View Full Version : Black people are the most unfairly castigated group out there

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21st April 2011, 12:54 PM
This post probably won't be popular. There were 2 things that spurred it from my end:

1. A guy that I found on another forum, a true GSUSer, decided he wasn't going to join our forum based on racism that he saw while checking the forum out.
2. I recently got a new job and my boss is black. Guy is bright, funny, hard working, and competent. A heck of a nice guy, too.

I've known quite a few black people in my time. I've met a lot of them in athletics and some of them professionally. My opinion in a general sense is that a lot of them grew up without fathers. What happens when a man (or woman for that matter) grows up without a father? Bad stuff. They tend to get in trouble, be unstable, have trouble in relationships, etc. Then their offspring tend to go through the same issues that they went through. In other words, a self perpetuating cycle. My experience is that this is just as true of white people as it is of black people. In other words, the color of 'bad' black people's skin is a correlation, not a causation.

And they are discriminated against, too...at least in the private sector. Unfortunately, some of the 'good' black people often develop shitty attitudes as a result of what they have to endure. However, net net as a race, they are not a bad people.


21st April 2011, 12:57 PM
Right on, Dys. I'll start by saying that I 100% agree with you. Each man should be judged as an individual. I live in an ethnic area, I've got some friendly black neighbors that I trust. Good honest hardworking folks.

There's good people in all races, imo. It is ignorant to assume the worst in someone based upon their ethnicity.

21st April 2011, 01:01 PM
I disagree. Net-net, the whole human race is made up of BAD people. Therefore, I could not say that black people, as a whole are good. I am pretty disgusted with near all people. But... looking at places that threaten my way of life, I would have to say that there is an easy bias to spot... actually, many threats from different groups.

21st April 2011, 01:24 PM
A bell curve has all kinds of exceptions to the rule, but exceptions do not negate the rule. Look at crime statistics and you'll realize that blacks are unfairly characterized as victims, when in fact they are far more likely to be doing the victimizing.

It's easy to find nice black individuals. Try finding a nice black country that you would want to live in. They have almost an entire continent to themselves with dozens of different countries, one of them ought to look like Switzerland, shouldn't it?

21st April 2011, 01:26 PM
A bell curve has all kinds of exceptions to the rule, but exceptions do not negate the rule. Look at crime statistics and you'll realize that blacks are unfairly characterized as victims, when in fact they are far more likely to be doing the victimizing.

It's easy to find nice black individuals. Try finding a nice black country that you would want to live in. They have almost an entire continent to themselves with dozens of different countries, one of them ought to look like Switzerland, shouldn't it?

Your rule is my exception. That's my point.


21st April 2011, 01:30 PM
I agree that each person should be weighed as an individual, however it can not be denied that there is some trending, as far as chimp-outs go.

21st April 2011, 01:34 PM
A bell curve has all kinds of exceptions to the rule, but exceptions do not negate the rule. Look at crime statistics and you'll realize that blacks are unfairly characterized as victims, when in fact they are far more likely to be doing the victimizing.

It's easy to find nice black individuals. Try finding a nice black country that you would want to live in. They have almost an entire continent to themselves with dozens of different countries, one of them ought to look like Switzerland, shouldn't it?

Your rule is my exception. That's my point.


For being 'exceptions' they seem to pretty reliably screw up any black societies. How do the exceptions overtake the rule so consistently in black nations?

21st April 2011, 01:35 PM
A bell curve has all kinds of exceptions to the rule, but exceptions do not negate the rule. Look at crime statistics and you'll realize that blacks are unfairly characterized as victims, when in fact they are far more likely to be doing the victimizing.

It's easy to find nice black individuals. Try finding a nice black country that you would want to live in. They have almost an entire continent to themselves with dozens of different countries, one of them ought to look like Switzerland, shouldn't it?

Considering the vast majority of people convicted of 'crime' are not criminals, the statistics prove their victimhood.


21st April 2011, 01:37 PM

21st April 2011, 01:37 PM
For being 'exceptions' they seem to pretty reliably screw up any black societies. How do the exceptions overtake the rule so consistently in black nations?

The honest answer is that I don't know. I've never been to Zaaire or Nigeria or to any predominately black nations. I do know that in the USA the white people have contributed to screwing up our country.


21st April 2011, 01:41 PM
For being 'exceptions' they seem to pretty reliably screw up any black societies. How do the exceptions overtake the rule so consistently in black nations?

I don't believe black nations are nearly as bad as the media portrays them to be, but I've never visited. I bet if you did, you'd find a lot of good friendly people.

There's people scared to come to the US because of our crime. After 9/11, I tried to get a French gal to come visit me. She wouldn't do it, the French media had BS about how we were dragging French people through our streets killing them. The media all over the world has agendas.

21st April 2011, 01:41 PM

If an innocent man is imprisoned, he is by definition a victim of kidnapping and false imprisonment. Considering the fact that the Supreme Court has uniformly and repeatedly ruled that a necessary element of any crime is the existence of a victim suffering a net tangible loss/harm http://marcstevens.net/component/content/article/52-standing-cross-reference.html , and considering that the vast majority of convicted criminals are convicted of consensual activities, that makes them victims.


21st April 2011, 01:44 PM
I have known blacks from Cuba, The Congo, Rodhesia and other places but even if they are "nice" people they do have a tendency to take with them what is not theirs...........here in the US the problem is the few bad apples that gives all of them a bad name........I wished that the few good cops could give all bad copa a good name.........imposible.

21st April 2011, 01:49 PM
My points:

1. The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".

2. You should read Thomas Sowell's book "The Economics and Politics of Race" where he describes the differences between those from Caribbean backgrounds where due to the place being an island, blacks even as slaves were given more freedom, ability to marry, etc. and how those blacks now, in the main, form the mani body of the elite black segment to be found in American society.

3. For every single black guy you like or admire, I could drive you to Baltimore or even York, PA or Harrisburg PA and point out 2 entire blocks of human detritus.

When I meet a black guy I admit I am initially suspicious - however after a few minutes you can get a read on a person, and go from there.

21st April 2011, 01:53 PM
I'd like to add to this thread that I worked with a black guy from Africa, briefly. His english was perfect, with an accent, friendly, intelligent, well spoken with a great sense of humor. The kind of guy you open up to immediately, that guy was that fun to be around. Very open and friendly.

He did say how amazed he was about how a lot of black folks talked and acted here in the states.

We associate black 'ghetto' culture here and apply it to the rest of the world. It's human nature I think, based upon what we see everyday. This is why travel is good.

21st April 2011, 01:56 PM

If an innocent man is imprisoned, he is by definition a victim of kidnapping and false imprisonment. Considering the fact that the Supreme Court has uniformly and repeatedly ruled that a necessary element of any crime is the existence of a victim suffering a net tangible loss/harm http://marcstevens.net/component/content/article/52-standing-cross-reference.html , and considering that the vast majority of convicted criminals are convicted of consensual activities, that makes them victims.


I agree that victimless crimes aren't crimes, but here are real crimes:


It takes hard work to pry the facts out of the reluctant grip of federal crime databases. But the results are eye-opening:

* Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate.

* The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

* Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.

* And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics.

21st April 2011, 01:57 PM
The crimes that have a staggeringly disproportionate percentage of black offenders are the ones with readily apparent victims like rape, murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery.

The reasons for this are up for discussion but the statistics stand on their own.

21st April 2011, 01:59 PM
I agree that victimless crimes aren't crimes, but here are real crimes:

It takes hard work to pry the facts out of the reluctant grip of federal crime databases. But the results are eye-opening:

* Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate.

* The proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

* Although Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby wring their hands over black-on-black mayhem, blacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks. A black is about 39 times more likely to do violence to a white than the other way around, and no less than 130 times more likely to rob a white.

* And yes, everyone's suspicions about rape are correct: Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics.

Ok, I'll admit it. Wow.


21st April 2011, 02:01 PM
The crimes that have a staggeringly disproportionate percentage of black offenders are the ones with readily apparent victims like rape, murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery.

The reasons for this are up for discussion but the statistics stand on their own.

This goes back to the topic at point. Yes, the stats stand on their own...here in the US, and here alone. It's a US problem. You can't apply that to other countries. This supports why blacks as an ethnic group are often unfairly judged.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 02:41 PM
LMMFWAO. So your "friend, your boss, and the few blacks" that YOU know are all decent people so that gives blacks a pass? Blacks are 700 more times likelier to comite crimes. 35% of black males are in prison.

As SLV said, the numbers don't lie, EVEN with all the DOJ, FBI, ATF, and DEA misrepresenting the numbers.

Here's what the DEA says is a white guy.



Another white guy.



This one is my favorite.



General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 02:42 PM
The crimes that have a staggeringly disproportionate percentage of black offenders are the ones with readily apparent victims like rape, murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery.

The reasons for this are up for discussion but the statistics stand on their own.

This goes back to the topic at point. Yes, the stats stand on their own...here in the US, and here alone. It's a US problem. You can't apply that to other countries. This supports why blacks as an ethnic group are often unfairly judged.

WTF are you talking about Solid? Go to Africa now that the blacks are in charge, it's just peachy. ::)

21st April 2011, 02:43 PM
I always wonder why this has this been so slow to change.

As an example, the Japanese were the evil enemy to Americans during World War 2. Now they are viewed as a diligent, hard-working, intelligent, and honorable people.

Why have black Americans been unable to shed the stereotype?

The complicating factor has already been presented: Blacks don't do well statistically, but the cause can be attributed to the inferior socio-economics which they tend to face as a group, so the the statistics are considered "understandable" or "explainable".

However, other groups have overcome castigation, aided by the substantial legislation that the U.S. has to provide protection and minimize negative racial biases.

I think part of the problem is that the level of castigation is not representative of the whole truth. The minority of bad apples in both the white and black communities seem to draw the most attention.

21st April 2011, 02:59 PM
The crimes that have a staggeringly disproportionate percentage of black offenders are the ones with readily apparent victims like rape, murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery.

The reasons for this are up for discussion but the statistics stand on their own.

This goes back to the topic at point. Yes, the stats stand on their own...here in the US, and here alone. It's a US problem. You can't apply that to other countries. This supports why blacks as an ethnic group are often unfairly judged.


21st April 2011, 03:09 PM
Those guys do the best/most realisitc tour guide videos, if it is who I think it is, but I can't see the video because it won't load.

EDIT - Yeah, that's what I thought. The video loaded. The vice do great movies. Get ready form a dose of hard reality!

21st April 2011, 03:21 PM
It is impossible to ignore the racism coming from both sides. As long as the mind assumes an identity, the identity controls the mind.

21st April 2011, 03:43 PM
Black people are the most unfairly castigated group out there

Not always... Note how the media portrays this incident... Just good folks in disagreement...

It was the victim who claims it was a race issue... Damn victims should just shut up!!!
Media censors race after mob of black teens riot and attack whites outside movie theater.
UPDATE: FoxNews has picked up the story and even they are censoring all mentions of race and concealing the fact that the attack was racially motivated.

The local media is censoring the race of the perpetrators. Imagine for a second that the races were reversed. If a giant mob of whites attacked a black couple it would have been a national news story.

One of the victims and another white witness posted what really happened online.

From ConservativeNation.net…
“It was def a riot and very sad. It was my husband and I at the movies. Our first night together without the kids in a long time.

These girls would not be quiet and after nicely asking them to be quiet, we got cussed at. I then had to ask the manager to remove them.

As my husband and I left, about 10 black girls surrounded us. All under age. They kept asking me to hit them and I said no. Then 6 black males hit my husband from behind and ran. None of them had the balls to go face to face with him, they just ran. Then Charlotte’s husband said he had a firearm and to follow him, as the black cloud descended on us. Literally about 60 of them.

A black boy took off his shirt and started walking towards my husband and I had seen enough. I walked up to the boy and put my hands up and said “stop it, just stop” before I knew it he punched me in the face and knocked me unconscious and I was on the ground. Apparently (of course) he hit and run due to him being a coward. My husband ran after him and the crowd then come towards me. Charlotte’s husband pulled out the gun to get them away from me.

About half an hour later, the boys mother showed up being just as trashy as he was, yelling and screaming. Then the cops started getting attacked. They held their own though and had dogs and tazered many people. And that is how it happened.

I am Kalyn Freire. My husband is Federico Freire in case anyone wonders….this is the truth of how it all happened. Not what the paper put up. Happy New year to everyone.”



21st April 2011, 04:08 PM
WTF are you talking about Solid? Go to Africa now that the blacks are in charge, it's just peachy. ::)

You all are proving the exact point of this thread, castigation.

You take the worst areas of our nation, black areas and link them to all blacks.

You take Liberia, the worst shithole in Africa, and that is a representation of blacks in Africa? Come on, stop assuming the worst out of folks.

I'm not being idealistic here, but realistic. It's not all bad, though some of you like to think so.

21st April 2011, 05:16 PM

Maybe some will feel more comfortable at this other forum.


21st April 2011, 05:19 PM
There is a lot of social engineering that goes on here in North America that does put some populations at a disadvantage. Here in Canada the Natives (Indians) have similar tendencies to the blacks in the US and it is generally the result of free hand outs from the government and residential schools in the past where children were taken from their families to "educate" them. Lots has since come out of the abuse that happened in many of these schools. This effectively broke up the family units and has caused a break down of their culture and values, rampant alcoholism. This seems similar to the effect of slavery and then following that welfare rewards to single black moms.

Not that I don't believe there is a genetic predisposition but it isn't the only factor.

21st April 2011, 05:24 PM

Maybe some will feel more comfortable at this other forum.


You can piss off, Book. This is a text book example of trying to derail a thread.

Interracial dating has nothing to do with this topic. The bottom line is that the good folks who are black, are being punished by the turds and you all are at fault for linking them together.

Bottom line.

21st April 2011, 05:43 PM
There is a lot of social engineering that goes on here in North America that does put some populations at a disadvantage.

I think the PTB deliberately marginalize minorities and create various underclasses in order to divide and conquer the population. While we're posting about "chimp-outs," they're laughing all the way to the bank at how easily we're distracted. They win again!

Most of the banksters are white, aren't they? Why doesn't anyone every bring that up? Hmmm? I have had more taken from me by these criminals than any minority out there (and I have actually worked in a ghetto).

21st April 2011, 06:03 PM
Once again, I'm going to have to bring up the work of nutrition researcher Weston A. Price. He studied the world's healthiest peoples, and most of them were minorities.

NONE of the groups had any need for any jail. There was NO crime to think of. Price was really impressed with them (and he was a deeply religious white man):

"AFTER one has lived among the primitive racial stocks in different parts of the world and studied them in their isolation, few impressions can be more vivid than that of the absence of prisons and asylums. Few, if any, of the problems which confront modern civilization are more serious and disturbing than the progressive increase in the percentage of individuals with unsocial traits and a lack of irresponsibility." ~From Chapter 19, Physical, mental and moral deterioration, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/price/price19.html)

He theorized that crime was a modern problem, and one of the roots was a poor diet.

21st April 2011, 06:07 PM
Black dudes rapping about drugs, pulling out the 9, and capping shit yo. Bitches, and ho's.

I wonder if that has any affect...hmm.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 06:13 PM
Blacks are violent animals, and they HATE whitey. I hope you people are preparing for the future race war, because it is coming. You can count on it.


21st April 2011, 06:37 PM
I usually steer clear of these threads. I did grow up in all black neighborhood before my parents moved us out into the country. So I grew up with plenty of black friends.

Anyway years later, after I was discharged from the Navy I was working in a factory and met a fellow from Nigeria, very intelligent, soft spoken and a very hard worker. One day while on break he makes a remark about "American black men are extremely lazy, and self entitled." I replied I think its because they use the fact that a lot of their ancestors were slaves here in the states. He said something that I've never heard a black man utter since "So what! Most people were slaves to other people through conquered lands or for payments of debt it doesn't give their off spring an entitlement or an excuse to be lazy."

I lost touch with him several years ago, but he was a great friend while he was here in the states.

21st April 2011, 06:53 PM
I also grew up with a lot of mixed-race people, because my father was in the military. And (at least back in the 70s) the blacks were no more criminal than any of the other races.

But once my father retired and I started living in white communities, I started to fear black people. There weren't any where I lived, so I can only blame the mainstream media (which I watched back in my younger days). Most middle class white people live pretty isolated from any of the black ghettos, so their attitudes about them tend to be shaped by the MSM.

21st April 2011, 06:55 PM
There are plenty of hip and intelligent blacks and latinos around that by the unfortunate color of their skin are associated with the dudes that would rape your dog or gouge out your eyes for laughs. I've lived here in the Bay Area all my life and I cross paths with the brothers every day. They are complete assholes, who use intimidation and sheer luck to survive as parasitic and worthless life forms. Those of you outside the Bay Area should read up on the Black Panthers. It was here in the 1960's when Huey and Bobby were implanting the seeds of hatred for white people. I got bussed from a white neighborhood into a very black one I was there, and the message to any black that would listen to it was to jack up whitey.

