View Full Version : Goodbye $44

19th April 2011, 12:47 PM
The real beauty about waging a two front war (keeping gold from hitting the barrage of $1,500 limit spot orders; and silver from passing a dollar a day) means that Comex cartel has to pick its fights. Today gold loses for now, as the $1,500 spot (but not futures) price is safely defended. The same can not be said for silver. $44 was just taken out. And those who actually wish to buy American Eagles can do so at the low, low price of $47.32 on Monex.http://www.zerohedge.com/article/goodbye-44

midnight rambler
19th April 2011, 12:50 PM
GSR now <34:1. wow

19th April 2011, 01:00 PM
Looks like silver cant be bothered waiting for gold to cross 1500

19th April 2011, 01:02 PM

I keep checking back here to see the POS. I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame!

19th April 2011, 01:29 PM
I no longer pay attention to the ratio between silver and gold because I know that silver is now a big boy and going its own way........

19th April 2011, 01:39 PM
GSR now <34:1. wow

when it gets 1:1 sell silver for gold.

19th April 2011, 01:41 PM
I would say "trade" silver for gold.

19th April 2011, 02:26 PM
GSR now <34:1. wow

when it gets 1:1 sell silver for gold.

You just made the book of quotes, Platinum Dude!

"When the GSR gets to 1:1, sell silver for gold!" - platinumdude

19th April 2011, 05:51 PM
Silver at $43.99 heheheheheheheh, I love the smell of fresh tp in the morning......right silver?

19th April 2011, 05:59 PM
$44.02 Post more rocket pics.

19th April 2011, 06:00 PM
Silver at $43.99 heheheheheheheh, I love the smell of fresh tp in the morning......right silver?

I guess that is better than the smell of freshly used tp in the morning. :D

19th April 2011, 06:05 PM

19th April 2011, 06:29 PM

1970 silver art
19th April 2011, 06:40 PM
Silver at $43.99 heheheheheheheh, I love the smell of fresh tp in the morning......right silver?

I do love the smell of fresh Charmin tp in the morning and I will love the fresh smell even more when I win the bet and you end up shipping 3 rolls of Charmin tp to me on January 1, 2012. ;D

Silver high (so far) for 2011 = $44.21/oz. From the silver high so far this year, it is $5.79 away from hitting $50. Will silver hit $50 this year? Correct answer: No. ;D

mick silver
19th April 2011, 06:53 PM
Correct answer ... yes then some

19th April 2011, 06:58 PM
Correct answer...................?

19th April 2011, 07:18 PM

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
19th April 2011, 07:59 PM
Silver at $43.99 heheheheheheheh, I love the smell of fresh tp in the morning......right silver?

I do love the smell of fresh Charmin tp in the morning and I will love the fresh smell even more when I win the bet and you end up shipping 3 rolls of Charmin tp to me on January 1, 2012. ;D

Silver high (so far) for 2011 = $44.21/oz. From the silver high so far this year, it is $5.79 away from hitting $50. Will silver hit $50 this year? Correct answer: No. ;D

As much as silver seems to climb so quickly, 70's silver may actually have a good chance on this bet, I'd say about 45% chance of him being right, Ponce 55%... What's certain is he'll be shittin' bricks through out this rollercoaster, no wiping required for that...so maybe he let Ponce keep a consolation tp roll if Ponce loses.

19th April 2011, 08:06 PM
Well Veni Vidi Vinci.........he knows he is going to loose, otherwise he would had bet me the 100 oz that I wanted to bet..........he now writes but I can see his hand shaking ahahahahahahah.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
19th April 2011, 08:19 PM
Well Veni Vidi Vinci....

Bwwahahahaha...I know simple oversight(or did you "MEANT" to do that?), that's classic..thanks Ponce ;D :lol

BTW, I'm glad that 70's art returned after having to deal with some biggot posters that have to point out the worst in minorities (about half a year ago), I did the same, got that advice from w.c. whom ironically didn't keep a thick skin shortly after, wish he would've stayed. Sorry didn't mean to derail, back to point...

19th April 2011, 08:31 PM
Well Veni Vidi Vinci....

Bwwahahahaha...I know simple oversight(or did you "MEANT" to do that?), that's classic..thanks Ponce ;D :lol

BTW, I'm glad that 70's art returned after having to deal with some biggot posters that have to point out the worst in minorities (about half a year ago), I did the same, got that advice from w.c. whom ironically didn't keep a thick skin shortly after, wish he would've stayed. Sorry didn't mean to derail, back to point...

What is the point ,o yea...................

19th April 2011, 08:35 PM
Hey Veni? even a dumb Cuban with a 10th grade education likes to learn..........

1970 silver art
19th April 2011, 08:41 PM
Well Veni Vidi Vinci.........he knows he is going to loose, otherwise he would had bet me the 100 oz that I wanted to bet..........he now writes but I can see his hand shaking ahahahahahahah.


Ponce? I reason that I do not want to bet any silver with you because I do not want to see you lose any silver in a "betting accident". I am trying to save you from yourself and I want to see you complete your "silver island". ;D Since silver will NOT hit $50 this year, then it would not make any sense for you to lose your silver in a "betting accident" by betting that it will hit $50 this year. However, I really do not have any problem if you lose 3 rolls of tp in a "betting accident" because I really just want 3 rolls of your toilet paper and since I am going to win this bet, my wish will come true on January 1, 2012.

When you ship those 3 rolls of tp to me, I prefer that you use the USPS Express mail option and I also want you to insure that package. ;D

Ponce, repeat after me..............

Silver.........will..........NOT...........hit.... .......$50..................in................2011 .


19th April 2011, 08:47 PM

Bang Zoom

19th April 2011, 08:52 PM
Libertarian just gave you my answer hahahahahahaahahaha.

1970 silver art
19th April 2011, 09:20 PM

Bang Zoom

Rocket = silver

"Da Moon" = $50

The rocket is on the launch pad for the countdown...............3........2........1....... ....We have liftoff.................The rocket is rapidly gaining speed and headed to "da moon"...............The rocket blasted through the year 2010 with an 83% return and is still gaining altitude......................The year 2011 begins and the rocket has a little "hiccup" but it is still gaining altitude with "da moon" within its sights......................April 2011 begins and the rocket seems to be going faster and it appears that it will make it to "da moon" blazing at 42% YTD ............................................This is such an amaz.................OOOPS!!!!!!!!........what's that noise?...........*cough*......*sputter*.......*cou gh"...........rocket slowing down quickly........*cough*........*sputter*........GSU S we have a problem........*cough*.....*sputter*........losing altitude fast..........*cough*.........*sputter*........... ..Rocket will not make it to "Da moon" this year..........Rocket is crash landing back to earth...............going down.......*cough*.......*sputter*............CRAS H!!!!!!!!!!!.

