View Full Version : One year ago today.

20th April 2011, 03:53 PM
It's been one hell of a year in the middle too.

One Year Anniversary of the Gulf Oil Spill

28th April 2011, 03:35 PM

one of the better guides i found in a quick web-search.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/a_year_after_bp_oil_spill_fate_of_gulf_ecosystem_r emains_murky/2011/04/15/AFH3FEwD_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage

it has fallen off the news map a little bit but i don't buy the happy talk, for example,

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704495004576264782861286262.html?m od=googlenews_wsj

"One Year After Spill, Some Signs of Life Emerge in the Gulf

"Some of Louisiana's coastal counties, called parishes, are collecting more sales-tax revenue, when they had expected double-digit declines. The $20 billion fund set up by BP PLC to compensate people for losses from the company's runaway oil well has paid out more than $3.8 billion, though thousands of long-term claims remain unresolved.

New Orleans, already booming from post-Katrina rebuilding, benefited from an influx of spill-related business. Traffic at the airport last summer was the strongest since the 2005 hurricane and office space is at a premium, in part because of lawyers setting up shop for spill litigation, says Michael Hecht, president of Greater New Orleans Inc., a regional economic-development group."

trying to catch up with people like Kindra Arnesen -


... as their website makes clear, it's not over.