View Full Version : Ground is Swaying in Japan

14th April 2011, 10:09 AM

I hope this is not a dup thread. That video is amazing.

14th April 2011, 10:18 AM
Holy moly. Any science familiar people here with possible answers?

Japan is fubar

14th April 2011, 10:19 AM
Wild video.

So they reclaim land by dumping dirt into the ocean. During earthquakes it liquifies and moves quite a bit. The same thing happened in Kobe during the quakes there, but I don't think anyone got actual videos of it.

14th April 2011, 10:20 AM
easy to see the " moving " at 4:00

maybe the Japanese want to stay and " go down with the ship "

can't see why any non-Japanese would want to stay in Japan

14th April 2011, 10:24 AM
can't see why any non-Japanese would want to stay in Japan

Geographically, I am far away from the shaking, and haven't felt anything since the 9.0 on 3/11.

So far, all the radiation that has passed through Osaka passed over the US and Europe first, and only got here after making its way around the world. Typhoon season will suck, though

14th April 2011, 10:25 AM
Wild video.

So they reclaim land by dumping dirt into the ocean. During earthquakes it liquifies and moves quite a bit. The same thing happened in Kobe during the quakes there, but I don't think anyone got actual videos of it.

Yeah, a similar thing happens in this video, the guy mentions that it is reclaimed land that used to be all water.


14th April 2011, 10:36 AM
can't see why any non-Japanese would want to stay in Japan

Because most of them watch NHK (Japanese Broadcasting Corporation), which last time I checked was telling people everything is getting "better."

I just looked on their website (http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/index.html), and they were playing a video about how to sit properly on a zabuton under "NOW ON AIR."

Yeah, that would totally be one of the top five concerns I'd have as a Westerner if I were there right now. :oo-->