View Full Version : Awesome Ventura interview on the View: Ron Paul, TSA, .gov ops, FEMA, Anti-FED

6th April 2011, 12:04 PM

6th April 2011, 01:13 PM
That was pretty good. After Alex expanded the playground a bit they were comfortable enough to really want to discuss the issues.

Whoopi, another answer to your question: Until You Change How Money Works - You Change Nothing.

I'd like to see Catherine Austin Fitts on the show now. I wonder if Catherine has a good agent?

Large Sarge
6th April 2011, 01:33 PM
I like the plug Jesse gives for getting out of the U.S.

I give him points

I am sure in Private Jesse would tell you (off the record), the Mossad did 9/11

you cannot go into their venue and start bad mouthing their little country.

like being invited to dinner, and telling the host some insulting personal remark (I hope your kids are smart, because they got beat pretty bad with the ugly stick), between a mouthful of dinner.....

no one is going to do it, you will never get asked back

he is pimping his new book also

6th April 2011, 01:36 PM
Great stuff and should be an interesting book.
Not many people can out talk those bunch of women but he did

6th April 2011, 01:44 PM
I like the plug Jesse gives for getting out of the U.S.

I give him points

I am sure in Private Jesse would tell you (off the record), the Mossad did 9/11

you cannot go into their venue and start bad mouthing their little country.

like being invited to dinner, and telling the host some insulting personal remark (I hope your kids are smart, because they got beat pretty bad with the ugly stick), between a mouthful of dinner.....

no one is going to do it, you will never get asked back

he is pimping his new book also

He knows how to play the game and the info he dropped today on the mainstream seemed to be favorably received by the audience and to a degree the hosts. Yeah, it's a minor little thing in the big scheme of things but it might be a little bit of progress in the right direction. The "two party dictatorship" was a great line and people seemed to respond to it. I know I'm hoping against hope but any and every little thing is better than nothing, especially when it concerns the majority of sheep.

6th April 2011, 01:53 PM
Notice how the little Neo-Con one tries to start off with the divide issue? Abortion seems so far down the list of things to debate currently, but it surely can derail just about anything.

He handled himself pretty good though.

Large Sarge
6th April 2011, 01:55 PM
I like the plug Jesse gives for getting out of the U.S.

I give him points

I am sure in Private Jesse would tell you (off the record), the Mossad did 9/11

you cannot go into their venue and start bad mouthing their little country.

like being invited to dinner, and telling the host some insulting personal remark (I hope your kids are smart, because they got beat pretty bad with the ugly stick), between a mouthful of dinner.....

no one is going to do it, you will never get asked back

he is pimping his new book also

He knows how to play the game and the info he dropped today on the mainstream seemed to be favorably received by the audience and to a degree the hosts. Yeah, it's a minor little thing in the big scheme of things but it might be a little bit of progress in the right direction. The "two party dictatorship" was a great line and people seemed to respond to it. I know I'm hoping against hope but any and every little thing is better than nothing, especially when it concerns the majority of sheep.

Yes I keep hoping also,

"lemmings walking off the cliff, am I the only one looking around"? (very good one there)

McCanney had a great analogy, like the guy driving in the left lane (fast lane), and he is going 45 MPH down the interstate, cars backed up for miles behind him honking and screaming....

to the guy going 45 mph, everything is fine, plenty of open road in front of him.... (smooth sailing)

Flouride is a big contributor to the problems IMO

thats one thing hitler figured out, was when he added flouride to the water, he only needed 25% of the number of guards, because the prisoners were so stupid

"flouride drones"

6th April 2011, 03:11 PM

6th April 2011, 03:45 PM
Ick! I can't stand Joy Behar!

ETA: Thanks for sharing that. That was really good:).

6th April 2011, 04:07 PM

Two jews, two blacks, and one dumb blond all wearing coordinated wardrobes pretending to differ.


6th April 2011, 04:18 PM

Two jews, two blacks, and one dumb blond all wearing coordinated wardrobes pretending to differ.


And one of the blacks is a "Goldberg"!


(Whoopi's dad told her she would go farther in show business if she used a jewish last name. Apparently, it worked out for her.)

6th April 2011, 04:54 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

6th April 2011, 04:59 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

Damn right, Ventura owned that interview. If you want to talk fashion, this isn't the thread.

6th April 2011, 05:15 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

Yes, I watched the video. I didn't initially comment on Ventura because if I were to have made a comment, it would have been a disparaging one.

Most of the stuff Ventura says is on target, but I kinda think he comes off as a fool. He's probably a great guy, but I just think many people wouldn't take him seriously. At least he wasn't rocking back and forth like he does a lot.