Over the years the Mexicans started getting thick as ticks and encroached on black turf resulting in some interesting criminal problems between them. That drove the already bad neighborhoods even farther down as whites fled nearby areas, Mexicans moved in, and blacks got displaced. That made the racial dynamics even worse. Today you can get on a BART train and roll the dice you don't step into a pack of hunting gang bangers from Richmond or the Fruitvale. My work takes me to some choice locations: the Tenderloin, south of Market, west Oakland to name a few. I walk among them and deal with them. I've had my van broken into and tools stolen. I've been rousted on the sidewalk by them for gratuitous fun. No matter how you slice it blacks are primitive, unimaginative, hostile, opportunistic assholes. Go walk down Mandela Parkway in Oakland at 3am and see if you live to talk about it. Me? Racist? Fuck yeah. What about it?

21st April 2011, 07:01 PM
I wonder what it is about the U.S. that turns people into these kinds of animals? From top to bottom, we have the worst kind of people in the world. It's really sad.

And it seems like it's getting worse--like that deaf woman who cut out a baby from a pregnant woman's womb. WTF?!

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 07:11 PM
And just for the record, it would be intellectually irresponsible to say that ALL, of any race is x or y, however the proof is in the ACTS.

Asian man killed in a fun game of "knockout"


An Alabama man is in police custody and another hospitalized in serious condition after police say his eyes were gouged out with a spoon.


Then we have all the chimpout videos. The reality is with camera phones more and more of this is coming out, and IT'S REALITY.

I have my own stories that I don't care to get into, but I'll say this, around blacks and mestizos, NEVER relax. And yes I have literally ONE black associate.

21st April 2011, 07:15 PM
Blacks are violent animals, and they HATE whitey. I hope you people are preparing for the future race war, because it is coming. You can count on it.


Croatians are violent animals and they HATE whitey:

21st April 2011, 07:17 PM
There are plenty of hip and intelligent blacks and latinos around that by the unfortunate color of their skin are associated with the dudes that would rape your dog or gouge out your eyes for laughs. I've lived here in the Bay Area all my life and I cross paths with the brothers every day. They are complete assholes, who use intimidation and sheer luck to survive as parasitic and worthless life forms. Those of you outside the Bay Area should read up on the Black Panthers. It was here in the 1960's when Huey and Bobby were implanting the seeds of hatred for white people. I got bussed from a white neighborhood into a very black one I was there, and the message to any black that would listen to it was to jack up whitey.

Over the years the Mexicans started getting thick as ticks and encroached on black turf resulting in some interesting criminal problems between them. That drove the already bad neighborhoods even farther down as whites fled nearby areas, Mexicans moved in, and blacks got displaced. That made the racial dynamics even worse. Today you can get on a BART train and roll the dice you don't step into a pack of hunting gang bangers from Richmond or the Fruitvale. My work takes me to some choice locations: the Tenderloin, south of Market, west Oakland to name a few. I walk among them and deal with them. I've had my van broken into and tools stolen. I've been rousted on the sidewalk by them for gratuitous fun. No matter how you slice it blacks are primitive, unimaginative, hostile, opportunistic assholes. Go walk down Mandela Parkway in Oakland at 3am and see if you live to talk about it. Me? Racist? fuck yeah. What about it?

I can't disagree with this post. West Oakland is a pit, Mandela Parkway leaves much to be desired...I for one, am very intimate with Sobrante Park, out east. Might as well be third world, wish I could forget.

I still will defend until the day I die, the rights of individual man. That gets lost, in threads like this one.

21st April 2011, 07:19 PM
There are plenty of hip and intelligent blacks and latinos around that by the unfortunate color of their skin are associated with the dudes that would rape your dog or gouge out your eyes for laughs. I've lived here in the Bay Area all my life and I cross paths with the brothers every day. They are complete assholes, who use intimidation and sheer luck to survive as parasitic and worthless life forms. Those of you outside the Bay Area should read up on the Black Panthers. It was here in the 1960's when Huey and Bobby were implanting the seeds of hatred for white people. I got bussed from a white neighborhood into a very black one I was there, and the message to any black that would listen to it was to jack up whitey.

Over the years the Mexicans started getting thick as ticks and encroached on black turf resulting in some interesting criminal problems between them. That drove the already bad neighborhoods even farther down as whites fled nearby areas, Mexicans moved in, and blacks got displaced. That made the racial dynamics even worse. Today you can get on a BART train and roll the dice you don't step into a pack of hunting gang bangers from Richmond or the Fruitvale. My work takes me to some choice locations: the Tenderloin, south of Market, west Oakland to name a few. I walk among them and deal with them. I've had my van broken into and tools stolen. I've been rousted on the sidewalk by them for gratuitous fun. No matter how you slice it blacks are primitive, unimaginative, hostile, opportunistic assholes. Go walk down Mandela Parkway in Oakland at 3am and see if you live to talk about it. Me? Racist? fuck yeah. What about it?

I can't disagree with this post. West Oakland is a pit, Mandela Parkway leaves much to be desired...I for one, am very intimate with Sobrante Park, out east. Might as well be third world, wish I could forget.

I still will defend until the day I die, the rights of individual man. That gets lost, in threads like this one.

me too... but what constitutes a man... or beast... or beast-man...


General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 07:32 PM
Blacks are violent animals, and they HATE whitey. I hope you people are preparing for the future race war, because it is coming. You can count on it.


Croatians are violent animals and they HATE whitey:

Oh come on jew, are you going to troll after me with your Croatian hate every single post. It's like you've got this fascination with me, you're my GSUS stalker.

Check this out uden.

ZA DOM SPREMI = FOR HOME BE READY. Since Croatian isn't in the EU, my little country is almost 99% white, and I know you hate that.

You like apples? How about these apples?


21st April 2011, 07:49 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Edit: And I am Italian, German and Irish...just to be clear.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 07:59 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Edit: And I am Italian, German and Irish...just to be clear.

Well it is a crazy world. The jews owned the ships that brought them here, and now their the ones that started the NAACP, pushed for Affirmative Action etc. Adding the jew to this discussion serves no purpose because those people are nation wreckers. The actions of blacks should stand on their own merits.

21st April 2011, 08:01 PM
You will never see me among wiggers and neither will you see me among KKK. I judge every individual on the basis of his/her worth and I apply the same logic to different nations. If we compare 2 different orchestras, one may be better overall than the other but there can be a few players in a bad orchestra that are world class, it doesn`t mean the 2 orchestras are equal it simply means that the good players from a bad orchestra are equal to the good players from a good orchestra. Blacks as a race need a lot of improvement before African nations send a man in space, it may take many thousands of years.
Whites exploiting Africa will not help the process, Whites have been genociding each other for their entire history and have shown themselves to be equally cannibalistic to the worst of Blacks.
I`ve met individual Blacks who do not need any more improvement than the best of White people, they are rare but they exist and I`m happy about this.

21st April 2011, 08:19 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Edit: And I am Italian, German and Irish...just to be clear.

Well it is a crazy world. The jews owned the ships that brought them here, and now their the ones that started the NAACP, pushed for Affirmative Action etc. Adding the jew to this discussion serves no purpose because those people are nation wreckers. The actions of blacks should stand on their own merits.

It does serve a purpose, to point out that blaming the plight of Africa on the native's intelligence level, or their character, is ridiculous. Especially in light of the fact that the continent, in its current state, is more a product of outside forces. Your last sentence is truth however...

21st April 2011, 08:28 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

As bad as the Jews are they never seem to make Whites gang-rape and mug. How are Whites doing this for Blacks, exactly?

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Oddly enough, during the brief period that Europeans were supposedly 'raping' Africa Black Africans had the highest living standards. And there are still plenty of resources in Africa for the Africans to not use.

China experienced a very real rape and pillage at the hands of the Japanese during WW2. Did they go back to living in straw huts afterwards? Quite the opposite.

21st April 2011, 08:34 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Edit: And I am Italian, German and Irish...just to be clear.

Well it is a crazy world. The jews owned the ships that brought them here, and now their the ones that started the NAACP, pushed for Affirmative Action etc. Adding the jew to this discussion serves no purpose because those people are nation wreckers. The actions of blacks should stand on their own merits.

It does serve a purpose, to point out that blaming the plight of Africa on the native's intelligence level, or their character, is ridiculous. Especially in light of the fact that the continent, in its current state, is more a product of outside forces. Your last sentence is truth however...

Agreed, look at what the elite are doing in Libya. No central bank, tons of gold, plenty of oil and the country has prospered under Gaddafi's rule and the elites response is to set them up with CIA controlled Al-Qaeda and bomb the shit out of them. That's going to improve their living conditions.......

Meanwhile their divide and conquer strategy is working perfectly here in the west.

21st April 2011, 09:16 PM
All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue.


Take a stroll down your local MLK Blvd then report back to this thread. Bring your camera and post photos here of you "getting a clue".


21st April 2011, 09:29 PM
1. A guy that I found on another forum, a true GSUSer, decided he wasn't going to join our forum based on racism that he saw while checking the forum out.

1 Discussing real issues as issues is not racism.

2 I have been always vocal about this, I wouldn't allow certain language.

3 I have had all kinds of friends including black, lost touch with most though,
everyones older and moved on, schools, married, etc,

The issues remain.

Cause sensationalism and get people swearing and using epithets ,


There is a guy on here promoting chimpout and A3P, he should know better.
Smells of a smear job. Either way he is lost in space and not on my team.

21st April 2011, 09:46 PM
Croatians are violent animals and they HATE whitey:

You got a lot of nerve troll, GofD I disagree with on a lot of things, he needs to cool it too,

But you, deceiver troll and blatant liar,
I know you and your comments, nobody anywhere has gotten away with your heinous comments
of the most outrageous kind, the kind that can shut down a forum, real hate, openly calling for murder.

Antonio has stated outrageous things about blacks, " I am advocating owning the mother fers " , etc .

I noticed in another thread you admit to 20 Million Christians murdered by USSR Jews.

That is quite a flip flop from your past posts and performance totally denying any Christians murdered.

As you call them and us " goyim " and mock us " you deserve it " .

You are deliberately playing a game of deceit again, to win friends, get people to thank you,
you are the persecuted, on here.

Anyone that calls you honest, thanks you or calls you a friend on here is either one,
naive and ignorant of your past or two there is something seriously wrong with them.

You are a troll from hell and you are deliberately trolling GofD, he knows your outrageous history.

Just sticking you face in any of his threads is blatant trolling on your part.

Click on the image in the thread.

How did this turn out, rofl , RJB said I was prophetic, not so RJB, I wish I was,
this is a total rerun of his past is all, nothing new. His drug remarks are new, that's it.

21st April 2011, 10:09 PM
Dys, Solid, GoD; The preacher, David Manning, IMO could be a living prophet (spokesman) for the black community. He could cause great change, if listened too.



22nd April 2011, 03:04 AM
Croatians are violent animals and they HATE whitey:

You got a lot of nerve


But you, deceiver troll and blatant liar,

I would be if Croatian degenerates in those pics were slitting throats and collecting blood of gooks or niggers but they are butchering perfectly White Orthodox Serbs. Do you give a fuck about that, being an Orthodox yourself? Them are tasty pics, one guy gets his head sawn off, plenty of eyes carved out too.

You are deliberately playing a game of deceit again, to win friends, get people to thank you,
you are the persecuted, on here.

I`m not here, I`m at home.

You are a troll from hell and you are deliberately trolling GofD, he knows your outrageous history.
Just sticking you face in any of his threads is blatant trolling on your part.

I`m being very polite as always. I spell Croatians with a capital "C, unlike GoD who wants to kill jews in every thread.

22nd April 2011, 06:16 AM
A bell curve has all kinds of exceptions to the rule, but exceptions do not negate the rule. Look at crime statistics and you'll realize that blacks are unfairly characterized as victims, when in fact they are far more likely to be doing the victimizing.

It's easy to find nice black individuals. Try finding a nice black country that you would want to live in. They have almost an entire continent to themselves with dozens of different countries, one of them ought to look like Switzerland, shouldn't it?
tell me one country run by blacks that has its sh*t together!!

22nd April 2011, 06:43 AM
Blacks are definetely encouraged to war against white people. For that reason otherwise good black people can become dangerous in groups.
When I was in college, my girlfriend at the time worked in the cafeteria scanning student ids. There was a punk black guy that kept walking in without paying, day after day (I think he was kicked out of school). He was an intimidating looking guy. One day while I was hanging out with her, the guy tried the same BS and she nicely told him she couldn't let him in without paying or she would lose her job if anyone found out. The guy then got in her face, blustering and yelling and scaring the hell out of her. She was probably 110 pounds soaking wet, he probably went 220, and she was rattled. At that point in my life I was a cowboy and stupid when it comes to things like this. I told him to knock it off. When he didn't, I physically grabbed him and shoved him away. I fully expected to fight, and it surely would have turned into a fight, except that I didn't realize that there were another 10 black dudes that were hanging out right outside the cafeteria that saw the whole thing. Within about a second, they had funneled me into a large area outside the cafe and they had me surrounded. I remember thinking that I wasn't walking out of there alive. They were screaming at me in a rage, a few of them pushed me, but I had it in my mind that I wasn't going to fight back until absolutely necessary. I said, "I was just trying to stick up for my girlfriend, most of you would do the same." They didn't believe me at all, but for some unknown reason they decided to let me go with several expletive filled warnings.
One of those guys that dragged me into that situation was a friend of mine. He lived in my dorm and we played pingpong together, even hung out together. He was a nice guy. But after that altercation we were never friends again. When I would see him around, there was a look on his face that he felt bad about the situation and wanted to apologize. But at that time, I probably wouldn't have accepted his apology. I didn't understand the way of the world.
I believe racial tension is for the most part socially engineered. Take the aforementioned altercation, and put a white person in the place of the black guy. My friend probably would have fought at my side. But with a black person, the social engineers have instilled a devisive mentality. Because I had a dispute with a black guy, it must be because he is black, not because he was a jerk. I take my daughter to the park, she sees a little black girl or boy, she goes and plays with them. There is absolutely 0 instinct to stay away from or fight with blacks. It come from the social engineers imo.


22nd April 2011, 06:43 AM
Dys, Solid, GoD; The preacher, David Manning, IMO could be a living prophet (spokesman) for the black community. He could cause great change, if listened too.


Manning is an ignorant asshole. He is a full blown, hardcore Zionist. A shill of the worst kind.



22nd April 2011, 07:36 AM
My experiences are in agreement with the concept of racial animosity being a product of social engineering. Growing up as a small child I had a few black friends and thought absolutely nothing of it until the day came, one by one, they ended the friendship strictly because I no longer fit in their social circle because of my skin color.

I remember one particularly well. We had spent a few summers together as grade schoolers but went to separate middle schools. When I saw him again in high school I tried to approach him but he denied ever knowing who I was and even went as far as to say he would have never befriended a honkey such as myself. I rattled his cage pretty good when I came back the next day with a handful of photographs our parents had taken of us in summer camps, one of which depicted us with our arms around each other's shoulders. His friends ridiculed him pretty hard which wasn't my goal, I just wanted him to admit he remembered being my friend. His mother called my parents that evening and basically threatened them into instructing me to not speak to him any more. We rode the same bus for a few years and he would never look me in the eye again.

22nd April 2011, 07:53 AM
Dys and SLV, powerful posts. Indeed, there's a lot of social engineering going on to pit races against each other. By design, TPTB don't want folks to work together because there would be a revolution. Can't have a revolution when you have the masses at war with each other.

22nd April 2011, 08:58 AM
My experience is that the only white people that black people want to hang out with these days, are the white guys who wish they were black guys, and walk, talk, act and dress like back guys,. aka Wiggers.

I do find Occams trolling GoD with Croatians killing Serbians hypocritical, due to the fact that Occam is a stalinist jew, and his type have killed all types of people all types over the world, ever since the dawn of babylonian pharisaism.

22nd April 2011, 09:14 AM
Personally, I think I'll continue being an equal opportunity hater or friend for that matter, each reserved for the actions presented to me on a case by case basis.

The worst beating I ever took was by a group of people who at 1st sight I would still to this day say were my kind of people, country white folk. I was an outsider though, that was the only difference between us but I assumed that we were alike, that assumption nearly cost me my life.

I'll never assume anything based on purely the color of skin but I will always assume there is a direct risk at any given time depending on the situation no matter what.

A couple weeks ago at work I ran into a "situation" with 2 black wanna be gangstas and 1 white wanna be gangsta, I was out numbered and way over matched in size, it was a very uneasy and intense situation. They only thing running through my head was who to shoot 1st, the white guy had won that distinction only because he was the biggest and the closest to me at the time. I could give 3 shits less about any of their socio-economic-historical data, only what was presented to me at the time.

