View Full Version : Woman walks into a pack of wild cheetas

22nd April 2011, 04:52 PM

22nd April 2011, 05:02 PM
And yes she is blond ;D

22nd April 2011, 05:05 PM
Cheeta whisperer

22nd April 2011, 05:11 PM
Must be at a game park or something some sort of enclosed area. I don't remember ever seeing that many cheetahs together normally it is 2-4.

22nd April 2011, 05:26 PM
Jesus H. Ponce.........she has more balls than 99.9% of the male population......there was at least four people in this video and one of them was holding something above his head behind and to the left of her to scare the animals and protect her........but.......once the animals got used to her he then backed off....how can I tell? by looking at where the cheetas were looking at.

Those animals are the fastest ones in the world, they can run at 65 MPH for short burst of speed.

22nd April 2011, 06:11 PM
And yes she is blond ;D

A blond with nice legs, and a nice smile too. ;D

Cheetahs, what cheetahs? I didn't see them..

I think I just fell in love with this gal.

22nd April 2011, 06:16 PM
Thread title should read "Woman and cameraman and god knows how many men with guns advance on pack of cheetahs". You see only what the camera shows you.

22nd April 2011, 06:52 PM
SLV......very good buddy.....and that's what is wrong with the general US population......they only see what they are shown...................I for one like to use my night vision where I look AROUND the objet and not at the object directly.

7th trump
22nd April 2011, 07:19 PM
Just as an observation and a rule of thumb about being around animals. Wild carnivors to say the least!
Being raised on a farm around a diversity of animals that women wasnt menstrauting or she would have been cheeta food about three seconds after the smell of blood.
A blood bath of torn flesh.

22nd April 2011, 10:04 PM
I know dudes that base jump. They don't impress me either.

Lack of respect does not show bravery or wisdom, imo. Call me cynical.

22nd April 2011, 11:06 PM
I was expecting a chimp out video.. ???

Uncle Salty
22nd April 2011, 11:57 PM
Douse yourself with Hyena piss and Cheetahs won't touch you.

23rd April 2011, 12:31 AM
Must be at a game park or something some sort of enclosed area. I don't remember ever seeing that many cheetahs together normally it is 2-4.
Yes, good thinking. Probably these semi-wild Cheetas, are at the spot where the game warden comes and feeds them meat every day... They have learned not to bite the hand that feeds them!

She looks nice though!

23rd April 2011, 12:43 AM
I have never known cheetahs to kill human beings. Obviously there has to be at least 2 there, since someone is filming, probably more. Also, this is not in the real wild. I still give her props though. But honestly, it's just some good looking woman making a spectacle. "Look at me! I'm tanned, blonde, fit, and I'm standing with a bunch of quasi domesticated animals!" I had a 120 pound Rot named Rach that could have killed me at any time but didn't. I weigh 130.

23rd April 2011, 03:08 AM
She is qualified for a trip to McDonald's.

23rd April 2011, 04:21 AM
She is qualified for a trip to McDonald's.
I bet she wouldn't dare walking in to a bunch of wild keehah's! Notch, notch, know what I mean aye, aye, notch, notch! She's into pho-to-graphy, notch, notch, aye,aye!

23rd April 2011, 04:53 AM
Jesus H. Ponce.........she has more balls than 99.9% of the male population......

I take a break from gsus for awhile and come back to Ponce's typical retarded comments. I'm glad to see things haven't changed much around here.

Just so things are clear, according to Ponce, having balls means doing retarded shit that could easily get one killed.

23rd April 2011, 05:08 AM
I weigh 130.

Really? I have to ask, are you a male or a female? I always assumed you were male, but I don't know many guys that weigh 130. Just curious.

23rd April 2011, 06:38 AM
Douse yourself with Hyena piss and Cheetahs won't touch you.

No thanks. I'll just stay in the truck.

23rd April 2011, 06:42 AM
I weigh 130.

Really? I have to ask, are you a male or a female? I always assumed you were male, but I don't know many guys that weigh 130. Just curious.

About 135.

23rd April 2011, 08:32 AM
I don't care if someone had a gun or even if the animals were semi demosticated. It still takes courage to do what that woman did. Courage is a trait that I admire. I enjoyed the video.


23rd April 2011, 08:37 AM
Really? I have to ask, are you a male or a female? I always assumed you were male, but I don't know many guys that weigh 130. Just curious.
I fluctuate between 125 and 135 with a mean weight of 130. I am very much male.

23rd April 2011, 08:39 AM
I don't care if someone had a gun or even if the animals were semi demosticated. It still takes courage to do what that woman did. Courage is a trait that I admire. I enjoyed the video.


I agree dys, I admire this woman. I think a lot of you folks are being a bit rough on her. Tough crowd here.

