View Full Version : Zinc poisoning...

23rd April 2011, 08:04 AM
Greets, everyone.

A close relative of mine called me yesterday, first time I've talked to him in several months. He is in his early 60's. His health has been bad for the last year or so. He finally figured out, with some help from the mainstream medical establishment "white coats", that he is suffering from Zinc poisoning. His denture adhesive is apparently the cause of the problem - he's switched brands and is talking about joining a class-action lawsuit with other people who have also been sickened by the same thing.

Anyway, the white coats have him on prednizone (I think that's how you spell it...) - some kind of steroid, just so he has the strength to function and continue working. He doesn't know what to do to get back to normal again - and I didn't know what to suggest to him other than try to eat more green leafy vegetables and garlic (my standard recommend for anyone, regardless of whether they're sick or not! ;D).

Any suggestions? What is the best alternative treatment for long-term Zinc poisoning?

P.S. - Disclaimer... I am not a doctor, and I won't be "treating" him for a medical condition - I'm just going to pass on any info gathered, and let him make his own decision about whether to act on the information or not... he's a pretty stubborn guy, so I doubt he'll do much that's not recommended by the white coats anyway... but it's my nature to at least try to present him with some possible alternatives.

23rd April 2011, 08:21 AM
Copper may be the answer, the more copper you have the more zinc you will excrete and vs versa. I`m not a doctor either but I remember this fact. He needs to have his zinc levels measured and if they are high he may have to take copper supplements anyway because he is guaranteed to be low on copper due to zinc poisoning.

23rd April 2011, 08:23 AM
Cod liver oil may help.

23rd April 2011, 09:36 AM
The general approach to take with any heavy metal poisoning is chelation. There's many ways to do it, but the best way would probably doing it safely and as natural as possible.

So here's what I'd recommend based on taking these products myself and plenty of research:

Start with Cilantro with Chlorella to break down the Heavy Metals:

Now this breakdown of Heavy Metals in your body will clog up the liver with Heavy Metals, so you need to flush that with this:

On top of all this, it's good to take liberal amounts of more Chorella with meals to help purge the body of these toxins (these are wonderful for anyone, regardless!):


No promises or anything since I don't know how effective this will be. I've done this treatment with my eczema and haven't had any symptoms since (which is caused by heavy metals.) The thing to look into is chelation therapy and Heavy Metal detox. You won't find anything specifically on Zinc toxicity since most people are trying to get MORE Zinc, not less.

A less natural, but possibly more effective route might be doing EDTA (chelator) and coffee enemas (which cleanses the liver.) If EDTA (http://www.swansonvitamins.com/AN022/ItemDetail?n=0) is done, IV is the best way, but ultra expensive, though it can save lives. Coffee enemas are the best way to cleanse the liver (there's coffee enema kits on E-bay), but obviously not much fun. I tried the EDTA route and had little luck, but the natural route I mentioned above actually was easier and worked out better, which is why I recommend it personally.

Just remember, do BOTH heavy metal chelation AND liver detox at the same time! Doing heavy metal chelation without liver detox is DANGEROUS!

23rd April 2011, 09:53 AM
I`m sure exercise, lots of clean water and sauna will help excrete most toxins too.

23rd April 2011, 10:03 AM
What about oil pulling?

I have no idea since I've never tried it. I only mention this because there's some folks on here that do oil pulling to remove toxins, perhaps they may have some input.

edit: I also second cod liver oil.

23rd April 2011, 10:09 AM
What about colloidal silver? It worked wonders for me when I was sick as hell before Doom in the Desert.

23rd April 2011, 10:36 AM
More on Chelation:

Although EDTA binds harmful, toxic metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium, it also binds some essential nutrients of the body, such as copper, iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Large amounts of zinc are lost during chelation. Zinc deficiency can cause impaired immune function and other harmful effects. Supplements of zinc are generally given to patients undergoing chelation, but it is not known whether this is adequate to prevent deficiency. Also, chelation therapy does not replace proper nutrition, exercise, and appropriate medications or surgery for specific diseases or conditions.

It's already known chelation therapy will deplete you of zinc. Normally this is a bad side effect, but in your friends case this is just what he needs. Just make sure he supplements with copper, iron, calcium, and magnesium while doing it since those levels will go down too.

23rd April 2011, 11:59 AM
There have been a rash of these cases, to the point that there's lawyers specializing in it (surprise! ::)) Another gift of health from corporations like GlaxoSmithKline.

23rd April 2011, 12:09 PM
Copper may be the answer, the more copper you have the more zinc you will excrete and vs versa. I`m not a doctor either but I remember this fact. He needs to have his zinc levels measured and if they are high he may have to take copper supplements anyway because he is guaranteed to be low on copper due to zinc poisoning.

3 weeks ago I listened to one doctor lecture who describet this problem-zink /copper ratio,he also mentioned zink from dental adhesive being the problem

23rd April 2011, 12:17 PM
The general approach to take with any heavy metal poisoning is chelation. There's many ways to do it, but the best way would probably doing it safely and as natural as possible.

So here's what I'd recommend based on taking these products myself and plenty of research:

Start with Cilantro with Chlorella to break down the Heavy Metals:

Now this breakdown of Heavy Metals in your body will clog up the liver with Heavy Metals, so you need to flush that with this:

On top of all this, it's good to take liberal amounts of more Chorella with meals to help purge the body of these toxins (these are wonderful for anyone, regardless!):


No promises or anything since I don't know how effective this will be. I've done this treatment with my eczema and haven't had any symptoms since (which is caused by heavy metals.) The thing to look into is chelation therapy and Heavy Metal detox. You won't find anything specifically on Zinc toxicity since most people are trying to get MORE Zinc, not less.

A less natural, but possibly more effective route might be doing EDTA (chelator) and coffee enemas (which cleanses the liver.) If EDTA (http://www.swansonvitamins.com/AN022/ItemDetail?n=0) is done, IV is the best way, but ultra expensive, though it can save lives. Coffee enemas are the best way to cleanse the liver (there's coffee enema kits on E-bay), but obviously not much fun. I tried the EDTA route and had little luck, but the natural route I mentioned above actually was easier and worked out better, which is why I recommend it personally.

Just remember, do BOTH heavy metal chelation AND liver detox at the same time! Doing heavy metal chelation without liver detox is DANGEROUS!

This is pretty much what I came here to say. Oil Pulling + Chlorella and your heavy metal problems will go away. Good call on the liver flush as well.

23rd April 2011, 01:14 PM
based on what little i've read, i would encourage you/him to look into marine grade coral calcium and vitamin D.

read more here...


from the website:

Benefits of Coral Calcium

It aids the nervous system.
It cleanses the intestines, kidneys and liver.
It is helpful in achieving a neutralizing acid and healthy alkaline level.
It controls digestive problems.
It alleviates insomnia.
It protects the body from free radical damage.
It is easily absorbed and provides usable calcium.
It is helpful in metabolizing the body's iron.
It increases joint and muscle mobility.
It makes the bones and teeth stronger.
It is helpful in breaking the drug residues and heavy metals in the body.
It regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
It is beneficial for heart disease and arthritic conditions.
This supplement is safe and can be given to elderly, children and pets. Coral calcium contains the highest absorption rate of about 69.6 percent and highest amount of good cholesterol.

23rd April 2011, 02:02 PM
This is pretty much what I came here to say. Oil Pulling + Chlorella and your heavy metal problems will go away. Good call on the liver flush as well.

This sounds like the simplest approach.............