View Full Version : latest from gordon duff on 9/11 (a blockbuster here)

Large Sarge
11th April 2011, 04:57 PM

April 11, 2011 posted by Gordon Duff · 45 Comments


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

America is in its 10th year of war in Afghanistan and losing. Everyone there hates us, we haven’t won a single “heart” or “mind.” We have succeeded in building an empire of opium and heroin on a scale never before imagined.

Millions at home, tens of millions in Russia, Europe and around the world have been destroyed by the flood of narcotics distributed with deadly efficiency by a combination of rogue military and intelligence operations and the contracting firms we payed to protect us.

American corruption, incompetence and brutality has recruited hundreds of thousands into a war against the United States who could otherwise have been our allies. This is the simple truth of it.

The entire premise for Afghanistan was a lie. Not long ago, Ron Paul exposed even the first Gulf War as a lie, Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was authorized and supported by the United States. This is one of the uncelebrated Wikileaks accomplishments.

Everybody knows, and I do so love saying this, that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that the whole thing was set up by Israel. 5000 Americans died uselessly. Let’s face it, “uselessly” is the right term, no way about it. We can handle the truth.

Handle this:

9/11 was pure “false flag” staged by Israel with help from Pentagon, CIA and White House “friends”
There were NO 9/11 hijackers, no “box cutters,” no airplane drama, no passengers storming the cockpit, no phone calls, it was all made up
No plane hit the Pentagon, it was a missile
Two airplanes didn’t knock down the 3 WTC towers.
Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA and died 10 years ago
Al Qaeda never existed until we invented it. It still doesn’t, not really, though millions of Muslims now wish it did so they could join.
There is so much “hard proof” of these things, you could convict “OJ,” even with Alan Dershowitz defending him.

The “proof” of the cover story dissolved years ago, the phony investigation, the phony engineering study, all a sick joke, with the emphasis on “sick.” Anyone who accepts this bilk is simply too stupid to live.

We are preparing to put a “hijacker” on trial soon.

First of all, it isn’t really a trial at all, its some sort of military kangaroo court thing, quite illegal, quite unconstitutional, no surprise there.

Hey, it gets even better.

We aren’t even sure who we have. Not only did this guy have nothing to do with 9/11, according to intelligence sources, he probably is just so schmo we “bought” back during the Bush administration, some nameless victim like the dozens or even hundreds, perhaps thousands, we kidnapped, tortured (and executed) by “mistake.”

It was never a mistake. It was a “ploy.” Bush and Cheney needed “numbers” to sell the idea that they were winning the “GWOT.” (Global War on Terror) They gave these instructions:

Get us “warm bodies,” for “suspects,” we don’t care who or why, we need “results”
Get us “confessions,” the more outlandish, the better…
Go out and recruit “terrorists,” inside the US, Europe and around the world. We want to be able to stage terror attacks on demand, based on election and news cycles or when we need a distraction
This is the truth. This is what the facts support. This is what we need to admit to and these are the crimes we need to redress, to our own people and people around the world.

We have become everything we ourselves fear most. No more fairy tales, no more bedtime stories, no more lies.

11th April 2011, 05:04 PM

11th April 2011, 05:47 PM
We have become everything we ourselves fear most. No more fairy tales, no more bedtime stories, no more lies.

the US has become what the 13 colonies rebelled against. the power behind the throne = the English bankers and their tea taxes and other taxes that the colonists just got fed up with. English bankers = Rothschilds.

the US has become far more destructive than WW2 Germany. Germany caused minimal casualties when they seized disputed territory in Poland. The WW2 casualties came when the England, France, and the US decided to stop WW2 Germany. just as many casualties would occur if the world decides to stop the US & Israel from continuing their destructive streak.

once again the world finds itself in a position where it needs to evict a large parasite, but the cost of evicting that parasite - the Talmud-worshippers who did 9-11 - would be huge in terms of numbers of lives.

Large Sarge
11th April 2011, 06:24 PM
Gordon Duff hits another one out of the park.....

Hatha Sunahara
11th April 2011, 06:26 PM
Gordon Duff sounds more like Dimitri Khalezov in this article. At least about what hit the WTC buildings and the Pentagon on 911. I'm waiting for him to tell us it was nuclear bombs that brought down the WTC buildings--all three of them.

The GWOT is really the GFOT--the Global Fraud on Terror. There are only government sponsored terrorist organizations, and unfortunately they only recruit muslims and other useful idiots for missions designed to fail.

There is no way that our elected politicians, Obama, all the Senators and Representatives, and the jackboots sitting on the Supreme Court and other satrap judicial organizations do not know that the GFOT is a total fraud. But they act like it is real, and serious. And the news media villify the poor muslim patsies the FBI sets up with fake bombs and fake cell phone detonators, and dismiss anyone who says its 'entrapment'.

I don't want to believe that we are such a stupid and dishonest society--but all the evidence tells me our leaders are, and there is no way for any of us to fix it. We just have to let it collapse from its own rottenness. The time for that is approaching. I'd like to see the lives of our 'leaders' destroyed--like they have done to so many innocent people all over the world.


11th April 2011, 07:12 PM
Great stuff Sarge. Our country is being run by our enemy and we must shout it out.

12th April 2011, 07:38 AM
I don't want to believe that we are such a stupid and dishonest society--but all the evidence tells me our leaders are, and there is no way for any of us to fix it. We just have to let it collapse from its own rottenness. The time for that is approaching. I'd like to see the lives of our 'leaders' destroyed--like they have done to so many innocent people all over the world.


it is hard to believe. we just have to concentrate on the basics, what in physics are known as "base laws". from those, you can derive the rest of physics. e.g. if you understand Maxwell's laws, you can derive Snell's Law of Refraction (if you have a HUGE piece of paper.)

in terms of history, the basics are so simple -
* Israel did 9-11 with assistance from Fifth Columnists in the US government.
* the US gov. is hopelessly corrupted at the top, down to the middle management.
* same for corporate America, the allopathic (corporate) medical industry ... etc.

but that is such a terrible truth that it is easier to ignore. my mother prefers to believe that the last "bad thing" the US gov. did was Watergate. one of my sisters-in-law is a major TV and reality show watcher ... they ignorred my warnings about vaccinations ... they trust American doctors.

i made it clear to them that "LASIK is not safe" but it did not become real for them until April 2008, when the FDA had hearings, and the hearings were covered on TV.

because the American public has been trained not to think independently, and to wait for "official government approval", our government-full of Talmud-worshippers is in a position of control - and they like it that way.

12th April 2011, 07:50 AM
When Gordon Duff is able to handle the truth he will realize Washington more so than Israel Agents, did 9/11.
Perhaps then he can look at the government's multiple forces terrorism war games 'drills' that day and realize the missile disinfo for what it is.