He reminds me of this guy:


6th April 2011, 05:19 PM
He's probably a great guy, but I just think many people wouldn't take him seriously. At least he wasn't rocking back and forth like he does a lot.

Desperation has a way of overlooking those ticks.

I'd support him.

6th April 2011, 05:23 PM
He's probably a great guy, but I just think many people wouldn't take him seriously. At least he wasn't rocking back and forth like he does a lot.

Desperation has a way of overlooking those ticks.

I'd support him.

Don't get me wrong, I'd support him too, but we aren't most people.

6th April 2011, 05:28 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

Yes, I watched the video. I didn't initially comment on Ventura because if I were to have made a comment, it would have been a disparaging one.

Most of the stuff Ventura says is on target, but I kinda think he comes off as a fool. He's probably a great guy, but I just think many people wouldn't take him seriously. At least he wasn't rocking back and forth like he does a lot.

He reminds me of this guy:


A disparaging comment is cool if you give your reasons for pointing out why you think it sucks, you might point out something to me I hadn't thought of. The people in the OP vid audience seemed to take him seriously enough. I do agree, that swaying back and forth is irritating as hell and doesn't command any attention what so ever, I'm glad to see that it's not an issue in this instance.

6th April 2011, 05:41 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'd support him too, but we aren't most people.

I imagine based on his platform he could be propelled into office much the same way the Schwanz was.

Not sure if Ron Paul would drop the Republican title to join him though...

willie pete
6th April 2011, 05:42 PM

Two jews, two blacks, and one dumb blond all wearing coordinated wardrobes pretending to differ.


the show should be re-named the snake-pit

6th April 2011, 05:49 PM
A disparaging comment is cool if you give your reasons for pointing out why you think it sucks, you might point out something to me I hadn't thought of. The people in the OP vid audience seemed to take him seriously enough. I do agree, that swaying back and forth is irritating as hell and doesn't command any attention what so ever, I'm glad to see that it's not an issue in this instance.

I agree with him on a lot, and you're right; the audience in the video seemed to take him seriously, but maybe that's because he right there talking to them live. I wonder what the viewers at home thought? Maybe they would take him seriously too, but I can see him being ripped apart in the media if he ran as Ron Paul's VP.

Maybe it's just me. His voice and rocking (hopefully he is getting his rocking under control) is annoying to me, but to me he's preaching to the choir anyway, so it doesn't matter. I just try to imagine how someone else might view him.

What he says is great, but I think he goes to the beat of his own drummer too much to be a potential VP candidate and thus potential president.

I, for example, would make another horrible political candidate. I wouldn't cut my hair, and I wouldn't play all the bullshit games they play. I would call it like it is, and wouldn't put enough required effort in to modify the way I come across so as to be accepted by the public at large.

6th April 2011, 07:15 PM
With all due respect, I didn't like it.
I'm of the opinion that it's never a good idea to compromise on truth. Compromise, that's exactly what the bad guys WANT us to do and it's one of the things that got us here to begin with.

Voting the bums out isn't a solution. As long as I've been alive, this 'solution' has been around, we've been told that voting is the answer to all of our problems for decades.
Auditing the federal reserve is not a solution. Even if it did happen, the same criminals that run government would undoubtebly be charged with the task of doing the auditing. Besides, an audit wouldn't address the money monopoly, so what's the point?
Ron Paul isn't the solution. He is a deeply connected mason. I'm sure Ventura knows this, btw.

Now some of you will say that Ventura is just 'playing the game', and I understand that argument. My argument is that playing the game is what they do, it shouldn't be what we do.


6th April 2011, 07:39 PM
if nothing else, these are seeds that have been sewn, maybe it is ultimately fruitless but if even a handfull of people run with that info and potentially wind up here at GSUS it was a positive. I think we've witnessed our numbers growing and it's been a few at time and I welcome any opportunity that makes more people think.

There's always going to be things we disagree on but surely we can agree that stirring the shit of TPTB is a good thing?

6th April 2011, 07:40 PM
if nothing else, these are seeds that have been sewn, maybe it is ultimately fruitless but if even a handfull of people run with that info and potentially wind up here at GSUS it was a positive. I think we've witnessed our numbers growing and it's been a few at time and I welcome any opportunity that makes more people think.

There's always going to be things we disagree on but surely we can agree that stirring the shit of TPTB is a good thing?

Well, as long at TPTB aren't the ones doing the stirring...


6th April 2011, 07:43 PM
Along the lines of what SirGonzo was talking about. Think about the average housewife that is watching it. I am guessing that is the demographic for the show. Crazy ex pro wrestler, former govner of MN (wheres that again?), current loafer/surfer in Mexico, that has a weirdo show on a no name network. He has a lot going for him in the eye of the average sheep.

