View Full Version : JB Campbell interview Free Trade Zones; Militia; Manchurian Candidate

13th April 2011, 07:20 AM
Doc_Sacramaniac on The Watchman interviews J.B.Campbell (http://www26.jumbofiles.com:443/d/gfsqnsw6cr4eam62bp4vezrpvny3s6xmgng2ryrph5jwqht3x5 p4w/DOC_SACRAMANIACSmc-Fri-04-02-2011.mp3)

Some very interesting info, about Free Trade Zones in America and Manchurian Candidates.
JBCampbell Starts at just past the half way point.

13th April 2011, 02:09 PM
JB Campbell: Foreign Trade Zones (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/25/jb-campbell-foreign-trade-zones-2/)

January 25, 2011 posted by J. Bruce Campbell · 6 Comments


What could they be? Where could they be? Overseas?

Nope. They’re here. They’re everywhere. They’re in all fifty states. My state, Idaho, has at least one, up in Boundary County, and a really big one is reportedly being set up right now, near Boise. 30,000 acres. The land inside these foreign trade zones is no longer American land. It’s sovereign foreign territory.

I called the Boundary County Commissioner’s office up north to get some official version, because a commissioner there named Ronald Smith is the contact man for FTZ 242. The reader can do the same thing in his or her FTZ.


Most of the top Fortune 100 companies are in these zones, even though they’re “American.”

Here’s some Ray Bradbury-style material from FTZ 9, in Hawaii:


Really, it’s like something out of FARENHEIT 451.

Here’s the information many of us received yesterday, edited somewhat:

”This is an urgent message! Read this and spread the word! Subject: Foreign Trade Zones. This is unbelievable at first, but you will soon realize that there are several motives for the global communists to physically weave our United States territory together with communist China. Read On! Here’s what is going on!
Each and every one of our state governors has approved and allocated a certain amount of acres of their U.S. state land to be inhabited by Chinese communists –communists straight from China! They are to set up little towns and live here, supposedly for the purpose of producing Chinese products for sale in the U.S.A. The land the states are giving them for their little towns will be considered “foreign territory”!!! We are told that the laws of the state (in which these Chinese communists dwell) will apply to the communist Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Comment: If so, why are they allowed in here!??! Isn’t the whole set up unlawful??? There are 257 of these little communist towns to be built all over the United States. Go to this website and see the list of the states, and how many FTZ’s are to be erected in each and every state! Our nation is being peppered all over with these communist closed towns called “zones”! This insane brainstorm by Washington, D.C. officials was just recently discovered by alert citizens in the State of Idaho, where an FTZ is being built there, just south of Boise, Idaho, possibly 30,000 acres of Idaho is going to be used for that FTZ. Check this site quickly before it is removed:


When you get to this website, be prepared by having enough paper to print 40 pages, listing all the FTZ’s to be built over the whole United States! 257 of these FTZ’s! It is absolute insanity!! How gullible are we??? The excuse given for creating communist towns all over our nation is that these Chinese people will produce products for sale in the United States, and the FTZ will eliminate overseas shipping costs of the products they create! A bizarre excuse!!! Can’t we manufacture our own products anymore with American workers? How foolish are we to allow this??? Remember the hard-learned lesson taught to gullible people back in ancient times, when the Trojan Horse was built and they pulled it past their protective gates??? Do we Americans look THAT STUPID to the Chinese and to our Washington,D.C. leaders???

It will not mean jobs for Americans. All the help will be Chinese! Besides, it is to be classed as “foreign territory”, remember! You won’t know what is really going on inside the enclave. Is there any danger for Americans to allow this? What do you think?”

The reader may have noticed that the things I write about usually have to do with some sort of revisionist history. My usual purpose is to put a different slant on what happened to justify the drastic sort of action I’m known for advocating. I generally don’t write about really current things because I’m kind of a slow learner and I want to try to understand what actually happened before I comment on it, especially if I’m suggesting drastic action because of it. For example, Gordon Duff was able to look at Wiki-leaks and identify it as an intelligence deception back in October, which still amazes me. If it weren’t for his provocative and extremely accurate warnings, I would still be in the dark.

But this Foreign Trade Zone business is so bad that even I can comment without having to think about it too much. I don’t claim yet to understand it but there’s no denying it exists. Just do a search on Foreign Trade Zones and see what you get. I’m not sure about the Chinese part.

Now, not to be hypocritical, but this is kind of what I was trying to do back in ’71, when I was sent to British Honduras, South Africa and Rhodesia, to set up a trade zone that was exempt from taxes. The idea was to bring productive people to the new country, a free port, who would improve people’s lives through trade and increased employment and allow Americans and others to escape the punitive taxation that was robbing them blind and putting them out of business.

This thing, however, is different. What they admit to is that corporations producing whatever they produce can manufacture and export products tax-free, but if the products made in the FTZs are sold in the US, taxes are paid! By us! It’s like a reverse tariff! Americans are punished for being Americans but foreigners get a free ride. And “American” corporations get a free ride. This article claims that all the workers in the FTZs are going to be Chinese, which I find hard to believe. That remains to be seen, and I will find out from Mr. Smith up north about that.

One thing is pretty clear from all the official literature online and that is the FTZs are autonomous territories, exempt from CBP, which is Customs and Border Protection. That means they’ve got their own police forces, their own laws. If foreigners ARE brought in to do the work, no matter where they’re from, these FTZs will become, sooner or later, swollen with low-paid workers from who knows where, resembling the maquiladora factories along the Mexican border. Here’s what that means (from Wikipedia):

“A maquiladora or maquila is a concept often referred to an operation that involves manufacturing in a country that is not the client’s and as such has an interesting duty or tariff treatment. It normally requires a factory, that may import materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly or manufacturing and then ‘re-exports’ the assembled or manufactured product, sometimes back to the originating country. A maquila is also referred to as a ‘twin plant,’ or ‘in-bond’ industry. The principal examples of this sort of operation occur in Latin America, but also occur in other countries in the world, that have adequate legislation. Currently about 1.3 million Mexicans are employed in maquiladoras.”

A maquiladora is an FTZ. So that’s what this is, 257 maquiladoras in all fifty states. They’re designed to make the corporation a lot of money by employing poor people and keeping them poor. Kind of like Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is Red China’s main outlet for slave-made goods.

The purpose of World War II in the Pacific, it turns out, was exactly what we have today. The Council on Foreign Relations wanted Mao Tse-Tung to become the leader of China. Japan interfered with this plan by invading and occupying Manchuria in the 1930s, and by occupying much of China itself. So Japan had to be destroyed and prevented from ever interfering with the Rothschild/Rockefeller plan to communize China and turn it into the perfect industrial slave state.

The CFR supported the anti-Communist Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek through the war, but kept demanding that Chiang join forces with his deadly enemies, the Communists. At war’s end, Chiang’s forces were disarmed by George Marshall and all the captured Japanese weapons were given to the Communists. Defenseless against the heavily armed Reds, the Nationalists were forced out of China to the island of Formosa, which became Taiwan.

On the mainland, the Communists, agents of the Council on Foreign Relations, began slaughtering their own people, people whom Communists called landlords, exploiters but whom we would call “middle-class.” People who had gone to school beyond the 2nd grade. The US Congress reported in 1964 that Mao Tse-Tung had murdered 64,000,000 Chinese. The survivors were mind-controlled zombies, paralyzed by twenty years of state terror. Eight years later, the CFR sent its agent, President Richard Nixon, to Beijing to toast Mao Tse-Tung and signal US corporations that it was time to begin the transfer of American industry to China.

Wal-Mart is the end product of America’s war in the Pacific and the CFR’s population reduction program in China.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve discovered about our own FTZ 242, which again, is located up on the Canadian border around Eastport, Idaho. However, FTZ 242 is spreading out! As you can see in this website


there is Order No. 1640…

Order No. 1640, August 5, 2009 (Docket 53-2008)
Approved, with restrictions, the application of Boundary County, Idaho, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 242, to establish Subzone 242A at the manufacturing facility of Hoku Materials, Inc. in Pocatello, Idaho. Signed by Ronald K. Lorentzen, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (74 F.R. 41382; August 17, 2009).

That is, there’s a new Hoku factory in Pocatello, down here in the southern part of the state, that manufactures polysilicon for use in solar panels. This polysilicon is mined here and manufactured here but shipped to China for the manufacture of solar panels to be sold through Hoku in Hawaii. Hoku is owned by Baoding Tianwei Group in China.

So, even though the Foreign Trade Zone 242 is way up north on the Canadian line, this polysilicon factory here in Pocatello is ALSO Foreign Trade Sub-Zone 242A, also considered foreign, sovereign territory. The material is, again, sent out of the country for the profit of the Communist Party of China .

Mr. Smith has not returned my calls to his office in Boundary County but I did get some preliminary information from his office staff, who say they do not know how big FTZ 242 is but that nothing much is going on up there. No, what’s going on is happening down here in Subzone 242A, at the Hoku plant in Pocatello, for now.

And this is just one of 257 FTZs in this country.

It has been reported for years that the Chinese Army has a plan to wipe out Americans and bring Chinese soldiers and slave workers to this country and take it over. Nothing we’re now seeing with these outrageous Foreign Trade Zones makes me think that this “wild rumor” is so wild. I can’t say that the report yesterday that prompted this hasty investigation is true with regard to all FTZs being Chinese. But the one here in Idaho definitely is.

13th April 2011, 02:24 PM
JB Campbell: Manchurian Shooters (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/08/jb-campbell-manchurian-shooters/)

January 8, 2011 posted by J. Bruce Campbell • 52 Comments

Due to the atrocity in Tucson, the following experience is offered. It is extremely disturbing and none of our friends would even comment on it at the time. Our MK victim, Mike Gadbaw, was programmed to kill Senator Harry Reid, and my wife prevented this from occurring, perhaps to the chagrin of some. It also happened in Arizona and is described in part two, which I’ll post later, along with the video of the victim’s carefully induced grand mal seizure during his six-week “experiment” at the University of Minnesota, under the tender care of Louis Jolyon West. The piece was written by me, in the as-told-to style. The third guy referred to by Mike was Brian Quig, who was himself murdered in Phoenix a few months after this was written. Some of Mike’s memories never actually happened, as will be made clear in part two…

“My name is Mike Gadbaw. I’m a US Navy vet and apparently I’ve been groomed as some sort of “sleeper” for a number of years, for what purpose I do not know. I’m on the run now, being cared for by a dedicated medical doctor who is trying to prevent me from becoming the next Tim McVeigh. She stole me from my handlers and is deprogramming me. She feels as if she’s disarming a time bomb.

One of my problems is that I was a friend of Tim McVeigh. Until a couple of days ago I’ve been living in his house near Kingman, Arizona ever since he left for Oklahoma City in April, 1995. I met certain people whom I wasn’t supposed to meet – people who were influencing Tim and who the federal government says had nothing to do with the bombing. But they did.

