View Full Version : Latest Duke

19th April 2011, 04:58 AM

19th April 2011, 05:14 AM
Duke buys the official 911 BS, lists ZOG inside jobs but fails to mention 911 again which was the biggest of them all.
He looks creepy at his age, baby-fresh skin, dyed hair but grey beard. I wonder how exactly he is controlled...

19th April 2011, 09:15 AM
Duke buys the official 911 BS, lists ZOG inside jobs but fails to mention 911 again which was the biggest of them all.
He looks creepy at his age, baby-fresh skin, dyed hair but grey beard. I wonder how exactly he is controlled...

And he thinks the Rothschilds haven't been relevant since the 17th century. :D

General of Darkness
19th April 2011, 09:21 AM
i got a message for muslims. Stay in your own countries and get out of OURS while you still can, because ITZ coming. ;)