View Full Version : Silver on Fox news

21st April 2011, 11:30 PM
About 45 minutes ago (see time stamp) Cavuto was interviewing some lady who was talking about the Pres. elections. He asked what were the 4 things that determined the elections, and she said (the 4 horsemen) 'oil, gold, cotton and...' something else, and Cavuto said, 'and they are all going up'. She said somethniog like' especially silver' and something about adding that too. Cavuto looked down an said silver is doing the best, then moved on real fast.

Then I turned to another Fox channel and and Greta was talking to trump about the birther issue!

Go figure.

22nd April 2011, 01:43 PM
Everyone has a relationship with silver whether they realise it or not...it goes back 6000yrs........its etched into the historical brain