The rocket failed on it's mission to "da moon" in 2011 and instead it crash landed to earth. Bummer............

The End

19th April 2011, 09:31 PM

How sweet it is

19th April 2011, 09:38 PM
I don't believe this, no one has tried to stop it ............. yep, the people have taken over the PM market.

19th April 2011, 09:40 PM
We're not even close to where the catch up point resides. Silver is heading for well past 3 digits.

19th April 2011, 09:43 PM
Silver Art

You won't have any need for Ponce's TP once silver hits $50


Ha ha, all in good fun!

19th April 2011, 10:07 PM
Sammy's been replaced by Arty. ;D

I don't like seeing it rise this fast either.

If only for all the weak hands that will be rattled away from it when it dips.

19th April 2011, 10:22 PM
Sammy's been replaced by Arty. ;D

I don't like seeing it rise this fast either.

If only for all the weak hands that will be rattled away from it when it dips.

Personally I'm hoping for a hefty correction but I think any of the weak hands that run away from silver because of it never understood the real reasons for holding it and I might also add that I think their slack would be absorbed by the holders over x amount of time.

These 'weak' hands I am assuming are probably investors/speculators that will sell for profit at the first hint of a rundown with the option to get back in later. I sure would like to see the correction so that folks that want it for survival reasons have a chance to get in or add to what are probably meager holdings. To me this is about a break for the little guy.

19th April 2011, 10:28 PM
To me this is about a break for the little guy.

Or break the little guy, is what I'm saying.

Survivor or not when you see large moves like this you are compelled to play.

I am right now, by not buying at this price. 8)

19th April 2011, 10:33 PM
I'm thinkin' that the little guys are going to hold and the larger players would be the ones to cut and run for fear or profit. I just think the little guy really understands what's at stake here.

19th April 2011, 10:35 PM
Libertarian don't give him any ideas.......the guy is getting desperated looking at the price go up by the minute ;D

19th April 2011, 10:40 PM
Libertarian don't give him any ideas.......the guy is getting desperated looking at the price go up by the minute ;D

$35 was the natural price for silver in 2005.

Right now, I can't see it being anywhere under $70. ;D

19th April 2011, 11:07 PM

20th April 2011, 01:30 AM
I don't see any real disordorer in this market yet. Yes, it is rising steadily, but disorder is when it gaps up several percent points at a time. I think what we are seeing here is a function of users securing stocks coupled with buyers with conviction both pitted against an opposition who has by in large lost control of the ability to push back. Time will tell, but I think a good consolidation at around $70 would be healthy. ;D

1970 silver art
20th April 2011, 03:27 AM
I still think that silver will NOT hit $50 this year and I will stand by my gut feeling prediction but honestly speaking, if my gut feeling ends up being wrong on this and silver does end up hitting $50 this year, then I am still a "winner" because I own physical silver (1-oz silver art bars). Everybody else who owns physical silver will also "win". If my gut feeling prediction ends up being right (a likely scenaro), then I am a "winner" because I can buy silver art bars from my local dealers for a cheaper price when the smackdown occurs (if silver premiums also fall during the smackdown). The only thing that I lose if my gut feeling prediction is wrong is 3 rolls of tp. ;D

I will also admit that the rise in the spot silver price this year has been very good to me and it has helped me by allowing me to sell my common minted silver art bars that I no longer wanted to a local dealer for a paper FRN profit. All I did was to turn around and use the paper FRN profits to buy the rare 1-oz silver art bars that were on my silver art bar wish list. It made sense to me to do the selling now (for a profit) since silver is NOT going to hit $50 this year and will get smacked down very soon, In other words, this huge upward move in silver in 2011 has allowed me to upgrade my silver art bar collection to consist of more rare silver art bars since I made a large paper FRN profit to allow me to buy the really expensive 1-oz rare '70's silver art bars that I always wanted to add to my silver art bar collection.

20th April 2011, 04:52 AM
I have it on good authority that silver arts gut feelings dont always work out ..........your gut feeling forgot the american dollar

Spot Gold Passes $1,500, Silver Approaches $45, As Dollar Plummets......................................http ://www.zerohedge.com/

is it time for the 45$ thread this one only seemed to last a day... :sun: :sun:

20th April 2011, 04:55 AM
I don't see any real disordorer in this market yet. Yes, it is rising steadily, but disorder is when it gaps up several percent points at a time. I think what we are seeing here is a function of users securing stocks coupled with buyers with conviction both pitted against an opposition who has by in large lost control of the ability to push back. Time will tell, but I think a good consolidation at around $70 would be healthy. ;D

No the only disorder is here....... :ROFL:

20th April 2011, 07:37 AM
hellooooo $45!

we touched it, but the kitco bug in the upper right of GSUS is frozen,

$44.90 now

20th April 2011, 07:38 AM
This is bordering on freakshow.

20th April 2011, 07:48 AM
Those have been laughing at me for buying PMs for the last 12 yrs will also buy but they will pay a wheelbarrow of cash for one SAE in order to avoid paying 2 wheelbarrows the next day.

20th April 2011, 07:53 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

20th April 2011, 07:54 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....


20th April 2011, 07:59 AM


20th April 2011, 08:02 AM
holy shit, the outlaw must pissing his pants ;D

20th April 2011, 08:08 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

20th April 2011, 08:17 AM

20th April 2011, 08:25 AM
$45.05................what can I say..........Silver Art must be praying like a good Christian by now..........me?
I can only go hheheheheeehehehehheeh.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

20th April 2011, 08:29 AM
$45.05................what can I say..........Silver Art must be praying like a good Christian by now..........me?
I can only go hheheheheeehehehehheeh.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

... :oo-->...45 WHAT, ponce?? dollars you say?...whats a dollar worh?? For $%^&#38;# sakes take red pill. :oo-->,as well as a remedial course in money.

20th April 2011, 08:31 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

I think the giddiness is because as the currency changes, GSUSers feel some degree of immunity as they see their strategic defense maneuvers are finally being validated, and the validation happens to be in terms of flashing FRNs which their friends and associates, who may have criticized them in the past, are able to understand.

