View Full Version : The Setup for the Con of the Decade

15th April 2011, 08:47 AM
Good read...can't really argue against what's said here. The only reason it won't happen like this, is because it's been said it will happen like this.


Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2011 11:11 -0400
Submitted by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds

Here's the Setup for the Con of the Decade

The Con of the Decade, which I described last July, is being set up nicely.

I described The Con of the Decade last July (2010). The Con makes me a heretic in the cult religion of Hyperinflation. I consider myself an agnostic about the destruction of the U.S. dollar and hyperinflation (basically the same thing), but my idea that hyperinflation is fundamantally a political process makes me a heretic. I skimmed a few of the dozens of comments posted on Rick's Picks and Zero Hedge after they posted one of my expositions on this dynamic, and didn't see even one comment in favor of this perspective.

The Con is being set up right now, and the outlines are clearly visible. The Con works like this:

1. The Financial Elites/Oligarchy raked in billions in private profit from the orgy of leverage, credit expansion, fraud, embezzlement and misrepresentation of risk that resulted in the Housing Bubble.

2. The losses were transferred to the public (Federal government, i.e. The central State) or its proxy, the Federal Reserve (i.e. the central bank), via bailouts, backstops, guarantees, the Fed's purchase of taxic assets, and an open window for the financiers to borrow billions at zero interest (ZIRP) for further speculations.

3. The Treasury now borrows $1.6 trillion every year, fully 11% of the nation's GDP, as the Central State has replaced private demand and credit expansion with its own borrowing and spending.

4. Non-U.S. central banks have largely ceased to support this unprecedented scale of borrowing, so the Federal Reserve now buys most of the Treasury's issuance of debt via QE2 (quantitative easing, the direct purchase of $600 billion in Treasury bonds).

5. Unlike Japan, the U.S. cannot self-fund its own government borrowing: while U.S. investors, banks and insurance companies do own a significant chunk of Treasuries, the U.S. savings rate (capital accumulation) is still abysmally low, around 4%, which is half the historical average savings rate.

This is the result of the Keynesian Cult's One Big Idea, which is to pull demand forward and encourage borrowing and spending now by any means necessary, and thus sacrifice capital formation/saving.

So the basic outline of the Con is that private losses from the financialization of the U.S. economy were shifted to the public. Now to keep the Status Quo and Financial Plutocracy from imploding, the public is on the hook for $1.6 trillion in additional borrowing every year until Doomsday (around 2021 or so).

Having secured the backing of the Central Bank and Central State, the Plutocracy's only problem now is that it needs a risk-free source of high-yield income. Yes, it has a trillion dollars or so sitting in bank reserves, collecting interest from the Federal Reserve; this is certainly risk-free, but the Fed's Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) keeps the rate of return absurdly low.

Here's where we see the Con taking shape. The ideal setup for risk-free returns is to own Treasurys that pay a high yield. The way to get higher interest rates is to first make the Treasury market supremely dependent on a central bank or single buyer: Done. That buyer is the Federal Reserve.

Next, have that buyer stop buying. Suddenly, interest rates start moving up. If you don't believe this is possible, or part of a larger project, then please explain why PIMCO sold all its Treasuries. Duh--because interest rates are set to rise, and not by a little bit or for a brief span, but by a lot and for years.

That means holders of long-term Treasuries (and other debt) will be cremated as rates rise. (Holders of TIPS will do OK, unless the government fraudulently sets the rate of inflation well below reality. Hmm, isn't that exactly what's it's already doing?)

Once long-term rates have leaped up, then start accumulating the high-yield bonds. Why would rates jump? Supply and demand: as the demand for low-yield Treasuries dries up, the supply keeps rising: every month, the Treasury has to auction tens of billions of dollars of bonds, or even hundreds of billions of dollars. There is no Plan B, the bonds must be sold, and if there are no buyers, then the yield has to rise.

Once rates have been engineered much higher, the Financial Oligarchy accumulates the high yielding bonds.

Here's where "austerity" comes in. Once rates are so high that they're choking the real economy, then voices arise demanding the Federal government stop borrowing and spending so much. Austerity (forced or otherwise) soon reduces the supply of bonds hitting the market and so rates decline, boosting the value of the high-yield debt.