I had to watch the video a second time to see the cheetahs. ;D

23rd April 2011, 08:51 AM
Really? I have to ask, are you a male or a female? I always assumed you were male, but I don't know many guys that weigh 130. Just curious.
I fluctuate between 125 and 135 with a mean weight of 130. I am very much male.

I`m about 126lbs now, between 145-150 when in good shape. If you see me you will know right away that I`m a very anatomically correct male ;)
The woman knows how to communicate with cats. We all have our totem animals and if yours is cat your chances of being killed by a feline are very small while the chances of being ripped apart by a canine are increased.

23rd April 2011, 09:02 AM
Douse yourself with Hyena piss and Cheetahs won't touch you.
Wow, so in this particular situation, ounce for ounce, Hyena Pissİ aught to be worth more than silver...
and it just so happens that I have an abundant supply of individual 1 oz. bottles of Hyena Pissİ that I'm willing to barter for 1 oz. SAE's.

Hyena Pissİ is also fantastic for a quick energy boost. Better than Tiger blood.

7th trump
23rd April 2011, 09:03 AM
I don't care if someone had a gun or even if the animals were semi demosticated. It still takes courage to do what that woman did. Courage is a trait that I admire. I enjoyed the video.


Thats not courage..........thats a stupid "look at me look at me" stunt plain and simple.
I'd give her kudos of courage if she went in there to help another person being attacked by these cheeta's, but thats not the case is it. She's stupid as stupid can be.
These cheeta's are nothing to be screwing around with even if they are half domesticated.
Its no different than the idiot bear lover up in Alaska that got himself shredded apart on camera along with his girlfriend. And lets not forget the bear was put down for that idiots stupidity.
Nobody benefited that day including the bear.
Some of you people need your heads checked or spend some time around a farm to see just what animals are capable of doing.
All animals are ruled by hunger and fear and will react accordingly.
When she walks point blank at them she is actually charging them in the eyes of the cheeta's...................very stupid display of chest pounding if you ask me.
What would she have done if just one of those had the idea of thinking scrwew you bitch and went for the neck. She wouldnt have reacted in enough time to stop a 85lbs cat from leaping for the her neck. And if there is a gun what would be the chances the shooter doesnt hit the woman?

23rd April 2011, 09:16 AM
That is nothing. Try this with lions.


23rd April 2011, 09:25 AM
Thats not courage..........thats a stupid "look at me look at me" stunt plain and simple.
I'd give her kudos of courage if she went in there to help another person being attacked by these cheeta's, but thats not the case is it. She's stupid as stupid can be.
These cheeta's are nothing to be screwing around with even if they are half domesticated.
Its no different than the idiot bear lover up in Alaska that got himself shredded apart on camera along with his girlfriend. And lets not forget the bear was put down for that idiots stupidity.
Nobody benefited that day including the bear.
Some of you people need your heads checked or spend some time around a farm to see just what animals are capable of doing.
All animals are ruled by hunger and fear and will react accordingly.
When she walks point blank at them she is actually charging them in the eyes of the cheeta's...................very stupid display of chest pounding if you ask me.
What would she have done if just one of those had the idea of thinking scrwew you bitch and went for the neck. She wouldnt have reacted in enough time to stop a 85lbs cat from leaping for the her neck. And if there is a gun what would be the chances the shooter doesnt hit the woman?


Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Ever? Do you ever add anything to any discussion outside of elitist condemnation?


23rd April 2011, 09:28 AM
It's just a matter of time until we see the vid of those cats ripping her guts out.

23rd April 2011, 09:30 AM

23rd April 2011, 09:35 AM
Why to climb mountains? Because they are there...

7th trump
23rd April 2011, 10:24 AM
Thats not courage..........thats a stupid "look at me look at me" stunt plain and simple.
I'd give her kudos of courage if she went in there to help another person being attacked by these cheeta's, but thats not the case is it. She's stupid as stupid can be.
These cheeta's are nothing to be screwing around with even if they are half domesticated.
Its no different than the idiot bear lover up in Alaska that got himself shredded apart on camera along with his girlfriend. And lets not forget the bear was put down for that idiots stupidity.
Nobody benefited that day including the bear.
Some of you people need your heads checked or spend some time around a farm to see just what animals are capable of doing.
All animals are ruled by hunger and fear and will react accordingly.
When she walks point blank at them she is actually charging them in the eyes of the cheeta's...................very stupid display of chest pounding if you ask me.
What would she have done if just one of those had the idea of thinking scrwew you bitch and went for the neck. She wouldnt have reacted in enough time to stop a 85lbs cat from leaping for the her neck. And if there is a gun what would be the chances the shooter doesnt hit the woman?


Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Ever? Do you ever add anything to any discussion outside of elitist condemnation?