20th April 2011, 08:46 AM
Now at $45.17.............a drop at a time will a bucket fill........but.......what I have is a 55 gallon barrel hahahaahahahahah.

20th April 2011, 08:47 AM
Now at $45.17.............a drop at a time will a bucket fill........but.......what I have is a 55 gallon barrel hahahaahahahahah.

All I got is 2 ammo boxes full of Ag ;D

20th April 2011, 08:50 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

JD, you are looking at the POS totally wrong. It has been underpriced for so long you think that is normal. Silver is just going back to where it should be. Note that the POS is rising in ALL currencies. As rare as it is now, it should be in the hundreds of dollars.

20th April 2011, 08:51 AM
Perhaps JDRock sold his long position too early. ;D

An once of silver is still undervalued as it is not yet valued at an average day's wage.

A search of a silver dollar being a days wage only yielded top hits of sites talking about a silver dime being a days wage. 8)

20th April 2011, 09:31 AM
Silver is convertible to FRNS, which are convertible to stuff. So 1 oz silver = 45 FRN = 12 pounds of chicken. Last summer it was 5 pounds of chicken.

Incidentally JD, in 2007 1 oz of silver bought 50 shares of INTK stock. Now it buys 2250 shares.

20th April 2011, 09:38 AM
I kind of view this is having a lifejacket on the Titanic.

I am glad I have something that can save me, but I really don't want to be on a sinking ship.

20th April 2011, 09:41 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

You seem pretty upset about the collapse of something you feel is illegitimate. Like Sparky said, if it makes you feel better, price it in jello. It buys a lot more jello today than 5 years ago.

Wait a minute.....maybe the jello market is collapsing. ;D

20th April 2011, 09:42 AM
I kind of view this is having a lifejacket on the Titanic.

I am glad I have something that can save me, but I really don't want to be on a sinking ship.

Yes, the water will be too cold for frying chicken...

20th April 2011, 09:43 AM
I still can't believe the equities. Stuck in quicksand. ???

20th April 2011, 09:46 AM
I just think the little guy really understands what's at stake here.

I can't remember clearly, but I think the most people ever on GIM was pre 08.

20th April 2011, 09:49 AM
No I havnt sold an oz
why?cause nothings worth the xchange!
No I'm not looking at it wrong you are if
you ever. measure the price of pms by the
dollar or euro or ANY fiat currency
my cavil is with the cheerleaders who
Are too blind to see what the end result
of this is. No it is you sir who are wrong
by using a flawed measure to value au.

20th April 2011, 10:00 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

I think the giddiness is because as the currency changes, GSUSers feel some degree of immunity as they see their strategic defense maneuvers are finally being validated, and the validation happens to be in terms of flashing FRNs which their friends and associates, who may have criticized them in the past, are able to understand.

Good points sparky, BUT, if we dont control the conversion ratio, which we DONT, then my point is theres NOTHING we can do about the new currency being valued at,say a 1 to 1 oz ratio. then giddiness will be replaced by gnashing of teeth!..unless of course one takes the time to understand intrinsic vs speculative worth.

20th April 2011, 10:01 AM
Are too blind to see what the end result
of this is.

I think the end result is open to debate. What's your opinion?

20th April 2011, 10:05 AM
Silver is convertible to FRNS, which are convertible to stuff. So 1 oz silver = 45 FRN = 12 pounds of chicken. Last summer it was 5 pounds of chicken.

Incidentally JD, in 2007 1 oz of silver bought 50 shares of INTK stock. Now it buys 2250 shares.

again good points (ouch on the intk), in the short term this is a gain, but im not willing to sell a dime !!

i guess your saying that the paper gains have temporarily outstripped inflation, to that i would agree! Time to rejoice? not unless im selling...if i were flipping it i guess we could use these paper gains to heard off inflation by converting as you say to "stuff".... but im not ready yet. ;)

20th April 2011, 10:05 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

I think the giddiness is because as the currency changes, GSUSers feel some degree of immunity as they see their strategic defense maneuvers are finally being validated, and the validation happens to be in terms of flashing FRNs which their friends and associates, who may have criticized them in the past, are able to understand.

Good points sparky, BUT, if we dont control the conversion ratio, which we DONT, then my point is theres NOTHING we can do about the new currency being valued at,say a 1 to 1 oz ratio. then giddiness will be replaced by gnashing of teeth!..unless of course one takes the time to understand intrinsic vs speculative worth.

No, but I can and will cheer the rise of Ag in terms of how much Au it buys me. My 'end game' is when Au:Ag = 1:<20.

There is a valid point that the price of silver is correcting upward, IMO. It has been extremely undervalued for a long time. Otherwise, using your logic JD, we should have seen $50 Ag back in 2008 when the dollar tanked.

20th April 2011, 10:10 AM
you got me thinking dmac, my point is/was that to me as a long term holder, a pry it from my cold dead fingers guy, i was not sad when "they" valued sil at 6.00 ,so, being consistent im not any happier that its near 50 frn's...i dont mean to rain on the parade here so , carry on! :sun: :rocket_hor :gwing

20th April 2011, 10:16 AM
Are too blind to see what the end result
of this is.

I think the end result is open to debate. What's your opinion?

my belief is, Spark, that a currency change is ready and waiting AFTER they crash the dollar and panic ensues.... with the sheeple crying out to uncle Sam(uel goldstein) for a "solution". I believe the signs and climate is ready... hense my doom and gloom...what say you??

20th April 2011, 10:18 AM
...this can not be good. Again, silver is NOT worth intrinsically more than than it was yesterday or even last year. :oo-->....what you are witnessing, is the tribe tanking the dollar to replace it with what they would rather have.....

pay attention to what is really happening here! Again, i was hoping for a collective understanding of both what is in play, and whats at stake. Take a moment stop and think, the # that just last year we all said ( correctly) were manipulated are now the absolute standard of truth an verity! :oo-->
And, the frn that we all were recently ( and justly ) lampooning, is now to some, the most desireable of things!!.."we are at $ 45.00 some gloat! 45 WHAT??

are some so easily blinded by a few flickering lights on a screen that they would forget the basics?? In your orgasmic frenzy here while the tribe is laughing their heads off, while you look at some meaningless charts and #s, they are AGAIN fundamentally changing the currency.

You seem pretty upset about the collapse of something you feel is illegitimate. Like Sparky said, if it makes you feel better, price it in jello. It buys a lot more jello today than 5 years ago.

Wait a minute.....maybe the jello market is collapsing. ;D

no my concern is/has been with the REPLACEMENT! and the ensuing conversion ratio :oo-->read my posts!

