View Full Version : Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect

14th April 2011, 03:24 PM
Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect daughter from Dangerous Medications

According to the Detroit News, a 56-year-old woman faces multiple felony charges and is being held on $500,000 bond after a 10-hour standoff with police, claiming she was protecting her 13-year-old daughter from unnecessary medication. The story which led to this incident, as reported in the Detroit News and The Voice of Detroit, is quite disturbing.

Maryanne Godboldo’s daughter was born with a defective foot that required amputation of her leg below the knee, which led to Maryanne becoming a stay-at-home mother after her birth. Maryanne and her sister Penny now run a dance school in Detroit. Penny Godboldo reported in the Detroit News her niece’s confidence grew, and despite her handicap, she swam, sang, danced and played the piano. However, as she approached middle school age, she apparently wanted to start attending school, and therefore had to “catch up” on required immunizations.

As the Detroit News reports:

“We believe she had an adverse reaction to her immunizations,” Penny Godboldo said.

“She began acting out of character, being irritated, having facial grimaces that have been associated with immunizations.”

Evans said Maryanne Godboldo sought help for her daughter from The Children’s Center, an organization that helps families with at-risk children, where a medical and mental health treatment plan was developed. Godboldo told relatives the medications ordered by the doctor worsened symptoms, including behavioral problems.

“It is an undiagnosed condition, but the doctor had given her psychotropic drugs that caused a bad reaction, made things worse,” said the girl’s father, Mubuarak Hakim. “Maryanne’s decision to wean her from that was making a difference, making her better, helping her to be a happy kid again.”

Child Protective Services workers apparently disagreed, however, and obtained a warrant to remove the girl because the mother had withheld her medication. Maryanne reportedly refused to surrender the child, and an ensuing 10-hour standoff with police followed, after Maryanne allegedly discharged a firearm inside her apartment. Maryanne’s attorney, Allison Folmar, claims her client never shot at police in a report in the Voice of Detroit, which reports that the police sent the “Detroit Special Response Team (SRT) officers who descended on the home with a tank and assault weapons. Video footage shows individual officers staking out the house, taking cover behind trees with their weapons, as in a military operation.”

Maryanne Godboldo apparently has a good reputation in her community, and during the 10 hour standoff many people from the community offered to help with the negotiations, including ministers and community activists, according to reports in the Detroit News. Ironically, it was Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas, a former polio sufferer and advocate for the disabled, who finally convinced Maryanne to surrender. According to the Detroit News, Thomas reported that she eventually talked Godboldo out with a promise her daughter would be turned over to a relative, but family members say the girl was taken into protective custody anyway.

Maryanne Godboldo was arraigned Sunday before 36th District Magistrate Sidney Barthwell Jr. on charges of firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Her bond was set at $500,000. Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas, who arrived on the scene and convinced Maryanne to surrender, was quoted in the Detroit News as responding: “I’m shocked by the amount of the bond. I never dreamed it would be set so high and she wouldn’t be free to care for her daughter.”

The family’s attorney Allison Folmar made this statement afterwards: “Child Protective Services was trying to force her child to take a dangerous medication, Risperdal, against her will. We have been able to get a court order signed by [Wayne County Circuit Court] Judge Richard Skutt, staying the administration of this drug, which is not approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in such cases. That’s why they put her in Hawthorne, so they could dope her up.” Folmar said Godboldo has a doctor for her daughter who practices holistic treatment, which she prefers. She said Child Protection Services has not told them what medical authority said the child would be endangered without Risperdal.

The Voice of Detroit reports that a 2007 release from the FDA said Risperdal is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and “manic or mixed episodes of bipolar I disorder” in children. Folmar said Arianna has not yet been diagnosed with any disorder, although she may possibly suffer from autism induced by vaccinations she received earlier.

The Voice of Detroit further reports:

Folmar called the bond “outrageous,” saying Godboldo is no threat to her child or the community. She and attorney Wanda Evans, who specializes in juvenile law and is representing the child, said a motion to reduce the bond would be filed Monday. Godboldo’s preliminary exam is set for Friday, April 8 at 36th District Court (time to be posted later).

Mubarak Hakim, the child’s father, said Godboldo set an example for numerous other families, particularly in the Black community, whose children have been forcibly taken from them for questionable reasons.

“Child Protective Services is interfering with her rights as a parent to decide what doctor and what treatment is needed for her child,” Hakim said.

The Voice of Detroit also reported the story of Starletta Banks, who filed suit in federal court in 2005 after Child Protection Services snatched her three small children, Darius, Danielle and Darren from her arms in 2000, claiming falsely that X-rays of Danielle showed evidence of old fractures:

“The illegal stealing of our children nation wide is a very serious problem that is happening every day and in every state,” Banks told VOD. “Those involved such as judges, prosecutors, social workers, attorneys, physicians, child placement agencies etc. should be exposed, prosecuted and sent to prison. The sole reasons that children are being stolen from their families and homes are the financial incentives associated with each child and circumstance. There is federal grant money given to states and child placement agencies to create situations that do not exist to generate these funds. The state of Michigan is financially broke, thus surviving on the backs of our children.

Banks’ family friend Irwin Johnson said during a state-wide protest against Michigan’s foster care system, “In Detroit and across the nation, it boils down to a racial issue. How can Black kids be over 50 percent of the foster care system, but make up only 20 percent of the population?”
Go to http://kidjacked.com/conspiracy/mother_sues_state.asp to read complete story by this writer on the Banks-Austin case. Also go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17iqUsACRZM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSav5qxXPkY&feature=related to view startling videos of testimony on ”Psychotropic Drug Use Among Foster Children,” in front of a Florida Senate Committee in 2009.

For another report of how Child Protection Services uses state funds to abduct children, see Dr. Mercola’s recent article: Child Abuse Laws: Legally Abducting Children by Broadening the Definition of “Child Abuse”


Hatha Sunahara
14th April 2011, 03:44 PM
This story reminds me of a very short essay I read recently, here:


The Most Dangerous Addiction
Column by R. K. Blacksher.

One can often learn a lot about a person’s weaknesses by the qualities that he most loudly denounces in others. We are all familiar with the cases of “familyvalues” Republicans cheating on their wives and leaders of MADD being arrested on DUI charges. Examples from the world of politics are, of course, too numerous to count. Consider this recent exchange between Bill O’Reilly and Newt Gingrich:

O’Reilly: “Now, they have no drug problem in Singapore at all, number one, because they hang drug dealers -- they execute them. And number two, the market is very thin, because when they catch you using, you go away with a mandatory rehab. You go to some rehab center, which they have, which the government has built. The United States does not have the stomach for that. We don't have the stomach for that, Mr. Speaker.”

Gingrich: “Well, I think it's time we get the stomach for that, Bill. And I think we need a program -- I would dramatically expand testing. I think we have -- and I agree with you. I would try to use rehabilitation, I'd make it mandatory. And I think we have every right as a country to demand of our citizens that they quit doing illegal things which are funding, both in Afghanistan and in Mexico and in Colombia, people who are destroying civilization.”

While Newt Gingrich is not, as far as I know, a drug addict, he does have a much more dangerous addiction. He, along with every other politician in world, has an addiction to state violence. Specifically, he is addicted to the feelings of power and control that he experiences when he exercises or advocates the use of state violence against others.

The ill effects that ardent drug warriors ascribe to drug usage have a great deal in common with the ill effects of an addiction to state violence. The following are statements about the dangers of drugs taken from the D.A.R.E. website:

“Cocaine, at first, makes people feel energetic and powerful. As these feelings wear off, however, they quickly become depressed and edgy—and they start really craving more to get their high back.”

“Smoking crack cocaine can produce a particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users.”

“Users feel slightly stimulated and uninhibited…”

“…people, who are high on heroin, or craving the next fix, don't use good judgment…”

These descriptions are even more applicable to the purveyors and advocates of state violence than they are to drug addicts. Considering the human tendency to conceal and rationalize one’s own vices by loudly and incessantly denouncing the vices of others, perhaps it is not a coincidence that statists of all stripes spend an inordinate amount of time decrying the dangers of addiction.

There are, of course, very noticeable differences between an addiction to drugs and an addiction to state violence. The most important difference is that drug addiction is far less dangerous. The people who smoke marijuana in their basements are far less dangerous than the statists, like Newt Gingrich, who support the due process free detention of innocent people. The people who drop acid in the privacy of their own homes are far less dangerous than the statists, like Newt Gingrich, who advocate using the coercive power of the state to violate the property rights of others.

As can be seen in the preceding examples, an addiction to state violence produces “a particularly aggressive paranoid behavior” in statists, causes statists to feel “stimulated and uninhibited,” and renders statists incapable of using “good judgment.” And, as the example of Newt Gingrich shows, once the sadistically euphoric feelings produced by wielding power over others begin to wear off, statists start “craving more to get their high back.”

Newt Gingrich is, of course, only an example. But he is a very representative example. The observations made above apply equally to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Boehner, George Bush, every other politician in the world, and all of their starry-eyed devotees. The world would be a much freer and much more peaceful place if all of these megalomaniacal tyrants were dropping acid in a basement somewhere.

In voluntary dealings with others, people use certain moral and ethical rules to govern their behavior. When people’s actions are cloaked in the sanctified garb of the state, however, they throw these moral and ethical rules completely out of the window. Actions that seem utterly repulsive in the voluntary sector become acceptable, even necessary, when performed by functionaries of the state.

This is perhaps the most pernicious effect of the state. State propaganda causes people to view violence as a virtue, theft as a civic duty, and slavery as freedom. If we want to build a free society, we have to first break people’s addiction to state violence.