We'll either earn each others respect and be friends or the choice will be made not to leave me the fuck alone and I will be forced to end any further decision making capability on the aggressors part, regardless of outward appearance.

22nd April 2011, 09:20 AM
A couple weeks ago at work I ran into a "situation" with 2 black wanna be gangstas and 1 white wanna be gangsta, I was out numbered and way over matched in size, it was a very uneasy and intense situation. They only thing running through my head was who to shoot 1st,

At least you have that option, to defend yourself. I'm glad your hand was not forced to shoot anyone, but it's nice that you have the security of a firearm in your possession.

22nd April 2011, 09:29 AM
My experiences are in agreement with the concept of racial animosity being a product of social engineering.


Anybody here stroll down their local MLK Blvd lately pondering this "social engineering" thingie?


22nd April 2011, 09:46 AM
A couple weeks ago at work I ran into a "situation" with 2 black wanna be gangstas and 1 white wanna be gangsta, I was out numbered and way over matched in size, it was a very uneasy and intense situation. They only thing running through my head was who to shoot 1st,

At least you have that option, to defend yourself. I'm glad your hand was not forced to shoot anyone, but it's nice that you have the security of a firearm in your possession.

I'm glad I wasn't forced to either as it's not really an aspiration of mine and goes against my nature, as anyone who has met me can attest that I'm a laid back good time kinda guy. But..... I've been on the shitty end of the short stick and I refuse to willingly go there again and I only have that option because I give myself that option, no law or CCP has the ability to do that for me. They still might show back up, because the only war that was won that day was a war of wills, mine over theirs and they were not happy when they left.

22nd April 2011, 01:43 PM

3 People Run Over During Mcdonald's Hiring Day
A fight breaks out at a Cleveland area McDonalds parking lot on hiring day:



22nd April 2011, 02:33 PM
This world is filled with people that talk profusely and have nothing to say. Rare is the individual that hoards knowledge and insight at the expense of derision. Even though rare, still sad. You are the outlier.


My experiences are in agreement with the concept of racial animosity being a product of social engineering.


Anybody here stroll down their local MLK Blvd lately pondering this "social engineering" thingie?


22nd April 2011, 02:43 PM
Well, we know who started the whole "Black slavery" thing and we know that the same group started the whole "NAACP" thing, so yeah, I think it's obvious that black VS white is social engineering.

General of Darkness
22nd April 2011, 02:59 PM
DYS, you and a few others that have found GOD have lost all perception of REALITY.

Can you name ONE, just ONE place that negros reside, where they're the majority and they're in control that isn't a disaster? Just one, I know you won't find one, it doesn't exist, but then again it's not the poor black mans fault, it's whities. Give me a break.

FYI, I'm not a religious person, I am however a righteous person. And being righteous, doesn't mean you're stupid, you do the right thing.

Also, EVERYTHING is about GENETICS, EVERYTHING. It is the BASE of what people are and you can NOT change that.

DYS, people as a group should be JUDGED at what they do, or don't do. I'm white, make a good living, drink too much, treat EVERYONE equally in real life and just want to be left alone. I don't need guberment assistance, and I don't whore around like I did. Hell, I'd like to meet a decent woman that likes to fuck and have a few kids, but in this place? Nigga please.

22nd April 2011, 03:24 PM
Can you name ONE, just ONE place that negros reside, where they're the majority and they're in control that isn't a disaster? Just one, I know you won't find one, it doesn't exist, but then again it's not the poor black mans fault, it's whities. Give me a break.

I doubt these guys sit around complaining. They are out hunting, more balls than most men on the planet stuffing their faces with fast food staring at their ipods.

These men work together, as a team.

There's plenty of folks in Africa that just want to be left alone too, to hunt and provide for their families.


22nd April 2011, 03:29 PM
Most of the banksters are white, aren't they? Why doesn't anyone every bring that up? Hmmm? I have had more taken from me by these criminals than any minority out there (and I have actually worked in a ghetto).

As was pointed out earlier, many bankers are Jewish. And any money taken from you by a bankster was by deception and subterfuge. I'm pretty sure the bankers haven't beaten, stabbed, or shot you; nor have they raped your wife or daughters.

22nd April 2011, 03:34 PM
Agreed, look at what the elite are doing in Libya. No central bank, tons of gold, plenty of oil and the country has prospered under Gaddafi's rule and the elites response is to set them up with CIA controlled Al-Qaeda and bomb the shit out of them. That's going to improve their living conditions.......

Meanwhile their divide and conquer strategy is working perfectly here in the west.

Libya is not a "black" african country. It's an arab african country.

This discussion is about sub-saharan blacks, not arabs.

22nd April 2011, 03:35 PM
DYS, you and a few others that have found GOD have lost all perception of REALITY.

Can you name ONE, just ONE place that negros reside, where they're the majority and they're in control that isn't a disaster? Just one, I know you won't find one, it doesn't exist, but then again it's not the poor black mans fault, it's whities. Give me a break.

FYI, I'm not a religious person, I am however a righteous person. And being righteous, doesn't mean you're stupid, you do the right thing.

Also, EVERYTHING is about GENETICS, EVERYTHING. It is the BASE of what people are and you can NOT change that.

DYS, people as a group should be JUDGED at what they do, or don't do. I'm white, make a good living, drink too much, treat EVERYONE equally in real life and just want to be left alone. I don't need guberment assistance, and I don't whore around like I did. Hell, I'd like to meet a decent woman that likes to fuck and have a few kids, but in this place? Nigga please.

No, I can't name one place where blacks are in control and it isn't a disaster. Can you name one place on earth where whites are in control and it isn't a disaster?


General of Darkness
22nd April 2011, 03:39 PM
Solid, love ya brother, but come on. I know you live in SF and you're a straight and all, but have you visited Club Tropicana without telling anyone of us?


22nd April 2011, 03:49 PM
DYS, you and a few others that have found GOD have lost all perception of REALITY.

Can you name ONE, just ONE place that negros reside, where they're the majority and they're in control that isn't a disaster? Just one, I know you won't find one, it doesn't exist, but then again it's not the poor black mans fault, it's whities. Give me a break.

FYI, I'm not a religious person, I am however a righteous person. And being righteous, doesn't mean you're stupid, you do the right thing.

Also, EVERYTHING is about GENETICS, EVERYTHING. It is the BASE of what people are and you can NOT change that.

DYS, people as a group should be JUDGED at what they do, or don't do. I'm white, make a good living, drink too much, treat EVERYONE equally in real life and just want to be left alone. I don't need guberment assistance, and I don't whore around like I did. Hell, I'd like to meet a decent woman that likes to fuck and have a few kids, but in this place? Nigga please.

No, I can't name one place where blacks are in control and it isn't a disaster. Can you name one place on earth where whites are in control and it isn't a disaster?


That's BS. Disaster is relative. Go to Haiti look around, then come to AZ and I'll show you around. Then you can tell me which disaster you prefer.

Go to the nicest area in your town(every town has one), and start knockin' on doors. Let me know what race opens the door most often.

Then go to the poor area and do the same thing.

22nd April 2011, 04:00 PM
That's funny. All the racists on this forum accusing and posting videos of racism. Then when someone has a differing opinion, they are accused of homosexuality. Real mature.

General of Darkness
22nd April 2011, 04:05 PM
That's funny. All the racists on this forum accusing and posting videos of racism. Then when someone has a differing opinion, they are accused of homosexuality. Real mature.

Dude, I've met Solid, and I'm just messing with him, just like I'm messing with you. ;D

22nd April 2011, 04:10 PM
That's funny. All the racists on this forum accusing and posting videos of racism. Then when someone has a differing opinion, they are accused of homosexuality. Real mature.

Did you mean this as an insult? Calling me and others here racist? I take it as a compliment. If you wish to live in a fantasy land where everybody is the same, and Asians are just as dangerous as sub-saharan blacks, go ahead. Only a fool would overlook all the data on the issue, because it makes them feel bad.

22nd April 2011, 04:16 PM
I find people really don't like hard data that goes against all the lies they have been inculcated with.

Refer to my signature.
Youtube search Truthisahatecrime

22nd April 2011, 04:36 PM
I find people really don't like hard data that goes against all the lies they have been inculcated with.

The hard data is fine, it just reinforces that we must never, ever, lower ourselves to their level.

You've got to stand by your ideals here. I'll judge each man as an individual person, the person that man is. If you are a friend, you're welcome in my home regardless of race. If you are trying to take my freedom, you are an enemy.

It's a simplistic mindset, that makes sense to me.

22nd April 2011, 05:13 PM
My experience is that this is just as true of white people as it is of black people.


Let's ask this White Person.


22nd April 2011, 07:48 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

As bad as the Jews are they never seem to make Whites gang-rape and mug. How are Whites doing this for Blacks, exactly?

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Oddly enough, during the brief period that Europeans were supposedly 'raping' Africa Black Africans had the highest living standards. And there are still plenty of resources in Africa for the Africans to not use.

China experienced a very real rape and pillage at the hands of the Japanese during WW2. Did they go back to living in straw huts afterwards? Quite the opposite.

"during the brief period that Europeans controlled Africa".... :ROFL:

you cant be serious? they are still in control pal, the raping and pillaging continues

22nd April 2011, 07:51 PM
All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue.


Take a stroll down your local MLK Blvd then report back to this thread. Bring your camera and post photos here of you "getting a clue".


I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty, I worked in the most hardcore neighborhoods in the city...what is your point?

22nd April 2011, 08:02 PM
All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue.


Take a stroll down your local MLK Blvd then report back to this thread. Bring your camera and post photos here of you "getting a clue".


I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty...

Strolling for what?



22nd April 2011, 08:08 PM
All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue.


Take a stroll down your local MLK Blvd then report back to this thread. Bring your camera and post photos here of you "getting a clue".


I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty...

Strolling for what?


why Burger King and blow jobs of course!

22nd April 2011, 08:10 PM
Bullion Bob posts a video of that black guy and the tornado, as if it says something profound or proves anything...Bob, have you ever heard a hillbilly redneck talk? sounds pretty identical if ya axe me!

22nd April 2011, 08:12 PM
I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty...

Apr 7, 2011

In a historic merging of the union movement and the Civil Rights Movement, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. and two leaders of the 1968 Memphis strike led “A March Fit for a King” down Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. in Milwaukee April 2.


22nd April 2011, 08:17 PM
I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty...

Apr 7, 2011

In a historic merging of the union movement and the Civil Rights Movement, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. and two leaders of the 1968 Memphis strike led “A March Fit for a King” down Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. in Milwaukee April 2.


lol...you should see the "Juneteenth Day" gatherings...ridiculous. Hey, I am not blind to the disgusting begavior of many inner city blacks, I am just not gonna sit and try and convince myself that it is all because of their own choices..much of it is, a lot of it is way out of their league...start with the war on drugs, what happens to black ghettos the moment drugs are legalized? the gangs dry up...this is one simple example of engineered chaos from whites and jews

22nd April 2011, 08:18 PM
A guy that I found on another forum, a true GSUSer, decided he wasn't going to join our forum based on racism that he saw while checking the forum out.

Unfortunately, some of the 'good' black people often develop shitty attitudes...

Nuff said.

22nd April 2011, 08:26 PM
...Hey, I am not blind to the disgusting behavior of many inner city blacks, I am just not gonna sit and try and convince myself that it is all because of their own choices...

There it is.

:oo--> blame whitey. tax whitey. attack whitey.

22nd April 2011, 08:30 PM
Bullion Bob posts a video of that black guy and the tornado, as if it says something profound or proves anything...Bob, have you ever heard a hillbilly redneck talk? sounds pretty identical if ya axe me!

I speak hillbilly redneck fluently and have a southern drawl from hell but I'm lacking in ignerfuckingramus, lol ;D I've never heard axe/axs except from the hood or from Limbaugh. BTW, that vid was from Jackson Miss so we might have a hybrid in this instance, inner city hillbilly redneck.

22nd April 2011, 08:36 PM
Wow, I'm not much for race baiting, but this thread was the wrong on phucking week to happen. I bet you must feel like a true A-hole.

22nd April 2011, 08:39 PM
I have "strolled" MLK Blvd in Milwaukee plenty...

Apr 7, 2011

In a historic merging of the union movement and the Civil Rights Movement, the Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. and two leaders of the 1968 Memphis strike led “A March Fit for a King” down Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. in Milwaukee April 2.


From what I read, Jesse Jackson likes getting his dong sucked from other men. He's a fag and a commie...........

22nd April 2011, 09:10 PM
Wow, this thread is hilarious! All of you people insisting that the crime numbers are evidence of Blacks being more predisposed to be bad people...get a clue. These are the same people that will bitch and moan about the "system" and the "elite" and the "Jews" keeping them down and subjugating them, as white people...but this reality doesnt apply to Blacks? :oo-->

As bad as the Jews are they never seem to make Whites gang-rape and mug. How are Whites doing this for Blacks, exactly?

It is a direct line in the case of blacks, both here and especially in Africa, where the western culture has systematically raped and pillaged what was a once a different land. To the guy that says their ought to be a Switzerland in Africa..??? Are you kidding me? same point applies, maybe this would be the case had Europeans and Jews not "mugged" and "raped" and "murdered" the continent and its resources...so please, tell me again...which group of people are inherently bad?

Oddly enough, during the brief period that Europeans were supposedly 'raping' Africa Black Africans had the highest living standards. And there are still plenty of resources in Africa for the Africans to not use.

China experienced a very real rape and pillage at the hands of the Japanese during WW2. Did they go back to living in straw huts afterwards? Quite the opposite.

"during the brief period that Europeans controlled Africa".... :ROFL:

you cant be serious? they are still in control pal, the raping and pillaging continues

Give me an example.

lol...you should see the "Juneteenth Day" gatherings...ridiculous. Hey, I am not blind to the disgusting begavior of many inner city blacks, I am just not gonna sit and try and convince myself that it is all because of their own choices..much of it is, a lot of it is way out of their league...start with the war on drugs, what happens to black ghettos the moment drugs are legalized? the gangs dry up...this is one simple example of engineered chaos from whites and jews

Yes drug laws can be racist. For instance the punishment for crack cocaine is more severe than for cocaine. The drug war makes drug dealing lucrative as well.

But what does any of this have to do with rape?


Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics.

22nd April 2011, 09:46 PM
AN example of whites or Jews controlling Africa? Diamonds, chocolate, precious metals, rare elements used in computer chips. NOrth Africa, Central Africa, Western Africa...but thats all!

As far as the rape stats...again, I do not deny the reality of what is going on NOW in AMerica...but I will not act as if whites, and every other race hasnt, at some point acted like savages.

22nd April 2011, 10:02 PM
De Beers doesn't have an army or colonies in Africa. Africa accepts foreign industries in their countries, nobody is forcing them to, AFAIK.

22nd April 2011, 10:13 PM
As far as the rape stats...again, I do not deny the reality of what is going on NOW in AMerica...but I will not act as if whites, and every other race hasnt, at some point acted like savages.

Gee...try living in the HERE AND NOW because your time-shifting excuses are illogical. White women are raped today because of slavery a hundred years ago? What next............................the Holocaust as an excuse for Bernie Madoff?


23rd April 2011, 02:25 AM
Ya right Rape is at the same level for Blacks as Whites but it's just statistically under-reported because there is not a high enough percentage of Black Statisticians :sarc:

23rd April 2011, 05:07 AM
This post probably won't be popular. There were 2 things that spurred it from my end:

1. A guy that I found on another forum, a true GSUSer, decided he wasn't going to join our forum based on racism that he saw while checking the forum out.
Sounds like a faggot to me. This is the internet where people can and will have different viewpoints and perspectives. If he can't handle that its a good thing he didn't come here.
2. I recently got a new job and my boss is black. Guy is bright, funny, hard working, and competent. A heck of a nice guy, too.
So what is your point?

I've known quite a few black people in my time. I've met a lot of them in athletics and some of them professionally. My opinion in a general sense is that a lot of them grew up without fathers. What happens when a man (or woman for that matter) grows up without a father? Bad stuff. They tend to get in trouble, be unstable, have trouble in relationships, etc. Then their offspring tend to go through the same issues that they went through. In other words, a self perpetuating cycle. My experience is that this is just as true of white people as it is of black people. In other words, the color of 'bad' black people's skin is a correlation, not a causation.
Hilarious. So you are telling me that niggers inability to handle civilization is directly related to them not having a father while growing up? If only it were that simple....

And they are discriminated against, too...at least in the private sector. Unfortunately, some of the 'good' black people often develop shitty attitudes as a result of what they have to endure. However, net net as a race, they are not a bad people.
You must be kidding me...how is your idiotic argument any different that the bullshit spewed by mainstream media and education? This insanity has been proven wrong over and over again on countless forums and in hundreds of published books.