20th April 2011, 10:40 AM
author=JDRock link=topic=25018.msg215879#msg215879 date=1303319918]

no my concern is/has been with the REPLACEMENT! and the ensuing conversion ratio :oo-->read my posts!

I can appreciate your concerns but if you think there is going to be a currency replacement with a set exchange rate of x:x where your silver, instead of buying 20 loaves of bread before the replacement, will only buy you 5 after the replacement, where do you factor in free market economics? Serious question.

Until there is a one world dictator enforcing global buy/sell measures (as there will be), how do you suggest the 'official' value will override the free markets perception of value. Because in order for it to work, there would have to be global conformance. Even then, there is still the black market.

Maybe it would help, for clarity, if you address Sparky's comment on what you believe the end result to be in more specific terms than a currency exchange is in the wings. Currency systems have been changed before, but they have to correlate to free market pricing to work.

edit....sorry, added some thoughts

20th April 2011, 10:48 AM
Are too blind to see what the end result
of this is.

I think the end result is open to debate. What's your opinion?

my belief is, Spark, that a currency change is ready and waiting AFTER they crash the dollar and panic ensues.... with the sheeple crying out to uncle Sam(uel goldstein) for a "solution". I believe the signs and climate is ready... hense my doom and gloom...what say you??

I don't think there will be a currency change. They've worked 100 years getting people to believe that the USD is an international store of value, an advantage which we exploit tremendously. I don't think they'll give that up. And if they do exchange 1 for 1 oz, that becomes meaningless because as you know, it really only matters how many pounds of chicken it can buy. They can't change that, no matter what they declare as a fiat exchange. There's a fixed amount of chicken, and a fixed amount of silver.

Personally, I see a 1970s-on-steroids end game. At some point (I've been saying 2014-2017) the inevitability of the debt situation becomes self-evident, and it manifests as unemployment, inflation, and interest rates all simultaneously in excess of 15%. At that point there will be some forced austerity which will result in a decade of lowered standard of living. Then, the fiat cycle will restart again with a new era of (apparent) prosperity.

In this scenario, I could see gold going to $3000+ and silver to $100+ in FRN terms. It will outstrip inflation for a while as it is doing now. It will bubble and pop, as it always does, but by that point gold will have re-affirmed its role as the go-to commodity that will serve some other generation again in 30 years. Silver will probably retain more of its buying power relatively speaking due to its industrial uses related to energy and electronincs; we won't see a 100:1 ratio again; it may not exceed 50:1 again.

Having said that, I do respect the scenario that this "controlled burn" gets out of control, and there is more acute chaos for a while. This would be the $10,000+ gold and $500+ silver scenario. However, in that scenario the prices will become meaningless as they may NOT keep up with inflation. They will still be preferable to own, but PM holders would really be better off in the controlled burn scenario. But most PM holders are also holding preps for this scenario, which will serve them better than their PM.

I just don't see how a currency exchange gives TPTB more power, considering the beneficial arrangement they currently enjoy. It would only open the door for some other foreign currency to take its place. The best analogy is 19th Century Great Britain, when they were the world's super power holding the world's reserve currency. The pound never went to zero.

20th April 2011, 10:59 AM

I thought the Pound never went to zero because it was tied to precious metals ???

20th April 2011, 11:01 AM
I just don't see how a currency exchange gives TPTB more power, considering the beneficial arrangement they currently enjoy. It would only open the door for some other foreign currency to take its place. The best analogy is 19th Century Great Britain, when they were the world's super power holding the world's reserve currency. The pound never went to zero.

An extension into another form has been the plan thus far. Usually the change has been cloaked in some form of babylon collapse somewhere.

The power from there has always been extended with it. Even if a better plan was available I don't see them being willing to change.


20th April 2011, 11:36 AM

I thought the Pound never went to zero because it was tied to precious metals ???

No, it's history is strikingly similar to what seems to be going on with the dollar. Removal from the gold standard, followed by continual devaluation related to a huge debt burden. But never to zero, to this day. I think it is the road map for the USD. From Wikipedia:

The gold standard was suspended at the outbreak of the war in 1914, with Bank of England and Treasury notes becoming legal tender. Prior to World War I, the United Kingdom had one of the world's strongest economies, holding 40% of the world's overseas investments. However, by the end of the war the country owed £850 million, mostly to the United States, with interest costing the country some 40% of all government spending. In an attempt to resume stability, a variation on the gold standard was reintroduced in 1925, under which the currency was fixed to gold at its pre-war peg, although people were only able to exchange their currency for gold bullion, rather than for coins. This was abandoned on 21 September 1931, during the Great Depression, and sterling suffered an initial devaluation of some 25%

In 1940, an agreement with the U.S.A. pegged the pound to the U.S. dollar at a rate of £1 = $4.03. This rate was maintained through the Second World War and became part of the Bretton Woods system which governed post-war exchange rates. Under continuing economic pressure, and despite months of denials that it would do so, on 19 September 1949 the government devalued the pound by 30.5% to $2.80. The move prompted several other currencies to be devalued against the dollar.

20th April 2011, 11:44 AM
See what's slated for the future?

Get a couple meat hooks in over here, then relieve the tension with a few new additional lines.

Throw in an SDR head fake then you've got some global complacency.


20th April 2011, 11:52 AM
...this can not be good.

JD I am with you, we know, but SI is moving much faster than GC for one.

Less opportunities to buy trade and make money now I believe,
but the show should begin, the end of ponzi, the sooner the better,
and remember, I give the cheerleaders a hard time here now I am one, lol ,
GC 1500 is huge, especially looking at SI how fast it is moving, it just
dropped a buck and it looks like a 1/4 point blip, lol, I should of went
long is Sept, lol, just kidding.

What do you think for trading opportunities, zeal says go long on major corrections.

Huge leverage on SI now, ~10K gets you a contract for the futures pit.
A 10% move to the upside makes you 20-25K, if you don't get stopped out.
Imagine the damage to the downside, magnitudes of the past.

20th April 2011, 11:56 AM
Hello $46


At some point someone will start applying numerology to where it will stop.

20th April 2011, 11:59 AM
Huge leverage on SI now, ~10K gets you a contract for the futures pit.
A 10% move to the upside makes you 20-25K, if you don't get stopped out.
Imagine the damage to the downside, magnitudes of the past.