14th April 2011, 05:11 PM
However, as she approached middle school age, she apparently wanted to start attending school, and therefore had to “catch up” on required immunizations.

As the Detroit News reports:

“We believe she had an adverse reaction to her immunizations,” Penny Godboldo said.

“She began acting out of character, being irritated, having facial grimaces that have been associated with immunizations.”

Evans said Maryanne Godboldo sought help for her daughter from The Children’s Center, an organization that helps families with at-risk children, where a medical and mental health treatment plan was developed. Godboldo told relatives the medications ordered by the doctor worsened symptoms, including behavioral problems.

“It is an undiagnosed condition, but the doctor had given her psychotropic drugs that caused a bad reaction, made things worse,” said the girl’s father, Mubuarak Hakim. “Maryanne’s decision to wean her from that was making a difference, making her better, helping her to be a happy kid again.”

Child Protective Services workers apparently disagreed, however, and obtained a warrant to remove the girl because the mother had withheld her medication. Maryanne reportedly refused to surrender the child, and an ensuing 10-hour standoff with police followed, after Maryanne allegedly discharged a firearm inside her apartment. Maryanne’s attorney, Allison Folmar, claims her client never shot at police in a report in the Voice of Detroit, which reports that the police sent the “Detroit Special Response Team (SRT) officers who descended on the home with a tank and assault weapons. Video footage shows individual officers staking out the house, taking cover behind trees with their weapons, as in a military operation.”

Maryanne Godboldo apparently has a good reputation in her community, and during the 10 hour standoff many people from the community offered to help with the negotiations, including ministers and community activists, according to reports in the Detroit News. Ironically, it was Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas, a former polio sufferer and advocate for the disabled, who finally convinced Maryanne to surrender. According to the Detroit News, Thomas reported that she eventually talked Godboldo out with a promise her daughter would be turned over to a relative, but family members say the girl was taken into protective custody anyway.

Maryanne Godboldo was arraigned Sunday before 36th District Magistrate Sidney Barthwell Jr. on charges of firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Her bond was set at $500,000. Wayne Circuit Judge Deborah Thomas, who arrived on the scene and convinced Maryanne to surrender, was quoted in the Detroit News as responding: “I’m shocked by the amount of the bond. I never dreamed it would be set so high and she wouldn’t be free to care for her daughter.”

The family’s attorney Allison Folmar made this statement afterwards: “Child Protective Services was trying to force her child to take a dangerous medication, Risperdal, against her will. We have been able to get a court order signed by [Wayne County Circuit Court] Judge Richard Skutt, staying the administration of this drug, which is not approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in such cases. That’s why they put her in Hawthorne, so they could dope her up.” Folmar said Godboldo has a doctor for her daughter who practices holistic treatment, which she prefers. She said Child Protection Services has not told them what medical authority said the child would be endangered without Risperdal.

INCREDIBLE. For some reason, CPS REALLY bothers me. It is just stabbing a dagger in the hear of Liberty for ANYONE to think they can make better decisions for someone's child. It is the absolute height of Egomania.

CPS = Family Courts
Family Courts = Eugenics

po boy
14th April 2011, 05:35 PM
Take a guess this family had a state marriage and the child was given a BC maybe even a SS#.

14th April 2011, 05:55 PM
America.. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

Ya F*#king right.

12th August 2011, 07:51 PM
Update on this story:

Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo found in neglect for refusing to medicate daughter with psychiatric drugs


Detroit mom Maryanne Godboldo, who was subjected to an armed SWAT team assault on her home during an attempted kidnapping by Child Protective Services, has been found in neglect today by a Wayne County juvenile court.

The jury of that court was somehow persuaded to believe that Maryanne’s refusal to continue drugging her daughter with Risperdal, a mind-altering psychiatric drug used to “treat” ADHD, equated to parental neglect. It is a sad day in America when even juries are so brainwashed by Big Pharma advertising and mainstream media propaganda that they believe refusing to drug your own teenage daughter is proof of poor parenting.

Judge Ronald Giles of Detroit’s 36th District Court is now due to rule on whether Godboldo should stand trial to face multiple felony charges that were leveled against her after she allegedly fired a gun in self defense when police smashed through her door and tried to kidnap her daughter at gunpoint (http://www.naturalnews.com/032091_M… (http://www.naturalnews.com/032091_Maryanne_Godboldo_gun_rights.html)).

The court system in Detroit appears to be trying to make an example out of Godboldo by sending a message: “Don’t resist tyranny.” When the state orders you to drug your children, don’t even think about saying no! If you do, armed SWAT teams will raid your house, CPS will kidnap your child, and you will be brought up on felony charges for resisting.

Stay up to date on the effort to free Maryanne Godboldo at:
www.justice4maryanne.com (http://www.justice4maryanne.com/)
And join in the national protests happening Friday at:
www.Govabuse.org (http://www.govabuse.org/)

CPS masterminding child trafficking network?

Most Americans do not realize this, but Child Protective Services uses private contractors to kidnap children and steal them away from their homes (http://www.infowars.com/cps-warrior… (http://www.infowars.com/cps-warrior-nancy-schaefer-gunned-down/)). These private contractors are paid “reward money” that can add up to millions of dollars a year. Many of these children are then sold into sex slavery. Even Maryanne Godboldo has now openly accused CPS of being engaged in child trafficking (http://www.naturalnews.com/032501_M… (http://www.naturalnews.com/032501_Maryanne_Godboldo_Child_Protective_Services .html)) as well as sexually molesting her daughter (listen to interviews below).

CPS child trafficking is one of the biggest untold stories in America, and the old media won’t touch it. NaturalNews continues to receive evidence pointing to the existence of a network of CPS workers and private contractors who kidnap children and sell them for profit. Far from protecting children, CPS frequentlyexploitsthose children for private gain.

Listen to important interviews with Maryanne Godboldo at:
http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=8B819… (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=8B81912F9B1AD317AE3DBBD4896C61AA)
http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=97774… (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=97774F5C3850CF921CBD4919305AE67C)

And visitwww.Govabuse.org (http://www.govabuse.org/)to help put an end to crimes against children being committed under the name of “public welfare.”

12th August 2011, 08:01 PM
Was curious where the kid was:

8/11/2011 - Verdict in - Court finds Maryanne "guilty" of medical Neglect
After only 30 minutes of deliberation a jury of 8 found Maryanne guilty of not giving her daughter risperdal per a doctor's order. The family still has physical custody of Ariana - however, the state still has legal custody.


Wondering if the daughter is on meds now or not...

12th August 2011, 08:03 PM
Was curious where the kid was:

Wondering if the daughter is on meds now or not...

Have no doubt they have her drugged to the gills.

Twisted Titan
13th August 2011, 07:16 AM
What's the moral of the story:

Don't ask the State for sheeeeet.

Figuer it out or do without.

I will also lay good money this lady popped a lot of trash to the wrong goon and THAT is what brougth the heat down so hard.

because there are scores of kids that get dropped of meds and nothing like this happens.....

13th August 2011, 07:22 AM
This whole "The kid has an SS# and is property of the state" shit is getting old.

SS# or not, the NWO PIG COPS kidnapped a girl from her mother because the mother didn't want her child injected with mercury and other poisons.

SS# or not, none of it is acceptable.

13th August 2011, 07:32 AM
This whole "The kid has an SS# and is property of the state" shit is getting old.

SS# or not, the NWO PIG COPS kidnapped a girl from her mother because the mother didn't want her child injected with mercury and other poisons.

SS# or not, none of it is acceptable.

Written Truth!

13th August 2011, 10:06 PM
Kidnapping - it's not illegal when the government does it!

14th August 2011, 04:54 AM
Update on this story:

Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo found in neglect for refusing to medicate daughter with psychiatric drugs

CPS masterminding child trafficking network?

Most Americans do not realize this, but Child Protective Services uses private contractors to kidnap children and steal them away from their homes (http://www.infowars.com/cps-warrior… (http://www.infowars.com/cps-warrior-nancy-schaefer-gunned-down/)). These private contractors are paid “reward money” that can add up to millions of dollars a year. Many of these children are then sold into sex slavery. Even Maryanne Godboldo has now openly accused CPS of being engaged in child trafficking (http://www.naturalnews.com/032501_M… (http://www.naturalnews.com/032501_Maryanne_Godboldo_Child_Protective_Services .html)) as well as sexually molesting her daughter (listen to interviews below).

CPS child trafficking is one of the biggest untold stories in America, and the old media won’t touch it. NaturalNews continues to receive evidence pointing to the existence of a network of CPS workers and private contractors who kidnap children and sell them for profit. Far from protecting children, CPS frequentlyexploitsthose children for private gain.

Listen to important interviews with Maryanne Godboldo at:
http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=8B819… (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=8B81912F9B1AD317AE3DBBD4896C61AA)
http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=97774… (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=97774F5C3850CF921CBD4919305AE67C)

And visitwww.Govabuse.org (http://www.govabuse.org/)to help put an end to crimes against children being committed under the name of “public welfare.”

The infowars link has nothing to do with this case in Michigan. It was about Nancy Shaffer from Georgia. I just see no reason to add that part into their story.

Silver Baron
14th August 2011, 08:16 AM

(oh, nvm. She forgot to Tweet.)

po boy
14th August 2011, 08:24 AM
This whole "The kid has an SS# and is property of the state" shit is getting old.

SS# or not, the NWO PIG COPS kidnapped a girl from her mother because the mother didn't want her child injected with mercury and other poisons.

SS# or not, none of it is acceptable.

