View Full Version : My trip to Wlly's and the $ store.............. by me

19th April 2011, 05:58 PM
Just got back a while ago.........a case of 10w-30 going for $66.00 got 3 cases anyway, got myself 6 more oil filter for both of my cars, another gallon of two stroke oil and more chain oil......and a bunch of other stuff........this from what I saw in Cuba.

$ store........went to pick up one particular item that I knew that it would not last...."Thums" for you stomach.......well........there was none, they beat me to it, but still have about 25 bottles of it.

Everything else in smaller containers but still a dollar........

Remember folks "Buy today at whatever the price for tomorrow you wont find it at whatever the price"... ponce..............I saw this happening in Cuba.

mick silver
19th April 2011, 06:59 PM
i went to a farm sell this weekend an i pick up 10 case of oil , two chains , a truck load of hand tools for under 100 bucks

19th April 2011, 07:06 PM
I went to safeway today just to get milk and bread ( no I don't bake my own) not yet anyway, thought I would get some bacon for the green beans I was making, nope I didn't get any, not at 6.99 a pound.

Jez its mostly fat anyway, 6.99 for some fat!

19th April 2011, 07:08 PM
I bought a crap load of 30 year shelf life emergency food last week

willie pete
19th April 2011, 07:30 PM
I went to safeway today just to get milk and bread ( no I don't bake my own) not yet anyway, thought I would get some bacon for the green beans I was making, nope I didn't get any, not at 6.99 a pound.

Jez its mostly fat anyway, 6.99 for some fat!

I noticed that too zap, the price of bacon lately, WTH is up with that? ...not that I eat bacon that much at all...oh don't get me wrong, it's like butter...►►►makes everything taste better ;D but with the fat content, all the nitrites and the N+ in it, it has to be one of the most unhealthy things you can consume :D

19th April 2011, 08:15 PM
I went to safeway today just to get milk and bread ( no I don't bake my own) not yet anyway, thought I would get some bacon for the green beans I was making, nope I didn't get any, not at 6.99 a pound.

Jez its mostly fat anyway, 6.99 for some fat!

I noticed that too zap, the price of bacon lately, WTH is up with that? ...not that I eat bacon that much at all...oh don't get me wrong, it's like butter...►►►makes everything taste better ;D but with the fat content, all the nitrites and the N+ in it, it has to be one of the most unhealthy things you can consume :D

I tried the "natural" cured bacon at fresh and easy. Terrible. Give me the nitrate stuff.

And the brand I buy went up about $1 per pound this month.

19th April 2011, 08:17 PM
You know? at the dollar store I bought two cases of dish soap........when compared to the regular price in Wally's the ones at the dollar store are a bargain........any way, the two cases were sealed and the cashier had to call the store manager to see how to charge me for it.........the manager told her "Open a box and take one out and ring it 24 times" hahahahahahaah........and then when she was going to give me my change for a hundred she wanted to give me the big bills first before the loose change, I had to show her the correct way to do it........................and then she said this "Are you trying to confuse me?" hahahahahahahahahaahhaahh.

19th April 2011, 08:19 PM
but with the fat content, all the nitrites and the N+ in it, it has to be one of the most unhealthy things you can consume :D

Awww that's just hogwash. ;)

Actually bacon has a lot of monounsaturated fat, the good kind that they tell you to consume olive oil for.

The TRUTH About Bacon (http://feelyourbest.getprograde.com/the-truth-about-bacon.html)

When people today think of bacon, they think of clogged arteries, love handles and sin. They also think of Homer Simpson…

That’s right: eating bacon means that you’re destined for heart disease, a fat belly and a lifetime in Satan’s dungeon-Doh!

But, thinking this way is a terrible misconception. In truth, bacon is a very good addition to your diet and should be something enjoyed more often than you dulge in pancakes and syrup or crepes with brown sugar.

Today, you can also find bacon made from turkey, but if you actually spent time reading the label of turkey bacon, you’d see it contains a laundry list of ingredients, many of which are not good for you such as hydrolyzed corn gluten, soy protein, wheat gluten, disodium inosintae, silicon dioxide and nitrites.

Europeans Have It Right

All over Germany, pork reigns supreme. From bacon to sausage to lard, no parts of the pig are left unused. And, if you take a good look at traditional Germans, you will notice that they are not as overweight as Americans, nor suffer the same incidences of chronic disease.

Unlike modern-day Americans, Europeans use lard for most of their baking and cooking. Previously in the US, we also use to incorporate a lot of lard into our daily diets, but with the notion (from our government) that pig fat is too “saturated” and unhealthy, we shifted to the use of hydrogenated plant oils (aka., vegetable shortening ) which actually made us sicker, fatter and more diseased.

Why Bacon is Better

To understand why bacon, and the fat it’s rich in (lard) is a healthy choice for us to use in our diets along with other beneficials fats and proteins, let’s look at the nutritional science of this food.

