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21st April 2011, 06:52 PM


21st April 2011, 06:59 PM
that is just precious.

what a 'tard.


he loves the "relaxed" atmosphere of the crickets and (mostly) weak posters.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 06:59 PM
LMAO. Is that "Snapon" guy serious?

21st April 2011, 07:02 PM
What a freakin KISSS ASS Thats 41, General

21st April 2011, 07:15 PM

I'm so GLAD he pointed out how this place is always split into two warring factions, and in need of constant moderation! Without that AMAZING insight, I wouldn't have even noticed! ::)

Seriously, though... this place is TAME in comparison to some forums I've visited... INCLUDING 41's - that place was a ban slaughterhouse! :o

21st April 2011, 07:34 PM
That was disheartening to read. I know there's been a lot of drama surrounding 41, but somewhere inside I had liked the guy...even if I disagreed with him. We spoke in chat a couple of times.

Hate to see anyone at this level.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 07:41 PM

I'm so GLAD he pointed out how this place is always split into two warring factions, and in need of constant moderation! Without that AMAZING insight, I wouldn't have even noticed! ::)

Seriously, though... this place is TAME in comparison to some forums I've visited... INCLUDING 41's - that place was a ban slaughterhouse! :o

Yeah no kidding. When it gets out of hand just ban that GoD POS. ;D

Actually it's funny to me when I get banned. I generally say to myself, "Gaillo and that bastard MFer are definitely going to give me a time out" The only problem is that it takes for EVER for you monkeys to notice my posts.

Back to the topic, I do like 41, he just had an axe to grind and sometimes you just have to do that. It does surprise me that he went to the dark side. But sometimes, we're just trying to relate with people. Hell, I'm permanently banned from more sites that I post at.

21st April 2011, 07:58 PM
Yeah no kidding. When it gets out of hand just ban that GoD POS. ;D

Hey, you can't claim the ban trophy! I've probably been banned more times than you have.

In fact, ban him Gaillo! ;D

See General, you need to know how to fly under the radar. When I get banned, see, I fly under the radar. You need to be able to fly under the radar.

Regardless, what about a clean slate? I say we ought to welcome 41 back, personally, so as to provide that clean slate for the guy. It's the internet, folks, let's remember that.

General of Darkness
21st April 2011, 08:04 PM
Yeah no kidding. When it gets out of hand just ban that GoD POS. ;D

Hey, you can't claim the ban trophy! I've probably been banned more times than you have.

In fact, ban him Gaillo! ;D

See General, you need to know how to fly under the radar. When I get banned, see, I fly under the radar. You need to be able to fly under the radar.

Regardless, what about a clean slate? I say we ought to welcome 41 back, personally, so as to provide that clean slate for the guy. It's the internet, folks, let's remember that.

Pete that's an excellent idea, I could give him Doom Flu, (that's trademarked) and if he survives he's one of us.

But in all seriousness, I don't think that telling someone to have relations with their mother should be a bannable offense, when it comes to "timeouts". ;D

21st April 2011, 08:22 PM
But in all seriousness, I don't think that telling someone to have relations with their mother should be a bannable offense, when it comes to "timeouts". ;D

Well, in context, it shouldn't be bannable imo because the guy you told was a troll stirring up shit. You can't just sign up here and start insulting folks.

Doom Flu. ;D That is definitely trademarked and if 41 can survive that affliction, he's welcome here!

21st April 2011, 08:39 PM
41 is a stinking troll hiding his identity, more proof.

Gaillo knows he is hiding his identity for a reason, stated it in comm section.

How does what he say and does square ?

It's like mayhem with his 20 sock puppets, and it may be him too.

He never answered any of my questions, never. Same thing with Fred.

WildCard figured something out I think and stopped posting.

He does not answer who he is. I go over some history. He is not who he says he is for one.

My send off to the lying troll. I was trying to antagonize him to reveal himself.
Listen to the music.

He is still fooling people here, he is a recycled troll hiding his identity, just like mayhem the secret
mod on here who was Uylesses/Immanti. Here is mayhem fooling people to join his forum.

21st April 2011, 08:42 PM
What a freakin KISSS ASS Thats 41, General

What do Fred and Ben have to say now,


21st April 2011, 08:50 PM
Not long after snap on was banned, Odysseus started logging in.

Last log in April 8.