It sure is but the stories won't stop coming wrong or right and all the bitching on how wrong it is won't change a thing.

What would be lovely to see is a politician come out and tell the people to stop whoring their children and them selves out to .gov.
That isn't going to happen and we should well know this by now sure it sucks but life isn't fair.

This lady's ignorance led to this, had she been told of these details she may have avoided the whole situation to start with.

Bitching may be fun but accomplishes NOTHING!

14th August 2011, 01:24 PM
perhaps some kind soul will take her under their wing and give her some firearms training & equipment.

once the Child Protective Services knows they're dealing with a Mama Packing Heat, they may go find some other mother to harass.

14th August 2011, 05:42 PM
perhaps some kind soul will take her under their wing and give her some firearms training & equipment.

once the Child Protective Services knows they're dealing with a Mama Packing Heat, they may go find some other mother to harass.

Nah, that just gives them the go ahead and use the tank to smash the house and burn it down.

15th August 2011, 02:54 PM
There is a good chance you have heard the story of Maryanne Godboldo and how armed government agents broke down her door and attempted to kidnap her 13-year-old daughter Ariana to turn over to CPS because she refused to medicate her with a potentially dangerous and mind-altering anti-psychotic drug Risperdal (http://www.naturalnews.com/032191_C...). Maryanne had been using holistic remedies for her daughter instead, such as dance therapy.

The Detroit mother is now currently going through a criminal and custody trial because of this incident, and a variety of revealing and disturbing information is starting to come out about the involvement of Big Pharma and other parties in the twisted web of lies the case is wrapped in.

The jury presiding over the hearing was convinced to believe that Maryanne's refusal to give her daughter the controversial drug, supposedly used to "treat" ADHD, represented a form of parental neglect. Read more here: http://www.naturalnews.com/033295_p...

Thanks to the Voice of Detroit (VOD), it is now coming to light that the New Oakland Child-Adolescent & Family Center - a private facility which reported Maryanne to CPS for taking her daughter off the drug -- has paid connections with Big Pharma since at least 2004.

Pharmaceutical companies were involved all along
According to the Center's website, Kimberly Smith -- Director of Pharmaceutical Research for all its facilities since 2004 -- provides "clinical support and supervision" for the Clinton Township facility. She is also the head of the Center's Office of Recipient Rights. The website openly says that Kimberly has been coordinating Adult and Pediatric CNS (Central Nervous System) Clinical Trials for a number of big pharmaceutical companies for the last ten years.

Smith was recently contacted by VOD at her office, and she admitted that not only is she paid by the drug companies she works with, but that trials she is paid to conduct are among those carried out at New Oakland's facilities. She refused to give further information on specific drug trials, saying the information was "private." She claimed reports are only published after the FDA approves a drug, and that a confidentiality agreement must be signed with the company.

However, this statement is not nearly the whole truth, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health's website at http://ClinicalTrials.gov. The site indicates that the FDA Amendments Act of 2007 "requires mandatory registration and results reporting for certain clinical trials of drugs, biologics, and devices." A clinical trial of Depakote that New Oakland recruited participants for was listed on the site while it was still ongoing.

Ms. Smith claimed that parents are required to complete a detailed form when their child participates in such a study, but said she did not have a blank copy of the form she could provide for proof.

Follow the money trail
Even beyond the New Oakland Center's drug connections, those involved in seizing Ariana - from the judge to the DHS and various public and private agencies involved -- are connected to each other in a suspiciously twisted web. All are getting big bucks for not only children they barbarically take from their families, but for clinical trials on psychiatric drugs and medical treatment -- including pharmaceutical drugs -- that are given to the children.

Government officials involved in the case, including Judge Lynne Pierce, Department of Human Services chief Maura Corrigan and others also have their ties to Big Pharma and the undercurrent of money funneling.

Godboldo first took her daughter to The Children's Center in Detroit when Ariana began having significant adverse reactions to the immunizations she had been receiving. Maryanne didn't realize at the time that the Children's Center is one of six partners in Behavioral Health Professionals, Inc (BHPI), a non-profit based in Michigan. BHPI is the parent organization for ConsumerLink and CareLink, which network with insurance companies and refer children to the various partners and other organizations.

Amber Kozlowski -- a "social worker" -- testified on Aug. 5 that she was responsible for Ariana's admission to the Hawthorn Center on March 25. There, Ariana's prosthesis was removed in violation of her disability rights, she was re-medicated with Risperdal and other drugs and was said to become the victim of sexual abuse, as stated in a police report filed by her family.

According to the Voice of Detroit, Kozlowski said she works for Neighborhood Services Organization (NSO) -- one of the partners of BHPI -- directly while contracting with ConsumerLink for the hospital liaison part of her job. NSO's board of directors includes executives from various health and insurance agencies, including the Detroit Medical Center, Pro Care Health Plan and the Health Alliance Plan.

The Children's Center, which is primarily funded by the Department of Human Services, also has its own foster care division and is funded at the rate of $34 per day for foster care provision, according to state budget documents. These funds originate with the federal government and are also channeled also into various other private foster care agencies in the state.

But that's not all - the center also receives substantial grants from Ford Motor Company, and three Ford family members sit on its board.

Corruption, lies and illegal action
After authorities seized Ariana and institutionalized her, they decided she didn't need the medication after all, but still continued to institutionalize her for seven weeks before releasing her to an aunt. Due to Maryanne's allegedly firing a shot when authorities tried to take her daughter, this case received special attention - but it is otherwise exactly like thousands of other cases like it in Michigan. In the Godboldo case and many others, orders to remove children are literally rubber-stamped.

Voice of Detroit also recently reported that the Interim Supervisor of Juvenile Intake for Wayne County, Vikki Kapanowski, testified at Godboldo's juvenile court trial that these orders are actually approved by a probation officer with no law license who merely stamps the judge's name on the order -- the judge never even sees the order.

Voice of Detroit and the Detroit News also reported on testimony in Godboldo's criminal trial revealing that the whole process of serving the illegal order was, in itself, illegal. The probation officers doing this rubber-stamping in Detroit have not been sworn, do not have law licenses and are not authorized to perform functions such as issuing these orders.

CPS has no intentions of protecting children
Everything about this case seems wrong. To begin with, Ariana was not only prescribed a dangerous drug that is restricted to individuals over the age of 18, she had to witness a standoff with a SWAT team because there was no legal court order to remove her. A caseworker lied and called Maryanne's actions medical neglect, even though she was working out a treatment plan elsewhere with another medical doctor. Ariana was then forced to return to the same facility that she was said to have been sexually assaulted at.

Not only has CPS - an agency sworn to protect children -- shown no concern about this child's best interests in any regard, its insistence on forcing children on medications is the reason why the Godboldo family has been forced to struggle through this ridiculous and unnecessary trial.

Ariana was taken from her mother (a low-income household), who CPS assumed would not be able to afford to defend herself, and was attempted to be placed in a foster home, group home or institution without due process or any evidence to prove that intervention was even necessary to begin with. All the while, federal matching funds and Medicaid funds were being collected to do so.

This case has exposed a serious problem in the way child protection is handled in not only Detroit or in the entire state of Michigan; the sad truth is that this is how child protection is being handled in every city in the country as well. Far from protecting children, CPS frequently exploits children for private gain.

This all comes back to the disturbing truth about the corruption of the agency, and how it uses private contractors to kidnap children and take them from their homes. The private contractors working for CPS are paid up to millions of dollars in reward money a year (http://www.infowars.com/cps-warrior...). Maryanne Godboldo has now openly accused CPS of being engaged in child trafficking (http://www.naturalnews.com/032501_M...) as well as sexually molesting her daughter (listen to interviews below).

Risperdal was unlawfully marketed to children to start with
What is even more interesting about all this information is the timing of recent news reports that Johnson and Johnson has just settled with the Justice Department and agreed to plead a misdemeanor on the illegal marketing of Risperdal ((http://voiceofdetroit.net/2011/08/0...).

Forty US states are planning lawsuits against J&J for this (http://www.pharmalot.com/2011/08/jj...). Johnson and Johnson has been forced to pay millions in damages - in multiple cases - for misleading safety claims it made about Risperdal while marketing the drug, including to children.

Big Pharma's habit of paying medical professionals to recommend, market and prescribe their products regardless of the consequences is gathering more attention in recent times, such as in the case of Risperdal.

According to one lawsuit filed against the drug company giant, the FDA told J&J in 1997 that its request to market Risperdal for children was "without any justification." In the following years, J&J's arsenal of pharmaceutical sales reps made thousands of sales calls to child and adolescent psychiatrists. The company informed doctors that they qualified for the drug if they had as few as one adult patient displaying minor signs of schizophrenia.


15th August 2011, 07:43 PM
This whole "The kid has an SS# and is property of the state" shit is getting old.

SS# or not, the NWO PIG COPS kidnapped a girl from her mother because the mother didn't want her child injected with mercury and other poisons.

SS# or not, none of it is acceptable.

It's a troll post. Already lots of drama on here about these " freedom sovereigns."
The State and the Police are not to blame , the mom is, ROFL !
This is the same trash the main trolls on gim were posting, then this same guy on
here is posting this trash, he also got in my face and ximmy's face very early when
he joined, someone that knows us for sure from gim and was watching here,
and posts a lot of shill bullshit that I already linked to in other thread as good example,
then he plays games like other trolls, playing stupid. I pegged him as a troll from
the very beginning. Look who thanks him, lol . When you point to their behavior
and posting history they flip out claiming I am crying, lol , when they are, they don't
want their history brought up when it is very relevant, po boy is a better shill on here
than most cause he has some okay threads, the other 2 vocals are more obvious.
Their shilling and trolling becomes more blatant with time especially after you confront

15th August 2011, 07:54 PM
Police use Assault Weapons and Tank against Home School Mom wanting to protect daughter from Dangerous Medications

According to the Detroit News, a 56-year-old woman faces multiple felony charges and is being held on $500,000 bond after a 10-hour standoff with police, claiming she was protecting her 13-year-old daughter from unnecessary medication. The story which led to this incident, as reported in the Detroit News and The Voice of Detroit, is quite disturbing.

