View Full Version : Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 05:31 AM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

I should have started this thread earlier but better late than never. A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this and I do not mean to sound bearish on silver but Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. This is my gut feeling prediction for the DOG for 2011. My reason for stating this is simply that silver is IMO going up to far too fast and there will be a big correction that will smack it down to the $20's. You also have to look at the fact the silver finished 2010 up 83%. Silver will recover from the upcoming smackdown later this year but it will not recover fast enough to hit $50 this year. People are saying that JPMorgan is losing control of silver, maybe they are but JPM can still smack it down and that is what I think they will do and they will do it before $50. I will also admit that this silver move is scary and it will get ugly on the way down. As I write this, the silver high so far for 2011 is $42.74. That is $7.26 away from hitting $50.00.

Sometime after the year 2011 ends, I think that silver will eventually hit (and easily surpass) the $50 mark. The long term negative funamentals of the U.S. dollar still favor silver (and gold) to go up.

I also want to state that I like silver but for a different reason than most on this board. I am a silver art bar collector. I am still going to buy silver art bars whether silver hits $50 this year or not. I want to empasize here that this is a gut feeling prediction and I do not have anything to back up this gut feeling prediction. There are probably some silver charts and other TA findings that will contradict what my gut feeling is telling me about silver but I am sticking to my gut feeling and again it is saying that..............

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

EDIT: If my gut feeling prediction ends up being wrong and silver does indeed hit $50 in 2011, then I will settle my bet with Ponce by giving him 3 rolls of tp and I will also admit that my gut feeling prediction was wrong and will apologize for sounding bearish on silver. :) Like I said before, I feel that I am right on this when I say that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011 and I will stick by that.

15th April 2011, 05:40 AM
You seem a bit uncertain:

I am still going to buy silver art bars whether silver hits $50 this year or not.

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 05:50 AM
You seem a bit uncertain:

I am still going to buy silver art bars whether silver hits $50 this year or not.

Not uncertain. I am very positive that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. My gut says so and I will stand by my gut feeling and I will be right. ;D I am not going to stop buying silver art bars. I am a collector and my goal is to find rare silver art bars that are on my silver art bar "wish list".

The only things that would stop me from buying silver art bars would be if 1.) I become so "FRN challenged" to the point that I could no longer afford to buy silver art bars or 2.) Death.

15th April 2011, 05:56 AM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will WILL hit $50 in 2011

Fixed it for you. ;D

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 05:58 AM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will WILL hit $50 in 2011

Fixed it for you. ;D

Osoab's grade = FAIL!!!!!!


Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. :)

15th April 2011, 06:06 AM
You spooked me you SOB! ;D

I just sold my blocks of shares of SIL and PSLV - made a ton of money - don't want to be greedy. ;D

Anyway, I still own a lot of paper silver. But, I wanted to increase the weighting of gold and cash in the short term: mission accomplished. I think gold is lagging and due for a move. It has built a nice base around $1450 - 1475. We shall see.

15th April 2011, 06:55 AM
I predict Ponce's gonna put those three rolls of TP and your apology in a special display case in his bathroom! ;D


15th April 2011, 07:57 AM

Why dig in your heels and act like a hard head?

Do you have a working crystal ball?

You have NO control over the POS. The best you can do would be to maintain flexability and follow the trend, and the trend is up!

Large Sarge
15th April 2011, 08:06 AM
if silvert art bar can predict the rise or fall of the dollar, then he might have a chance at predicting the price of silver

But all the silver has been used up, supply and demand alone say the price will rise

the coming hyperinflation is just "gravy" as they say.....

15th April 2011, 08:06 AM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

My reason for stating this is simply that silver is IMO going up to far too fast and there will be a big correction that will smack it down to the $20's.

Party Pooper

Look man-

There's no reason to be a spoil sport about it.

If it hits 48 or 49 - then drops a few bux in a days time, just sell some for paper to trade when it gets bak to te 20's.
you win - I win.

If it hits 50 - Kill some crows and grab your apron.

Seems we are all winning either way. http://cdn.videogum.com/files/2011/03/charlie_sheen_winning.jpg

WE are ALL holding SILVER-- woot

15th April 2011, 08:18 AM
This is my gut feeling prediction for the DOG for 2011.

oh well damn, let me send this to cnbc, bloomberg, china, india, and all the sovereign wealth funds! This is breaking news!!!! :lol:

15th April 2011, 08:48 AM
EA (Emotional Analysis) is a strong motivator, best of luck on your prediction.

15th April 2011, 10:35 AM
At this rate we'll be going over 60...

15th April 2011, 10:44 AM
At this rate we'll be going over 60...

Now you will really get Art riled up. :lol

15th April 2011, 11:02 AM
Silver will NOT hit $50 THIS WEEK

much better

15th April 2011, 11:27 AM
I maintain that the move from $40 to $50 will be faster than the move from $30 to $40. Meaning, it took silver two months to move from $30 to $40, so we'll hit $50 on or before the first week of June.

15th April 2011, 11:40 AM
I maintain that the move from $40 to $50 will be faster than the move from $30 to $40. Meaning, it took silver two months to move from $30 to $40, so we'll hit $50 on or before the first week of June.
It has a psychological hurdle though in the all time high from 1980. $49.45! I'll say we go up and touch around there, go down to 20's in the summer, charge through $50 January-March 2012, and after that we'll see some real gains! The gains we have had the last 8 months (130%) need a floor!

15th April 2011, 11:50 AM
I maintain that the move from $40 to $50 will be faster than the move from $30 to $40. Meaning, it took silver two months to move from $30 to $40, so we'll hit $50 on or before the first week of June.
It has a psychological hurdle though in the all time high from 1980. $49.45! I'll say we go up and touch around there, go down to 20's in the summer, charge through $50 January-March 2012, and after that we'll see some real gains! The gains we have had the last 8 months (130%) need a floor!

That's funny... because the dollar is going to increase in value during this time... ::)

15th April 2011, 12:00 PM
I maintain that the move from $40 to $50 will be faster than the move from $30 to $40. Meaning, it took silver two months to move from $30 to $40, so we'll hit $50 on or before the first week of June.
It has a psychological hurdle though in the all time high from 1980. $49.45! I'll say we go up and touch around there, go down to 20's in the summer, charge through $50 January-March 2012, and after that we'll see some real gains! The gains we have had the last 8 months (130%) need a floor!

That's funny... because the dollar is going to increase in value during this time... ::)

It is not totally unlikely the dollar will increase in value, against Japanese Yen, Euro, Swiss Franc, and British Pound over the summer. It has decreased in value against silver since September 2010, then the Dollar was worth 1/18th Ounce of Silver, now 1/43rd Ounce of Silver. Summer of 2008 Dollar went from 1/21st ounce of silver to 1/8th, that was painful! Ouch! Don't be too confident!

15th April 2011, 12:08 PM
Here's a song for the peeps who await a pullback for to purchase metal... :'(

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.


1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 01:53 PM
I maintain that the move from $40 to $50 will be faster than the move from $30 to $40. Meaning, it took silver two months to move from $30 to $40, so we'll hit $50 on or before the first week of June.

I will have to respectfully disagree with you on this Madfranks. The smackdown will occur before it hits $50 and I still believe that the correction will be severe since it ran up too much too fast IMO and that was after it finished the year 2010 up 83%. Silver will recover after the smackdown but it will not make it to $50 this year. I also beleive that the U.S. dollar will have a short term rally (but long term still downward movement) and that will bring silver down in the short-term. There will be no $50 silver before the first week of June and it will not hit $50 silver at all in 2011. It would not surprise me at all if silver ended up finishing in the red for 2011 but I will not predict that. I will leave that to someone else to predict. :)

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 01:59 PM
Silver will NOT hit $50 THIS WEEK

much better

While that is now true that it did not hit $50 this week, I will stand by my gut feeling prediction that it will NOT hit $50 this year. :)

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 02:00 PM
At this rate we'll be going over 60...

Ximmy, you will be very disappointed since it will not even hit $50 this year. If you need a shoulder to cry on, then I will be here for you. ;D ;) :D

15th April 2011, 02:06 PM
At this rate we'll be going over 60...

Ximmy, you will be very disappointed since it will not even hit $50 this year. If you need a shoulder to cry on, then I will be here for you. ;D ;) :D

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 02:12 PM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

My reason for stating this is simply that silver is IMO going up to far too fast and there will be a big correction that will smack it down to the $20's.

Party Pooper

Look man-

There's no reason to be a spoil sport about it.

If it hits 48 or 49 - then drops a few bux in a days time, just sell some for paper to trade when it gets bak to te 20's.
you win - I win.

If it hits 50 - Kill some crows and grab your apron.

Seems we are all winning either way. http://cdn.videogum.com/files/2011/03/charlie_sheen_winning.jpg

WE are ALL holding SILVER-- woot


Hahahah!!!!! Hey JJ, I am not a party pooper and I am not a spoil sport. It is just a gut feeling prediction that I have and I feel that I will be right on it. I do, however, agree 100% with you when you stated that we are all winning since we hold silver. I am not scared of the upcoming silver smackdown since I am not an investor and I do not trade paper. I am just a silver art bar collector with a gut feeling predicton that does not agree with the general GSUS community.

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 02:22 PM

Why dig in your heels and act like a hard head?

Do you have a working crystal ball?

You have NO control over the POS. The best you can do would be to maintain flexability and follow the trend, and the trend is up!

I currently do not have a crystal ball but I have the second best thing and that is my gut feeling. ;D You are right in that I have NO control over the POS. I never said that I had control over the POS. I think that JPMorgan still has some control over the POS and they will smack it down again. I have no doubt about that but it will recover but not enough for it to hit $50 this year. This may be an unpopular view but I am going to stick with it. ;D

15th April 2011, 02:25 PM

Why dig in your heels and act like a hard head?

Do you have a working crystal ball?

You have NO control over the POS. The best you can do would be to maintain flexability and follow the trend, and the trend is up!

I currently do not have a crystal ball but I have the second best thing and that is my gut feeling. ;D You are right in that I have NO control over the POS. I never said that I had control over the POS. I think that JPMorgan still has some control over the POS and they will smack it down again. I have no doubt about that but it will recover but not enough for it to hit $50 this year. This may be an unpopular view but I am going to stick with it. ;D

silver art, you can use my ximball... :P


1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 02:29 PM

Why dig in your heels and act like a hard head?

Do you have a working crystal ball?

You have NO control over the POS. The best you can do would be to maintain flexability and follow the trend, and the trend is up!

I currently do not have a crystal ball but I have the second best thing and that is my gut feeling. ;D You are right in that I have NO control over the POS. I never said that I had control over the POS. I think that JPMorgan still has some control over the POS and they will smack it down again. I have no doubt about that but it will recover but not enough for it to hit $50 this year. This may be an unpopular view but I am going to stick with it. ;D

silver art, you can use my ximball... :P



Nah. That's ok. I prefer to use my gut feeling. :P

EDIT: Hey Ximmy, on second thought, I think that I will use your Ximball. Let's see..............Hmmmm................This is very interesting...............The Ximball is also saying that Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. ;D

15th April 2011, 05:53 PM
Hear me out 1970sa. Let us look at this from Silver's point of view.

1) Has had Gold looking down on it all it's life.
2) Has had to resort to a come hither low price to attract attention to itself it's whole life.
3) Considered the "ugly one" it's whole life.
4) Laughed at it's whole life.
5) Never got any respect it's whole life.
6) Even people who like it call it "junk".
7) Lives a tarnished life.
8) Manipulated by bankers it's whole life.
9)Hated by lawyers

Now if this where you wouldn't you be ready to EXPLODE

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 06:13 PM
Hear me out 1970sa. Let us look at this from Silver's point of view.

1) Has had Gold looking down on it all it's life.
2) Has had to resort to a come hither low price to attract attention to itself it's whole life.
3) Considered the "ugly one" it's whole life.
4) Laughed at it's whole life.
5) Never got any respect it's whole life.
6) Even people who like it call it "junk".
7) Lives a tarnished life.
8) Manipulated by bankers it's whole life.
9)Hated by lawyers

Now if this where you wouldn't you be ready to EXPLODE

Well................You have to consider that, for the most part, it has been "exploding" since it broke $21 in 2010. This has been a very good run for silver. Besides, I do not want to see it explode only to see it crash hard. I rather see silver NOT hit $50 this year and instead go through a decent correction and establish some sort of "floor" (i.e. support) and in 2012 (or later), it can "explode" again. If silver attempts to go straight to "da moon" without a significant correction, then it will crash land right back to earth in my opinion.

1970 silver art
15th April 2011, 07:20 PM
I agree with you Artie. $50 is the magic number for silver and if it hits it, there will be a lot of MSM coverage. No Hunt brothers this time around, but I'm sure their story will be brought up over and over again.

Many PM bugs get too emotional over the highs and the lows of spot prices. I know as a slack jawed newbie in 2008 I fell victim. I was completely stunned by the over 50% haircut silver took and didn't buy any physical for the $5-$6 premium asking price when silver bottomed out at a snatch hair below $9. I was too emotional (distraught) and inexperienced to realize that I should have been buying with both fists regardless of the premium because silver was "on sale".

We must remember that a repeat of 2008 is not out of the question. Silver is the volatile little brother that has violent swings in both directions. We can all joke and party now, but we must keep our emotions in check, particularly if Ag gets taken behind the woodshed for another vicious beating.

What will the premium be if silver does fall back into the 20's?

What will the premium be if silver does fall back into the 20's? That's a very good question. I honestly do not know but I will make a wild guess what it might be. If silver falls sharply down very quickly, then premiums could be very high. You also have to keep in mind that the bullion dealers do not want to lose money on the silver when they bought it when spot was high.