Too far from zero now for the average Joe to play this market in a leveraged fashion, imo. The risk is not in the value of the product, it is in the rules of the game. Increase margins to 75% and joe is on hook for 200K. Lookout below.

20th April 2011, 12:04 PM
Too far from zero now for the average Joe to play this market in a leveraged fashion, imo. The risk is not in the value of the product, it is in the rules of the game. Increase margins to 75% and joe is on hook for 200K. Lookout below.

I am not playing this, I am trying to make some points, what Butler talked about years ago,
it is easier to do, absolute amounts are greater, washing everyone out will be easier, and they
will make more money doing it too, the percentages translate to big absolute
amounts, the crimex riggers don't have margin calls. They got big money funds
and will get more of them now. Crimex operations are not over, IMO.

20th April 2011, 12:13 PM
bellview, u have no idea how I hope that u and sparky are right....
I do NOT believe there has been anything resembling a true free MKT
as everything is manipulated. Free mkt = myth

specifically answering sparky here, the last time they replaced Americas currency
was what 1914?? they just replaced ten nations in Europe with the euro
and there's talk of needing another!

The end here isn't about wealth.... It's about power.

20th April 2011, 12:21 PM
The end here isn't about wealth.... It's about power.

All issues.

20th April 2011, 02:11 PM
my belief is, Spark, that a currency change is ready and waiting AFTER they crash the dollar and panic ensues.... with the sheeple crying out to uncle Sam(uel goldstein) for a "solution". I believe the signs and climate is ready... hense my doom and gloom...what say you??

I'm with you JD that the sheep will beg for the new currency. The sheep will need to be held over the fire some time to get the idea into their noggins that the U.S. is a 3rd world country or lower Tier 2nd world country. This is the time when we will have to be on our collective toes to understand the next move.

We will have the time convert to the correct assets. It will take a few more years for the whole shebang to play out.

We may need to convert Ag to Au, or all to some type of lead based product. I am leery about land. That will be the easiest to steal after the retirement plans.

20th April 2011, 02:22 PM
This whole thing is pissing me off. Now it costs $1.00 more to magnetically accumulate my ounces of ag

20th April 2011, 02:34 PM
Too far from zero now for the average Joe to play this market in a leveraged fashion, imo. The risk is not in the value of the product, it is in the rules of the game. Increase margins to 75% and joe is on hook for 200K. Lookout below.

I am not playing this, I am trying to make some points, what Butler talked about years ago,
it is easier to do, absolute amounts are greater, washing everyone out will be easier, and they
will make more money doing it too, the percentages translate to big absolute
amounts, the crimex riggers don't have margin calls. They got big money funds
and will get more of them now. Crimex operations are not over, IMO.

No they are still playing, when the fed turns of the money tap, it will coincide with JPM increasing their shorts, and PM's will plummet. I still think we will see low 20's in Silver by the end of the summer. Gold has significant support at 1430, bounce there, but I think it will turn around 1250 late summer. I am selling silver tomorrow, for some gold and some cash.

20th April 2011, 08:04 PM
Hello $46

At some point someone will start applying numerology to where it will stop.

45, we hardly knew ya. Churning through these dollar milestones faster and faster, kinda like a ... parabolic top. :D

20th April 2011, 08:17 PM
Hello $46

At some point someone will start applying numerology to where it will stop.

45, we hardly knew ya. Churning through these dollar milestones faster and faster, kinda like a ... parabolic top. :D

hasnt passed its old high yet.Until it does that its not in the ball park.

Its aiming at that now and if its aiming for it now it is going to surpass it, possibly ,and if it dosnt then it looks like it will come back again in short time.

20th April 2011, 10:44 PM
Here you go Sparky........

20th April 2011, 10:52 PM

20th April 2011, 10:56 PM
Not long ago, silver couldn't move $1 in a whole year.

Not it swings more than $1 in a few hours!


21st April 2011, 05:34 AM
I am selling silver tomorrow, for some gold and some cash.I did sell today at around $46 I think it was, around 190 oz, just have around 120 oz of silver granule left now, but more gold and a lot of cash...

21st April 2011, 05:42 AM
I am selling silver tomorrow, for some gold and some cash.I did sell today at around $46 I think it was, around 190 oz, just have around 120 oz of silver granule left now, but more gold and a lot of cash...

Are you jumping into gold at this ratio? I think it will go to 16 or even lower, I`m a believer now ???

21st April 2011, 07:22 AM
I am selling silver tomorrow, for some gold and some cash.I did sell today at around $46 I think it was, around 190 oz, just have around 120 oz of silver granule left now, but more gold and a lot of cash...

Are you jumping into gold at this ratio? I think it will go to 16 or even lower, I`m a believer now ???
Oh I think the ratio will go to 16 or lower too, but first it will go up above 50, in the summer... Gold has a hard support at 1430. I will transfer the dollars (that I got for my silver granule sell today) I hold right now at around that level, that's my plan right now. The silver I traded at high 36 and high 40 I bought gold for... My bet is that the federal reserve isn't going to immediatelly follow up QE2 with QE3, they will wait a few months, until the scream of death comes around September, October... Then they will open the spigot, and their bankster buddies will make out as trolls. It is possible the PM's will continue rallying for another week or two, probably gold will go on a bit longer than silver...

21st April 2011, 08:25 AM
$46.07........how sweet it is ;D

First post of the day........good morning to one and all.

21st April 2011, 12:59 PM

I keep checking back here to see the POS. I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame!

in December 2010 gold was about $1370, silver was about $25.

now, 5 months later, gold is $1500 - up 10% ... silver is $45 headed for $50 - up 90%+.

21st April 2011, 01:01 PM
Hell.... we might skip 46 today and go straight to 47 at the rate it is going right now

21st April 2011, 01:19 PM
Hell.... we might skip 46 today and go straight to 47 at the rate it is going right now

That's what worries me a little... how can this not be a bubble forming??? Two to three percent increases per day?

I remember Ponce posting once that on the runup in '80 they were seeing 4% per day?


21st April 2011, 01:31 PM
Hell.... we might skip 46 today and go straight to 47 at the rate it is going right now

That's what worries me a little... how can this not be a bubble forming??? Two to three percent increases per day?

I remember Ponce posting once that on the runup in '80 they were seeing 4% per day?


Silver is in a phase transition to 16 to 1 to 9 to 1 to 1to 1

current rate of consumption maybe only 10yrs left for silver so how can it not be in fact worth more than gold one day.

