View Full Version : Bizarre and vivid dream about GSUS/Skyvike last night- WEIRD

3rd April 2011, 06:57 AM
This is just too weird. Before I rehash it, let me say that it may seem funny and weird, but for some reason it was very scary to me. It was one of those dreams that seemed as if it went on for hours, but then I woke up and only 45 minutes of real time had elapsed. Ok here goes.

I got out of work and arrived 'home'. Home is a very large and very creepy house that a bunch of GSUS members lived in. Something serious had happened that related to Skyvike and his minions infiltrating GSUS. I don't know what exactly, but it had to do with Skyvike's company, which in the dream was called 'Skyhike' (corny, I know) benefiting somehow by deceiving people about false flag attacks. Whatever was going on, it caused a few of us to secretly rent this house and temporarily leave our families behind. It was bigger than a message forum, it was very significant.

So I arrived home and there is Gaillo, who no longer has a job, he just sits and does research all day. He has a very concerned look on his face, he seems extremely upset. He is sitting in the middle of this gigantic room in this big chair in front of a computer. No furniture at all in this room, just this computer right in the middle. Again, the room is HUGE. He is 'running the show'. He is reluctant to talk about what is bothering him, but we get in a general discussion about patterns that I've seen develop concerning disinformation agents. He nods his head, boy is his mood somber.

Then a knock at the front door, I go to answer and no one is there. Then a knock on one of the windows. Then another. No one around but someone is obviously trying to rattle our cage. This goes on for a long time. People are getting scared. Weapons locked and loaded, bracing for an attack. Eventually it stops. Now its late, the middle of the night.

Furious at having our security threatened, I suggest we all go to Skyvike's office and break in to look for plans, clues, information. I go to Gaillo, who refuses to come. He is supportive, but someone has to stay to 'man the ship'. I suggest he will be vulnerable to an attack. He says he will stay anyway. So we all pile into a big ass van and it's like we are soldiers on our way to a war. Sir Gonzo and I are nominated to poke around the building looking for a way in while everyone else waits at the car.

So SirGonzo and I are now alone outside the van. There is a decent distance for us to cover because we didn't want to park the van where it could be seen. We get into a conversation along the way. Sir Gonzo tells me that he believes the mission is a bad idea. He says that it wasn't Skyvike's people that were harassing us with the knocking. He says that maybe we should abandon not just the mission, but the whole thing about living in the house. Eventually I start to get pissed and the conversation gets really heated. I tell him to STFU or I'm going to knock him out. I look him up and down, I am very confident I'm going to prevail decisively in a scrap. It escalates and I throw a right hand that he avoids by ducking. A couple more punches, he avoids them easily. Boy is he quick, WOW. I try the wrestling angle and he easily counters my moves. Now I realize that I chose wrong. I know that I am absolutely no match for him, he is toying with me. And I know that this is the last fight I'm ever going to have, to a certainty it's going to end with my death. My heart sinks, then I wake up.
(sorry SirGonzo, I have no idea why you turned out to be the evil one in the dream)


midnight rambler
3rd April 2011, 07:05 AM
You DO appreciate the fact that YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN programming - right?

Bearing that in mind, have you reviewed and analyzed your dominant conscious thoughts? What thoughts are you loading with your strongest emotions?

(Being that one's subconscious has all the maturity of a four y.o. child, one should always be very deliberate and extra careful as to what 'toys' one's own subconscious gets to 'play' with.)

3rd April 2011, 07:09 AM
Did Gonzo kick your ass with a joint in his mouth? ;D

3rd April 2011, 07:24 AM
Did Gonzo kick your ass with a joint in his mouth? ;D

You know what was weird? He looked like he was like 140 pounds in the dream. He also looked very young and kind of effeminate (sorry again, SirGonzo, I don't consider you effeminate at all, it's just that you were in the dream). Strange, considering that I'm pretty sure he told me once he is around my age (mid 30's). But in the dream I totally accepted that this 140 pound dude was SirGonzo.


3rd April 2011, 09:28 AM
I had a dream that my house was invaded by highly poisonous & fast little red & blue snakes last night...

3rd April 2011, 09:58 AM
I can tell you my interpretation of your interpretation.

Money for nothing at the house. While the top takes the most, the whole house takes more than it gives.
The house is taken over by a gang running it down! Sky and his gang have let it go (or can bring it back). The house can be run better!

SirGonzo knows a deeper truth. The house is just a fake mental construct to control. Or 'unless you change the way money works you change nothing'. Or it takes personal freedom and dignity. Or thinking of the house as more the real economy (corporate paychecks and the like) the earth no longer has the resources for the house at the size we have built it too.

Run the house better or leave it? Wrestle with the ideas.


And here a mashup of the two characters: 8)

Awake from your slumber of indolence and harken the call of the future!