For example, with current spot at $43, a dealer buys 20 oz's of silver from Joe Sixpack seller for $3 under spot ($40). The dealer sells 10 oz's of the 20 oz's he bought from Joe Sixpack (for $40) and sells it for $45.00 (a $2 premium over spot that a customer pays when spot is $43.00 and a $5 profit for the dealer from the spread ($45-$40 = $5) Let's say that a week later, spot falls very hard from $43 to $35, then the lowest price that the dealer can go to is $40 (the price that he paid) to breakeven. So he sells the remaining 10 oz's for $40 each when spot is $35. That is a $5 premium over spot when spot is $35 but the dealer only broke even selling at $40 in this example despite the increased premium. Another week later, If spot continues to fall and it falls to $33, then the premium goes to $7 over spot because the dealer cannot lower his price below $40 since that would mean that he would lose money on each 1-oz sale of the remaining 10 oz's that he bought from Joe Sixpack seller for $40. This is the best example that I can create in my mind to illustrate what premiums could possibly do if silver falls quickly from current spot silver levels to, for example, $20 especially if the dealer cannot move the silver fast enough when spot is falling quickly.

I think that IMO it is possible for silver premiums to go up if spot silver falls to $20-$25 especially if it is steep and quick drop in the paper spot price but honestly I do not know and someone who is more knowledgeable than me can chime in and correct me if I am wrong on this.

15th April 2011, 07:48 PM
This is how I honestly think it is going to play the rest of this year. A rise in less than a Month that will get Silver over the old 1980 high. Then a slow orderly retreat back to the low 40 dollar range by September that will frustrate those looking to make a killing shorting Silver. Then back to rally mode.

15th April 2011, 09:41 PM
Joking aside, I actually do think that silver will have a major correction(s) this summer, it's the climb into winter that will tell the tale for 50 frns. Personally, I don't think we will ever see 30 frns ever again, but the upside potential is usually high going through the last quarter of the year. If you are going to sell silver or trade the GSR for gold, now is a good time to do that IMHO. I base my reasonings (predictions, dart throws, SWAGS,etc.) on this chart from 321gold.com: ;)

2c, R.

15th April 2011, 11:10 PM

Hmmm.... Are you sure about this?

1970 silver art
16th April 2011, 04:24 AM
This is how I honestly think it is going to play the rest of this year. A rise in less than a Month that will get Silver over the old 1980 high. Then a slow orderly retreat back to the low 40 dollar range by September that will frustrate those looking to make a killing shorting Silver. Then back to rally mode.

Silver will NOT make it to $50 before the major smack down occurs. This is what I really believe. The smackdown will occur well before the Summertime begins and once the smack down occurs, then I see it going down somewhere to the $20's at the very worst and then it will recover during the rest of this year (recovery starting in late Summer/early Fall) but it will not recover enough from the smack down lows to hit $50 in 2011.

Silver is NOT going to hit $50 this year.

Large Sarge
16th April 2011, 06:18 AM
Eric Sprott


Large Sarge
16th April 2011, 06:19 AM
Extreme Silver shortages reported on widespread basis

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/4/15_Rick_Rule_-_Extreme_Silver_Tightness_Causing_Delivery_Problem s.html

Large Sarge
16th April 2011, 06:21 AM
Goldseek radio on Silver (W/ Bill murphy)

Bill mentions: Eric sprott and others "no meaningful correction for silver until $90 at least"

Hang on and enjoy the ride....


16th April 2011, 03:20 PM
Ragnarok , what charting platform do you use to show the chart?

akso, does Silver or Gold have seasonal patterns?

18th April 2011, 06:39 AM
Robert, I don't make the charts, they are always available here:

For silver: http://www.321gold.com/charts/seasonal_silver.html
For gold: http://www.321gold.com/charts/seasonal_gold.html

Silver and gold exhibit "seasonality" in the sense that they are more or less desired/in demand during certain parts of the year. I don't know what data is used to generate the charts, though I have found them to be fairly accurate indicators of where Ag and Au prices go during the year. Of course, going forward there's no guarantee the metals will exactly follow the charts, that's why there's a 15 and 40 year graph, so that the changes over long time spans can be evaluated. If the chart for silver holds as it has in the past, I expect silver to continue rising into May, but experience a precipitous decline into the "usual" yearly low at the end of June.

2c, R.

Large Sarge
18th April 2011, 08:24 AM
remember, 80% of the price move up is done in the last 20% of the time (the mania)

if we are entering that phase, as sinclair, rickman, sprott, and others have said...

well hang onto your hats

18th April 2011, 04:58 PM
remember, 80% of the price move up is done in the last 20% of the time (the mania)

Yes Large Sarge, for those who are riding this rally that mania part is what is going to give some people strokes! Thank God I plan on just throwing whatever I have out. I don't need that kind of pressure.

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 09:37 AM
As I type this, the silver high (so far) for this year is $45.43. It is $4.57 away from hitting $50.00. Will it hit $50 in 2011? Nope. No $50 silver this year. Silver will get smacked down like the DOG that it is. :) Move on. There is nothing to see here :) I think that it is possible that it will go down back to the low that we saw earlier this year.

20th April 2011, 09:51 AM

20th April 2011, 02:39 PM
Please say Silver won't reach 100.00 this year.

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 03:47 PM
Please say Silver won't reach 100.00 this year.


Hey Eyebone, Silver will not reach $100 this year. ;D That is a no-brainer that it will not reach that level since silver will NOT even hit $50 this year. :)

20th April 2011, 03:51 PM
cheap Ag is dead.

20th April 2011, 03:53 PM
Please say Silver won't reach 100.00 this year.


Hey Eyebone, Silver will not reach $100 this year. ;D That is a no-brainer that it will not reach that level since silver will NOT even hit $50 this year. :)

SIlver will break 50 before end of next week.

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 04:13 PM
Please say Silver won't reach 100.00 this year.


Hey Eyebone, Silver will not reach $100 this year. ;D That is a no-brainer that it will not reach that level since silver will NOT even hit $50 this year. :)

SIlver will break 50 before end of next week.

Hey Cebu, you are killing me over here with laughter.


We are overdue for a JPMorgan-style smack down and we will get it. No $50 silver next week. There has to be at least one person that agrees with my gut feeling that silver will NOT hit $50 this week. If there is ANYBODY in the GSUS community that also thinks that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011, then feel free to post on this thread.

20th April 2011, 04:15 PM
Please say Silver won't reach 100.00 this year.


Hey Eyebone, Silver will not reach $100 this year. ;D That is a no-brainer that it will not reach that level since silver will NOT even hit $50 this year. :)

SIlver will break 50 before end of next week.

Hey Cebu, you are killing me over here with laughter.


We are overdue for a JPMorgan-style smack down and we will get it. No $50 silver next week. There has to be at least one person that agrees with my gut feeling that silver will NOT hit $50 this week. If there is ANYBODY in the GSUS community that also thinks that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011, then feel free to post on this thread.

I agree with you, it won`t hit 50 because it`ll hit 50.05$ next week.

Large Sarge
20th April 2011, 04:27 PM
zero hedge had an article titled "guess whos buying silver now"

and it turns out J.P. Morgan (and probably the U.S. govt) is going long on silver

my speculative reason is that they need to drive up the price in a hurry, because supply shortages are so acute, and a default looms close

Guess Who’s Buying Silver NOW?

OK, so the JPM vault that contains a whopping 30,844 ounces of silver (about two hours worth, given the torrid pace at which JPM delivers) was just approved by the COMEX in March. JPM’s probably got lots of silver stashed all over the place, right? Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure, JPMs customer(s) are some of the worst investors the world has ever seen. After selling almost 5 million ounces in the first three months of 2011, they’re buying now. That’s right, in March alone they delivered 374 contracts (@ 5000 ounces each) and bought…..zero. So far in April, they’ve bought 92 contracts and sold, you guessed it….the goose egg. And yes, they are indeed buying at new highs (See here and here). How bad would it suck if we learned that this clueless market participant was in fact the US government?

If you’d like to track the hilarity yourself, here’s links for the daily, MTD and YTD action on the COMEX. Daily updates on COMEX silver stocks can be found here (xls format).

Apparently there are still quite a few out there who believe this is all part of some Jamie Dimon mindfreak. Good luck with that.

20th April 2011, 04:28 PM
As I type this, the silver high (so far) for this year is $45.43. It is $4.57 away from hitting $50.00. Will it hit $50 in 2011? Nope. No $50 silver this year. Silver will get smacked down like the DOG that it is. :) Move on. There is nothing to see here :) I think that it is possible that it will go down back to the low that we saw earlier this year.

Well I have an oil filter,a shoe and now I will add in my mother in law's potato au gratin Sunday special as things I will eat if Silver does NOT hit 50 smackers an ounce this year.

Large Sarge
20th April 2011, 04:34 PM
I wanted to add, the only cure for acute shortages (in this case silver) is much much higher prices

so seeing the U.S. Govt and J.P. Morgan going long on silver, and pushing the price up, well it tells me we have turned a corner, so to speak

the upside potential is quite scary

you see the market is slowly digesting that there is really 1 ounce of physical silver for every 100+ ounces it thought it had (all the paper)

imagine taking 99% of the oil off the market, or corn, or wheat..... What is the upside price move on the remaining commodity (the 1%)

Large Sarge
20th April 2011, 04:36 PM
I am with antonio, $50 likely next week....

And dare I say it, yes I will triple digit silver is a good good shot in 2011 folks....

"Gold is going to the moon folks, silver is going to mars for a brief pause, on its way to pluto" By Roger Mason (one of the best quotes I have seen during this bull market)


20th April 2011, 04:49 PM
Sarge I am with you and Antonio on 50 dollars very soon, I'm in the mid-Mays camp. BUT then I think we head back down to near 40-42 with bedrock support at 38 dollars over the summer. Then the real rally resumes in September.

EDIT: I just may be talking out my arse, so please factor that into the equation.

Large Sarge
20th April 2011, 04:57 PM
Sarge I am with you and Antonio on 50 dollars very soon, I'm in the mid-Mays camp. BUT then I think we head back down to near 40-42 with bedrock support at 38 dollars over the summer. Then the real rally resumes in September.

EDIT: I just may be talking out my arse, so please factor that into the equation.

we turned a big corner when J.P morgan and the U.S. Gov went long on silver, combined with widespread silver shortages reported

next we will see all the silver shorts paid off in cash, over time, and the short positions will be allowed to expire (meaning the price will rise)

All the paper silver will disappear......

U.S. Gov and J.P. will now profit on the price rise, and hope to avert a default

IMO we really turned a corner

20th April 2011, 06:24 PM
If I want to buy today I have to pay 50.00

20th April 2011, 06:39 PM
All the paper silver will disappear......

U.S. Gov and J.P. will now profit on the price rise, and hope to avert a default

IMO we really turned a corner

Hey I hope it gets that exciting Sarge but it seems a more boring result is how things mostly play out. One thing I do know, I think 1970 silver art is becoming quite irascible with his tirades against 50 dollar Silver ever happening.

20th April 2011, 06:46 PM
If silver is not going to hit 50 in 2011, anyone want to come to my New Years party on May first?

We will make paper hats out of FRN's and toast with Coors light (silver bullet) or Gold Schlager.

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 07:07 PM
All the paper silver will disappear......

U.S. Gov and J.P. will now profit on the price rise, and hope to avert a default

IMO we really turned a corner

Hey I hope it gets that exciting Sarge but it seems a more boring result is how things mostly play out. One thing I do know, I think 1970 silver art is becoming quite irascible with his tirades against 50 dollar Silver ever happening.


Hey Trinity, I am not mad or irritated at all. :) Actually I am having fun with this by taking the opposing viewpoint because I feel that silver will NOT hit $50 at all this year. I will admit that I am an emotional person but I am not mad at anyone here. I feel strongly about my gut feeling being right on this and I am willing to express that viewpoint on here. Even though everybody disagrees with me on this viewpoint, I still love everybody and I have no hard feelings towards anyone. :) There is also another thing to take into consideration here. If I ended up being wrong on my gut feeling and it ended up hitting $50 this year, then I am still a winner because I own physical silver. Everybody who owns physical silver will win against the TPTB and the failing U.S. dollar. Either way it is a win-win situation for me. ;D The worst case scenario would be that I have to give Ponce 3 rolls of tp if I ended up losing my bet with him. However, I am not worried about losing the bet because I am going to win the bet when silver fails to hit $50 this year.

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 07:10 PM
If silver is not going to hit 50 in 2011, anyone want to come to my New Years party on May first?

We will make paper hats out of FRN's and toast with Coors light (silver bullet) or Gold Schlager.

Hey Mightymanx, I will show up to your New Year's party on May 1st but since I do not drink alcohol, then I will bring my own orange juice and my pepperoni pizza. :D

Large Sarge
20th April 2011, 07:43 PM
here it comes folks


45% reduction in phyical silver for Scotia Mocatta (one of the biggest vaults in the world)

the default looms, supplies are tight, and they have to drive up prices....

20th April 2011, 08:05 PM
The more 70's art bar disses the silver DOG, the angrier the silver DOG gods are getting!! Better stop mouthing off or they will strike you down!


1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 08:21 PM
The more 70's art bar disses the silver DOG, the angrier the silver DOG gods are getting!! Better stop mouthing off or they will strike you down!


Hahaha!!!!! I am having so much fun here tonight. ;D

Hey MarchHare, the silver DOG gods can get angry all they want but deep down inside, they know that I am right when I say that it will NOT hit $50 this year and therefore, they cannot strike me down.


I could be wrong on this but I believe that this is the first time that I really stirred it up on GSUS by saying that silver will not hit $50 in 2011. I think that I actaully did something right on GSUS. ;D

20th April 2011, 09:00 PM
Here is the finial leg of this springs Silver Rocket Ride we should see by June.