Supply remaining (estimated): Approx only 16 Billion ounces of total Silver Reserves left so far.
Demand (speculated) per year: 1-2 Billion ounces (estimated from Bix Weir).


also interesting listen here........

21st April 2011, 01:36 PM
Hell.... we might skip 46 today and go straight to 47 at the rate it is going right now

That's what worries me a little... how can this not be a bubble forming??? Two to three percent increases per day?

I remember Ponce posting once that on the runup in '80 they were seeing 4% per day?


Here's how things played out during the last six weeks of the 1980 bubble top:

12-Dec-79 20.14 +$0.29
13-Dec-79 20.51 +$0.37
14-Dec-79 20.90 +$0.39
17-Dec-79 21.60 +$0.70
18-Dec-79 23.20 +$1.60
19-Dec-79 23.87 +$0.67
20-Dec-79 23.50 -$0.27
21-Dec-79 23.44 -$0.06
24-Dec-79 24.60 +$1.16
27-Dec-79 27.51 +$2.89
28-Dec-79 27.85 +$0.34
31-Dec-79 32.20 +$4.35
02-Jan-80 39.95 +$7.75
03-Jan-80 37.00 -$2.95
04-Jan-80 32.75 -$4.25
07-Jan-80 39.00 +$6.25
08-Jan-80 33.52 -$5.48
09-Jan-80 33.15 -$0.37
10-Jan-80 33.95 +$0.80
11-Jan-80 36.61 +$2.66
14-Jan-80 39.75 +$3.14
15-Jan-80 44.00 +$4.25
16-Jan-80 48.01 +$4.01
17-Jan-80 43.35 -$4.66
18-Jan-80 49.45 +$6.10
21-Jan-80 49.00 -$0.45
22-Jan-80 41.55 -$7.45
23-Jan-80 38.47 -$3.08

21st April 2011, 02:38 PM
That's about right Spaky because I unloaded on the 16 and recieved $43.65 per oz.

21st April 2011, 02:59 PM
I hope this stays orderly. A hold here would be very healthy.

21st April 2011, 03:09 PM
That's about right Spaky because I unloaded on the 16 and recieved $43.65 per oz.

You nailed it, and you got a great price, because I've heard most people did not get near spot once the prices started to rise so dramatically. What made you decide to unload? Did you have a price in mind ahead of time? Do you attribute a lot of it to luck?

21st April 2011, 03:28 PM
Hell.... we might skip 46 today and go straight to 47 at the rate it is going right now

That's what worries me a little... how can this not be a bubble forming??? Two to three percent increases per day?

I remember Ponce posting once that on the runup in '80 they were seeing 4% per day?


Here's how things played out during the last six weeks of the 1980 bubble top:

12-Dec-79 20.14 +$0.29
13-Dec-79 20.51 +$0.37
14-Dec-79 20.90 +$0.39
17-Dec-79 21.60 +$0.70
18-Dec-79 23.20 +$1.60
19-Dec-79 23.87 +$0.67
20-Dec-79 23.50 -$0.27
21-Dec-79 23.44 -$0.06
24-Dec-79 24.60 +$1.16
27-Dec-79 27.51 +$2.89
28-Dec-79 27.85 +$0.34
31-Dec-79 32.20 +$4.35
02-Jan-80 39.95 +$7.75
03-Jan-80 37.00 -$2.95
04-Jan-80 32.75 -$4.25
07-Jan-80 39.00 +$6.25
08-Jan-80 33.52 -$5.48
09-Jan-80 33.15 -$0.37
10-Jan-80 33.95 +$0.80
11-Jan-80 36.61 +$2.66
14-Jan-80 39.75 +$3.14
15-Jan-80 44.00 +$4.25
16-Jan-80 48.01 +$4.01
17-Jan-80 43.35 -$4.66
18-Jan-80 49.45 +$6.10
21-Jan-80 49.00 -$0.45
22-Jan-80 41.55 -$7.45
23-Jan-80 38.47 -$3.08
Great information! This shows that we are clearly not in a bubble yet, which means we will see a correction soon! Some of the moves were close to 20%/ day early 2008. Probably we will get moves like that once it is at the official inflation adjusted price around $130, or more likely at the real inflation adjusted price around $4-500, or maybe even higher than that, because today's monetary inflation is way worse than it was then, it just takes the market longer to realize it, because of all the deception.... How does a $300 day move in silver from 1650 to 1950 feel like?

21st April 2011, 04:09 PM
That's about right Spaky because I unloaded on the 16 and recieved $43.65 per oz.

You nailed it, and you got a great price, because I've heard most people did not get near spot once the prices started to rise so dramatically. What made you decide to unload? Did you have a price in mind ahead of time? Do you attribute a lot of it to luck?

The luck of the Black Irish Cuban.....I was working as a machinest and listening to the radio and next thing you know they were giving out the price of silver......up till then I paid no attention to it.......next thing you kow I told the boss "have to go out, see you later", went to my apartment and tore down the living room anexed to my bedroom where I had my silver...............at the coin store there was a line of people waiting to buy silver and I backed my truck to the door, a rent a cop told me to stand on line but I oppened the back of my truck and he saw all my silver...he went back inside and came out with two more rent a cops and two wagons to take my load in.

I was paid in CASH...........the rent a cop walked out with me to my truck and stood by till I was out of their property, went back to work and dumped the whole load on the desk of my boss..........he though that I had robbed a bank hahahahahahahahahah.........after he found out the deal he then asked me "Are you quitting" ahahahahahahahah, I din't, only had fun with my cash.

21st April 2011, 04:15 PM
Great story Ponce, hopefully at the end of this we will all have similar stories to share

21st April 2011, 04:43 PM
Well Sham, same story will not be repeated if Uncle Sugar wants his share of OUR profit.......you win they win and if you loose then they win anyway because you paid taxes on your income.

21st April 2011, 09:58 PM
You will need to wait a long time still for the end of the story. We are less than halfway through this story. There are silver mines producing silver right now - we have yet to see the down slope on that bell curve. But it's coming.

21st April 2011, 11:08 PM
Funny Money?.......don't forget that all the big banks has bought all the silver production for the next ten years.........that in itself tells me a lot......is also happening in India but not yet in China.

21st April 2011, 11:18 PM
Funny Money?.......don't forget that all the big banks has bought all the silver production for the next ten years.........that in itself tells me a lot......is also happening in India but not yet in China.

How do you mean all the big banks have brought silver production for the next 10 yrs.....