So many of mayhems socks have been banned he may be running out of them.

He is logging in to read comm or gim section.

Bans here are funny , you can be banned and still log in.

Gaillo knows, it is imperative that the links and posts of Odysseus remain.

That his name be hot linkable. Those that become guests you cannot click them.

I have saved his posts on my drive just in case something happens.

The reason it is imperative is that people reading Odysseus sock of mayhem,

that is Ulysses/Immanti talking , word for word in some cases.

The Odysseus sock was linked to mayhem by IP by Gaillo, but before that,
WC outed him as mayhem as well just by posts, and Olmstein helped as well.

Here is the problem in a nut shell, I tell Gaillo that is Ulysses/Immanti,
Gaillo tells me no I am wrong, that is mayhem,


Wild Card and Olmstein outed the monkey too for good.

21st April 2011, 09:00 PM
At my site, the population dwindled as I attempted to make it more orderly as well, soon our membership was almost nill, lol, This is far more relaxing.



21st April 2011, 09:10 PM
At my site, the population dwindled as I attempted to make it more orderly as well, soon our membership was almost nill, lol, This is far more relaxing.



Check out mayhems forum above, it is a trap, he is outing the NWO with 7 people on it.

most likely all of them are his sock puppets

every time I link to it he closes it

there are many older threads here, you can see him trolling with a few socks per thread

the guy is a freak show, does he get paid to do this or is he just a retarded loser

he is trolling gim too, he even showed me proof as conan, 5 of his socks were banned

he even claimed to be kelstar

GPOND KNOWS and allows this.

21st April 2011, 09:24 PM
Hey, you can't claim the ban trophy!

Hey, Fred was the first one to be banned on here by mayhem, he won,
a manufactured event here by mayhem, Fred was always mayhems
number one enemy and skyvikes number one enemy, I was ban
number two for guessing it was mayhem, the secret mod.
Fred decided later on to join them.

This would of been all your future if it was not for the vocal membership here and Gaillo.
View image to read it. Sounds like a gim Bullshit ban no ? WT blamed Web Tech,
and Web Tech blamed WT, both mayhem, want a link, it's there, neither were mayhem, lol .


Solid , you say he was in chat, Silver Art heard mayhems voice,
was Silver Art there, it is easy to recognize a voice, he would be
careful, I don't think he would reveal himself as different socks,
what a loser if the case. You can't trust chat anyways, all trolls
are mayhem, lol .

22nd April 2011, 01:29 AM
All these different names are confusing to me.

22nd April 2011, 10:17 AM
How come the mods never thanked him the first time?


A new forum to do what he does...


Ponce is on GSUS, sticking up for Muslims everywhere.Thinking he is a God in training and counting his TP rolls.

22nd April 2011, 10:22 AM
Solid , you say he was in chat, Silver Art heard mayhems voice,
was Silver Art there, it is easy to recognize a voice, he would be
careful, I don't think he would reveal himself as different socks,
what a loser if the case. You can't trust chat anyways, all trolls
are mayhem, lol .

He was in chat, that was a long time ago, before he start his own forum. He seemed like a decent guy, it was a pleasant chat that night. I don't remember if Silver Art was there or not, I think he was. You are right though that you can't always trust everything. I tend to be too trusting sometimes.

22nd April 2011, 11:47 AM
How come the mods never thanked him the first time?


A new forum to do what he does...


Ponce is on GSUS, sticking up for Muslims everywhere.Thinking he is a God in training and counting his TP rolls.

Reading that one thread, that is some funny stuff, avalon cracks me up,
she misses the guy whose name she can't remember, mr peesicle .

Sock puppet " snap on " is taking shots at them too, mentioning gsus, drama, I am sure they love it.

Books right, hilarious too.

" At my site, the population dwindled as I attempted to make it more orderly as well,
soon our membership was almost nill, lol, This is far more relaxing. "
goyim in money ii (http://goldismoney2.com/forum.php)



Credit to Mamboni.

It's coffee time now, far more relaxing, building empire blew up.

22nd April 2011, 12:13 PM
I just want to give an atta' boy for the constant dissent around here. The ongoing tension of posting comments that I know will rub half the members here the wrong way really keeps me sharp and on my toes. Everywhere else you go is full of zombies with the same opinion. This place is far more argumentative and dynamic. I'd suggest a lovefest, but I can't stand half of you.