Maryanne Godboldo’s daughter was born with a defective foot that required amputation of her leg below the knee, which led to Maryanne becoming a stay-at-home mother after her birth.

These people are trying to establish some sort of precedent. Bloody outrageous criminals.

Detroit doesn't have problems, the P0000 LICE , baboons most of them have nothing
else to do.

Detroit is The shit hole of all the shit holes.

Detroit Police Chief: More officers expected on streets after a deadly weekend in the city



"Reducing violent crime is our number one priority. Chief Godbee and the men and women of the Detroit Police Department are working around the clock to bring these criminals to justice. Our community must continue to work with us to stop this kind of violence. Every resident deserves to be safe and feel safe in their neighborhood."

[ good luck that ]

po boy
16th August 2011, 04:50 AM
It's a troll post. Already lots of drama on here about these " freedom sovereigns."
The State and the Police are not to blame , the mom is, ROFL !
This is the same trash the main trolls on gim were posting, then this same guy on
here is posting this trash, he also got in my face and ximmy's face very early when
he joined, someone that knows us for sure from gim and was watching here,
and posts a lot of shill bullshit that I already linked to in other thread as good example,
then he plays games like other trolls, playing stupid. I pegged him as a troll from
the very beginning. Look who thanks him, lol . When you point to their behavior
and posting history they flip out claiming I am crying, lol , when they are, they don't
want their history brought up when it is very relevant, po boy is a better shill on here
than most cause he has some okay threads, the other 2 vocals are more obvious.
Their shilling and trolling becomes more blatant with time especially after you confront

All right oh self appointed form supervisor you still haven't brought up this dark history of poboy so lets see it.

Your good at calling people shills so bring it to light and save the form. You had 15 days to back up your claim that I'm a liar in another thread and as of last night you had not and then you post more bullshit here stroking yourself for all to see.What a sad joke.

"Quote Originally Posted by MAGNES View Post
Troll, go jump in a fire, you are a liar too playing games." you posted this 8/10

So what would Mag do to remedy this woman's situation? How did she become ensnared in the system?
I give you a hint so you can continue with your girly witch hunt it's called the doctrine of Parens Patria.

If you would spend half as much time looking for solutions as you do accusing members you may have found this out for yourself.

16th August 2011, 05:19 AM
It sure is but the stories won't stop coming wrong or right and all the bitching on how wrong it is won't change a thing.

What would be lovely to see is a politician come out and tell the people to stop whoring their children and them selves out to .gov.
That isn't going to happen and we should well know this by now sure it sucks but life isn't fair.

This lady's ignorance led to this, had she been told of these details she may have avoided the whole situation to start with.

Bitching may be fun but accomplishes NOTHING!

So you're saying that because the child likely has a SS#, she has been "whored out" to the government to do with as they will, in total disregard for all inalienable God-given rights?

You are telling me that the government has jurisdiction over Gods creation? Laughable.
Even people who don't believe in God should know that they never exited their mothers womb, raised their hand, and swore subordination to whatever government was in power in the land around them at the time.
I know I didn't come out, waving a white flag, saying "I submit to your authority and give you power to rule over me".
They take this by FORCE.

Let me tell you something , po boy. My kids have a SIN# because I didn't know any better at the time. The goverment or anyone else will pay dearly if they try to F with my kids. Just because they have that number does not mean that I give them power over my Children, whether they interpret it to be that way or not.

This woman didn't sit around a "bitch" about it when the NWO came for her kid: She picked up arms and had a f'ing ARMED STAND OFF, all by herself, against the detroit SWAT team, which exhibits the fact that she has more balls than any of the statist enablers on this forum.

16th August 2011, 05:21 AM
It's a troll post.

I know that. Joe King is usually the only guy that thanks him on those posts.

po boy
16th August 2011, 05:32 AM
God doesn't even claim your and your wife's creation is his.

The way the state looks at the situation is different from most people's view which is why people become angry and have stand off's with the swat team.

You choose to go that route you will lose your kid, is it morally right, of course not.Will you change their mind, doubt it.

Is the state going to educate you on how to avoid it wonderful services, well last I was in public school they were not and doubt that is going to change.

So attacking me for telling people to quit taking benefits from the state is truly sad, all the time you have spent could have been spent finding out what you have gotten your children into rather than planning for a violent stand off which is likely going to end badly for all involved.

Joe King
16th August 2011, 06:07 AM
You are telling me that the government has jurisdiction over Gods creation? Laughable.How so? Rights are modified and/or signed away by people all the time in order to grant jurisdiction over them to the government.
What do you think a marriage license is? Or a drivers licence? Or any other gov-granted "right" or benefit that you fell all over yourself to get?
ie it's you asking for and accepting to be under their jurisdiction. Did you not read what you signed?

That you made your own legal determination about your status, and then acted upon that determination, is all they are acting on in response to.
Once you agree they apply, there's no picking and choosing for you, as to which regulations you want to abide by. It's an all-or-none kinda deal.
...and do you really think God won't let you use your own free will to agree to be someones slave? It's called having another God before Him. Look around you. People do that all the time.

Even people who don't believe in God should know that they never exited their mothers womb, raised their hand, and swore subordination to whatever government was in power in the land around them at the time.
I know I didn't come out, waving a white flag, saying "I submit to your authority and give you power to rule over me".
They take this by FORCE.Perhaps not out of the womb, but did you not go sign documents that acknowledge their jurisdiction?
...but you didn't really mean to, right? ::)

Let me tell you something , po boy. My kids have a SIN# because I didn't know any better at the time. The goverment or anyone else will pay dearly if they try to F with my kids. Just because they have that number does not mean that I give them power over my Children, whether they interpret it to be that way or not.Then you need to teach your children the full implications of accepting gov benefits so that they might be able to make their own, truly informed choice upon reaching the age of majority.
ie that you need them to have a # now in order to make your life easier is no excuse for them not being able to make their own legal determination as to what applies to them.
To do anything less is to dis-serve them.

This woman didn't sit around a "bitch" about it when the NWO came for her kid: She picked up arms and had a f'ing ARMED STAND OFF, all by herself, against the detroit SWAT team, which exhibits the fact that she has more balls than any of the statist enablers on this forum.And just what did it gain her? All I see is that it made it even more certain that she'll not see her kid for a while.

I know that. Joe King is usually the only guy that thanks him on those posts.The realization that ones own hand is at least partly responsible for their current situation can be quite un-palatable to most people who currently see themselves as being 100% victimized by their circumstances.
ie cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch.

16th August 2011, 06:30 AM
How so? Rights are modified and/or signed away by people all the time in order to grant jurisdiction over them to the government.
What do you think a marriage license is? Or a drivers licence? Or any other gov-granted "right" or benefit that you fell all over yourself to get?
ie it's you asking for and accepting to be under their jurisdiction. Did you not read what you signed?

That you made your own legal determination about your status, and then acted upon that determination, is all they are acting on in response to.
Once you agree they apply, there's no picking and choosing for you, as to which regulations you want to abide by. It's an all-or-none kinda deal.
...and do you really think God won't let you use your own free will to agree to be someones slave? It's called having another God before Him. Look around you. People do that all the time.

Perhaps not out of the womb, but did you not go sign documents that acknowledge their jurisdiction?
...but you didn't really mean to, right? ::)

Then you need to teach your children the full implications of accepting gov benefits so that they might be able to make their own, truly informed choice upon reaching the age of majority.
ie that you need them to have a # now in order to make your life easier is no excuse for them not being able to make their own legal determination as to what applies to them.
To do anything less is to dis-serve them.

And just what did it gain her? All I see is that it made it even more certain that she'll not see her kid for a while.

The realization that ones own hand is at least partly responsible for their current situation can be quite un-palatable to most people who currently see themselves as being 100% victimized by their circumstances.
ie cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch.

I think I understand what you are saying, King. That dumb bitch should have known better than to give her kid a social security number. The fact that her kid was kidnapped from her, drugged, probably sexually assaulted, and subjected to the trauma of a military raid is entirely her own fault. The people doing the drugging, assaulting, kidnapping, and molesting were all just doing their jobs which we all wanted them to do from the very start.


16th August 2011, 06:38 AM
God doesn't even claim your and your wife's creation is his.

Ever read Genesis?

So attacking me for telling people to quit taking benefits from the state is truly sad, all the time you have spent could have been spent finding out what you have gotten your children into rather than planning for a violent stand off which is likely going to end badly for all involved.

I wasn't attacking you, I was putting questions to you, and speaking with conviction in my statements.

Also, I do know what I have gotten my children into. I also know that tyranny doesn't listen to reason, and violent stand-offs are exactly what is in store for everyone here when the NWO rears it's head without disguise.

po boy
16th August 2011, 07:44 AM
Ever read Genesis?

I wasn't attacking you, I was putting questions to you, and speaking with conviction in my statements.

Also, I do know what I have gotten my children into. I also know that tyranny doesn't listen to reason, and violent stand-offs are exactly what is in store for everyone here when the NWO rears it's head without disguise.