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
23rd April 2011, 12:49 PM
Funny Money?.......don't forget that all the big banks has bought all the silver production for the next ten years.........that in itself tells me a lot......is also happening in India but not yet in China.

How do you mean all the big banks have brought silver production for the next 10 yrs.....

I believe he means since these banks have a hold of many silver assets, they will still manipulate the market for a long time. Please clarify ...(pretend the squiggly mark is over the "n")Senor Ponce!

27th April 2011, 11:06 AM
http://www.dwarf.org.uk/downloads/images/47m.gif = 11

27th April 2011, 12:41 PM
$52 to $56 Silver by Mid-year” Update


27th April 2011, 12:43 PM
Son of a bitch.

I guess I should have BTFD. >:(

27th April 2011, 12:48 PM
Son of a bitch.

I guess I should have BTFD. >:(

no kidding... talk about a fuggin' rebound! I think I strained something!

27th April 2011, 12:56 PM
48.26 :o

27th April 2011, 12:59 PM
Hey guys, I told Agnut that I was not going to post this because no one would believe me, but you know me, I have a BIG mouth hahahahahahah............anyway........ I bought another safe for $10.00 and decided to disperse my silver at different places and I did burry the new safe......today I went to a certain place where I had some loose silver in a platic bag and while taking it out the bag it broke and some fell into a hole next to it.................I wont tell you where I was at...........I reached into the hole to bring out what ever fell there ........on one coin, one oz round then then two more and then one more and THEN I felt something almost square and cold......it came out of the hole and it was a 10oz "oGs" silver bar with a serial number, put my hand inside once more and reach towards the back and came back with two more bars ....... I cleared up the area and found........are you ready for this?.........148 more bars......this bars were not part of my stach and I believe that it belonged to the previous owner of the property who killed himself here about 16 years ago (overdose) and who was into dope......did a search in google and they called this bars "rare" but I don't know why, can't even find out who the heck "oGs" is or where they are at...........anyone knows anthing about them?

By the way Silver Art.........are you looking at the prices? heheheheheheheheh...just like I predicted ;D

27th April 2011, 01:03 PM

You might like this Ponce

What finding buried treasure in ya back yard and its silver WTF........the gods are smiling on the Ponce.....

mick silver
27th April 2011, 01:05 PM
your one lucky man . silver on a run and there not going to be able to stop it .

mick silver
27th April 2011, 01:06 PM
serpo the bankers an shorter are the ones voting no

1970 silver art
27th April 2011, 01:10 PM
By the way Silver Art.........are you looking at the prices? heheheheheheheheh...just like I predicted ;D


Ponce? Yeah actually I am looking at it. I am not worried about it. It looks like silver is trying to make a 2nd attempt at hitting $50 but it will just fail a second time. It is going to get smacked down a second time just like it did the first time. YAWN...............Move on. Nothing to see here. ;D ;D ;D

mick silver
27th April 2011, 01:11 PM
once it breaks 50 let me know how your yawning going . most people are still a sleep

27th April 2011, 01:11 PM
Hey guys, I told Agnut that I was not going to post this because no one would believe me, but you know me, I have a BIG mouth hahahahahahah............anyway........ I bought another safe for $10.00 and decided to disperse my silver at different places and I did burry the new safe......today I went to a certain place where I had some loose silver in a platic bag and while taking it out the bag it broke and some fell into a hole next to it.................I wont tell you where I was at...........I reached into the hole to bring out what ever fell there ........on one coin, one oz round then then two more and then one more and THEN I felt something almost square and cold......it came out of the hole and it was a 10oz "oGs" silver bar with a serial number, put my hand inside once more and reach towards the back and came back with two more bars ....... I cleared up the area and found........are you ready for this?.........148 more bars......this bars were not part of my stach and I believe that it belonged to the previous owner of the property who killed himself here about 16 years ago (overdose) and who was into dope......did a search in google and they called this bars "rare" but I don't know why, can't even find out who the heck "oGs" is or where they are at...........anyone knows anthing about them?

By the way Silver Art.........are you looking at the prices? heheheheheheheheh...just like I predicted ;D

27th April 2011, 01:12 PM
I am just sitting here and posting and once in a while I look towards the arm chair of the recliner where I have one of the bars........to tell you the truth I am still shaken about it and I feel very cold.......this is very very weird........the serial number for this one is 29595, I'll never forget it.

mick silver
27th April 2011, 01:13 PM
ponce there maybe more ... you just never know hell there could be gold some were on your land . you need to look more

27th April 2011, 01:21 PM
That's what Agnut told me.......but for now all that I can do is to sit here....I haven't eaten all day and I don't even feel hungry....still shaken.......this is incredible and specially because I am into silver.

1970 silver art
27th April 2011, 01:22 PM
once it breaks 50 let me know how your yawning going . most people are still a sleep

Hahaha!!!!!! JPMorgan is not going to allow $50 silver. $50 is the "No Trespassing Zone" for silver. If silver gets close to $50 again like it did the first time, then it will get smacked down again.

27th April 2011, 01:25 PM
Ponce, that story is remarkable. Too amazing to make up! It's as amazing as your story of selling your silver in 1980 two days before the final peak.

27th April 2011, 01:27 PM
So, you'll start a thread about going to the Wally mart in the Big town( not to mention that we know it's by you, you posted the friggin thing) but you bury the treasure find of a lifetime in another thread?? If you really found it then great, God love ya and more power to ya but this reeks of.....

27th April 2011, 01:36 PM
Liberty? my mind is really not here.....I keep on retypping everything because I make to many mistakes as I go along.......

Sparky?........after been clynically dead three times and coming back to life......what can I say hahahahahah... and like I posted long ago.....two different people wanted to make a movie of me, one was a writer, now dead, the the other one is a very famous director now day........ "My name is Ponce, James Ponce" hahahaahahahahah.

When I sold my silver in 1980 that was just plain dumb luck.........I love being dumb ;D.......but all the silver that I bought between 1980 and 2002? someone guided my way.......and all the loose coins that I have and many are making fun of me? someday I'll be proven right........and the dollars that I converted to Canadian dollars? already making a profit..............yep, I am very lucky for a dumb Cuba refugee.

27th April 2011, 03:19 PM
And still it goes up....................

I thought the globex was there so they could take it down easier......now its used to buy

27th April 2011, 03:26 PM
Hey Liberty, if that's a truck full of coal then please let me take a look, with my luck I'll find some diamonds hahahahahahaha.

27th April 2011, 04:16 PM
And now at $48.42..........hey Silver Art? don't look behind you or you will get a heart attack heheheheheh.