Before last January I never thought much about my medical problems or about the people I’d seen with Tim. Then, three people showed up at my door and I reluctantly let them in. One of the people had visited me a couple of months earlier. He brought the other two because he figured I wouldn’t have let him in again. He’s welcome to identify himself after reading this, but I won’t do it. He’s a researcher and a writer on the subject of the Oklahoma City bombing and is pretty knowledgeable. The two people he brought with him were J B Campbell and Dr. Robbi Skye. Campbell, who I call Bruce, is the guy who started the militia movement in the late ’80s with his book, “The New American Man.” He’d kept a low profile for the past five years but suddenly resurfaced with a plan to connect the World Trade Center ’93 bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing and the attack of September 11 as actions of the U.S. government designed to end our way of life.

Dr. Robbi is an amazing person. She’s an internal medicine physician with surgical experience who practices preventative medicine but is also an observer of the political intriguers who run our country with “crisis management.” Besides being an MD, Dr. Robbi is what is known as “a healer.” She really makes people well and tries not to use pharmaceuticals to do it. She has found that many people suffer from diseases which are really symptoms of sick spirits and so she tries first to treat the spirit of the person, which often leads to the disappearance of the disease. This has not made her popular with the medical establishment.

My background is not complicated, or at least I didn’t think it was. I went into the navy in 1973 and got out in ’75. I suffered a head wound in an accident on board my ship, the USS Rowan, as we prepared to go into Saigon to help rescue the embassy staff. That was a very bad experience as we witnessed marines shooting the Vietnamese who were trying to get over the embassy fence to get away from the Communists. Anyway, I’d been hit on the head by a shell which had slipped out of the breech of a deck gun and it gave me headaches, which eventually led me to the next part of my story. But right after the Saigon embassy episode, most of us were immediately discharged from the Navy. I went home to Minneapolis. I am an artist and can actually support myself with my work.

In late ’75, I went to a neurologist for my headaches and she eventually asked if I would participate in a study at the University of Minnesota. She asked me if I experienced “pre-cognitive dreams?” Although I did, I did not admit it to her because I had the idea that she might use it against me somehow.

Because of the severity of the headaches I agreed to become involved in the study. There were seven of us, all vets, and we were kept in a complex above the animal experimentation lab at the University. We were fed well and given the impression that we were free agents in this thing, but we actually were prisoners at the lab. We couldn’t leave. Our medications were withdrawn and we were observed. At some point, we were deprived of sleep and then subjected to various stimuli such as flashing lights and sounds. I have a video tape of myself undergoing this treatment and in it I am shown experiencing a grand mal seizure – my first. Dr. Robbi has viewed the tape and found it quite disturbing. Campbell says it is reminiscent of The Ipcress File, which refers to induced psychosis through the application of severe stress.

Why did they give me the tape? Dr. Robbi says they wanted to implant and reinforce the self-image of a helpless cripple who could not function without Big Brother telling me how to live. Since that experience, that’s pretty much how I’ve regarded myself.

This study went on for about six weeks. I don’t think any of the seven of us was the same after that. My condition worsened and I became a ward of the Veterans Administration, whose doctors supplied me with a bewildering array of mind-altering drugs.

That’s been my life for twenty seven years – overbearing VA doctors and prescription drugs which only made me worse and worse. The doctors ordered me to take the drugs, which I quit doing after I realized they were making me feel crazy. If I didn’t check in with them they’d call my parents and try to keep me under control, but they never helped me and I just became more disoriented and alienated.

My parents bought a Quarter Horse ranch in Ash Fork, Arizona and I worked for them. After some years they sold it and moved to Kingman. I met Tim McVeigh through a guy at the Disabled American Veterans group there. Tim didn’t seem disabled to me, though.

Tim rented a little adobe house on Hunt Road in Golden Valley, about five miles from Kingman. I started visiting him and even staying at his place while he was away.

Bruce Campbell was interested in my story when he learned that Andreas Strassmeir was an occasional visitor. Bruce believes that Strassmeir was Tim’s CIA controller, and is the key to the Oklahoma City bombing. Strassmeir has denied knowing Tim other than seeing him at a gun show or two, but he’s lying. They were quite friendly in Arizona leading up to the bombing. Another visitor was Dennis Mahon, who, along with Strassmeir, is a protected government informant who is still operational. FBI 302 forms state that Strassmeir is a CIA asset, on loan from the German government, and that Mahon is an FBI asset. Both were identified by ATF informant Carol Howe as instigators of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Bruce explained that while he had started the militia, Tim and his fellow criminals ended it by creating the legend that the militia was willing to kill children. He said that this is the Leninist technique of creating scorn and revulsion for your enemies.

One day, while I was house-sitting for Tim, he drove up with Strassmeir in his car. He’d just found a box of kittens on the highway and he was looking for homes for them. I’ve still got the one he gave me.

Another visitor of Tim’s was Richard Guthrie, the son of CIA parents and also a Navy vet who was kicked out for painting a swastika on a locker or something. He was arrested for robbing banks for the Aryan Republican Army. Six months later, after promising a tell-all book about his activities, he decided to kill himself in his cell.

Campbell was supposed to be financed by a rich man in Chicago, Alex Magnus, to document the connection between the bombings at the WTC and OKC and the attack of September 11. Then Magnus developed stomach cancer and the deal was off. But Bruce was still trying to tie them together on his own. He was determined to do this to demonstrate that the militia not only had nothing to do with OKC but was in fact the target of the federal government’s conspiracy to murder federal employees and their children to cause revulsion for the militia, which had become a serious threat, in theory, to federal disarmament plans for Americans.

Bruce cited former CIA director and chief of the Phoenix assassination program William Colby’s letter to his former Phoenix Program colleague, John DeCamp, complaining that the militia had to be dealt with “justly or otherwise” because it was made up of millions of average, successful Americans.

His letter to DeCamp, written days before the bombing, reads in part as follows:

“I watched as the anti-war movement rendered it impossible for this country to conduct or win the Vietnam War. I tell you, dear friend, that this Militia and Patriot movement, in which, as an attorney you have become one of the centerpieces, is far more significant and far more dangerous for America than the anti-war movement ever was, if it is not intelligently dealt with. And I really mean this. It is not that these people are armed, that America need be concerned. It is not that these people stockpile weapons and have para-military training sessions, that they are dangerous. They are dangerous, John, because there are so many of them. It is one thing to have a few nuts or dissidents. They can be dealt with, justly or otherwise, so that they do not pose a danger to the system. It is quite another situation when you have a true movement – millions of citizens – believing something, particularly when the movement is made up of society’s average, successful citizens.”

Bruce’s own mother, he said, assumed that he was involved in the bombing. Why? Because the militia did it and he started the militia. So Bruce felt he had quite a stake in placing the blame where it belongs. He also simply wants to get the criminals who did it.

I frankly didn’t know what to believe when they showed up. I liked Dr. Robbi and she gave me some natural remedies for my condition, which actually worked. But I really didn’t know who the men were. I had been pestered by reporters and had been misquoted so I really didn’t want to help these guys, who were also writers of some kind. The researcher who brought them had an irritating manner, as if he expected me and everyone else in Kingman just to open up and tell him everything. But Kingman had experienced a massive federal invasion right after the bombing. FBI’s were everywhere, interrogating everyone. My landlady, who had been Tim’s landlady, had the experience of the FBI questioning her about something they called al-Qaeda, which, of course, neither she nor anyone else had heard of in 1995. She thought they were talking about some guy named Al Kada. There was and is a lot of fear in Kingman, especially since September 11, and no one wants to cooperate with anyone who tries to show that the government may have been behind the Oklahoma City bombing. The feeling is that the government must not be questioned in the aftermath of the September 11 attack, which may have been the whole point of the attack.

Bruce and Dr. Robbi and the researcher [Brian Quig] actually interviewed an ex-FBI agent in Kingman named Lee Fabrizio, who admitted that he’d been transferred to Kingman a few months before the bombing from his post in Chicago, where he’d specialized in Arab terrorism! They said he acted as if his brains had been fried. He’d never heard of Andreas Strassmeir or Dennis Mahon and really couldn’t remember a damn thing about the investigation. Now, Fabrizio is running for office.

Well, after their visit things began happening. Local cops started driving by my place, pointedly stopping at the driveway. I was invaded one night by two cops who dragged me and my neighbor outside in the dark to be viewed by three characters in suits, who leaned against a car as they stared at me. My neighbor, Frank, was roughed up while they laid out all my guns on the dining room table. Frank’s father had been murdered in the next door house shortly before this. He was lying in a pool of blood but his death was ruled “natural causes” by the sheriff. So Frank was a little uptight. His father had helped this Middle Eastern guy move his stuff out of Tim’s house, which was my house by then, just after the bombing.

The neighbor lady told the FBI that she’d seen Tim with a Ryder truck parked out front with a bunch of blue barrels stored behind the house. This was a silly lie, of course. He never had a Ryder truck in Arizona and there were never any blue plastic barrels on the property. But some agency was encouraging her to spy on me all the time. She’d stare at me with binoculars. Every time I went shooting, and I’d have to put my guns in my car under her gaze, I would get a visit from the sheriff when I got home.

And then there was my friend, Bob. After Bruce started visiting, Bob got very curious about him and asked to read any material I had that Bruce had written. He kept his book for a couple of months. Bob was a Vietnam vet, too, and he started helping me with my cars. He offered to take phone messages, since I didn’t have a phone anymore. Whenever Bruce or Dr. Robbi would call him and leave a message, he never passed them on to me. He told everyone in Golden Valley that I was crazy and advised them to avoid me or to ignore what I said. There is no question that a deliberate program to alienate me from my friends and neighbors was conducted by some government agency. Normal people just don’t act the way they did, and many of them were downright scared.

I was deliberately run off the road as I walked home from the country store one day. If I hadn’t jumped into the ditch I’d have been struck. The store owner suddenly wouldn’t talk to me and just the other day she said, in a trembling voice, “We’re good people. We don’t want any trouble…!” I was coming back from her store again on foot, walking my dog, and I became aware of a car crunching along the dirt road from behind, pacing me. As it came alongside I turned and it was the sheriff himself, although he wasn’t driving. The driver was some strange-looking, Middle Eastern character. They just looked at me as they slowly, deliberately pulled away.

Last month I was out in the desert with Frank, shooting and relaxing. Then up rushes this guy in a pickup, hauling a big camp trailer. He jumped out and said we’d nearly hit him and his family with our bullets! But he came from the opposite direction than we’d been shooting. I’m a very safe and careful shooter but I apologized anyway. Then he said he had his wife and four daughters out here and he really needed to park where he could have a water supply. Maybe they were all in the trailer, I thought. The next day he rolls up in my yard uninvited, trailer and all. He invited me to see the inside of the thing and there were several TV monitors and other fancy equipment, including a satellite antenna on the roof. He told me that he was monitoring al-Jazeera TV in the Middle East! But there were no children or wives in the trailer. He said he’d come to Golden Valley (!) to get involved with the patriot movement there. I said, “What patriot movement?” I finally asked him to leave.

