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20th April 2011, 11:52 PM
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Is the Truth Movement False Opposition?
April 20, 2011

Editor's Note: I do not endorse this provocative comment but post it for the sake of discussion. It was in response to "Donald Trump is Masonic False Opposition." The argument seems to be that the Illuminati is encouraging revolt so they will have an excuse to root out people of conscience and put them in FEMA camps. (The way to neutralize this strategy is through strict observance of the law and passive resistance, emphasizing the spread of accurate information as widely as possible.)

by J.B.
(for henrymakow.com)

The entire truth movement is false opposition.

To suppose that the Elite did not anticipate the truth movement is to suppose that they did not know that they had no plan for this demographic, and that they stand helpless and slack-jawed while the movement undermines their plans.

Right from the start they released targeted disclosure - such as the story of Atta's passport at ground zero - Surely anyone capable of processing information would smell a rat there - and they knew this - but also knew that to the Lemmings form is everything- and the simple fact that it was passed off as legit by "experts" would be enough for them to be satisfied.

The movement was permitted - planned - because they knew what the truth movement fails to see - that is that the vast majority of humans are totally unconcerned about matters of principle - only direct threats can rouse them.

And then they can easily be diverted. Waking the Sheep was never a possibility. Two videos I recommend - 1) the new world order wants the new world order to fail 2) Gatekeepers of the 20%.

I note that Fulford is now on record as supporting world government as are Mike Ruppert and David Ray Griffin- they are angling for the Zeitgeist solution, which is what the likes of Alice Bailey envisioned all along.

Oh, and Fulford now claims the White Dragon society needs cash, so please donate. I seem to recall that he said that if the Elite did one more bad thing that assassinations would result.

Well that was years ago and I am still waiting. But I cannot hear his regular updates because only paid subscribers can read those. And if you would like to see Alex Jones totally expose himself as a shill, then watch this.

And it amazes me that 911 truthers cheer for Jesse Ventura disclosures and yet fail to note that Time Warner pays for his show, or that mainstream media is sounding the alarm over the new world order.

Or that Ron Paul makes satanic hand signs or that his wife and daughters are in free-masonic organizations. And Rand Paul showed his colors by pushing for austerity on the poor and helpless.

Some patriot! The banks rape us and now its time to trim the fat and kill the poor - many of whom are the most sensitive individuals in the society who don't happen to be well adjusted to slavery. go figure.

There is a reason that mainstream media is spreading the word about the new world order. There is a reason that men like Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff are invited again and again and again onto major networks.

I gotta hand it to the dark ones. They are way more clever than so called people of truth who more times than not settle for idol worship over painful reality.

Its said by some that man is about to be wiped out. Perhaps its for the best because as things stand, our descendant will live in a hell world that will make Mad Max look like sweet freedom.


Related- Manufacturing Dissent by Michel Chossudovsky

25th April 2011, 06:48 AM
interesting piece- each of the 'truthers' named have raised doubts & warning lights for me at various times past, including Makow&Co, who presents this (guest writer) piece piece warning readers of all the fakes out there! Classic chutzpah maneuver, if indeed Makow himself is compromised as many suggest. It's a shame but it seems we can't really trust anyone who rises to have a regular ongoing voice in the truth/patriot movement; not for long at least, so many either flip from deep cover to overt-shill after years of bulletproof cred-building, and/or they start honest & become co-opted/sold-out/coerced by threats along the way.

Large Sarge
25th April 2011, 06:52 AM
Science and truth are really not that political

the agenda, and such behhind it all is political, and can be compromised.

as an example, I still think Bush was a "useful idiot" and did not know much of anything that day

versus Dick Cheney

who knew about everything, had big contracts, ordered NORAd to standdown, etc

25th April 2011, 07:14 AM
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

25th April 2011, 07:29 AM
Edit: Basically agree with the article now.

25th April 2011, 07:42 AM
RE: Fulford and his white dragon society.
White dragon society.
Hidden in plain site.


