View Full Version : New baby chick
13th April 2011, 12:03 PM
One of our broody hens hatched an egg today ;D Daddy is a Rhode Island Red and momma is a Buff Orpington. We have 2 other broody hens with 3 eggs due soon too.
13th April 2011, 04:53 PM
I'm sorry, I can't help myself.... :D
13th April 2011, 04:55 PM
aww, what a beautiful sign of spring life!!
(will it be for eggs or for eating?)
13th April 2011, 04:56 PM
Oh eggs for now. If we needed (like SHTF) we would eat them. But they aren't meaty birds.
13th April 2011, 04:58 PM
aww, what a beautiful sign of spring life!!
(will it be for eggs or for eating?)
How could you think such a thing at a celebratory time like this... :D
Road Runner
13th April 2011, 08:54 PM
aww, what a beautiful sign of spring life!!
(will it be for eggs or for eating?)
You are right MN. Spring is I think my favorite season because I like the birth of little animals. Gods love is shown in so many neat ways I think.
16th April 2011, 03:15 AM
I am hoping we hatch as many as hatch can. We have some good barter going with eggs and are working on new things. The extra chicks means we can barter more eggs when they grow up, or if eggs aren't doing us well, we can have more chickens in the pot.
Easy to say and very difficult to administer. As the chicken killer and meat cleaner in the family, I don't like it one bit. The other option is way too many eggs and buying crap for chickent at the store. Got to keep the egg business going. So far it's going good. We find some way or other to barter all the eggs and all that comes back to us.
Eggs are (small) money.
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