He comes off hokey and crackpot just by his attire. The society we have morphed into relishes well dressed people.
Talking up dual citizenship in Mexico was a moronic moment. Just enough reason to give "Proud Americans" the chance to discount everything he says. "If he wants to be a Mexican, let him go. I don't want him in D.C.!" I think this reaction would pop up for most of the lemmings.

A few other comments.

He says starts off by saying it is the Fed that is in control. Wrong. It is not the Fed itself. The Fed is just a tool.

Whoopie (what a name) brought up internment camps to try to defend in a way. She brought the Japanese camps we had in WWII. Have we had any other internment camps since WWII? By the way, how in the fuck can you justify internment camps of your on people? Seriously. (Yeah I know we have the PIC, but this is another level.)

I give him credit for dealing with those dingbats. I think I would have offed myself just being around those nitwits for only a few seconds.

6th April 2011, 07:52 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

Instead of commenting on the the excellent posts above by Sarge especially and yours even.

I will tell you Book makes an excellent point, I don't view those " hosts " as women, nor even
people, nor human, they are lying animals with an agenda for your destruction, 2 Jew haters,
in on it and laughing, you can even see it in the video, Goldie sickens me, and that lying
NeoCon little brat blond, she ain't dumb, she is a vampire. I have seen enough of their show.
They sicken me , they are evil, they work together.

Ventura knew how to handle them.

More power to him and good luck on his book.

People like those women are the problem, what they represent.

Conservative male views need not apply, to them we are all loons.

6th April 2011, 08:01 PM
Book, Gonzo,

Did you even bother watching the vid? Your comments didn't address the information, just the wardrobe and the name of one of the hosts. Any comments on the talking (assclown) head that Horn posted? Maybe he's a transvestite jew whore too?

Instead of commenting on the the excellent posts above by Sarge especially and yours even.

I will tell you Book makes an excellent point, I don't view those " hosts " as women, nor even
people, nor human, they are lying animals with an agenda for your destruction, 2 Jew haters,
in on it and laughing, you can even see it in the video, Goldie sickens me, and that lying
NeoCon little brat blond, she ain't dumb, she is a vampire. I have seen enough of their show.
They sicken me , they are evil, they work together.

Ventura knew how to handle them.

More power to him and good luck on his book.

People like those women are the problem, what they represent.

Conservative male views need not apply, to them we are all loons.

Maybe the fact that he handled the situation so well is what really made it stand out to me? Usually it is them riding rough shot over people they don't agree with ideologically but not in this instance. Not only did he dismantle them but his message resonated with the audience further neutering the 5 dipshits.

6th April 2011, 08:11 PM
Maybe the fact that he handled the situation so well is what really made it stand out to me? Usually it is them riding rough shot over people they don't agree with ideologically but not in this instance. Not only did he dismantle them but his message resonated with the audience further neutering the 5 dipshits.

I agree with you and your other post, it's very good.

Looking at the video again, and looking closer at what they do to him, their attempts,
even attempting to paint him as a loon, crazy nut cases, all of us even, anyone that can see,
he laughs them off and even bumps Behar, these women are very very sinister,
it is obvious they have a plan of attack, they miss 10 times, Ventura knows what
he is walking into, a trap, a pit of vipers.

You tell me they don't have an agenda, who do they represent,
Jews, Queers, NeoCons. They want to see the nations destroyed.

I am glad for the exposure, the audience seems to be on board,
what the audience may not get is the hosts are not dumb, but calculating.

6th April 2011, 08:17 PM
Maybe the fact that he handled the situation so well is what really made it stand out to me? Usually it is them riding rough shot over people they don't agree with ideologically but not in this instance. Not only did he dismantle them but his message resonated with the audience further neutering the 5 dipshits.

Look at the video again, and look closer at what they do to him, their attempts,
even attempting to paint him as a loon, crazy nut cases, all of us even, anyone that can see,
he laughs them off and even bumps Behar, these women are very very sinister,
it is obvious they have a plan of attack, they miss 10 times, Ventura knows what
he is walking into, a trap, a pit of vipers.

You tell me they don't have an agenda, who do they represent,
Jews, Queers, NeoCons. They want to see the nations destroyed.

I am glad for the exposure, the audience seems to be on board,
what the audience may not get is the hosts are not dumb, but calculating.

That's exactly why I appreciate it so much MAGNES! He bitchslapped them all and still got his message out and well received. Usually if "the view" gets brought up I cringe in disdain but on this occasion I was very pleasantly surprised and then some.

