View Full Version : Alfred Adask on trusts discovers our law declares us to be animals

20th April 2011, 03:39 AM
Part 5 of 6


Part 4 of 6


20th April 2011, 10:59 AM
Texas was trying Adask and 6 other defendants for illegal sales of a controlled substance, Colloidal Silver.

Texas law states “man or other animals” in relation to Texas drug enforcement laws. Adask found 23 other areas in the law, both federal and state, that used wording to this effect, equating man as an animal.

This violates your freedom of religion where Christian religion defines man as having dominion over the animals.

After spending 6 million on this case the state of Texas folded it’s case and went away, when confronted with this freedom of religion argument.

In the part of this video about trusts Adask states he now signs all documents with the phrase “At arms length” over his signature which puts him out of reach of any hidden trust relationship. That is he is signing only for himself as a man and not as being a party to any hidden trust.

20th April 2011, 11:25 AM
Meanwhile back at the UN... debate continues whether to grant human rights to mother Earth...

April 20th, 2011
The United Nations will devote at least some of today's agenda to debating the inalienable rights of "Mother Earth."
Evo Morales, is leading the charge to create a UN treaty that would give our planet, that mass of molten lava and rock, as well as all of the creatures that inhabit it, the same rights as humans

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2011/04/20/2011-04-20_mother_earth_goes_wild_at_the_un_beetles_not_pe ople_take_center_stage_at_general.html#ixzz1K5aUIv AP

20th April 2011, 11:34 AM
Meanwhile back at the UN... debate continues whether to grant human rights to mother Earth...

April 20th, 2011
The United Nations will devote at least some of today's agenda to debating the inalienable rights of "Mother Earth."
Evo Morales, is leading the charge to create a UN treaty that would give our planet, that mass of molten lava and rock, as well as all of the creatures that inhabit it, the same rights as humans

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2011/04/20/2011-04-20_mother_earth_goes_wild_at_the_un_beetles_not_pe ople_take_center_stage_at_general.html#ixzz1K5aUIv AP

I'm going out today to cut down a tree in protest.

20th April 2011, 11:37 AM
...and since BP, JP Morgan, etc. are people (Corporations are People) they have the right to (intercourse) with mother earth, as they see fit... Protection for earth must be from the common primitive animal that pisses & shits on her... Beasts they are, indeed!