;D ;D ;D


Just kidding of course. You're great folk to banter ideas around with.

22nd April 2011, 12:18 PM
I can't believe that any GSus'er would waste their time even visiting that FMC controlled site.

22nd April 2011, 03:58 PM
What a freakin KISSS ASS Thats 41, General

What do Fred and Ben have to say now,


I recently got a glimpse behind the curtain here, and the impression I got is that 4 guys have caused 99% of the drama here at GSUS. 41/mayhem, fred/pdt, Ben shockey, and Percival.

Id just like to give a "attaboy" to the guys over here for keeping this place enjoyable.As Fortyone at the other site,there was always some major crisis occuring(sic) in the threads that needed immediate moderation.Not so much of that here. I understand that my "far right" opinions have to held quiet her,but that is fine,no reason to debate them. The other place was divided into two camps and the arguing was endless.At my site, the population dwindled as I attempted to make it more orderly as well,soon our membership was almost nill,lol,This is far more relaxing. Thank you for the threads.

The "major crisis" were usually due to his trolling. What a joke!

22nd April 2011, 04:27 PM
This place is far more argumentative and dynamic. I'd suggest a lovefest, but I can't stand half of you.

;D ;D ;D


Good point.

I would just add that I can hardly tolerate myself, but must, out of necessity.

Sine I have no necessity to tolerate you, I don’t, hence my disagreeable nature.

22nd April 2011, 04:36 PM

22nd April 2011, 09:27 PM
GIM 2 is the Langley Virginia of the internet.

23rd April 2011, 12:51 AM
I just want to give an atta' boy for the constant dissent around here. The ongoing tension of posting comments that I know will rub half the members here the wrong way really keeps me sharp and on my toes. Everywhere else you go is full of zombies with the same opinion. This place is far more argumentative and dynamic. I'd suggest a lovefest, but I can't stand half of you.

;D ;D ;D


Just kidding of course. You're great folk to banter ideas around with.
It would be extremely boring, if we just agreed on everything.

1970 silver art
23rd April 2011, 06:27 AM
Solid , you say he was in chat, Silver Art heard mayhems voice,
was Silver Art there, it is easy to recognize a voice, he would be
careful, I don't think he would reveal himself as different socks,
what a loser if the case. You can't trust chat anyways, all trolls
are mayhem, lol .

He was in chat, that was a long time ago, before he start his own forum. He seemed like a decent guy, it was a pleasant chat that night. I don't remember if Silver Art was there or not, I think he was. You are right though that you can't always trust everything. I tend to be too trusting sometimes.

You are right Solid. I was in chat when Mayhem was in chat. Mayhem was in chat several times for a while at a certain time last year. Mayhem went by the chat screen name of Guest2000. How do I know that? He told me one time when I was the only person in chat. I just got bad vibes from him when I was in chat and I left chat shortly after chatting with Mayhem.

23rd April 2011, 06:30 AM
I just got bad vibes from him when I was in chat and I left chat shortly after chatting with Mayhem.

That's because he's a dickhead.

1970 silver art
23rd April 2011, 06:31 AM
Hey, you can't claim the ban trophy!

Hey, Fred was the first one to be banned on here by mayhem, he won,
a manufactured event here by mayhem, Fred was always mayhems
number one enemy and skyvikes number one enemy, I was ban
number two for guessing it was mayhem, the secret mod.
Fred decided later on to join them.

This would of been all your future if it was not for the vocal membership here and Gaillo.
View image to read it. Sounds like a gim Bullshit ban no ? WT blamed Web Tech,
and Web Tech blamed WT, both mayhem, want a link, it's there, neither were mayhem, lol .


Solid , you say he was in chat, Silver Art heard mayhems voice,
was Silver Art there, it is easy to recognize a voice, he would be
careful, I don't think he would reveal himself as different socks,
what a loser if the case. You can't trust chat anyways, all trolls
are mayhem, lol .

Actually I did not hear Mayhems voice. I do not know what he sounds like because I never spoke to him on the phone and I never saw him in person. I did, however, chat with him on GSUS chat. I was the only one in chat at that particular time and I did chat with him for a while before I left chat. It just seemed like a bad vibe that I was getting from him. When Mayhem was in GSUS chat, he went by the name of Guest2000.