You have made your choices and you know the outcome of that choice so don't whine about it just raise the state's kid and stop bitching about it or work to undo what you did or hole up and fight it out.Sounds to me like violence is your answer rather than using your brain
For you to claim that you haven't attacked me on this form is a joke and a lie.

Joe King
16th August 2011, 07:51 AM
I think I understand what you are saying, King. That dumb bitch should have known better than to give her kid a social security number. The fact that her kid was kidnapped from her, drugged, probably sexually assaulted, and subjected to the trauma of a military raid is entirely her own fault. The people doing the drugging, assaulting, kidnapping, and molesting were all just doing their jobs which we all wanted them to do from the very start.

dysThe womans mistake was in accepting the benefit of public school, but then refusing to comply with the requirements that go along with that benefit.
ie she tried to "pick and choose" what she wanted to comply with.

Then she fired her gun while the police were there......bad move.
....and it didn't help her daughter one bit. In fact, by going off half-cocked she probably made her daughters situation worse.

So yea, the mom is responsible to the degree that she wanted something from the State, but didn't want to comply with everything that goes along with accepting the States benefits.
....and where does it say in the OP that the daughter was sexually assaulted?

16th August 2011, 11:07 AM
The womans mistake was in accepting the benefit of public school, but then refusing to comply with the requirements that go along with that benefit.
ie she tried to "pick and choose" what she wanted to comply with.

Then she fired her gun while the police were there......bad move.
....and it didn't help her daughter one bit. In fact, by going off half-cocked she probably made her daughters situation worse.

So yea, the mom is responsible to the degree that she wanted something from the State, but didn't want to comply with everything that goes along with accepting the States benefits.
....and where does it say in the OP that the daughter was sexually assaulted?

So what do you suppose might happen if everybody wised up and followed your advice, whatever that actually is?
Do you really believe the government would just shrivel up and disappear or something?

16th August 2011, 11:44 AM
Hahaha, santa.....

po boy
16th August 2011, 12:02 PM
So what do you suppose might happen if everybody wised up and followed your advice, whatever that actually is?
Do you really believe the government would just shrivel up and disappear or something?

Well if they actually read the things they sign and comprehended them and acted in the best interest of the child and themselves most likely you wouldn't be reading stories like this and if this happened on a large scale...

"...a republic if you can keep it."

16th August 2011, 01:27 PM
The womans mistake was in accepting the benefit of public school, but then refusing to comply with the requirements that go along with that benefit.
ie she tried to "pick and choose" what she wanted to comply with.

Then she fired her gun while the police were there......bad move.
....and it didn't help her daughter one bit. In fact, by going off half-cocked she probably made her daughters situation worse.

So yea, the mom is responsible to the degree that she wanted something from the State, but didn't want to comply with everything that goes along with accepting the States benefits.
....and where does it say in the OP that the daughter was sexually assaulted?

I defy you to show me where the 'requirements' of this benefit are formally and specifically disclosed.


po boy
16th August 2011, 02:10 PM
I defy you to show me where the 'requirements' of this benefit are formally and specifically disclosed.


There has been plenty of information posted all over this form if your inclined to look for it. Mick silver just linked a pdf of 'Invisible Contracts" also your local law library may have a copy of American Jurisprudence so you could look up citizenship, parens patria, also school registration and administration documents, laws/statutes regarding persons with disabilities act.

You could also look for a thread I started which links some of George Gordon's material or go to his sight and look for the common law series. That should keep you busy if your sincere.

Joe King
16th August 2011, 03:22 PM
I defy you to show me where the 'requirements' of this benefit are formally and specifically disclosed.


There has been plenty of information posted all over this form if your inclined to look for it. Mick silver just linked a pdf of 'Invisible Contracts" also your local law library may have a copy of American Jurisprudence so you could look up citizenship, parens patria, also school registration and administration documents, laws/statutes regarding persons with disabilities act.

You could also look for a thread I started which links some of George Gordon's material or go to his sight and look for the common law series. That should keep you busy if your sincere.

That's just it, he's not.

If he was he'd understand that if you want something the gov regulates, you have to play by its rulz.
Want your kid to go to public school? Then there are certain things you have to do in order to have your kid be able to go there.

Don't want to do those things? Then don't expect to send your kid to public school. Send 'em to private school instead, or home school them.

Remember, this lady didn't have any trouble until she tried to dictate how she was going accept the bennies that she asked for.

Do I think they went over-board with their enforcement? Yes, most definately.
...but remember, the 10 hour standoff with the SWAT team didn't start until she fired a shot inside her apartment.

If you have gov officials at your door and you pop off a cap, you should expect the po-po to be called on you.

16th August 2011, 04:53 PM
What irony. Detroit mother, Maryanne Godboldo, was just charged with child neglect for refusing to obey a Child Protective Services order to give her daughter Risperdal, a powerful psychoactive drug. Meanwhile federal and multiple state prosecutors are suing Johnson & Johnson for deceptively marketing the drug - including mismarketing its use on children - and hiding dangerous adverse effects. J&J now faces a potential $1 billion in damages.

Having earlier observed the drug's dreadful effects on her child, Maryanne was correctly pursuing holistic treatment for the child instead when the legal battle began. The jury's ruling, now handed down against the mother, is not only a travesty of justice, but a reflection of psychopharma's vast propaganda machine


Joe King
16th August 2011, 06:22 PM
Was she just charged, or has she had a trial already? Your post isn't very clear on that.

You're use of "the jurys ruling" sounds like she's already been on trial, but using the term "just charged" makes it sound as though only just been charged recently.

If she's only been charged, her atty should be able to introduce as evidence the fact that federal prosecutors are suing over the use of that drug in children.

16th August 2011, 07:01 PM
There has been plenty of information posted all over this form if your inclined to look for it. Mick silver just linked a pdf of 'Invisible Contracts" also your local law library may have a copy of American Jurisprudence so you could look up citizenship, parens patria, also school registration and administration documents, laws/statutes regarding persons with disabilities act.

You could also look for a thread I started which links some of George Gordon's material or go to his sight and look for the common law series. That should keep you busy if your sincere.

Every time you type the word "it", you owe me a beer. This is retroactive to the time you joined up to this forum as a member. It's an invisible contract. Pay up.

17th August 2011, 07:33 AM
There has been plenty of information posted all over this form if your inclined to look for it. Mick silver just linked a pdf of 'Invisible Contracts" also your local law library may have a copy of American Jurisprudence so you could look up citizenship, parens patria, also school registration and administration documents, laws/statutes regarding persons with disabilities act.

You could also look for a thread I started which links some of George Gordon's material or go to his sight and look for the common law series. That should keep you busy if your sincere.

This is a nonanswer. When I enroll my kid in school, for instance, they do not hand me a document listing the specific requirements associated with the so called 'priviledge'. The requirements may be vaguely insinuated by the American Jurisprudence, and in other places, but that is totally irrelevant as the American Jurisprudence is not contracting with parents enrolling their kids in schools. If the school does not hand me a contract listing the specific terms of said contract, then I have not contracted with the school outside of what is specifically and clearly disclosed in said contract. This is ridiculously obvious and you know that. If you and I make a contract for you to redo my septic system, for example, I cannot write an obscure internet document that says that you also have to do my electrical work, not tell you about it, and then claim that you should have known better and threaten to kill you. Fundamental common sense- the only things contracted for in contracts are those things that are specifically disclosed in contracts.
What else you got?


17th August 2011, 07:36 AM
That's just it, he's not.

If he was he'd understand that if you want something the gov regulates, you have to play by its rulz.
Want your kid to go to public school? Then there are certain things you have to do in order to have your kid be able to go there.

Don't want to do those things? Then don't expect to send your kid to public school. Send 'em to private school instead, or home school them.

Remember, this lady didn't have any trouble until she tried to dictate how she was going accept the bennies that she asked for.

Do I think they went over-board with their enforcement? Yes, most definately.
...but remember, the 10 hour standoff with the SWAT team didn't start until she fired a shot inside her apartment.

If you have gov officials at your door and you pop off a cap, you should expect the po-po to be called on you.

Their rules? WHAT rules? Again, these contracts do not disclose what you say are their rules. LOL, actually, many of these contracts don't even come with a written document that both parties have to sign. What else you got?


po boy
17th August 2011, 08:42 AM
This is a nonanswer. When I enroll my kid in school, for instance, they do not hand me a document listing the specific requirements associated with the so called 'priviledge'. The requirements may be vaguely insinuated by the American Jurisprudence, and in other places, but that is totally irrelevant as the American Jurisprudence is not contracting with parents enrolling their kids in schools. If the school does not hand me a contract listing the specific terms of said contract, then I have not contracted with the school outside of what is specifically and clearly disclosed in said contract. This is ridiculously obvious and you know that. If you and I make a contract for you to redo my septic system, for example, I cannot write an obscure internet document that says that you also have to do my electrical work, not tell you about it, and then claim that you should have known better and threaten to kill you. Fundamental common sense- the only things contracted for in contracts are those things that are specifically disclosed in contracts.
What else you got?


Go in and ask to see the student rule book or school administration policies,ask if you kid can attend without filling out the forms see what they tell you. Home school if you want. Write up your own contract for a private school if you like.

There is more than one type of contract, some are called adhesion contracts, citizenship has elements of a contract the offer (citizenship) your parents accepted a birth cert , and you used it to enroll in school and most likely haven changed you status as a US citizen,consideration is the duties and privileges a citizen is required to perform such as registering with selective service or right to hold public office, time, you remain a citizen until you expatriate.