What...........dont like the truth about the matter do you Dys?
I dont much sugar coat stupidity.
And I'm pretty much painfully honest.

If there was a poisonous snake sitting next to you I wouldnt say "Hey Dys theres a pleasantly colorful snake sitting next to you. Could you gently pick it up, kiss it on the cheek and ever so gently put it in the kids diaper bag for later"
How stupid does that sound?
Like I say some people just need to have their heads checked!

23rd April 2011, 01:00 PM
I was expecting a chimp out video.. ???

lol ;D

23rd April 2011, 01:05 PM

23rd April 2011, 01:50 PM

This woman has been reading too many comics..

23rd April 2011, 04:44 PM

Girl falls in tub of cheetos.

23rd April 2011, 05:14 PM

This woman has been reading too many comics..

<walks into a pack of wild Sheena's>

23rd April 2011, 05:35 PM
<walks into a pack of wild Sheena's>

LOL. If Sheena's looked like that, I'd walk into a pack of them too. ;D Perhaps, a Sheena would be a good companion in a SHTF scenario.

23rd April 2011, 05:40 PM
Thats not courage..........thats a stupid "look at me look at me" stunt plain and simple.
I'd give her kudos of courage if she went in there to help another person being attacked by these cheeta's, but thats not the case is it. She's stupid as stupid can be.
These cheeta's are nothing to be screwing around with even if they are half domesticated.
Its no different than the idiot bear lover up in Alaska that got himself shredded apart on camera along with his girlfriend. And lets not forget the bear was put down for that idiots stupidity.
Nobody benefited that day including the bear.
Some of you people need your heads checked or spend some time around a farm to see just what animals are capable of doing.
All animals are ruled by hunger and fear and will react accordingly.
When she walks point blank at them she is actually charging them in the eyes of the cheeta's...................very stupid display of chest pounding if you ask me.
What would she have done if just one of those had the idea of thinking scrwew you bitch and went for the neck. She wouldnt have reacted in enough time to stop a 85lbs cat from leaping for the her neck. And if there is a gun what would be the chances the shooter doesnt hit the woman?


Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Ever? Do you ever add anything to any discussion outside of elitist condemnation?

If he ever said anything positive here (aside from backing a possible sock puppet), I've never seen it.

Shame... the guy certainly isn't lacking smarts.

7th trump
23rd April 2011, 05:57 PM
Thats not courage..........thats a stupid "look at me look at me" stunt plain and simple.
I'd give her kudos of courage if she went in there to help another person being attacked by these cheeta's, but thats not the case is it. She's stupid as stupid can be.
These cheeta's are nothing to be screwing around with even if they are half domesticated.
Its no different than the idiot bear lover up in Alaska that got himself shredded apart on camera along with his girlfriend. And lets not forget the bear was put down for that idiots stupidity.
Nobody benefited that day including the bear.
Some of you people need your heads checked or spend some time around a farm to see just what animals are capable of doing.
All animals are ruled by hunger and fear and will react accordingly.
When she walks point blank at them she is actually charging them in the eyes of the cheeta's...................very stupid display of chest pounding if you ask me.
What would she have done if just one of those had the idea of thinking scrwew you bitch and went for the neck. She wouldnt have reacted in enough time to stop a 85lbs cat from leaping for the her neck. And if there is a gun what would be the chances the shooter doesnt hit the woman?


Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Ever? Do you ever add anything to any discussion outside of elitist condemnation?

If he ever said anything positive here (aside from backing a possible sock puppet), I've never seen it.

Shame... the guy certainly isn't lacking smarts.

Well if you think about it Dys is nothing more than an enabler of stupidity by saying she has courage.
I mean I dont know........courage is far apart from deliberate stupidity and shouldnt be used to describe stupity.
I wonder if Dys, or even you, will say all these people who went out and got mortgages they couldnt pay are couragous for taking such an warrented risk?
See any difference? I dont!
But bet your booty Dys will talk down about all those people getting mortgages they couldnt pay and yet says this about her.

Also, what I know biblically coming down the pipe here in the near future and the unending stupidity in this world there is nothing really good to say.
I just comment on what I see.

23rd April 2011, 06:14 PM
Ok, she's an idiot. The only reason she got away with that is because she was acting dominant, and there were motorcycles and other people there. Like trump said, they are ruled by food and fear. Not very bright.

23rd April 2011, 08:38 PM
Reminds me of that guy who lived with bears all his life and finally got damaged by one.

24th April 2011, 03:24 AM
I guess her idiocy is on level with someone who goes climbing K2, or goes skydiving from a cliff... Many people like that...

24th April 2011, 06:37 AM
hyena's aren't deadly. when was the last time they attacked a human? they're primary skill is speed, so they chase their prey and trip them up, not much strength or ferocity in that.