Then, while I was away from the house for a day or so, I returned to find it broken into and my lock ruined. Nothing was missing however. Bruce told me to make a police report. He said, they’ve already got the serial numbers of your guns and they obviously want you to have them.

He gave me a bunch of old Spotlight newspapers for something to read. I was shocked to read in a 1999 edition that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League had had an informant next to Tim for at least two years before the bombing! It was the ADL which tipped off the government that Tim had allegedly placed an ad in the Spotlight under the name “T. Tuttle.” How did they know that? They also told the government

13th April 2011, 02:25 PM
that Tim had supposedly bought a telephone calling card from the Spotlight under the name of “Daryl Bridges.” Again, how could they know this? This card was supposedly used by Tim to call the mysterious ex-Special Forces soldier and FBI informant Dave Holloway at Kirk Lyons’ law office just before Tim left for Kansas and Oklahoma. Holloway says that he advised Tim to rent a Ryder truck near an army base so he could use cash instead of a credit card.

Bruce learned that Dave Holloway had arranged for Andreas Strassmeir to live at the federal rest camp known as Elohim City in Muldrow, Oklahoma. Carol Howe told her federal handlers that Dennis Mahon and Tim McVeigh stayed with Strassmeir frequently at Elohim City, which is run by the Reverend Robert Millar, identified by FBI agents in the OKC grand jury as a long-time confidential informant. The ARA bank robbers all stayed there, too. Strassmeir styled himself as Chief of Security and would storm around, yelling that they better bomb something or he was going to leave!

After the bombing it was Dave Holloway who drove Strassmeir from Elohim City to the Mexican border where he was met by an associate who baby-sat the German on the Mexican side until his colleagues in GSG-9 flew in to take him back to Berlin. Strassmeir’s father is quite wealthy and was Helmut Kohl’s secretary of state.

But this Spotlight also had a picture of an Israeli named Svi Toval who is a dead ringer for Tim. In fact, Toval looks more like the drawing of John Doe 1 than Tim does. The suggestion was that Tim was being run by the Mossad and had at least one double.

Tim said when he was arrested that he was mind-controlled. Many people who knew him have said that he often acted in a mindless, robotic manner. And there was that strange episode when he moved from our house in Golden Valley into the motel in Kingman for ten days or so. The manager said he never came out the whole time. I couldn’t figure why he would do that or how he could afford it, since he had a house to live in five miles away. Now I’m wondering, based on my experience, if he wasn’t getting the same treatment in the house as I was? Maybe he was just trying to get away from the strange phenomena that I experienced there. Or maybe, as it has been suggested, he was receiving instructions at the motel.

There is no question that I have been mind-controlled for many years by VA doctors and what I now suspect to be a microwave generator in one of the houses near mine. Bruce and Dr. Robbi have pointed out that I am only comfortable in my house and that I experience anxiety when I am away from it. Dr. Robbi says that one’s mood can be manipulated by microwaves, giving one either anxiety or euphoria or anything in between. She came to my house last week to treat my shaking and nervousness and was suddenly stricken with omplete paralysis and nausea. She couldn’t move for over twelve hours. She recovered some time the next day but persuaded me that we were being microwaved from a close source and that we must leave. Bruce himself had stopped by two weeks earlier and then came down suddenly with acute appendicitis, which Dr. Robbi successfully treated without surgery, but it took about ten days of considerable pain. I believe that he, too, was zapped in some way.

The two of them persuaded me three days ago to leave Golden Valley and Tim’s old house. They said it would only get worse and that there was no reason to stay in Tim McVeigh’s house in any case. I insisted that I was not important enough for the government to try to manipulate. Bruce asked if Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray or Tim McVeigh seemed important enough to manipulate? They were nobodies whom the government set up to bring great and sweeping change to this country. Bruce insisted that I dispose of my guns, which he said were identified during visits known and unknown and which the government was apparently quite happy for me to own. “Does Mannlicher Carcano mean anything to you? And that wasn’t even Oswald’s!” And, he pointed out, if you’re not going to use them, then those things are just a liability to you now. This from the guy who started the militia. But he was right and I sold them legally two days ago. Dr. Robbi especially believed that I was going to be the next McVeigh and kept asking me if I wanted to be the poster boy for martial law and disarmament? No, I did not.

What really alarmed her were my mood changes and my occasional statements that I just felt like killing someone. She’s deprogramming me and says that my occasional vacant gazing and panic attacks are normal and that I will get better. They both felt that my story should be written and distributed as quickly as possible for our own protection – hers and mine. Dr. Robbi has incurred the wrath of the medical establishment for her healing techniques (no profit there) and for her actual knowledge of corruption including murder and drug dealing and forged death certificates in the Arizona medical system. She and Bruce reported this corruption to the Phoenix police, but her factual reporting was suppressed by the police because high officials in the State of Arizona are involved.

Bruce called my house a dump. I really didn’t want to leave there, although I’d been threatening to do so for a year! He said, what’s your excuse for living in Tim McVeigh’s house in this day and age? With no electricity or phone, it was pretty primitive. But, as we were packing me up, I had this incredible feeling of euphoria and told Dr. Robbi that it was really okay, I didn’t really need to leave. She said, “What?! Get serious!” She’s been pretty hard on me, I must say. But we did have a curious visit just before we left, which prompted her to insist that we leave NOW.

A pickup truck hauling a technical-looking fifth wheel trailer with antennas and solar panels on the roof pulled up in front of my house, which is really in a rather desolate location with a number of double-wides and such scattered around. The house directly across the street from me isn’t bad but the new occupant is the local FEMA chief, which I admit did alarm me. Next to him is the lady with the binoculars. Two guys in matching outfits, complete with black baseball hats, got out of the truck and went a few yards up and down Hunt Road calling, “Here, kitty kitty!” Now, these guys had never been in the neighborhood but they’re searching for their lost cat? And while they were doing this silly thing, they’d be looking right at my house and motioning toward it to each other. Then the binocular lady came out and went up to them, also pointing at my house. Dr. Robbi went outside and was about to approach them to ask about their “lost cat,” when she saw one use his cell phone. They motioned to the binocular lady to join them behind a bush but I could still see them talking and referring to my direction. She then heard the one with the cell phone say into it, “Get a truck up here and get it up here now!” A truck? That did it. Robbi turned and came back to the house, telling me that we have to go NOW. Whaddya mean, I asked. She told me what was coming so I reluctantly got some stuff into her car and we took off. We called Bruce and he came down to meet us in Laughlin, Nevada where we described the strange situation. He agreed with Robbi that we had to abandon the house and just go, which we are doing as this is written. We’re not gone – we’re long gone.

Now, I’m going to speculate a little regarding the guy I knew as Tim McVeigh. I will say first that the guy we all saw after the arrest was completely different from the Tim I knew. I’m not saying he was someone else but just that he never gave a hint of this sort of thing, bombing children or anything. His stone-face act made him a complete stranger to me. He really didn’t look like the guy I knew. A friend of Bruce told him that he’d encountered Tim at a gun show in Phoenix, selling The Turner Diaries. Bruce’s friend commented on the book being quite interesting but Tim just looked at him blankly. Tim didn’t have a racist bone in his body as far as I knew. Why would he sell a book which was probably quite offensive to him? Bruce says he was being sheep-dipped the way Oswald was when he was ordered by Guy Bannister to pass out pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans to get him on record as a Communist. Tim was re-invented as a racist revolutionary who promoted the blowing up of federal buildings.

I mean, his sister read a letter from Tim to the grand jury in which he told her he was going into the Special Forces Covert Tactical Unit and would be breaking the law from time to time. He thought he would be going against drug dealers. Turned out he was going against the militia.

How could he afford even to buy cases of The Turner Diaries, which probably cost two or three hundred dollars? He had no money! But he was buying tables at gun shows, traveling around the country to meet with Strassmeir and Mahon and others. This costs money and he just didn’t have any. He had to work in the Kingman True Value hardware store just to pay the rent on the little two-room house.

His legal defense team complained to a friend of Bruce that Tim would not cooperate with his own defense. They said that he was convinced that his colleagues in the government would rescue him and that the trial was irrelevant.

There is no doubt in my mind that he figured he was going to survive the execution. He’d negotiated a no autopsy agreement and his “buddies,” whoever they were, were allowed to take his body to a secret location for cremation! Chandra Levy’s journalist friend, Susan Carlson, a witness to the execution, wrote that he appeared to be breathing after he was pronounced dead. Chandra Levy herself, an intern at the Bureau of Prisons, checked off Tim’s visitors at Terre Haute federal prison. It has been reported that she noted some twelve or more visits by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. He also was the government psychiatrist who handled Sirhan Sirhan while he awaited trial. I seem to remember that Tim had mentioned being treated by Dr. West before he was arrested. He also complained to a reporter that he’d had some sort of electronic implant in his buttock. Jolly West was infamous for his early use of LSD on unsuspecting victims. He was the head of the CIA’s mind-control program known as MK-ULTRA and was a pioneer of electronic brain experimentation, as described in David Hoffman’s The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror.

It is now known that the MK (Mind Control) ULTRA program of the CIA utilized various university psychology departments to experiment on people such as I. Presumably I was an earlier victim than Tim was, of the same man, Louis Jolly West, considering that the University of Minnesota was running just such an MK program.

There is no doubt that Tim was a killer. He was decorated for his part in the burying alive of thousands of Iraqis in their trenches during Desert Storm. Tim’s job was to shoot any Iraqis who tried to get out of their trenches as a Bradley with a mine plow went alongside and buried them alive. He was in another Bradley equipped with a .50 caliber machine gun.

Dennis Mahon sent him a taped message at the El Reno federal prison congratulating him for being a good soldier and for keeping his mouth shut, but wasn’t the bomb supposed to go off at night? Tim responded, “No – we needed a body count.” His lawyer’s investigator, Richard Reyna, played the Mahon message for him and it was Richard Reyna who gave the laptop computer to the Dallas Morning News along with suggestions as to where the good stuff was – including the confession. Stephen Jones fired Reyna, who should have gone to prison for this, and Jones himself should have been disbarred and imprisoned for his part in the malpractice. The strange confession removed all doubt and sympathy for this anti-government, militia-connected child-killer. It resulted in his swift conviction and death sentence. Oddly, Tim was never accused of being a White racist by the very sensitive press, even though he’d been hawking the most virulent blueprint for White racism, The Turner Diaries, ever written.

But who is “we,” as in “We needed a body count?” The Special Forces Covert Tactical Unit, a CIA criminal organization?

