View Full Version : Wedding prayers

5th April 2011, 11:42 PM
I'm going to a wedding this weekend. It will not be a church wedding but that doesn't mean God can't be there. The opportunity for a short prayer might be in the offing so I wondered if anyone had a suggestion for a wedding prayer ? Could be a favorite of yours so it doesn't have to be on topic.

I did some interwebbing and have a couple ideas but I'm open to suggestions. Something short and sweet perhaps.

5th April 2011, 11:55 PM
Lord bless these two.

It may be love, or it may be lust, buy you’re the one in whom they trust.

6th April 2011, 07:21 AM
I'll write one for you...

Lord, bless these two as they sign over theirs lives entering a contract controlled by the state, which statistically has over a 50% failure rate. Bless them, and give them strength to bury their heads in the sand together, watching American Idol, and find joy and peace not knowing what a huge ass mistake they make today. May their love shine brightly, as a candle to be snuffed out on the whim of consumption and selfishness.