IMO it will see $50 first....

Sounds a little like Max Keiser giving the commentary. ;D

24th April 2011, 03:38 PM
Silver Art, since it is all your fault that Silver will indeed hit $50 (and very soon) I must ask you to post a thread that Silver will not hit $100 so that we can become even more wealthy.

Thanks and thanks again. :D

1970 silver art
24th April 2011, 04:00 PM
Silver Art, since it is all your fault that Silver will indeed hit $50 (and very soon) I must ask you to post a thread that Silver will not hit $100 so that we can become even more wealthy.

Thanks and thanks again. :D


That's funny. Thanks for the laugh. :D Yeah it is going up but it ain't over yet. It still had not hit $50 and I still do not think that it will. ;D I feel that it will get smacked down hard when it hits the mid $48's to low $49 range. I still believe that it will NOT hit $50 this year. The battle for $50 will be intense and silver will lose the battle for $50 in 2011. I have a very bad feeling about this silver advance and it will end badly and it will not hit $50 this year.

EDIT: Oh BTW. Silver will NOT hit $100 in 2011. ;D

25th April 2011, 08:01 AM
Please 1970SA, call off the silver-drivin' man John Henry!

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 08:10 AM
Please 1970SA, call off the silver-drivin' man John Henry!

There is not a thing that I can do. The silver smackdown is beyond my control.............

The silver smackdown is hard today as I was expecting. The silver high for 2011 is $49.85. Silver came close to hitting $50 but close does not count. ;D It will continue to get smacked down. I still think that we will revisit the lows that we saw earlier this year. Silver will NOT hit $50 this month. Silver will NOT hit $50 at all in 2011.


25th April 2011, 08:24 AM
Silver will NOT hit $50 this month. Silver will NOT hit $50 at all in 2011.
So let me rephrase to make sure I'm getting what you're saying here (with my best Colbert impression going).
$50 this month NOT Silver?

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 08:35 AM
Silver will NOT hit $50 this month. Silver will NOT hit $50 at all in 2011.
So let me rephrase to make sure I'm getting what you're saying here (with my best Colbert impression going).
$50 this month NOT Silver?

Hahahaha!!!!! Let me put this way. No $50 silver this month. Silver will NOT hit $50 at all in 2011. ;D You will be very disappointed if you were expecting a different outcome. If you need a shoulder to cry on, then I will be here for you. The silver smackdown can make some people cry. ;D

Half Sense
25th April 2011, 08:48 AM
Methinks Silver Art doth protest too much.

$50 silver is not what YOU want, Art, because you are a specialized collector who has no intention of ever selling your beautiful art bars. Bottom line, $50 or $100 silver just makes it more difficult to pursue your hobby. We understand that.


25th April 2011, 11:30 AM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

You might want to re-evaluate that statement in light of China's announcement that they plan on dumping ~$2T of their USD holdings.

Maybe your right. . Silver won't hit $50. . . It will go straight to $100 as the dollar goes to $0.35. . .

Sufiy: US Dollar Collapse:
China Is Ready To Dump US Treasuries: Xinhua:
China should cap forex reserves at 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars: China banker


1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 02:52 PM
Methinks Silver Art doth protest too much.

$50 silver is not what YOU want, Art, because you are a specialized collector who has no intention of ever selling your beautiful art bars. Bottom line, $50 or $100 silver just makes it more difficult to pursue your hobby. We understand that.


Fair enough. Once silver gets smacked down to the lows that we saw earlier this year, then it will make it a much easier for me to "corner" the rare '70's silver art bar market. ;D

I will get out of the way of the silver train, however, I seriously doubt that JPMorgan will get out of the way since he is able to derail the train. :D

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 02:55 PM
I have one thing to say about silver...................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011

You might want to re-evaluate that statement in light of China's announcement that they plan on dumping ~$2T of their USD holdings.

Maybe your right. . Silver won't hit $50. . . It will go straight to $100 as the dollar goes to $0.35. . .

Sufiy: US Dollar Collapse:
China Is Ready To Dump US Treasuries: Xinhua:
China should cap forex reserves at 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars: China banker


Nope. I stand by what I said in that post. ;D However, China's annoucement will be long term-bullish for the white shiny metal IMO but silver still will NOT hit $50 this year.

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 07:40 PM
The smackdown continues.................The DOG is sinking like a rock at the moment and it is getting further and further away from the 2011 high of $49.85. Currently at $45.78 as I speak. We were overdue for a smackdown and this is part 2 of the smackdown. We might break $45 on the downside by the close of NY trading business Tuesday. We will see what happens.

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 08:32 PM
Silver just broke $45 on the downside in convincing fashion. It happened much sooner than I expected. The smackdown continues.........................Stay tuned.........

25th April 2011, 08:33 PM
If we could hit $15-$20 again that would be nice.

Just got an email from APMEX that they're looking for American Eagles (Silver & Gold) and are paying over spot. Those types of emails demonstrate the probability of supply existing at lower $$ is not likely....unfortunately.

1970 silver art
25th April 2011, 08:38 PM
If we could hit $15-$20 again that would be nice.

Just got an email from APMEX that they're looking for American Eagles (Silver & Gold) and are paying over spot. Those types of emails demonstrate the probability of supply existing at lower $$ is not likely....unfortunately.

Honestly I do not think that silver will get smacked down that low but you never know. At the worst, I think that silver will revisit the lows that we saw earlier this year. I could be wrong on this but I think the 2011 low was around $26. We just have to see how this plays out. I did not get an email from APMEX but then again do not expect to because I have not bought anything from APMEX since Auguest 2008.

Even if silver went to the lows of this year, it is hard to say what silver premiums will do.

25th April 2011, 11:39 PM
Silver just broke $45 on the downside in convincing fashion. It happened much sooner than I expected. ..

Things are accelerated eh? So silver could hit $50 in 2011 then? ;D

1970 silver art
26th April 2011, 04:15 AM
Silver just broke $45 on the downside in convincing fashion. It happened much sooner than I expected. ..

Things are accelerated eh? So silver could hit $50 in 2011 then? ;D

Day 2 of the smackdown from the 2011 high of $49.85....................

The downside has accelerated and I think that we will break through the $40 support level on the downside very soon on our way to revisit the earlier year lows sometime this Summer. As I type this, silver is currently down $1.43 from yesterday's Kitco's closing price and this smackdown will continue this morning when NY trading opens. Once NY trading opens, then I think that silver will get smacked down some more and I am also making a wild guess that we could possibly see silver as low as the high $43/low $44 range by the close of NY trading this evening. If today's NY smackdown ends up not being as bad as I am expecting, then silver will still be under $45 by the close of NY trading this evening.

As I type this, silver is currently $4.30 from the 2011 high of $49.85 and I expect the smackdown to continue after today and will continue into the upcoming traditional weak period for old and silver. Silver will NOT hit $50 this year.

27th April 2011, 11:18 AM

1970 silver art
27th April 2011, 01:46 PM
Silver just broke $45 on the downside in convincing fashion. It happened much sooner than I expected. ..

Things are accelerated eh? So silver could hit $50 in 2011 then? ;D

Day 2 of the smackdown from the 2011 high of $49.85....................

The downside has accelerated and I think that we will break through the $40 support level on the downside very soon on our way to revisit the earlier year lows sometime this Summer. As I type this, silver is currently down $1.43 from yesterday's Kitco's closing price and this smackdown will continue this morning when NY trading opens. Once NY trading opens, then I think that silver will get smacked down some more and I am also making a wild guess that we could possibly see silver as low as the high $43/low $44 range by the close of NY trading this evening. If today's NY smackdown ends up not being as bad as I am expecting, then silver will still be under $45 by the close of NY trading this evening.

As I type this, silver is currently $4.30 from the 2011 high of $49.85 and I expect the smackdown to continue after today and will continue into the upcoming traditional weak period for old and silver. Silver will NOT hit $50 this year.

***cough cough*** bak over *48* COugh Couuuugh*

****cough*******another silver smackdown*********cough cough***********cough*****will keep it away from $50*********cough*****cough*********Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011******cough***************My gut says so***********cough*********believe it.


27th April 2011, 02:39 PM
Silver just broke $45 on the downside in convincing fashion. It happened much sooner than I expected. ..

Things are accelerated eh? So silver could hit $50 in 2011 then? ;D

Day 2 of the smackdown from the 2011 high of $49.85....................

The downside has accelerated and I think that we will break through the $40 support level on the downside very soon on our way to revisit the earlier year lows sometime this Summer. As I type this, silver is currently down $1.43 from yesterday's Kitco's closing price and this smackdown will continue this morning when NY trading opens. Once NY trading opens, then I think that silver will get smacked down some more and I am also making a wild guess that we could possibly see silver as low as the high $43/low $44 range by the close of NY trading this evening. If today's NY smackdown ends up not being as bad as I am expecting, then silver will still be under $45 by the close of NY trading this evening.

As I type this, silver is currently $4.30 from the 2011 high of $49.85 and I expect the smackdown to continue after today and will continue into the upcoming traditional weak period for old and silver. Silver will NOT hit $50 this year.

***cough cough*** bak over *48* COugh Couuuugh*

****cough*******another silver smackdown*********cough cough***********cough*****will keep it away from $50*********cough*****cough*********Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011******cough***************My gut says so***********cough*********believe it.


Hey Silver Art, you don't have a problem with your gut! It's your cough****cough**** cough!

27th April 2011, 03:05 PM
If this is what the definition of smackdown is, then bring it on! 47.86 as I type.

28th April 2011, 07:24 AM
Man.. its close ... 49.36 ....

28th April 2011, 07:28 AM
How could I not see it for so long!
1970 Silver Art is Silver Sammy - undercover! That, or we have a new indicator!
Keep on posting, Samm- er, 1970 Silver Art!

R. ;D ;D ;D

28th April 2011, 09:12 AM
1970 Silver Art is Silver Sammy - undercover! That, or we have a new indicator!

Maybe we could start a 1970SA Misery Index ;D

28th April 2011, 09:21 AM
I've been trying to stick around like watching the ball drop on New Years.

28th April 2011, 09:49 AM
All is lost. Silver will go through $50. I didn't think it would, but this steady rise from 44's, tells me that it will break into the 50's and probably a bit/lot higher. I admit defeat, even before it happened... Congratulations to you who didn't sell yet!

1970 silver art
28th April 2011, 03:55 PM
I refuse to give up. I still think that it will NOT hit $50 this year. I saw that there was another attempt at $50 today but it got smacked down once it entered the $49 range. Today was a failure. No surprise to me. JPMorgan will defend $50 with all the silver shorts in its arsenal. Everytime the DOG tries to make an attempt towards hitting $50, JPMorgan just shoots it down with its "Naked Silver Short" gun. ;D

Since this latest attempt towards $50 failed, then I expect it to get smacked down some more in the very near future. There is a slight possibility that the DOG could break $40 on the downside sometime next week. We will see what happens.

28th April 2011, 04:49 PM
I sense a little fatigue in your posts lately 1970sa. I could be wrong. :-\

1970 silver art
28th April 2011, 05:23 PM
I sense a little fatigue in your posts lately 1970sa. I could be wrong. :-\

I am a little "calmer" now than I have been a few days ago. I tend to get "emotional" when I feel adamant about something and sometimes, my emotions tend to get the best of me. I just have to remember to "reel in" my emotions before I post. :)

28th April 2011, 05:39 PM
Art, if I was you, I would already have the package of TP ready and waiting to ship.

Just set it by the front door and be giddy that today isn't the day you don't have to send Ponce TP. ;D

It is just a matter of days.
I think today's rise was stymied by another margin hike in Ag. Not to mention the meager lift of the bucky.

28th April 2011, 05:42 PM
If the FED would have hinted at raising rates or signaled that the current path wouldnt continue for much longer, then there would be a beat down. Until that day, and it could be a few months, we go higher. So a move from 70 to 55 in July could be our pullback that everyone has been waiting for.

28th April 2011, 06:27 PM
If the FED would have hinted at raising rates or signaled that the current path wouldnt continue for much longer, then there would be a beat down. Until that day, and it could be a few months, we go higher. So a move from 70 to 55 in July could be our pullback that everyone has been waiting for.

If they raise rates, we can't pay the interest.

28th April 2011, 09:19 PM
If the FED would have hinted at raising rates or signaled that the current path wouldnt continue for much longer, then there would be a beat down. Until that day, and it could be a few months, we go higher. So a move from 70 to 55 in July could be our pullback that everyone has been waiting for.

If they raise rates, we can't pay the interest.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not sure how this will all play out but the FED has ZERO wiggle room left. They'll probably do a stealth QE3, but who knows!

1970 silver art
1st May 2011, 04:56 AM
As of April 30, 2011.....................

No $50 silver. Hmmmmm.........Where o where could $50 silver be? Answer: Nowhere to be seen. :D


The 2011 silver high of $49.85 is the high that you will see for this year. From here on out, it will start to go down and eventually hit the lows that we saw earlier this year sometime this Summer.

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 02:32 PM
the metals wrapup, dan norcini on KWN covers silver very well

next week is a big week for silver and $50

he states there is a gap in silver, $46.70-$47.15. if silver fall into that, and does not break it, and moves up, it will test $50.00 again

if it breaks through that gap, we can go back to $45 area

1970 silver art
1st May 2011, 03:35 PM

The smackdown party is getting started early. ;D

Just like that it is under $44.00. Wow!!!!!

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 03:37 PM
down $5.00

1970 silver art
1st May 2011, 03:38 PM
This is beautiful. Looks like silver is going to break $40 on the downside much sooner than I expected. Awesome!!!!!!!!

