View Full Version : National Security Agency Releases UFO X-files

23rd April 2011, 09:24 AM
In another bold leap towards full disclosure, the NSA has released to the public domain formerly classified UFO X-files. This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’.

Of the documents we have assessed so far, we are particularly interested in NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1 with FOIA Case number 41472 which has been titled ‘Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages’.

The document authored by a Dr. Campaigne, presented a series of 29 messages received from outer space in “Extraterrestrial Intelligence”.

The article is described as developing a key to understand these alien messages.

If the penny hasn’t dropped yet, This now unclassified document not only confirms the presence of extraterrestrials, but that the US Government has received deep space transmissions from a civilization outside our own solar system !!!

The following is transcribed from Page 21, Appendix:

Recently a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again. The pauses show here as punctuation. The various combinations have been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that the messages can be written down. Each message except the first is given here only once. The serial number of the messages has been supplied for each reference.

The following is a copy of the original document as found on the National Security Agency website. PDF (http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/key_to_et_messages.pdf)


23rd April 2011, 09:59 AM
The continued push of the Govenment sponsored "ALIEN INVASION" is in full swing. The poor folks who will be DECIEVED by the "big show" Project bluebeam, etc will be incredible.

2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

23rd April 2011, 01:16 PM
Here is a clip released the other day from siberia of a supposed UFO crash site with what looks to be the remains of a squirrel-sized alien.


23rd April 2011, 01:35 PM
Here is a clip released the other day from siberia of a supposed UFO crash site with what looks to be the remains of a squirrel-sized alien.


I'm a skeptic that the NWO govt will play this card, but it would be a good idea to make them super small like in the video as this would make it more difficult for truth seekers to find flaws with the ploy.

23rd April 2011, 04:31 PM
More on the video I posted above:

Massive UFO event in Russia: Crashed flying saucer?

Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com

A UFO event of Roswell proportions has taken place in Russia and is being ignored by Western media. In Russia itself, the incident has been reported by Interfax, the official Russian government news outlet (see article here). On March 1 in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, a huge object, glowing pink and blue according to some accounts, was seen by thousands of locals as it hurtled towards Earth. An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area. Curious and frightened residents inundated various police and rescue departments with phone calls. The military soon confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs.

One villager, Mr Sergei Ivanov, described what he saw: "It did not look like an aircraft, more like a UFO or some other unexplained object".

moe at link:

mick silver
23rd April 2011, 08:25 PM
bump for later look... big stroms are heading this way

23rd April 2011, 09:09 PM
great video of creepy alien squirell. has anyone here ever heard of this website?


23rd April 2011, 09:28 PM
Nazis bad, Russians bad, Muslims bad, Aliens bad... when will the truth come out... Zionists bad...

23rd April 2011, 10:45 PM
They seem to be releasing this information just of late........

24th April 2011, 03:03 AM
Gotta scare the people some more in order to retain control over them.

Amazing, these aliens have all this technology yet can only communicate with the scumbags who need us to keep paying our taxes!

24th April 2011, 05:30 AM
great video of creepy alien squirell. has anyone here ever heard of this website?


LOL @ one of the sub forums under General Discussion:
Conspiracy Theory
Illuminati, 9/11, New World Order, The Queen is a blood-sucking Reptilian, etc

24th April 2011, 06:08 AM
One of the comments below the OP article...

you can look up all these nsa journal articles on the black vault. if you read the preceding article by this author you will find that the “alien messages” were made up to challenge the reader’s code breaking skills.

24th April 2011, 07:02 AM
great video of creepy alien squirell. has anyone here ever heard of this website?


LOL @ one of the sub forums under General Discussion:
Conspiracy Theory
Illuminati, 9/11, New World Order, The Queen is a blood-sucking Reptilian, etc

yes i'm having a good time checking that place out

24th April 2011, 07:06 AM
Well, sign up and do a quick search for "zionism" or "jew" and you'll know if it's a controlled site or not.

24th April 2011, 07:09 AM
Well, sign up and do a quick search for "zionism" or "jew" and you'll know if it's a controlled site or not.

dont care about that, just want to see the world ending and ufo's

24th April 2011, 07:24 AM

24th April 2011, 07:49 AM
Gotta scare the people some more in order to retain control over them.

Amazing, these aliens have all this technology yet can only communicate with the scumbags who need us to keep paying our taxes!

that's definitely not true.

it's just that when they communicate with JoeSixPack, no one believes JoeSixPack.

24th April 2011, 07:57 AM
Well, sign up and do a quick search for "zionism" or "jew" and you'll know if it's a controlled site or not.

dont care about that, just want to see the world ending and ufo's

Yeah, who cares if it's controlled, as long as you get to read the content you want to read.

24th April 2011, 10:58 AM
everything external is controlled. i dont care who controls this or that. i live so far removed from conventional society that rarely am i impacted by any group in peticular. sure certain powers have dominion over certain things in our world, and i cant change that. thruogh discovery of the inward path and meditation i've let go of silly distinctions and i am prepared to travel to the next phase, so be it tomorrow or 50 years from now. someone else can be concerned with power struggles, i am at peace. :)