The terms for SS are laid out in title 42 of the UScode sec.301-305

17th August 2011, 09:29 AM
Go in and ask to see the student rule book or school administration policies,ask if you kid can attend without filling out the forms see what they tell you. Home school if you want. Write up your own contract for a private school if you like.

There is more than one type of contract, some are called adhesion contracts, citizenship has elements of a contract the offer (citizenship) your parents accepted a birth cert , and you used it to enroll in school and most likely haven changed you status as a US citizen,consideration is the duties and privileges a citizen is required to perform such as registering with selective service or right to hold public office, time, you remain a citizen until you expatriate.

The terms for SS are laid out in title 42 of the UScode sec.301-305

In other words, the terms of your 'contracts' are created after the fact by one party at the expense of the other....actually it's worse than that as they are NEVER disclosed in a specific way to ANYONE.


po boy
17th August 2011, 09:41 AM
In other words, the terms of your 'contracts' are created after the fact by one party at the expense of the other....actually it's worse than that as they are NEVER disclosed in a specific way to ANYONE.


The US con, the organic laws of the US, your state statues and con, the US code and on and on are not disclosed?
It's public record! Ever heard of a freedom of information act?

It may be better for you to have .gov as your babbysitter as you fail at taking even the most minimum of effort to even look.

17th August 2011, 10:10 AM
The US con, the organic laws of the US, your state statues and con, the US code and on and on are not disclosed?
It's public record! Ever heard of a freedom of information act?

It may be better for you to have .gov as your babbysitter as you fail at taking even the most minimum of effort to even look.

Red herring. Nowhere in the US Constitution, even if interpreted in the ass backward way that the criminals interpret it, does it say that if I contract with a school that they can kidnap my kid. And nowhere does it say in the school contract that they can kidnap my kid in exchange for the benefit.


po boy
17th August 2011, 10:14 AM
Red herring. Nowhere in the US Constitution, even if interpreted in the ass backward way that the criminals interpret it, does it say that if I contract with a school that they can kidnap my kid. And nowhere does it say in the school contract that they can kidnap my kid in exchange for the benefit.


So what does it say? Post it.

17th August 2011, 10:28 AM
This is just more joe king and po boy bullshit, trying to blame the victims, as usual. Statist defenders, oligarch enablers.

The people in America and Canada are born on this soil, and are raised by parents who get them SS numbers because they have been told they have to if they want to go to school or have a job. It's the "norm" and to not get a SS# is radical and extremely incovenient for all parties involved.

The people have been inculcated with dogma to get their number, and it is absolutely wackey to even consider living your life without one, as far as 99.9% of the population is concerned. So here is Po boy taking up the torch for Joe king, insisting on deflecting the blame from the tyranical and bloated government that is slowly stripping away your rights and freedoms, and onto you.

As far as po boy is concerned, it's your fault for sitting in that chair if this happens:


The driver can't be blamed because you let him do it.

po boy
17th August 2011, 10:54 AM
This is just more joe king and po boy bullshit, trying to blame the victims, as usual. Statist defenders, oligarch enablers.

The people in America and Canada are born on this soil, and are raised by parents who get them SS numbers because they have been told they have to if they want to go to school or have a job. It's the "norm" and to not get a SS# is radical and extremely incovenient for all parties involved.

The people have been inculcated with dogma to get their number, and it is absolutely wackey to even consider living your life without one, as far as 99.9% of the population is concerned. So here is Po boy taking up the torch for Joe king, insisting on deflecting the blame from the tyranical and bloated government that is slowly stripping away your rights and freedoms, and onto you.


The driver can't be blamed because you let him do it.

I wouldn't want to live so close to the street.
Your argument is I know having an ssn and bc and citizenship is bad but it's to inconveniencing not to you so you accept the benefits but not the responsibilities or liabilities.Then you whine about it, classic.

17th August 2011, 11:13 AM
Thanks not what I'm saying, Joe in disguise.

What I'm saying is, if you were raised in a community to walk on your hands, and everyone you ever knew walked on their hands, and as far as you were taught in school, everyone every where walked on their hands, you are going to walk on your hands too.

Until one day you figure out that you can walk on your feet, and it is much more natural to do so.

This woman was learning how to "walk on her feet", defending her daughter from a bully-system of Pig cops, Doctors, and Child "protection" workers.

You keep blaming the woman because she may or may not had had her child registered with a SS#, and you keep saying "Tough luck, she agreed to having her child kidnapped by the state if she decided she wasn't going to comply with their tyranical system".

You make me sick.

Joe King
17th August 2011, 12:12 PM
Their rules? WHAT rules? Again, these contracts do not disclose what you say are their rules. LOL, actually, many of these contracts don't even come with a written document that both parties have to sign. What else you got?

dysI googled "how to enroll public school". One of the first links I got was this.

It clearly says that....
Parents registering their children for the first time in a Montgomery County public school must provide proof of age, identity, county residency and immunizations, unless homeless. Required immunizations must be completed within 20 days of registration.

Which is what the lady in the OP was doing.
ie declaring her daughters legal status and getting her daughter the immunizations that are required for the benefit of attending public school.

Then she thought her daughter had a reaction to one of them and took her to a place called The Childrens Center.
Where they made a diagnosis and perscribed a medication which the lady chose not to give to her daughter.

At this point, the question becomes, is there a law in her jurisdiction that requires doctors to report to CPS any parents who refuse treatment that has been determined necessary for the childs benefit?
I'd say probably so.

Which is when CPS shows up and mom whips out a gun. My question is, where excactly did she think it would all end up once she pulled the gun out and fired it?
Did she actually think everyone would just go away and all would be well?

I understand that she wanted what she felt was best for her child, but considering the actions she took, the lady was just about her own worst enemy.

Here's a few more samples, but they all say the same thing as far as requirements go.
...and do really think you won't have to sign a document agreeing to the requirements?


18th August 2011, 04:17 AM
I googled "how to enroll public school". One of the first links I got was this.

It clearly says that....
Parents registering their children for the first time in a Montgomery County public school must provide proof of age, identity, county residency and immunizations, unless homeless. Required immunizations must be completed within 20 days of registration.

Which is what the lady in the OP was doing.
ie declaring her daughters legal status and getting her daughter the immunizations that are required for the benefit of attending public school.

Then she thought her daughter had a reaction to one of them and took her to a place called The Childrens Center.
Where they made a diagnosis and perscribed a medication which the lady chose not to give to her daughter.

At this point, the question becomes, is there a law in her jurisdiction that requires doctors to report to CPS any parents who refuse treatment that has been determined necessary for the childs benefit?
I'd say probably so.

Which is when CPS shows up and mom whips out a gun. My question is, where excactly did she think it would all end up once she pulled the gun out and fired it?
Did she actually think everyone would just go away and all would be well?

I understand that she wanted what she felt was best for her child, but considering the actions she took, the lady was just about her own worst enemy.

Here's a few more samples, but they all say the same thing as far as requirements go.
...and do really think you won't have to sign a document agreeing to the requirements?


That is your excuse, huh? Piss poor. A google search is not a contract. It obligates no one to anything. Based on your logic I could make a link and title it: how to debate on message forums with dysgenic. Then all I would have to do is explain in my link that every time someone makes a stupid nonsensical comment in a debate against me, they owe me $1000. You'd owe me a fortune under your scenario.
You seem to be arguing that a school has the power to rule by decree. Guess what? They don't.


18th August 2011, 04:45 AM
I posted about this conspiracy years ago, in a GIM thread entitled "Cattle Children", because of the Children in Maryland that were herded in and forced vaccinations at gunpoint.

Here is that story: Link (http://www.naturalnews.com/022267.html)

This is not a new tactic. It is a police state which is set to to destroy the family unit, acting in conjunction with policy makers, in this case, the schools.

The formula is simple:
- Make it policy to vaccinate all students
- Make it illegal to not have your child enrolled into a brainwashing institution

If a parent (Such as this lady in Detroit) knows that the vaccinations are deadly, she refuses to get her child injected. Now her child can't attend public school. Being that she is stuck in detroit, likely single, she probably can't afford homeschooling or a private school. (All assumptions on my part)
Now the Child kidnapping services say she is not a provider. The kidnappers see it as child abuse if your child isn't enrolled into a sanctioned brainwashing institution (BWI).

So they steal your kid, destroy the family, and the kid is raised by the state. Ta-da!

This plan is old old old. Destruction of the family has always been a top priority for the conspirators. Forced subordination to the police state is a tool to be used for an end.

Anyways, around the time that I made a huge post on the Cattle Children incident, there was a massive attack going on throughout the different states on Homeschooling. The PTB were doing their utmost to make it nearly impossible to get their kids OUT of the public BWI's. There was a lot of heated discussion. It was a great thread.

The shills were saying the same shit in that thread in 2007 as the shills are saying in this thread now.

The plan is old, my friends.

po boy
18th August 2011, 05:29 AM
Good morning oh grouchy nemesis, hehe

It is well know that those who sleep on the duty to protect rights will lose them all. American's have been asleep at the wheel for far to long and now are not happy with the results and are looking for anyone to blame but themselves for the loss of rights they themselves failed to protect.
In a happy fun fun world there are no evil plots and planners but realistically it's always been a rugged struggle.

You can call me names and bitch about the evils of the state all you want, but until you quit CONSENTING to be governed and learn how to defend yourself from the tyrants without violence you'll remain a slave raising the states kids.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 05:38 AM
That is your excuse, huh? Piss poor. A google search is not a contract. It obligates no one to anything.How is it not? Those are the rules you have to agree to if you want your kid in it. You either agree to it, or your kid doesn't get into public school.
How do plan on enrolling your kid? At the point of a gun, or what?