1970 silver art
1st May 2011, 03:40 PM
I refuse to give up. I still think that it will NOT hit $50 this year. I saw that there was another attempt at $50 today but it got smacked down once it entered the $49 range. Today was a failure. No surprise to me. JPMorgan will defend $50 with all the silver shorts in its arsenal. Everytime the DOG tries to make an attempt towards hitting $50, JPMorgan just shoots it down with its "Naked Silver Short" gun. ;D

Since this latest attempt towards $50 failed, then I expect it to get smacked down some more in the very near future. There is a slight possibility that the DOG could break $40 on the downside sometime next week. We will see what happens.

Looks like I am on my way to being right on this. This is huge. HOLY COW!!!!!!! Everybody get your popcorn ready because it is going to be a show.

1st May 2011, 03:40 PM
If it's down tomorrow I'll be buying... ;D

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 03:40 PM
this is probably more short covering

when I checked Ebay last week, 10 oz bars were selling for $560 a bar ($56 an oz)

spot price was almost $10 less than that

1st May 2011, 03:41 PM

The smackdown party is getting started early. ;D

Just like that it is under $44.00. Wow!!!!!

Bump... Wow is right. :D

1970 silver art
1st May 2011, 03:42 PM
If it's down tomorrow I'll be buying... ;D

Hopefully you will be able to buy at a decent premium over spot. This is a very quick spike down and getting worse.

1st May 2011, 03:44 PM
If it's down tomorrow I'll be buying... ;D

Hopefully you will be able to buy at a decent premium over spot. This is a very quick spike down and getting worse.

either way it's ok.. I'm pretty much all bought in... just finishing up some food preps... ;D and waiting for the next 5 oz ATB coin releases... :P

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 03:50 PM
lets see the price is $43.00, and Tulving and APMEX are out of silver eagles...

if the price were say $70.00 would some silver eagles come out of hiding? and would demand slow


1st May 2011, 04:20 PM
Wow big hit tonight. Did not expect that.

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 04:23 PM
5/1 is mayday I believe, and this is a big occult holiday (illuminati)

1970 silver art
3rd May 2011, 12:17 PM
Day 2 of the silver smackdown has been brought to you by JPMorgan....................

Silver is down about $3 as I type this. Silver shoud break $40 on the downside sometime later tonight or Wednesday morning. Once it breaks $40 on the downside, then the next stop on the way down is $35.

3rd May 2011, 12:20 PM
Day 2 of the silver smackdown has been brought to you by JPMorgan....................

Silver is down about $3 as I type this. Silver shoud break $40 on the downside sometime later tonight or Wednesday morning. Once it breaks $40 on the downside, then the next stop on the way down is $35.

time to pick up some deals, unfortunately the manipulation has caused a disconnect from spot and real pricing, with increased premiums from sellers...

I recommend picking up ATB from Provident, a killer deal...

1970 silver art
3rd May 2011, 12:32 PM
Day 2 of the silver smackdown has been brought to you by JPMorgan....................

Silver is down about $3 as I type this. Silver shoud break $40 on the downside sometime later tonight or Wednesday morning. Once it breaks $40 on the downside, then the next stop on the way down is $35.

time to pick up some deals, unfortunately the manipulation has caused a disconnect from spot and real pricing, with increased premiums from sellers...

I recommend picking up ATB from Provident, a killer deal...

I plan to concentrate on buying rare silver art bars, however, this down move will not matter much to me because I am buying them on ebay and paying a collector premium on them. I might check out the local dealers but I do not expect to find much. If I do find a silver art bar that is on my silver art bar wish list at a local dealer, then I will expect to pay a higher .999 generic premium for it since the spot price is falling at a rapid pace.

Large Sarge
3rd May 2011, 12:42 PM
you need to watch the silver bears video I posted, they talk about "2 prices for silver" as the monetary system collapses (its already started)

spot price might be $29, but its going to be $80 to get an ounce from any dealer.

watch the 2 price system develop

Large Sarge
3rd May 2011, 12:46 PM

3rd May 2011, 07:05 PM

Buy The Blessed Dip

1970 silver art
4th May 2011, 08:36 AM
Day 3 of the silver smackdown has been brought to you by JPMorgan..................

As I expected, silver did break $40 on the downside this morning. It was down $1.84 to $39.82 as I type this. The next stop on the downside IMO will be $35. I do not know when silver will revisit $35 but it will be soon. I will give it about 3 weeks to break $35 on the downside. During that time, I also expect that there will be some small up-moves between now and the time that silver breaks $35 on the downside.

4th May 2011, 09:55 AM
1970SA, are you going to call a bottom as well? You stated earlier you didn't think US$15-20 was going to happen but instead the 'lows' seen earlier in the year.

Give up a number.....you know you want too :P

4th May 2011, 10:02 AM
From Another Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/$52-to-$56-silver-by-mid-year-update/msg223135/#msg223135):

The silver smackdown continues into day 3..............

Down $2.15 and it is under $40 (39.50) as I type this. $35 is IMO the next stop on the way down. The silver smackdown is brutal but it was expected and there will be more downside before the dust finally settles at $26 (or lower).

1970 silver art
4th May 2011, 10:41 AM
1970SA, are you going to call a bottom as well? You stated earlier you didn't think US$15-20 was going to happen but instead the 'lows' seen earlier in the year.

Give up a number.....you know you want too :P

Hmmmmm..........So you want me to call the bottom eh? Ok. I tell you what............I will do just that. Before I give a number, I just want to state for the record that this is just a WAG and I am just doing this for fun and nobody really knows how low this DOG will go.

With all of that said, I truly think that silver will go down to $26 before it makes a small recovery later this year. I think that it will go down to $26 sometime this Summer. I picked $26 because I believe that was close to the low that we saw earlier this year.

4th May 2011, 11:03 AM
All is lost. Silver will go through $50. I didn't think it would, but this steady rise from 44's, tells me that it will break into the 50's and probably a bit/lot higher. I admit defeat, even before it happened... Congratulations to you who didn't sell yet!
Seems like it worked... ;) To be honest I believed what I wrote when I wrote it. I do believe however that silver will break 50$ in the winter some time, but before that we will have a good buying opportunity, with high premiums of course, but $25 silver with a $10 premium is still better than $50 silver with a $4 premium...

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 04:03 AM
Day 4 of the silver smackdown has been bought to you by JPMorgan.............................

QUICK!!!!!!!!! Someone call the DOG amberlamps!!!!!!!! :D All of you better hide the women and kids because this is getting uglier by the day. The DOG is "bleeding" all over the place and JPMorgan is showing no mercy when it is continuing to beat the DOG's ass. I checked Kitco and I see that it is down $1.96 to $37.43. There is a possibility that it will break $35 on the downside this Friday (May 6). If not this Friday, then sometime next week. Tuesday (May 10) at the latest IMO. I still think that silver will keep falling until it bottoms out at $26 but it will not be a straight line down because IMO there will be some small up-moves during the way down to $26. I see silver at around $26 sometime in the Summertime. I do not see silver going lower than $26 this year but it cannot be completely ruled out. We will see what happens.

5th May 2011, 04:21 AM
Day 4 of the silver smackdown has been bought to you by JPMorgan.............................

QUICK!!!!!!!!! Someone call the DOG amberlamps!!!!!!!! :D All of you better hide the women and kids because this is getting uglier by the day. The DOG is "bleeding" all over the place and JPMorgan is showing no mercy when it is continuing to beat the DOG's ass. I checked Kitco and I see that it is down $1.96 to $37.43. There is a possibility that it will break $35 on the downside this Friday (May 6). If not this Friday, then sometime next week. Tuesday (May 10) at the latest IMO. I still think that silver will keep falling until it bottoms out at $26 but it will not be a straight line down because IMO there will be some small up-moves during the way down to $26. I see silver at around $26 sometime in the Summertime. I do not see silver going lower than $26 this year but it cannot be completely ruled out. We will see what happens.

The disconnect between manipulated spot & real pricing is becoming apparent, some ebay listings are selling for $8.00 + over spot. Retailers are claiming some items unavailable.

As I have been doing, a short timer ago I tried to purchase another ATB coin, only to find the one I had my eye on early this morning is sold out... I feel fortunate to have bought several of them before as I have been doing.

collectors should continue to search for deals...


1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 04:40 AM
Day 4 of the silver smackdown has been bought to you by JPMorgan.............................

QUICK!!!!!!!!! Someone call the DOG amberlamps!!!!!!!! :D All of you better hide the women and kids because this is getting uglier by the day. The DOG is "bleeding" all over the place and JPMorgan is showing no mercy when it is continuing to beat the DOG's ass. I checked Kitco and I see that it is down $1.96 to $37.43. There is a possibility that it will break $35 on the downside this Friday (May 6). If not this Friday, then sometime next week. Tuesday (May 10) at the latest IMO. I still think that silver will keep falling until it bottoms out at $26 but it will not be a straight line down because IMO there will be some small up-moves during the way down to $26. I see silver at around $26 sometime in the Summertime. I do not see silver going lower than $26 this year but it cannot be completely ruled out. We will see what happens.

The disconnect between manipulated spot & real pricing is becoming apparent, some ebay listings are selling for $8.00 + over spot. Retailers are claiming some items unavailable.

As I have been doing, a short timer ago I tried to purchase another ATB coin, only to find the one I had my eye on early this morning is sold out... I feel fortunate to have bought several of them before as I have been doing.

collectors should continue to search for deals...


I agree with you on this. In some ways, this is no different than $2008 when generic silver was selling for $5-$7 over spot when spot was $8-$9. A few of the common-minted silver art bar auctions that I have seen on ebay during this current smackdown are selling close to the same price that they were selling for when spot silver was in the $46 to $48 range. I will be very interesting to me to see what the .999 generic silver premiums will be like when spot falls to $26 during the Summertime.

As for me, I am concentrating on finding and bidding on rare '70's silver art bars on ebay that are on my silver art bar wish list. Even with this current smackdown, the premiums are still lower on a relative (not absolute) basis on some of the rare '70's silver art bars that I seen on ebay. Hopefully, I can find some silver art bars at my local dealers for a lower .999 generic silver premium that are on my silver art bar wish list but I will not hold my breath on that since that has been a challenge for me lately.

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 12:30 PM

Silver broke $35 on the downside a day earlier than expected. The next stop on the way down is $31.

5th May 2011, 12:34 PM
So what US$ are you calling for the bottom and by when 1970SA?

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 04:07 PM
So what US$ are you calling for the bottom and by when 1970SA?


Thanks for asking. Before I answer that, I want to emphasize that I started this thread to state that silver will not hit $50 in 2011 and to state my reasons for why silver will not hit $50 in 2011. At this point, it appears that silver will NOT hit $50 this year.

As for me calling the bottom, I am not good at calling bottoms on anything and that includes silver but I will make a WAG on what I think the bottom will be on silver. I think that silver will ultimately bottom out at $26.00 before it makes a small recovery later this year. The reason that I mentioned $31 as the next stop for silver on the way down in post # 127 on this thread is because $31 is close to the level where silver started out 2011. When silver breaks the $31 level on the downside, then that means that silver would have given up all of its gains that it made this year. After silver breaks the $31 level on the downside, then the last stop on the way down IMO will be $26.00. The reason that I think that $26 will be the bottom for silver is that $26 was the low that we saw earlier this year and I think that is good support for silver.

To answer your question.................I am calling $26 as the bottom for silver and I think that the $26 will be reached sometime this Summer. I will say that it will be about Late June/Early July when we will see $26 silver but it might be sooner than that at the rate that silver is falling. I mentioned the Late June/Early July time period for $26 silver because there might be some small up-moves between now and that Late June/Early July period.

Once silver reaches that $26 level on the downside, then it might hover around $26-$28 before it makes a small recovery. However, that recovery from the $26 level will be small and silver will NOT hit $50 this year.

EDIT: I will also state that I think that silver will end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. :)

5th May 2011, 05:01 PM
JEEEZ, it's seven months till the end of the year.

1970 silver art
7th May 2011, 05:28 PM
Hmmmmm.........It appears that JPMorgan took a break from smacking down silver and allowed it to have an up day yesterday. However, there is more downside to come next week starting Sunday night. I think that it is possible for silver to break $31 on the downside sometime next week but it is also possible for silver to have some more upmoves towards $40 before it gets smacked back down again towards $31. As I mentioned earlier, the ultimate bottom for silver being $26. I do not expect silver to break $26 on the downside. I think that silver will stabalize at the $26 range and will eventually recover some later on in the Fall and will finish somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. $21 was mentioned in other threads as a solid support level for silver and I agree with this. It is always a possibility that silver could break $21 on the downside BUT I do NOT expect silver to break $21 on the downside. I think that $26 will hold.

1970 silver art
10th May 2011, 05:07 PM
It appears that JPMorgan is taking a longer break than expected and as a result, silver is trying to make a run at $40. I think that it is possible that silver will see $40. It might go as high as $41 before part 2 of the silver smackdown begins. Once part 2 of the silver smackdown begins, then silver will break $31 on the downside and then after $31 is taken out, then it should bottom out at $26 sometime this Summer (late June/early July). Of course, silver will recover later this year to end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. However, the main point that I am making here is this...........................Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

10th May 2011, 05:48 PM
It appears that JPMorgan is taking a longer break than expected and as a result, silver is trying to make a run at $40. I think that it is possible that silver will see $40. It might go as high as $41 before part 2 of the silver smackdown begins. Once part 2 of the silver smackdown begins, then silver will break $31 on the downside and then after $31 is taken out, then it should bottom out at $26 sometime this Summer (late June/early July). Of course, silver will recover later this year to end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. However, the main point that I am making here is this...........................Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

We got 6+ months to go. Anything can happen Art.