Tim’s real role in the bombing is something of a mystery to me. I don’t know of any evidence other than a mysterious rear axle to indicate there was a Ryder truck in front of the Murrah Building. And this axle was found by none other than ex-FBI agent and Oklahoma governor Frank Keating, an opportunistic toady of George Bush I. Where’s the engine? If a rear axle, supposedly right under the big blast, could be blown downward and then bounce hundreds of feet away to be found by the governor, in good enough shape to read not only a part number but a “serial number” – where’s the engine block? Engine blocks do not evaporate. Where is any other part of the Ryder truck? Now, we all know that the building was blown professionally from the inside, but Tim supposedly put the deadly Ryder truck in front of the building. But where are all the security camera photos and films of him doing this? We were told that they exist but has anyone ever seen one? Can’t we infer at this late date that the films would show no Ryder truck in front of the building?

I’m not suggesting that Tim was innocent in any way, just because I knew him. He obviously played some role in this federal or Mossad (or both) conspiracy to kill people and demolish the militia, as Campbell says. But where’s the bomb crater in front of the building, even if a truck bomb was coordinated with demo charges inside the building? How come there was not one particle of ammonium nitrate found at the scene the way it was floating in the air at the WTC in ’93?

Unless he was mind-controlled, Tim deserved to die for any role he played in the bombing, but was his role simply to pretend to have done it as a disgruntled patriot? If he was such a desperado why didn’t he kill the cop who stopped him for speeding with a haywire license plate, instead of meekly handing over his pistol? And where’d he get the money for that yellow Mercury Cougar? Again, Tim had no money when I knew him. How could he drive a Ryder truck AND a Cougar from Kansas to OKC?

Maybe it seems dated and irrelevant to be discussing Oklahoma City in this new age of airliner cruise missiles used against skyscrapers. But Campbell’s idea is that we know that the FBI’s informant built the bomb for the 1993 WTC bombing at the direction of his FBI handlers. The FBI was willing to destroy one or both of the Trade Towers and to murder 50,000 or more people to create hatred for Moslems and support for Israel. But the inept bombers only killed a half-dozen people. By that time the militia was growing by leaps and bounds and had to be stopped somehow. The OKC massacre certainly accomplished that. The militia became a dirty word, as intended.

And then came September 11 and real hatred for Moslems and real support for Israel, as was meant to happen in 1993. Now we are reading that firemen in the Trade Towers were reporting hearing explosions just before each tower collapsed.

Is there any evidence that any Arab was on any of the four airliners? Seven of the nineteen supposed hijackers are alive and well in the Middle East! And what about the Israeli Mossad officers who were caught videotaping the attack and then dancing for joy as the towers collapsed? They were quietly returned to Israel.

It has been charged recently by the Zionist DoD war hawk, Paul Wolfowitz, that Tim was involved with the Iraqis, as a justification for another invasion of Iraq. However, in light of the ADL’s strange knowledge of Tim’s actions for the two years leading up to the bombing, we must look at the possibility that he was guided by the Mossad as well as by the CIA’s Andreas Strassmeir.

If these three crimes can be connected then support for our criminal government will evaporate faster than that missing engine block did.

I want to thank Dr. Robbi Skye and J B Campbell for persuading me to get out of Tim McVeigh’s house. Whatever the future holds for me, I really do not want to be blamed for a government crackdown on the American people. There are doubtless others such as I who are being manipulated to do something awful to justify the further nullification of the Bill of Rights. I believe all of the crazed mass killers who have “gone postal” were on Prozac or Zoloft prescribed for their “depression.” It is my hope that this information will help someone else such as I break free from the frightening, helpless state of rage caused by government mind-control.”

13th April 2011, 02:38 PM
JB Campbell: Part Two Manchurian Shooters (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/10/jb-campbell-part-two-manchurian-shooters/)

January 10, 2011 posted by J. Bruce Campbell • 26 Comments

This is the continuation of the Arizona mind-control story. I only offer it because of the massacre in Tucson in which two high federal officials were shot by an apparently mind-controlled assassin. Anyone who has examined mind-control even a little realizes that the infamous ones have led strange, dreary and often pathetic lives leading up to their horrific acts of violence. They seldom if ever seem to remember what led them to murder. Tim McVeigh was the only one in my memory who reportedly said that he was mind-controlled, and that was only at the very time of his arrest. He reportedly named Louis Jolyon West as his controller. West was alleged to have visited McVeigh in prison numerous times, as noted below.

Mike was a friend of Timothy McVeigh and lived with McVeigh and then remained for several years in the McVeigh house near Kingman, Arizona after the OKC massacre. He appeared to have been maneuvered by elements of the US government to behave in a certain, controlled manner. He suffered in his attempt to break free of this mind-control.

Although Mike has been free for some time now, he underwent a number of disturbing experiences since the story appeared. His rescuer, Dr. Robbi , experienced some unpleasantness as well in her efforts to keep him out of the hands of the VA. That was later.

For economic reasons, however, Robbi originally felt Mike needed to be near the VA in Prescott, Arizona so as to obtain his free medication for seizures, namely Phenobarbital and Dilantin. The reader will remember that Mike´s seizures originated in the MK-ULTRA program at the University of Minnesota in 1980, five years after his naval service during the Vietnam War. A gunnery accident in which an ejected shell cartridge hit his head left him with headaches.

The first article ended with Robbi leading Mike away from Kingman, Arizona to the Navajo reservation near Window Rock. She felt that he could hide out there for a while and be protected by her friends there. This turned out not to be true and Mike had to move on. The Navajos were not friendly or sympathetic with Mike´s plight. He also told us that he felt helplessly drawn back to Kingman. This would remain a struggle to the present day.

It must be understood that Mike had been mentally institutionalized for around twenty-five years, since his three-month brainwashing session at the University of Minnesota sometime around 1980. The VA has controlled him with medication and a monthly stipend, plus a Social Security check. His goal is to become independent of the Veterans Administration. But in all these years Mike has been essentially house-bound and immobilized. I helped him buy a vehicle and he pretty much had to re-learn how to drive. His friends were stunned to learn that he could drive a car.

He made his way back to Kingman, meandering around, visiting three small lakes – Munds, Indian and Groom – in central Arizona. He said that the names of these obscure lakes triggered something in his mind. It must have really triggered something because he kept going from Kingman to Searchlight, Nevada, from where he called Robbi, late at night. “Who is Harry Reid?” he asked her. Robbi wasn’t too up on politics but she did recognize that name, since Senator Harry Reid was behind my landmine vehicle, which he was urging the US Army to adopt in place of the ridiculous and deadly Humvees. (See “Psychological Armor”)


“I’m at his compound in Searchlight, Nevada.”

“What are you doing there?”

“I don’t know. Who is he?”

“He’s a US Senator. Are you on his property?”

“Yes. And I have a gun.”

“Okay… You need to leave there right away. Right now.”

“Okay. “

Mike later told Robbi he had no idea why he would have brought a .45 Colt 1917 revolver to Harry Reid’s place, or how he knew where he lived, since he’d really never heard of him before that night. Or why he would have climbed over the high wall before he stopped what he was doing and called Robbi. It was a mystery. But Sirhan Sirhan also couldn’t remember anything about what he did before or during the shooting of Senator Robert Kennedy.

* * *

During this time Mike’s ATM card became useless except as a credit card. But he could not obtain cash with it despite sufficient funds in his account. Robbi accompanied him to Mojave Federal Credit Union to assist with his problem. The MFCU official replied that he had made “too many withdrawals on his ATM card,” and, according to new guidelines of the USA PATRIOT Act, he was required to have a permanent address. The credit union somehow knew that Mike had not been living in the Tim McVeigh house in Golden Valley for the last two months. The official cited Section 326 of the PATRIOT Act.

Robbi asked the official if she had a copy of Section 326? She said no and became upset, turning the matter over to her supervisor. Mike told this woman that he was going to close his account. She responded that Mike´s VA check would be returned and he would have to make other arrangements to receive it.

Mike would find in the months to come that his Social Security number would apparently be a red flag to employers, and steady employment would be difficult to obtain, although he would find temporary labor jobs.

Robbi led Mike to Prescott to find a job and a place to live and, as mentioned, to continue to receive his VA-subsidized medication. She warned Mike not to talk with anyone but just renew his prescription and get out. Her fear was that Mike would somehow be lured back into some sort of mind control program. Mike was very skeptical regarding her warning but was somewhat nervous about losing his monthly stipend. Robbi assured him that it could not be taken away from him.

Mike´s nervousness was over his failure to visit the Prescott VA for about a year and the doctors there labeling him as “defiant.” That visit was caused by a “stroke” he’d allegedly suffered at the time of Tim McVeigh’s execution. But his treatment for “stroke” did not include any special medication such as Warfarin or Coumadin blood thinners. Robbi notes that Mike has neither a history of irregular pulse nor high blood pressure, the common causes of stroke. Based on the experiences in Golden Valley of Robbi and Mike, as well as this writer, it is likely that Mike had been felled by a microwave attack. He was kept there for a week but got no new medication for stroke. He was not examined by his neurologist during this time.

Mike told us that his medical and service records are for some reason not available. He said that his former private doctor in Kingman, a Dr. Lee, told him that his medical records were not obtainable from the Veterans Administration. Dr. Lee’s whereabouts are unknown now. He said that Tom Murray at the Kingman Disabled American Veterans office told Mike that his service records had, in some way, been destroyed in Quantico, Virginia. However, Mr. Murray informed me that Mike’s records could be obtained through the VA regional office in Phoenix. Mr. Murray categorized Mike as “seizure disorder, house-bound.” Apparently Robbi and Mike have at least discounted this category. It was Tom Murray who introduced Mike to Tim McVeigh.

By early December, 2002 Robbi and I were trying to persuade Mike to leave Prescott. He was examined by the VA´s “Red Team” on the 5th. Robbi advised him not to submit to this examination but he ignored her. He said he would be fine. But at the end of the day on the 5th he called and said he couldn’t remember a thing that had happened that day. “You didn’t have the EEG, did you?” He answered that he couldn’t remember and that he was quite frightened. He’d been there the whole day but could describe nothing that had happened to him.

Robbi drove to Prescott from Phoenix on the 9th to check on his condition. At the American Suites motel, while she was there, Mike was apparently microwaved when he went out to his vehicle. He came back to the room with his abdomen hard and painfully distended, with angry lesions on his abdomen and thighs.

* * *

The lesions are indicative of microwave assault. Mike has believed for a number of years that he was a victim of Agent Orange and that the lesions were a result of that kind of poisoning. But he was never exposed to Agent Orange as a sailor on the USS Rowan. Apparently the VA has let him believe that these lesions are the result of exposure to Dioxin when in fact they are proof of severe microwave exposure. The same explanation has been given for his peripheral neuropathy. This is the sort of false memory that we have discovered since the first article was written. There are others.

Mike believed that he was a member of Special Forces, or in his case, the Navy SEALs. He was in fact an ordinary seaman specializing in fire fighting. He has an apparently false but vivid memory of being detailed to the US Embassy in Saigon in the last days of the war to help evacuate personnel. He feels so guilty about seeing Vietnamese friendlies being shot off the embassy fence that he refused to pick up his Purple Heart award. But according to the historian of the USS Rowan, no personnel took part in the evacuation other than to stand by offshore with the dozens of other ships of the rescue fleet. The Rowan, a destroyer (DD782), was protecting the carrier which was taking on escaping American and Vietnamese personnel flown out in helicopters.