27th April 2011, 04:31 PM
Ponce, that story is remarkable. Too amazing to make up! It's as amazing as your story of selling your silver in 1980 two days before the final peak.

How can this luck be, I am prettier than this man named Ponce?

27th April 2011, 04:35 PM
Ponce, that story is remarkable. Too amazing to make up! It's as amazing as your story of selling your silver in 1980 two days before the final peak.

How can this luck be, I am prettier than this man named Ponce?

In order to find his equal, a Ponce is forced to talk to God... :P

27th April 2011, 04:37 PM
Ponce, that story is remarkable. Too amazing to make up! It's as amazing as your story of selling your silver in 1980 two days before the final peak.

How can this luck be, I am prettier than this man named Ponce?

In order to find his equal, a Ponce is forced to talk to God... :P

You sure God is Ponce's equal? :dunno

27th April 2011, 04:48 PM
A world without Ponce is no world at all.......only a round ball of dirt :conf:........I am not a God but you are making me into one, and that's how the one that you call God was made.........................hummmmmm a quatrillion years ago there must have been a "Ponce" around hahahahaahahahahahah.

27th April 2011, 04:54 PM
A world without Ponce is no world at all.......only a round ball of dirt :conf:........I am not a God but you are making me into one, and that's how the one that you call God was made.........................hummmmmm a quatrillion years ago there must have been a "Ponce" around hahahahaahahahahahah.

Don't hop on your cloud so quick old man. ;)

27th April 2011, 05:48 PM
Hahahahahahaha love you oaoab ;D............

I was just calling around to buy "Smart Car For Two"........ and the dealers don't even sell the less expensive one for $12,500 but only the more expensive ones for $13,900 and $15, 800........the guy was honest with me and told me that they don't make a profit with the Cup which is the $12,500.

I could get myself a use one.....but.....hell......why buy someone elses headaque. I did see one from Canada that looks very interesting and is a three wheeler, they will send me the info....it is a three wheeler micro car for two, but more comfy with only one.......and that's what I am.....a one.

27th April 2011, 05:53 PM
Hahahahahahaha love you oaoab ;D............

I was just calling around to buy "Smart Car For Two"........ and the dealers don't even sell the less expensive one for $12,500 but only the more expensive ones for $13,900 and $15, 800........the guy was honest with me and told me that they don't make a profit with the Cup which is the $12,500.

I could get myself a use one.....but.....hell......why buy someone elses headaque. I did see one from Canada that looks very interesting and is a three wheeler, they will send me the info....it is a three wheeler micro car for two, but more comfy with only one.......and that's what I am.....a one.

Get a side car for your scooter. You already have a scooter.

27th April 2011, 06:01 PM
Hahahahahahaha love you oaoab ;D............

I was just calling around to buy "Smart Car For Two"........ and the dealers don't even sell the less expensive one for $12,500 but only the more expensive ones for $13,900 and $15, 800........the guy was honest with me and told me that they don't make a profit with the Cup which is the $12,500.

I could get myself a use one.....but.....hell......why buy someone elses headaque. I did see one from Canada that looks very interesting and is a three wheeler, they will send me the info....it is a three wheeler micro car for two, but more comfy with only one.......and that's what I am.....a one.

I'm sure you'll buy one, only to find that the entire exhaust system was accidentally made with pure platinum.

27th April 2011, 06:18 PM
osoab I do have two of them........the VA hospital is 102 miles away by freeway.....my little truck gives me between 27-32 mpg but I am thinking about the future.....what with gas going up all the time, here in town is already up to $4.18.

Sorry Sparky, I don't get that one......

27th April 2011, 06:56 PM
There's gotta be a photo with dirt & silver to make it real.

27th April 2011, 07:04 PM
There's gotta be a photo with dirt & silver to make it real.

No photo's are allowed, it might give away the super secret location...you know....the one with the big USREAL sign in the front yard. Gotta keep things on the down low, mum's the word!

old steel
27th April 2011, 07:41 PM
Hey Ponce with all that silver you're holding you could actually make a dent in my ammo pile. ;D

27th April 2011, 09:15 PM
LOL Steel, if you only knew........

Spirit? the Zionist (Jews) already have fotos of my home and myself...they tried it twice and they failed... may they make my dream come true.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
27th April 2011, 10:11 PM
If we don't see $50 Ag by tomorrow afternoon, more than likely by Friday then.

So, Ponce...have you asked 70's art any special requests for your tp? I would go for the Charmin Ultra 2-ply or cottonelle extra soft... Hey, it may as well be worth it right? ;)

27th April 2011, 10:27 PM
I was just calling around to buy "Smart Car For Two"........ and the dealers don't even sell the less expensive one for $12,500 but only the more expensive ones for $13,900 and $15, 800........the guy was honest with me and told me that they don't make a profit with the Cup which is the $12,500.

Ponce, don't buy a "Smart" car, it's the biggest bunch of BS. Get a civic, or toyota, or anything, but a smart car.

You know I've been contacting those pricks for the past 4/5 years....I wanted one. They have a diesel, that get's 90 mpg, a gas one that gets 60-70 mpg...They kept telling me the US version was on the way.

But no..the US version gets maybe 35 mpg now that it's here. What a scam. Get a better car at a better price.

edit: Ponce, get a loremo, 157 mpg diesel..


27th April 2011, 10:45 PM
Wowwwwwww solid, love that car......I'll send them a email tomorrow......thanks.

LOL Veni.........he knows by now what to do ;D

The sun is gone
and the moon is out
the birds are asleep
and so am I.
nite, nite.

28th April 2011, 01:08 AM
Yes the car looks very nice(a bit flash for ponce) ,is that the door at the front.
And you can buy these now.?

28th April 2011, 05:20 AM
Yes the car looks very nice(a bit flash for ponce) ,is that the door at the front.
And you can buy these now.?

The door opens in the front. They are supposed to go into production this year. In Europe, I'm assuming. I see the same thing happening with this car, as the smart car. By the time they develop one to our safety standards, the whole concept is destroyed and you have a gas guzzling beast.

Here's the site..


I'd love to get one of these cars.

28th April 2011, 08:51 AM
Most of the time when they are produced in Europe they don't let them sell them in the US, for "safety" reasons, according to the government.........what I would like to buy right now is a car for one for commuting and that's it, I mean, I don't commute any but it would be nice to have at 50MPG.

7th October 2012, 07:04 AM
Those were the days... :)