$12 Ag? ;D

1970 silver art
11th May 2011, 03:52 AM
It appears that JPMorgan is taking a longer break than expected and as a result, silver is trying to make a run at $40. I think that it is possible that silver will see $40. It might go as high as $41 before part 2 of the silver smackdown begins. Once part 2 of the silver smackdown begins, then silver will break $31 on the downside and then after $31 is taken out, then it should bottom out at $26 sometime this Summer (late June/early July). Of course, silver will recover later this year to end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. However, the main point that I am making here is this...........................Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

We got 6+ months to go. Anything can happen Art.


$12 Ag? ;D

I agree with you that anything can happen when it comes to silver. Anything can happen...............................anything except silver going down to $12/oz. I do not see silver crashing down to $12/oz. If I ended up being wrong on this (not likely) and silver did end up going down to $12/oz, then that would mean that this DOG is dead and JPMorgan won. $12 silver would probably mean that I would probably pay $8 (or more) over spot to buy .999 generic silver rounds if the spot price falls very quickly to $12/oz.

Osoab, There are five things that I am very sure of and they are:

1.) Silver will NOT hit $50 this year. The reason: JPMorgan will not allow silver to hit $50 this year. That's all the reason you need.

2.) Silver will NOT fall to $12. The reason: Two other posters have said that $21 is a solid floor for silver and I agree with that. I also think that $26 will be the ultimate bottom for silver before it starts to recover starting in late November to finish somewhere between $37 to $41 on December 31, 2011.

3.) I will "officially" win 3 rolls of tp from Ponce on December 31, 2011. The reason: See #1.

4.) Sometime AFTER 2011, silver will eventually hit (and easily surpass) $50 and will continue to go up from there. The reason: The long term negative fundamentals of the U.S. $ and the deteriorating financial state of U.S. gov't (high national debt levels, out-of-control gov't spending, etc.) will ultimately defeat the artificial manipulation by JPMorgan in the long run.

5.) I will continue to find and buy more silver art bars on ebay, at coin shows and from my local dealers. The reason: I love this hobby a lot and it makes me very happy to find the rare '70's and '80's 1-oz silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. :)

11th May 2011, 06:23 AM
It appears that JPMorgan is taking a longer break than expected and as a result, silver is trying to make a run at $40. I think that it is possible that silver will see $40. It might go as high as $41 before part 2 of the silver smackdown begins. Once part 2 of the silver smackdown begins, then silver will break $31 on the downside and then after $31 is taken out, then it should bottom out at $26 sometime this Summer (late June/early July). Of course, silver will recover later this year to end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011. However, the main point that I am making here is this...........................Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

We got 6+ months to go. Anything can happen Art.


$12 Ag? ;D

I agree with you that anything can happen when it comes to silver. Anything can happen...............................anything except silver going down to $12/oz. I do not see silver crashing down to $12/oz. If I ended up being wrong on this (not likely) and silver did end up going down to $12/oz, then that would mean that this DOG is dead and JPMorgan won. $12 silver would probably mean that I would probably pay $8 (or more) over spot to buy .999 generic silver rounds if the spot price falls very quickly to $12/oz.

Osoab, There are five things that I am very sure of and they are:

1.) Silver will NOT hit $50 this year. The reason: JPMorgan will not allow silver to hit $50 this year. That's all the reason you need.

2.) Silver will NOT fall to $12. The reason: Two other posters have said that $21 is a solid floor for silver and I agree with that. I also think that $26 will be the ultimate bottom for silver before it starts to recover starting in late November to finish somewhere between $37 to $41 on December 31, 2011.

3.) I will "officially" win 3 rolls of tp from Ponce on December 31, 2011. The reason: See #1.

4.) Sometime AFTER 2011, silver will eventually hit (and easily surpass) $50 and will continue to go up from there. The reason: The long term negative fundamentals of the U.S. $ and the deteriorating financial state of U.S. gov't (high national debt levels, out-of-control gov't spending, etc.) will ultimately defeat the artificial manipulation by JPMorgan in the long run.

5.) I will continue to find and buy more silver art bars on ebay, at coin shows and from my local dealers. The reason: I love this hobby a lot and it makes me very happy to find the rare '70's and '80's 1-oz silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. :)

Thank you for this comprehensive prognostication, my rectalgic friend. ;D

1970 silver art
11th May 2011, 09:31 AM
Day 1 of part 2 of the silver smackdown.............

Well, it appears that part 2 of the silver smackdown started sooner than I thought. I was thinking $40-$41 silver before the second part of the smackdown began but it appears that silver only made it to $39.65 before JPMorgan decided to clock back in to work to smack down the DOG.

I think that silver will test $33.05. That test will fail and silver will be on it's way to breaking $31 on the downside to erase all of the 2011 gains. There might be another short term upmove from $31 before it it ultimately goes down and bottoms out at $26.

This is all just a WAG on my part. We will see how things unfold in the next few weeks.

11th May 2011, 02:41 PM
Day 1 of part 2 of the silver smackdown.............

Well, it appears that part 2 of the silver smackdown started sooner than I thought. I was thinking $40-$41 silver before the second part of the smackdown began but it appears that silver only made it to $39.65 before JPMorgan decided to clock back in to work to smack down the DOG.

I think that silver will test $33.05. That test will fail and silver will be on it's way to breaking $31 on the downside to erase all of the 2011 gains. There might be another short term upmove from $31 before it it ultimately goes down and bottoms out at $26.

This is all just a WAG on my part. We will see how things unfold in the next few weeks.

I concur.

For the record, this smackdown will have not a whit of effect on my confidence in silver price appreciation long term. In fact, this may be the last chance to get aboard the silver train for many. I am discounting deflationary collapse as a final outcome. I subscribe to the Jim Sinclair/John Williams/Jim Willie schools of inflationary dollar implosion scenario long term. Between now and then, we will see a deflationary wave that will test our collective nerve. It will take some faith and conviction to buy silver and gold when commodities and the DOW are collapsing and the dollar rallying. But rest assured this is only to be temporary; and QE3 will come to the rescue, sometime in late summer/early fall. That's when the silver rocket will commence launch to the moon. ;D

1970 silver art
12th May 2011, 03:16 AM
Day 2 of part 2 of the silver smackdown.............

Down it continues to go and, just as expected, $33.05 got broken on the downside ($32.71 for the low so far today) and it is on its way to breaking $31 on the downside. It is down $1.83 as I write this. When NY gets a hold of the DOG, then it could get worse. It could break $31 on the downside as early as today or as late as Wednesday (May 18). That DOG will be in the red for the year once $31 is taken out and continues to go down. Even when it is at $31, the smackdown is not over yet because the next (and hopefully the final) stop on the way down is $26.

EDIT: It is now down $2.31 to $32.76 and getting worse.

1970 silver art
12th May 2011, 04:49 PM
I will have to admit that I am very amazed that this DOG still has some fight left in it. It was down as low as $32.15 before it bounced back to finish at $34.62. If you are not dizzy from this wild ride, then you are awesome. It is up 0.28 as I type this. Will it hold? Nope. I am skeptical and there is still more downside to go. $32.15 will NOT hold. I still think that it will break $31 on the downside sometime next week and will eventually bottom out at $26. The DOG is putting up a very good fight against JPMorgan but it has already lost the battle for $50 this year and I think that it will lose the battle for $31 and will be in the red for 2011 once it breaks $31 on the downside. Once we see the DOG at around $26, then I will be more optimistic about it stablizing and slowly recovering later this year to finish somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

12th May 2011, 06:20 PM
32 held. We have bounced of the low for the year and eternity.

13th May 2011, 12:55 AM
32 held. We have bounced of the low for the year and eternity.
Or else......?...... ;D;D

This floor is flimsy too! $21 it is, 6-8 weeks from now... You won't be able to buy anything apart from crooked .800 coin silver spoons, at fleabay for a massive premium. But this pullback is necessary for silvers march to $250 and beyond, 2 years from now!

13th May 2011, 09:19 AM
Friday beatdown has just commenced!

Torpedos incoming!!!


13th May 2011, 09:51 AM
Annual Seasonal Beatdown (ASB)in progress - buckle up accordingly.


1970 silver art
10th June 2011, 12:10 PM
I will admit that I am surprised that silver is still at $36. I would have expected it to break $31 on the downside about 2 weeks ago but I was wrong on my timing. However, I think that silver will break $31 on the downside later this month and it will eventually bottom out at $26 sometime around early-July to mid-July. I will repeat myself by saying that.............Silver will NOT hit $50 this year but I think that once it bottoms out at $26 sometime next month, then it will slowly recover and silver will end up finishing somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

1970 silver art
9th July 2011, 05:27 PM
Hmmmmm..............Silver is hanging tough in the $33-$37 range. I would have expected silver to get close to bottoming out at around $26 around this time but it does not appear to be the case. I still think that there will be another down leg for silver that will ultimately lead to silver to bottom out at $26 but it appears that it will come maybe later this Summer. We will see. Even if silver does not bottom out at $26, it will not matter because silver will NOT hit $50 this year. I will look forward to collecting 3 rolls of toilet paper from the "tp king" at the beginning of next year. :)

9th July 2011, 08:44 PM
I have to admit, $13-14 seems like a lot of ground to make up before the end of the year, but you know, before summer is over if we're back in the early $40s-$45 range, we could be really close before the end of December. Honestly, it could still go either way for me, personally I think it's a matter of short time before we hit $50, although I'm no longer certain if it will be before the end of the year or after.

10th July 2011, 05:29 AM
32 held. We have bounced of the low for the year and eternity.

I stick by my guns with that post plus I will add in we will never ever see a twenty handle again in Silver.

1970 silver art
14th July 2011, 10:19 AM
I do not trust this upward move in silver. Once there is an agreement on gov't spending cuts and the debt ceiling gets raised before Aug. 2, then silver will just go down from here IMO. There is simply more downside to go for silver.

Just to remind everybody..........

Did silver hit $50 in May?......Nope!

Did silver hit $50 in June?......Nope!

Will silver hit $50 in July?........Nope!

$49.85 is the high that you will see for silver in 2011. Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

14th July 2011, 10:28 AM
Silver is up, Silver Art is back with his incense. Enjoy the next month of two of summer Silver Art (perhaps) beofore your shipping date. :)


14th July 2011, 10:39 AM
I do not trust this upward move in silver. Once there is an agreement on gov't spending cuts and the debt ceiling gets raised before Aug. 2, then silver will just go down from here IMO. There is simply more downside to go for silver.

Just to remind everybody..........

Did silver hit $50 in May?......Nope!

Did silver hit $50 in June?......Nope!

Will silver hit $50 in July?........Nope!

$49.85 is the high that you will see for silver in 2011. Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

I smell your fear - it is delicious. Now, release your anger! Only your hatred for silver can destroy the dog!

Keep deluding yourself with self-serving claptrap. The future is unknowable and silver will do anything it chooses to. An $11 move from here within 6 months is child's play for silver and you well know it; hence your pathetic offer of $49.85. Fool to think you can ride the silver bull!;D;D;D

14th July 2011, 12:11 PM
Hey Silver Art... The silver dog is going to BITE YOUR ASS and you KNOW it! ;D

1970 silver art
14th July 2011, 05:15 PM
I smell your fear - it is delicious. Now, release your anger! Only your hatred for silver can destroy the dog!

Keep deluding yourself with self-serving claptrap. The future is unknowable and silver will do anything it chooses to. An $11 move from here within 6 months is child's play for silver and you well know it; hence your pathetic offer of $49.85. Fool to think you can ride the silver bull!;D;D;D

Hey Mamboni,

Hang on a second while I check my "anger meter".....................................Hmmmm........ .............Nope....................No anger present in me. My anger level is at zero according to my "anger meter", however, my happiness level is very high and that is what matters the most to me . :)

I will also have to say that you are mistaken. I do not hate silver. I have no reason to hate silver. Actually I love silver since I love to collect rare silver art bars. :) I cherish the DOG and I will cherish it for the rest of my life but I have to call it as I see it when I say that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. What you are really smelling is my confidence. My confidence in repeating myself in saying that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. :) JPM will do everything in its power to keep silver away from $50 and when the Congresswhores agree on cuts in gov't spending and vote to raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2, then silver will just go down from that point IMO. All I have to say is hold on to your hats because the next leg down for silver will be a doozy and before you know it, silver will bottom out at $26 and it MIGHT stay there for a while.

15th July 2011, 01:14 PM
Hey Mamboni,

Hang on a second while I check my "anger meter".....................................Hmmmm........ .............Nope....................No anger present in me. My anger level is at zero according to my "anger meter", however, my happiness level is very high and that is what matters the most to me . :)

I will also have to say that you are mistaken. I do not hate silver. I have no reason to hate silver. Actually I love silver since I love to collect rare silver art bars. :) I cherish the DOG and I will cherish it for the rest of my life but I have to call it as I see it when I say that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. What you are really smelling is my confidence. My confidence in repeating myself in saying that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. :) JPM will do everything in its power to keep silver away from $50 and when the Congresswhores agree on cuts in gov't spending and vote to raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2, then silver will just go down from that point IMO. All I have to say is hold on to your hats because the next leg down for silver will be a doozy and before you know it, silver will bottom out at $26 and it MIGHT stay there for a while.

I admire your courage 70s!

Of course if you start breaking a sweat, that roll of TP would come in handy. Maybe double down on your bet and have Ponce send the first roll in advance.

15th July 2011, 01:21 PM
Hey Mamboni,

Hang on a second while I check my "anger meter".....................................Hmmmm........ .............Nope....................No anger present in me. My anger level is at zero according to my "anger meter", however, my happiness level is very high and that is what matters the most to me . :)

I will also have to say that you are mistaken. I do not hate silver. I have no reason to hate silver. Actually I love silver since I love to collect rare silver art bars. :) I cherish the DOG and I will cherish it for the rest of my life but I have to call it as I see it when I say that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. What you are really smelling is my confidence. My confidence in repeating myself in saying that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. :) JPM will do everything in its power to keep silver away from $50 and when the Congresswhores agree on cuts in gov't spending and vote to raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2, then silver will just go down from that point IMO. All I have to say is hold on to your hats because the next leg down for silver will be a doozy and before you know it, silver will bottom out at $26 and it MIGHT stay there for a while.