It is not clear how Mike could have earned a Purple Heart. It is clear that Mike had a whole lot of false memories in his head.

Mike told us about his furniture – his former furniture – which adorned the former house of Tim McVeigh. “This place was really nice before I got rid of my antique furniture…” He showed us pictures of it. He´d told me, rather sheepishly, that he´d sold the furniture so he could buy his guns. But the guns were just cheap junk, a couple of SKS rifles and a crummy single-shot 12 gauge. Eventually Robbi asked him what made him sell his lovely furniture, of which he was still quite proud? He looked at her and said, “…I don´t know why I sold it…” He was totally baffled as to why he would get rid of his proudest possessions. He admitted that no one in Kingman knew why his personality had changed so dramatically; why he would sell his beautiful furniture and buy cheap guns and so much ammunition. It was a mystery to him as well, now that he thought about it.

Robbi asked him how he’d come to be living in Timothy McVeigh’s adobe house? He didn’t answer the question ‘til the following morning, when he said, “The answer to your question is, I don´t remember.” He added, “And then I got rid of my furniture and started collecting guns and ammo.” That he couldn’t remember the reasons for these things frightened him, and he wondered if there were other things he couldn’t remember?

Perhaps the most remarkable false memory has to do with “Trailerman,” He is the man described in the original story as the one who approached Mike and his friend Frank as they were shooting one day. He drove up and claimed that their bullets had come near him and his family, despite Mike´s thinking that he came from a direction opposite where they had been shooting.

Mike says the man was towing a fifth-wheel trailer. He also told them that he had his wife and four daughters with him but they were not visible at the time.

In fact, Mike had called me in Las Vegas that evening and described the incident, asking me whether he should invite the man and his family to park their trailer in front of his house, and did I think he could be a cop or fed? The call took me by surprise and I said that if the man had his family with him that he was probably not a cop. I didn’t really understand what was going on. Mike added that the trailer had a number of television monitors in it and that the man was monitoring al-Jazeera television via a satellite dish on top of the trailer. This made no sense to me.

The next day Mike called to say that the man had appeared in his front yard that morning and knocked on the door. Mike invited him in and offered him coffee. The two sat and talked about guns and the patriot movement in Kingman and Golden Valley. He said he’d come down from the north to join the patriot movement. Puzzled, Mike asked, “What patriot movement?” He said that he´d asked the man to leave.

I asked Mike if he had told the man his address? He said that he had not and didn’t know how the man found him.

Jump forward to February of the next year: Mike called from Prescott to talk about his experiences. At some point he brought up the incident with “Trailerman.” I asked him to tell me the story again. This time he startled me with the following… “The guy was knocking on my door and I saw who it was. I let him in and gave him some coffee. He wanted to talk about guns and the patriot movement… We sat there at my table and talked for a half-hour or so… The next thing I knew, I was waking up on the floor, nude, in front of the fireplace. I never sleep in the nude, so I didn’t understand what had happened. I thought maybe I´d had a seizure or something, and I put some pants on and went into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My jaw and chest muscles weren’t sore, as they are after I’ve had a seizure, and then I noticed this scar on my chest, up high on my left clavicle… It’s still there, it’s white and under it is something hard, about the size of a grain of rice…”

I said, “Mike, how come you let him in?”

“What do you mean?”

“The first few times I came to see you, you hardly wanted to let me in. If it hadn’t been for Dr. Robbi being with me the first time, I doubt you would have. So, why´d you let this stranger in so easily?”

He thought for a bit and finally said, “Yeah, that´s right… I don’t know why I let him in that way…”

About ten minutes later I asked him to tell me about the visit again. He said, “Like I said, it was weird… I woke up on the floor in the nude and I have no idea how I got there. I woke up to this loud knocking on the door. My pants were on the chair so I put them on and answered the door. The guy with the trailer was there and I let him in. I asked him if he wanted some coffee and he said yeah. And we sat there, drinking coffee, and he started talking about guns and FEMA and my politics and the local patriot movement and how he’d like to join up with them. I didn’t know what he was talking about and said, “What patriot movement?” After a little while, I asked him to leave. And then I went into the bathroom to shave and noticed this new scar on my chest…”

After a bit I asked Mike, “So, which one is it?”

He said, “Which one what?”

“Which version of the visit was it? Did you wake up nude on the floor before or after his visit? You’ve just told me both ways in about fifteen minutes.”

“No, I didn’t.”

So I repeated both versions to him, to his great consternation and confusion. He didn’t know which one to stick with. Then he said, “I saw the guy at Patty´s store a couple of times after that, when I was shopping.”

13th April 2011, 02:39 PM
“What happened when you saw him?”


“Did you speak with him?”


“How come?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you wave to him or jerk your chin at him or anything?”


“You mean you didn’t acknowledge him at all?”


“Don´t you think that’s kinda strange?”

“I just had this feeling, like we had an agreement, not to acknowledge each other. He was just standing there and looked at me kinda hard. It was like a silent communication.”

“What´d he look like?”

“About my size and build, clean-cut, jeans and t-shirt, baseball cap, wire-rim glasses… He said he was from Wyoming but he was wearing deck shoes… He sounded like he was from the East Coast.”

“Okay… Tell me about the trailer.”

“What about it?”

“Where did you look at it? At the land-fill when he drove up on you and Frank, or in front of your house the next day?”

“…I can´t remember…”

“You can´t remember where you saw it?”


“Why do you suppose that is?”

“That I can´t remember it?”

“Yeah. Did you really ever see the inside of his trailer with the monitors and al-Jazeera and his wife and daughters?”

“I just know that I saw it…”

“Do you remember actually entering it? Going up the step and getting into it? And where it was parked at the time?”

“No, I can´t remember that.”

“And when you see this guy who has been so chummy with you, showing you his trailer and talking about politics and guns and all, when you see him in the store – twice – you ignore him…”

“Well, like I said, I just felt like I was supposed to ignore him.”

“You know what, Mike? You met the guy who´s running you. Trailerman is your control.”

* * *

When Robbi had been microwaved at Mike´s (McVeigh´s) house in Golden Valley (31 August, 2002), Mike had suggested that she take a cold shower to try and cool down her sudden fever and reduce her suddenly bloated stomach. This had given immense relief for her so she suggested that Mike take a cold shower to cool his body down after he walked in with his suddenly distended, painful stomach. Mike had vomited the first time the night that he and Robbi were microwaved in Golden Valley. This night (9 December,2002), in Prescott, Mike vomited again, so bad was the effect of the microwaves this time. The symptoms stayed with him ‘til the following morning.

They moved to a Motel 6. Robbi bought two NASA space blankets which have one shiny, metallic side that reflects microwaves. In the middle of the night Robbi awoke to the feel of an electric charge raising the hairs on her arm, which was not covered by the space blanket. When she pulled her arm under it, the feeling disappeared. Mike awoke and got out of his sleeping bag to go outside and check on his truck. When he re-entered the room he was breathless and nauseated, again with a bloated stomach. He didn’t reveal this to Robbi until the following morning, at which time she checked him and found that his lesions had grown and turned white, a symptom of having been microwaved.

Mike had developed a contrary, somewhat obstinate, attitude to Robbi’s warnings, despite his unpleasant experiences. His denial of reality may have been a symptom of his controlled mind. He could accept the reality in real time but refused to accept the big picture of his being mind-controlled and physically controlled by microwaves.

It was only the next day, for example, that Mike admitted that a green van which was parked near them at the American Suites motel was also parked near them at Motel 6. Robbi realized that her presence near him was getting them both zapped repeatedly and decided to leave Prescott. She attempted repeatedly to persuade Mike to leave Prescott for another town for his own protection but he seemed immobilized. He said that he felt controlled and that he was trying his best but that he couldn’t leave Prescott.

Robbi returned to Phoenix to recover from her latest nerve-wracking experience with Mike Gadbaw. She had warned him not to go back to the VA in Prescott under any circumstances. He had told her of his idea to stay in that hospital for a few days (rent-free) until his VA and SS checks arrived.

Mike phoned me with the same idea, that he wanted to stay at the VA for a few days until his checks arrived at his new post box. I told him that that was lunacy, that he could not scam the VA in this manner, that he might well disappear. He told me not to worry about it, that he would be fine there.

While still in Golden Valley last summer, Mike had mentioned that his VA doctors, Gray (psychiatrist) and Bryan (neurologist) wanted him to check into something called “Hillside,” which sounded like a rehab or treatment program of some kind. He said they also wanted him to have brain surgery to remove some scar tissue. Dr. Robbi asked then why they recommended such a procedure – had he experienced uncontrollable seizures? He said, no, he hadn’t. In short, Mike had had no intention of checking into “Hillside” in the summer of ´02. We didn’t know exactly what or where “Hillside” was.

Despite our warnings, Mike knew better and made arrangements to stay at the VA but quickly found that the VA wanted him to stay longer than just a few days. In fact, they had in mind a three-month program for him. Mike was maneuvered into signing papers which committed him to some rather intensive treatment which forbade him from seeing any other doctor during the three months He was instructed to give up his post box and to receive his mail at the VA box (#13), for which he was given a key. A parking permit was issued as well. He would not be allowed any visitors. He would be allowed to make phone calls but not to receive any calls. There would be no unauthorized straying from the VA grounds. He was not to tell anyone that he was at the Prescott VA.

Mike had mentioned that he needed to remain in contact with his doctor, Dr. Robbi, and was curtly told that “You cannot obtain unauthorized medical care.”

During the signing-in process Mike learned his program was termed “PAC OPS 89.” Barbara Gonzales was the Patient Advocate at the VA. Mike approached her for advice regarding this strange program. She noted his address and remarked that it was Tim McVeigh’s address. She said that she remembered him, that he, too, had been in the program and that McVeigh had been “very polite.” On her computer screen he saw the notation that his condition was that “The government is after him.” Mike says that he´s never told anyone that the government is after him. However, the article which appeared last September 11, by this writer, certainly accused elements of the US government of abusing Mike Gadbaw. Presumably this was the cause of the government’s need to bring him in for a tune-up.

His treatment would be “Comprehensive, intensive psycho-neuro-, psycho-social rehabilitation.” The diagnosis was “Delusions that the government is after him.” Once the program was started Mike would not be allowed to quit. His new home would be “the Dommissary,” presumably a hybrid of commissary and domicile, inside the VA hospital.

Mike foolishly signed the paperwork which legally committed him to the three-month program while he still thought he could just stay there for a week or so. He was instructed to go to Mailboxes, Etc and to shut down his box there. He did leave the VA grounds but never went back. Frightened, he called Robbi and told her that she and this writer were correct and that he never should have tried to check into the VA, recounting the scenario he’d experienced. It is apparent to us that if this were a genuine program of rehabilitation that the utter isolation and high security described above would not be justified, nor would the shutting down of his private mail box be required. It is apparent that Mike would simply disappear if he went along with the program.

