View Full Version : Fruit Nazi Showdown

Large Sarge
23rd April 2011, 06:47 AM

23rd April 2011, 06:50 AM
LMAO! Is that "supervisor" drunk, or just... "challenged" in some way?

23rd April 2011, 07:08 AM
I love 4409's vids........This guy is an example of how we should all act. Personal opinions aside, peacefully standing up for yourself against the Government is the most patriotic thing an American can do.

Something about internal checkpoints in America REALLY rubs me the wrong way. >:(

23rd April 2011, 07:36 AM
That was good. So the individual states has no authority to check the movement of goods from other states? In a way I pity that guy, since he is asked to do a job he has no legal authority to do, apart from being an absolute idiot, but I guess that is the reason why he is there to begin with...

23rd April 2011, 09:37 AM
Loved it.......and scary........some cop could just pull you out and beat the hell out of you and arrest you for resisting arrest.....then confiscate your vehicle and have towed away........you then would have to post bail and once out you are out pay to get your vehicle out........and on, and on, and on..........sorry guys, I am crazy but not stupid.

But I must say, that guy did look and talked kind of stupid......AND NOT RELATED TO ME ;D

23rd April 2011, 05:16 PM
So where is part 3?
We All need to have his balls or its the end.
I do know I have them for I have done some of this.
They DO not like it when you say NO!