Relax bro: the anger bit is a quote from Lord Vader to Luke. I had to include it.

Anyway, silver has been kicking ass and taking names this week like I cannot recall it doing in a long time. Up over a dollar as I type this and over $3 for the week, I figure you're getting a bad case of the hershey squirts about now. Maybe Ponce will advance you a roll of TP ;D. BTW, Oxyclean is good for removing skidmarks from underwear.

1970 silver art
15th July 2011, 04:59 PM
Relax bro: the anger bit is a quote from Lord Vader to Luke. I had to include it.

Anyway, silver has been kicking ass and taking names this week like I cannot recall it doing in a long time. Up over a dollar as I type this and over $3 for the week, I figure you're getting a bad case of the hershey squirts about now. Maybe Ponce will advance you a roll of TP ;D. BTW, Oxyclean is good for removing skidmarks from underwear.

Hey Mamboni. I am relaxed. :) As a matter of fact, I am very relaxed today. As far as I am concerned, I basically won the bet with Ponce. I am just waiting in my "win" to become "official" on December 31, 2011 in order to receive my 3 rolls of tp from Ponce in early January 2012. :) I am not worried at all and I do not have a bad case of the "hershey squirts" because silver is NOT going to hit $50 this year. Just to be sure, I doublechecked my underwear and no skid marks were found on them. :) No worries here. :)

I will have tp admit that this DOG did kick some ass and took names this week but it will be short-lived and it will probably just go back down again next week to the $34-$36 range before it makes it final leg down to $26 where I think it will bottom out. We will see what happens.

1970 silver art
15th July 2011, 05:11 PM
I admire your courage 70s!

Of course if you start breaking a sweat, that roll of TP would come in handy. Maybe double down on your bet and have Ponce send the first roll in advance.


When I am sure about something, then I just post it on GSUS. I am so sure that silver will NOT hit $50 this year that I was willing to say it loud and clear on GSUS by starting this "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011" thread and I stated my reasons in my OP of this thread on why sillver will NOT hit $50 this year. I am not worried about my bet with Ponce because I feel that I already won the bet. I am willing to state here on GSUS that I think that Ponce is really the one that is breaking a sweat. I am totally relaxed and enjoying my Summer. Life is good in my world. :)

15th July 2011, 08:36 PM

Neither you nor I know $hit about the fuiture.

But we're both be there.

1970 silver art
16th July 2011, 04:45 AM

Neither you nor I know $hit about the fuiture.

But we're both be there.

True confession by me............I do not play the role of "Punk Rocker" on the internet nor do I play one in real life. That is not the type of music that I normally listen to. :)

I will admit that I am not really a silver price predictor but I try my very best to play one on the internet. Once my gut feeling prediction that "Silver NOT hit $50 in 2011" proves to be correct, then maybe I will get a few more "internet auditions" to play a silver price predictor and maybe.........just maybe............I will have a very slim chance of knowing some "shit" about the future. :)

I hope to be there in the future. At the very least, I like to be around on this earth long enough to 1.) See my 38th birthday and 2.) To collect 3 rolls of tp from Ponce in Janaury 2012 once I "offically" win my bet on December 31, 2011.

Hmmmm..............................Did I forget to mention that Silver will NOT it $50 this year?

:) :) :) :) :)

Hey Liberterian Guard, I still like you and thanks for posting on this thead. It is not easy to take a contrarian view on the DOG but when I have a strong gut feeling about silver, then I will express that view loud and clear. A lot of people on this board do not agree with my contrarian view of "No $50 silver in 2011" but that is fine with me. I have no problem with that. I feel very confident in what I believe about the short term (2011 only) price movement of silver.

1970 silver art
4th August 2011, 03:49 AM
Well Well Well.......What do we have here? It appears that silver is on its way towards making another attempt to hit $50. I will admit that I am very surprised and I did not expect silver to be at this level in August ($41.41 as I type this).

My current take on this current silver run is the following:

1.) I feel that a smackdown of silver will come soon (maybe at $44 - $44.50). Silver will not make it to $45 this time around IMO.

2.) If I am wrong and silver does break through the $45 level, then I see a repeat of what happened in early May when silver got smacked down very hard when it was in the $48-$49 range.

Silver will NOT hit $50 this month because there is too much resistence at that level and the JPM shorts will do everything in its power to make sure that silver does not see $50. I do not trust this current silver run and it feel that it will end very badly if/when it reaches the $44-$44.50 level.

I still think that there is more downside to go on silver and I still think that there is a chance that silver can fall as low as $26 before it makes a slight recovery to end the year somewhere between $37 and $41.

As I have said many times since April...................Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. :)

Large Sarge
4th August 2011, 04:12 AM
I believe Sept is the next big delivery month for COMEX

1970 silver art
4th August 2011, 06:14 PM
The August Smack Down - Day 1

Hmmm...........I am impressed with today's silver smack down. It appears that scenario # 1 of post #160 is starting to to happen sooner than I thought since silver only reached $42.37 instead of the $44-$44.50 level. Of course most everything was down today. Since silver was down $2.85 at the close of business today, then I suspect that tomorrow will be more of the same smack down that will bring spot silver closer to where it was before the debt ceiling talks heated up (about $34-$35). Once silver goes back down to that $35-$35 level, then I think that it will break that support level on the downside. Maybe......just maybe......silver will bottom out at $26 before the end of this month.

1970 silver art
5th August 2011, 05:13 PM
The August Smack Down - Day 2

Well there was a small follow-through from day 1 of the August smack down for silver. It was down as low as $37.46 before it finished down only 0.56 at the close of business today. I think that there could be another day or two of smack down to go for next week for silver that will bring it down to the $34-$35 range. I think that once silver is in the $34-$35 range, then it will stay in that range for a short while before it begins another leg down to eventually bottom out at $26.

7th August 2011, 09:03 AM
The Friday smackdown explained and shown in detail, pure market manipulation.


7th August 2011, 09:23 AM
The Friday smackdown explained and shown in detail, pure market manipulation.



7th August 2011, 12:13 PM
Thank you, Dogman.

7th August 2011, 09:26 PM
It just tagged 40 on the way back up.

1970 silver art
9th August 2011, 03:56 AM
Today does not look good at all to me IMO. As I type this, gold is up $48.30 and silver is down 0.72. I have mentioned in another post on another thread but the last time that I saw this scenario was on April 29, 2011 when gold was up $29.90 (went up from $1535.80 to $1565.70) and silver was down about .50 that same day. As you will recall this 4-29-2011 divergence between gold and silver occured before the big silver smack down in the first week of May. In other words, IMO, this does not look good for silver and I think this will be Deja Vu all over again and silver (and gold) will get smacked down very hard very soon.

1970 silver art
9th August 2011, 05:16 PM
Hmmmmm...................Gold way up (up $26.90) and silver way down (down $1.32). Smells like 4-29-2011 to me. For silver, this is just a continuation of the JPM smack down with more downside to come. Once gold cools off and goes down again, then silver will also follow gold on the downside IMO.

Silver is up $0.86 as I type this but it is too early in the game and when NY trading gets a hold of silver tomorrow morning, then it will be just more bloodshed for the DOG when it gets smacked down.

9th August 2011, 06:14 PM
Silver will hit 50 in 2011.

I just don't know what currency it will be in. ;D

9th August 2011, 06:54 PM
If silver does not hit 50, and I believe it will reach $64.87 before year end, then the money system has crashed without the fed being able to dump FRNs from helicopters, planes and trains. Major earth calamities and wars could do such things.

15th August 2011, 05:28 AM
Silver will hit 50 in 2011.

I just don't know what currency it will be in. ;D


Mark it
. ;D

15th August 2011, 03:55 PM
The changes in margin requirements gave silver a beatdown. However, I still think that it is a buy as long as government spending is out of control. It will go up and down but long term, I'm a buyer until our government changes their behaviors. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

And Spectrism, $64.87 would make me simply giddy! :) Any significance to that number? Seems very precise.

15th August 2011, 07:40 PM
The changes in margin requirements gave silver a beatdown. However, I still think that it is a buy as long as government spending is out of control. It will go up and down but long term, I'm a buyer until our government changes their behaviors. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

And Spectrism, $64.87 would make me simply giddy! :) Any significance to that number? Seems very precise.

I think we could see a SEVERE beat-down of the precious metals in the short term. But my chart calcs (and none of the old rules really work anymore) brought me to that number. What will determine the price in terms of FRNs is really if and when the treasury and federal reserve decide to do QE3 or bailout-general public. Additionally, the demand for the metals has gone to the miners directly, from what I heard. Supply is being intercepted before it gets to the dealers.

The only alternative to this scenario is if the banksters decide to strike for the real assets by allowing deflation to make debts unpayable. They confiscate choice properties and metals as super cheap prices unleashing the piles of fiat currency which will devalue daily. If they deflate, you must fight to hold your assets... so be out of debt.

15th August 2011, 09:29 PM
My thoughts are $55.00 as a high/sell point. Mid 60's would rock!

Near term, I'm thinking there may be a low 30's buy point for silver.

What are you anticipating for the low from what you call a 'SEVERE' beat down? I'm always interested in others' analysis. I know I can be narrow minded at times and miss things.

16th August 2011, 05:20 AM
My thoughts are $55.00 as a high/sell point. Mid 60's would rock!

Near term, I'm thinking there may be a low 30's buy point for silver.

What are you anticipating for the low from what you call a 'SEVERE' beat down? I'm always interested in others' analysis. I know I can be narrow minded at times and miss things.

If it breaks below $36, we could possibly see $31.40. I think the lowest number... and we will probably never see that again, is $26.

So, if it drops under $36, it is buy territory. The international market may keep it from getting there. Demand from China & India is growing. This is one thing keeping the price from falling now. The other is anticipation of continued inflation.

When we see the US treasury bonds keeping interest rates low, this is a sign that the federal reserve is buying them up. That is money printing... and they promised to do this through 2012. Of course, their promises are worthless.... so we have to be careful about that. A beat down in silver prices allows the elite to buy physical at cheaper prices. After they milked all they think they can.... and it may run to dealer shortages where no physical can be had, they will let the prices skyrocket.

I am not buying at retail now. I do buy cheap sterling at tag sales. I may trade these in for .999 bars and coins.

Many things to stock up on besides silver.

17th August 2011, 04:17 AM
My thoughts are $55.00 as a high/sell point. Mid 60's would rock!

Near term, I'm thinking there may be a low 30's buy point for silver.

What are you anticipating for the low from what you call a 'SEVERE' beat down? I'm always interested in others' analysis. I know I can be narrow minded at times and miss things.

Ill give you my analysis..............no idea basically except that it will keep going up even if it goes down;D

1970 silver art
21st August 2011, 03:52 PM
Hmmmmmm................It appears that silver is going to make an another attempt at $50. Silver is currently at $43.92 as I type this and still going up. If/when silver reaches that $48-$49 range, then I suspect that there will be a repeat of early May when the JPM shorts ended up knocking it down and keeping it away from $50. As long as the JPM shorts are heavily guarding the $50 level and still have some control over the silver price , then there will be no $50 silver this year.

1970 silver art
30th August 2011, 10:04 AM
The white metal DOG is stubborn but JPM appears to me to be doing a very good job of keeping it down. I think that it is certainly possible for it to make another run at $50, however, if that happens, then it will fail in it's effort to hit $50 like it did in May. Silver will not be able to survive the onslaught of JPM naked shorts at the $50 level. There is nothing for me to worry about here. I am just waiting for Dec. 31, 2011 to confirm that I won the bet so that Ponce can pay me 3 rolls of tp. :)

31st August 2011, 09:33 AM

Silver Ready to Breakout - Technicals and Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz in Early Autumn (http://silverdoctors.blogspot.com/2011/08/silver-ready-to-breakout-technicals-and.html)

2nd September 2011, 06:40 AM
lol which one of you wrote this:

2nd September 2011, 07:07 AM
lol which one of you wrote this:


that Ratholer?

Check it out Outlaw- you're a celeb now - YOU'RE ON ZEROHEDGE

2nd September 2011, 07:32 AM

2nd September 2011, 08:04 AM
haha, that is good. Waiting for outlaw to respond.

1970 silver art
4th September 2011, 02:18 PM


I will NOT get owned by anybody. Becky Quick is so wrong on this and Ponce will end up paying me 3 rolls of tp. I am not worried about this because silver is NOT going to hit $50 this year. I will respond to Becky by saying that while Kitco spot is at $43.25, it is certainly possible that it could make a run toward $50 BUT it will end up NOT hitting $50 because when the spot price reaches that high $48/low $49 range, then the JPM shorts will pile on and pound the crap out of silver. If silver manages to make it that far to the high $48/low $49 level, then this will end up being a repeat of what happened in early May and silver will once again fail to touch $50 and will end up just going down again like the DOG that it is. Also, I am not ruling out the possibility of silver bottoming out at $26 later this year. As I have mentioned in previous posts, this is just a strong gut feeling that I have and I feel that my gut feeling will be proven right on December 31, 2011.

Becky Quick, I like you but you are wrong here and I will own Ponce and I will get my 3 rolls of tp from him after all. :)

1970 silver art
4th September 2011, 02:41 PM

that Ratholer?

Check it out Outlaw- you're a celeb now - YOU'RE ON ZEROHEDGE

HOLY COW!!!!! Who would've thunk it? My 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, I disagree with Becky Quick but I cannot complain. 15 minutes of fame is still 15 minutes of fame. Hahahahaha!!!!!!