I came to this thread thinking that the bleeding heart liberals have come up with some sort of new argument but instead all I find is the same old shit that they have been spewing for 50 years.

Frankly, I am disappointed.

23rd April 2011, 05:10 AM
this is one simple example of engineered chaos from whites and jews

Not from whites, my friend. You know who is calling the shots, and it aint whitey.

23rd April 2011, 05:40 AM
as a member of GSUS and one of the lone 'persons of African descent' here, I laugh at some of the responses and threads that have become the norm... since the 'split'.

when it's all said and done, people believe what they will. i make no excuses for the 'guilty' of any color but i do not harp on race. human beings have good and bad points.

what makes me laugh more is that even here, TPTB (not black by the way and that includes the 44th of the USofA) still keep many GSUS' off the true issues.
who finances wars?
who finances the culture of drugs as we know?
who owns/runs JPM, GS etc.?
Who runs the IMF, BIS, the World Bank?
who ran Enron?
who caused the housing bubble?
i can go on...

many here bring up stats but fail to do true research or maybe simply do not care and will dislike blacks for the sake of disliking blacks… so be it.
What I will say is know who the true enemy is. What I believe you will find is they do not care about color at all. Control of all is their true goal.

I’m back to the real reason I’m here… Au & Ag

23rd April 2011, 06:34 AM
i make no excuses for the 'guilty' of any color but i do not harp on race...

...What I will say is know who the true enemy is.

Are you harping on Jews and just not naming them?


23rd April 2011, 06:47 AM
i make no excuses for the 'guilty' of any color but i do not harp on race...

...What I will say is know who the true enemy is.

Are you harping on Jews and just not naming them?


One of the mistakes I believe many make is to equate those who are jewish of being a color.
I have been to Israel, Palestine, the Occupied Territories, purchased property of European Zionist…
Whatever you may call it. Judaism is not a color.

23rd April 2011, 07:55 AM
I stand by Weston Price's research (http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/price/pricetoc.html); he conclusively showed that self-sufficient people living in small communities are healthy, happy, and commit no crimes, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACE.

TBTB know of his research, and know exactly what happens when you crowd people into cities, yet that is one of their many stated goals (like in the United Nation's Agenda 21, for example). All the keys for creating a good society are in Price's research, and that is why you hear NOTHING about it in the mainstream media.

They are deliberately creating chaos and violence. It's too bad people can't see that and attribute the problems to race and culture instead.

23rd April 2011, 08:10 AM
I stand by Weston Price's research (http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/price/pricetoc.html); he conclusively showed that self-sufficient people living in small communities are healthy, happy, and commit no crimes, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACE.

TBTB know of his research, and know exactly what happens when you crowd people into cities, yet that is one of their many stated goals (like in the United Nation's Agenda 21, for example). All the keys for creating a good society are in Price's research, and that is why you hear NOTHING about it in the mainstream media.

They are deliberately creating chaos and violence. It's too bad people can't see that and attribute the problems to race and culture instead.

I believe it was Jefferson who said something along the lines of "When we allow ourselves to be piled up, as in Europe, we shall be as corrupt as Europe".

Everything else aside, I think your point does have some good merit to it. However, there is still rampant genocide in Africa, as well as there has been on many other contients for thousands of years and those small tribes, who otherwise may not have any crime or violence, are committing some of the most abhorent and disgustingly violent actions against each other the world has ever seen.

23rd April 2011, 08:41 AM
However, there is still rampant genocide in Africa, as well as there has been on many other contients for thousands of years and those small tribes, who otherwise may not have any crime or violence, are committing some of the most abhorent and disgustingly violent actions against each other the world has ever seen.

That's true, but I'll bet they are not eating an optimal diet or living in small, self-sufficient communities.

That's the revolutionary part of Price's research: he set out to find the world's healthiest people back in the 1930s. In his "Isolated and modernized African tribes" chapter (http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/price/price9.html) from Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, he came across 30 tribes, and not all of them were in optimal health (the ones that didn't eat very much meat or fat):

"It is of great significance that we studied six tribes in which there appeared to be not a single tooth attacked by dental caries nor a single malformed dental arch. Several other tribes were found with nearly complete immunity to dental caries. In thirteen tribes we did not meet a single individual with irregular teeth. Where the members of these same tribes had adopted modern civilization many cases of tooth decay were found. In the next generation following the adoption of the European dietaries dental arch deformities frequently developed."

"As we encircled Ethiopia we found the natives not only aware of what was going on in that border country, but deeply concerned regarding the outcome. From their temper and sympathetic attitude for the oppressed Ethiopians, it would not be surprising if sympathizers pass over the border into that country to support their crushed neighbors. The problem is accordingly very much larger than the interest of some particular foreign power. It deals directly with the future course of events and the attitude of the African natives in general toward foreign domination. The native African is not only chafing under the taxation by foreign overlords, but [color=red]is conscious that his race becomes blighted when met by our modern civilization. I found them well aware of the fact that those of their tribes who had adopted European methods of living and foods not only developed rampant tooth decay, but other degenerative processes."

"In one of the most efficiently organized mission schools that we found in Africa, the principal asked me to help them solve a serious problem. He said there was no single question asked them so often by the native boys in their school as why it is that those families that have grown up in the mission or government schools were physically not so strong as those families who had never been in contact with the mission or government schools. These young men were thinking. I was even asked several times by them whether or not I thought that the native Africans must go the way of the Red Indians of America.

The happiness of the people in their homes and community life is everywhere very striking. A mining prospector who had spent two decades studying the mineral deposits of Uganda was quoted to me as stating that if he could have the heaven of his choice in which to spend all eternity it would be to live in Uganda as the natives of Uganda had lived before modern civilization came to it.

While inter-tribal warfare has largely ceased, a new scourge is upon them, namely the scourge which comes with modern civilization. As in the primitive racial stocks previously studied and reported, we found that modernizing forces were often associated with a very marked increase of the death rate over the birth rate. In some districts in Africa a marked degeneration is taking place."

"In my studies of these several racial stocks I find that it is not accident but accumulated wisdom regarding foods that lies behind their physical excellence and freedom from our modern degenerative processes, and, further, that on various sides of our world the primitive people know many of the things that are essential for life-things that our modern civilizations apparently do not know. These are the fundamental truths of life that have put them in harmony with Nature through obeying her nutritional laws. Whence this wisdom? Was there in the distant past a world civilization that was better attuned to Nature's laws and have these remnants retained that knowledge? If this is not the explanation, it must be that these various primitive racial stocks have been able through a superior skill in interpreting cause and effect, to determine for themselves what foods in their environment are best for producing human bodies with a maximum of physical fitness and resistance to degeneration."

23rd April 2011, 08:47 AM
Yes Lapis, it is our food that is killing us, and is also what is responsible for 99% of all sicknesses we experience in North America. Some of it is due to the conspirators, and some of it is due to the fact that we are not meant to eat the things we are eating.

Meat and Fat are things that should be avoided. Any animal based proteins should be avoided.

See the fasting thread.

23rd April 2011, 09:18 AM
Meat and Fat are things that should be avoided. Any animal based proteins should be avoided.

That is not what Weston Price's research shows. It's the processed foods in the forms of grains and most carbs that are killing us and should be avoided. Animal fat and protein are what we evolved eating. Grains have only been eaten for 10,000 years at most by humans, 3,000 years for northern Europeans, only for the last 50 or so years have they been the main food source, uncoincidentally the last 50 years has seen an explosion in degenerative illnesses.

23rd April 2011, 09:57 AM
Greenery is the key. I don't want to get into a derailed group of opposing posts here. If you care to know about some other research that likely compliments Weston Prices research, refer to the fasting thread or read two books

1) Fasting the Ultimate diet (Stupid name, but full of worldwide research)
2) Fasting and eating for health

As cavement we mostly lived off veggies and fruits, and green leaves. Once is a while we would kill and animal, but mostly we would live off greeneries. That is the key to curing cancer and all other ailments.

EDIT - The tasting thread I was thinking of was on GIM, so it's gone, but there is a fasting thread here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/fasting-thread/) and here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-end-of-the-leyend-of-ponce-or-the-beginning/msg126650/#msg126650) is a post I referred Ponce to when we all thought Ponce was going to die.

23rd April 2011, 10:09 AM
"I stand by Weston Price's research; he conclusively showed that self-sufficient people living in small communities are healthy, happy, and commit no crimes, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACE."

As a fan of Weston Price, and as an unabashed reactionary primitivist, whose idea of paradise would closely resemble Pre-Columbian Hispaniola, I find this notion highly appealing.

Alas, I tend to think that any societal collapse down to a level of complexity that would ideally suit my indolent mulatto/mestizo nature would likely involve the die-off of at least 90% of the human race.

We may one day return to the Garden of Eden, but the journey won’t be pleasant.

23rd April 2011, 10:32 AM
As cavement we mostly lived off veggies and fruits, and green leaves. Once is a while we would kill and animal, but mostly we would live off greeneries.

Sure, cavemen who lived near the equator. But what about people who lived/live away from there? Even here in the U.S., there's lots of places that grow virtually nothing most of the year because it's too cold.

23rd April 2011, 10:43 AM
...when we all thought Ponce was going to die.
For the record I am still quite positive Ponce is going to die just as I am quite positive that we are all going to die. ;D

It's what gets me up in the morning, really.

23rd April 2011, 11:00 AM
I don't know about this "Ponce" bit and I really don't care...............I cannot take out of my mind the beating of the white girl at McDonald, who die, by those two blk girls.........anyway, I getting out of the internet for a while and cool down..........I AM REALLY PISSED OFF AT BLKS NOW.

23rd April 2011, 11:07 AM
There is a lot of social engineering that goes on here in North America that does put some populations at a disadvantage.

I think the PTB deliberately marginalize minorities and create various underclasses in order to divide and conquer the population. While we're posting about "chimp-outs," they're laughing all the way to the bank at how easily we're distracted. They win again!

Most of the banksters are white, aren't they?

We're posting about "chimp-outs" because we're showing reality -- because the MSM will not show it. Another reality is that there is no such thing as a nice black neighbourhood, city, or nation anywhere.

Most banksters are "white" not White.

23rd April 2011, 11:45 AM
As cavement we mostly lived off veggies and fruits, and green leaves. Once is a while we would kill and animal, but mostly we would live off greeneries.

Sure, cavemen who lived near the equator. But what about people who lived/live away from there? Even here in the U.S., there's lots of places that grow virtually nothing most of the year because it's too cold.
Good point, if you were a caveman in Northern Europe, or Canada, you'ld have to be a good hunter, or have a mate that were. Or you would starve to death, all modern anthropological research re cavemen has centered on remaining cavemen around the equator, for the simple reason that they are nowhere else, the only exeption is the eskimo, who almost only lived off animal meat, and stayed healthy. If you are of northern European descent, yes you could subside on a only vegetarian diet, I did for 2 years, but your body and your brain is adapted to get nutrient dense animal meat...

23rd April 2011, 11:52 AM
We're posting about "chimp-outs" because we're showing reality

Reality for whom?

The crimes are horrible, but middle-class suburban whites are rarely in danger of being victims of black violence in their own neighborhoods.

I live in one typical mostly white suburb, and I can count on three fingers the times I've even seen a black person here in the 10 years I've lived in my house. THREE.

So it's not my reality, and I'll bet it's not the reality of most people posting here either, unless they live in an urban area.

I haven't been beaten, hit, robbed or raped by anyone black or white or other, even during the times when I've lived in mixed-race neighborhoods.

I HAVE been robbed by (lower-case "w") white bankers ALL MY LIFE. That IS my reality.

And I blame them for all the wars that we've been in, including the Vietnam War which claimed the sanity of my father. I will NEVER forgive them for that war, and for what it did to my family (and WWII, after which my grandfather came home a changed man, divorced my grandmother and caused great suffering to their children. My grandmother was never the same after the break-up, and died of cancer less than ten years afterwards).

They are the ones behind the major crimes against humanity, with the BP oil spill and the Fukushima nuclear disaster the latest in a long line of crimes.

23rd April 2011, 12:47 PM
We're posting about "chimp-outs" because we're showing reality

Reality for whom?

The crimes are horrible, but middle-class suburban whites are rarely in danger of being victims of black violence in their own neighborhoods.

I live in one typical mostly white suburb, and I can count on three fingers the times I've even seen a black person here in the 10 years I've lived in my house. THREE.

So... tough shit for the whites who happen to be around blacks?

Currently I live in a city that is 15% black, and I can count on the hairs on my head the number of times whites have been victimized by blacks here.

I HAVE been robbed by (lower-case "w") white bankers ALL MY LIFE. That IS my reality.

And I blame them for all the wars that we've been in, including the Vietnam War which claimed the sanity of my father. I will NEVER forgive them for that war, and for what it did to my family (and WWII, after which my grandfather came home a changed man, divorced my grandmother and caused great suffering to their children. My grandmother was never the same after the break-up, and died of cancer less than ten years afterwards).

They are the ones behind the major crimes against humanity, with the BP oil spill and the Fukushima nuclear disaster the latest in a long line of crimes.

Jews may look white but they would sooner side with ANY minority than support the interests of their mortal enemies, Whites.

23rd April 2011, 01:00 PM
So... tough shit for the whites who happen to be around blacks?

Currently I live in a city that is 15% black, and I can count on the hairs on my head the number of times whites have been victimized by blacks here.

My current city is in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the US. Being white, I am a minority, more blacks and mexicans than whites here.

True, there's more crime here, and I have a higher chance at become a victim of a hate crime because I'm white. However, even in this bankrupt, corrupt, hellhole shit city...there's still more good black folks here, than bad. The bad give the good a bad name.

Also, it's the bad folks that are out and about, forcing the good people to stay indoors, especially at night. It's a damn shame actually, and it's not getting better, but worse.

23rd April 2011, 01:25 PM
It'd like to take a moment and share a story, and yes there's a moral to this story if you take the time to read it.

I park my car in a motel parking lot that has a lot of problems with pimps/prostitutes, furthermore, there's a medical marijuana joint across the street. You can imagine that at night, that leaves some undesirables about and I tend to be careful getting from my car to the locked gate, once inside the gate it's safe.

Anyway, one day I find a wallet on the ground. I pick it up, look through it find a bunch of cards (one a medical marijuana card) and an ID card. A young black guy. I go to the motel lobby and inquire if anyone came in looking for a wallet. The gal said no, so I took it upon myself to try and track down the owner. It took a lot of phone calls, and quite a bit of my time...and quickly became a quest to find him, but finally tracked the kid down.

After speaking with him on the phone, I told him to meet me in the parking lot where he lost it. I could tell he was apprehensive about meeting me.

So, he rolls up with 3 of his buddies and gets out of the car. I was by myself. I could tell his buddies were watching me closely. The kid walks up to me, I hand him the wallet and said "here you go".

He stops, looks around, eyeballs me, and says "that's it". I smiled, and said "that's it", and turned and started walking away. He jogs up to me and tries handing me some money. I refused it, and the look on the kid's face was priceless...I could tell that no stranger has ever done a nice thing for this kid in his whole life. He was almost in shock over it. I told him he could thank me if he finds a wallet, and then finds the rightful owner.

I could tell he grew up in an area filled with crime, where everyone has an angle, everyone was a taker..and probably the only people he's ever trusted were his buddies in that car watching me.

The moral of the story...maybe that kid has a little more faith in humanity now. At least I hope. Those inner cities have a way of keeping folks trapped in them, it's all they know, it's all they see in life. They are products of their environment. Perhaps, even doing something small, such as returning a wallet to someone, can help. I often hope that kid makes a life for himself.

23rd April 2011, 02:10 PM
I need to buy some waders after that last post.

At least it gave me another entry for my sig line.

Ding ding ding...we have a winner. I was counting the time, how long it would take before someone with no clue about life in inner cities, and bases their knowledge on chimpout videos, would comment.

Congrats! Cheers! :)

BTW, that kid live in 5 different places before I was able to find him, one in the back of a mechanic's garage..why it took so much time to track him down.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
23rd April 2011, 02:13 PM
It'd like to take a moment and share a story, and yes there's a moral to this story if you take the time to read it.....
He stops, looks around, eyeballs me, and says "that's it". I smiled, and said "that's it", and turned and started walking away. ....I could tell he grew up in an area filled with crime, where everyone has an angle, everyone was a taker..and probably the only people he's ever trusted were his buddies in that car watching me....
The moral of the story...maybe that kid has a little more faith in humanity now. At least I hope. Those inner cities have a way of keeping folks trapped in them, it's all they know, it's all they see in life. They are products of their environment. Perhaps, even doing something small, such as returning a wallet to someone, can help. I often hope that kid makes a life for himself.