To service the cost of all this Federal borrowing, taxes are raised on what's left of the productive members of society.

To add insult to injury, it will become "patriotic" to "buy bonds."

OK, let's check the setup:

1. Treasury market now dependent on one buyer: check.

2. That buyer stops buying, pushing rates higher: no QE3. Check.

3. "Austerity" is now seen as inevitable--but not just yet: check.

What the true believers of hyperinflation and the destruction of the dollar cannot accept is that debt is an asset to the owner of that debt. In focusing solely on the advantages of inflation to borrowers, they ignore the critical fact that inflation quickly destroys the value of the asset that debt represents to the owner. And debt is a primary asset to pension funds, insurance companies, banks, and indeed the entire financial sector.

So in claiming high inflation is guaranteed, adherents are claiming that the entire financial sector will accept being wiped out, just so Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer won't have to pay interest on the ballooning government debt.

That's exactly backward: the entire point is for Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer to pay high yields on Treasury debt, owned by the Financial sector's Oligarchs. The Con is to stripmine the public coffers, then impose higher rates and "austerity", buy the debt with the cash plundered from the public, and then sit back and enjoy risk-free returns as taxes are raised on the remaining tax donkeys. Inexpensive Bread and Circuses (SNAP food stamps and the political theater of the two parties staging a partisan "fight to the death") will keep the peasantry entertained and complicit.

As I concluded in the first foray into the Con:

In essence, the financial Elites would own the revenue stream of the Federal government and its taxpayers. Neat con, and the marks will never understand how "saving our financial system" led to their servitude to the very interests they bailed out.

The circle is now complete: in "saving our financial system," the public borrowed trillions and transferred the money to private Power Elites, who then buy the public debt with the money swindled out of the taxpayer. Then the taxpayers transfer more wealth every year to the Power Elites/Plutocracy in the form of interest on the Treasury debt. The Power Elites will own the debt that was taken on to bail them out of bad private bets: this is the culmination of privatized gains, socialized risk.

In effect, it's a Third World/colonial scam on a gigantic scale: plunder the public treasury, then buy the debt which was borrowed and transferred to your pockets. You are buying the country with money you borrowed from its taxpayers. No despot could do better.

This is the ultimate endgame of the financialization of the U.S. economy and the concentration of wealth and thus political power in the hands of those who skimmed the immense gains from that financialization.

15th April 2011, 09:18 AM
1. The Financial Elites/Oligarchy raked in billions in private profit from the orgy of leverage, credit expansion, fraud, embezzlement and misrepresentation of risk that resulted in the Housing Bubble.

well, actually ... 1. The Financial Elites/Oligarchy raked in TRillions in private profit from the orgy of leverage, credit expansion, fraud, embezzlement and misrepresentation of risk that resulted in the Housing Bubble.

many trillions - they made a lot more than they lost, and they were set to lose a few trillion until they scammed the US gov. into paying for their losses.

from 1996 to about 2007 - on the "way up" - they were making money all that time.

from 2007 to present - that's when it became obvious that those credit derivatives were just fantasies dreamed up by Talmud-worshippers.

15th April 2011, 09:23 AM
Don't forget...the bankers that banked those profits, will be the same ones that bank the unfunded liability profits...once they're funded...which they will be.

15th April 2011, 09:24 AM
the federal reserve was set up for this exact moment in time. the individual bankers knew they could never get away with this scam on their own, they needed a front man to run the show and make it appear legit. this has been 100 years in the making, and payoff day is almost here.

15th April 2011, 09:33 AM
I disagree with the point that there won't be QE3.

15th April 2011, 09:36 AM
I disagree with the point that there won't be QE3.

You may be right. I don't think the public will learn about any more QE from here on out if it does occur.

15th April 2011, 09:59 AM

At some point the individual "States" stop playing the game. Some will do fine. Most will go cannibal.

midnight rambler
15th April 2011, 09:59 AM
The quickest and simplest way to kill their plan is to expose the fraud of the alleged 14th Amendment, and continue to expose that fraud until critical mass is reached where everyone gets it.

Section. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

midnight rambler
15th April 2011, 10:04 AM

At some point the individual "States" stop playing the game.

With people like you around consistently attacking the only remedy we have that will never happen.

Most will go cannibal.