Based on your logic I could make a link and title it: how to debate on message forums with dysgenic. Then all I would have to do is explain in my link that every time someone makes a stupid nonsensical comment in a debate against me, they owe me $1000. You'd owe me a fortune under your scenario.
You seem to be arguing that a school has the power to rule by decree. Guess what? They don't.

dysThat's a pretty weak analogy, dys. I showed you links to random school districts that all require a parent to make a legal determination as to their childs status and spells out the other requirements for enrolling a child in their school.
Same as what the lady in the OP faced.

Call it whatever you want, but you still have to agree to abide by their rules if you want to have your kids enrolled in their school. Don't want to abide by the rules? Fine. Send your kids to private school or home school them.

I posted about this conspiracy years ago, in a GIM thread entitled "Cattle Children", because of the Children in Maryland that were herded in and forced vaccinations at gunpoint.

Here is that story: Link (http://www.naturalnews.com/022267.html)

This is not a new tactic. It is a police state which is set to to destroy the family unit, acting in conjunction with policy makers, in this case, the schools.

The formula is simple:
- Make it policy to vaccinate all students
- Make it illegal to not have your child enrolled into a brainwashing institution

If a parent (Such as this lady in Detroit) knows that the vaccinations are deadly, she refuses to get her child injected.You must be trying to confuse the issue because she did in fact get her kid vaccinated. She did not refuse that.

Now her child can't attend public school. Being that she is stuck in detroit, likely single, she probably can't afford homeschooling or a private school. (All assumptions on my part)My assumption is that the child will get into public school now.

Now the Child kidnapping services say she is not a provider. The kidnappers see it as child abuse if your child isn't enrolled into a sanctioned brainwashing institution (BWI).

So they steal your kid, destroy the family, and the kid is raised by the state. Ta-da!Why did they leave her alone and not "steal" her kid prior to now?
The obviously didn't bother the lady for 13 years. Why didn't they "kidnap" the girl before now? Why wait 'til she's 13?

Is it possible that they didn't get involved until the mom made certain decisions that basicly invited them into her life?

This plan is old old old. Destruction of the family has always been a top priority for the conspirators. Forced subordination to the police state is a tool to be used for an end.How was it forced? She was left alone prior to her mom asking for State benefits.
ie she asked for the State to get involved, and it did.

18th August 2011, 06:09 AM
I googled "how to enroll public school". One of the first links I got was this.

It clearly says that....
Parents registering their children for the first time in a Montgomery County public school must provide proof of age, identity, county residency and immunizations, unless homeless. Required immunizations must be completed within 20 days of registration.

Excuse me Mr Law Professor, but do you know the Lawful definition of 'Must' and 'Required'?

You have proved it over and over, You know NOTHING about the Law.

po boy
18th August 2011, 06:13 AM
Excuse me Mr Law Professor, but do you know the Lawful definition of 'Must' and 'Required'?

You have proved it over and over, You know NOTHING about the Law.

Those are required for those wishing to enroll in public school.

There are private schools and home schooling.

18th August 2011, 06:30 AM
How is it not? Those are the rules you have to agree to if you want your kid in it. You either agree to it, or your kid doesn't get into public school.
How do plan on enrolling your kid? At the point of a gun, or what?.

It is not a contract because there is no signature attached to it. And even if there were a signature attached to it, it STILL wouldn't be a valid contract for 2 reasons:
1. coercion.
2. the school has 0 authority to enforce policy that is against the law (example: forced vaccinations). The real law, not the fake law, btw.

That's a pretty weak analogy, dys. I showed you links to random school districts that all require a parent to make a legal determination as to their childs status and spells out the other requirements for enrolling a child in their school.
Same as what the lady in the OP faced.

This is a lie. Nowhere in that link did the school ask the parent to make a legal determination of status.

Call it whatever you want, but you still have to agree to abide by their rules if you want to have your kids enrolled in their school. Don't want to abide by the rules? Fine. Send your kids to private school or home school them.

You most certainly do NOT have to agree to their rules, not if their rules are against the law.


Joe King
18th August 2011, 07:02 AM
It is not a contract because there is no signature attached to it. And even if there were a signature attached to it, it STILL wouldn't be a valid contract for 2 reasons:
1. coercion.
2. the school has 0 authority to enforce policy that is against the law (example: forced vaccinations). The real law, not the fake law, btw.
How was she coerced to enroll her child into public school? Per the article, she requested it.
How do they require the other students to get theirs?
...and either way, you are arguing a moot point because because she did not refuse vaccinations.

Try try again. lol

This is a lie. Nowhere in that link did the school ask the parent to make a legal determination of status.Yes, it does.

If you'd read the link you'd see that the parents are specifically asked about citizenship status, identity, and residency. {as well as other things}
The answers to those questions are made by the parent after having made a legal determination on behalf of their child.
ie the parent gets to decide what the answers are, and then the school acts accordingly.

You most certainly do NOT have to agree to their rules, not if their rules are against the law.

dysWithin the regulatory system the school operates in, the Courts have ruled they can make rules like those.

If it's truly un-Constitutional and you can prove it, take the school system to Court and get it all overturned....should be easy to do if you are in fact a party to the Constitution. Are you?

18th August 2011, 07:12 AM
Try try again. lol

You find it funny. You really are a sociopath.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 07:19 AM
You find it funny. You really are a sociopath.

What's funny is dys trying to make this about refusing vaccinations.
ie he was attempting to twist the topic of the thread to fit his personal agenda, just like Book would do, and I told him to try try again.

18th August 2011, 07:25 AM
What's funny is dys trying to make this about refusing vaccinations.
ie he was attempting to twist the topic of the thread to fit his personal agenda, just like Book would do, and I told him to try try again.

dys used vaccinations as an example. The specific, and very much related, problem in this case were the SSRI meds the child was forced to take.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 07:30 AM
dys used vaccinations as an example. The specific, and very much related, problem in this case were the SSRI meds the child was forced to take.
After having asked for treatment.

As I already asked, in her State is there a requirement on the part of health care providers to report parents who refuse treatment that's been determined by the health care provider to be necessary?
...and if those regulations exist, is the mothers status such that she has previously bound herself to abide by those regulations?

po boy
18th August 2011, 08:20 AM


States with Religious and Philosophical Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements
March 2011

All fifty states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students. Although exemptions vary from state to state, all school immunization laws grant exemptions to children for medical reasons. Almost all states, except Mississippi and West Virginia, grant religious exemptions for people who have religious beliefs against immunizations. Twenty states allow philosophical exemptions for those who object to immunizations because of a personal, moral or other beliefs.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 08:30 AM
Apparently, had the lady claimed an exemption she could have avoided all of her troubles.

Instead, she chose to make a legal determination that wasn't in her best interest.

Ignorance or freedom.....pick one or the other.

18th August 2011, 08:31 AM
Thanks for the informative discussion here 'both sides'. Basically I think your both right. The root problem here is a faulty medical system insisting on a treatment with significant probability, such as in this family's case, of making a person's health worse, and for no direct benefit.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 08:40 AM
Thanks for the informative discussion here 'both sides'. Basically I think your both right. The root problem here is a faulty medical system with significant probability, such as in this family's case, of making a person's health worse, not better.

Which is why I previously posted that her attry should introduce as evidence the fact the the fed gov hasn't approved that medication in children.

Remember, I never said I agreed with the medical facility/CPS actions, but rather only tried to explain the mechanism at work.
If you don't understand the mechanism at work, you're liable to pop off a cap in a frustrated and mis-guided attempt at "fixing" the situation.
...and I'd really like it if people avoided doing that, as it doesn't help at all.

18th August 2011, 08:48 AM
It is not a contract because there is no signature attached to it. And even if there were a signature attached to it, it STILL wouldn't be a valid contract for 2 reasons:
1. coercion.
2. the school has 0 authority to enforce policy that is against the law (example: forced vaccinations). The real law, not the fake law, btw.

This is a lie. Nowhere in that link did the school ask the parent to make a legal determination of status.

You most certainly do NOT have to agree to their rules, not if their rules are against the law.


Dys, don't get trolled away from your main focus.

The school cannot write or enforce Law.
They can write and enforce Policy.
If their policy is that all kids must be vaccinated to attend, they can (and will) enfore that.
The Government has made it illegal for your child to not attend a BWI.

That's why she had an armed standoff with NWO pigs. Her house wasn't surrounded by armed teachers who were trying to enforce a law, the NWO pigs are the strongarm to enforce vaccinations, by way of making truancy illegal.

18th August 2011, 09:05 AM
Good morning oh grouchy nemesis, hehe

It is well know that those who sleep on the duty to protect rights will lose them all. American's have been asleep at the wheel for far to long and now are not happy with the results and are looking for anyone to blame but themselves for the loss of rights they themselves failed to protect.
In a happy fun fun world there are no evil plots and planners but realistically it's always been a rugged struggle.

You can call me names and bitch about the evils of the state all you want, but until you quit CONSENTING to be governed and learn how to defend yourself from the tyrants without violence you'll remain a slave raising the states kids.

Good morning, Joe King Parrot, and well paid .gov agent

I would actually assume that you and Joe were one-in-the-same, if it weren't for your IP addresses.
So then, for the last time, for the sake of the lurkers, I will point out that you are using the same arguements as your "Thanks buddy".

1) You are blaming the victim. (The people who are losing their freedoms UNKNOWINGLY because of a group of elite that work in SECRECY.

2) You are exonerating the conspirators. It is that simple.

