View Full Version : For You Boomers, A Window To The Past
19th April 2011, 07:54 AM
Here is your window to the past. Old forgotten TV shows, when you were kids, long before your awakening. This was your world, nice and tidy.
19th April 2011, 08:38 AM
bump for the oldtimers. ;D
19th April 2011, 09:35 AM
Just feeling a little nastalgic today. Can you remember:
When you got your first bike. Mine was a Schwinn 24", I was 7 years old. That bike cost my father $36, over half of his paycheck.
When your parents bought their first house. $16,000 in 1959, and needed 1/3 down.
When you played cowboys & indians with all of the other kids in the neighborhood. We had a ton of fun, even if you were an indian. This when kids actually played outside, and used their imagination, climbed trees, built a fort in the woods, gone all day, and got dirty as hell.
Getting a Mattel "Fanner 50" with a real leather holster.
When there were no supermarkets, only the neighborhood corner store, and naturally not open on Sunday. Nothing was open on Sunday, only movie theaters and restaurants.
We were immigrants, my father, mother and me. 1954 was the beginning of a new life, a new language that had to be learned. The American Dream did come true.
Unfortunately the dream will never be again.
19th April 2011, 09:42 AM
Just feeling a little nastalgic today. Can you remember:
When you got your first bike. Mine was a Schwinn 24", I was 7 years old. That bike cost my father $36, over half of his paycheck.
When your parents bought their first house. $16,000 in 1959, and needed 1/3 down.
When you played cowboys & indians with all of the other kids in the neighborhood. We had a ton of fun, even if you were an indian. This when kids actually played outside, and used their imagination, climbed trees, built a fort in the woods, gone all day, and got dirty as hell.
Getting a Mattel "Fanner 50" with a real leather holster.
When there were no supermarkets, only the neighborhood corner store, and naturally not open on Sunday. Nothing was open on Sunday, only movie theaters and restaurants.
We were immigrants, my father, mother and me. 1954 was the beginning of a new life, a new language that had to be learned. The American Dream did come true.
Unfortunately the dream will never be again.
Amen. How could we have known how fortunate we were to have been born in the right place and the right time to enjoy such a privileged lifestyle, one unheard of for a working man's family?
19th April 2011, 09:53 AM
How we let the jews into our minds.
19th April 2011, 10:02 AM
How we let the jews into our minds.
19th April 2011, 10:11 AM
:D teevee doctors
19th April 2011, 10:12 AM
At least back then TV shows had a moral family base to them, now a days you turn on prime time and watch shows conditioning the kids it's okay to be a homo or so called reality shows where you are taught stab someone in the back and get a prize.
Times were more simple back then and kids were allowed to be kids without assigning them some acronym and then medicating the hell out them so they fit a profile that some drug company has determined what is normal or not.
Many Moms didn't work outside the home and made sure quality wholesome meals were served.
The fat kid in my neighborhood sure wouldn't be considered fat if you compared him to the kids of today, he was probably only a couple pounds overweight and called fat only because his cheeks were a little bigger then the rest of us.
We walked or rode our bike to baseball practice, very few kids got driven all over the place like it is today.
19th April 2011, 10:22 AM
We walked or rode our bike to baseball practice, very few kids got driven all over the place like it is today.
Before teevee.
19th April 2011, 10:49 AM
At first there will be chaos and killings but when everything settles down, once again, then our lives will be like in the 50's or even the 30's, this will happen not by choice but for the condition that the country will find itself in............then the county will make "progress" and it will be once again as it is today...this step will take AT LEAST 75 years or three generations.
First post of the day...............good morning to one and all.
19th April 2011, 12:24 PM
At first there will be chaos and killings but when everything settles down, once again, then our lives will be like in the 50's or even the 30's, this will happen not by choice but for the condition that the country will find itself in............then the county will make "progress" and it will be once again as it is today...this step will take AT LEAST 75 years or three generations.
First post of the day...............good morning to one and all.
You left out "many will die." :oo-->
19th April 2011, 12:56 PM
At least back then TV shows had a moral family base to them, now a days you turn on prime time and watch shows conditioning the kids it's okay to be a homo or so called reality shows where you are taught stab someone in the back and get a prize.
If they had come out strong with a materialistic, sex-worshiping, degenerate, pro-homo, pro-miscegenation message people would have thrown their talmudvisions out the window. They had to start out moral so people would accept the tel avivsion as a medium for conveying cultural standards and morality, and then slowly introduce the immorality.
That's how you boil a frog.
19th April 2011, 01:13 PM
LOL Doc....... in many way and in many places many are already doing so, the gates to hell are oppening and there is nothing that the regular John Doe in the street can do about it.....from the Gulf oil spill many are really sick and the only papers that are saying anything about it is the local Japan they expect for 400,000 to die from the radiation.....and by wars, hunger, sicknes, and so on, many more are buying the farm.......but.......protect yourself and your loved ones and forget about the rest of the world, to late to worry about them........."and many will die".
19th April 2011, 01:39 PM
How we let the jews into our minds.
More accurately the dual citizen/zionists and their puppets who run america...
Why not? They've managed to get Easter eggs renamed as "spring spheres".
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