6th April 2011, 08:21 PM

Twisted Titan
6th April 2011, 09:12 PM
E Griffin on Fox News

Ventura on The View

The Elite are trying to front run the issue so that now matter what you "discover" it will only lead you into a another room with a differnt color paint that they provided.


6th April 2011, 09:29 PM
I like what woopie asked, "What do/can we do about it?"..

7th April 2011, 06:57 AM
You guys all seem unaware that the electorate voted in Schwarzenegger & Obama. ;D

The U.S. will have to retract its military & take a long slope down at some point. I'd just rather it happened sooner than later because the slope keeps getting steeper. Any longer and there will be nothing left of it's Constitution.

7th April 2011, 08:03 AM
if nothing else, these are seeds that have been sewn, maybe it is ultimately fruitless but if even a handful of people run with that info and potentially wind up here at GSUS it was a positive. I think we've witnessed our numbers growing and it's been a few at time and I welcome any opportunity that makes more people think.


Maybe these two cunts (http://www.steffenandstephanie.com/blog/) from The View audience?


7th April 2011, 10:40 AM
I wonder what the viewers at home thought?

Joy Behar attempted to shape their fear with the "he wants to get rid of Homeland Security" line at the beginning.

That bureaucracy seems to be a positive in their eye, and someone wants to get rid of it? Those must be crazy loons that want that. :sarc:

7th April 2011, 11:31 AM
if nothing else, these are seeds that have been sewn, maybe it is ultimately fruitless but if even a handful of people run with that info and potentially wind up here at GSUS it was a positive. I think we've witnessed our numbers growing and it's been a few at time and I welcome any opportunity that makes more people think.

Maybe these two cunts (http://www.steffenandstephanie.com/blog/) from The View audience?


Lets find out! I left a comment asking them if they liked and related to what Gov Ventura had to say.

7th April 2011, 11:38 AM
if nothing else, these are seeds that have been sewn, maybe it is ultimately fruitless but if even a handful of people run with that info and potentially wind up here at GSUS it was a positive. I think we've witnessed our numbers growing and it's been a few at time and I welcome any opportunity that makes more people think.


Maybe these two cunts (http://www.steffenandstephanie.com/blog/) from The View audience?


"Famous in New York
On our recent trip to New York, we became pretty famous…"

The world is pleased to be blessed with their presence...
WTF... they are using my three dots!!!... >:(

7th April 2011, 11:44 AM
I hate to tell ya this Ximmy but I patented those 3 dots back in 1969! Now, how much do you owe me? ;D

7th April 2011, 06:59 PM
I don't care what he looks like or if he sways back and forth focusing on that is bullshit. Most of my friends have character and this guy is loaded with it. He's a tough guy that will look you in the eye and he won't back down or be bullied. Most people are cowards for one reason or another. I don't see any signs of him being a coward. I don't agree with him on all of the issues he speaks to but I like him anyway. I really like the way he handles the media.

7th April 2011, 07:20 PM
I don't care what he looks like or if he sways back and forth focusing on that is Bullshit. Most of my friends have character and this guy is loaded with it. He's a tough guy that will look you in the eye and he won't back down or be bullied. Most people are cowards for one reason or another. I don't see any signs of him being a coward. I don't agree with him on all of the issues he speaks to but I like him anyway. I really like the way he handles the media.

He is very knowledgeable on all issues and is ready for them, he knows their MO, notice he is
laughing a lot of it off and just ignoring their questions using them to put out more info, lol ,
Ventura has medical issues, I appreciate the videos put up above, haven't seen him in a while.
The first thing I thought of is how well is this man doing, I was worried for him cause these
issues only get worse not better, that is not a nervous tick, I strongly suspect him living in
Mexico has a great deal to do with his health, weed and oil may do him great good, if he doesn't
have parkinsons, he has something similar. He is showman and is playing to an audience, people
forget he was Governor, not a small feat, he does have a following, they are probably keeping track
of him closely. It is easy for us to say, get rid of your hair and put a jacket on at least, I would
but I ain't Ventura. Tumbleweed, you and I think a lot alike, you got a good eye too, reason,
I wanted to thank you for your support openly, you are a good guy too. And Book is right, nothing
beats that photo you put up.

7th April 2011, 09:48 PM
Voting the bums out isn't a solution. As long as I've been alive, this 'solution' has been around, we've been told that voting is the answer to all of our problems for decades.

dys, he didn't say vote the bums out. He said don't vote Democrat OR Republican. That's a very important distinction. He's saying dislodge the corrupt two-party system.

What would be the public reaction and the media reaction if the 2008 election looked like this:

Obama (D) 33%
McCain (R) 30%
Other 37%

Don't you think that would have sent a resounding message?