Good thing you did there, but I was afraid your were going to say he & the 3 others kicked your @ss. The chances of that are quite high actually. I once also found a wallet with id cards & $30cash, when I returned it the guy accussed me of taking $20 out of $50 he assures he had, I advised him it only had $30 when I found it, he looked like he wanted to fight me then and there. I told him look, I don't know if you misplaced it or someone else could have seen it before I did and threw it again on the ground but it wasn't me.

Anyway, I know it may sound cheesy but the Pay it forward System does work(good movie BTW), people can change if they recv something good, hopefully they can return the good deed to someone else.

Oh and btw, i would disagree that blacks are not the most castigated, they just happen to hold grudges the longest, I honestly find it hard to try to decide which group it would be, injustices have been many amongst all peoples in the U.S. & all over the world (in other countries whites have it worst).

23rd April 2011, 02:31 PM
You have no clue where I live or my life knowledge, so shut your mouth. You sound like immanti from GIM more and more.

You're so full of shit, it is unreal. You were counting the time, huh? I countdown the time every time a thread with any mention of blacks in the content, how long it will take for you to post your usual fucking Bullshit.

Yes, you are the only person with knowledge of inner cities and blacks.

This whole post is a bunch of BS, and contributes nothing. If you disagree with my point of view, fine, by all means let's discuss it.

I see nothing in your posts that contribute anything, other than trying to get into a pissing match.

Piss somewhere else.

23rd April 2011, 02:35 PM
I agree that blacks are unfairly castigated.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then black Africans would have been left alone by Europeans, and by Arabs, to live out their lives, and develop their cultures, according to their nature.

But of course, that didn’t happen.

As a result, I think most whites understand that they, collectively speaking, are at least to some degree, morally culpable for TNB.

Lately this realization seems to have stripped them of any ability to directly confront the problem of black violence, and in many instances leaves them unable or unwilling to even defend themselves from direct assault.

The exceptions tend to be psychopaths, who are unburdened by any moral reservations, or else pragmatists and individualists, who can rationally absolve themselves of any sense of personal guilt relating to the plight of blacks in the US.

At this point, an effective coalition of psychopaths, pragmatists, and individualists, capable of restoring traditional middle class law and order with regard to blacks (i.e., Jim Crow, or apartheid, or whatever you want to call it) seems highly unlikely.

Instead, I suspect the end of widespread TNB, when it comes, will be at the hands of Jews, but not until they’ve finished using it as a weapon (one of many) in their war against the white middle class. I also believe that this inevitable, Jewish-led policy of TNB suppression will be carried out and enforced primarily by “browns,” who will gleefully take up the task in exchange for intermediate status (replacing the soon to be extinct white middle class) in our emerging, brutal, and deeply impoverished, Latin American-style color hierarchy. (White at the top, black at the bottom, shades of brown in between.)


23rd April 2011, 02:57 PM
I need to buy some waders after that last post.

about life in inner cities

You have no clue where I live

Solid, I don't live in an inner city, and I have to take precautions.

We didn't create these situations, people have to survive in this environment.

We all got our stories. Good , bad.

I got a story too how I saved a black kid from bigger black kids.
I got more stories that are not as nice.
The last story is walking behind 3 white girls in a major mall
full of mostly non whites. Very revealing hatred.

23rd April 2011, 03:13 PM
I took my piss and stand by it. 8)

My Bullshit detector went ballistic after your story.

BTW, how could you tell he grew up in an area filled with crime?

Fair enough...I knew I'd take some heat from posting that story here. I have nothing against you Ratholer, and if you don't want to believe what I posted that's cool too.

It was an interesting learning experience trying to track that kid down. It's hard to find someone, even with an ID. All the places he had lived were all in bad areas. I wasn't going to drive over there in person, so it was all over the phone.

23rd April 2011, 03:17 PM
Solid, I don't live in an inner city, and I have to take precautions.

We didn't create these situations, people have to survive in this environment.

We all got our stories. Good , bad.

I got a story too how I saved a black kid from bigger black kids.
I got more stories that are not as nice.
The last story is walking behind 3 white girls in a major mall
full of mostly non whites. Very revealing hatred.

I hear you Magnes. I've got bad stories as well too, lot's of them. Sometimes we can learn from each other from stories.

When it comes down to it, regardless of any race or socioeconomic background..when things get violent, all bets are off..at that time.

I've been attacked before by black guys, just because I was white. It happens, and does happen a lot.

23rd April 2011, 04:06 PM
I guess so. I have to admit, I'm puzzled by it. If my loved ones or I were physically attacked, I would fight until one of us was permanently left on the ground in a horizontal position. I have absolutely no qualms about people defending themselves if attacked by any means necessary.

On my first day of patrol, my senior officer told me a story, with a great quote. He was trying arrest a big black dude who had a warrant out on him, he was by himself with backup on the way. A train stopped blocking all other patrol cars from reaching him. He was on his own.

As he was cuffing the guy, right as got the first cuff on...the dude starts fighting and the fight was on. The other end of the cuff, got cuffed on him. So, they were cuffed together, cop and attacker, just going at each with no help able to get there.

I asked him.."so what happened?" He looked at me cold and hard, and said "I kicked his fucking ass."

The lesson is when the fight is on, it's on and there's no backing down until the threat is stopped.

The attack on the girl in the other thread, is a perfect example of this. She was prey from the beginning, like Magnes said, a rabbit with predators not stopping until she was dead, or near it.

This is what is the reality of life and dealing with some of the animals in it.

23rd April 2011, 04:43 PM
What is TNB?

23rd April 2011, 04:53 PM
What is TNB?

One of those very rare occasions when a foreigner like me knows some slang better than a native speaker ;D
Typical Nigger Behaviour.

23rd April 2011, 05:50 PM
I could care less what color someone is until they expect special treatment because of their color.

I could care less what color someone is as long as they take personal responsibility for their actions without pulling the race card.

I could care less what someone's color is until they use their color as an excuse for not trying.

23rd April 2011, 06:19 PM
I could care less what color someone is until they expect special treatment because of their color.

I could care less what color someone is as long as they take personal responsibility for their actions without pulling the race card.

I could care less what someone's color is until they use their color as an excuse for not trying.
It would be even neater if you couldn't care less.


23rd April 2011, 06:39 PM



Whitey gotta do what Whitey gotta do in da hood when he can't seem to find the nearest Greyhound Bus station and re-join his own folks.


23rd April 2011, 07:10 PM
LOL BOOK , :ROFL: Those guys look super tough ! :ROFL:

23rd April 2011, 07:22 PM
LOL BOOK , :ROFL: Those guys look super tough ! :ROFL:

It doesn't matter because why are those asshats like that? Because it WORKS.

Those fucking idiots are like that because society produced that. It impresses people.

Guys like me are a dying breed. I'm fucking doomed.

23rd April 2011, 07:27 PM
LOL BOOK , :ROFL: Those guys look super tough ! :ROFL:

Don't forget Kip from Napoleon Dynamite...


23rd April 2011, 07:45 PM

23rd April 2011, 07:48 PM
Yeah..I'm gettin' to the point where I am losing all hope for humanity..

mick silver
23rd April 2011, 08:19 PM
time not far off before i go to full lock down in our bunker home

23rd April 2011, 08:20 PM
Yeah..I'm gettin' to the point where I am losing all hope for humanity..

Resist temptation, Padwan


23rd April 2011, 09:00 PM
Yeah..I'm gettin' to the point where I am losing all hope for humanity..

Resist temptation, Padwan

You know Horn, life is short. Instead of resisting temptation...I need to start embracing temptation. |--0--|

What's the point in sitting around complaining? Live it up, it's not like I'm married and would hurt anyone. ;)

26th April 2011, 06:26 PM
As far as the rape stats...again, I do not deny the reality of what is going on NOW in AMerica...but I will not act as if whites, and every other race hasnt, at some point acted like savages.

Gee...try living in the HERE AND NOW because your time-shifting excuses are illogical. White women are raped today because of slavery a hundred years ago? What next............................the Holocaust as an excuse for Bernie Madoff?


Book, did you read wrong or are you introducing me to Jew-itzu? I never said anything of the sort regarding slavery justifying rape now??? My only point is that they arent more predisposed than whites or Jews to be violent. Comprende?

26th April 2011, 06:30 PM
De Beers doesn't have an army or colonies in Africa. Africa accepts foreign industries in their countries, nobody is forcing them to, AFAIK.

You are either extremely ignorant about the situation in Africa and the control western/jewish elites have over the continent or you are just in denial and your racism towards blacks wont allow you to admit that they are being fucked by the same people that are fucking you.

26th April 2011, 06:39 PM
this is one simple example of engineered chaos from whites and jews

Not from whites, my friend. You know who is calling the shots, and it aint whitey.

Whites too Awoke...unless you can convince me that GHWB is a Jew, he was intrumental in the action.

26th April 2011, 06:41 PM
See my post here.


26th April 2011, 07:33 PM
See my post here.


wouldnt surprise me, I have also seen the rumors that he was Hitler's body guard's son(I think) and his last name was herfel or something like that...what about Cheney? How do we explain his behavior? The molesting catholic priests? less serious than mcdonalds beatings?

26th April 2011, 07:55 PM
Yeah..I'm gettin' to the point where I am losing all hope for humanity..

Resist temptation, Padwan


I'm watching this, but I can't understand why the people there are standing still for more than 30 seconds to keep watching it?

That was the lamest dance presentation I've seen in a while, and the dude trying to turn the flaming baton..lol Was it supposed to be parody? I didn't watch it all. Were there midgets jumping on trampolines at any point near the end?

26th April 2011, 08:15 PM
I'm watching this, but I can't understand why the people there are standing still for more than 30 seconds to keep watching it?

Like shrubbery they're waiting to be pruned of what little old hope remained.

So they can blossom. :)

I watched it like 3 or 4 times in a loop.

26th April 2011, 08:29 PM
...your racism towards blacks...

http://www.atlantiswaterproofing.com/images/stories/cry2-male-cry-tears-smiley-emoticon-000276-large.gif I'M SORRY. YOU WIN THE DEBATE BY LABELING US RACISTS.

26th April 2011, 08:45 PM
wouldnt surprise me, I have also seen the rumors that he was Hitler's body guard's son(I think) and his last name was herfel or something like that...what about Cheney? How do we explain his behavior? The molesting catholic priests? less serious than mcdonalds beatings?

Cheney is a member of all the secret societies that the rest of the enables belong too. How could you not explain his behaviour? He belongs to satan, and carries out satans work. Hey may or may not be a generational crypto-talmudist, but he serves the babylonians either way.
"Pedo priests" is easy to explain. I have posted on this before, here. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/paedophilia/msg157731/#msg157731)

26th April 2011, 08:49 PM


27th April 2011, 08:14 AM
Full Explanation of the "Nigga Moment"


27th April 2011, 08:18 PM
wouldnt surprise me, I have also seen the rumors that he was Hitler's body guard's son(I think) and his last name was herfel or something like that...what about Cheney? How do we explain his behavior? The molesting catholic priests? less serious than mcdonalds beatings?

Cheney is a member of all the secret societies that the rest of the enables belong too. How could you not explain his behaviour? He belongs to satan, and carries out satans work. Hey may or may not be a generational crypto-talmudist, but he serves the babylonians either way.
"Pedo priests" is easy to explain. I have posted on this before, here. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/paedophilia/msg157731/#msg157731)

Ok, lets hear the exlanation and justification for what whites did to Native Americans(North, Central and South)....The raping and stealing surely doesn't count! I am all ears...

27th April 2011, 08:44 PM
Ok, lets hear the exlanation and justification for what whites did to Native Americans(North, Central and South)....The raping and stealing surely doesn't count! I am all ears...

See post #47 here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/mohammed-is-now-the-most-popular-name-for-baby-boys-in-england/msg133882/#msg133882).

What is it that you are trying to get me to say again? That white people are the source of all the worlds' problems or something?

27th April 2011, 08:52 PM
Sure, blame the white folks....let's blame the black folks. Heck, blame everyone, that's what TPTB want us to do. Blame others, as long as our focus, is off of them.

For awhile, it was terrorists..now it's chimpouts. Fear is their motive, and it is working quite well.

It's as simple as that, they want us divided against each other. That way, they can bend us all over, with a smile and take it to the bank without a second thought.

We need folks to start opening their eyes.

27th April 2011, 08:54 PM
wouldnt surprise me, I have also seen the rumors that he was Hitler's body guard's son(I think) and his last name was herfel or something like that...what about Cheney? How do we explain his behavior? The molesting catholic priests? less serious than mcdonalds beatings?

Cheney is a member of all the secret societies that the rest of the enables belong too. How could you not explain his behaviour? He belongs to satan, and carries out satans work. Hey may or may not be a generational crypto-talmudist, but he serves the babylonians either way.
"Pedo priests" is easy to explain. I have posted on this before, here. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/paedophilia/msg157731/#msg157731)

Ok, lets hear the exlanation and justification for what whites did to Native Americans(North, Central and South)....The raping and stealing surely doesn't count! I am all ears...

27th April 2011, 09:02 PM
I'm watching this, but I can't understand why the people there are standing still for more than 30 seconds to keep watching it?

Like shrubbery they're waiting to be pruned of what little old hope remained.

So they can blossom. :)

I watched it like 3 or 4 times in a loop.

Ok I've now watched it 1 1/2 times.

Second observation is the way that blonde keeps playing with her panties, and bra makes me think she's used to taking them off a lot in public whenever there's a brass pole nearby.


I have to say this thread has me jonesing a bit for some KFC.

27th April 2011, 09:08 PM
Dave Chapelle. Comedic gold.


27th April 2011, 09:11 PM
I have to say this thread has me jonesing a bit for some KFC.

Score some Orange Soda, and we can get Britney to show.


27th April 2011, 09:13 PM
Ok, lets hear the exlanation and justification for what whites did to Native Americans(North, Central and South)....The raping and stealing surely doesn't count! I am all ears...

See post #47 here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/mohammed-is-now-the-most-popular-name-for-baby-boys-in-england/msg133882/#msg133882).

What is it that you are trying to get me to say again? That white people are the source of all the worlds' problems or something?

So because a white person may be financed ultimately by a Jew, they are not responsible for their actions and therefore all the things white people have done(from bush to columbus) are excused and not on the level of what blacks do?...I am not "trying to get you to say anything"...just trying to sort this thru, dont get defensive. I am of the belief that people are not more genetically predisposed to certain shit than other ethnic groups...you and a handfull of others seem to have the opposite belief...and so far ust about every major atrocity perpetrated by white people has been blamed on the financing or the control of Jews...that is pretty weak imo.

27th April 2011, 09:16 PM
Alright!!! My first troll accusation! Soon I will be a full fledged Hasbara arteeest! Complete with a Tel Aviv IP address!

27th April 2011, 09:19 PM
Alright!!! My first troll accusation! Soon I will be a full fledged Hasbara arteeest! Complete with a Tel Aviv IP address!


27th April 2011, 09:24 PM
Alright!!! My first troll accusation! Soon I will be a full fledged Hasbara arteeest! Complete with a Tel Aviv IP address!


Let me know when the Pink ones come in, eh Book? Thanks

27th April 2011, 09:25 PM
Alright!!! My first troll accusation! Soon I will be a full fledged Hasbara arteeest! Complete with a Tel Aviv IP address!

relax & have some dinner...


27th April 2011, 09:31 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

27th April 2011, 09:37 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

Well, first, we'd need you to pronounce the word "explanation"... :D

Ok, lets hear the exlanation...

27th April 2011, 09:40 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

Well, first, we'd need you to pronounce the word "explanation"... :D

Ok, lets hear the exlanation...

amazingly clever ximmy! good ximmy! I bet you could find a couple more of those spelling errors if you read all the posts on this site! Goood boy Ximmy, Good Boy!!

27th April 2011, 09:47 PM
...the things white people have done(from bush to columbus) are excused and not on the level of what blacks do?



Read some of the 541 COMMENTS.


27th April 2011, 09:51 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

Well, first, we'd need you to pronounce the word "explanation"... :D

Ok, lets hear the exlanation...

amazingly clever ximmy! good ximmy! I bet you could find a couple more of those spelling errors if you read all the posts on this site! Goood boy Ximmy, Good Boy!!

Nitz ,

If your going to play on the "interntz" you should know your opponent's. :D

27th April 2011, 09:53 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

Well, first, we'd need you to pronounce the word "explanation"... :D

Ok, lets hear the exlanation...

amazingly clever ximmy! good ximmy! I bet you could find a couple more of those spelling errors if you read all the posts on this site! Goood boy Ximmy, Good Boy!!

27th April 2011, 10:08 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian? Couldnt I still be a Moozlem at this point? Or a black? or a spic? Im confused....Book, Ximmy, Naumuem, Awoke, could one of you explain this to me as I am relatively inactive on the site. Thanks fellas!