Still needing a place to stay until his VA and SS checks arrived, Mike checked into Prescott’s shelter for the homeless in early January. This is where he met the supervisor, Joe, who is a former member of Special Forces. After the ten o’clock lights-out, Joe took Mike upstairs and they chatted for a couple of hours. Joe mentioned that he had known Tim McVeigh, who had stayed at the shelter. Ken Vardon’s American Patriot Friends´ Network (APFN) website, on which the original story first appeared, was mentioned and Joe said that he not only had no respect for but loathed APFN. Joe cultivates the appearance of an outlaw biker. Mike doesn’t say how the subjects of McVeigh and APFN came up but he probably initiated them. He does not bring up McVeigh ordinarily and he certainly did not mention him at the VA.

Mike received the news in mid-February that his father had suffered a heart attack and he was asked to come home to Kingman. Mike had been angry with Robbi and me for persuading him to leave the McVeigh house in Kingman and had not checked in for a couple of weeks. We were encouraging him to find a job and become independent for the first time in his life and he was resisting this idea. But he did call Robbi to ask about the cardiac medication his father was receiving. His father is a doctor and has been very disapproving of Mike´s lifestyle and of his friendship with Robbi and me. He called us both terrorists. Mike’s grandmother did meet Robbi and tried to reassure her son, Dr. Gadbaw, that she was a good and caring person.

Mike and his father did not get along. Nevertheless Mike did want to help in the emergency. In addition, his father and stepmother were somewhat frantically moving away from Kingman for Montana or to get a trailer and live on the road. The father’s heart attack may have been brought on by the sudden need to leave town. Robbi suspects that Dr. Gadbaw did not have a myocardial event because within days he was preparing to leave for Oregon to buy a house trailer.

I had given my Dachshund, Jackie, to Mike for company. He likes animals very much and has been devoted to Jackie for the past year or so. Soon after Dr. Gadbaw’s release from the Kingman hospital he confronted Mike and told him that he would have to turn Jackie over to him, that he could no longer keep him and if Mike tried to leave with Jackie he would call the sheriff! Mike desperately called Robbi for advice and she told him that Jackie was his dog and that his father was bluffing, but exactly why she didn’t know.

Dr. Gadbaw and his wife left for a ten-day trip to Oregon and invited Mike to stay at their house while they were gone. Mike declined but his grandmother persuaded him to find another Dachshund for Dr. Gadbaw. Mike found one and when his father returned after just three days – without a trailer – he presented the dog to him. Dr. Gadbaw became enraged and drop-kicked the little dog out into the street, whereupon it ran screaming into the night. Horrified and speechless, Mike went out to get in his car to leave. His father followed him and reached through the open driver’s window and clawed him around the throat, drawing blood with his fingernails. Mike simply drove away from the demented man, vowing to himself never to associate with his father again.

Robbi heard about this right after the event. She surmised that the doctor or someone figured that Jackie represented some sort of influence by the two of us over Mike, that he didn’t care about the dog except that it had to be removed so that the VA could assume its rightful control over Mike. When Mike called me I had the unfortunate duty to ask him if he´d ever seen The Manchurian Candidate? “I´m afraid your father may be one of your controllers, along with Trailerman.”

Mike needed to get away from Kingman. Appalled at his father’s treachery, puzzled by his (and McVeigh’s) landlady’s offer to move back into the primitive, microwaved adobe on Hunt Road (“The house is still yours.”), he made his way back to Prescott because that’s where his checks would be mailed. Robbi and I were in Las Vegas and were speaking with him several times a week, encouraging him to get a job and stop depending on the VA and SS checks, which amounted only to a thousand dollars a month. We wanted him to become independent and strong, but this was a tall order for someone who had become virtually institutionalized by the VA doctors, diagnosed as “seizure disorder – house-bound,” coupled with the new category of disease: “Delusions that the government is after him.” Robbi saw that Prescott was not the place for him now that he had violated the agreement he had signed to enter the three-month program. We both feared he could literally be picked up and taken to the VA so we encouraged him to relocate to Payson, where Robbi had found living quarters for him. But he was resisting her encouragement to find work.

He was lonely and in search of some camaraderie. He hooked up with a peace group in Prescott known as “Women in Black.” It was in this group that something happened to Mike that shook him severely. It scared him so badly that he left town and went to Payson. He told us that he could not talk about it over the phone, and didn’t until the other day. Mike was being surveilled and he was trying to get away from it.

At a campground near Payson Mike brewed coffee over a fire. A man approached him, “Hillbilly type, with a long beard.” The man was curious about Mike and asked what he was doing? “Camping, looking for a job.” Mike gave him coffee and they talked about the area, the people and job prospects.

Two weeks later, Mike was low on money and gas, and he decided to park in the Payson airport parking lot. A security man on an ATV drove up quickly, checked his license plate and asked Mike why he was there? Mike told him he was resting there and was it against the law? The man drove away but within minutes three pickup trucks drove up. Out of one jumped the Hillbilly, who rushed up to Mike´s car and greeted him. Only the Hillbilly didn’t have his long beard anymore. He was now well-groomed with a very short beard. The others, dressed in camouflage, also got out and soon they and Mike were talking about the increased security alert at the local power plant, Palo Verde. They didn’t mention why they were all driving around but Mike was not bothered by the security anymore. He made coffee for everyone and soon the conversation turned to the Art Bell radio program and more specifically remote viewing.

13th April 2011, 02:39 PM
Directory of US Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ's) and Service Providers


13th April 2011, 02:40 PM
Mike’s opinion was that remote viewing was evil. The Hillbilly disagreed and said that large corporations were actively searching for genuine remote viewers and would Mike be interested? We don´t know yet how Mike answered, but considering his need for a job, he may have indicated some interest. Obviously this attention alarmed him but the prospect of a corporate job was attractive. But – was it just another VA trick?

Mike had some dental problems stemming from the VA’s seizure medication over the many years (Dilantin causes gingival hyperplasia). One of the Women in Black had told him of a dentist in Prescott so he reluctantly made his way back there to see Dr. Robert Carlucci for treatment.

Two days after having two teeth pulled, Mike called to say that he’d been at Yavapi Hospital the whole day and he didn’t know how he got there. He didn’t remember going there or anything else up to his discharge from the hospital minutes before calling. He had total amnesia regarding this hospital visit just as he had experienced at the VA in December, and just as he had experienced regarding the visit of Trailerman the previous summer. He said that he’d been treated for a seizure but there were no telltale signs of one, such as a cut tongue, bruising or muscle soreness. And he’d been taking his seizure medication which would have prevented such a thing anyway.

It is my opinion that Mike had been hypnotized and delivered to Yavapi Hospital, probably by the Hillbilly. He had never been there before and had no reason to check in there after “a seizure.” He wouldn’t know how to get there in any event.

Robbi asked Mike, “Did they perform an EEG?” He checked his paperwork and replied that an EEG had been performed, obviously involuntarily. Robbi explained that the mind controllers need an EEG to determine the frequency of one´s brain waves so that they can be matched by a microwave transmitter. Ideas, memories, voices – even commands – can be transmitted by corresponding the frequencies of the microwaves with the EEG brain frequencies. This is the most scientific method of behavior modification and control. Robert O. Becker, MD in his 1985 book, The Body Electric, explains that such a procedure “has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.” Becker also wrote, “Eventual monitoring of the evoked potential from the EEG, combined with radio frequency and microwave broadcast designed to produce specific thoughts or moods, such as compliance and complacency, promises a method of mind control that poses immense danger to all societies – tyranny without terror.” (pp. 319-20) Dr. Becker is a two-time Nobel nominee for his work in biological effects of electromagnetism and is a pioneer in this field.

The Trailerman episode suggests deep hypnosis and artificial memories along with amnesia. The two hospital visits – the first voluntary and the second involuntary – also suggest deep hypnosis with amnesia.

It was during this call that he asked Robbi, “Why do you think Tim is still alive?” She said, “Well, because of the witness to the execution who said he was still breathing after he was pronounced dead…”

“Is that it?”

“Bruce knows more about this,” said Robbi and handed the phone over to me.

Mike asked me if Robbi and I were reporters? Every now and then Mike becomes suspicious of us. I said, “No, Mike. Robbi is a doctor and I´m just a guy… Why?”

“I think I might be going crazy…”

“Yeah? Well, people who are going crazy never think they are.”

“Uh, huh… So, why do you think Tim is still alive?”

“Well, several reasons. Susan Carlson, of course – the witness to the execution. The fact he negotiated a no-autopsy, the fact that the government helped ‘his buddies´ spirit his body away to an undisclosed location for cremation, the fact that he told his defense team that his Special Forces colleagues were going to save him, the fact that he just wanted to get on with the execution despite all the withholding of evidence by the FBI –“

“Look, the reason I left Prescott for Payson was because I either met Tim or his double…”


“In one of the peace groups… He came up to me and asked me if I knew Tim McVeigh? I said I didn’t. But I got really scared and I left Prescott right away. But since I came back here for my teeth, I’ve seen him again. He´s a little thinner than when I knew him, but it’s either Tim or his double…”

Mike didn’t want to speak about it anymore on the phone.

Five days later, April 8th, he called to say that he found his car windows smashed the morning after our last conversation. He called the Prescott police who investigated and then informed him that the windows had been shot out. “It was a warning,” he said, “they don´t want me talking to you.” He said that he was leaving town and probably would not be talking to us for a couple of weeks, but don´t worry – he´d be all right. He was having the windows replaced. Robbi asked, “How?”

“Don´t ask… you wouldn’t like it…” (We can infer from this cryptic response that he could have been making a deal with the perpetrators who shot the windows and who then offered to replace them if he would explore the “corporate remote viewing” proposal.)

He did ask for a two-week refill of his seizure medication. Although he has apparently never experienced a seizure in the sixteen months that we have known him he is truly afraid of going through another since his dreadful three-month program at the University of Minnesota in 1980, which may have been the only seizure he’s ever had – manufactured by Dr. West. Robbi would remove these seizure medications from him if he were in a stable environment which she could monitor daily. She says that a person can be weaned of these medications after seizures have been controlled for two to three years. Thus the VA could have weaned Mike many years ago if its doctors had so wanted. Again, it has simply been too dangerous for Robbi to be close to Mike to give him proper treatment because of the relentless microwave attacks on her. The VA’s diagnosis of “seizure disorder” gives them the power to perform EEGs on him when it can do so.

* * *

Over the years since Mike has been in Kingman, Arizona he has had few, if any, friends. He has been kept isolated and “house-bound” by the doctors at the Kingman and Prescott VA hospitals. It has only been through the efforts of Dr. Robbi and myself that Mike has been liberated from his “adobe room” and made to feel free to move around the country wherever he wants to go. One person, however, who has known him all this time is the VA’s Don Gray. Another is the VA’s Tom Murray. All these years Mike had believed that Don Gray was a psychiatrist. He knew Gray first at the Kingman VA and now in Prescott.