Some people savor the notion of death and destruction, actually looking forward to it. These are easy to identify as the Baal worshipers.

15th April 2011, 10:12 AM

15th April 2011, 11:50 AM
I disagree with the point that there won't be QE3.

You may be right. I don't think the public will learn about any more QE from here on out if it does occur.

i think they're on QE Section #5.A.ii.g*

they've had so many permutations of QE, the numbers are almost meaningless.

so the official QE1 was announced March 18, 2009, with spectacular results on the gold price (up 8% one day, though it did correct back about 5% over the next few weeks.)

then the official QE2 - what, about 6 months ago ?

but, as Denninger among others has investigated, much of the time, when the primary dealers are buying debt instruments, they are doing so on behalf of the US Gov. it's sort of state-sponsored capitalism, not unlike China.

given the number of times that un-official buying has occurred on behalf of the US Gov., the official QE1 and QE2 numbers then must be listed among the unofficial QE's -
all the way up to QE(n), where "n" is the total number of covert QE's. so, just call it QE-Covert(i), and it goes from 1 to n. just like in college math !

then the summation, the total QE, would be -

QE(total) = QE1 + QE2 + the summation from "1" to "n" of QE-Covert(i).

of course, if i was doing the numbers, i would add a fudge factor.

FFBWDWTW (Fudge Factor Because we're Dealing with Talmud-Worshippers).

so that, in reality,

QE(total) = QE1 + QE2 + the summation from "1" to "n" of QE-Covert(i) + FFBWDWTW

the last part, FFBWDWTW, for example, we could look at the JPMorgan purchases at $40 to $42 of short contracts that were sold for much lower prices. JPMorgan is a bullion bank, they execute trades on behalf of third parties. As Zero Hedge & probably Harvey Organ have documented, JPMorgan is probably executing these trades on behalf of the US government, whether it's for a 3rd party currency speculator whose losses are back-stopped by the US gov., or whoever.

i would all this "Talmudic Math - Arithmetic of the Sanhedrin". the Sanhedrin is the part of the Talmud that deals with a lot of business law and is surprisingly similar to what you see in business school and business school law textbooks.

Hatha Sunahara
15th April 2011, 02:38 PM
This is so believable, it has to be disinformation.

I've often wondered what happens after a collapse. What will the world look like after TSHTF? The elite mop up everything they don't already own? And they try to collect on our collective 'debt slavery'. They reduce us to the status of farm animals, who only work and pay taxes. How long do you think that would last before there was a slave rebellion?

I think I know what happens after a collapse. I need to start wondering what happens after a revolution.


15th April 2011, 04:53 PM
This is so believable, it has to be disinformation.

I've often wondered what happens after a collapse. What will the world look like after TSHTF? The elite mop up everything they don't already own? And they try to collect on our collective 'debt slavery'. They reduce us to the status of farm animals, who only work and pay taxes. How long do you think that would last before there was a slave rebellion?

I think I know what happens after a collapse. I need to start wondering what happens after a revolution.


collapse of what - economy or public morality ? i think the US lost their morality a long time ago. they certainly had it at the beginning.

i think they will continue to wallpaper over the problems almost ad infinitum. some states and many counties and cities will go bankrupt, which means YOYO as far as public services ... you get to deal with burglaries as it was done in the Olde West ... as is currently the case in Oakland, CA.

some states will do well - e.g. North Dakota and Texas. i think there's a lot to be said for living where it's cold in the winter - there's a reason North Dakota has low unemployment ... because if you don't have a job or some savings, you will freeze to death.

i picked up a 45 # bag of white wheat and a sealed 45# bucket of pinto beans from a farmer in Idaho today. they were talking about their prices - going up the next delivery because their prices for the 6 gallon buckets they use doubled.

on the subject of slaves rebelling - i would say, the slaves are already rebelling. ;D they just don't send management a telegram explaining the details !

as far as revolution, it evokes images of past revolutions. but in reality, when order in one community disintegrates, while another community keeps on keeping on, there is a net shift of power, even if it's not announced in USA Today.

i think of Willits, CA & Mendocino County as "Revenge of the Potheads". although many of the idealistic folks that helped to establish the culture are getting older and have been replaced by younger, more business oriented people (who just want to grow pot), the basic goal of dis-connecting from the grid and becoming self-sufficient was accomplished (except for their dependence on fossil fuels). the older folks started it, the younger folks are continuing the traditions.

so, if Oakland deteriorates, but Willits just keeps on keeping on - isn't that a net shift of power towards Willits ?

i think the 'revolution' this time around might just be the disintegration of social order in some towns while it continues in others. examples of towns that will keep it together - Willits, California
Baker City, Oregon
Bismarck, North Dakota

Hatha Sunahara
16th April 2011, 10:48 AM
Never have so few enslaved so many for so long.