Well, first, we'd need you to pronounce the word "explanation"... :D

Ok, lets hear the exlanation...

amazingly clever ximmy! good ximmy! I bet you could find a couple more of those spelling errors if you read all the posts on this site! Goood boy Ximmy, Good Boy!!

Nitz ,

If your going to play on the "interntz" you should know your opponent's. :D

I already got a good enough idea of what im dealing with...thanks though

27th April 2011, 10:10 PM
...the things white people have done(from bush to columbus) are excused and not on the level of what blacks do?



Read some of the 541 COMMENTS.


why dont you just give me the quick summary, I dont feel like reading thru the comments...

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
27th April 2011, 10:25 PM
I already got a good enough idea of what im dealing with...thanks though

Actually zap and ximmy weren't referring to the capability/incapability of debate with members here or "who" you're dealing with figuratively, they meant you might want to revise the "Goood boy Ximmy, good boy,"...part(and it isn't because of the 3 "o"s either.

27th April 2011, 10:43 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian?


Full transcript for you readers:

Bibi:...The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne. The price is not too heavy to be borne, now. A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority. To bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing...

Woman: Wait a moment, but then the world will say "how come you're conquering again?"

Netanyahu: the world won't say a thing. The world will say we're defending.

Woman: Aren't you afraid of the world, Bibi?

Netanyahu: Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.

Child: They say they're for us, but, it's like...

Netanyahu: They won't get in our way. They won't get in our way.

Child: On the other hand, if we do some something, then they...

Netanyahu: So let's say they say something. So they said it! They said it! 80% of the Americans support us. It's absurd. We have that kind of support and we say "what will we do with the..." Look. That administration [Clinton] was extremely pro-Palestinian. I wasn't afraid to maneuver there. I was not afraid to clash with Clinton. I was not afraid to clash with the United Nations. I was paying the price anyway, I preferred to receive the value. Value for the price.

In the following segment, Bibi boasts about how he emptied the Oslo Accords of meaning by an interpretation that made a mockery of them:

Woman: The Oslo Accords are a disaster.

Netanyahu: Yes. You know that and I knew that...The people [nation] has to know...

What were the Oslo Accords? The Oslo Accords, which the Knesset signed, I was asked, before the elections: "Will you act according to them?" and I answered: "yes, subject to mutuality and limiting the retreats." "But how do you intend to limit the retreats?" "I'll give such interpretation to the Accords that will make it possible for me to stop this galloping to the '67 [armistice] lines. How did we do it?

Narrator: The Oslo Accords stated at the time that Israel would gradually hand over territories to the Palestinians in three different pulses, unless the territories in question had settlements or military sites. This is where Netanyahu found a loophole.

Netanyahu: No one said what defined military sites. Defined military sites, I said, were security zones. As far as I'm concerned, the Jordan Valley is a defined military site.

Woman: Right [laughs]...The Beit She'an Valley.

Netanyahu: How can you tell. How can you tell? But then the question came up of just who would define what Defined Military Sites were. I received a letter -- to me and to Arafat, at the same time -- which said that Israel, and only Israel, would be the one to define what those are, the location of those military sites and their size. Now, they did not want to give me that letter, so I did not give the Hebron Agreement. I stopped the government meeting, I said: "I'm not signing." Only when the letter came, in the course of the meeting, to me and to Arafat, only then did I sign the Hebron Agreement. Or rather, ratify it, it had already been signed. Why does this matter? Because at that moment I actually stopped the Oslo Accord.

Woman: And despite that, one of our own people, excuse me, who knew it was a swindle, and that we were going to commit suicide with the Oslo Accord, gives them -- for example -- Hebron...

Netanyahu: Indeed, Hebron hurts. It hurts. It's the thing that hurts. One of the famous rabbis, whom I very much respect, a rabbi of Eretz Yisrael, he said to me: "What would your father say?" I went to my father. Do you know a little about my father's position?

...He's not exactly a lily-white dove, as they say. So my father heard the question and said: "Tell the rabbi that your grandfather, Rabbi Natan Milikowski, was a smart Jew. Tell him it would be better to give two percent than to give a hundred percent. And that's the choice here. You gave two percent and in that way you stopped the withdrawal. Instead of a hundred percent." The trick is not to be there and be broken. The trick is to be there and pay a minimal price."

At a point in the middle of the video Netanayhu asks the camera man to stop taping, but he continues...
Netanyahu says what he really thinks for the first time:
He brags about how easy is to manipulate the USA and he proudly explains how he sabotaged the Oslo process


27th April 2011, 11:23 PM
In case you haven't figured it out, Ximmy and Zap are female.

And I never said you were a jew. You're definately out to condemn the white race and doing your best to make the whites look bad, but the statistics are dead against what you're trying to prove.

28th April 2011, 07:23 AM
Alright!!! My first troll accusation! Soon I will be a full fledged Hasbara arteeest! Complete with a Tel Aviv IP address!

The rule on the internet is anyone that says the word "arteeest" has a bit of gay monkey balls syndrome going on.

edit: ==> ;D

28th April 2011, 07:40 AM
Are you in Arizona, nitz?


28th April 2011, 07:45 AM
Are you in Arizona, nitz?



28th April 2011, 08:03 AM
Are you in Arizona, nitz?




28th April 2011, 08:06 AM
Are you in Arizona, nitz?




dammit book....

I gotta give ya props for the melted ice cream truck pic.

28th April 2011, 09:11 AM


28th April 2011, 10:18 AM
We're posting about "chimp-outs" because we're showing reality

Reality for whom?

The crimes are horrible, but middle-class suburban whites are rarely in danger of being victims of black violence in their own neighborhoods.

I live in one typical mostly white suburb, and I can count on three fingers the times I've even seen a black person here in the 10 years I've lived in my house. THREE.

So it's not my reality, and I'll bet it's not the reality of most people posting here either, unless they live in an urban area.

I haven't been beaten, hit, robbed or raped by anyone black or white or other, even during the times when I've lived in mixed-race neighborhoods.

You just made my point. If you're white and live in a middle-class suburban neighbourhood, you are "rarely in danger of being victims of black violence" because they aren't there.

There might be a family of four around the block that are very nice; but as the percentage of blacks moves up in the neighbourhood, they won't be as nice. I've seen it happen.

Celtic Rogue
28th April 2011, 10:39 AM
Jews may look white but they would sooner side with ANY minority than support the interests of their mortal enemies, Whites.

The Zionists have glommed their way into all facets of our lives. Laws are being passed that can drop you in jail if you speak your mind on the jews/zionists and tell the truth. It is totally unfathomable for most Americans to believe such a thing could happen. After all they have been so badly treated by the world :sarc: we must not hurt them further. The past 3 or 4 generations have been bombarded with the zio propaganda at a staggering rate via the tv, net and movies. Now we have a confused populace not willing or afraid to stand up for the cullture that created this terrible ( :sarc: ) place that thousands are breaking the law to get into. Sorry for the rambling! But I mean every word!

28th April 2011, 11:53 PM
We're posting about "chimp-outs" because we're showing reality

Reality for whom?

The crimes are horrible, but middle-class suburban whites are rarely in danger of being victims of black violence in their own neighborhoods.

I live in one typical mostly white suburb, and I can count on three fingers the times I've even seen a black person here in the 10 years I've lived in my house. THREE.

So it's not my reality, and I'll bet it's not the reality of most people posting here either, unless they live in an urban area.

I haven't been beaten, hit, robbed or raped by anyone black or white or other, even during the times when I've lived in mixed-race neighborhoods.

You just made my point. If you're white and live in a middle-class suburban neighbourhood, you are "rarely in danger of being victims of black violence" because they aren't there.

And I'll bet most white people also live in the same situation. So what do we have to be afraid of, again?

What "reality" is it that we need to be shown? I refuse to worry about this non-issue, when I have more pressing REAL problems like lower-case "w" white bankers ruining the world and on top of that causing the savagery of the ghetto and inner city in the first place.

But, if I were in the city, I probably would carry a gun, and or a knife, and or pepper spray, and be on my guard. I'm naturally paranoid and on my guard in unfamiliar places, and like I said in another thread, anyone who messed with me won't be starting a confrontation without me taking a bit or a lot of their physical person.

The last real fight I got in was in high school, at a party in a podunk small town filled with mostly lower-class whites, and a drunk white girl hit me when my back was turned to her with, of all things, a chicken coop (g*d d*mn hick :D! ). Even though I was taking karate at the time, I reacted with pure feminine fury and scratched her face badly, tore her shirt and ripped her bra strap, and slapped her face repeatedly.

If she had been black, believe me I wouldn't have held my....slaps.

I'm not going to argue this anymore. Why?

1. You describe yourself as a "Recovering Liberal", I think you're a Liberal still, there's no talking sense or facts to a liberal... they're still holding on to their ideology.

2. As you said. "I live in one typical mostly white suburb, and I can count on three fingers the times I've even seen a black person here in the 10 years I've lived in my house. THREE."
-- that's why you think the way you do. when you're a visible minority, you'll feel differently.

29th April 2011, 12:45 AM
And I'll bet most white people also live in the same situation. So what do we have to be afraid of, again?

Your insulation induced indifference is pretty scary, you can start by being afraid of that. Your SWPL neighborhood might be safe for now but demographic trends and the fact that minorities flock to whiter neighborhoods following white flight (follow the gravy train) should make you at least question your posterity's security.

29th April 2011, 01:49 AM
And I'll bet most white people also live in the same situation. So what do we have to be afraid of, again?

What "reality" is it that we need to be shown? I refuse to worry about this non-issue

How is it that most white live in white suburbs and live untouched by black on white violence, when whites are 9% of the global population and the are scattered all over?

I have a friend from St. Louis. His mother was murdered by 4 black men during a robbery, when she was walking to a corner store. I would like to see you convince him of your arguements.
I have friends in Michigan.They have told me lots of stories. I have a friend from Cleveland. Same thing.

I stay in small towns where whites are the majority, but it is only a half hour drive for me to be in a city where I am the minority. No thanks.

29th April 2011, 09:59 AM
lower-case "w" white bankers ruining the world and on top of that causing the savagery of the ghetto and inner city in the first place.



Chris Rock and this black preacher do not blame the "bankers" for this.

:oo--> nice try pal

29th April 2011, 12:17 PM

can I ask, because apparently I missed it, what this business is with you always saying "'lower case w' whites"??

Is an upper case White like a really white person and a lower case white not as white?

30th April 2011, 12:54 AM
I suppose black people don't go though any of the things that lapis described above.


30th April 2011, 07:58 AM

I think you are making most of that story up in your personal anecdote post. Either that or you associated with similar people due to your own personal issues.

I grew up in a small mostly white city and never came across anything like what you experienced. My friends ran the gamut of coming from very poor to rich kids and most every one of them were good people. I never heard any stories like what you describe.

I also never ever worried about my personal safety from adults as a kid, and either did my parents. I never heard of pedophiles, rapes, muggings etc.

30th April 2011, 07:59 AM
Black and other minority violence is definitely real. We know the solution: people living in small self-sufficient communities. I think eventually we're going to get there, unfortunately probably not in our lifetime, but meanwhile, I agree things will get uglier.

But the evidence doesn't support that blacks are genetically any more predisposed to violence and bad behavior than any other race. In fact, blacks living in small white towns start to behave as culturally bland as the folks around them! Amazing. ;)

And I didn't want to mention this, but all this "white people are innocent and the guardians of virtue" b.s. is getting out of hand. So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.

I only know one girl who was sexually abused by a woman, her paternal grandmother, and "only" physically abused by her father. And one man who was sexually and physically abused by both parents, usually with tools like a hairbrush or a broom handle (yes, anally, after having first beat him with it).

I'd go to some group counseling sessions with them for support, and these were also filled with white people (but it could be that blacks don't seek counseling for this type of abuse).

They were from "nice" middle-class families. You'd never know the horrors these women faced growing up from just looking at them, but it's there. Some of them would dread the night, because that's when daddy would pay them a visit, while good ol' mom kept a blind eye to the whole situation. If that's not the definition of true evil, I don't know what is.

I grew up on military bases, and let me tell you there's some real hard-ass white men in them! One of my friend's white parents used to beat her black and blue, sometimes even put out cigarettes on her arms, and then make her wear long-sleeved shirts to school so they wouldn't show!

She was overweight, so they'd lock the refrigerator. She'd come over a lot just to get a decent meal. My own mother and father knew what was happening to her, but did they say anything to her parents? No. Call the MPs? Haha! Hell no! It's just another normal day on any military base, USA.

Growing up, kids all around me were getting their asses beat on a daily basis, and I didn't think twice about it, because that's the military "culture," it's life Inside The Fortress. Cruelty in the name of discipline is okay, though, right?

My white father used to hit me with my jump rope for reasons I never understood. He'd call my name in that special tone of voice, and then I knew I was in for it. If I were lucky, I was wearing pants instead of shorts! He had/has severe untreated PTSD from Vietnam, and I didn't recognize him when he came back from in country. He would fly into a rage over the littlest things, start throwing sh*t around, so I learned to be very quiet, a child ninja.

I hardly ever spoke to adults growing up, and was so quiet at school that my teachers thought I was stupid and sent me to special education classes. I nearly failed a few classes because I would never raise my hand or answer the teachers' questions. I was scared!

And one sadistic family I used to babysit for were "nice" upper-class Asians. They had it all, outwardly: money, a McMansion on the hill, society connections. So imagine my surprise when, every time I'd come to the house, their baby would be crawling on the floor unsupervised, the mother nowhere in sight (she was usually on the other end of the house).

They had a small family room with a custom-built split-level floor (hard to describe, but it had a sofa built into it). Sometimes I'd come in and find that the baby had crawled over the top of the sofa and then taken a tumble down it to the floor! Thank goodness they had thick carpets.

The mom had all kinds of help, but hated taking care of this easygoing baby of hers for some reason (her son she treated better: just locked him outside wearing pajamas during winter for 20 minutes at a time. This is a common Asian parental tactic, according to my Asian friends).

Another thing she'd do is strap the baby down in a stroller and leave her outside under the shade of trees, where it was easy to ignore the crying (I guess a nice bonus when you're rich, is that there's no pesky neighbors nearby to call CPS on you). One day, the baby grew big enough that she had rocked the stroller back and forth trying to get out of it, and the whole thing had tumbled on top of her. She cut her knee pretty badly, and got a staph infection that had to be surgically removed from it.

Did the hospital suspect them of any wrongdoing? No, of course not! The dad was a vice president of a large corporation, after all. Nobody knew that the first thing he'd do after coming home from his VIP job was to hit the sauce big time until supper was ready.

I think that may be one of the secrets to how "peaceful" Asians are; the men sure love their beer and whiskey. (This man, the veep of a Fortune 500 company, stopped eating bananas because supposedly eating them made your brain soft, like black native people! Hahaha! Here he was, worried that he could lose a few IQ points from eating fruit, and meanwhile his wife almost killed their daughter! So ludicrous).

I guess white people and Asians can keep up this facade of civilization because they are merely abusing their own family members. As long as they keep up the facade, no one suspects them of a thing! It would be soooo great if we could see YouTube videos of cracker-out or yellow-out encounters of all this family harmony.

But instead, we have to rely on lurid media representations, like David Lynch movies (especially the Twin Peaks t.v. show. Minus the visions, dwarfs, one-armed men and other oddities, that is an uncannily accurate portrayal of small town life and white people).

So yes, I am now living insulated in a white community, but I've seen enough of the world in my time! Most of it is rotten, TOP TO BOTTOM. My streets are clean, no one fights in them, assaults the trans-gendered or kills delivery people, but who knows what's going on behind closed doors? I shudder to think. As long as it stays quiet though, everything is fine! It's hard to make a YouTube video of soul murder, after all.

Dude, you are so off the mark once again. People of all races commit crimes. Black commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime relative to other races, and please don't say that's a legacy of racism.

My question to you is -- Who would be safer? You walking in a predominately black neighbourhood on a hot July Friday night, just after the welfare cheques were passed out; or a black person walking through a white neighbourhood on the same night?

30th April 2011, 09:23 AM
Here is the thing: if you want to ascribe a genetic predisposition of physical violence to black people, you can't ignore that black people rarely engage in financial crimes (read: usury). Also, the majority of violence that happens in this world is the result of war, and the majority of politicians responsible for war are not black.
Which is easier to defend against, brute direct force, or subversion and deception?
Food for thought.


30th April 2011, 10:22 AM
Here is the thing: if you want to ascribe a genetic predisposition of physical violence to black people, you can't ignore that black people rarely engage in financial crimes (read: usury). Also, the majority of violence that happens in this world is the result of war, and the majority of politicians responsible for war are not black.
Which is easier to defend against, brute direct force, or subversion and deception?
Food for thought.

I'm not ascribing "a genetic predisposition of physical violence to black people", I'm making an observation. Another observation is that there is no such thing as a nice black neibourhood, city, or country. None exists. Does this mean I hate all black people? No, I'm just stating what I see.