7th April 2011, 10:45 PM
What would be the public reaction and the media reaction if the 2008 election looked like this:

Large Sarge
8th April 2011, 02:30 AM
I don't care what he looks like or if he sways back and forth focusing on that is Bullshit. Most of my friends have character and this guy is loaded with it. He's a tough guy that will look you in the eye and he won't back down or be bullied. Most people are cowards for one reason or another. I don't see any signs of him being a coward. I don't agree with him on all of the issues he speaks to but I like him anyway. I really like the way he handles the media.

I agree for the most part

he is about the best out there

8th April 2011, 10:11 PM
dys, he didn't say vote the bums out. He said don't vote Democrat OR Republican. That's a very important distinction. He's saying dislodge the corrupt two-party system.

What would be the public reaction and the media reaction if the 2008 election looked like this:

Obama (D) 33%
McCain (R) 30%
Other 37%

Don't you think that would have sent a resounding message?

If this were to happen, I do not believe that anything good would come of it. Either the diebold machines would get fired up, or the 3rd party candidate would be allowed to prevail in the case that the candidate secretly represents the bankers (see Sarah Palin).


8th April 2011, 10:20 PM
I don't care what he looks like or if he sways back and forth focusing on that is Bullshit. Most of my friends have character and this guy is loaded with it. He's a tough guy that will look you in the eye and he won't back down or be bullied. Most people are cowards for one reason or another. I don't see any signs of him being a coward. I don't agree with him on all of the issues he speaks to but I like him anyway. I really like the way he handles the media.

I agree for the most part

he is about the best out there

Have you heard him ever talking in that deep voice of his about the ZOG? I think the very thought of doing this would turn his 300lbs of roid muscle to jelly.

8th April 2011, 10:30 PM
Have you heard him ever talking in that deep voice of his about the ZOG?


He'll do ANYTHING in front of the goyim but that.


8th April 2011, 10:46 PM
Have you heard him ever talking in that deep voice of his about the ZOG?


He'll do ANYTHING in front of the goyim but that.


I`ve always said that intellectual courage is more rare than the physical kind. It is the ultimate courage because to speak up against those who are really in power means either 100% certain death or at least a complete destruction of everything that is meaningful in one`s life while the feats of physical courage often allow a chance of survival.

Large Sarge
9th April 2011, 04:45 AM
ever heard the bible referred to as "jewish poetry"?

think on that for a few minutes

Gordon Duff is very good.

Jesse will not talk ZOG, neither will Celente, Alex Jones, Max Keiser, etc

even Jim Willie used to tlak about Israel for awhile, and his death threats got to bad

Jim went through a "De-Evolution" in his discussions of Israel

initially it was by name (Israel)

then after a few harsh words/death threats "our supposed ally that is on the mediteraneean, etc"

and the last 6+ months, not a mention of it

mick silver
9th April 2011, 10:13 AM
the guys i know and run around with look you in the eyes when they talk . you can tell a strong person a mile away

9th April 2011, 12:59 PM
I'm just now watching this, right away they start the attack off by saying that he will be RP's mate, when he is not sure. They probably think that they can discredit RP by making this "mark" look like a ding bat. 45 secs in, the jew on his right says "why would you even consider that?" total condescension.

Ehhhh, don't like the AJ plug, but whatever. Oh the jew is bringing up abortion now, "You know that he is not pro choice right?'' I guess all the whore women at home want to slut around then kill off the seed since it is not convenient to live with the repercussions of your actions. After all the ZOG said that it is ok right? :puke Ahhh he parried the question nicely and brought up the Federal Reserve.

This fucking kike... "He wants to get rid of homeland security!" I guess we will all die if this happens... The blonde now says that it is your choice to fly. Give me a fucking break. Ahhh 4th amendment that's good, and he told the blonde to stfu +2 Jesse. I guess Goldberg is supposed to be "the voice of reason" here. She says "what do we do about it?" Jesse says "it's as clear as the nose on your face." LMAO.

I think that he did well. The sows where playing their parts and he handled it. Too bad the housewives watching this forgot about it as soon as the commercial for pinesol hit.

9th April 2011, 01:24 PM
He is a "strong" man who supports abortion and faggot "rights". This is enough for me to not not pay any attention to him even if he talked about ZOG. Dominant roid-fed fags are all over Greenwich Village.

15th November 2011, 04:01 PM
One of Ventura's last interviews, he lost a DHS TSA court battle.
Jesse Ventura's latest press conference (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55732-Jesse-Ventura-s-latest-press-conference)

15th November 2011, 06:30 PM
(moved to fractious thread)