Do you realize that you are rapidly becoming a doomed generation? Do you realize that the fate of the world and of generations to come rests on your shoulders? Do you realize that at any time you may be called on to protect your country and the freedom of the world from the creeping scourge of Terrorism? How can you possibly laugh in the face of the disasters which face us from all sides? Oh ignorant youth, the world is not a joyous place. The time has come for you to dispense with the frivolous pleasures of childhood and get down to honest toil until you are sixty-five. Then and only then can you relax and collect your social security and live happily until the time of your death.

Also, your insolent attitude disturbs me greatly. You have the nerve to say that you have never known what it is like to live in a secure and peaceful world; you say that the present generation has balled things up to the extent that we now face a war so terrible that the very thought of it makes hardened veterans shudder; you say that it is impossible to lay any plans for the future until you are sure you have a future. I say Nonsense! None of these things matter. If you expect a future you must carve it out in the face of these things. You also say that you must wait until after you have served your time with the service to settle down. Ridiculous! It is a man's duty to pull up stakes and serve his country at any time, then settle down again.

I say there is no excuse for a feeling of insecurity on you part; there is no excuse for Juvenile Delinquency; there is no excuse for your attitude except that you are rotten and lazy! I was never like that! I worked hard; I saved; I didn't run around and stay out late at night; I carved out my own future through hard work and virtuous living, and look at me now; a respectable and successful man.

I warn you, if you don't start now it will be too late, and the blame for the end of the world will be laid at your feet. Heed my warning, oh depraved and profligate youth; I say awake, awake, awake!

3rd April 2011, 10:02 AM
I had a dream that my house was invaded by highly poisonous & fast little red & blue snakes last night...

Did you eat one?

3rd April 2011, 10:40 AM
I thought of this thread again when I came upon this...

A view from South Africa:


3rd April 2011, 10:52 AM
I thought of this thread again when I came upon this...

A view from South Africa:


That was really good from the point of Corporations as a group of ants.

I believe that they can be painted red & blue too.

3rd April 2011, 11:45 AM
Something is going around....


[M]y latest vision...

The only way out of this situation for us is to go in. A conventional uprising against tyranny is not sufficient to definitively thwart this Machine. Such uprisings are merely fuel for its agenda of total conquest.

No, the only way to thwart this Machine is not via an uprising; rather, the only way for humanity to prevail in this impasse is through a far-reaching Upwising such that the human race has never experienced in its history.

Either we dramatically Upwise, or we are toast. Either a lot of humans get a lot smarter, a lot savvier, a lot more spiritual (not religious, but “spiritual”) and a lot more insightful, or we are done for.

This Machine cannot be fought in the conventional sense. To fight this Machine in a conventional way, is to lose. It will win that conventional conflict every time.

What is called for is wisdom, creative nonviolence, peaceful cooperation with the natural planet and other humans of good will, and a sense of reverence for biological life and the creative spirituality that has infused biological DNA with a hyper-dimensional communications link with the lovingly omniscient essence of All That Is.

And that is precisely what the Machine wants to destroy: biological life, hyper-dimensional DNA, to conquer the material realm and close it off from all hyper-dimensional contact with higher dimensions.

Look around at this planet and what is happening on it and you can see the death race to the bottom — with war sprouting up here and there, ecological destruction, totalitarian economic systems that are strangling the majority of the planet’s population and reducing them to slave status, oppressive political systems, rampant mind control, and more. The evidence for what ayahuasca showed me is evident on every hand.

Either we Upwise, or we continue to dumb down and definitively seal our own fate. That is our choice.

Now, I know that the Internet is bursting at the seams with trolls, lurkers, and MATRIX control agents working for the Machine, i.e., intelligence agency employees who patrol forums and blogs to stir up trouble or sow disinformation, or others who are so deeply under the various levels of mind control rampant in this society that they sow discord unconsciously, reflexively, automatically, thereby feeding the Machine and furthering its aims...

3rd April 2011, 12:24 PM
Last night was a new moon.

3rd April 2011, 07:55 PM
Wow - that was a crazy dream. Most of my dreams are strange and bizarre, but I've never dreamed about GSUS. Maybe now that I'm thinking about it I will tonight.

4th April 2011, 07:41 AM
The same night the OP dreamed about GSUS- so did I. We were a small group in what seemed like a club house and I came into the room not knowing what to expect. One guy was reclined on an old couch and spoke with a russian accent. He didn't look anything like what I expect Antonio looks like. The one I saw had blonde hair- fairly short. Medium build. Shortly after that, a giant attacked, ripping the wall off the building... looking for people to eat.

When I dream of colored snakes... an example- my lawn is infested with exotic (blue/red/white) snakes, the sense I get is these are DIFFERENT, UNKNOWN and potentially lethal risks or threats. It is a fear or concern about the unknown threats around you. The colors can represent other things, but for me it is a color I would never naturally see in snakes.