Don Gray, it turned out, is not a psychiatrist but rather a counselor in the mental health department of the VA. However, Mike’s VA diagnosis is “seizure disorder – house-bound.” That is, it is a physical problem rather than one of mental health. “House-bound” does suggest Mike´s panic disorder, which has been real if induced (and currently disappearing), but the VA has never prescribed any medication for this disorder, such as Zoloft or Prozac or Paxil.

Robbi spoke with Gray, who at first denied knowing a Mike Gadbaw but then, when prompted with Mike´s first name (“Leonard”) and social security number, he said, “Oh, yeah – Lenny! I know Lenny!” (Mike responded that he was lying, that no one ever called him “Lenny.”) Robbi, who is Mike´s physician, had called to inquire about Mike´s medication. Gray said that he´d only been prescribed Dilantin and Phenobarbitol and Albuterol. This was not true. But Dr. Robbi asked, “Hasn’t he had any of the newer therapeutic medications for seizures? Phenobarb has been used since 1912 and Dilantin’s use started in 1938!” She said it was highly unusual for a patient to be continued on these ancient remedies without having a trial of other, more modern specific medication. Gray repeated, reading from his computer, the use of the above drugs. Robbi asked Gray who was Mike’s prescribing physician? Who is monitoring his seizure diagnosis? Gray said that there was no physician or neurologist following Mike’s care – he was to be seen by “the red team and the white team.” Mike had told Robbi that his neurologist was a Dr. Brian, who he said had a very close relationship with Don Gray. He referred to them as “Frick and Frack.”

Notwithstanding Gray’s claim, Mike had, a few months after we met him, been prescribed a fourth drug: Lamotrigine. His VA prescription started him at 100 milligrams three times a day. But to start a patient at this huge dosage guarantees adverse side effects. The recommended loading dose of this anti-seizure medication must be a gradual approach over a period of at least six weeks, of gradually increasing the dosage from 25 mg every other day for two weeks and then 25 mg once a day for two weeks, leading to 100 to 400 mg per day in two divided doses. The initial large dosage produces adverse side effects. I can attest to these side effects. Shortly before the Trailerman episode I visited Mike to check up on him. He was quite hostile at this time and said aggressively, “I don’t trust anyone – and that includes you.” I responded immediately that I was just the opposite; I trust everyone until I get a curve ball. But I left thinking that I might not be seeing him anymore. Mike first made contact with Robbi and apologized for his hostile behavior toward me, which distressed and puzzled him. He told her that he felt as if he were hallucinating. He then called me and apologized profusely, and within a day or so called again to describe the first, harmless version of the Trailerman visit.

It is possible that the deliberate overdose of Lamotrigine was an attempt to alienate Mike from Robbi and me. There were other attempts. Three months earlier, in April, I invited Mike to accompany me to Oregon to bring a horse back to Las Vegas. All went well on the trip north but on the way back, just south of Wells, Nevada a big rig approached us on the two-lane Route 93 and as it went by my side window was shattered by a small bullet. Robbi has been microwaved a number of times while with Mike, as described in the original story, left weak after temporary paralysis and nauseated with distended abdomen and shaking arms and hands (Mike noted once, “Hey, you´re shaking just like I do!”). As also described in the September 11 story, I may have been microwaved while at the adobe house which may have caused the swift onset of acute appendicitis. After this my new right front 10 ply truck tire developed a blowout from an unusual sidewall separation and huge blister. This was on a cool day after short mileage. Robbi and I had just left Wickenburg for a scheduled visit with Mike in Kingman.

Obviously these probable attacks have had the desired effect: We quit hanging around with Mike. When we did talk with him on the phone he often was punished, as described. He´s been punished for years – all his adult life. He´s been a loner because of this treatment and a loner is what is needed for a Manchurian Candidate. Someone who is alienated from everyone including his family.

Finally, the original article suggested that Mike was an early victim of MK-ULTRA and the mysterious Dr. Louis Jolyon West, who was a graduate of the University of Minnesota. West experimented at UCLA with the melting of brain synapses to control the subject’s mind. Mike was induced by his neurologist in Minnesota to enter the experimental program at the University, which took place as described in a complex above the animal research lab. Mike told Robbi that the drug Ketamine was used on him in this three-month program. The grand mal seizure which was captured on video tape was induced by sleep deprivation, flashing lights and pictures and the drug Ketamine, a dissociative anaesthetic. Mike’s only “seizure” was man-made with drugs or microwaves or hypnosis, in the MK-ULTRA mind control program he underwent in 1980.

How can we say that this three-month program was run by the maniacs of MK-ULTRA? Mike´s family was from Minnesota. His grandmother, mentioned above, happened to have been a thirty-year employee of the University of Minnesota. She worked in administration and ran the switchboard. Mike had been very skeptical of our theory that he’d been, like his friend Tim McVeigh, a subject of Jolly West. Though Grandma was in her 90s, Mike decided to ask her about her work at UM. Did she remember a program that was run in 1980 over the animal research lab? She said that there was no such human program there – it was only for animal research! So he asked her, carefully, did she remember a Dr. West? Yes, she said, she did. He came in two or three times a week. He worked on Station 149 – Orthopedics/Neurology. He was seldom seen on the floor. She called him “the big doctor–” referring to his celebrity status at the hospital. He would use her to relay messages and he would use her office – the only doctor who did that. Mike asked her to describe him because he couldn’t believe that Grandma actually knew Jolyon West. She quickly described him exactly as Mike had seen him in photographs.

Louis Jolyon West, along with Sidney Gottlieb, ran the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program, the purpose of which was to create remote-controlled assassins and agents. As a government psychiatrist he examined Jack Ruby and ridiculed Ruby’s claim that he was part of a conspiracy to assassinate Jack Kennedy; he examined Sirhan B. Sirhan and ridiculed the idea that Sirhan was part of a conspiracy to assassinate Bobby Kennedy. The murdered Bureau of Prisons intern Chandra Levy is reported to have recorded a dozen or more visits by West to Timothy McVeigh while he awaited trial for the Oklahoma City massacre. McVeigh told police upon his arrest that he was mind-controlled and was run by Louis Jolyon West. “West” is a name taken by his Russian Jewish parents sometime after they arrived from the Pale.

Directly after the explosions in Oklahoma City, it was announced by CNN that a “psychological trauma team’ would converge in OKC to treat survivors of the explosion and the victims´ families – lead by none other than Dr. Louis Jolyon West, head of UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute. West handled the accused bomber and the bomber’s victims.

Our purpose for writing this article was to publicize the plight of Mike Gadbaw. The first article led to the intensified microwaving of Mike as well as the microwave assaults on Dr. Robbi and perhaps this writer when we visited him. It led to the government plan to put Mike into another mind control program to cure his “delusions that the government is after him.” We believed that this publicity was the only way to force the government to leave him alone. The first article served to exonerate Mike for anything he may have been forced to do against his will via mind control. But it did place him (and us) in more jeopardy. This article was designed to expose the government’s crimes against Mike so that his handlers would abandon the years of investment in him as a Manchurian Candidate.

Mike was, after all, introduced to Tim McVeigh by the VA’s Disabled American Veterans agent in Kingman, Mr. Tom Murray. McVeigh worked for Murray at odd jobs such as cutting and stacking firewood.

Shortly after the Oklahoma City massacre, Mike had been approached by a Kingman newspaper reporter who asked for his views on the atrocity, considering that Mike was a known associate and house-mate of Tim McVeigh, still living in the McVeigh house. The reporter, Mike claims, put words in his mouth by suggesting that Mike believed the government was behind the bombing. The reporter quoted Mike as saying it reminded him of the Kennedy assassination. Tom Murray was upset by this article, Mike says. Murray told him not to talk about the bombing with anyone, and that he should get an attorney.

“For what?’ Mike asked, “I haven´t done anything wrong.”


There was going to be a third chapter to this weird story but no one believed the first two. I can’t say I’m surprised. I probably wouldn’t believe it myself. That’s the nature of mind-control stories. Who can believe Sirhan when he says he doesn’t know what happened that night in the Ambassador Hotel? Of course, I believe him. John Hinckley, Mark Chapman, Tim McVeigh, David Berkowitz and so many others who obediently shot themselves after going postal. Except Robbi and I saw in this case how Mike was carefully manipulated for many years, starting with an unbelievably vicious “experiment” at the University of Minnesota run by a well-known MK-ULTRA specialist in 1980 that produced another anti-social misfit who could be aimed at any desired target, and then kept under control by his own family and, well – you read the story. I suspect that we’ll find that this guy in Tucson will also have been worked on by professionals for some time before going to that shopping center.

13th April 2011, 11:25 PM
And we have the "Manchurian Candidate" responsible for crashing and killing JFK Jr. (name unknown)

Strong evidence suggests that there was a fourth passenger, a flight instructor, on Kennedy’s plane. Now there were no eyewitnesses to the boarding of Kennedy’s airplane, so there is no one who could tell us for certain how many persons he saw boarding it. But we have eyewitnesses who saw Kennedy, his wife, and his sister-in-law waiting for about 45 minutes in the airport lounge before takeoff. Given that time was passing, visibility was declining, and darkness was falling, what were they waiting for? Hankey believes that they were waiting for a flight instructor. But what if the flight instructor failed to show up? Would Kennedy have had no choice but to take off without a flight instructor? Not at all. Kennedy could easily have gotten another flight instructor on short notice. We also have eyewitnesses on the Coast Guard rescue team who state that when they arrived at the crashed airplane, they found one of the seats to be missing. Perhaps the rescuers had to remove a body that was still strapped to its seat.

Kennedy’s own comments to friends before his flight also suggest that a flight instructor likely boarded the airplane. For example, on the day of his fatal crash, Kennedy had lunch with Richard Blow, Kennedy’s co-editor at George Magazine. Noticing that Kennedy was nursing a broken foot and was still on crutches, Blow expressed concern about the wisdom of Kennedy’s flying. Kennedy told Blow not to worry because he was taking a flight instructor. Similarly, Kennedy had told a Canadian acquaintance that he would continue to fly with a flight instructor until his broken foot healed. Immediately after the crash, Carol Ratowell, a friend of the Kennedy Family, told Channel 5, the ABC affiliate in Boston, that Kennedy was flying with an instructor.

Indeed, the NTSB could not find any evidence that Kennedy had ever flown his two-month-old Piper Saratoga airplane without a flight instructor. The reason for his always taking a flight instructor is not difficult to find. His new airplane contained many advanced safety and other features that he had not had on his previous airplane. He would have benefitted from having a flight instructor to familiarize him with the new bells and whistles.