So I will state that you are "way the fuck off" on all of this. Way off.
If you don't understand how or why you are way off, allow me to use a simple example.

If you were sitting in your livingroom and a man quietly broke into your house, crept up behind you, pounced out from the shadows and knocked you out (Totally blindsided you) before you had a chance to react, and then robbed you, you are not to blame.
You would be the victim of that mans plan, which he hatched and carried out in secrecy.

When you woke up, you would be pissed, and you would seek justice, and you might even take some form of action, but you certainly would not be to blame for letting the mugging happen.

And don't bother trying to muddy shit up by blah blah blabbing about how "You shouldn't have been sitting there without an alarm system" or whatever approach your supervisor tells you to take.

Not everyone is tricked by your bullshit circle talk.

I reiterate:

1) You are blaming the victim in every situation involving the conspiracy.
2) You are exonerating the conspirators.

It really is that simple.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 09:09 AM
Dys, don't get trolled away from your main focus.

The school cannot write or enforce Law.
They can write and enforce Policy.
If their policy is that all kids must be vaccinated to attend, they can (and will) enfore that.
The Government has made it illegal for your child to not attend a BWI.

That's why she had an armed standoff with NWO pigs. Her house wasn't surrounded by armed teachers who were trying to enforce a law, the NWO pigs are the strongarm to enforce vaccinations, by way of making truancy illegal.She was the one trying to get her kid into school, not trying to keep her out of it.
ie where did you get the impression that she was keeping her child from attending school? ie that the police were there enforcing a truancy violation?

Oh wait, you can't see this post, can you? lol

18th August 2011, 09:15 AM
Remember, I never said I agreed with the medical facility/CPS actions, but rather only tried to explain the mechanism at work.
If you don't understand the mechanism at work, you're liable to pop off a cap in a frustrated and mis-guided attempt at "fixing" the situation.
...and I'd really like it if people avoided doing that, as it doesn't help at all.
Do the cops get the Nuremberg defense shipping family members off for this? If not using force to stop the significant probability of maiming of one's children then when?

But yes, for those families, it will make things much much worse.

In the longer term, the system in such case could decide to stop enforcing mandatory health maiming treatments with no direct benefit on aware parent's kids, or they will have to demonize parents with kids as terrorists and extremists. That could blow out the usefulness of the terrorism meme.

Joe King
18th August 2011, 09:20 AM
I will state that you are "way the fuck off" on all of this. Way off.
If you don't understand how or why you are way off, allow me to use a simple example.

If you were sitting in your livingroom and a man quietly broke into your house, crept up behind you, pounced out from the shadows and knocked you out (Totally blindsided you) before you had a chance to react, and then robbed you, you are not to blame.
You would be the victim of that mans plan, which he hatched and carried out in secrecy.
Your analogy is flawed in that none of the regulations the lady was trying to comply with were enacted in secrecy.
Try try again. lol

When you woke up, you would be pissed, and you would seek justice, and you might even take some form of action, but you certainly would not be to blame for letting the mugging happen.Of course not. In your analogy the perp committed a crime. Several of them, actually.

And don't bother trying to muddy shit up by blah blah blabbing about how "You shouldn't have been sitting there without an alarm system" or whatever approach your supervisor tells you to take.You're the one muddying stuff up.

Not everyone is tricked by your bullshit circle talk.

I reiterate:

1) You are blaming the victim in every situation involving the conspiracy.
2) You are exonerating the conspirators.

It really is that simple.At what point does personal responsibility come into play relative to knowing what you are and what it is you are asking for when applying foir gov benefits?

Oh wait, you've still got me on ignore, right? lol

po boy
18th August 2011, 10:02 AM
Good morning, Joe King Parrot, and well paid .gov agent

I would actually assume that you and Joe were one-in-the-same, if it weren't for your IP addresses.
So then, for the last time, for the sake of the lurkers, I will point out that you are using the same arguements as your "Thanks buddy".

1) You are blaming the victim. (The people who are losing their freedoms UNKNOWINGLY because of a group of elite that work in SECRECY.

2) You are exonerating the conspirators. It is that simple.

I never once blamed the child my comprehension deficient friend.
I placed they blame squarely where it should rest with the parent the first and most important participant in this whole
shitty situation.The mother was ignorant of her rights and duties as parent turned babysitter by her actions!
This should have never happened to this child or any other as the Mother had a child without educating herself to the pitfalls of child rearing.This education and planning should have started well before the point of conception not ended up with the child in foster care and the mother going off half cocked.She will not win a game of violence with the state as it shows, the state or her attorney are not going to teach you where the hole in the fence is or where the booby traps are that is why the parents are most likely going to lose this child.

You don't like the way the game is played and I don't either but that doesn't change it.I advocate educating yourself on the issue rather than complaining about proven losing strategy for that you say I blamed the child?

These stories are just yellow journalism which pisses people off but tells them nothing at the same time.

Read and weep.

Gary North's Introduction to...
The Children Trap

Biblical Principles for Education
by: Robert Thoburn

by Gary North

Meeting with a group of Christians in Austin [Texas] on May 19, 1986, [Attorney General James] Mattox revealed his true colors when asked, "Is it true that the State of Texas owns Our children? " Mattox retorted, "Yes, it is true... and not only your children, but you, too"

Hard to believe, isn't it? Yet this is an ancient view in the United States. John Swett served as California's Superintendent of Public Instruction from 1863 to 1868. In 1864, he published the First Biennial Report of his office. He cited favorably several judicial decisions in eastern states. Among them was this:

Parents have no remedy as against the teacher-As a general thing, the only persons who have a legal right to give orders to the teacher, are his employers--namely, the committee in some States, and in others the Director of Trustees. If his conduct is approved of by his employees, the parents have no remedy as against him or them ...

"On March 28, 1874, the California Legislature made it a penal offense for parents to send their children to private schools without the consent of the local state school trustees.''

How did Christian parents allow themselves to be swept into supporting the public .school movement? Why do they still continue to support it financially and verbally? Why haven't they risen up in political revenge against anyone who proposes tax financing of education, a public school monopoly, or state-imposed standards on Christian schools? I have three answers. First, because they have believed a lie, that the state is responsible for educating children. Second, because they are cheap, and foolishly seek to compel other people to pay for the education of Christian children. Third, because they have believed Satan's number-one lie, the myth of neutrality.

18th August 2011, 10:07 AM
Like hell.

God is sovereign. State is man made. They void their validity by making man-made laws, which is in violation of the Father's direct orders.

So circle talk all you want, but the mother is not to blame for trying to intervene and protect her child from dangerous drugs: The state is to blame for kidnapping and attempted poisoning.

No man or law is above the Lord.

po boy
18th August 2011, 10:17 AM
Like hell.

God is sovereign. State is man made. They void their validity by making man-made laws, which is in violation of the Father's direct orders.

So circle talk all you want, but the mother is not to blame for trying to intervene and protect her child from dangerous drugs: The state is to blame for kidnapping and attempted poisoning.

Don't let me stop you from playing the states limited liability game although you may want to read the rule book.

No man or law is above the Lord.

Do you send your kids to public school,if so you are in violation of God's law.You shall have no God's before me!
Have citizenship you have chosen your God.

18th August 2011, 10:19 AM
My kids go to a Christian school. Man, you're getting desperate.

po boy
18th August 2011, 11:22 AM
My kids go to a Christian school. Man, you're getting desperate.

A 501c3 incorporation with a license who created those? Do you pay them in gold or silver or FRN. The desperation is not mine as I don't babysit the states children and if I realized I was I would take steps to correct that mistake.

As far as the sovereign issue the state considers the state sovereign here on earth even though they still recognize the bible as a moral compass for those brave enough to apply those arguments.http://www.provethebible.net/T2-Hist/H-0901.htm

23rd December 2014, 05:59 AM
1 hour, 2nd hour behind pay wall :rolleyes:

Factor Nine – Attorney Allison Fulmar – Child Abduction by the State and Forced Medication (http://puremomentum.net/factor-nine-attorney-allison-fulmar-child-abduction-by-the-state-and-forced-medication-2/) http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Allison-Fulmar-Graphic.png (http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Allison-Fulmar-Graphic.png)Allison Fulmar / Pamela Tartar

Factor Nine Hour 1 Mp3 Download (http://puremomentum.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/FN12_22_20114AllisonFulmarHour1.mp3)
About Your Guest Attorney Allison Folmar has been an Attorney for 15 years in the State of Michigan. While in law school Allison received an Award of Excellence in the field of juvenile law.

Earlier years:

From 1988-1994 Allison was a Corrections Officer for the State of Michigan Department of Corrections and then went on to become a Probations Officer. Allison assisted in restructuring the Federal mandated Interstate Contact Agreement whereby people on probation and parole are handled so as not to fall through the cracks.

On the day Maryanne Godboldo’s story broke. Attorney Allison Folmar was in her car listening the radio. She heard about the police stand off and her first thought was: “This woman is protecting her child from being drugged and they’re gonna take her baby? “Oh, no they’re not!”

The next day Allison took on the case pro bono.

And so began her 10 month battle on behalf of Maryanne Godboldo and her daughter.

She fought and won two legal battles on the fundamental premise that charging a parent with medical neglect for refusing to give their child a deadly drug is not only a complete oxymoron but a violation of the law. PLEASE SUPPORT MARY ANNE GODBOLDO. HER WEBSITE IS justice4maryanne.com (http://www.justice4maryanne.com) WRITE OR CALL THE PROSECUTOR KYM WORTHY, TELLING HER TO STOP PROSECUTING AND PERSECUTING MARY ANNE GODBOLDO.