5th September 2011, 07:10 AM
SILVER passes $50 by end of September 2011

Large Sarge
5th September 2011, 07:13 AM
SILVER passes $50 by end of September 2011

I am thinking oct 15

1970 silver art
5th September 2011, 10:26 AM
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! All of you that are expecting silver to hit $50 before the year ends will be in for a nasty surprise. JPM will emerge victorious in 2011 because they will have successfully kept silver away from $50 during 2011. The JPM shorts are just waiting to maul the DOG when it approaches the high $48/low $49 range and they will succeed in doing so. This will be just like early May.

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 03:07 AM

Yesterday was awesome. Looks like JPM came out yesterday swinging it's paper "baseball bat" and beatdown the DOG so hard that it was "bleeding" $3.78 yesterday.

Just when you might have thought that it was over and..................


JPM came back with it's paper "baseball bat" and is currently beating the DOG down. It is "bleeding" another $1.70 as I type this.

I just knew that $40 was not going to hold and that it would break $40 on the downside. JPM will not allow itself to lose this battle and as can see, it is beating silver down like the DOG that it is. It certainly looks possible that we might see silver bottom out at $26 after all.

For all you people that are expecting to see $50 silver this year, I have one thing to say to all of you......................


As I have been saying since April........Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011.

23rd September 2011, 03:31 AM
When do you think it will hit $50 then?

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 03:36 AM
When do you think it will hit $50 then?

I think that silver will hit $50 sometime AFTER 2011. :)

Celtic Rogue
23rd September 2011, 04:03 AM
I believe that JPM has used up what tricks they have and the proverbial silver short snowball is huge and is getting bigger with every paper device issued. $500 silver by 2012!!!

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 04:03 PM
I will have to say that I am very happy with day 2 of the September beatdown (day 1 = down $3.78'). JPM did a good job of beating down silver and I applaud JPM for that. Some of you might remember that I was calling for a bottom of $26 for silver. I was expecting that to happen during this Summer but it did not happen at that time but I was hanging on to a slim hope that silver will go down to $26. Well it appears that my wish for $26 silver is coming closer to reality.

I am going to just call it right now by saying that we will see $26 silver sometime next week. I will say that $26 silver will happen either Tuesday (Sept. 27) or Wednesday (Sept. 28') of next week. If silver has another $4+ down day on Monday(Sept. 26), then we could see it on that day. We will see.

Silver is .02 above where silver closed on December 31, 2010 and there seems to be a slim possibility that silver could finish in the red for 2011 (under $30.91).

As for the people (i.e. Ponce) who still think that silver will hit $50 in 2011....................


Dream on.

23rd September 2011, 04:10 PM
Well I am pure disgusted with that crap, I will never buy any silver. Hope you are happy Art cause I am not at all!

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 04:25 PM
Well I am pure disgusted with that crap, I will never buy any silver. Hope you are happy Art cause I am not at all!

Actually I am very happy with this silver beatdown. I am happy for this JPM beatdown on silver because there is a chance that I can find silver art bars locally for a lower price. Well.......That is what I am hoping for anyway but I will have to look a little harder for them at coin shows since almost all of my local dealers do not have any.

23rd September 2011, 04:25 PM
I think it should quite easily overcome 50 by years end... :)

23rd September 2011, 04:27 PM
Well I blame you for this mess Art ! So I am hoping and praying that you pay HIGH premiums for you beloved art bars. ;)

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 05:24 PM
Well I blame you for this mess Art ! So I am hoping and praying that you pay HIGH premiums for you beloved art bars. ;)

But.........but......but......but......Zap. It cannot be my fault because I do not know how to naked short sell silver. You should really blame JPM for this wonderful silver beatdown. JPM is an expert at short selling silver. :)

23rd September 2011, 05:28 PM
Come on Art, Quit tying to blame everybody else for what you have done, just accept responsibility for your actions. ;) I am hoping the premiums are HIGH :)

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 05:38 PM
Come on Art, Quit tying to blame everybody else for what you have done, just accept responsibility for your actions. ;) I am hoping the premiums are HIGH :)

But...but.....but....but..............I do not know anything about naked short selling silver. It's really not my fault. Why did I get blamed for this current for silver beatdown? ;) I am just an innocent silver art bar collector with a "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011" gut feeling prediction. :)

23rd September 2011, 05:42 PM
Don't try to act innocent Mr. you have been yapping about this for a while know, you got your wish.

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 05:48 PM
Don't try to act innocent Mr. you have been yapping about this for a while know, you got your wish.


Hey Zap. It will be ok. :) After 2011 is over and I collect my 3 rolls of tp from Ponce, then you will have January 1, 2012 and beyond for silver to have a chance to hit and exceed $50. :)

23rd September 2011, 05:49 PM
But...but.....but....but..............I do not know anything about naked short selling silver. It's really not my fault. Why did I get blamed for this current for silver beatdown? ;) I am just an innocent silver art bar collector with a "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011" gut feeling prediction. :)

Let me clue you in, as a friend: stop publically gloating; it is low class and unbecoming a gentleman. And there are some here who through no fault of their own have taken a crippling financial hit. They are looking for solace and advice, not chirpish exclamations of self-praise. No man knows the future price of anything, let alone silver; so stop the charade. And considering that we now know that CME raised margins on the metals on the heels of the European credit crunch and declining metals prices, it was a cold-blooded and calculated hit job on a silver, disarmed and wounded, pure and simple. So your "I know what silver's price will be" act is getting threadbare and long in the tooth - find another.

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 06:03 PM
Let me clue you in, as a friend: stop publically gloating; it is low class and unbecoming a gentleman. And there are some here who through no fault of their own have taken a crippling financial hit. They are looking for solace and advice, not chirpish exclamations of self-praise. No man knows the future price of anything, let alone silver; so stop the charade. And considering that we now know that CME raised margins on the metals on the heels of the European credit crunch and declining metals prices, it was a cold-blooded and calculated hit job on a silver, disarmed and wounded, pure and simple. So your "I know what silver's price will be" act is getting threadbare and long in the tooth - find another.

Hey Mamboni. How are you doing? :)

See the first "Disclaimer" of my sig. line. I do not know the future price of silver or anything else. I had a gut feeling in April that Silver is NOT going to hit $50 in 2011 and that all it was. I was so confident in my gut feeling that I was willing and bold enough to post that loud and clear many times on this forum at a time when many people disagreed with me and were expecting silver to hit $50. But guess what? I happened to be right and I just knew that JPM was going to keep silver away from $50. You saw what happened today. As long as JPM controls the silver market, then they can do whatever they want with the price of silver.

As for me gloating, hell yeah I am going to gloat and I will continue to do so. I cannot help myself. I had a strong gut feeling about silver and I expressed that and I refused to back down from my gut feeling and as an added bonus, I will get 3 rolls of tp from Ponce since I won the bet. Life is good. :)

EDIT: If you feel that it is low class of me, then I disgree with that and I am just expressing myself in the way that I see fit. You have a right to your opinion and I do respect you for you posts but I will have to disagree with you on this. Sorry about that and I apologize to everyone on this forum for being a PITA on this but I will express how I feel about silver when my gut feeling is strong.

23rd September 2011, 06:09 PM
Hey Mamboni. How are doing? :)

See the first "Disclaimer" of my sig. line. I do not know the future price of silver or anything else. I had a gut feeling in April that Silver is NOT going to hit $50 in 2011 and that all it was. I was so confident in my gut feeling that I was willing and bold enough to post that loud and clear many times on this forum at a time when many people disagreed with me and were expecting silver to hit $50. But guess what? I happened to be right and I just knew that JPM was going to keep silver away from $50. You saw what happened today. As long as JPM controls the silver market, then they can do whatever they want with the price of silver.

As for me gloating, hell yeah I am going to gloat and I will continue to do so. I cannot help myself. I had a strong gut feeling about silver and I expressed that and I refused to back down from my gut feeling and as an added bonus, I will get 3 rolls of tp from Ponce since I won the bet. Life is good. :)

EDIT: If you feel that it is low class of me, then I disgree with that and I am just expressing myself in the way that I see fit. You have a right to your opinion and I do respect you for you posts but I will have to disagree with you on this. Sorry about that.

The pride...before the fall.

Remember, thou art mortal...thou art mortal...

1970 silver art
23rd September 2011, 06:17 PM
The pride...before the fall.

Remember, thou art mortal...thou art mortal...

You also must remember that I have been wrong on some gut feelings and some other things in the past and I admitted that. I have been humbled before and I am not afraid to admit it to the "internet public" that I was wrong on something. I just feel that I was right when I have been saying since April that Silver will NOT hit $50 this year and it appears that I will be proven right. I earned the privelage to gloat on this one. :) :) :)

OH BTW.......Did I forget to mention that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! Just messing with you Mamboni. :)

1970 silver art
24th September 2011, 12:56 AM
I have been thinking about this since last night and I came to the conclusion that there is a very good possbility that I might be wrong about silver going down to $26 and bottoming out there. I am thinking that there is a possibility that it could go down further to the $23-$24 level and maybe hold there. Maybe I was too optimistic with my $26 silver bottom prediction. The intraday low of $29.76 that was made yesterday will not hold IMO.

If I remember correctly, Neuro mentioned that $21 is the "concrete floor" and that it will not get broken on the downside but if JPM comes out with its fiat "jackhammers", then there is a very slim chance that $21 support level could go down. Neuro, if you are reading this and if I am wrong on what you said, then feel free to correct me.

I do have one thing to say and that is that, in my opinion, the September beatdown is NOT over and I think that this will continue into Monday (Sept. 25) with silver going down to near that $26 level and possibly continue to go down on Tuesday (Sept. 26) with a chance of silver breaking $26 on the downside. JPM is not done with the DOG despite the fact that there is white shiny silver blood on the "fiat" streets and the DOG is beaten down and wounded but, in my opinion, JPM will come out again next week with its paper "baseball bats" and beatdown silver again.

24th September 2011, 07:29 AM
I hear OJ prices are going to go through the roof.

24th September 2011, 01:15 PM
I hear OJ prices are going to go through the roof.

Pizza sauce too. I hear it has something to do with the protests on Wall St.

24th September 2011, 04:29 PM
I'm starting to think that maybe Art isn't exactly who he says he is.

1970 silver art
24th September 2011, 05:26 PM
I'm starting to think that maybe Art isn't exactly who he says he is.

What do you mean by that? Who do you think that I am? Please explain.

24th September 2011, 06:42 PM
What do you mean by that? Who do you think that I am? Please explain.

Well, you seem to have gone through your posts and edited out the comment that read something to the effect of "things are very good in my world right now"...

Only people shorting the hell out of metals are making a killing right now - it is and has been a very good time to be a banker.

You seem to be able to predict with great accuracy (and glee) when and how bad the markets are going to be crushed by "JPM's hammer" or whatever.

As a side note, why do all of your posts read like they were written by someone who does SEO for a living?

Just a few observations.

May be nothing.

1970 silver art
24th September 2011, 06:50 PM
Well, you seem to have gone through your posts and edited out the comment that read something to the effect of "things are very good in my world right now"...

Only people shorting the hell out of metals are making a killing right now - it is and has been a very good time to be a banker.

You seem to be able to predict with great accuracy (and glee) when and how bad the markets are going to be crushed by "JPM's hammer" or whatever.

As a side note, why do all of your posts read like they were written by someone who does SEO for a living?

Just a few observations.

May be nothing.

SEO? What does that stand for? You are losing me there. I just have gut feelings about where the silver price will go and and I just express those gut feelings by writing these posts. As I have told Mamboni, read my sig. line. FWIW I work as a claims processor for a living.

EDIT: Yeah I did say that "things are very good in my world right now" because....................Things are very good in my world right now. :)

EDIT2: I do edit a lot of my posts (like this one for example) because of various reasons. I never claimed to be a good writer but I write just good enough that people undertand what I am saying.

24th September 2011, 07:08 PM
1970 silver art, I appreciate your fun-loving gloats & rants... harmless except to the those with delicate dispositions... It is fun to have you here.

carry on... LOL


1970 silver art
24th September 2011, 07:37 PM
1970 silver art, I appreciate your fun-loving gloats & rants... harmless except to the those with delicate dispositions... It is fun to have you here.

carry on... LOL


Thank You. :)

Ximmy, "Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011" is my gut feeling prediction for silver for 2011 and I created this thread because I want to express that gut feeling and I also want to express my short-term bearish outlook (2011 only) on silver and I want to gloat when I am right. I do not mean to harm people who might be in "delicate dispositions" but I also want to remind people on GSUS that my silver art bar stack also went down in $ value. I was not immune from JPM beating down silver. This silver beatdown does not bother me. Why should it? I will just continue to enjoy my silver art bar hobby like I have been doing for the last 3 years and I will just continue to find and buy the silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. Life is good for me and life will go on.

As I mentioned in an earlier thread, I feel that there will be more silver downside to come on Monday and possibly Tuesday and silver could be at $26 (or possibly lower) by the close of business Tuesday (Sept. 27). With that said, it is not a big deal to me when that happens and I am not scared of the September silver smackdown.

24th September 2011, 07:55 PM
1970 silver art, I appreciate your fun-loving gloats & rants... harmless except to the those with delicate dispositions... It is fun to have you here.

carry on... LOL


Delicate disposition... lol.

How do you figure? I never indicated I was "harmed" in any way by his posts.

Just pointing out the obvious.

24th September 2011, 07:59 PM
Delicate disposition... lol.

How do you figure? I never indicated I was "harmed" in any way by his posts.

Just pointing out the obvious.

Why must it always be about you... :p

24th September 2011, 08:08 PM



24th September 2011, 08:15 PM


Why you gotta bring JoeKing into this...

24th September 2011, 09:16 PM
aarrgghh, now I can't get that song out of my head!!