If we take 1 tablespoon of pure lard, we see that is consists of an even balance of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, with some polyunsaturates and cholesterol (all animal fats contain cholesterol), but no trans fats. Specifically, it contains*:

• 5.9 grams of saturated fatty acids
• 6.4 grams monounsaturated fatty acids
• 2 grams polyunsaturated fatty acids (mostly omega-6)
• 14 mg cholesterol
*[i]anaylsis from Mass Spectrometry at Univeristy of Alberta, 2003

If you compare lard to vegetable shortening, you get**:

• 3.8 grams saturated fatty acids
• 6.7 grams monounsaturated fatty acids
• 3.9 grams polyunsaturated fatty acids (mostly omega-6)
• 2 grams trans fatty acids (man-made)
• 0 mg cholesterol
**anaylsis from ESHA Food Processor

What’s most frightening, is the trans fats found in this man-made, fake lard substitute – trans fats have now been linked directly to heart disease morbidity and mortality, and there is a strong move to rid our shelves of this dangerous fat as soon as possible.

Saturated Fat is Not Bad

Some people still think saturated fats are evil, and as a result have banned bacon from their homes. However, fatty acid experts today emphasize that saturated fat from natural sources like meats, dairy, and tropical oils (coconut, palm) are not detrimental for our health, but instead much better than the polyunsaturated and hydrogenated substitutes we’ve been recently using.

Sure, maybe it’s confusing to try and tell yourself that saturated fat isn’t bad like we once thought. However, it’s important that you realize that we were fed lies and deception that only made us fatter, sicker and more unhealthy. We need to change this way of thinking.

The bottom line is that saturated fats, like that found in bacon CAN and SHOULD fit into a healthy diet –a diet low in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and synthetic chemicals, but high in fresh low-pesticide vegetables, organic meats and fish, and nuts and seeds.

The Science of Bacon Fat

In 2003, I conducted a research study at the University of Alberta looking at the effects of a high bacon fat diet compared to a high palm oil diet on the cholesterol synthesis and inflammation profiles of ten healthy men.

I cooked all the food for these guys every day, so all they ate was what I gave them. They ate things like:

• (BLLTs) Bacon, Lettuce, Lard and Tomato sandwiches
• Hash Browns cooked in lard
• Bacon and Egg Omletes cooked in lard

(To say I smelled like bacon all the time was a compliment…)

After 6 weeks on each diet, their blood was analyzed for cholesterol synthesis rates, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, and markers of inflammation.

What was found was that the high lard diet compared to the high palm oil diet produced significantly lower total cholesterol, and total-cholesterol/HDL cholesterol levels, with slightly lower LDL-cholesterol and inflammatory marker levels.

What this means is that fat from lard may be less cholesterolemic and inflammatory than fat from palm oil. This does not mean that palm oil is a bad fat, but instead suggests that lard may be better when consumed often.

19th April 2011, 08:32 PM
The only real reason that the Muslims and Jews don't eat pig meat is that in the old days they left the meat laying around for days and days, the meat went bad and they ate it anyway........and then they die, so, they made it against their religion to eat it.

In NY some "Jews" tried to close this one restaurant because they could smell the cooking beacon from their houses and they didn't like that.......I say, move to the state of Israel.

19th April 2011, 08:34 PM
Thank you Lapis! |--0--| My new hero..

I each bacon and eggs every morning, for the most part. People bash on bacon, but it's the bacon lovers that know the truth. Bacon gets a bad rap, but bacon is tough...and the hearty survive.

I too have noticed the price of bacon going up, quite much. TPTB are targeting bacon because the fighting man, usually has a belly full of it. It's a damn shame, but we won't let them get us.

19th April 2011, 08:38 PM
Solid? look for the bacon in a can.......I bought a case and tried out one can.....about 53 pieces in the can and the are almost like the fresh out of the store kind.........really good.

19th April 2011, 08:43 PM
Solid? look for the bacon in a can.......I bought a case and tried out one can.....about 53 pieces in the can and the are almost like the fresh out of the store kind.........really good.

I got a case of it Ponce! ;D Plan on getting at least a couple of more. It's actually quite good, and there's a lot of bacon in that can...more so than I thought. Probably enough bacon to last me 4 days.

I tried it for breakfast myself to test. Then took the can to work and cooked up breakfast for some hungry guys, I let it slip that it was canned, but they all enjoyed it a lot. That can fed me for one breakfast, and then 4 of us at work, and there was still a few slices left. We were hungry too.

Yes, I recommend canned bacon. It exceeded my expectations.

mick silver
19th April 2011, 09:36 PM
i have two case of bacon and it not to bad .........

19th April 2011, 09:42 PM
You people are nothing but infidels.......and you will end up in the state of Israel for your sins......only place that I can think that is worse than hell.

19th April 2011, 09:54 PM
In NY some "Jews" tried to close this one restaurant because they could smell the cooking beacon from their houses and they didn't like that.......I say, move to the state of Israel.