A certain [tribal] ethnic group for the most part engages in a disproportionate amount of financial crimes. Do I hate these people because of the actions of a few? No, I've not only had friends from that group; but best friends.

30th April 2011, 10:32 AM
I'm not ascribing "a genetic predisposition of physical violence to black people", I'm making an observation. Another observation is that there is no such thing as a nice black neibourhood, city, or country. None exists. Does this mean I hate all black people? No, I'm just stating what I see.

A certain [tribal] ethnic group for the most part engages in a disproportionate amount of financial crimes. Do I hate these people because of the actions of a few? No, I've not only had friends from that group; but best friends.

First of all, I wasn't talking to you in my post. I was making a general statement. Second, I don't accept your second observation as fact. Not that I am saying I have proof to the contrary, but I need to personally verify this as true before I accept it. Serious question: how many black neighborhoods, cities, countries, etc have you experienced for yourself?


30th April 2011, 11:41 AM

can I ask, because apparently I missed it, what this business is with you always saying "'lower case w' whites"??

Is an upper case White like a really white person and a lower case white not as white?

Yeah, you're right. I was just trying (and failing, apparently) to be funny.

30th April 2011, 12:13 PM
I'm not ascribing "a genetic predisposition of physical violence to black people", I'm making an observation. Another observation is that there is no such thing as a nice black neibourhood, city, or country. None exists. Does this mean I hate all black people? No, I'm just stating what I see.

A certain [tribal] ethnic group for the most part engages in a disproportionate amount of financial crimes. Do I hate these people because of the actions of a few? No, I've not only had friends from that group; but best friends.

First of all, I wasn't talking to you in my post. I was making a general statement. Second, I don't accept your second observation as fact. Not that I am saying I have proof to the contrary, but I need to personally verify this as true before I accept it. Serious question: how many black neighborhoods, cities, countries, etc have you experienced for yourself?


Well, that post was right after one of mine.

I was born/raised in Detroit, and that has to be the blackest big city in the country. Flint, MI; St Louis, MO; Chicago, IL; Harlem, NYC; Newark, NJ, Memphis [Memfrica], TN........ it's the same wherever I go; dilapidated buildings, spray-painting, garbage everywhere, thugs hanging out. This is even in the best of times, so what gives?

I haven't been to a black country, but I don't need to be there to know Haiti is a shit-hole. Same with Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Nigeria. The places may change but the people and conditions do not.

30th April 2011, 12:41 PM
I never said they didn't. But since we're posting about "reality," (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/black-people-are-the-most-unfairly-castigated-group-out-there/msg217484/#msg217484) I'm posting my own. Sorry it doesn't come with a nice YouTube video.

What I was saying is if you compare what you see all the time on the MSM and to what you actually see when you go to a majority-black neighbourhood it's two different things. If you watch TV shows, you'll never see blacks as criminals, ever! But black neighbourhoods are not safe, even for blacks [they are the main victims of black crime].

Reality is that if you're white, you will be selected as a victim before a black person would be.

30th April 2011, 01:22 PM
“There’s some shit going in with black people right now. It’s like a civil war going on with black people. And it’s two sides : there’s black people and there’s niggaz. The niggaz have got to go.” –Chris Rock

Wow. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you’ve got dark skin and a black accent.

Only I see less of a civil war, and more of a bifurcation.

During the course of this century, Rock’s typically higher I.Q. and lighter-skinned “black people” will likely cease self-identifying as black, and instead merge into the new brown middle-majority.

There are various ways of doing this. For me, and for at least one of my cousins, it was as simple as marrying a Latina. Our offspring = Latino. Others I know have simply moved into majority Latino neighborhoods and cities, and picked up the slang. None dare call it “passing.”

Given the opportunity to retain their "victim" status without the baggage of "blackness," I suspect many more will jump at the chance.

Meanwhile, it is the people Rock describes as “niggaz”, who comprise the bottom ¼ to 1/3 of the African American population, and about 2-4% of the U.S. population as a whole, who most definitely will be left holding the bag of “blackness.” And treated accordingly.

And not only do I believe that Obama himself will be eventually re-branded, but I’m also beginning to suspect that blacks may in time even lose Martin Luther King Jr., and the Civil Rights movement as a whole. This would likely begin by quashing black anti-Semitism and openly acknowledging the Jewish role, and then reminding people what the “C” stands for, and why they decided not to change it.

NAACP reaches out to Latinos . . .

NAACP Increases Diversity in Leadership . . .

30th April 2011, 01:43 PM
Just to clarify, someone becomes a Jew on this site for calling out a caucasian?


Full transcript for you readers:

Bibi:...The Arabs are currently focusing on a war of terror and they think it will break us. The main thing, first of all, is to hit them. Not just one blow, but blows that are so painful that the price will be too heavy to be borne. The price is not too heavy to be borne, now. A broad attack on the Palestinian Authority. To bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing...

Woman: Wait a moment, but then the world will say "how come you're conquering again?"

Netanyahu: the world won't say a thing. The world will say we're defending.

Woman: Aren't you afraid of the world, Bibi?

Netanyahu: Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction.

Child: They say they're for us, but, it's like...

Netanyahu: They won't get in our way. They won't get in our way.

Child: On the other hand, if we do some something, then they...

Netanyahu: So let's say they say something. So they said it! They said it! 80% of the Americans support us. It's absurd. We have that kind of support and we say "what will we do with the..." Look. That administration [Clinton] was extremely pro-Palestinian. I wasn't afraid to maneuver there. I was not afraid to clash with Clinton. I was not afraid to clash with the United Nations. I was paying the price anyway, I preferred to receive the value. Value for the price.

In the following segment, Bibi boasts about how he emptied the Oslo Accords of meaning by an interpretation that made a mockery of them:

Woman: The Oslo Accords are a disaster.

Netanyahu: Yes. You know that and I knew that...The people [nation] has to know...

What were the Oslo Accords? The Oslo Accords, which the Knesset signed, I was asked, before the elections: "Will you act according to them?" and I answered: "yes, subject to mutuality and limiting the retreats." "But how do you intend to limit the retreats?" "I'll give such interpretation to the Accords that will make it possible for me to stop this galloping to the '67 [armistice] lines. How did we do it?

Narrator: The Oslo Accords stated at the time that Israel would gradually hand over territories to the Palestinians in three different pulses, unless the territories in question had settlements or military sites. This is where Netanyahu found a loophole.

Netanyahu: No one said what defined military sites. Defined military sites, I said, were security zones. As far as I'm concerned, the Jordan Valley is a defined military site.

Woman: Right [laughs]...The Beit She'an Valley.

Netanyahu: How can you tell. How can you tell? But then the question came up of just who would define what Defined Military Sites were. I received a letter -- to me and to Arafat, at the same time -- which said that Israel, and only Israel, would be the one to define what those are, the location of those military sites and their size. Now, they did not want to give me that letter, so I did not give the Hebron Agreement. I stopped the government meeting, I said: "I'm not signing." Only when the letter came, in the course of the meeting, to me and to Arafat, only then did I sign the Hebron Agreement. Or rather, ratify it, it had already been signed. Why does this matter? Because at that moment I actually stopped the Oslo Accord.

Woman: And despite that, one of our own people, excuse me, who knew it was a swindle, and that we were going to commit suicide with the Oslo Accord, gives them -- for example -- Hebron...

Netanyahu: Indeed, Hebron hurts. It hurts. It's the thing that hurts. One of the famous rabbis, whom I very much respect, a rabbi of Eretz Yisrael, he said to me: "What would your father say?" I went to my father. Do you know a little about my father's position?

...He's not exactly a lily-white dove, as they say. So my father heard the question and said: "Tell the rabbi that your grandfather, Rabbi Natan Milikowski, was a smart Jew. Tell him it would be better to give two percent than to give a hundred percent. And that's the choice here. You gave two percent and in that way you stopped the withdrawal. Instead of a hundred percent." The trick is not to be there and be broken. The trick is to be there and pay a minimal price."

At a point in the middle of the video Netanayhu asks the camera man to stop taping, but he continues...
Netanyahu says what he really thinks for the first time:
He brags about how easy is to manipulate the USA and he proudly explains how he sabotaged the Oslo process


I posted an interview with Netanyahu bragging how he controls US and that "outs" me? Ok Book, you are really reaching here...and all because you believe people are genetically predisposed to be scumbags, and I think it is learned and that there examples for all people...gotcha.

30th April 2011, 01:45 PM
Are you in Arizona, nitz?


I dont get it.

30th April 2011, 01:53 PM
In case you haven't figured it out, Ximmy and Zap are female.

And I never said you were a jew. You're definately out to condemn the white race and doing your best to make the whites look bad, but the statistics are dead against what you're trying to prove.

Well, now that I have the sex straight on two anonymous internet posters, we can move forward!

And again Awoke, I am not out to "condemn" anyone...I am white, but I have no problem acknowledging certain things our race has done, good or bad. Seems like some people here do and are overly defensive about it. Some weird guilt that doesnt allow them to admit that the Europeans have committed some disgusting acts. Only little boys(and girls Ximmy!) cant come to grips with this information and still have a reasonable world view when it comes to how humans are acting nowadays.

30th April 2011, 02:35 PM
Some weird guilt that doesnt allow them to admit that the Europeans have committed some disgusting acts.

Every race has committed disgusting acts. Whites do not have a monopoly on it.




30th April 2011, 02:41 PM
Some weird guilt that doesnt allow them to admit that the Europeans have committed some disgusting acts.

Through my long & arduous research I've come to the acute determination that its strictly an Israelite trait of .01% Imperial DNA.

Even though that same .01% percentage is the amount of the planet Earth that doesn't have some sort of unrecorded or hidden history of equal blood bathedness.


30th April 2011, 03:19 PM
Some weird guilt that doesnt allow them to admit that the Europeans have committed some disgusting acts.

Every race has committed disgusting acts. Whites do not have a monopoly on it.




"Every race has committed disgusting acts"...this is EXACTLY what I am saying...I never said Whites had the monolpoly on it, or even the most prolific.

30th April 2011, 05:34 PM
Every race has committed disgusting acts.


Yeah...let's never again mention any current specific examples here in GSUS General Discussion because "everybody" has done it.


30th April 2011, 05:40 PM
Hey look, her popsicle is shaped like a police badge.. :oo-->

30th April 2011, 05:41 PM
And I didn't want to mention this, but all this "white people are innocent and the guardians of virtue" b.s. is getting out of hand. So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.

Look up the word "hyperbole" in the dictionary and Lapis appears.


30th April 2011, 05:51 PM
Hey look, her popsicle is shaped like a police badge.. :oo-->

Book... YOu are charged with crimes against obesity...

30th April 2011, 11:43 PM
[quote=Nitz ]

Every race has committed disgusting acts.

That is a very disturbing picture......

1st May 2011, 08:37 AM
Those pictures are disturbing, haunting, and sad. Wow.


I never said they didn't. But since we're posting about "reality," (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/black-people-are-the-most-unfairly-castigated-group-out-there/msg217484/#msg217484) I'm posting my own. Sorry it doesn't come with a nice YouTube video.

What I was saying is if you compare what you see all the time on the MSM and to what you actually see when you go to a majority-black neighbourhood it's two different things. If you watch TV shows, you'll never see blacks as criminals, ever! But black neighbourhoods are not safe, even for blacks [they are the main victims of black crime].

Yeah, I see your point, but the problem is that the opposite is happening in white neighborhoods: the heinous crimes I'm talking about aren't being filmed (at least for public consumption) or caught on security cameras. But they ARE happening.

Sometimes you can only imagine the sort of agony the victims went through as children, when you see their works of art reflecting an inner reality that probably comes from heartrending experiences, like these paintings by white British artist Kim Noble, who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, and has 20 personalities:





"These disturbing images are at the root of Kim's extraordinary condition; DID is a creative mental survival strategy whereby the personality splits at a young age due to severe and chronic trauma. The number of personalities that exist often depends on how long the trauma lasts. But Kim herself has no memory of being abused as a child; she has been protected over the years by her alters (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/kim-noble-a-woman-divided-413223.html)."

Reality is that if you're white, you will be selected as a victim before a black person would be.

And another reality is that under cover of darkness with those in positions of power, or in places where parents entrust other adults to care for their offspring, children and babies are being abused by wholesome and normal-looking people. But often it goes unreported and we only hear about it when it involves a lot of kids, but even then justice doesn't get served:

The Franklin Coverup Scandal
The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan White House (http://www.illuminati-news.com/0/franklin.htm)

"Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence (http://www.archive.org/details/ConspiracyOfSilence1994-LongVersion-TheFranklinScandal-2010)" it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired."

THE PARENTS' AGONY, THE ARMY'S COVERUP, THE PROSECUTION'S FAILURE. (http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/aquino01.htm)

"Hambright, 35, was an ordained Southern Baptist minister without a pulpit. After moving to the Bay Area in 1977 from his home in Tacoma, Wash., he worked as a substitute teacher in San Francisco schools before taking the $7.59 per hour job at the day care center in 1985. At his arraignment, he described himself as "an educator, not a criminal." His close friend Gordon Grover, a beauty salon owner, said the thin, pale man with blond hair is "probably one of the most gentle people you will ever know." [Of course! You think a disgusting perverted pedophile is going to behave and look like the white equivalent of the black people in the chimp-out videos IN PUBLIC VIEW? They're too smart for that! Hence the apt term for them: PREDATORS.]

ARMY WILL CLOSE CHILD-CARE CENTER (http://www.nytimes.com/1987/11/16/us/army-will-close-child-care-center.html)

"A Federal grand jury in San Francisco spent 10 months investigating abuse allegations surrounding the Presidio center, and almost 100 children were examined for physical or psychological signs of sexual abuse. At least four children were discovered to have chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease.

An assistant United States attorney, Peter Robinson, said Mr. Hambright was charged with molesting only 10 children because other victims were so young they would not be allowed to testify in court."

Then there's sites like these with a long list of conservative men with a penchant for children.


I picked this one because most Republicans tend to be white, and it has pictures: Such normal looking men! So clean! Such nice, well-cut short hair! Who'd have guessed the blackness of their souls? And oh dear, how many of these monsters are in my neighborhood?

According to the Megan's Law Sex Offender Registration (http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/disclaimer.aspx?lang=ENGLISH, 14) there's 14 in the general vicinity, a couple a bit too close to my daughter's school for my comfort, and a few in my neighborhood. Great!

Only one is black, three are Filipino (I'm shocked! I have never known them to be violent or sexually aggressive!), one "other Asian"! (His name sounds Chinese), one a WHITE woman (!!!), and the rest: normal-looking WHITE MEN! With short, well-groomed (except a couple who had slightly dishelved) hair!

This is from their FAQ:

Most men who commit sexual offenses do not know their victim.

False. 90% of child victims know their offender, with almost half of the offenders being a family member. Of sexual assaults against people age 12 and up, approximately 80% of the victims know the offender.

Well, I guess, that's reassuring...for NOW...since I don't know any of these men...

1st May 2011, 08:59 AM
And I didn't want to mention this, but all this "white people are innocent and the guardians of virtue" b.s. is getting out of hand. So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.

Look up the word "hyperbole" in the dictionary and Lapis appears.


1) How many White women do you actually know?

2) Artwork by a mentally ill woman diagnosed with DID/MPD represents the reality of "most" White women?


1st May 2011, 09:25 AM
Lapis thinks that the white race is mentally ill like her and her friends... Of course there is crap like that going on somewhere sometime, but according to her it happens in every neighborhood everywhere all the time. And only in white neighborhoods too :oo-->

willie pete
1st May 2011, 10:28 AM
I was trying to think on ANY upscale totally or mostly black neighborhood ANYWHERE? I wouldn't discount it, but it seems like it 'd be rare ....in fact when blacks move into a white or middle-class area (not one or two families, more like a wave) the property values tend do decrease ....Why is that?

Large Sarge
1st May 2011, 10:48 AM
people under certain conditions will react in certain ways.

if you have ever read "lord of the flies"

thats pretty accurate IMO

"nice civilized behavior" is a thin veneer in most cases, and for most everyone....

1st May 2011, 12:40 PM
Lapis thinks that the white race is mentally ill like her and her friends... Of course there is crap like that going on somewhere sometime, but according to her it happens in every neighborhood everywhere all the time. And only in white neighborhoods too :oo-->

Maybe Lapis is PROJECTING (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) his own family dynamics onto every man here at GSUS.


1st May 2011, 12:46 PM
Every race has committed disgusting acts.


Yeah...let's never again mention any current specific examples here in GSUS General Discussion because "everybody" has done it.


no one said that either Book...are you gonna keep trying here?

1st May 2011, 12:54 PM
Lapis thinks that the white race is mentally ill like her and her friends... Of course there is crap like that going on somewhere sometime, but according to her it happens in every neighborhood everywhere all the time. And only in white neighborhoods too :oo-->

Maybe Lapis is PROJECTING (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) his own family dynamics onto every man here at GSUS.


