View Full Version : How the Law was Lost

2nd April 2011, 02:46 PM

I am at about 15 minutes or so into this video. I like it so far, thought I would share.

2nd April 2011, 03:20 PM
We are now living under the illusion of "freedom" where we are free only as long as we do what they tell us to do". That in itself makes the US one of the largest prison on Earth.

Like I said before "The law was made to protect the people but now they are made to control the people"

2nd April 2011, 04:46 PM
If you ever want to see a politician not know what to say, the question is, "If you were to introduce some sort of law which increases the freedom of the people, what would be some of your top ideas?"

3rd April 2011, 01:48 AM
If you ever want to see a politician not know what to say, the question is, "If you were to introduce some sort of law which increases the freedom of the people, what would be some of your top ideas?"

Thankyou for that, I love asking politicians questions I know they can't answer. I heard about GIM through ronpaulforums back in '07 and am heavily involved in Republican party politics. I'm going to use this one next time I'm at a convention and bump into a congress critter or gubernatorial candidate.

3rd April 2011, 02:35 AM
If you ever want to see a politician not know what to say, the question is, "If you were to introduce some sort of law which increases the freedom of the people, what would be some of your top ideas?"

Thankyou for that, I love asking politicians questions I know they can't answer. I heard about GIM through ronpaulforums back in '07 and am heavily involved in Republican party politics. I'm going to use this one next time I'm at a convention and bump into a congress critter or gubernatorial candidate.

Do you have to have long showers after mixing with those people?

3rd April 2011, 09:21 AM
This is a great politically correct version of events. I guess sheeple everywhere should see this.

Hatha Sunahara
3rd April 2011, 01:26 PM
PCR understands what is wrong, and does an excellent job of articulating it in this video. He had at least one idea of how to fix one problem that would undoubtedly work. Get rid of the corporate income tax, and tax corporations based on where the value is added to their product. So, if GE makes its stuff in China, they would pay a high tax. That would make them indifferent to making stuff here or in China. This likely would bring the jobs back.

What he doesn't tell us is that the entire government--all three branches--Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary are owned and controlled by people who work behind a curtain, and are invisible to us. He respects the taboo against discussing this. He says nothing about taxing the extremely wealthy. He avoids talking about who runs the secret government that has replaced the public government that older Americans grew up with. You need to take into account that he is the father of Reaganomics, which gave us the idea of 'trickle down' economics. His appeal and popularity is due to his adherence to traditional American values, which presumably includes a free pass for the extremely wealthy. I am sure he believes that the extremely wealthy are the engines of productivity. My sense is that he is a champion of basic freedoms--from his description of the police state that has emerged, and the shift in the law that has replaced our protection from the government to control by the government. He points out some excesses of the government--especially by the police--but makes no suggestions on how to fix it.

I regard PCR like I do Noam Chomsky. These are guys that can get us thinking for ourselves because they have a way of teaching us what to look at in the media and the government, but neither wants to assume any kind of leadership role in resisting the NWO, probably because it is too dangerous for them personally. Maybe they have faith in the system's ability to destroy itself as the ultimate fix. We will never know, because they will never tell us.
