope they put TSA agents in all forms of travel and people start getting groped or radiated to go to a store, mall, bank, museum, etc. too...and I hope they do it all next week!
Americans need a good kick in the teeth to get them off their asses!

You miss the point.

What I do is for my benefit. It is a man standing on his own feet and not bowing to the beast. OF COURSE I don't think I will single-handedly change airport or world policy. But I can look myself in the mirror and know that I did not get on the death train.

You WON'T see them hit fast with sudden change until they think the people are all shackled. They will do it INCREMENTALLY. The majority will be lost and always worthless. It is always the few who make a difference- at least for themselves.

7th April 2011, 05:22 AM
Yeah, I don't think my lone voice of dissent will change a damned thing; except that I will be able to go to sleep with myself that night. I have to stand up for myself despite that fact that no one else will stand up for themselves.

7th April 2011, 08:34 AM
The soldiers all dropped their rifles and fled from the homos with flowers.

:oo--> non-violence worked for george washington too

Half Sense
7th April 2011, 10:36 AM
It is a man standing on his own feet and not bowing to the beast.

Very difficult for me to see that side of it with some strangers hand all over your junk.

7th April 2011, 10:48 AM
It is a man standing on his own feet and not bowing to the beast.

Very difficult for me to see that side of it with some strangers hand all over your junk.

So? Your sight is your business and probably something you should manage.

My Messiah had the hands of many dogs "all over" Him. This is not our world. But soon we will see who is on the throne shining brighter than the sun. I am not better than my Messiah and I should not be troubled when treated so softly in comparison.

It seems to me that an instigator who likes to play the devil's advocate might aptly be considered half-wit if he does not have all his sense.

7th April 2011, 10:58 AM
It is a man standing on his own feet and not bowing to the beast.

Very difficult for me to see that side of it with some strangers hand all over your junk.

So? Your sight is your business and probably something you should manage.

My Messiah had the hands of many dogs "all over" Him. This is not our world. But soon we will see who is on the throne shining brighter than the sun. I am not better than my Messiah and I should not be troubled when treated so softly in comparison.

It seems to me that an instigator who likes to play the devil's advocate might aptly be considered half-wit if he does not have all his sense.

You may want to be careful with that.

Just because Christ allowed Himself to be crucified, doesn't mean you have to too.

7th April 2011, 11:20 AM
We all have to pick and choose our own personal battles, we're all not going to pick the same battles for various personal reasons under different circumstances and in varying degrees. We're all waging the same war and in many ways the same way ie silver/gold/preps/protection etc..etc.. but there's always going to small skirmishes we do on our own, even if it's the same skirmish with different tactics.

My hat is off to anyone and everyone that resists the yolk of tyranny, in whatever form, fashion or degree they choose.

7th April 2011, 12:23 PM
...the yolk of tyranny...


;D :P

Half Sense
7th April 2011, 05:08 PM
My Messiah had the hands of many dogs "all over" Him. This is not our world. But soon we will see who is on the throne shining brighter than the sun. I am not better than my Messiah and I should not be troubled when treated so softly in comparison.

I hear you. We fight the same battle in different ways that are true to our own spirit and our faith. I apologize for taking a low blow and hope you will still consider me your brother, Spectrism.

8th April 2011, 06:01 PM
I smited you because you're being a prick in the thread, Half sense.
...and I doubt you would have the courage to stop the TSA goons from cupping your nutsack.

8th April 2011, 06:25 PM
The soldiers all dropped their rifles and fled from the homos with flowers.
:oo--> non-violence worked for george washington too


8th April 2011, 10:10 PM
Spectrism, one half of me admires you for what you did and the other regrets that your essentially altruistic deed could very well put you in danger of having been detained or worse. I`ve given up on waking up sheeple long ago, in my 2nd or 3d grade.
I had a very stupid and tyrannical teacher at my HS and once I came home and told my parents about another one of her sadistic doings to our entire class. My mom asked me why I didn`t speak up about this absurdity. I said I wasn`t the Kommissar of Education and waking up my class of sheeple wasn`t one of my responsibilities so I simply ignored it and continued to enjoy whatever I was occupying my mind with with during the class (probably telling jokes and flirting with the girls).
Later on I had developed a phase when I risked a lot by taunting stupid teachers, it was fun and it earned me a lot of respect but as far as waking anyone up it was a total waste of time. Those blessed with high testosterone levels often entertain themselves this way but sometimes it leads to going to jail for nothing or worse. If I knew that by standing up to an agent I could end this absurdity forever in the entire USA I would have done it in a heartbeat but both you and I know this is not in the cards.
When Jessy Ventura does what you did, he draws a lot of attention and may make things change while not risking anything serious due to his high profile status.
You, on the other hand, have lots to lose and nothing to gain. If I had to fly I would choose a patdown instead of the nuke. I`ve been frisked so many times already, had to completely undress and spread my butt in front of cops, it doesn`t bother me at all because I know this humiliation is nothing compared to what will happen to you if they "find" anything up there.

