View Full Version : national guard radio ads

20th April 2011, 06:48 AM
i listen to the radio a lot. they are constantly running recruiting ads for the national guard.

if you listen to the ads, here is what is going to happen if you join the national guard:

1) you'll chill out with your friends and go on a drill sometimes.
2) you'll mostly be going to college.
3) if you do have to do anything soldier like, it will be driving a truck rescuing people in a snowstorm. or maybe you have to save people from floods.

without exception EVERY PERSON i know that has been in the national guard the last 10 years, EVERY ONE, has been sent to iraq or afghanistan. EVERY ONE.

i feel bad for the kids that believe this shit.

Low Pan
20th April 2011, 09:24 AM
I do not normally listen to the radio, but when I did the other day I was stunned. I actually heard an add, like a job recruiting add, asking for people wanting to apply to the CIA as a Clandestine Agent. The radio add actually specified "Clandestine". I have never in my life heard a radio add for the CIA (I have for the FBI). I have yet to hear it again, although that could be because like I said I don't listen to the radio much.

edit: oh yeah, the oth thing that was odd about that add is that is was being played on an alternative rock station.

20th April 2011, 09:29 AM
it makes me so angry. i have nothing against the military trying to recruit, but at least be honest. don't tell 18 year old kids they're going to be rescuing people in snowstorms when you know damn well a large percentage of them will be getting their legs blown off in fuckmanistan. same as it ever was i, guess. >:(