Lapis Is Female.

1st May 2011, 12:56 PM
...I am of the belief that people are not more genetically predisposed to certain shit than other ethnic groups...you and a handful of others seem to have the opposite belief...and so far just about every major atrocity perpetrated by white people has been blamed on the financing or the control of Jews...that is pretty weak imo.


:oo--> you tell 'em Nitz. WWI and WWII and the two Gulf Wars and all the others for Israel were not of any interest to jew bankers.

1st May 2011, 12:58 PM
Lapis thinks that the white race is mentally ill like her and her friends... Of course there is crap like that going on somewhere sometime, but according to her it happens in every neighborhood everywhere all the time. And only in white neighborhoods too :oo-->

Maybe Lapis is PROJECTING (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) his her own family dynamics onto every man here at GSUS.


Lapis Is Female.

Corrected. Thanks.

1st May 2011, 12:59 PM
...I am of the belief that people are not more genetically predisposed to certain shit than other ethnic groups...you and a handful of others seem to have the opposite belief...and so far just about every major atrocity perpetrated by white people has been blamed on the financing or the control of Jews...that is pretty weak imo.


:oo--> you tell 'em Nitz. WWI and WWII and the two Gulf Wars and all the others for Israel were not of any interest to jew bankers.

nope, I agree with ya there Book...what else ya got?

1st May 2011, 01:05 PM
Jez Book, I can't hardly read your little yellow writing, can't you change the color or5 write bigger :oo--> ;D

1st May 2011, 01:06 PM
Yea Book, I can hardly see you fabricating arguments. ;D

1st May 2011, 03:52 PM
Yea Book, I can hardly see you fabricating arguments.



1st May 2011, 04:28 PM
too bad it didnt say the most castrated group out there. we wouldnt have so much crime if this was the case.

2nd May 2011, 05:27 AM
I am of the belief that people are not more genetically predisposed to certain shit than other ethnic groups...you and a handfull of others seem to have the opposite belief...

OK, I can respect that. I am of the opposite belief.

so far ust about every major atrocity perpetrated by white people has been blamed on the financing or the control of Jews...that is pretty weak imo

As weak as it may seem to you, it is fact and easily proven to yourself by a lot of reading and digging.

2nd May 2011, 09:08 AM
Yeah, I see your point, but the problem is that the opposite is happening in white neighborhoods: the heinous crimes I'm talking about aren't being filmed (at least for public consumption) or caught on security cameras. But they ARE happening.

Sometimes you can only imagine the sort of agony the victims went through as children, when you see their works of art reflecting an inner reality that probably comes from heartrending experiences, like these paintings by white British artist Kim Noble, who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, and has 20 personalities:

I think Ms. Noble probably suffers from years of Social Engineering. Did you notice the victims were light and
the perpetrators were dark. Crap like this wouldn't happen in a strong homogeneous society.

2nd May 2011, 11:39 AM
Those pictures are disturbing, haunting, and sad. Wow.


Yes, they are. Thank you for noticing and pointing that out. I'm sad and disturbed that you're the only male who has said anything sympathetic.

By the way, Kim Noble was "treated" at the Tavistock and Portman Clinics!

2nd May 2011, 12:43 PM
So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.

You think "most" in THIS THREAD (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/introducing-the-first-little-princess-of-gsus/) are secretly plotting in Chat to gang-rape toddlers?

The perverse "artwork" you posted in this thread was created by a woman diagnosed with severe DID/MPD. The people you know in your Sexual Abuse Survivors Support Group do not represent "most" white people. Observe all the wholesome posts in Twisted Titan's thread celebrating the recent birth of his daughter. Expand your circle of friends. Get some perspective please.


2nd May 2011, 01:47 PM
You think "most" in THIS THREAD (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/introducing-the-first-little-princess-of-gsus/) are secretly plotting in Chat to gang-rape toddlers?
I noticed Book's posts are nowhere to be found in Twisted's thread but he's obviously familiar with the thread enough to use it as leverage in this one. Not that I am arguing with his well made point, just sardonically observing is all.

2nd May 2011, 06:33 PM
Not that I am arguing with his well made point, just sardonically observing is all.


:oo--> thanks man...lol.

2nd May 2011, 11:39 PM

3rd May 2011, 08:14 AM

Right, this whole thread is kinda pointless with a sitting zebra as president of the U.S.

3rd May 2011, 10:27 AM
You think "most" in THIS THREAD (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/introducing-the-first-little-princess-of-gsus/) are secretly plotting in Chat to gang-rape toddlers?

What does this have to do with the discussion at hand? As much as I like y'all, I don't know any of you. For all you or I know, there are predators on this group pretending to be wholesome people. Predators are good at that.

The perverse "artwork" you posted in this thread was created by a woman diagnosed with severe DID/MPD.

And your point? Since less-abused and less artistically talented victims of child sexual molestation have little in the way of video or photographic evidence to show for their pain and suffering, out of sight is out of mind?

If it's not on YouTube it's not real? :oo-->

I guess some can look at her art and say, "Well, she's severely disturbed! Her art has nothing to do with reality, like the "reality" of a chimp-out video!" :oo-->

The people you know in your Sexual Abuse Survivors Support Group do not represent "most" white people.

And the people in the chimp-out videos do not represent "most" black people.

Observe all the wholesome posts in Twisted Titan's thread celebrating the recent birth of his daughter. Expand your circle of friends. Get some perspective please.

That's excellent advice for all the people who believe that those in the chimp-out videos represent "most" black people (and I suspect have rarely come across a black person in their real life). ;)

But somehow I doubt they will take the advice. I hope when they are tempted to think badly of other races, they will study the white faces at:

http://www.republicanoffenders.com/Pedophiles.html and other sites like it.



U.S. Justice Department official John David R. Atchison arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a five year-old.

"The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, " I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice."

The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded, "Just gotta go slow and very easy. I've done it plenty," according to detectives.

Lucky for the world's children, he committed suicide.



A jury convicted campus fixture "Brother Stephen" on Wednesday to a minimum of three years in jail for the charge of soliciting sex from a teenage boy, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.


Republican Assembly candidate Richard Gardner was convicted of:

• Committing a lewd and lascivious act upon his daughter, who was about 12 when the crime was committed in May 1982.

• Committing oral copulation on the same daughter in January 1988.

• Child molestation in 1983 against another daughter under the age of 14.

He was placed on probation for the three charges. >:(

3rd May 2011, 10:36 AM
WTF are you doing Lapis? WTF are you trying to prove? You are here asserting that all white men are pedophiles? All white children are victims of child molestation?

Get a fucking grip.

Back to the ACTUAL topic, stats are stats, Lapis, and the blacks are more prone to violence than whites. Deal with it.

3rd May 2011, 06:27 PM
WTF are you doing Lapis? WTF are you trying to prove? You are here asserting that all white men are pedophiles? All white children are victims of child molestation?

Get a fucking grip.

That's exactly what she is trying to pull here at GSUS:



The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case of the 1980s. Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in California, were charged with numerous acts of sexual abuse of children in their care. Accusations were made in 1983. Arrests and the pretrial investigation ran from 1984 to 1987, and the trial ran from 1987 to 1990. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990. When the trial ended in 1990 it had been the longest and most expensive criminal trial in American history.[1] The case was part of day care sex abuse hysteria, a moral panic over satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s.

:oo--> "most" GSUS Men are gang-raping toddlers

4th May 2011, 09:16 PM
You are here asserting that all white men are pedophiles? All white children are victims of child molestation?

Again, no. Some white men are pedophiles. Some white children are victims. Some black people commit heinous crimes.

Get a fucking grip.


That's exactly what she is trying to pull here at GSUS:
I'm not trying to "pull" anything, although my "grip" is usually pretty good (My mileage varies).

I'm sorry if viewing real pictures of real white pedophiles pushes a big red button. (But never fear! Many of the original news stories and pictures have been scrubbed from the Internet. I guess that's a benefit of being white, and having had friends in high places! Beats having no friends and being from a ghetto. No preferential treatment given in that case, and once on YouTube, forever on YouTube as a chimper outer!)

The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case of the 1980s.

Yeah, that's a nice comparison but no cigar (or not much, maybe a small cigar). There was no physical evidence of abuse in the McMartin case.

As compared to this choice tidbit in the NYT article (http://www.nytimes.com/1987/11/16/us/army-will-close-child-care-center.html) about the Presidio daycare center:

"At least four children were discovered to have chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease."

Or how about this one from the original San Jose Mercury News article (http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/aquino01.htm):

"When Dr. Kevin Coulter examined the Tobins' son, he observed that the child's anus dilated to approximately 20 millimeters in approximately five seconds, a much faster and wider dilation than normal. Coulter had conducted more than 300 examinations of children at CASARC. His conclusion was that such rapid and wide dilation was caused by trauma to the anus and rectum, consistent with penetration." (Hope the big font size helps.)

But let's get back to the original topic of black people being the most unfairly castigated group out there.

I wonder what these black people would've said, if they had been asked? Or their kids? Or their grandkids?


From a quick and dirty Wikipedia search:

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in poor, rural black men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.[1]

The Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began the study in 1932. Investigators enrolled in the study a total of 399 impoverished, African-American sharecroppers from Macon County, Alabama who had previously contracted syphilis before the study began. For participating in the study, the men were given free medical care, meals, and free burial insurance. They were never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the men were told they were being treated for "bad blood," a local term used to describe several illnesses, including syphilis, anemia and fatigue.

The 40-year study was controversial for reasons related to ethical standards; primarily because researchers knowingly failed to treat patients appropriately after the 1940s validation of penicillin as an effective cure for the disease they were studying.

4th May 2011, 09:45 PM
But let's get back to the original topic of black people being the most unfairly castigated group out there.

Nah...you're on a roll. Tell us more about your theory that "most" White GSUSers are probably plotting in Chat to gang-rape toddlers. Get it off your chest so you can report to your Support Group therapist some sort of "closure" here.


4th May 2011, 09:59 PM


You should keep a close eye on that white guy Dr. Chris Stewart (http://www.casarc.org/staff.html). Obvious toddler gang-rapist for sure.

4th May 2011, 10:14 PM
Nah...you're on a roll. Tell us more about your theory that "most" White GSUSers are probably plotting in Chat to gang-rape toddlers. Get it off your chest so you can report to your Support Group therapist some sort of "closure" here.


Huh, you must be thinking of someone else, as I've never said anything about "most" GSUSers or white people.

Only chimp-out video lovers like to talk about "most" this-n-that.

To the point I think they get worked up into feeling some sort of....um.....thrilling sexual feelings from it. (Oh my! :o)

And I'll bet I'm killing that buzz, man!!!! BIG TIME.

No one who thrills to that wants to abruptly change gears and have to think about a big fat pasty ol' pedophile violating some little boy's anus, you know? I'm sure it's a reallllll bummer! :(

:D :D

But in the face of all that bummed-out-ness, thanks for your concern about me getting closure! That's mighty sweet of you.

(This is not as cool as some of the pictures that you normally post, but it's all I could come up with on short notice and lazy internet searching.)

4th May 2011, 10:21 PM


You should keep a close eye on that white guy Dr. Chris Stewart (http://www.casarc.org/staff.html). Obvious toddler gang-rapist for sure.

Hmmm? ???

Why's that? Do you know something personally about him that I don't know? Please do tell.

I don't think he was involved with CASARC in 1988, when the article was written, but I could be wrong.

4th May 2011, 10:31 PM
So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.



4th May 2011, 10:35 PM
But my dears, on a more serious note, I was reminded of something the WHITE (!!!! I know you guys won't understand or believe me, but I simply love all the WHITE male writers) English writer D.H. Lawrence wrote in a letter to Aldus Huxley, after reading Huxley's Point Counter Point:

"If you can only palpitate to murder, suicide rape, in their various degrees—and you state plainly that it is so—caro, however are we going to live through the days? Preparing still another murder, suicide and rape? But it becomes a phantasmal boredom and produces ultimately inertia, inertia, inertia and final atrophy of the feelings. Till, I suppose, comes a final super-war, and murder, suicide, rape sweeps away the vast bulk of mankind. It is as you say— intellectual appreciation does not amount to much, it's what you thrill to."

What you thrill to reveals a lot! Seriously.

4th May 2011, 10:47 PM
So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.



Is that all you got? :D

You're just trying to bait me, because I know you know that I posted this correction, in response TO YOU:

And I didn't want to mention this, but all this "white people are innocent and the guardians of virtue" b.s. is getting out of hand. So I will reveal something many things personal: most white women I know have gotten to know WELL have been molested by close family members: fathers, older brothers and uncles.

(from me)

I changed my sentence above to make it more clear.

But if this is the best you can come up with, I'm going to have to go to bed! :'(

4th May 2011, 10:49 PM
An essay by anthropologist Gilbert Herdt, editor of Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia and the author of Sambia Sexual Culture, shows how radically different cultural perceptions of a proper masculine upbringing can be.

Bizarre homosexual rites are practiced extensively by numerous Melanesian tribesmen in New Guinea and adjacent islands. Young boys must "accumulate" semen for several years, either by regularly receiving anal penetration, or by swallowing the ejaculations of older males they fellate. This ancient custom springs from a religious belief system that regards sperm as the essential conduit of masculine energy; puny boys, they believe, are only transformed into virile warriors if they ingest large quantities of sperm.

"If you boys don't drink semen, you won't grow big," a Sambian elder tells prepubescent initiates. "You should not be afraid of eating penises ... it is just like the milk of your mother's breast. You can ingest it all of the time and grow quickly. A boy must be ... inseminated... If [he] doesn't eat semen, he remains small and weak."


4th May 2011, 10:54 PM
"Bizarre homosexual rites"! Oh yeees! You've hit the pay DIRT! Original chimp-out information IN A BOOK! By REAL scholars, NOT on YouTube!

Some things for some GSUS members :D to thrill to!

4th May 2011, 10:55 PM
A kind of Cultural Revolution zealotry has led some rape-crisis hysterics on college campuses to post photographs of male students, selected entirely at random, and labeled POTENTIAL RAPIST. Some women who have not been raped refer to themselves as "potential survivors" -- a trope that takes American victim-wailing up to a higher octave. Asked by the Washington Post to define the "two kinds of people in the world," one contestant wrote, "Women and rapists." (What would the Washington Post have thought of a contestant who divided the world between "men and whores"?)

The psychology produces a technique of gender slur that might be called Worst Case Synecdoche: All men are assumed to be as bad as the very worst among them. The rapist is Everyman.


Your attempt at PROJECTION (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) in this thread failed Lapis...lol.

:D nice try

4th May 2011, 11:07 PM
[b]A kind of Cultural Revolution zealotry has led some rape-crisis hysterics on college campuses to post photographs of male students, selected entirely at random, and labeled POTENTIAL RAPIST. [etc., etc.]


Your attempt at PROJECTION (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Psychological_projection) in this thread failed Lapis...lol.

:D nice try

Your nice try, dear! I only wish the stuff that those men featured at http://www.republicanoffenders.com/Pedophiles.html were a projection!

And as far as this quote

"The psychology produces a technique of gender slur that might be called Worst Case Synecdoche: All men are assumed to be as bad as the very worst among them. The rapist is Everyman."

goes, I would say this correction is highly suited to this thread:

"The psychology produces a technique of gender racial slur that might be called Worst Case Synecdoche: All black men are assumed to be as bad as the very worst among them. The black rapist is Everyman."

OK, this is getting weird! I feel like I'm in junior high again, and the boy (you!) sitting behind me in class keeps poking me in the back and then pretending he's not. :D

4th May 2011, 11:23 PM
OK, this is getting weird! I feel like I'm in junior high again, and the boy (you!) sitting behind me in class keeps poking me in the back and then pretending he's not.


YOU posted in this thread several images of toddlers being gang-raped.

YOU posted in this thread several graphic hysterical "news" stories about children and their violated anus.

Now you play the victim card?

:oo--> Hilarious psychological projection attempt. Nice try Lapis

5th May 2011, 05:58 AM
intellectual appreciation does not amount to much, it's what you thrill to."[/i]

What you thrill to reveals a lot! Seriously.

...and we can see plainly exactly what it is that you "thrill to".

5th May 2011, 09:59 AM
:D :D :D

You guys crack me up. I guess this thread has run out of gas. Oh well!

5th May 2011, 10:46 AM
:D :D :D

You guys crack me up. I guess this thread has run out of gas. Oh well!

You mean your derailment has ran out of gas?

5th May 2011, 12:17 PM


Can't let you have the last word!



And Book is now more like the boy who used to snap my bra in the hallways and then run for it! My dad always said boys show they like you by teasing you and acting annoying. So I guess I should be....flattered....by the latest posts. ;)