Really? I'm surprised to hear that. Jews like Chinese food, they consider it "safe treif" (treif being non-kosher food). I've heard that a lot of them like to go to Chinese restaurants on Christmas. Of course these are probably not the strict Orthodox Jews though.

19th April 2011, 10:07 PM
Just got back from reading in TB2000 and is kind of funny that so many of them are soooooooo proud to have two and three five gallons buckets of "survival" food from CosCo......and then they talk about their friends who are doing nothing............oh well, someone has to die.

20th April 2011, 04:23 AM
i've been buying boxes of stomach acid stuff. every guy i know over 40 has heartburn issues. tums, generic ranitidine, generic prilosec, rolaids, i'm hoarding up on it.

20th April 2011, 05:03 AM
Just get some apple cider vinegar. It will cure acid reflux and numerous other ailments.


20th April 2011, 05:32 AM
Just get some apple cider vinegar. It will cure acid reflux and numerous other ailments.


i tried it for 2 months, it did nothing.

20th April 2011, 06:28 AM
The only real reason that the Muslims and Jews don't eat pig meat is that in the old days they left the meat laying around for days and days, the meat went bad and they ate it anyway........and then they die, so, they made it against their religion to eat it.

In NY some "Jews" tried to close this one restaurant because they could smell the cooking beacon from their houses and they didn't like that.......I say, move to the state of Israel.

i wonder if one of the reasons that in ancient times it was considered a bad idea to eat pork, is because human flesh tastes like pork.

so perhaps what some butchers would do, is to sell deceased human flesh, as pork.

i have a Muslim friend who is surprisingly anti-pork. she says, "pigs eat sh*t". i keep telling her - so do cows raised by American agri-biz, they are fed a meal for which one of the primary ingredients is cow manure.

the Kosher & Halal diets are anti-pork. leaves more for the rest of us, i guess.

7th trump
20th April 2011, 06:39 AM
The only real reason that the Muslims and Jews don't eat pig meat is that in the old days they left the meat laying around for days and days, the meat went bad and they ate it anyway........and then they die, so, they made it against their religion to eat it.

In NY some "Jews" tried to close this one restaurant because they could smell the cooking beacon from their houses and they didn't like that.......I say, move to the state of Israel.

i wonder if one of the reasons that in ancient times it was considered a bad idea to eat pork, is because human flesh tastes like pork.

so perhaps what some butchers would do, is to sell deceased human flesh, as pork.

i have a Muslim friend who is surprisingly anti-pork. she says, "pigs eat sh*t". i keep telling her - so do cows raised by American agri-biz, they are fed a meal for which one of the primary ingredients is cow manure.

the Kosher & Halal diets are anti-pork. leaves more for the rest of us, i guess.

Pig is viewed as unclean to eat by God.
Its unclean because the pig is a scavenger it eats waste of just about any kind of waste.
Their is toxin in waste that the pig eats that remiains in the pigs faty tissue that the human body cannot deal with when it is consumed. For the most part your body cannot properly digest these toxins and they remain in your body collecting for some time.

Its not a sin to eat pork (falls under Gods health laws) and will not cause you to go to hell but God has eating pork as unclean because its a scavenger that eats waste (filled with toxins) that God sees as unfit and unclean for man to maintain a healthy body.

Pesonally I eat the Oscar Meyer turkey bacon...............tastes, to me anyway, much better than pork bacon and has virtually no fat.
Slow cooked its like bacon jerky.
Kids wont eat pork bacon anymore. They dont like the texture or flavor or pork and they complain it makes them sick to their stomachs when it just sits in the bellyies like a brick.

20th April 2011, 06:42 AM
god doesn't like crabs, lobster, + shrimp either. he's kind of a pissy eater.

7th trump
20th April 2011, 06:45 AM
god doesn't like crabs, lobster, + shrimp either. he's kind of a pissy eater.

I wouldnt say "pissy"! He just knows whats best for you.
On the flip side God can call you a toilet bowl eater!

Yep crab, lobster and shrimp are nothing more than cockroaches of the sea........................cleaners that eat waste also!
Shrimp is a toss up as they eat plankton.

exoskeleton bodies just like cockroaches!
I enjoy going out to eat with people who order shrimp.............................always bring up the cockroach thingy and they all of a sudden are no longer hungry.

20th April 2011, 06:56 AM
god also hates eating rabbits and insects with 4 legs.


Leviticus: 10:20-21

20th April 2011, 09:05 AM
just got back - bought -

Evap Milk
Parmesan cheese
... stocking up on dairy products that don't need refrigeration.

Great Value Yogurt

canned fish ... GV salmon & chub mackerel ... more food that doesn't need refrigeration.

and a big bag of oranges.

i sure like that info on the Parmesan cheese label, "aged at least 10 months". meaning it was made before Fukushima blew.