And if that were not enough, there were at least three additional reasons for Kennedy to hire a flight instructor. First, Kennedy was not flying by himself, but was also taking his wife and sister-in-law along with him. Would not these two women have felt safer with a flight instructor, especially since Kennedy was still on crutches? Secondly, Kennedy was trying to add an instrument rating to his private pilot’s single-engine land license. He had already passed both the written examination and the performance evaluation, but he still needed to log more hours with a flight instructor to fulfill his requirements for his instrument rating. Thirdly, Kennedy must have known that difficult weather conditions could arise between New Jersey and Martha’s Vineyard that would require a flight instructor. His license permitted him to fly according to visual flight rules, but what if he had to use instruments? In that event, it would have been illegal for Kennedy to fly without a flight instructor. Kennedy had flown the same route from Caldwell, New Jersey to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts 8 times that summer. Kennedy took a flight instructor on all 8 of those flights, and for good reason, because on 5 of them, visibility was too poor to fly without instruments. As it turned out, visibility was so good on July 16 that Kennedy did not need a flight instructor, but he could not known that in advance. It would have made sense to bring one just in case.

Now a skeptic might say that all the logical reasoning suggesting Kennedy had a flight instructor is vain because investigators recovered no bodies other than those of Kennedy, his wife, and his sister-in-law. Therefore, Kennedy must not have had a flight instructor because no one recovered any flight instructor’s body. Or did they?

Between the time that Kennedy’s plane went missing and the time that the Coast Guard arrived at the wreckage, over 15 hours passed, time for all sorts of things to happen. Curiously, the circumstances of the case were such that the Federal Aviation Administration should have ordered a search within minutes after Kennedy failed to land at Martha’s Vineyard. According to Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun, Kennedy contacted the Martha’s Vineyard control tower at 9:39 p.m. on Friday night, shortly before what was to be his landing. If Burgun is right, the control tower would undoubtedly have picked up Kennedy’s transponder signal and responded by assigning Kennedy’s airplane a transponder code. That code would automatically have been entered into FAA computers so that the FAA could track Kennedy’s plane for the remainder of its flight. If Kennedy’s plane had either dropped below 100 feet or failed to land within 5 minutes, an alarm would automatically have sounded at the FAA, which would then have ordered a search. Inasmuch as Kennedy’s plane crashed into the ocean and never landed at all, the FAA had two reasons to order a search, and to focus that search on the approaches to Martha’s Vineyard. Instead it did nothing.

According to the official explanation, the FAA did nothing because it did not know that Kennedy’s plane had crashed because Kennedy had not contacted the FAA at the Martha’s Vineyard control tower. The official explanation thus implies that Burgun was in error when he said that Kennedy had contacted the control tower. But Burgun’s statement that Kennedy had contacted the tower at 9:39 p.m., made to Channel 5 News on live television, had a ring of truth to it because it dovetailed so well with proven FAA data. The latter showed that Kennedy had still not contacted the Martha’s Vineyard tower by 9:38 p.m. and that his airplane plunged into the ocean at 9:40 p.m. Therefore, if Kennedy had contacted the control tower at all, he must have done so at exactly 9:39 p.m. Unless Burgun was an incredibly lucky guesser, he must have gotten his information from the FAA itself. We can therefore assume that the information Burgun passed on to Channel 5 News was correct.

Despite the failure of the FAA to order a search after Kennedy’s plane failed to land, members of the Kennedy Family kept pressing the FAA for action throughout the night, all to no avail. Around 9:30 p.m. on Friday, just before Kennedy’s plane was to land, several of Lauren Bessette’s friends had gathered at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport to greet the airplane. When the plane failed to land, they notified Adam Budd, an airport employee and licensed pilot, who in turn telephoned both the FAA in Bridgeport, Connecticut and the Martha’s Vineyard Airport control tower. But the FAA did nothing. At 11 p.m., Senator Ted Kennedy, John Kennedy’s uncle, telephoned the FAA to report the missing plane. But even though he was a United States Senator, he had no luck either. Around 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, the aforementioned Carol Ratowell gave up on the FAA and called the Coast Guard. Now the FAA, facing grave embarrassment, had to do something, so it called the Air Force, which in turn ordered the Coast Guard to search for Kennedy’s plane but at the same time ordered the Coast Guard to do only what the Air Force told it to do. Specifically, the Air Force told the Coast Guard to search an area that was far away from the approaches to Martha’s Vineyard. Needless to say, the Coast Guard, which did not know the precise location of the crash, came up with nothing. Around 7 a.m. on Saturday morning, a desperate Senator Kennedy telephoned John Podesta, President Clinton’s Chief of Staff, and explained his frustration. Podesta then telephoned Clinton immediately. Clinton responded by telling Podesta to call the Air Force and demand that it begin a search within 15 minutes. The Air Force responded by telling the Coast Guard to take 2 boats and 2 helicopters on a wild goose chase across 20,000 square miles of ocean. Once again, the Coast Guard, which still did not know the precise location of the crash, came up with nothing.

The Air Force defended its failure to help the Coast Guard narrow down its search with precise information by claiming that it did not have that information, but Hankey provides ample evidence that the Air Force did have it. We have already seen that Kennedy had contacted the Martha’s Vineyard control tower, and that the FAA must have known that Kennedy’s airplane had gone down in the approaches to Martha’s Vineyard. But other sources of information available to the FAA also located the crash site. Indeed, anyone watching Hankey’s documentary can see the site pinpointed on the same Channel 5 television picture that viewers in the Boston area saw on that Friday night. The captioning on the Channel 5 screen makes it clear that it was the crash-activated emergency locator transmitter aboard Kennedy’s plane that had pinpointed the wreckage. But even if the emergency locator transmitter had not done so on Friday night, the FAA radar analysis did so when it was completed at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. Despite all the tools now at its disposal, the Air Force still refused to order a focused search on Saturday morning. Instead it kept the Coast Guard spread out over a vast expanse for another 5.5 hours. In the end, of course, the Coast Guard did get to the crash site, but not with any help from the FAA or the Air Force. Around 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, a piece of luggage from the crashed airplane washed up on the beach, and it was this that enabled the Coast Guard to pinpoint the site and to get to the wreckage.

Hankey believes that there was a conspiracy behind both Kennedy’s death and the 15-hour delay. After successfully getting Kennedy’s plane to crash, the conspirators persuaded confederates at high levels of both the Air Force and the FAA to delay the Coast Guard search so that the conspirators could get to the scene first and remove any incriminating evidence. Indeed, there is evidence that someone arrived well before the Coast Guard. Around noon on Saturday, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Stanley of the Civil Air Patrol said that he had seen helicopters that he assumed belonged to the Coast Guard near the crash site at around 7 a.m. that morning. But since the Coast Guard did not arrive until 1 p.m. that afternoon, the Coast Guard was not what Stanley saw. Then what did he see? Probably persons sent to do three things: first, remove the body of the flight instructor, who Hankey suspects was a Manchurian Candidate hypnotized into crashing Kennedy’s plane. This would explain why the Coast Guard did not recover the body of the flight instructor. Secondly, remove Kennedy’s flight log, which would have listed all persons on board the airplane. This would explain why Kennedy’s flight log, which might have proven that there was a flight instructor aboard, disappeared even though the turquoise duffel in which Kennedy always kept his flight logs was intact. Thirdly, remove the backup battery from the cockpit voice recorder. This would explain why although investigators recovered the cockpit voice recorder, they were not able to get any information out of it. A cockpit voice recorder records whatever the crew says in the last few minutes of a flight, but it needs a backup battery to retain this information. Once the battery goes, so does all the data.

An extensive coverup followed the mysterious death of John Kennedy, Jr that resembled other coverups over the years. Hankey has studied many other coverups, and has learned that although the details in each case are different, they all followed a common pattern. In each case, honest eyewitnesses provide the initial evidence to reach the public. Soon, however, certain government officials in league with the conspirators step in and remove these eyewitnesses from public view, seeing to it that no one hears from them again. Next they manufacture evidence to support a previously agreed-upon and different version of events while omitting all further mention of the initial evidence. Compliant members of the mainstream media then sell this new version to the public. This happened after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, and it happened again after the death of his son, John Kennedy, Jr. in 1999.

It all started with the Pentagon’s telling reporters and others curious about the crash of Kennedy’s airplane that they could not expect any more information from the government agencies that had helped them earlier. Henceforth, they must take all their questions to the Pentagon. Why the Pentagon? Kennedy was not a member of the military. He was not flying a military aircraft. His flight had no military purpose. Hankey believes the conspirators chose the Pentagon because it had previously signed on to the coverup.

The Pentagon got right to work by telling a long series of lies designed to portray John Kennedy as a reckless pilot. Among other things, it insisted that there had been no flight instructor on Kennedy’s plane despite the testimony of Carol Ratowell that there had. It insisted that Kennedy had not contacted the control tower before landing, in spite of the testimony of Todd Burgun that he had. It also made the dubious assertion that Kennedy had not filed a flight plan with the FAA in spite of the fact that he had done so on all 8 of his previous flights along that same route that summer. The Pentagon insisted that nobody reported the plane missing until 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, in spite of the fact that members of the Kennedy Family and others had been calling the FAA starting as early as 10 p.m. Friday night and continuing into Saturday morning. Honest reporters who tried to make sense of what was happening, like Linda Killian of People Magazine, were cut off.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun was mysteriously reassigned in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Burgun’s earlier statement to Channel 5 that Kennedy had called the Martha’s Vineyard FAA control tower at 9:39 p.m. on Friday night had been very damaging. If Burgun were right, then the FAA would have had to explain its decision not to order an immediate search. If given an opportunity to speak, Burgun would probably have disputed the Pentagon’s claim that Kennedy had not contacted the Martha’s Vineyard control tower. But no one heard from Burgun again.

On the Saturday morning after the crash, the perception that Kennedy was a reckless pilot was given a big boost when persons identifying themselves only as "the family" told Channel 5 both that Kennedy may not have had a proper license to fly an airplane and that he did not have a flight instructor on board. These two pieces of information, the first of which was certainly false and the second almost certainly false, strengthened the belief that Kennedy’s own carelessness was the cause of his crash. Of course, in the heat of the moment and without time to do research, the Channel 5 understandably accepted this information at face value. But inasmuch as we have more time than Channel 5 had to reflect on this matter, we should ask some questions that they did not ask. Just who were these mysterious persons who identified themselves as "the family?" Why did they not give their names? Were they even members of the Kennedy Family at all? If they were really members of the Kennedy family, did they know that Kennedy had a private pilot’s licence? Did they believe that Kennedy had been flying for seventeen years without a licence?

The NTSB had a full year to clear up these questions before it issued its final report, but it did not make constructive use of that time. In the end it merely repeated all the contradictions and inconsistencies that had been there from the beginning. The NTSB should at least have investigated the telephone call Kennedy made on his cell phone just before takeoff. The NTSB undoubtedly had a record of that call. Under normal circumstances it would have investigated it and included its findings in the final report, yet it did not do so this time.