Does anybody think the elite are going to get away with it?


gunny highway
16th April 2011, 11:54 AM
Never have so few enslaved so many for so long.

Does anybody think the elite are going to get away with it?


i think they pretty much have already. it's their system and there is really nothing we can do but bend over. >:(

16th April 2011, 11:57 AM
There are no more solutions for exiting this debt crisis. Printing more money didn't solve the issue and of course it was never meant to. Debt slavery is the name of the game and the intention behind the big con all along.

Revolution is sought in order to enact Martial Law and strip the people of the last thorn in the eye of the elite, the 2nd Amendment.

As far as TPTB are concerned, China is the model of a slave populace that is needed to enact absolute control. We are being fleeced on purpose no doubt about it.

16th April 2011, 11:57 AM
Never have so few enslaved so many for so long.

Does anybody think the elite are going to get away with it?


i think they pretty much have already. it's their system and there is really nothing we can do but bend over. >:(

... and pick up the rope and pitchfork.... and that shotgun.... and march on their palaces.

16th April 2011, 06:52 PM
Never have so few enslaved so many for so long.

Does anybody think the elite are going to get away with it?


i think they pretty much have already. it's their system and there is really nothing we can do but bend over. >:(

... and pick up the rope and pitchfork.... and that shotgun.... and march on their palaces.

actually, there's a lot we can do.

but most discussion about any activity that would materially impede the Talmud worshippers' plans for world domination, has been made illegal, by HR 1955 and 1959. Nancy Pelosi was key in getting that passed.



"Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate)

Which went through the Senate on 8/2/2007:
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.


HR 1955 RFS
110th CONGRESS1st Session

H. R. 1955

October 24, 2007

Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007'. "

The Congress finds the following:
`(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens."

that would be us. what we talk about here would be considered by the Pelosi's and Chertoff's of the world as "terrorist-related propaganda". personally, i would say that comes out of AIPAC and the Presidential briefing room is "terrorist-related propaganda".

"(6) Preventing the potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily accomplished solely through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and can benefit from the incorporation of State and local efforts."

" (a) Establishment- There is established within the legislative branch of the Government the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism.

`(b) Purpose- The purposes of the Commission are the following:

`(1) Examine and report upon the facts and causes of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States, including United States connections to non-United States persons and networks, violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in prison, individual or `lone wolf' violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence, and other faces of the phenomena of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence that the Commission considers important. "

these f*ckers are serious.


`"(a) Establishment- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish or designate a
university-based Center of Excellence for the Study of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism in the United States (hereinafter referred to as `Center') following the merit-review processes and procedures and other limitations that have been previously established for selecting and supporting University Programs Centers of Excellence."

this is part of their Jobs for Talmud-Worshippers programs. i'm not sure which university got those $. wouldn't be surprised if Stanford got it, because of Condoleeza Rice' pernicious influence.

long story short, when you dig into the bill more, you find out that talking about organizing economic boycotts (e.g. of Israel), or perhaps writing other countries asking them to dump the dollar, because it is used to finance American and Israeli terrorism - simply being honest and acting morally is illegal, because of laws like HR 1955 and 1959.

which means that discretion is wise. also that the US government is morphing into a police state entity that attacks anybody who tells the truth about it.

there is also an "age-ist" aspect to it ... a lot of the time, the people trying to enforce these laws are young people working for DHS & the FBI, young people who thought they were going to "serve their country in the aftermath of 9-11" but don't know sh*t about history.

Hatha Sunahara
16th April 2011, 08:00 PM
I think this means you can grumble all you want, but you're off to the camps if you try and organize anything that the government considers counter to their interests.

I suppose if you were going to do that, it would have to be in complete secrecy.