(where's DMAC's screaming "Aarrgghhh!!" cartoon?)

24th September 2011, 09:23 PM
arrgghh, now I can't get that song out of my head!!

(where's DMAC's screaming "Aarrgghhh!!" cartoon?)

someone made a ten hour version of it for just this occasion...


1970 silver art
25th September 2011, 07:30 AM
I'm starting to think that maybe Art isn't exactly who he says he is.


You do not know who I am since you have not met me in person, however, here is who and what I am. I am a 38-year old black man who stands at 5' 8" and weighs 143 lbs. If you do not believe me, then PM K-os or SLV^GLD since they met me in person and know what I look like. I was on GIM1(R.I.P.) and my GIM1 screename was OutlawJoseyWalesJr. I live in Chattanooga, TN and I lived there for the last 15 years of my life and I do not plan to move anywhere. I work full time (40-50 hrs/week) at a health insurance company as a claims processor and I have worked there for 8 years. It can be a stressful job but I am happy that my workplace has an fitness facility since I can get some exercise to help manage my stress level. It is not my dream job but it pays the bills and allows me to enjoy my hobbies and to live my life. I am a single person and I do not have any kids. I do not plan to get married and I do no plan to father any children because those are responsibilities that I am not interested in taking on. I plan to stay single for the rest of my life. I do not drink and I do not smoke.

Here are some of the things that I like:

1.) Pepperoni Pizza and Orange Juice (I do not do this nearly as much as I used to but I occasionally like doing this)

2.) Silver art bars (My primary hobby. I mainly collect rare ones that were minted in the 1970's and early 1980's)

3.) Football (Favorite college team is Tennessee Vols and my favorite NFL team is the Tennessee Titans)

4.) L.A. Lakers (I have been a Lakers fan since the late 1980's)

5.) Reading books (non-Doom related books only)

6.) Netflix (I like watching movies online)

7.) Hobo Nickels (My secondary hobby but I have not been buying many lately since I have been concentrating my FRNs on buying silver art bars. Thanks to Heimdhal for introducing this to me.)

8.) Going out to the shooting range to shoot my .22 gun (I need more practice and will have to get back to that at a later date)

As for me as a PM buyer, let me be clear on this. Here is what I am and what I am not.............

1). I am NOT an investor and I do NOT consider my silver art bar collection as an investment.

2). I am NOT a serious silver stacker. I am NOT trying to accumulate as many oz's as possible. I concentate on buying rare silver art bars to add to my collection.

3.) I am NOT a short term trader. I do not do any trading of paper gold (i.e. GLD) or paper silver (i.e. SLV)

4.) I am NOT a Doomer and I do not buy PM's for SHTF preperation.

5.) I am a collector. I started out as a regular bullion buyer in Janaury 2007 but I got bored with it and my stack was boring and as a result, I ended up getting rid of all of my SAE's (except 1996 SAE), Engelhard, JM, and other "boring" silver to buy silver art bars. I seriously started collecting silver art bars in August 2008 when I was at a coin show in Georgia and from that point on, my love of silver art bars has grown. I am currently a member of IASAC (International Assocation of Silver Art Collectors) and have been a member of IASAC since 2009.

In addtion to GSUS, I also post on three other message boards and they are the following:

1.) GIM2. I came back to GIM2 on September 4, 2011 and my name screen name there is "Silver Art".

2.) Coin Talk. http://www.cointalk.com/content/ I have been a member there since May 2009 and my screen name there is "1970 Silver Art".

3.) Collector's Universe. http://forums.collectors.com/ I have been a member there since April 2010 and my screen name there is "1970SilverArt"

I will admit that GSUS has brought out the worst in me but it also has brought out the best in me in ways that you did not see when I was on GIM1. GSUS has brought out the worst in me in that I tend to curse more and use more profanity than I did when I was on GIM1. GSUS has also brought out the worst in me in that I am more opinionated than I was on GIM1. GSUS has brought out the best in me by making me a tougher person by not being afraid to defend myself and my points of view on silver (and other non-PM topics) when necessary. GSUS has brought out the best of me in that I can honestly and brutally espress how I feel on certain non-PM related things when I feel the need to do so. I cannot do that anywhere else on the internet IMO. I am an "emotional" person and I do easily get excited but I try by best to keep my cool. I am not perfect but I do the best that I can to get a handle on my emotions.

Now that I got all of that out in the open.........Hmmm..........Where was I?............OHH!!!! I know...........

I do watch the gold and silver markets as well as the stock market. I like posting about gold and silver prices and I have gut feelings about silver and I am willing to express those gut feelings on a pro-free speech forum such as GSUS. As I have mentioned earlier, If I have a gut feeling about what silver prices will do short-term, then I will post it and express why I feel that way. My gut feeling about silver since April 2011 was that Silver is NOT going to hit $50 in 2011. I started to become short-term bearish (2011 only) on silver earlier this year once silver hit $35. The more that silver kept going up, the more short-term bearish that I became on silver and that lead me to have a very strong gut feeling that silver is NOT going to hit $50 and instead it will get beatdown very hard. In the OP of this thread, I explained why I had this gut feeling. A lot of posters on GSUS disagreed to me but I did not care and I have NEVER backed down from this gut feeling. I started this thread because I wanted to post what I felt and to gloat when I was right and so far I am right and as a result I will get 3 rolls of tp from Ponce.

As for right now...............I have already mentioned this but JPM is not done with beating down silver. I feel that there will be more downside to go for silver. I still think that silver will go to down $26 and we could see that either on Monday (Sept. 26) or Tuesday (Sept. 27) at the latest. I think that once the DOG hits $26 on the downside, then I feel that it will stabilze and bottom out at that level BUT there is a possiblity that I could be wrong and that silver could possibily, in the worst case scenario, go down as far as the $23-$24 range (but not lower than that) and there is a possibility (altough not probable) that silver could finish 2011 in the red (any close below $30.91). The people who were expecting that silver was going to hit and exceed $50 this year will be very disappointed since JPM still controls the silver market though manipulation and will continue to do so until the long-term negative fundamentals are strong enough to overcome the JPM artificial manipulaltion that is currently going on with silver.

JPM won this battle and silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011 but that does not necessarily mean that silver is going to lose the war.

Oh BTW......I apologize for this very long post but I had write this detailed response to your accusation that I am not who I say I am. Hopefully this clears up some things about me. :)

1970 silver art
25th September 2011, 03:40 PM
Day 3 of the September Smackdown of the DOG..............

A very good start tonight. WOW!!!!!!!.......$28.90 low already. Down only $1.26 as I type this and it is just getting started. It is certainly a possibility that silver will be in the $26 range possibly tonight. If not, then maybe Monday morning when NY takes a crack at silver. As I previously stated, JPM was not done with the DOG and, as I expected, JPM's paper "baseball bat" is out and being used to beat the white metal down. This will be an interesting night tonight as well as an interesting Monday to see how low silver will go by the close of business Monday.

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 03:48 AM



Silver has finally hit the $26 bottom (intra-day low; see above Kitco quote) that I was predicting that it would do. Granted that my timing was way off because I was expected silver to hit the $26 bottom during the Summer but hey guess what? It did hit $26 intra-day low and I am happy with it. It currently bounced back a little and the Kitco quote that I see now is $28.41 as I type this.

People reading this might ask themselves this..............Will the $26.00 intra-day low hold during NY trading and will it past 10AM this morning? My answer is............


I feel that $26.00 will hold through NY trading and that we reached the bottom. This is how I truly feel about silver. I will also have to say that currently I am not nearly as short-term bearish on silver as I was in April. I have been long-term bullish on silver since the current economic environment has not changed and things will continue to deteriorate from this point IMO.

Since $26 silver low that I have been predicting has occured and I know this will sound like me gloating and acting low class of me but damit I will say this anyway..........

I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel better now. :) :) :)

Oh and one more thing that I need to mention and that is......................

Silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a forgone conclusion as far as I am concerned. JPM was successful in keeping silver away from $50 in 2011. As long as JPM still controls the silver market, then they will do whatever they want with the price of silver and this Septermber silver beatdown just proves that to me.

EDIT: I just checked Kitco and it now shows silver at $28.79. Today will be a very interesting day when NY trading opens.

26th September 2011, 03:58 AM
this is getting old

Celtic Rogue
26th September 2011, 04:03 AM
as I said before... its a long way till january 1st!!! He who laughs last laughs best quote applies! Counting chickens before they hatch? Me thinks so! 8-)

26th September 2011, 05:02 AM
My gut feeling is that a trip to the bathroom is inevitable in the next 10 minutes. My gut is so right...HAHAHA

26th September 2011, 05:42 AM
One good thing since this price drop is the lack of ApMex ads I see while I'm browsing... Ugly Obmama with his mouth open wide is still everywhere to be found though...

26th September 2011, 07:13 AM
Silver has not necessarily reached bottom yet. We still have a few more days. When the panic strikes the markets before Oct 21, the attempt to hyperinflate in opposition to the hyper-deflation will just destroy the currencies. We may see silver in excess of $60 before year end. It really depends on how many banks begin to crumble.

1970 silver art
26th September 2011, 05:11 PM
Today, silver has successfuly bottomed out at $26 and once it hit that intra-day low of exactly $26.00, it bounced up very strongly. That seems like a good sign to me but since I am not a TA expert, I really do not know. However, I do think that for the next few days, the $26 bottom will get tested. If the $26 low gets tested, then I feel that the $26 level will hold and it will stay above that $26 level.

1970 silver art
27th September 2011, 03:42 AM
Since silver has succesfully bottomed out at $26, then I do not feel nearly as short-term bearish (2011 only) on silver like I felt in April. I feel that $26.00 is the true bottom for silver and I ended up being right on calling the $26 bottom (see post # 123 of this thread that I made on May 4, 2011 as my 1st post of me first predicting the $26 silver bottom.). I was off by a couple of months but my timing is not perfect. :)

Even though silver is strongly up (up $2.05 to $32.80 as I type this), I still think that there is a possibility that silver could go back down and test the $26 level. In the next few days, if silver does go back down and test the $26.00 intra-day low that it made yesterday, then it will "pass" the test and $26 will hold and make a recovery. Even though I expect silver to make a recovery from the $26.00 bottom, it will NOT hit $50 this year. I will go ahead right now and make a wild guess that silver will finish somewhere between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

Large Sarge
27th September 2011, 04:45 AM

Let us begin to analyze the silver movements.

The action was fierce inside silver vaults.

Again for the 3 straight day, we had a massive volume of deposits:

1. Into Brinks customer vaults: 600,109 oz
2. Into Delaware customer vaults: 1,109 oz
3. Into HSBC: 582,710 oz
4. Into Scotia: 305,038 oz

total deposit: 1,488,872 oz.

We had the following withdrawals:

1. from Brinks: 16,473 oz
2. from Delaware: 10,434.

total deposit 26,907 oz.
The total registered silver remains at 31.01 million oz.
The total of all silver rises to 107.2 million oz.

The CME notified us that 18 delivery notices were filed for a total of 90,000 oz
The total number of notices filed so far this month: 1269 or 6,345,000 oz
The obtain what is left to be served upon , I take the OI standing (156) and subtract out today's
deliveries (18) which leaves me with 138 notices left to be served upon. (690,000 oz)

Thus the total number of silver oz standing in this delivery month is as follows:

6,345,000 oz (served) + 690,000 (oz to be served) = 7,035,000 oz.


1970 silver art
18th November 2011, 06:35 PM
My oh my oh my.............Time is running short and silver is no where near $50 and it appears that I will end up being right when I said on April 15 (when I started this thread) that silver will not hit $50 in 2011. It is not going to happen. It's as simple as that.

The final confirmation that silver was NOT going to hit $50 in 2011 was the key date of September 26, 2011. That day was when silver made an intra-day low of $26.00 and once it reached that low, then was very clear to me that I was going to be right.

And now I am going to sit back and just relax. O0

18th November 2011, 06:46 PM
Knew you could not stay away from the doom and shit here! 1581

1970 silver art
18th November 2011, 06:50 PM
Knew you could not stay away from the doom and shit here! 1581

Yeah you are right Dogman. I will admit that this GSUS "heroin" is too strong of an addiction to quit. :)

1970 silver art
23rd November 2011, 04:31 PM
I know that the year is not over yet and it is not "official" but I am going to go ahead to just declare myself the winner of the 3-roll tp bet against Ponce. I won the bet since it is a foregone conclusion that silver is NOT going to hit $50 in 2011.

Ponce, if you are reading this post, then the agony of defeat must be very painful to you but you will survive because you are a tough guy. I just want to say thank you for making this bet against me and thank you for being a good sport. It feels good to defeat the tp king in a tp bet. :)

Now down to business................

I was planning to not collect my tp winnings from you but I changed my mind. A bet is a bet and I won fair and square. Therefore, you owe me 3 rolls of tp. Since I am a nice guy and this has been a great year for me, then I will give you until April 1, 2012 to pay me my 3 fresh unused rolls of tp. This should give you plenty of time to handle the emotional trauma of losing 3 rolls of tp in a "betting accident".

Another important note here is that my gut feeling is going to retire on January 1, 2012. Basically what this means is that from January 1, 2012 and beyond, I will NOT make any gut feeling predictions on the spot price of silver. After my gut feeling correctly predicting the spot price of silver for the last two years, then it was time for my gut feeling to retire at the top of its game and just live life and be happy with pepperoni pizza and oj.


23rd November 2011, 08:09 PM
If ww3 starts before the year is up, you will lose.

1970 silver art
31st December 2011, 08:30 PM
Yep it is official.............

Silver DID NOT hit $50 in 2011!

I won the bet!

The End.


31st December 2011, 09:38 PM

Silver 27.86
Gold 1566.40

(*in case the ticker rolls)