25th April 2011, 09:30 AM
no, not the entire 9-11 truth movement - just some of it.

i participated in the SF Bay Area 9-11 truth group for a few months, until it became very clear that the leaders - including Carol Brouillet - had an agenda that preceded the formation of the group.

i ended up having the feeling that i was being baby-sat by the US government.

Brouillet has set up a "truth table" at a central location in Palo Alto, once a week - for 9 1/2 years.

how many activists do you know that keep such a regular schedule ? it's almost as if ... it's her job.

after watching how she lead the group conversation, clamping down the conversation & calling a break when certain subjects came up ... well, she's been leading that group for several years now. i'm on their mailing list.

not one peep from old Carol about Israel's involvement in 9-11 - and she's sent me 200+ "9-11 truth" emails.

how can she spend so much time investigating 9-11 and not say a word about Israel ? maybe that's a question that answers itself - it's her job to make sure that, in the context of 9-11 truth, Israel's involvement is never publicized.

regardless of who writes old Carol's paychecks, old Carol works for Israel & the Talmud-worshippers.

unfortunately, the SF Bay Area 9-11 truth group is one of the biggest & most influential.

25th April 2011, 09:35 AM
Just to re-clarify the original meaning or intention of the so called "truth movement."

As I interpret the meaning, it was never intended to have or be the truth, but rather to demand truth from our government, which now seems so quaint and naive a demand to me... and to debunk the "official 9/11 story lies."

As far as debunking the "Official 9/11 Story," the Truth Movement has done so a thousand times over. It has been a huge success in that regard, as well as incidentally and rather uncomfortably uncovering the body of a concealed hydra, or leviathan, or dragon... as dys just pointed to.

The many theories about what may have actually taken place are fascinating and help maintain interest, but should never be confused with the original intent.

What a long strange journey this has been.

25th April 2011, 09:52 AM
Cindy Sheehan came and spoke near me last weekend.

I brought a camera to take pictures of any obvious police that may take a picture of me.
There were about 60 people in total, no visible police presence at all.

Noticed one person that I decided could be an informant. Strangely enough (or not!) He had a 9/11 petition that he was collecting signatures for.
And Cindy was quite good. Her message was sound, that both parties serve the same masters.

25th April 2011, 10:12 AM
unfortunately, the SF Bay Area 9-11 truth group is one of the biggest & most influential.

I've met Carol a couple times, in Boulder & SF, showed up for one of the Powell/Market public outreach sessions, so I've met a few of the bay area activists. While Carol's very nice I wouldn't guess she's owned outright; yes she's weak on Israeli involvement, but the standard argument for that, which I'm sympathetic to, is that given depth & intensity of sheeple's lifelong indoctrination re 'dajooz as victims of hate filt haterz yada yada'- you've got to really walk on eggshells around noobs wrt whodunit- their programming is likely to have them balk and run from the whole topic if early in their awakening they're bombarded with dajoozdidit -- their memetic programming is such that the proper knee-jerk reaction to any unflattering mention of dajooz, is to suspect the speaker is a HATER... Carol's various soft-touch outreach efforts over the years have reeled in many noobs, who if they do their research will wake up to whodunit at their own pace eventually. Carol's deception dollars were very popular and reached, I'd guess millions? Whether they all checked out the websites shown on the notes is another question. But I'd stop short of calling Carol owned- she also stays smartly "above it" re some of the divisive issues within 911 truth, IE what if anything hit the pentagon, did/could cell phones work on the flights- these were engineered by the shills to be major wedge issues.

A few bay area 'truthers' who were deep cover for years and I was surprised to see reveal themselves as shills are Jim Hoffman & partner Victoria, and "Cosmos" aka "YT", as well as the whole regular clique at Cosmos' truthaction.org, as well as the newer 911truthnews.com which was launched by a group of Limited Hangout LIHOP shills including Cosmos, trying to define themselves as "experienced leaders in the movement, who know what we'd best focus on and what we'd best avoid", LOL. The mods & regular clique at 911blogger.com have demonstrated they're owned for the past few years now... the authentic truthers have all long been purged from 911b.