9th April 2011, 01:26 AM

The TSA is hated just as much as the IRS. Even with today's dumbed down juries it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that a person could be found not guilty for beating the shit out of a TSA agent in defense of their liberty. Of coarse they would have to speak just as Spectrism did before the hypothesized beat down to make it clear they hadn't voluntarily relinquished their rights.

Hypothetically, pretend there was one gimmer with a set of balls who followed through on the above. They were being held for assaulting a federal employee, plead not guilty and insisted on trial by jury. What would we gimmers come up with as their defense?

Half Sense
9th April 2011, 02:42 PM
I smited you because you're being a prick in the thread, Half sense.
...and I doubt you would have the courage to stop the TSA goons from cupping your nutsack.

How does courage apply in this case? The only way to "stop" the cupping of one's nutsack is to not go stand in the line provided for that particular service.

9th April 2011, 05:01 PM
This is why I am not flying for my vacation this summer but instead driving 20 hours each way. My wife is even more anti TSA then I am which is surprising and is 100% with me on us driving.

Keep up the fight, hopefully every time someone steps up against the TSA nazis a sheeple or two will open their eyes.

10th April 2011, 06:06 AM
That is honorable, Gangsta99, I too will drive a great distance to avoid flying but this year's destination is a solid 40 hours of drive time one way. I was okay with 10 hours one way to Detroit and 14 hours one way to Boston but 40 hours one way to San Diego? No, thank you. At 14 hours a day of non-stop driving that still requires 3 DAYS of driving ONE WAY, 6 days round trip. I have 7 days of vacation. No way am I driving for 6 days to spend 1 day in my destination. The destination was non-negotiable as the trip is actually business for the MIL who is footing the bill for airfare and hotel for the rest of us.

Rationalization for the nut-cupping? Yes, it is, but I suppose we all have our price. I did at least consider driving it. The fact that it represents the family vacation for the year made it pretty hard to choose non-participation.
:'( :-X

10th April 2011, 08:05 AM
I smited you because you're being a prick in the thread, Half sense.
...and I doubt you would have the courage to stop the TSA goons from cupping your nutsack.

How does courage apply in this case? The only way to "stop" the cupping of one's nutsack is to not go stand in the line provided for that particular service.

No everyone has the freedom that you do, to avoid those circumstances.
Some people have a job that demands it. I applaud Spectrism for having the courage, and hopefully a few people their will take thought about it during their flight and realize "Hey, that guy was right: this isn't normal"...

Half Sense
10th April 2011, 02:02 PM
I'd better just let this one die. Some folks are very quick to judge without knowing. You don't know what my choices have cost me. I'll just leave it at that.

10th April 2011, 02:13 PM
I'd better just let this one die. Some folks are very quick to judge without knowing. You don't know what my choices have cost me. I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, or the alternative is this:

Why don't you tell us about some of your anti-NWO NVNC exploits? I'm not saying that to be a provocatuer either.
I think people would take you more seriously if you opened up and told us how you have practiced what you preach, instead of telling Spectrism how everything he did was wrong.

Same goes for members who speak legalese as if laws don't apply to them and FEMA won't tazer them when the NWO truely rears it's ugly head:

Share some real life experiences so we can appreciate where you're coming from.

10th April 2011, 02:31 PM
Haven't been on a plane in 13 years and I have been thinking a lot about it........to start with I would refuse the x ray and request a hand search.........but........when the guy squeezes my balls a little bit to tight (no matter how soft) I would let him have it and claim self defence and then request a jury trial.

"You can let things happen, or you can make things happen". ;D

10th April 2011, 02:37 PM
I think people would take you more seriously if you opened up and told us how you have practiced what you preach...

:ROFL: the irony!

10th April 2011, 03:07 PM
Don't cross-contaminate threads, you fucking douchebag.

10th April 2011, 05:31 PM
Don't cross-contaminate threads, you fucking douchebag.



10th April 2011, 07:21 PM
Haven't been on a plane in 13 years and I have been thinking a lot about it........to start with I would refuse the x ray and request a hand search.........but........when the guy squeezes my balls a little bit to tight (no matter how soft) I would let him have it and claim self defence and then request a jury trial.

"You can let things happen, or you can make things happen". ;D

Ponce, you and I are on the same page and I think this is the best way forward. The sheeple on this forum that say "just drive" are kidding themselves when they say voting with your wallet is the best way, the airlines will just get bailed out secretly and it'll only be a matter of time before rape scanners and sexual assault are mandatory at roadside checkpoints. The rape scanners are already being prepared for roadway checkpoints.

10th April 2011, 07:33 PM
Haven't been on a plane in 13 years and I have been thinking a lot about it........to start with I would refuse the x ray and request a hand search.........but........when the guy squeezes my balls a little bit to tight (no matter how soft) I would let him have it and claim self defence and then request a jury trial.

"You can let things happen, or you can make things happen". ;D

I thought you went to Argentina last year. I didn't think you took a boat.

Half Sense
11th April 2011, 09:05 AM
OK, I see how it works.

Like Ponce, I won't go near an airport, but if I ever did, I would smack the TSA groper.

Transformed from sheeple to hero by typing a sentence.

That was easy.

11th April 2011, 09:27 AM
lol at Awoke and Book!