4th April 2011, 07:48 AM
Did Gonzo kick your ass with a joint in his mouth? ;D

that made me LOL


4th April 2011, 07:55 AM
Hey you guys know that over at the viperpit they are having drama right?

They rolled out some changes that have really got those guys pissed off.... one year on....

Paid advertising - dirty word filter - mods talking down to everyone because they can't get funded.

Haven't checked it out for myself - scuttlebutt

4th April 2011, 09:10 AM
....send lawyers guns and money....the shiiite has hit the fan.

4th April 2011, 12:21 PM

http://www.iiiproductions.com/lucidity/images/merch/shirts/im%20the%20man%20of%20your%20dreams,%20shirt%20tem plate.png

That was quite amusing to me.

Apparently I'm not one with which to be trifled!


4th April 2011, 12:29 PM
Sweet movie script... GSUS night ops team...

Were the ladies there???

4th April 2011, 02:29 PM
The same night the OP dreamed about GSUS- so did I. We were a small group in what seemed like a club house and I came into the room not knowing what to expect. One guy was reclined on an old couch and spoke with a russian accent. He didn't look anything like what I expect Antonio looks like. The one I saw had blonde hair- fairly short. Medium build. Shortly after that, a giant attacked, ripping the wall off the building... looking for people to eat.

When I dream of colored snakes... an example- my lawn is infested with exotic (blue/red/white) snakes, the sense I get is these are DIFFERENT, UNKNOWN and potentially lethal risks or threats. It is a fear or concern about the unknown threats around you. The colors can represent other things, but for me it is a color I would never naturally see in snakes.

Snakes in dreams mean increased wealth

4th April 2011, 08:44 PM
Sweet movie script... GSUS night ops team...

Were the ladies there???

Unfortunately no ladies in the dream. I'll tell you, I can't get over this thing. Haven't stopped thinking about it. So vivid. I'm losing some of the details now, but I can see the house like I've been there before.


4th April 2011, 08:47 PM
Hey you guys know that over at the viperpit they are having drama right?

They rolled out some changes that have really got those guys pissed off.... one year on....

Paid advertising - dirty word filter - mods talking down to everyone because they can't get funded.

Haven't checked it out for myself - scuttlebutt

Wow, thanks for the info, I don't even read there, you are right,
they got an ad there, ROFL ! I told gkhan long ago, " this will cost
you gold members ", they banned many gold members and even
midas, Ozzy midas even told skyvike off one night, LoL, why should
people donate to be lied to and insulted, people finally got it, but
then again maybe all this is a ploy thinking that ads will make them
more money and give them an excuse to be more adversarial. ?

@ Thread, Dys, I am starting to worry about you dude.

At least you got one thing right, Gonzo, he reads hebrew, who the hell reads hebrew, :lol

I got my eye on both of you. ;)

I always pictured Gaillo with a cigar in his mouth and a 12guage 3" magnum SS 00.
Beside a big machine with buttons on it, lots of them. LOL

Everytime someone mentions skyvikes name and he reads it, he gets goose bumps, lol
He ain't that bad, I had a cordial email exchange with him I started. He ain't evil.

7th April 2011, 08:13 AM
Wow - that was a crazy dream. Most of my dreams are strange and bizarre, but I've never dreamed about GSUS. Maybe now that I'm thinking about it I will tonight.

I'm not sure what's up with these crazy dreams, I had one last night. Actually a bunch of gsus'ers were in it too, along with a lot of old friends family. I've never had so many people I know in a dream before. There was even a gal I dated a few times from over 10 years ago. How in the heck she showed up in the dream is very odd.

The dream was like a huge get together. Maybe a couple hundred people. At the end, we all piled into boats and went boating. Then I woke up.

This can't be good. :imskerd:

7th April 2011, 08:52 AM
Wow - that was a crazy dream. Most of my dreams are strange and bizarre, but I've never dreamed about GSUS. Maybe now that I'm thinking about it I will tonight.

I'm not sure what's up with these crazy dreams, I had one last night. Actually a bunch of gsus'ers were in it too, along with a lot of old friends family. I've never had so many people I know in a dream before. There was even a gal I dated a few times from over 10 years ago. How in the heck she showed up in the dream is very odd.

The dream was like a huge get together. Maybe a couple hundred people. At the end, we all piled into boats and went boating. Then I woke up.

This can't be good. :imskerd:

dont tell me...we all had our pm's with us and the boat sank.... :whistle

7th April 2011, 08:58 AM
dont tell me...we all had our pm's with us and the boat sank.... :whistle

lol...that's what creeped me out? I woke up just after we all left. Everyone was happily boating away, maybe a hundred boats. Talk about the potential for a massive boating accident!!!

Creepy dream, indeed. :)